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Ole Munk 《Acta zoologica》1989,70(3):143-149
The eye of the deep-sea teleost Lestidiops affinis has been examined primarily by light microscopy and found to possess a duplex retina consisting of two main divisions, a pure-cone and a pure-rod region, with a narrow zone of transition, possessing both cones and rods, joining the two. The pure-cone region is located in the temporal (caudal) part of the retina subserving binocular vision in the rostral direction. It has an area temporalis retinae with particularly long and densely packed single cones arranged in a regular hexagonal mosaic. Joined (double or twin) cones have not been recognized with certainty in the pure-cone region. The pure-rod region, comprising the larger part of the retina, contains rods grouped in bundles separated by retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) processes with pigmented cores. The synaptic endings of the rods are arranged in separate clusters in the outer plexiform layer, there being apparently a separate rod pedicle cluster beneath (vitread to) each rod bundle. Structural comparisons with certain other deep-sea teleosts suggest the likely presence of a retinal tapetum in L. affinis, i.e. each single cone or rod bundle is situated in a reflecting pit formed by the RPE, with a discrete reflector apposed to the tip of each cone outer segment and the tips of the outer segments of each square-cut rod bundle.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the age and size composition, growth, reproductive biology and mortality of Sillago ciliata Cuvier, 1829 in one of the largest estuarine commercial fisheries in south‐eastern Australia. The study also aimed to present a qualitative comparison of latitudinal variations in some of these characteristics along the eastern Australian coastline. The sampled population contained fish aged up to 10 years with a maximum size of 39.2 cm fork length (LF), and was dominated by 1–5 year olds. Sexual divergence in both the age and size structure of the population was recorded. Female S. ciliata grew slightly faster and attained a greater maximum size (L = 33.79 cm LF, = 0.50 year?1 and t0 = ?0.57 years) than males (L = 29.73 cm LF, = 0.49 year?1 and t0 = ?0.67 years). Females also matured at a significantly larger size (19.13 cm) and older age (1.63 years) than males (size: 17.07 cm, age: 1.10 years). Reproductive activity was highest between September and March. There were no differences between males and females in terms of mortality rate; the estimated total population, natural and fishing mortality rates were = 0.64, = 0.42 and = 0.22, respectively. Although these mortality rates suggest that S. ciliata in the Clarence River are relatively resilient to current rates of exploitation, regular monitoring of their commercial and recreational catch as well as their population structure is recommended in order to maintain sustainable fisheries. Potential latitudinal shifts in the spawning period, age structure and growth of S. ciliata along eastern Australia were also revealed.  相似文献   

The changes in pectic and hemicellulosic polysaccharides, and-cellulose during the expansion growth of the primary leavesof Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Pinta have been studied. -Celluloseincreased continuously with age, while pectic and water-solublehemicellulose extracted with 4% KOH fractions slightly decreased.The water-soluble hemicelluloses extracted with 24% KOH showedthe most conspicuous changes, increasing until the 8th day,when the absolute growth rate was maximal, and thereafter decreasing.Furthermore, the study of the molecular mass distribution ofpectin, and water-soluble polysaccharides extracted with 4%and 24% KOH, showed an increase in the degree of polymerizationof polyuronic acid and xylan, and an important depolymerizationof galactan and xyloglucan. Accordingly, the mechanism of cellwall loosening in the leaf cell walls is similar to that describedfor plant axes. Key words: Cell wall, growth, leaf  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(4):450-463
Polypterus senegalus Cuvier, 1829 is one of the most basal living actinopterygian fish and a member of the Actinopterygii. We analyzed the spatial and temporal pattern of cranial muscle development of P. senegalus using whole‐mount immunostaining and serial sectioning. We described the detailed structure of the external gill muscles which divided into dorsal and ventral parts after yolk exhaustion. The pattern of the division is similar to that of urodeles. We suggest that, the external gill muscles of P. senegalus are involved in spreading and folding of the external gill stem and the branches. The fibers of the external gill muscles appear postero‐lateral to the auditory capsule. In addition, the facial nerve passes through the external gills. Therefore, the external gill muscles are probably derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis. In contrast to previous studies, we described the mm. interhyoideus and hyohyoideus fibers as independent components in the yolk‐sac larvae. The m. hyohyoideus fibers appear lateral to the edge of the ventral portion of the external gill muscles, which are probably derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis. These findings suggest that the m. hyohyoidues is derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis in P. senegalus . In other actinopterygians, the m. hyohyoideus is derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus ventralis; therefore, the homology of the m. hyohyoidues of P. senegalus and other actinopterygians remains unclear. J. Morphol. 278:450–463, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A histological analysis was performed of the ovarian development of Oligosarcus hepsetus (Cuvier, 1829), a medium-sized carnivorous Characiform species in the Lajes reservoir, Brazil. A total of 125 fishes, collected monthly between April 2001 and June 2002 were examined by routine macroscopic and histological techniques. Eight phases of the oocyte development were described, and 4 stages and 4 substages of gonadal development were proposed. Spawning in reservoirs, similarly to that in rivers, is in batches, which favors juvenile survival and suggests that the impoundment of this area did not influence the reproductive strategy of this very successful species in a dammed environment.  相似文献   

