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The influence of growth irradiance on the non-steady-state relationship between photosynthesis and tissue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools in Chaetomorpha linum (Muller) Kutzing in response to abrupt changes in external nitrogen (N) availability was determined in laboratory experiments. For a given thallus N content, algae acclimated to low irradiance consistently had a higher rate of light-saturated photosynthesis (Pmax normalized to dry weight) than algae acclimated to saturating irradiance; for both treatments, Pmax was correlated to thallus N. Both Pmax and the photosynthetic efficiency (αdw) were correlated in C. linum grown at either saturating or limiting irradiance over the range of experimental conditions, indicating that variations in electron transport were coupled to variations in C-fixation capacity despite the large range of tissue N content from 1.1% to 4.8%. Optimizing both α and Pmax and thereby acclimating to an intermediate light level may be a general characteristic of thin-structured opportunistic algae that confers a competitive advantage in estuarine environments in which both light and nutrient conditions are highly variable. Nitrogen-saturated algae had the same photosynthesis–irradiance relationship regardless of light level. When deprived of an external N supply, photosynthetic rates did not change in C. linum acclimated to low irradiance despite a two-fold decrease in tissue N content, suggesting that the active pools of chlorophyll and Rubisco remained constant. Both α and Pmax decreased immediately and continuously in algae acclimated to high irradiance on removal of the N supply even though tissue N content was relatively high during most of the N-starvation period, indicating a diversion of energy and reductant away from C fixation to support high growth rates. Carbon and nitrogen assimilation were equally balanced in algae in both light treatments throughout the N-saturation and -depletion phases, except when protein synthesis was limited by the depletion of internal N reserves in severely N-starved high-light algae and excess C accumulated as starch stores. This suggests that the ability for short-term adjustment of internal allocation to acquire N andC in almost constant proportions may be especially beneficial to macroalgae living in environments characterized by high variability in light levels and nutrient supply.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate nutrient limitation of algal abundance in Anderson-Cue Lake, a softwater clear oligotrophic lake in north-central Florida. Nutrient diffusing clay pots and cylindrical enclosures were used in the field to test effects of different combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and carbon on algal standing crop and composition of periphytic and planktonic algae, respectively. Effects of nutrient enrichment on periphytic algae were examined in two studies conducted 31 May – 8 July and 10 June – 15 July 1991. Nutrient effects on planktonic algae were examined in one study from 13 June – 1 July 1991. Planktonic and periphytic algal biovolume was significantly higher (p<0.05) when nitrogen and carbon were added in combination than with treatments without nitrogen, carbon, or nitrogen and carbon. Treatments with nitrogen and carbon combined resulted in lower algal diversity and dominance by coccoid green algae andScenedesmus. Results indicate that carbon and nitrogen can be limiting factors to algal growth in Anderson-Cue Lake and possibly other lakes of similar water quality.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with a factorial design have revealed the effects of several environmental factors on species performance and their interactions, which indicate synergistic or antagonistic effects. Temperature, nutrient availability, and irradiance are well‐known environmental factors that affect the growth and chemical composition of brown algae. However, relatively few studies have tested their combined effect on brown algal growth and chemical composition using a three‐way factorial design. We conducted a culture experiment to test the combined effects of elevated summer temperatures (23 and 26°C), irradiance (180 and 30 μmol photon m?2 s?1), and nutrient availability (enriched and non‐enriched seawater) on four relative growth rates (RGRs; based on wet weight, blade width, length, and area) and three chemical compositions (including carbon, nitrogen, and phlorotannin content) in juvenile sporophytes of the kelp Eisenia bicyclis. RGR based on blade width was the most sensitive to abiotic factors among all RGRs. A significant interaction between temperature and nutrient availability on this RGR suggested that the negative effect of elevated temperature was antagonized by a reduction in nutrient availability. Similarly, the positive effect of elevated irradiance on carbon content was synergized by reduced nutrient availability. Moreover, the negative effect of increased irradiance on nitrogen content was antagonized by elevated temperature in nutrient‐enriched treatments, but not in non‐enriched treatments. The content of carbon‐based phlorotannins increased with reduced nutrient availability but not with elevated irradiance. These results suggest that these abiotic factors have complex interactions on the growth and chemical composition of this species.  相似文献   

