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Our goal is to understand the assembly and regulation of flagellar dyneins, particularly the Chlamydomonas inner arm dynein called I1 dynein. Here, we focus on the uncharacterized I1-dynein IC IC97. The IC97 gene encodes a novel IC without notable structural domains. IC97 shares homology with the murine lung adenoma susceptibility 1 (Las1) protein—a candidate tumor suppressor gene implicated in lung tumorigenesis. Multiple, independent biochemical assays determined that IC97 interacts with both α- and β-tubulin subunits within the axoneme. I1-dynein assembly mutants suggest that IC97 interacts with both the IC138 and IC140 subunits within the I1-dynein motor complex and that IC97 is part of a regulatory complex that contains IC138. Microtubule sliding assays, using axonemes containing I1 dynein but devoid of IC97, show reduced microtubule sliding velocities that are not rescued by kinase inhibitors, revealing a critical role for IC97 in I1-dynein function and control of dynein-driven motility.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms that regulate the assembly and activity of flagellar dyneins, we focused on the I1 inner arm dynein (dynein f) and a null allele, bop5-2, defective in the gene encoding the IC138 phosphoprotein subunit. I1 dynein assembles in bop5-2 axonemes but lacks at least four subunits: IC138, IC97, LC7b, and flagellar-associated protein (FAP) 120—defining a new I1 subcomplex. Electron microscopy and image averaging revealed a defect at the base of the I1 dynein, in between radial spoke 1 and the outer dynein arms. Microtubule sliding velocities also are reduced. Transformation with wild-type IC138 restores assembly of the IC138 subcomplex and rescues microtubule sliding. These observations suggest that the IC138 subcomplex is required to coordinate I1 motor activity. To further test this hypothesis, we analyzed microtubule sliding in radial spoke and double mutant strains. The results reveal an essential role for the IC138 subcomplex in the regulation of I1 activity by the radial spoke/phosphorylation pathway.  相似文献   

Previous structural and biochemical studies have revealed that the inner arm dynein I1 is targeted and anchored to a unique site located proximal to the first radial spoke in each 96-nm axoneme repeat on flagellar doublet microtubules. To determine whether intermediate chains mediate the positioning and docking of dynein complexes, we cloned and characterized the 140-kDa intermediate chain (IC140) of the I1 complex. Sequence and secondary structural analysis, with particular emphasis on β-sheet organization, predicted that IC140 contains seven WD repeats. Reexamination of other members of the dynein intermediate chain family of WD proteins indicated that these polypeptides also bear seven WD/β-sheet repeats arranged in the same pattern along each intermediate chain protein. A polyclonal antibody was raised against a 53-kDa fusion protein derived from the C-terminal third of IC140. The antibody is highly specific for IC140 and does not bind to other dynein intermediate chains or proteins in Chlamydomonas flagella. Immunofluorescent microscopy of Chlamydomonas cells confirmed that IC140 is distributed along the length of both flagellar axonemes. In vitro reconstitution experiments demonstrated that the 53-kDa C-terminal fusion protein binds specifically to axonemes lacking the I1 complex. Chemical cross-linking indicated that IC140 is closely associated with a second intermediate chain in the I1 complex. These data suggest that IC140 contains domains responsible for the assembly and docking of the I1 complex to the doublet microtubule cargo.  相似文献   

