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Five new species (Gastrochilus yei, Gastrochilus minimus, Luisia simaoensis, Taeniophyllum xizangense, Tuberolabium subulatum) and two newly recorded species (Cleisostoma tricornutum, Luisia inconspicua) of Vandeae (Orchidaceae) from China are described and illustrated. Gastrochilus yei is similar to G. affinis and G. nepalensis, but differs from them by having an epichile not lobed, the apex of the hypochile not bilobed, and a tine on the apex of the leaf. Gastrochilus minimus is similar to G. acinacifolius, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a flabellate epichile that is densely hirsute on the adaxial surface and an inconspicuous central cushion; in addition, the hypochile of G. minimus has a keel that extends to the apex of the epichile. Taeniophyllum xizangense is similar to T. stella and T. radiatum, but it is distinguished from them by having much bigger flowers, inflorescences densely covered with short-bristly hairs, papillae on the external surface of sepals, and bigger triangular-ovate viscidium. Luisia simaoensis is similar to L. magniflora and L. ramosii, but can be easily distinguished from them by having lateral sepals longer than dorsal sepals and petals, lip with irregular and waved margins, and lip with bilobed apex. Luisia inconspicua is moved from Gastrochilus to Luisia based on phylogenetic analyses of plastid matK sequence data. Tuberolabium subulatum is similar to T. carnosum, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having an inflorescence much shorter than the leaves, yellow sepals and petals, and many small papillae outside the lip lobes.  相似文献   

Bulbophyllum huangshanense, a new species of orchid from Anhui, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is close to B. taeniophyllum with pseudo‐bulbs closely spaced along the rhizome, leathery leaf, entire dorsal sepal, toothed petals, the lateral edges of lateral sepals connate and fleshy lip, but differs from the latter in having roots arising from the node with the pseudo‐bulb, inflorescence much shorter than leaf, flowers pure yellow, lip mobile, and stelidia broadly triangular.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物四个新记录种,反瓣叉柱兰(Cheirostylis thailandica),短茎对叶兰(Listerabrevi-caulis),凹唇石仙桃(Pholidota recurva),绿花大苞兰(Sunipia annamensis)。短茎对叶兰(Listera brevicaulis)二枚叶贴地着生,唇瓣先端二裂,裂片下翻并靠合;凹唇石仙桃(Pholidota recurva)的假鳞茎圆柱形,首尾相连,花偏向一侧,花序在中部向下弯,唇瓣前端略凹陷;绿花大苞兰(Sunipia annamensis)的花序长于叶,唇瓣心形,肉质,边缘向上翻卷。  相似文献   

Bletia antillana (Orchidaceae), a species restricted to eastern Cuba, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to Bletia purpurea but differs by the following: 1) the leaves always present during anthesis; 2) flower is semi-erect; 3) flower parts larger; 4) dorsal and lateral sepals straight; 4) petal curved, enclosing the column and the lateral lobes of the lip; 5) lip whitish at base, rose-purple at the apex of the lateral lobe, and yellow at the callus; and 6) lip obovate, with a quadrangular midlobe curved downward.  相似文献   

在野外和标本研究的基础上, 描述了中国兰科石豆兰属的一新种,怒江石豆兰, 并提供彩色图片和线条图。 怒江石豆兰与大苞石豆兰很近,但这两个种在花的颜色、侧萼片合生程度、花瓣形状等性状上区别明显。  相似文献   

Two new species of the orchid genus Quekettia are described. Colombian Quekettia aureliae is distinguished from similar Q. microscopica by the pandurate lip with a pair of small, flap‐like calli in the isthmus between hypo‐ and epichile, and deeply emarginated epichile apex. Quekettia senghasiana found in Guyana resembles Q. papillosa but it is characterized by the free lateral sepals, oblanceolate, obtuse petals and much larger lip which is oblong–obovate in outline and with lip disc being papillate only near the base.  相似文献   

报道了分布于我国广西西南部的兰科(Orchidaceae)虾脊兰属(Calanthe R.Br.)一新种——弄岗虾脊兰(C.longgangensis Y.S.Huang&Yan Liu)。该新种与泽泻虾脊兰(C.alismifolia Lindl.)相似,但根状茎明显,侧面萼片向上反卷,花瓣重叠,唇瓣侧裂片倒披针形、顶端斜截形,中裂片顶端微2裂、基部具数列白色的胼胝体,花粉块棒状而与后者相区别。  相似文献   