The annual variation of major nitrogen pools, phosphorus, carbon, ash, and thallus water content in relation to seasonal environmental changes was studied in two northern Spanish populations of the edible seaweed Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Kuntze. Observed patterns were investigated using Spearman rank order correlation coefficients. There were significant relationships between thallus nutrient content and nitrate and orthophosphate seawater concentration, irradiance, temperature, and wave force. The highest levels of total N and P and nitrogenous compounds were observed during autumn and winter because the thallus stored N‐ and P‐rich compounds in response to high nutrient seawater concentration when growth was limited by low light and temperature. Phycoerythrin and other proteins were the main N reserves. Thallus P content was higher in algae from the eutrophic site. During spring, reduced N and P thallus content and increased ash, water, and C content were observed in the growing fronds. N and P seawater concentrations were undetectable during summer when nutrient reserves were low and growth was reduced and eventually suppressed, suggesting nutrient limiting conditions. Palmaria palmata clearly could take advantage of elevated N and P concentrations to create storage reserves in winter to support early summer growth. This storage response reduced the dependence of algal nutrition on the external nutrient supply and supports the use of pulse fertilization to diminish summer nutrient limitation of cultured algae.  相似文献   

In order to test rigorously the transient behaviour of mathematical models of algal growth, detailed laboratory data sets with good temporal resolution are required. A series of algal growth experiments was conducted in transient conditions. Monoculture growth of, and competition for nutrients between, three contrasting species of phytoplankton (the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, the harmful flagellate Heterosigma carterae and the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum) were investigated in different temperature, light and nutrient regimes. Although growth dynamics were qualitatively similar in batch culture, quantitative differences were evident in the growth response of the different species when grown in single yield-limiting nutrient conditions in identical physical conditions. Quantities such as the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio and C and N per cell varied between species and within species under different growth conditions. Such results have particular significance to the development of mathematical models, which commonly represent algal populations as a single homogeneous group using a single currency such as numbers, C or N. Changes in light and temperature regime influenced algal growth: Alexandrium failed to grow at low temperatures, while specific growth rates of Thalassiosira were more sensitive to changes in temperature than those of Heterosigma. Changes in the dominant organism(s) and/or its size or nutrient status may influence the transfer of nutrients within the food web. Commonly, mathematical models make cell growth a function of a single yield-limiting nutrient. Decreased growth rates and high residual nutrient concentrations in competition experiments indicate that this approach is unlikely to be successful in conditions of limited supply of more than one nutrient, where multiple nutrient stresses will be significant.   相似文献   

We have used a model food chain composed of a natural bacterial assemblage, a pennate diatom and a bacterivorous microflagellate to investigate the factors controlling the relative importance of bacteria and protozoa as sources for regenerated nitrogen in plankton communities. In bacterized diatom cultures in which diatom growth was nitrogen-limited, the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the bacterial substrate greatly affected which population was responsible for the uptake of nitrogen. When nitrogen was added as NH 4 + and the cultures were supplemented with glucose, the bacteria competed successfully with the algae for NH 4 + and prevented the growth of algae by rapidly assimilating all NH 4 + in the cultures. Bacterivorous protozoa inoculated into these cultures grazed the bacterial population and remineralized NH 4 + , thus relieving the nitrogen limitation of algal growth and allowing an increase in algal biomass. In contrast, bacteria in cultures supplemented with the amino acid glycine (C:N = 2) were major remineralizers of nitrogen, and the influence of protozoan grazing was minimal. We conclude that the relative importance of bacteria and protozoa as nutrient regenerators in the detrital food loop is dependent largely on the overall carbon:nutrient ratio of the bacterial substrate. The role of bacterivorous protozoa as remineralizers of a growth-limiting nutrient is maximal in situations where the carbon:nutrient ratio of the bacterial substrate is high.  相似文献   