Dyneins are minus end directed microtubule motors that play a critical role in ciliary and flagellar movement. Ciliary dyneins, also known as axonemal dyneins, are characterized based on their location on the axoneme, either as outer dynein arms or inner dynein arms. The I1 dynein is the best-characterized subspecies of the inner dynein arms; however the interactions between many of the components of the I1 complex and the axoneme are not well defined. In an effort to elucidate the interactions in which the I1 components are involved, we performed zero-length crosslinking on axonemes and studied the crosslinked products formed by the I1 intermediate chains, IC138 and IC140. Our data indicate that IC138 and IC140 bind directly to microtubules. Mass-spectrometry analysis of the crosslinked product identified both α- and β-tubulin as the IC138 and IC140 binding partners. This was further confirmed by crosslinking experiments carried out on purified I1 fractions bound to Taxol-stabilized microtubules. Furthermore, the interaction between IC140 and tubulin is lost when IC138 is absent. Our studies support previous findings that intermediate chains play critical roles in the assembly, axonemal targeting and regulation of the I1 dynein complex.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is caused when defects of motile cilia lead to chronic airway infections, male infertility, and situs abnormalities. Multiple causative PCD mutations account for only 65% of cases, suggesting that many genes essential for cilia function remain to be discovered. By using zebrafish morpholino knockdown of PCD candidate genes as an in vivo screening platform, we identified c21orf59, ccdc65, and c15orf26 as critical for cilia motility. c21orf59 and c15orf26 knockdown in zebrafish and planaria blocked outer dynein arm assembly, and ccdc65 knockdown altered cilia beat pattern. Biochemical analysis in Chlamydomonas revealed that the C21orf59 ortholog FBB18 is a flagellar matrix protein that accumulates specifically when cilia motility is impaired. The Chlamydomonas ida6 mutant identifies CCDC65/FAP250 as an essential component of the nexin-dynein regulatory complex. Analysis of 295 individuals with PCD identified recessive truncating mutations of C21orf59 in four families and CCDC65 in two families. Similar to findings in zebrafish and planaria, mutations in C21orf59 caused loss of both outer and inner dynein arm components. Our results characterize two genes associated with PCD-causing mutations and elucidate two distinct mechanisms critical for motile cilia function: dynein arm assembly for C21orf59 and assembly of the nexin-dynein regulatory complex for CCDC65.  相似文献   

Two types of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar mutants (idaA and idaB) lacking partial components of the inner-arm dynein were isolated by screening mutations that produce paralyzed phenotypes when present in a mutant missing outer-arm dynein. Of the currently identified three inner-arm subspecies I1, I2, and I3, each containing two heterologous heavy chains (Piperno, G., Z. Ramanis, E. F. Smith, and W. S. Sale. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 110:379-389), idaA and idaB lacked I1 and I2, respectively. The 13 idA isolates comprised three genetically different groups (ida1, ida2, ida3) and the two idaB isolates comprised a single group (ida4). In averaged cross-section electron micrographs, inner dynein arms in wild-type axonemes appeared to have two projections pointing to discrete directions. In ida1-3 and ida4 axonemes, on the other hand, either one of them was missing or greatly diminished. Both projections were weak in the double mutant ida1-3 x ida4. These observations suggest that the inner dynein arms in Chlamydomonas axonemes are aligned not in a single straight row, but in a staggered row or two discrete rows. Both ida1-3 and ida4 swam at reduced speed. Thus, the inner-arm subspecies missing in these mutants are not necessary for flagellar motility. However, the double mutants ida1-3 x ida4 were nonmotile, suggesting that axonemes with significant defects in inner arms cannot function. The inner-arm dynein should be important for the generation of axonemal beating.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to see if isolated inner arm dyneins could functionally combine with axonemes lacking them. High-salt extract from the axoneme of Chlamydomonas oda1 mutant lacking outer-arm dynein was added to the demembranated cell models of ida1oda1 lacking inner arm dynein f (dynein I1) and outer arm dynein. After incubation, the originally paralyzed ida1oda1 axonemes recovered the ability to beat in the presence of ATP. A similar good motility recovery after incubation with crude oda1 extract was observed in ida9oda2 lacking outer arm and inner arm dynein c, and partial recovery in ida4oda1 lacking outer arm and inner arm species a, c, and d. These observations indicate that dynein f and dynein c can functionally bind with mutant axonemes lacking them. A method for combining isolated inner arm dyneins with axonemes in a functionally active manner should provide a powerful experimental tool with which to study the mechanism of beating.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on the activity of two microtubule motor complexes, kinesin-2 and dynein-2/1b, but the specific functions of the different subunits are poorly defined. Here we analyze Chlamydomonas strains expressing different amounts of the dynein 1b light intermediate chain (D1bLIC). Disruption of D1bLIC alters the stability of the dynein 1b complex and reduces both the frequency and velocity of retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), but it does not eliminate retrograde IFT. Flagellar assembly, motility, gliding, and mating are altered in a dose-dependent manner. iTRAQ-based proteomics identifies a small subset of proteins that are significantly reduced or elevated in d1blic flagella. Transformation with D1bLIC-GFP rescues the mutant phenotypes, and D1bLIC-GFP assembles into the dynein 1b complex at wild-type levels. D1bLIC-GFP is transported with anterograde IFT particles to the flagellar tip, dissociates into smaller particles, and begins processive retrograde IFT in <2 s. These studies demonstrate the role of D1bLIC in facilitating the recycling of IFT subunits and other proteins, identify new components potentially involved in the regulation of IFT, flagellar assembly, and flagellar signaling, and provide insight into the role of D1bLIC and retrograde IFT in other organisms.  相似文献   

