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Nuclear DNA is organized into chromatin loop domains. At the base of these loops, matrix-associated regions (MARs) of the DNA interact with nuclear matrix proteins. MARs act as structural boundaries within chromatin, and MAR binding proteins may recruit multiprotein complexes that remodel chromatin. The potential tumor suppressor protein CTCF binds to vertebrate insulators and is required for insulator activity. We demonstrate that CTCF is associated with the nuclear matrix and can be cross-linked to DNA by cisplatin, an agent that preferentially cross-links nuclear matrix proteins to DNA in situ. These results suggest that CTCF anchors chromatin to the nuclear matrix, suggesting that there is a functional connection between insulators and the nuclear matrix. We also show that the chromatin-modifying enzymes HDAC1 and HDAC2, which are intrinsic nuclear matrix components and thought to function as corepressors of CTCF, are incapable of associating with CTCF. Hence, the insulator activity of CTCF apparently involves an HDAC-independent association with the nuclear matrix. We propose that CTCF may demarcate nuclear matrix-dependent points of transition in chromatin, thereby forming topologically independent chromatin loops that may support gene silencing.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the association of DNA primase activity with the nuclear matrix prepared from exponentially growing HeLa S3 cells. We have found that 25–30 per cent of the nuclear primase activity resists extraction with 2 M NaCl and digestion with Dnase I. Unlike previous investigations, done with the same cell line, the results showed that nuclear matrix-bound DNA primase activity represented less than 10 per cent of the total cell activity. Association of high levels of primase activity with the nuclear matrix was strictly dependent on a 37°C incubation of isolated nuclei prior to subfractionation. Evidence was obtained that the method used for preparing nuclei can have a dramatic effect on the amount of primase activity which is recovered both in the postnuclear supernatant and in isolated nuclei, thus seriously affecting the interpretation of the results about the quantity of DNA primase activity bound to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), a nuclear enzyme that catalyzes the NAD+-dependent addition of ADP-ribose polymers on a variety of nuclear proteins, has been shown to be associated with the nuclear matrix. As yet, the properties and conditions of this association are unclear. Here, we show the existence of two PARP-1 pools associated with the nuclear matrix of rat liver and the ability of PARP-1 automodification to facilitate its binding to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Chicken histone H5 is an H1-like linker histone that is expressed only in nucleated erythrocytes. The histone H5 promoter has binding sites for Sp1 (a high affinity site) and UPE-binding protein, while the 3′ erythroid-specific enhancer has binding sites for Sp1 (one moderate and three weak affinity), GATA-1, and NF1. In this study we investigated whether trans-acting factors that bind to the chicken histone H5 promoter or enhancer are associated with adult chicken immature and mature erythrocyte nuclear matrices. We show that NF1, but not Sp1, GATA-1, or UPE-binding protein, is associated with the internal nuclear matrices of these erythroid cells. Further, we found that a subset of the NF1 family of proteins is bound to the mature erythrocyte nuclear matrix. These results suggest that in chicken erythrocytes NF1 may mediate an interaction between the histone H5 enhancer and the erythroid internal nuclear matrix. NF1 was also present in the internal nuclear matrices of chicken liver and trout liver. The observations of this study provide evidence that NF1 may have a role in a variety of cell types in targeting specific DNA sequences to the nuclear matrix. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The major developments in the field of nuclear activation analysis, from 1936 to 1989, are discussed. The developments are grouped into five consecutive time periods. The impact of various scientists on the development of the field in the first 35 years is also discussed.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of DNA sequences responsible for the specific attachment of chromosomal DNA to the nuclear skeleton (MARs/SARs) was an important step towards our understanding of the functional and structural organization of eukaryotic chromatin [Mirkovitch et al.: Cell 44:273-282, 1984; Cockerill and Garrard: Cell 44:273-282, 1986]. A most important question, however, remains the nature of the matrix proteins involved in the specific binding of the MARs. It has been shown that topoisomerase II and histone H1 were capable of a specific interaction with SARs by the formation of precipitable complexes [Adachi et al.: EMBO J8:3997-4006, 1989; Izaurralde et al.: J Mol Biol 210:573-585, 1989]. Here, applying a different approach, we were able to "visualize" some of the skeletal proteins recognizing and specifically binding MAR-sequences. It is shown that the major matrix proteins are practically the same in both salt- and LIS-extracted matrices. However, the relative MAR-binding activity of the individual protein components may be different, depending on the method of matrix preparation. The immunological approach applied here allowed us to identify some of the individual MAR-binding matrix proteins. Histone H1 and nuclear actin are shown to be not only important components of the matrix, but to be involved in a highly efficient interaction with MAR-sequences as well. Evidence is presented that proteins recognized by the anti-HMG antibodies also participate in MAR-interactions.  相似文献   

