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Biomechanical reflections suggest that lizards that have specialized in running should differ in parts of their morphological design from lizards that have specialized in climbing. Moreover, adaptation in one direction may conflict with performance in the other. We tested this assumed trade-off by measuring climbing and running performance in two subspecies of the Mediterranean lizard Poaarcis hispanica. One subspecies, P. h. atrata , inhabits a number of small islets near the Spanish coast. It is mainly ground dwelling. The other subspecies, P. h. hispanica , was sampled on the mainland of Spain. It frequendy occupies vertical elements within its habitat. Our data do not support the notion of a trade-off between both types of locomotion. Individuals of P. h. hispanica both run and climb faster than those of P. h. atrata. There is no difference between subspecies in ability to cling onto tilted substrates. Predictions on the morphology of both subspecies, inspired by biomechanical arguments, are not supported by our measurements.  相似文献   

We tested 27 microsatellite loci for cross-species amplification in the lacertids Podarcis gaigeae and Podarcis hispanica. We detected 11 and 15 polymorphic loci in the former and the latter species, respectively. In a larger sample of individuals from a single population of each species, the number of alleles ranged from five to 23 in 10 of the polymorphic loci in P. gaigeae, and between four and 13 in nine of polymorphic loci in P. hispanica. Two locus deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in P. hispanica. Between 11 and 16 of the 27 loci also amplified successfully in three other Podarcis species.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variation at 26 presumptive gene loci was investigated in populations of Podarcis ivagleriana from Sicily, the Aegadian Islands, and the Aeolian Islands. For interspecific comparison, samples of the closely related lizard P. sicula from the same geographic area were also used. Population heterogeneity analyses carried out by the estimation of F-statistics and Nei's standard genetic distance, showed a high genetic homogeneity within P. sicula, but a noticeable genetic differentiation within P. wagleriana. In the latter species, Nei's D ranged from 0 to 0.212, and this is because the Aeolian populations were quite distinct from those inhabiting Sicily and the Aegadian Islands. Fixed differences identified at three loci (Ck, Ada, Gp-4) contributed to a relatively high value of Nei's standard genetic distance between the two population groups (D= 0.147). This value is very similar to those found comparing pairs of well-recognized biological species included in the genera Podarcis and Lacerta. Estimation of the time of evolutionary divergence shows that the Aeolian and Sicilian populations of P. wagleriana have been isolated geographically for a long time (0.7 Myr according to Nei's formula; 2 Myr according to Sarich's calibration), indicating evolutionary divergence at the species level. Based on genetic and biogeographic data, it is suggested the recognition of full specific status for the Aeolian populations, for which the name P. rajfonei comb. nova (Aeolian wall lizard) is proposed. Electrophoretic data and comparative species distributions suggest that (1) Podarcis sicula recently colonized the Aeolian Islands, and (2) it has competed successfully with P. rajfonei in this area, greatly reducing the range of the latter and causing the extinction of most of its populations. In fact, P. sicula is widespread in the Aeolian Archipelago, while P. rajfonei is confined at present to one large island (Vulcano) and three tiny islands (Strombolicchio, Scoglio Faraglione, La Canna). This can be considered a classic example of competitive exclusion of a native form (P. rajfonei) by a species accidentally introduced by man (P. sicula).  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - Information on the first discovery of the Italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus campestris (De Betta 1857), in 2019 is provided for Turkan settlement, Baku, Azerbaijan. The...  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of chiasma frequency and distribution have been studied in the lizard: Podareis sicula. In this species, as in Phyllodactylus (King & Hayman, Chromosoma 69: 131–154, 1978), chiasma frequencies vary following a definite annual cycle, and clearly different trends are shown by interstitial and terminal chiasmata.A comparison between these seasonal chiasma frequency variations and those of environmental temperature shows the existence of a clear correlation between these two parameters. However, this correlation is different in the two types of chiasmata, and may be different within the same type of chiasma depending on the period of the year.A more significant correlation is observed between chiasma cycles and annual variations of the haematic levels of sexual steroid hormones. In particular we observe a highly significant correlation between interstitial chiasma frequencies and testosterone concentration. A less precise correlation between terminal chiasma frequencies and estradiol concentration is also observed.In Podarcis, as in Phyllodactylus, the sperm that will be used for fertilization derive from the spermatocytes showing the highest rate of interstitial chiasmata. This supports the hypothesis that the cyclic variations in interstitial chiasma frequencies represent a mechanism to ensure an adequate level of variability in a given population. The above mentioned correlation between chiasma frequencies and steroia hormone concentrations suggests that the seasonal chiasma cycles are controlled by the same environmental and hormonal factors regulating the spermatogenetic cycle.  相似文献   