I1 dynein, or dynein f, is a highly conserved inner arm isoform that plays a key role in the regulation of flagellar motility. To understand how the IC138 IC/LC subcomplex modulates I1 activity, we characterized the molecular lesions and motility phenotypes of several bop5 alleles. bop5-3, bop5-4, and bop5-5 are null alleles, whereas bop5-6 is an intron mutation that reduces IC138 expression. I1 dynein assembles into the axoneme, but the IC138 IC/LC subcomplex is missing. bop5 strains, like other I1 mutants, swim forward with reduced swimming velocities and display an impaired reversal response during photoshock. Unlike mutants lacking the entire I1 dynein, however, bop5 strains exhibit normal phototaxis. bop5 defects are rescued by transformation with the wild-type IC138 gene. Analysis of flagellar waveforms reveals that loss of the IC138 subcomplex reduces shear amplitude, sliding velocities, and the speed of bend propagation in vivo, consistent with the reduction in microtubule sliding velocities observed in vitro. The results indicate that the IC138 IC/LC subcomplex is necessary to generate an efficient waveform for optimal motility, but it is not essential for phototaxis. These findings have significant implications for the mechanisms by which IC/LC complexes regulate dynein motor activity independent of effects on cargo binding or complex stability.  相似文献   

Bidirectional membrane trafficking along microtubules is mediated by kinesin-1, kinesin-3, and dynein. Several organelle-bound adapters for kinesin-1 and dynein have been reported that orchestrate their opposing activity. However, the coordination of kinesin-3/dynein-mediated transport is not understood. In this paper, we report that a Hook protein, Hok1, is essential for kinesin-3– and dynein-dependent early endosome (EE) motility in the fungus Ustilago maydis. Hok1 binds to EEs via its C-terminal region, where it forms a complex with homologues of human fused toes (FTS) and its interactor FTS- and Hook-interacting protein. A highly conserved N-terminal region is required to bind dynein and kinesin-3 to EEs. To change the direction of EE transport, kinesin-3 is released from organelles, and dynein binds subsequently. A chimaera of human Hook3 and Hok1 rescues the hok1 mutant phenotype, suggesting functional conservation between humans and fungi. We conclude that Hok1 is part of an evolutionarily conserved protein complex that regulates bidirectional EE trafficking by controlling attachment of both kinesin-3 and dynein.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella have multiple dyneins in their inner and outer arms. Chlamydomonas inner-arm dynein contains at least seven major subspecies (dynein a to dynein g), of which all but dynein f (also called dynein I1) are the single-headed type that are composed of a single heavy chain, actin, and either centrin or a 28-kDa protein (p28). Dynein d was found to associate with two additional proteins of 38 kDa (p38) and 44 kDa (p44). Following the characterization of the p38 protein (R. Yamamoto, H. A. Yanagisawa, T. Yagi, and R. Kamiya, FEBS Lett. 580:6357-6360, 2006), we have identified p44 as a novel component of dynein d by using an immunoprecipitation approach. p44 is present along the length of the axonemes and is diminished, but not absent, in the ida4 and ida5 mutants, both lacking this dynein. In the ida5 axoneme, p44 and p38 appear to form a complex, suggesting that they constitute the docking site of dynein d on the outer doublet. p44 has potential homologues in other ciliated organisms. For example, the mouse homologue of p44, NYD-SP14, was found to be strongly expressed in tissues with motile cilia and flagella. These results suggest that inner-arm dynein d and its subunit organization are widely conserved.  相似文献   