A proteomic study of the arabidopsis nuclear matrix   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The eukaryotic nucleus has been proposed to be organized by two interdependent nucleoprotein structures, the DNA-based chromatin and the RNA-dependent nuclear matrix. The functional composition and molecular organization of the second component have not yet been resolved. Here, we describe the isolation of the nuclear matrix from the model plant Arabidopsis, its initial characterization by confocal and electron microscopy, and the identification of 36 proteins by mass spectrometry. Electron microscopy of resinless samples confirmed a structure very similar to that described for the animal nuclear matrix. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis resolved approximately 300 protein spots. Proteins were identified in batches by ESI tandem mass spectrometry after resolution by 1D SDS-PAGE. Among the identified proteins were a number of demonstrated or predicted Arabidopsis homologs of nucleolar proteins such as IMP4, Nop56, Nop58, fibrillarins, nucleolin, as well as ribosomal components and a putative histone deacetylase. Others included homologs of eEF-1, HSP/HSC70, and DnaJ, which have also been identified in the nucleolus or nuclear matrix of human cells, as well as a number of novel proteins with unknown function. This study is the first proteomic approach towards the characterization of a higher plant nuclear matrix. It demonstrates the striking similarities both in structure and protein composition of the operationally defined nuclear matrix across kingdoms whose unicellular ancestors have separated more than one billion years ago.  相似文献   

Many and possibly all macromolecules in the nucleus are segregated into discrete compartments, but the current model that this is achieved by a fibrillar nuclear matrix which structures the nuclear interior and compartments is not consistent with all experimental observations, as reviewed here. New results are presented which suggest that macromolecular crowding forces play a crucial role in the assembly of at least two compartments, nucleoli and PML bodies, and an in vitro system in which crowding assembles macromolecular complexes into structures which resemble nuclear compartments is described. Crowding forces, which are strong in the nucleus due to the high macromolecule concentration (in the range of 100 mg/ml), vastly increase the association constants of intermolecular interactions and can segregate different macromolecules into discrete phases. The model that they play a role in compartmentalisation of the nucleus is generally consistent with the properties of compartments, including their spherical or quasispherical form and their dynamic and mobile nature.  相似文献   

We have investigated the attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix and chromosomal scaffold in synchronized bovine liver cells. Label incorporated at the onset of the S phase remained preferentially associated with the matrix during the subsequent G1 phase and with a residual protein structure from dehistonized chromosomes during mitosis. On the other hand label incorporated during mid or late S phase was about equally distributed over the DNA molecule after a chase into the G1 phase. These results suggest that DNA is attached to the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffolds by the origins of replication.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the subnuclear interactions of the WTI gene product, nuclear fractionation analyses were performed with human osteosarcoma HOS and myelogenous leukemia K562 cells. The WT1 protein was tightly associated with the nucleus and was resistant to high-salt or derergent extraction and DNase I digestion. Both the expression level and stability of WT1 and its resistance to high salt and DNase I treatments remained constant during the cell cycle. In addition, human WT1 ectopically expressed in mouse NIH3T3 cells was also resistant to these treatments. These results suggest that WT1 functions in tight association with the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

The function of dystrophin Dp71 in neuronal cells remains unknown. To approach this issue, we have selected the PC12 neuronal cell line. These cells express both a Dp71f cytoplasmic variant and a Dp71d nuclear isoform. In this study, we demonstrated by electron and confocal microscopy analyses of in situ nuclear matrices and Western blotting evaluation of cell extracts that Dp71d associates with the nuclear matrix. Interestingly, this binding is modulated during NGF-induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells with a twofold increment in the differentiated cells, compared to control cells. Also, distribution of Dp71d along the periphery of the nuclear matrix observed in the undifferentiated cells is replaced by intense fluorescent foci localized in the center of the nucleoskeletal structure. In summary, we revealed that Dp71d is a dynamic component of nuclear matrix that might participate in the nuclear modeling occurring during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsearlyasin1948wehavefr8CtionatedisolatednucleifromnormalandtumorcellsbyextractionwithiMNaCIanddilutealkali[1].Thenuclearresiduewasthenstudiedmorethoroughly[2,3].Lateron,sillillarproteinousnuclearresidueswereisolatedbyotherworkers[46]andasstud…  相似文献   