Leptin, the product of the ob gene, is a hormone secreted by adipocytes that regulates food intake and energy expenditure. The hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis is markedly influenced by the metabolism status, being suppressed during food deprivation. The present study was designed to ascertain whether (1) lizard thyroid gland expresses the long form of leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) and (2) the leptin administration affects the thyroid gland activity in this species (and to verify whether leptin plays a similar role in reptiles as observed in the other vertebrates). The presence of leptin receptor in the thyroid gland of Podarcis sicula was demonstrated by immunohistochemical technique (avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex--ABC method). The role of leptin in the control of thyroid gland activity was studied in vivo using light microscopy (LM) technique coupled to a specific radioimmunoassay for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones (T4 and T3). Leptin (0.1 mg/100 g body wt)/day increased T4 and T3 release for 3 days but decreased the plasma concentration of TSH; using LM clear signs of stimulation in the thyroid gland were observed. These findings suggest that systemic administration of leptin stimulates the morphophysiology of the thyroid gland in the lizard through a direct mechanism involving Ob-Rb.  相似文献   

Aim   We discuss biogeographical hypotheses for the Mediterranean lizard species Podarcis and Teira within a phylogenetic framework based on partial mitochondrial DNA sequences.
Methods   We derived the most likely phylogenetic hypothesis from our data set (597 aligned positions from the 12S rDNA and phenyl tRNA) under parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood assumptions.
Results   The species usually included in Teira do not form a strongly monophyletic clade. In contrast, the monophyly of the genus Podarcis is rather well supported. Seven lineages are identified in the genus; in order of appearance within the tree, these are: the Balearic pityusensis and lilfordi pair, the sicula complex, a Tyrrhenian tiliguerta and raffonei pair, muralis , the Siculo-Maltese filfolensis and wagleriana pair, the Balkan group ( erhardi , peloponnesiaca , milensis , melisellensis and taurica ), and the Ibero-Maghrebian group ( bocagei , atrata , hispanica and vaucheri ).
Conclusions   The origin of the three European genera of lacertid assayed ( Lacerta , Teira and Podarcis ) is hypothesized to have occurred in the Oligocene. For Podarcis , a possible scenario of a Miocene diversification is derived from the sequence data, and the zoogeography of the lineages are discussed in relation to the palaeogeography of the Mediterranean. It is hypothesized that in the early history of the genus the main lineages separated by rapid, numerous and close events that produced a starting point very similar to a polytomy, hard to resolve by parsimony analysis of the data set.  相似文献   

