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The acidophilic diatom Asterionella ralfsii cf. var. americana Körn. was grown in continuous culture to examine the influences of both pH and Al on Si-limited growth and uptake kinetics. In contrast to nutrient-replete cultures of A. ralfsii, lowering pH from approximately 6 to 5 reduced algal cell density, chlorophyll a concentration, and intensity of in vivo fluorescence (IVF) at steady state. The lower pH treatments were also characterized by lower Si cell quotas and higher residual dissolved Si concentrations in chemostats with similar nutrient supply rates. Physiological responses to Al stress differed from those to pH reduction when cultures were Si-limited. Nominal Al additions of 20 μmol·L?1 reduced chlorophyll a concentration and IVF values at higher pH, but all other biomass and chemical parameters remained constant at steady state. The combined efects of Al and reduced pH were more severe than either stress alone, inducing culture washout at pH 4.8. Short-term Si uptake experiments performed at pH 6 showed that Al influenced Michaelis-Menten parameter estimates. Half-saturation (Ks and maximum uptake rate (Vm) constants increased approximately 8- and 2-fold in the presence of Al, respectively, but this difference was only significant for Vm. Similar to previously observed effects of Al on cell morphology in A. ralfsii, Si uptake kinetics were more sensitive to Al additions than to Silimited growth per se.  相似文献   

陈昌斌  倪兵  徐寿彭  马庆海 《植物研究》2003,23(4):T006-T008
利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜对自然生长凤尾竹(Bambusa multiplex vat.nana(Roxb.)Keng f.)营养体各部分及生长发育各时期叶片的硅酸体进行观察研究。凤尾竹营养体各部分硅酸体形态分别为:叶片竹节形;叶鞘鞍形、钝方形;箨叶哑铃形;箨叶鞘鞍形;杆的表皮部位有少量椭圃形硅酸体,而内部来见成形的硅酸体;地下茎及根皆来见成形硅酸体。成熟硅酸体均沿脉横向排列。硅酸体在叶片、叶鞘、箨叶和箨叶鞘中基本上是按生长发育顺序从不成形到成形,由小到大变化的,分布由不规则到沿脉横列。同一叶从叶鞘到叶片呈现出由鞍形→钝方形(椭圆形)→竹节形渐变的趋势。光镜下,硅酸体内一般有折光率不同于其它部位的l到多个细小颗粒聚在一起形成的核状结构。凤尾竹不同生长发育期各部分硅酸体的晶核存在状况、硅酸体的形态和大小的演变趋势体现了硅质在植物器官表皮细胞上的连续沉积过程。  相似文献   

Growth and sexual reproduction of the marine littoral diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenb. var. ornata Grun. were investigated at 30 different combinations of temperature (5, 10, 14, 18, 22° C), irradiance (20, 60, 100 μE·m?2·s?1) and daylength (14:10 and 10:14 h LD cycle). Growth occurred at all combinations. The optimal growth was observed at 14–18° C, long daylength and highest-to-moderate irradiance, and at 18° C, short daylength and highest irradiance. Sexual reproduction on the other hand occurred between 5 and 18° C, and the optimal condition was 10–14° C and short daylength. Annual cyclic, and sesonal changes in the distribution of cell size (valve length) were observed in a field population. These changes were characterized by an annual minimum in mean cell size in autumn, an annual maximum in winter, a slight decrease from the mean in spring–middle summer, a rapid decrease from the mean in late summer–early autumn, and appearance of bimodal distribution of cell size in winter. These changes were caused by sexual reproduction in autumn, rapid growth in late summer–early autumn and slow growth in other seasons, and poor viability of small cells near the lower end of the size range.  相似文献   

Changes in colony size (cell number per colony) of Asterionella Formosa Hass. were experimentally evaluated in relation to water temperature using two types of clones having colony sizes of four or eight cells. The clones were isolated from two different temperate freshwater lakes. Both clones showed the same general trend with changing temperature. Most of the colonies were normal in size at low temperatures, but colony size was twice as large at high temperatures. Variable colony sizes were present at low percentages. Colony separation occurred at the oldest connection within the colony after cell division. Culture experiments showed that the rates of specific growth and colony separation were balanced except for a rather short period of time when the temperature was changed. Optical and scanning electron micrography did not show any distinctive morphological structure at the point of connection except for porelli and mucilage pads. Seasonal changes in colony size of A. formosa observed in a freshwater lake are discussed based on these temperature results.  相似文献   