Members of the LC7/Roadblock family of light chains (LCs) have been found in both cytoplasmic and axonemal dyneins. LC7a was originally identified within Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein and associates with this motor's cargo-binding region. We describe here a novel member of this protein family, termed LC7b that is also present in the Chlamydomonas flagellum. Levels of LC7b are reduced approximately 20% in axonemes isolated from strains lacking inner arm I1 and are approximately 80% lower in the absence of the outer arms. When both dyneins are missing, LC7b levels are diminished to <10%. In oda9 axonemal extracts that completely lack outer arms, LC7b copurifies with inner arm I1, whereas in ida1 extracts that are devoid of I1 inner arms it associates with outer arm dynein. We also have observed that some LC7a is present in both isolated axonemes and purified 18S dynein from oda1, suggesting that it is also a component of both the outer arm and inner arm I1. Intriguingly, in axonemal extracts from the LC7a null mutant, oda15, which assembles approximately 30% of its outer arms, LC7b fails to copurify with either dynein, suggesting that it interacts with LC7a. Furthermore, both the outer arm gamma heavy chain and DC2 from the outer arm docking complex completely dissociate after salt extraction from oda15 axonemes. EDC cross-linking of purified dynein revealed that LC7b interacts with LC3, an outer dynein arm thioredoxin; DC2, an outer arm docking complex component; and also with the phosphoprotein IC138 from inner arm I1. These data suggest that LC7a stabilizes both the outer arms and inner arm I1 and that both LC7a and LC7b are involved in multiple intradynein interactions within both dyneins.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(5):1255-1266
Strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with a mutant allele at the BOP2 locus swim slowly and have an abnormal flagellar waveform similar to previously identified strains with defects in the inner arm region. Double mutant strains with the bop2-1 allele and any of 17 different mutations that affect the dynein arm region swim more slowly than either parent, which suggests that the bop2-1 mutation does not affect solely the outer dynein arms, the I1 or ida4 inner dynein arms, or the dynein regulatory complex. Flagellar axonemes isolated from bop2-1 cells are missing a phosphorylated polypeptide of 152 kD. Electron microscopic analysis shows that bop2-1 axonemes are missing density in the inner dynein arm region. Surprisingly, two populations of images were observed in longitudinal sections of axonemes from the bop2-1 strain. In the 10 longitudinal axonemes examined, a portion of the dynein regulatory complex and a newly identified structure, the projection, are affected. In five of these 10 longitudinal axonemes examined, two lobes of the ida4 inner arm are also missing. By examining the cross-sectional images of wild-type and bop2-1 axonemes at each outer doublet position around the axoneme, we have determined that the bop2-1 mutation affects the assembly of inner arm region components in a doublet specific manner. Doublets 5, 6, and 8 have the most severe deficiency, doublet 9 has an intermediate phenotype, and doublets 2, 3, 4, and 7 have the least severe phenotype. The bop2-1 mutation provides the first evidence of radial asymmetry in the inner dynein arm region.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a complex containing heavy chains (HCs), intermediate chains (ICs), light intermediate chains (LICs), and light chains (LCs). The HCs are responsible for motor activity. The ICs at the tail region of the motor interact with dynactin, which is essential for dynein function. However, functions of other subunits and how they contribute to the assembly of the core complex are not clearly defined. Here, we analyzed in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans functions of the only LIC and two LCs, RobA (Roadblock/LC7) and TctexA (Tctex1) in dynein-mediated nuclear distribution (nud). Whereas the deletion mutant of tctexA did not exhibit an apparent nud mutant phenotype, the deletion mutant of robA exhibited a nud phenotype at an elevated temperature, which is similar to the previously characterized nudG (LC8) deletion mutant. Remarkably, in contrast to the single mutants, the robA and nudG double deletion mutant exhibits a severe nud phenotype at various temperatures. Thus, functions of these two LC classes overlap to some extent, but the presence of both becomes important under specific conditions. The single LIC, however, is essential for dynein function in nuclear distribution. This is evidenced by the identification of the nudN gene as the LIC coding gene, and by the nud phenotype exhibited by the LIC down-regulating mutant, alcA-LIC. Without a functional LIC, the HC-IC association is significantly weakened, and the HCs could no longer accumulate at the microtubule plus end. Thus, the LIC is essential for the assembly of the core complex of dynein in Aspergillus.  相似文献   