Summary Numerous endocrine cells can be observed in the gut of the lizard Podarcis hispanica after application of the Grimelius silver nitrate technique. The argyrophilic endocrine cells are usually tall and thin in the small intestine but short, basal, and round in the large intestine. Eleven types of immunoreactive endocrine cells have been identified by immunocytochemical methods. Numerous serotonin-, caerulein/gastrin/cholecystokinin octapeptide-and peptide tyrosine-tyrosine-immunoreactive cells; a moderate number of pancreatic polypeptide-, neurotensin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-like peptide-1-and glucagon-immunoreactive cells, and few cholecystokinin N-terminal-and bombesin-immunoreactive cells were found in the epithelium of the small intestine. Coexistence of glucagon with GLP-1 or PP/PYY has been observed in some cells. In the large intestine a small number of serotonin-, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine-, pancreatic polypeptide-, neurotensin-, somatostatin-and glucagon-like peptide-1-immunoreactive cells were detected. Vasoactive intestinal peptide immunoreactivity was found in nerve fibers of the muscular layer. Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers were detected in lamina propria, submucosa and muscular layer. Chromogranin A-immunoreactive cells were observed throughout the intestine, although in lower numbers than argyrophilic cells.  相似文献   

Biologists commonly assume that parasites are locally adapted since they have shorter generation times and higher fecundity than their hosts, and therefore evolve faster in the arms race against the host's defences. As a result, parasites should be better able to infect hosts within their local population than hosts from other allopatric populations. However, recent mathematical modelling has demonstrated that when hosts have higher migration rates than parasites, hosts may diversify their genes faster than parasites and thus parasites may become locally maladapted. This new model was tested on the Canarian endemic lizard and its blood parasite (haemogregarine genus). In this host–parasite system, hosts migrate more than parasites since lizard offspring typically disperse from their natal site soon after hatching and without any contact with their parents who are potential carriers of the intermediate vector of the blood parasite (a mite). Results of cross-infection among three lizard populations showed that parasites were better at infecting individuals from allopatric populations than individuals from their sympatric population. This suggests that, in this host–parasite system, the parasites are locally maladapted to their host.  相似文献   

The coexistence of immunoreactivities to serotonin (5HT), calcitonin (CT) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was studied in pulmonary endocrine cells of the Iberian lizard by immunocytochemistry and in semithin/thin sections under light and electron microscope. Immunostaining of serial sections revealed coexistence of 5HT/CT/CGRP immunoreactivities in some cells, while in others only 5HT/CT or CGRP immunoreactivities were found. Appropriate absorption controls excluded crossreactivity between the antisera used. Ultrastructurally, cells immunoreactive to 5HT/CT and CGRP share similar features, with round or slightly ovoid secretory granules of mean diameter from 165 to 180 nm. The possible functional significance of the copresence of 5HT, CT and CGRP is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of an oxyurid nematode is described from the large intestine of the lacertid lizard Podarcis sicula (Rafinesque. 1810) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Italy. Spauligodon aloisei n. sp. differs from other species of the genus by a combination of morphological and metrical characters, including a spined tail in males and females, absence of a spicule in males, arrangement of the last pair of the male caudal papillae, vulva location, and egg morphology. The species most similar to S. aloisei n. sp. is Spauligodon caspius Annayev, 1987, described from Tenuidactylus (=Gymnodactylus) caspius in Turkmenistan. Tail length and location of the excretory pore and vulvar opening separate S. caspius from S. aloisei n. sp. This article increases the number of species of this genus from reptiles in the Paleartic Realm to 19.  相似文献   

Junquera  C.  Martínez-Ciriano  C.  Castiella  T.  Aisa  J.  Blasco  J.  Peg  M. T.  Azanza  M. J. 《Neurochemical research》1998,23(4):493-504
We study the esophagus of Podarcis hispanica through different methods to clarify the structure and affinities of its wall innervation. The acetylcholinesterase method reveals cholinesterase activity in two submucosal nervous plexuses, with an increasing degree of structural complexity in the reptilian esophagus, compared with amphibians. Noradrenergic innervation, detected through fluorescence induced by formol, widely spreads its network in both the myenteric and submucosal plexuses (around the blood vessels in the external submucosal plexus, and to the glandular lamina propria in the inner submucosal plexus). Immunohistochemistry for vasoactive intestinal peptide shows a widespread innervation, with neurons clustered in ganglia and also scattered through the VIPergic network, only at the myenteric plexus. Immunohistochemistry for substance P shows a rich innervation along the entire wall of the esophagus, more concentrated in its caudal region, around the blood vessels. Electron microscopy shows the enteric neuronal ultrastructure and its relationship with the esophagus wall.  相似文献   