The effect of cell size on growth rates and some cellular contents of Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve has been measured at 0 and 10 C. At 0 C the growth rate did not vary with cell size. The 2 smallest clones at this temperature had reduced growth rates because of the induction of sexuality in that size range. The clones grown at 10 C showed a significant negative relationship between growth rate and valve diameter with the cell surface area/volume ratio positively related to growth rate. At both temperatures the smaller cells had proportionately more carbon and nitrogen/unit cell volume. The amount of chlorophyll a and silica/unit cell surface area increased with increasing cell surface area at both 0 and 10 C. Both the C/N and C/chl a ratios showed no significant change with cell size at either temperature but there was a significant increase in the C/chl a ratio at 0 C. The C/Si ratio decreased with increasing cell size at both 0 and 10 C.  相似文献   

The freshwater diatom Asterionella formosa Haas. was grown in semicontinuous culture at 20°C under continuous cool-white fluorescent light of ca. 20 μEin · m?2· s ·?1 in a medium containing Si: P in various concentration ratios. The cell quotas of P and Si changed in relation to the available concentrations of P and Si at constant μ= 0.11 and 0.16 d?1. Under Si-limitation, the P cell quota increased by over an order of magnitude as the influent [Si:P] decreased. The Si cell quota increased with increase in [Si] in the influent medium, and it increased as [P] increased at a specific [Si]. Under P-limitation, the P cell quotas were fairly constant and low; the Si cell quotas were relatively high and decreased slightly as influent [P] and [Si] increased. Asterionella stored up to 28 times more P and 2 times more Si than needed. The number of Asterionella cells per colony varied as a function of the influent [Si:P] and nutrient limitation being usually less than or equal to 6 when P-limited, and greater than 10 when Si-limited.  相似文献   

Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenb. and Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ehrenb.) Cleve were grown in a silicate-limited chemostat at silicate concentrations below 1 μg-atoms · l?1. The resulting abnormal valves of C. radiatus lacked a thickened ring around the foramina; their pore membranes were thinner and their loculi shallower than those in normal cells. Abnormal valves of T. eccentrica had a fasciculate areolae pattern; they lacked a silica covering over the foramina and some tangential areolae walls. Neither abnormal valve could be termed a new species.  相似文献   

The cells of synurophyte flagellates (algal class Synurophyceae, formerly included in the Chrysophyceae) are enclosed within a regularly imbricate layer of ornamented siliceous scales. Scale morphology is of critical taxonomic importance within this group of algae, and the scales are valuable indicator microfossils in paleolimnological studies. The data presented here demonstrate that scale morphology and the integrity of the scale layer can exhibit extreme variability in culture as a function of the cellular quota of silica under silica-limited growth. Silica-limited, steady-state populations of the colonial flagellate Synura petersenii Korsh. were maintained over a range of specific growth rates (μ= 0.11–0.69 days?1) and silica cell quotas (Qsi= 0.13–2.40 pmoles Si · cell1). Scale morphology and the organization of the scale layer became increasingly aberrant as silica stress increased. Under severe stress, scale deposition was completely suppressed so that cells appeared scale-free. This depression of scale deposition was reversible; populations of silica-starved, scale-free cells rapidly regenerated new scale layers when placed in batch culture and spiked with dissolved silica. During recovery from silica stress, cell division was repressed for 24 h while mean cell silica quota increased 25-fold. The first new scales appeared within 2 h after the silica addition, and development of the new scale layer proceeded in an approximately synchronous manner, residting in normal scale layers on virtually all cells after 48 h of recovery in Sirich medium. Silica content of silica-replete Synura cells is comparable to freshwater diatoms of siynilar size, but Synura has much greater potential quota variability than diatoms and no apparent threshold silica requirement. Silica-limited growth kinetics and competition between diatoms and Synura for silica are discussed. The results suggest that morphological variability of siliceous scales in natural populations of synurophyte flagellates may result from silica stress and that the experimental approach developed here has great potential value as a means for circumscribing ecotypic variation in scale morphology. Results also demonstrate that scale production can be uncoupled from cell division, suggesting that cell cycle regulation of silica biomineralization in the Synurophyceae may be fundamentally different from that of diatoms (algal class Bacillariophyceae). This experimental system has application in the future study of the intracellular membrane systems and the regulatory processes involved in silica biomineralization.  相似文献   