Tctex2 is thought to be one of the distorter genes of the mouse t haplotype. This complex greatly biases the segregation of the chromosome that carries it such that in heterozygous +/t males, the t haplotype is transmitted to >95% of the offspring, a phenomenon known as transmission ratio distortion. The LC2 outer dynein arm light chain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a homologue of the mouse protein Tctex2. We have identified Chlamydomonas insertional mutants with deletions in the gene encoding LC2 and demonstrate that the LC2 gene is the same as the ODA12 gene, the product of which had not been identified previously. Complete deletion of the LC2/ODA12 gene causes loss of all outer arms and a slow jerky swimming phenotype. Transformation of the deletion mutant with the cloned LC2/ODA12 gene restores the outer arms and rescues the motility phenotype. Therefore, LC2 is required for outer arm assembly. The fact that LC2 is an essential subunit of flagellar outer dynein arms allows us to propose a detailed mechanism whereby transmission ratio distortion is explained by the differential binding of mutant (t haplotype encoded) and wild-type dyneins to the axonemal microtubules of t-bearing or wild-type sperm, with resulting differences in their motility.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas flagellar inner-arm dynein consists of seven subspecies (a–g), of which all but f contain actin as subunits. The mutant ida5 and a new strain, ida5-t, lack four subspecies (a, c, d, and e). These mutants were found to have mutations in the conventional actin gene, such that its product is totally lost; ida5 has a single-base deletion that results in a stop codon at a position about two-thirds from the 5′ end of the coding region, and ida5-t lacks a large portion of the entire actin gene. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of the axonemes and inner-arm subspecies b and g of ida5 lacked the spot of actin (isoelectric point [pI] = ~5.3) but had two novel spots with pIs of ~5.6 and ~5.7 instead. Western blot with different kinds of anti-actin antibodies suggested that the proteins responsible for the two novel spots and conventional actin are different but share some antigenicity. Since Chlamydomonas has been shown to have only a single copy of the conventional actin gene, it is likely that the novel spots in ida5 and ida5-t originated from another gene(s) that codes for a novel actin-like protein(s) (NAP), which has hitherto been undetected in wildtype cells. These mutants retain the two inner-arm subspecies b and g, in addition to f, possibly because NAP can functionally substitute for the actin in these subspecies while they cannot in other subspecies. The net growth rate of ida5 and ida5-t cells did not differ from that of wild type, but the mating efficiency was greatly reduced. This defect was apparently caused by deficient growth of the fertilization tubule. These results suggest that NAP can carry out some, but not all, functions performed by conventional actin in the cytoplasm and raise the possibility that Chlamydomonas can live without ordinary actin.  相似文献   

We previously found that a mutation at the ODA7 locus in Chlamydomonas prevents axonemal outer row dynein assembly by blocking association of heavy chains and intermediate chains in the cytoplasm. We have now cloned the ODA7 locus by walking in the Chlamydomonas genome from nearby molecular markers, confirmed the identity of the gene by rescuing the mutant phenotype with genomic clones, and identified the ODA7 gene product as a 58-kDa leucine-rich repeat protein unrelated to outer row dynein LC1. Oda7p is missing from oda7 mutant flagella but is present in flagella of other outer row or inner row dynein assembly mutants. However, Oda7 levels are greatly reduced in flagella that lack both outer row dynein and inner row I1 dynein. Biochemical fractionation and rebinding studies support a model in which Oda7 participates in a previously uncharacterized structural link between inner and outer row dyneins.  相似文献   

Ciliary and flagellar axonemes contain multiple inner arm dyneins of which the functional difference is largely unknown. In this study, a Chlamydomonas mutant, ida9, lacking inner arm dynein c was isolated and shown to carry a mutation in the DHC9 dynein heavy chain gene. The cDNA sequence of DHC9 was determined, and its information was used to show that >80% of it is lost in the mutant. Electron microscopy and image analysis showed that the ida9 axoneme lacked electron density near the base of the S2 radial spoke, indicating that dynein c localizes to this site. The mutant ida9 swam only slightly slower than the wild type in normal media. However, swimming velocity was greatly reduced when medium viscosity was modestly increased. Thus, dynein c in wild type axonemes must produce a significant force when flagella are beating in viscous media. Because motility analyses in vitro have shown that dynein c is the fastest among all the inner arm dyneins, we can regard this dynein as a fast yet powerful motor.  相似文献   

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