Many lizards use femoral gland secretions in intraspecific communication. Although there is a consistent interspecific variation in chemical composition of secretions, considerable variation is also often found between populations, which may affect conspecifc recognition and lead to speciation processes. Balearic lizards (Podarcis lilfordi) are currently distributed only in several isolated islets offshore of the main islands with different environmental conditions (vegetation, diet, density of population, etc). Also, there is a high genetic variability between populations. We examined whether there was a similar variation in the composition of the femoral secretions of male lizards, and which could be the causes of such variation. By using GC–MS analyses, we found 75 lipophilic compounds in femoral gland secretions of male P. lilfordi from three representative island populations. Main compounds were steroids (94.4%), mainly cholesterol, but we also found alkanes, ketones, waxy esters, squalene, carboxylic acids and their ethyl esters, alcohols and other minor compounds. However, there were clear differences between populations with respect to the number and relative proportions of compounds. Using the patterns of presence and abundance of compounds in secretions it is possible to predict the population of origin of a lizard. We discuss how these differences could be explained considering genetic and environmental differences between populations.  相似文献   

Kidov  A. A. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1314-1318
Biology Bulletin - Data on the reproduction of the rock lizard (Darevskia saxicola (Eversmann 1834)) in the gorges of Bol’shaya Laba (Karachay-Cherkessia) and Malaya Laba (Krasnodar...  相似文献   

Organisms generally have many defenses against predation, yet may lack effective defenses if from populations without predators. Evolutionary theory predicts that “costly” antipredator behaviors will be selected against when predation risk diminishes. We examined antipredator behaviors in Aegean wall lizards, Podarcis erhardii, across an archipelago of land-bridge islands that vary in predator diversity and period of isolation. We examined two defenses, flight initiation distance and tail autotomy. Flight initiation distance generally decreased with declining predator diversity. All predator types had distinctive effects on flight initiation distance with mammals and birds having the largest estimated effects. Rates of autotomy observed in the field were highest on predator-free islands, yet laboratory-induced autotomy increased linearly with overall predator diversity. Against expectation from previous work, tail autotomy was not explained solely by the presence of vipers. Analyses of populations directly isolated from rich predator communities revealed that flight initiation distance decreased with increased duration of isolation in addition to the effects of current predator diversity, whereas tail autotomy could be explained simply by current predator diversity. Although selection against costly defenses should depend on time with reduced threats, different defenses may diminish along different trajectories even within the same predator–prey system.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure organization of the stomach enteric plexus was examined in the lizard Podarcis hispanica. The ganglions of the myenteric plexus present a low number of nerve cell bodies with a peculiar nucleus, which occasionally establish direct contacts with cells of the circular muscle layer. Glial cells are smaller than the neurones, and their nucleus is very electron-dense. They surround the axons that constitute the fibres of the myenteric plexus. Four main types of axon profile are described in a morphological consideration of the vesicle population. In the interstice of the circular muscle layer we describe two types of interstitial cells that, due to their ultrastructural characteristics, may be equivalent to the interstitial cells of Cajal which have been described in mammalians. These cells shows parallel distribution to the stomach nerve plexuses, establishing close contacts with them through their long cytoplasmic prolongations. By means of small gap-like unions, they contact both each other and the smooth muscle cells near them. We describe a submucous plexus, where neuronal bodies are scattered among bundles of nervous fibres, some of which are myelinated. A mucous plexus with isolated neurones is located in the lamina propria. Axonal varicosities containing vesicles contact with the cells of the mucous. Interconnected interstitial cells may also be found in this plexus.  相似文献   