Impatiens liboensis K. M. Liu & R. P. Kuang, a new species collected from Xiaoqikong Scenic Area in southern Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated, including its seed and pollen micro‐morphology. Impatiens liboensis is similar to I. chishuiensis Y. X. Xiong and I. tubulosa Hemsl., but differs by having obviously irregular underground tubers, white or pink–white flowers, lower sepal with a 1.2–1.5 cm long spur, obovate dorsal petal, and obovate‐oblong or obliquely obovate lower lobes of the lateral petals with retuse apex.  相似文献   

对兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)二新种,副萼石豆兰(B.malipoense Z.J.Liu,L.J.Chen&W.H.Rao)和小副萼石豆兰(B.minor Z.J.Liu,L.J.Chen&W.H.Rao)作了描述和绘图。该二新种属于石豆兰属副萼组(Bulbophyllumsection BisetaJ.J.Verm.ex N.Pearce,P.J.Cribb&J.Renz),与该组的刺萼石豆兰(B.bisetum Lindl.)相似,区别在于两新种的叶片先端二裂和唇瓣无毛。小副萼石豆兰与副萼石豆兰的区别在于假鳞茎椭圆球形;叶片卵状椭圆形,长1.2~2 cm;侧副萼片较短,长约1 mm;中副萼片几乎与两侧萼片边缘合生。  相似文献   

Impatiens menghuochengensis Q Luo. (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Shimian county in southwestern Sichuan province, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to I. tortisepala J. D. Hooker, but differs in having stem unbranched in lower portion; lateral sepals transparent, obliquely ovate; dorsal petal with central columnar cristate swelling; lateral united petals with distal lobes oblong‐dolabriform, apically retuse; lower sepal saccate with purple–red veins, abruptly narrowed at belly into an incurved spur 20–25 mm. The morphological characteristics and surface patterning of the seeds and pollen of the new species are examined under SEM and compared with those of I. tortisepala.  相似文献   

Based on field observation and specimen examination, a new species of Orchidaceae, Bulbophyllum nujiangense, is described and illustrated. Bulbophyllum nujiangense is closely related to B. cylindraceum in sect. Brachystachya in having tufted plants, large leaf, long inflorescence, small flowers in raceme, and fleshy lip, but can be easily distinguished from the latter in having flowers deep purplish red and whorl well spaced along the rachis, lateral sepals adhere to each other slightly at base, elliptic petals with obtuse and mucronate apex, lip deep purplish red.  相似文献   

Four new species of Orchidaceae from China, Heminium lijiangense, Peristylus fasciculatus, Platanthera milinensis, and Ponerorchis gongshanensis, together with a new country record, Peristylus tenuicallus, are described and illustrated based on morphological and/or phylogenetic analyses. Heminium lijiangense is closely related to H. elisabethae but differs from it by having the dorsal sepal ovate-orbicular and lip mid-lobe distinctly shorter than lateral lobes. P. fasciculatus is close to Peristylus tradescantifolius but is distinguished from it by having several fascicled and straight, root-like tubers (vs. one or two oblongoid tubers), old stems usually persistent, middle lobe of lip narrowly ligulate-lanceolate and half as long as the lateral lobes (vs. middle lobe deltoid, about a third as long as the lateral lobes or less), a raised callus at the base of each lateral lobe (vs. callus absent), spur gradually attenuate toward the apex (vs. spur clavate). Platanthera milinensis is similar to P. stenochila by sharing small green flowers and lip without a spur, but differs in having a creeping rhizome, a corymbose inflorescence, and a broadly ovate and slightly 3-lobed lip. Ponerochis gongshanensis is similar to P. faberi in its small flowers, but differs in having a linear leaf c. 3 mm wide (vs. leaf 5–13 mm wide), in the lip having collar-like raised margins on the sides of the spur entrance, and a mid-lobe which is notched at the apex but not divided into two divergent lobules that are nearly as large as the lateral lobes, as in P. faberi. All the proposed species obtained high support in phylogenetic analysis as new species. The recently described genus Apetalanthe is reduced to synonymy of Ponerorchis and a new combination is made.  相似文献   