In highly eutrophic ponds, buoyancy of the gas-vacuolate blue-green alga Anabaenopsis Elenkinii (Miller) was regulated by complex interactions between chemical and physical parameters, as well as by biological interactions between various trophic levels. Algal buoyancy and surface bloom formation were enhanced markedly by decreased light intensity, and to a lesser extent by decreased CO2 availability and increased availability of inorganic nitrogen. In the absence of dense populations of large-bodied Cladocera, early season blooms of diatoms and green algae reduced light availability in the ponds thus creating conditions favorable for increased buoyancy and bloom formation by A. Elenkinii. The appearance of blue-green algal blooms could be prevented by a reduced density of planktivorous fish, which allowed development of dense cladoceran populations. The cladocerans limited the growth of precursory blooms of diatoms and green algae, and given the resulting clear-water conditions, buoyancy of A. Elenkinii was reduced, and blue-green algal blooms never appeared.  相似文献   

We investigated how the relative availability of solar radiation in the presence or absence of grazing alters the ability of benthic algae to respond to nutrient enrichment in an Alaskan marsh. We used a factorial mesocosm experiment that included nutrient enrichment (enriched or control), grazing (grazed or ungrazed), and light (unshaded or shaded) to simulate shading by macrophytes early and late in the growing season, respectively. We found stronger effects of grazers and nutrients compared to light on benthic algal biomass and taxonomic composition. Algal biomass increased in nutrient‐enriched treatments and was reduced by grazing. Shading did not have an effect on algal biomass or taxonomic composition, but the concentration of chl a per algal biovolume increased with shading, demonstrating the ability of algae to compensate for changes in light availability. Algal taxonomic composition was more affected by grazer presence than nutrients or light. Grazer‐resistant taxa (basal filaments of Stigeoclonium) were replaced by diatoms (Nitzschia) and filamentous green algae (Ulothrix) when herbivores were removed. The interacting and opposing influences of nutrients and grazing indicate that the algal community is under dual control from the bottom‐up (nutrient limitation) and from the top‐down (consumption by herbivores), although grazers had a stronger influence on algal biomass and taxonomic composition than nutrient enrichment. Our results suggest that low light availability will not inhibit the algal response to elevated nutrient concentrations expected with ongoing climate change, but grazers rapidly consume algae following enrichment, masking the effects of elevated nutrients on algal production.  相似文献   