Peroxidase active against 2,2'-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonicacid] (ABTS) and guaiacol were found in the apoplastic fluid,as well as ionically and covalently associated with pine cellwalls. The highest activity was found covalently bound to cellwalls, while the lowest activity was in the apoplastic fluid.Both ABTS and guaiacol peroxidases increased with the hypocotylage in the three fractions, apoplastic, ionically and covalentlybound. Furthermore, the changes in both peroxidases along thehypocotyl were also studied. Both apoplastic ABTS- and guaiacol-peroxidasesincreased from the apical towards the basal region of the hypocotylsof 10-d-old seedlings. A relation between peroxidase activityin the apoplastic fluid and the cell wall stiffening in pinehypocotyls is proposed.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Cell wall, growth, hypocotyl, peroxidase, pine, Pinus pinaster Aiton  相似文献   

A 10-year monitoring program was developed to quantify the population dynamics of the long-snouted seahorse population in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. Based on 985 underwater visual censuses, we estimated the long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829) population size in the Mar Menor lagoon and its reduction in size in the last decades, as well as the effect of eutrophication crises in 2016 and 2019 on the species. The annual recruitment for the 2013–2020 period was estimated by comparing the relative abundance of early seahorse life stages in the ichthyoplankton. The density ranged from 0.0458 specimens/m3 at the beginning of the sampling period to 0.0004 at the end, showing a statistically significant difference between the three analyzed periods (Hgl=2 = 14.0, p = 0.001). The long-snouted seahorse population from the Mar Menor lagoon exemplifies the impact of fishing activities and human pressure, especially euxinic episodes and habitat destruction. As a result of this, the Mar Menor population has decreased from several million specimens to a few thousand, in only three decades. This species showed considerable resilience, the seahorse population began to recover once fishing activity stopped. In contrast, the long-snouted seahorse showed high vulnerability to habitat loss and an episodic flooding event. Adult seahorses showed preferences for highly complex habitats, especially Caulerpa proliferaCymodocea nodosa mixed meadows and habitats of high complexity and anthropogenic origin, such as harbors, jetties, or breakwaters. In contrast, juvenile seahorses preferred monotonous seabeds with low complexity, such as the sandy beds that are characteristic of the Mar Menor lagoon littoral.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the lesser weever, Echiichthys vipera, from the adjacent coastal areas of the Douro and Tagus estuaries (Portugal) was studied between October 2000 and July 2002. The stomach contents of 246 individuals were analysed and diet was characterized by the numerical, gravimetric, occurrence and vacuity indices. Variation of feeding habits with fish length (<95 and >95 mm) and geographical area was considered. Diet of the lesser weever comprised a large variety of prey (28 species), the most important of which were crustaceans (numerical index, NI = 93.5%; occurrence index, OI = 75.6%), namely Mysidacea (especially Schistomysis sp.), Amphipoda (mainly Gammarus subtypicus) and Isopoda (Idotea spp.), and also Teleostei (mostly larval stages that posted a gravimetric index, GI = 53.0%). Diet varied with fish length, with large individuals showing a larger diversity of prey items. Furthermore, specimens from Douro also showed a higher diversity of prey items than those from Tagus. More than 50% of the stomachs were empty, being the highest vacuity values relative to smaller fishes as well as to individuals from the Tagus estuary adjacent coastal area.  相似文献   

Visual Adaptation in the Retina of the Skate   总被引:21,自引:16,他引:5  
The electroretinogram (ERG) and single-unit ganglion cell activity were recorded from the eyecup of the skate (Raja erinacea and R. oscellata), and the adaptation properties of both types of response compared with in situ rhodopsin measurements obtained by fundus reflectometry. Under all conditions tested, the b-wave of the ERG and the ganglion cell discharge showed identical adaptation properties. For example, after flash adaptation that bleached 80% of the rhodopsin, neither ganglion cell nor b-wave activity could be elicited for 10–15 min. Following this unresponsive period, thresholds fell rapidly; by 20 min after the flash, sensitivity was within 3 log units of the dark-adapted level. Further recovery of threshold was slow, requiring an additional 70–90 min to reach absolute threshold. Measurements of rhodopsin levels showed a close correlation with the slow recovery of threshold that occurred between 20 and 120 min of dark adaptation; there is a linear relation between rhodopsin concentration and log threshold. Other experiments dealt with the initial unresponsive period induced by light adaptation. The duration of this unresponsive period depended on the brightness of the adapting field; with bright backgrounds, suppression of retinal activity lasted 20–25 min, but sensitivity subsequently returned and thresholds fell to a steady-state value. At all background levels tested, increment thresholds were linearly related to background luminance.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin stimulate a four- to fivefold increase in endogenous dopamine release from isolated intact carp retina. The release evoked by these agents is Ca2+ dependent, a finding suggesting a vesicular release. Using light microscopic autoradiography, we have localized the sites of dopamine release to the dopaminergic interplexiform cell processes of the outer plexiform layer, which synapse onto horizontal cells. Our findings support previous suggestions that the dopaminergic interplexiform cells receive GABAergic inhibitory input and that the effects of GABA antagonists on horizontal cells are mediated by dopamine release from the interplexiform cells.  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy is thought to result from chronic changes in the metabolic pathways of the retina. Hyperglycemia leads to increased intracellular glucose concentrations, alterations in glucose degradation and an increase in lactate/pyruvate ratio. We measured lactate content in retina and other ocular and non-ocular tissues from normal and diabetic rats in the early stages of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. The intracellular redox state was calculated from the cytoplasmic [lactate]/[pyruvate] ratio.Elevated lactate concentration were found in retina and cerebral cortex from diabetic rats. These concentrations led to a significant and progressive decrease in the NAD+/NADH ratio, suggesting that altered glucose metabolism is an initial step of retinopathy. It is thus possible that tissues such as cerebral cortex have mechanisms that prevent the damaging effect of lactate produced by hyperglycemia and/or alterations of the intracellular redox state  相似文献   

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