Navicula mutica (Kütz.) var. mutica was isolated from the air, cloned on agar, cultured in soil-water bottle, and studied with transmission and scanning electron micros-ropy. The frustules were lanceolate to ovoid with rounded apices, with the apical axis 8.5 ± 3.2 μ and the trans-apical and the transapical axis 3.6 ± 0.6 μm. Striae were composed of two or three puncta, and the mantle bore a single row of puncta aligned with the striae. The ends of the raphe turned away from an isolated punctual in the central area of the valve. The mantle puncta and one or two of the valve-face puncta in each stria opened into a series of transapical grooves in the interior of the valve, the grooves contributing to the appearance of striae in the light microscope. The interior of the mantle also possessed a pair of longitudinal grooves, discontinuous at the apices of the valves. An undulate advalvar margin of the valvocopula likely articulates along the interior longitudinal groove of the mantle. The projections of the undulate margin are perhaps positioned between the transapical grooves and along the longitudinal groove between the dentiform structures formed by the intersection of the double-grooved system. The girdle bands each had two (occasionally three) rows of pores. The pleurae margins were straight and not undulate.  相似文献   

A correlation between genome size and cell volume has been observed across diverse assemblages of eukaryotes. We examined this relationship in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), a phylum in which cell volume is of critical ecological and biogeochemical importance. In addition to testing whether there is a predictive relationship across extant species, we tested whether evolutionary divergences in genome size were correlated with evolutionary divergences in cell size (using independent contrasts). We estimated total DNA content for 16 diatom species using a flow cytometer and estimated cell volumes using critical dimensions with scaling equations. Our independent contrast analyses indicated a significant correlated evolution between genome size and cell volume. We then explored the evolutionary and ecological implications of this evolutionary relationship. Diatom cell volume is an important component of the global carbon cycle; therefore, understanding the mechanisms that drive diatom genome evolution has both evolutionary and ecological importance.  相似文献   

The morphology and sexual reproduction of the attached diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehr. var. scutellum have been investigated using field and culture materials. The diatom grew well at 14–22° C and in a medium using enriched full strength seawater or 50% diluted seawater. One gamete was formed without cytokinesis in a gametangium and one auxospore arose from paired gametangia. The size of gametangia and initial cells were 17.8–29.9 μm and 43.3–59.5 μm, respectively. Valve width decreased linearly with decreasing valve length. The regression coefficient between them was invariable with the change of the environment. The transapical striation densities were 7–12 and 7.5–13.5 in 10 μm in araphid and raphid valves, respectively. The density showed a tendency to increase with decreasing valve length in both valves. The densities in both valves, except the small araphid valve, are invariable with the change of the environment. The relationships between valve length and width, and between valve length and striation density have been compared with those of taxa allied to C. scutellum var. scutellum. It is concluded that C. scutellum var. scutellum, as usually delimited, is a heterogenous taxon.  相似文献   

The enormous species diversity of diatoms correlates with the remarkable range of cell sizes in this group. Nuclear DNA content relates fundamentally to cell volume in other eukaryotic cells. The relationship of cell volume to G1 DNA content was determined among selected members of the genus Thalassiosira, one of the most species‐rich and well‐studied centric diatom genera. Both minimum and maximum species‐specific cell volume correlated positively with G1 DNA content. Phylogeny based on 5.8 S and ITS rDNA sequences indicated that multiple changes in G1 DNA content and cell volume occurred in Thalassiosira evolution, leading to a 1,000‐fold range in both parameters in the group. Within the Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. A. Fryxell et Grunow species complex, G1 DNA content varied 3‐fold: differences related to geographic origin and time since isolation; doubling and tripling of G1 DNA content occurred since isolation in certain T. weissflogii isolates; and subcultures of T. weissflogii CCMP 1336 diverged in DNA content by 50% within 7 years of separation. Actin, β‐tubulin, and Spo11/TopVIA genes were selected for quantitative PCR estimation of haploid genome size in subclones of selected T. weissflogii isolates because they occur only once in the T. pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal genome. Comparison of haploid genome size estimates with G1 DNA content suggested that the most recent T. weissflogii isolate was diploid, whereas other T. weissflogii isolates appeared to be polyploid and/or aneuploid. Aberrant meiotic and mitotic cell divisions were observed, which might relate to polyploidization. The structural flexibility of diatom genomes has important implications for their evolutionary diversification and stability during laboratory maintenance.  相似文献   