浙江蔷薇科新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了浙江蔷薇科1新亚种和1新变种,并分别附有线条图。它们是:腺瓣蔷薇(新亚种)和遂昌红腺悬钩子(新变种)。腺瓣蔷薇与模式亚种单花合柱蔷薇区别在托叶、叶柄和萼片仅密被短柔毛而无腺毛,小叶片较大,两面近无毛或疏被短柔毛,伞房花序具1~3花,花瓣宽倒卵形。遂昌红腺悬钩子与模式变种红腺悬钩子区别在于花梗、小枝和老枝密被腺毛而无柔毛,小叶片两面具腺毛,萼片较长,长13~15mm,先端长尾尖。  相似文献   

Ornithocephalus aristatus, a new species from Panama, is described and illustrated. Among the species of the genusOrnithocephalus, it can be distinguished by the nonresupinate flowers, the sepals each provided with a flexuous awn half as long as the sepal itself, the porrect petals with revolute margins, the hastate lip with triangular-ovate, crose lateral lobes, the linear, acute midlobe, conduplicate and subreflexed at apex, and the dise with a bilobed, obreniform callus provided with a conical tuft of stiff hairs. A key to the species ofOrnithocephalus from Panama is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the orchid genus Myoxanthus, M. oliviae, is described based on Peruvian material. The novelty resembles M. serripetalus from which it differs by the 7–8‐veined lateral sepals (versus 6‐ or 9‐veined), the petals contracted below the apex and expanded again into a sagittate apex (versus apex caudate) and entire lip middle lobe (versus fimbriate). The flowers of M. oliviae are pale brownish‐purple, internally intensively suffused with yellow, dark‐purple spotted. The new species grows among rocks at the elevation of 2700–3100 m a.s.l. A key to Peruvian Myoxanthus representatives is provided.  相似文献   

报道了产自云南麻栗坡的兰科兰属一新杂种——麻栗坡长叶兰(Cymbidium×malipoense L.J.Chen,H.B.Zhou&Z.J.Liu),对该种的形态特征进行了描述。该种可能是长叶兰(Cymbidium erythraeum Lindl.)与龙州兰(C.eburneum var.longzhouense Z.J.Liu et S.C.Chen)的天然杂交种。本种与长叶兰的区别是:本种的花葶自叶腋发出;萼片和花瓣浅黄绿色,具浅紫红色的纵条纹和斑点;唇盘具黄色褶片;蕊柱浅紫红色;中裂片卵状肾形。长叶兰的萼片和花瓣绿色,有红褐色脉纹和不规则斑点;中裂片心形到剑形;唇盘密被毛。本种与龙州兰的区别是:本种萼片和花瓣浅黄绿色,具浅紫红色的纵条纹和斑点;侧裂片有紫红色条纹;蕊柱浅紫红色。龙州兰萼片和花瓣白色,外表面略带粉红色;唇瓣白色,侧裂片和中裂片具有紫红色斑点。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,即无量山石豆兰(Bulbophyllum pinicola)。对其进行了特征描述并与相似种Bulbophyllum acutiflorum做了对比,并提供了彩色照片。无量山石豆兰的萼片披针形,先端渐尖,花瓣三角状披针形,先端渐尖,唇瓣稍向外下弯而易与相似种区分。  相似文献   

描述了中国石豆兰属Bulbophyllum一新种——天贵卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tianguii K.Y.Lang & D.Luo),并提供墨线图。该种产于广西乐业县,与富宁卷瓣兰B.funingense Z.H.Tsi & S.C.Chen外貌颇相似,但中萼片先端渐尖并具3 mm长的芒,侧萼片宽4~4.5 mm,花瓣先端渐尖并具1.5 mm长的芒,唇盘具2条肉质、具缘毛的纵脊,可与后者明显区别。  相似文献   

A new species of Orchidaceae, Micropera tibetica from Medog County, Tibet, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to M. mannii, from which it differs by having creamy white flowers, not twisted column, strongly oblique lateral sepals with emarginated apex, and very small lateral lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

Victoria Sosa 《Brittonia》1994,46(3):208-210
Bletia greenwoodiana, a species found in oak-pine forests in Durango and Jalisco, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished by its purplis flowers, with the dorsal sepal and petals narrowly elliptic and acuminate at the apex. Its trilobed lip has wide lateral lobes, forming short sinuses, with rounded apices. The midlobe is very short, one third of the total length of the lip, with an emarginate apex dividing it into two small lobes.  相似文献   

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