Binding of 5-bromouracil-containing S/MAR DNA to the nuclear matrix.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Substitution of thymine with 5-bromouracil in DNA is known to change interaction between DNA and proteins, thereby inducing various biological phenomena. We hypothesize that A/T-rich scaffold/nuclear matrix attachment region (S/MAR) sequences are involved in the effects of 5-bromodeoxyuridine. We examined an interaction between DNA containing an intronic S/MAR sequence of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene and nuclear halos prepared from HeLa cells. Upon substitution with 5-bromouracil, the S/MAR DNA bound more tightly to the nuclear halos. The multi-functional nuclear matrix protein YY1 was also found to bind more strongly to 5-bromouracil-substituted DNA containing its recognition motif. These results are consistent with the above hypothesis.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix (NM) contains a number of proteins that have been found to be associated with transformation. We have previously identified changes in the NM associated with prostate cancer. In this study, we examine the molecular changes that are associated with prostate cancer development in transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate (TRAMP) model by studying the differences in the NM proteins (NMPs). We collected prostates from the TRAMP males at six critical time points: 6 weeks (puberty), 11 and 19 weeks (development of mild hyperplasia), 25 weeks (development of severe hyperplasia), 31 and 37 weeks (development of neoplasia). The nuclear matrices from the prostates collected at these time points were then isolated and the NMPs were characterized by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. We found three NMPs (E1A, E1B, and E1C) that were present in the 6-week-old prostate and two NMPs (E2A and E2B) that were present in the 11-week-old prostate. These NMPs were absent in the 31- and 37-week-old prostate. We also found five NMPs (E3A-E3E) that were present in the 31-week-old prostate, but absent in the earlier time points. In addition, three NMPs (Le1, Le2, Le3) were present at higher expression in the 6-, 11-, 19-, and 25-weeks old TRAMP prostates, but they were expressed lower during the development of neoplasia at 31- and 37-weeks old. Identification of these NMPs permits the development of novel markers that can characterize various stages of prostate cancer development as well as potentially therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The first matrix attachment region (MAR)-binding protein sequenced in plants, MFP1, has been characterised in two dicot species. Based on their antigenic relationship, we report here the conservation of MFP1-like proteins in proliferating root cells of onion (Allium cepa L). Two MFP1-like proteins with different molecular masses and solubilities were detected. The most abundant was a 90-kDa basic protein, presenting several separate spots in two-dimensional blots. The MFP1 was partially soluble and, similar to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-labelled replication factories in the nucleus and nuclear matrix, was localised at discrete foci as detected by confocal microscopy. High-resolution immunolocalisation of MFP1 by electron microscopy identified the foci as nuclear structures, some of them containing PCNA, which are ultrastructurally similar to the replication factories described in animal cells. Our data provide the first report on MFP1-like proteins in the Alliaceae. In addition, we present evidence of the presence of AcMFP1 in the putative replication factories. Received: 12 May 2000 / Accepted: 13 September 2000  相似文献   

Steroid receptors have been reported to bind to the nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is operationally defined as the residual nuclear structure that remains after extraction of most of the chromatin and all soluble and loosely bound componnets. To obtain insight in the molecular mechanism of the interaction of steroid receptors with the nuclear matrix, we studied the binding of several deletion mutants of the human androgen receptor (hAR) and the human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR) to the nuclear matrix. Receptor binding was tested for two different nuclear matrix preparations: complete matrices, in which most matrix proteins are retained during the isolation procedure, and depleted matrices, which consist of only a subset of these proteins. The results show that the C-terminal domain of the hAR binds tightly to both depleted and complete matrices. In addition, at least one other domain of the hAR binds to complete matrices but not to depleted matrices. In contrast to the hAR, the hGR binds only to complete matrices. For this interaction both the DNA-binding domain and the C-terminal domain of the hGR are required, whereas the N-terminal domain is not. We conclude that specific protein domains of the hAR and the hGR are involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. In addition, our results indicate that the hAR and the hGR are attached to the nuclear matrix through different molecular interactions.  相似文献   

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