Patterns of changes in cell size, growth rate, and the inducibility of spermatogenesis were followed in eight sub‐clones of two isolates of the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle grown at saturating light. One isolate originated from Long Island Sound, New York, USA and the other originated from Jakarta Harbor, Indonesia. As expected from previous studies, oscillations between intervals of cell size reduction and cell size enlargement were observed for each sub‐clone. For both isolates, sperm were easily detected, but cells resembling eggs and auxospores were rarely observed and fertilization was not confirmed, suggesting that the observed cell size increases may have resulted from a combination of asexual cell enlargement and rare auxosporulation. The two isolates differed in their minimum and maximum sizes, and the threshold size for the induction of sperm formation. However, the two sets of isolated sub‐clones displayed comparable relationships between growth rate, sperm inducibility, and cell size relative to the minimum, maximum, and threshold sizes. Growth rate increased as cell size decreased during vegetative divisions until the threshold for sperm inducibility was crossed. Below the size threshold for sperm inducibility, growth rate declined as cell size continued to decrease. Smaller cells were susceptible to failure of normal cytokinesis and valve deposition, resulting in the formation of abnormally long and often multinucleate cells. Culture conditions may select against restoration of cell size via auxosporulation due to the relationship between growth rate and cell size.  相似文献   

At weekly intervals from July to October 2006, we measured silica deposition in the summer diatom assemblage at various depths in the eutrophic ?ímov Reservoir (Czech Republic) using PDMPO, the 2‐(4‐pyridyl)‐5{[4‐(2‐dimethylaminoethyl‐aminocarbamoyl)‐methoxy]phenyl}oxazole labeling technique. Fluorescence microscopy coupled with image analysis allows quantifying silicon (Si) deposition over time and a simple distinction between cells that are actively depositing Si and those that are not. Diatom assemblage was exclusively dominated by Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, which formed pronounced subsurface maxima (2–6.5 m). Concentrations of the main nutrients (Si and phosphorus, P) were low over the whole season; however, at depth, the nutrient availability was higher than at the surface. Fragilaria silica deposition rates were eight times higher at the surface than at depth. Half the population was involved in silica deposition at the surface, while only 20% active cells were doing so at depth. At the surface, silica deposition was limited by P deficiency; the effect of dissolved Si (DSi) was not statistically significant. Silica deposition at depth was significantly constrained by low light availability despite the 1% average light attenuation at depth, which is supposed sufficient for photosynthesis. This study represents the first attempt to employ the PDMPO technique coupled with quantitative image analysis of PDMPO fluorescence in freshwater ecology. On the basis of our results, PDMPO probe appears to be an appropriate proxy for the study of resource limitation in natural diatom populations.  相似文献   

火炬松胚性细胞悬浮培养物的生长参数变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以火炬松(PinustaedaL.)成熟合子胚来源的胚性愈伤组织为材料建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,测定了其培养物的鲜重、干重、细胞体积和胚数及培养液中的pH值、电导率和蔗糖浓度等生长参数在培养过程中的变化动态。结果表明,在培养周期内,培养液中的pH值、电导率和蔗糖浓度的逐步降低与培养物的鲜重、干重、细胞体积和胚胎数的逐步增加保持一致性。在培养至18—21d,pH值、电导率和蔗糖浓度均接近或降到最低点,而胚数及细胞体积的增长都达到最高点。  相似文献   

Cell division patterns in Thalassiosira fluviatilis grown in a cyclostat were analyzed as a function of temperature, photoperiod, nutrient limitation and average cell size of the population. Typical cell division patterns in populations doubling more than once per day had multiple peaks in division rate each day, with the lowest rates always being greater than zero. Division bursts occurred in both light and dark periods with relative intensities depending on growth conditions. Multiple peaks in division rate were also found, when population growth rates were reduced to less than one doubling per day by lowering temperature, nutrients, or photoperiod and the degree of division phasing was not enhanced. Temperature and nutrient limitation shifted the timing of the major division burst relative to the light/dark cycle. Average cell volume of the inoculum was found to be a significant determinant of the average population growth rate and the timing and magnitude of the peaks in division rate. The results are interpreted in the context of a cell cycle model in which generation times are “quantized” into values separated by a constant time interval.  相似文献   

