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It has been shown that the use of a special growth medium enriched with amino acids and an inhibitor of aminotransferases alpha-aminooxyacetic acid makes possible the selectivity of labeling of barstar with 15N-leucine and 15N-tryptophan. The system of selective labeling, which was previously optimized with respect to the time of introducing the label relative to the time of introducing the inductor IPTG and the inhibitor of cell polymerase rifampicin, was substantially refined by the use of the transamination inhibitor. The inhibition of aminotransferases enables one to completely eliminate the redistribution of the isotope, which is a necessary step in NMR studies even if the strongly metabolizable 15N-leucine is used. The suppression of the redistribution of the isotope by alpha-aminooxyacetic acid is a successful approach to preparation of any selectively labeled proteins in the T7 polymerase system.  相似文献   

Isotope labeling by residue type (LBRT) has long been an important tool for resonance assignments at the limit where other approaches, such as triple-resonance experiments or NOESY methods do not succeed in yielding complete assignments. While LBRT has become less important for small proteins it can be the method of last resort for completing assignments of the most challenging protein systems. Here we present an approach where LBRT is achieved by adding protonated 14N amino acids that are 13C labeled at the carbonyl position to a medium for uniform deuteration and 15N labeling. This has three important benefits over conventional 15N LBRT in a deuterated back ground: (1) selective TROSY-HNCO cross peaks can be observed with high sensitivity for amino-acid pairs connected by the labeling, and the amide proton of the residue following the 13C labeled amino acid is very sharp since its alpha position is deuterated, (2) the 13C label at the carbonyl position is less prone to scrambling than the 15N at the α-amino position, and (3) the peaks for the 1-13C labeled amino acids can be identified easily from the large intensity reduction in the 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum for some residues that do not significantly scramble nitrogens, such as alanine and tyrosine. This approach is cost effective and has been successfully applied to proteins larger than 40 kDa. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We have examined via numerical simulations the performance characteristics of different 15N RF pulse schemes employed in the transferred echo double resonance (TEDOR) experimental protocol for generating 13C-15N dipolar chemical shift correlation spectra of isotopically labelled biological systems at moderate MAS frequencies (omega(r) approximately 10 kHz). With an 15N field strength of approximately 30-35 kHz that is typically available in 5 mm triple resonance MAS NMR probes, it is shown that a robust TEDOR sequence with significant tolerance to experimental imperfections sa as H1 inhomogeneity and resonance offsets can be effectively implemented using adiabatic heteronuclear dipolar recoupling pulse schemes. TEDOR-based 15N-13C and 15N-13C-13C chemical shift correlation experiments were carried out for obtaining 13C and 15N resonance assignments of an RNA composed of 97 (CUG) repeats which has been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   

A novel NMR pulse sequence has been developed that correlates the H2 resonances with the C2 and the N1 (N3) resonances in adenine nucleobases of 13C, 15N labeled oligonucleotides. The pulse scheme of the new 3D-HNHC experiment is composed of a 2J-15N-HSQC and a 1J-13C-HSQC and utilizes large 2J(H2, N1(N3)) and 1J(H2, C2) couplings. The experiment was applied to a medium-size 13C, 15N-labeled 36mer RNA. It is useful to resolve assignment ambiguities occurring especially in larger RNA molecules due to resonance overlap in the 1H-dimension. Therefore, the missing link in correlating the imino H3 resonances of the uracils across the AU base pair to the H8 resonances of the adenines via the novel pulse sequence and the TROSY relayed HCCH-COSY (Simon et al. in J Biomol NMR 20:173–176 2001) is provided. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Inconsistent 13C and 15N chemical shift referencing is a continuing problem associated with protein chemical shift assignments deposited in BioMagResBank (BMRB). Here we describe a simple and robust approach that can quantitatively determine the 13C and 15N referencing offsets solely from chemical shift assignment data and independently of 3D coordinate data. This novel structure-independent approach permitted the assessment and determination of 13C and 15N reference offsets for all protein entries deposited in the BMRB. Tests on 452 proteins with known 3D structures show that this structure-independent approach yields 13C and 15N referencing offsets that exhibit excellent agreement with those calculated on the basis of 3D structures. Furthermore, this protocol appears to improve the accuracy of chemical shift-derived secondary structural identification, and has been formally incorporated into a computer program called PSSI (http//www.pronmr.com).Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-004-7441-3  相似文献   

For a wide range of proteins of high interest, the major obstacle for NMR studies is the lack of an affordable eukaryotic expression system for isotope labeling. Here, a simple and affordable protocol is presented to produce uniform labeled proteins in the most prevalent eukaryotic expression system for structural biology, namely Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. Incorporation levels of 80 % can be achieved for 15N and 13C with yields comparable to expression in full media. For 2H,15N and 2H,13C,15N labeling, incorporation is only slightly lower with 75 and 73 %, respectively, and yields are typically twofold reduced. The media were optimized for isotope incorporation, reproducibility, simplicity and cost. High isotope incorporation levels for all labeling patterns are achieved by using labeled algal amino acid extracts and exploiting well-known biochemical pathways. The final formulation consists of just five commercially available components, at costs 12-fold lower than labeling media from vendors. The approach was applied to several cytosolic and secreted target proteins.  相似文献   

Significant resolution improvement in 13C,13C-TOCSY spectra of uniformly deuterated and 13C, 15N-labeled protein and 13C,15N-labeled RNA samples is achieved by introduction of multiple-band-selective 13C-homodecoupling applied simultaneously with 1H- or 2H- and 15N-decoupling at all stages of multidimensional experiments including signal acquisition period. The application of single, double or triple band-selective 13C-decoupling in 2D-[13C,13C]-TOCSY experiments during acquisition strongly simplifies the homonuclear splitting pattern. The technical aspects of complex multiple-band homonuclear decoupling and hardware requirements are discussed. The use of this technique (i) facilitates the resonance assignment process as it reduces signal overlap in homonuclear 13C-spectra and (ii) possibly improves the signal-to-noise ratio through multiplet collapse. It can be applied in any 13C-detected experiment.  相似文献   

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