It is well known that the current genetic pattern of many European species has been highly influenced by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. While there are many well known vertebrate examples, knowledge about squamate reptiles is sparse. To obtain more data, a range‐wide sampling of Lacerta viridis was conducted and phylogenetic relations within the L. viridis complex were analysed using an mtDNA fragment encompassing part of cytochrome b, the adjacent tRNA genes and the noncoding control region. Most genetic divergence was found in the south of the distribution range. The Carpathian Basin and the regions north of the Carpathians and Alps are inhabited by the same mitochondrial lineage, corresponding to Lacerta viridis viridis. Three distinct lineages occurred in the south‐eastern Balkans — corresponding to L. v. viridis, L. v. meridionalis, L. v. guentherpetersi— as well as a fourth lineage for which no subspecies name is available. This distribution pattern suggests a rapid range expansion of L. v. viridis after the Holocene warming, leading to a colonization of the northern part of the species range. An unexpected finding was that a highly distinct genetic lineage occurs along the western Balkan coast. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony) suggested that this west Balkan lineage could represent the sister taxon of Lacerta bilineata. Due to the morphological similarity of taxa within the L. viridis complex this cryptic taxon was previously assigned to L. v. viridis. The distribution pattern of several parapatric, in part highly, distinct genetic lineages suggested the existence of several refuges in close proximity on the southern Balkans. Within L. bilineata sensu stricto a generally similar pattern emerged, with a high genetic diversity on the Apennine peninsula, arguing for two distinct refuges there, and a low genetic diversity in the northern part of the range. Close to the south‐eastern Alps, three distinct lineages (L. b. bilineata, L. v. viridis, west Balkan taxon) occurred within close proximity. We suggest that the west Balkan lineage represents an early offshoot of L. bilineata that was isolated during a previous Pleistocene glacial from the more western L. bilineata populations, which survived in refuges on the Apennine peninsula.  相似文献   

Diet and helminth fauna were analysed in Gallotia caesaris, a small lacertid lizard endemic to El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) in order to study the evolutionary and functional relationships between the two traits. This species is omnivorous but consumed a high proportion (82.13%) of plant matter including not only seeds but also leaves and other vegetative parts. Helminth fauna included many helminth species typical of herbivorous reptiles. Both herbivory and helminth presence were higher than expected for a lizard of its size. Comparison with other lacertids suggests that both traits result from an adaptation to insular conditions but that some "evolutionary time" to develop them is needed. Canarian Gallotia lizards, a separate lineage evolving for a long time in insularity, constitutes the most advanced lacertid group in this way. Nevertheless, results for G. caesaris indicate that helminth fauna also changes seasonally tracking variation in diet (and herbivory) throughout the year, which suggests a dynamic interaction between diet and helminth parasites.  相似文献   

A survey of gastrointestinal helminth communities of Gallotia caesaris caesaris (Lehrs, 1914) and G. c. gomerae (Boettger and MUller, 1914), from the islands of El Hierro and La Gomera, respectively, in the Canary Archipelago, Spain, was conducted to determine the prevalence, intensity, and diversity of intestinal parasites of these lacertid lizards. Larval forms of cestodes, nematodes, and acanthocephalans were found in the body cavity of G. c. caesaris; this lizard is the intermediate or paratenic host in the life cycle of these helminths. Pharyngodonid nematodes were the most common intestinal helminths in both hosts, 4 of them being Gallotia spp. specialists. Helminth infracommunities of both hosts were depauperate and isolationist, according to the low values of helminth diversity.  相似文献   

采用常规骨髓细胞制片法,对采自甘肃省民勤县的荒漠麻蜥Eremias przewalskii染色体核型进行分析。荒漠麻蜥染色体核型为2n=38=36I+2m,具18对大型端部着丝粒型和1对微小染色体,属丽斑麻蜥型,与蜥蜴科和麻蜥属的染色体核型一致。系统整理已报道的麻蜥属核型资料,在此基础上探讨麻蜥属的染色体核型特征与演化。  相似文献   

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