Diatoms are the main primary producers in the Southern Ocean, governing the major nutrient cycles. Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O’Meara) Hust. is the most abundant diatom species in the Southern Ocean and its paleo‐oceanographic record is frequently used to reconstruct the past position and nutrient characteristics of the Antarctic polar front. Here we report on the responses of F. kerguelensis on prolonged exposure to a range of iron concentrations, allowing a characterization of morphological and nutrient‐depletion changes in relation to iron status. Under iron limitation, F. kerguelensis grew slower, cells became smaller, chains became shorter, and the nutrient‐depletion ratios changed. Prolonged exposure to iron limitation caused F. kerguelensis to decrease its surface area and volume 2‐fold, and to increase its surface‐to‐volume ratio by 25%. With the decrease in growth rates, silicon (Si) and phosphorus (P) depletion per cell remained fairly constant, but when normalized per surface area (Si) or per cell volume (P), depletion increased. In contrast, nitrogen (N) depletion per cell decreased significantly together with the decrease in growth rates but was constant when normalized per cell volume. The different response in Si, P, and N depletion resulted in changes in the nutrient‐depletion ratios, most notably in the Si:N ratio, which significantly increased, and in the N:P ratio, which significantly decreased with decreasing growth rates. It is concluded that under iron limitation, variation in cell size and/or nutrient depletion ultimately can cause changes in oceanic biogeochemical nutrient cycles. It enables the use of cell size of F. kerguelensis as a paleo‐oceanographic proxy.  相似文献   

Uptake and assimilation kinetics of nitrate and ammonium were investigated along with inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonium in the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim at different nitrogen (N)–limited growth rates. Alexandrium minutum had a strong affinity for nitrate and ammonium (Ks=0.26±0.03 and 0.31±0.04 μmol·L?1, respectively) whatever the degree of N deficiency of the cells. Ammonium was always the preferred form of nitrogen taken up (=0.42–0.50). In the presence of both forms, nitrate uptake was inhibited by ammonium, and inhibition was particularly marked in N‐sufficient cells (Imax~0.9 and Ki=0.31–0.56 μmol·L?1). In the case of N assimilation, ammonium was also the preferred form in N‐deficient cells (=0.54–0.72), whereas in N‐sufficient cells, both N sources were equally preferred (=0.90–1.00). The comparison of uptake and assimilation rates highlighted the ability of A. minutum to significantly store in 1 h nitrate and ammonium in amounts sufficient to supply twice the daily N requirements of the slowest‐growing N‐deficient cells. Nitrogen uptake kinetic parameters of A. minutum and their ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of logarithmic-growing cells and of resting cells in laboratory cultures of Amphora coffaeformis (Ag.) Kütz. isolated from deep ocean water was examined using electron and light microscopy. The acid Phosphatase activity, chlorophyll a and lipid content were assessed at weekly intervals of resting cell formation during cold-dark treatment, simulating deep ocean water. Approximately 4 wk are required to complete resting cell formation. During the first week, the cytoplasm undergoes extensive transformation and lysosomal activity is observed. Large vacules decrease in size and many small ones develop, the mitochondria become fewer and one or more massive mitochondria appear possibly by fusion of smaller ones; the cytoplasm becomes densely granular. During the second and third week, the cytoplasm continues to contract, lipid bodies begin to develop and the plastid becomes densely stained. At the fourth week, the mature resting cell is formed containing one or more massive mitochondria, a well-formed plastid, and granular cytoplasm containing occasional lipid droplets. There is no change in frustule morphology and the cytoplasm does not produce a protective layer. The variation in chemical constituents correlates with microscopic structure of the cells. The fine structure of cells during growth resumption when exposed to light at 25 c is presented. Previous reports of viable, chlorophyll-containing cells at great depths in the ocean may be explained by the results reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Cell division in most eukaryotic algae grown on alternating periods of light and dark (LD) is synchronized or phased so that cell division occurs only during a restricted portion of the LD cycle. However, the phase angle of the cell division gate, the time of division relative to the beginning of the light period, is known to be affected by growth conditions such as nutrient status and temperature. In this study, it is shown that the phase angle of cell division in a diatom, Cylindrotheca fusiformis Reimann and Lewin, is affected by the N-limited growth rate; cell division occurred later in the dark period (12:12 h LD cycle) when the growth rate was infradian (D = 0.42 d?1) than when it was ultradian (D = 1.0 d?1). Nitrogen-pulses did not affect the phase angle of the division gate, but could shift the time of peak cell division activity within the division gate. The effects, if any, of N-pulses were dependent upon the growth rate and the time of day that the pulses were administered. These responses indicate that the timing of cell division in this diatom is not determined solely by the zeitgeber from the LD cycle, but rather that a LD cycle control mechanism and a N-mediated control mechanism are both involved and are somewhat interdependent. In addition, an increase in protein was observed immediately after administering a N-pulse to C. fusiformis in the ultradian growth mode indicating that the accumulation of protein can be uncoupled from the cell division cycle.  相似文献   

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