1. Herbivorous zooplankton face considerable temporal and spatial variation in food quality, to which they respond by adapting their life histories. Zooplankton may even take up mineral nutrients directly, and use these to counter the effects of algal nutrient limitation (mineral compensation). This study examined the life history of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus fed phosphorus‐, and nitrogen‐limited Scenedesmus obliquus (Chlorophyta), and investigated whether B. calyciflorus was capable of mineral compensation. 2. Both phosphorus‐ and nitrogen‐limited algae gave similar life history responses: somatic growth and reproduction were reduced, whereas lifespan remained unaffected. 3. No evidence was found for mineral compensation in B. calyciflorus in relation to detrimental life history effects, so mineral compensation does not seem to be relevant for this species under field conditions. 4. The similarity in life history responses of B. calyciflorus and the low levels of ω‐3 PUFAs in both phosphorus‐ and nitrogen‐depleted algae suggest that ω‐3 PUFAs were limiting to B. calyciflorus, although other (bio)chemicals or mineral nutrients may also have been important. 5. No trade‐off was observed between life span and reproduction during algal nutrient limitation. Reduced population growth rates of B. calyciflorus were caused by shorter reproductive periods.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were measured from cells of Microcystis aeruginosa and Protoceratium reticulatum, whose growth rates were manipulated by the availability of nutrients or light. As expected, the macromolecular composition changed in response to the treatments. These changes were species‐specific and depended on the type of perturbation applied to the growth regime. Microcystis aeruginosa showed an increase in the carbohydrate‐to‐protein ratio with decreased growth rates, under nutrient limitation, whereas light limitation induced a decrease of the carbohydrate‐to‐protein ratio with decreasing proliferation rates. The macromolecular pools of P. reticulatum showed a higher degree of compositional homeostasis. Only when the lowest light irradiance and nutrient availability were supplied, an increase of the carbohydrate‐to‐protein FTIR absorbance ratio was observed. A species‐specific partial least squares (PLS) model was developed using the whole FTIR spectra. This model afforded a very high correlation between the predicted and the measured growth rates, regardless of the growth conditions. On the contrary, the prediction based on absorption band ratios generally used in FTIR studies would strongly depend on growth conditions. This new computational method could constitute a substantial improvement in the early warning systems of algal blooms and, in general, for the study of algal growth, e.g. in biotechnology. Furthermore, these results confirm the suitability of FTIR spectroscopy as a tool to map complex biological processes like growth under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Depending on the chemical and physical environment, algae and heterotrophic bacteria in stream periphyton communities likely engage in both positive and negative interactions. We tested the hypothesis that bacteria are more closely associated with algae when allochthonous sources of labile DOC are low and algae are not light limited. Secondly, we tested the hypothesis that, under extremely oligotrophic conditions, bacteria will out-compete algae for inorganic nutrients if their carbon requirements are met by allochthonous sources. Experiments were carried out using in situ light manipulations and nutrient diffusing substrates (releasing inorganic nutrients and /or glucose) in Harts Run, an oligotrophic stream located in north central Kentucky. Although we found that both algal and bacterial biomass were higher under ambient light, bacteria did not respond to glucose in the dark. This may indicate that bacteria were associated with algae not as a carbon source, but as a substrate for colonization. In the nutrient × glucose manipulation, we found that bacteria were co-limited by inorganic nutrients. There was no evidence of algae being negatively affected by competition with bacteria for nitrogen and phosphorus. Although low temperatures might have played a role in preventing inorganic nutrient competition between these two groups of organisms, the results of both experiments may indicate that the quantitative link between periphytic bacteria and algae is stronger under oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Studies were performed of the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) composition (δ13C and δ15N) of the corals Porites cylindrica and P. lutea (5 years after damaging the colonies by the bleaching events) and of epilithic algae settled onto damaged areas of coral colonies. Coral polyps and three epilithic algal communities (‘red algal turf, green algal turf and red calcified crusts’) were sampled along the boundary between communities of coral polyps and algal colonizers from differently illuminated habitats from 2 to 90% of incident surface photosynthetically active radiation (PAR0). It was found that communities with a predominance of red algae significantly differed from communities with a predominance of green algae in δ13C but not in δ15N values. An influence of habitat irradiance was found only for communities of coral polyps for δ13C and δ15N values: under bright light (70–90% PAR0) polyp tissues of both coral species were significantly enriched in heavy carbon isotopes and insignificantly in nitrogen isotopes (δ13C values difference ~4‰) relative to tissues of corals under lower light 15–50% PAR0. On the basis of these results we assumed that differences in light intensities in the habitat ranging from 15 to 90% PAR0 do not influence on accessibility of the main carbon and nitrogen sources for corals and algae, and exchange by these elements between organisms. We also assumed that the relative enrichment in the heavy carbon isotopes of coral tissues in high light is a result of decreased isotope fractionation (or the absence of fractionation in photosynthesis of their zooxanthellae).  相似文献   

Herbivory and nutrient enrichment are major drivers of the dynamics of algal communities. However, their effects on algal abundance are under the influence of seasons. This study investigated the effects of herbivory and nutrient enrichment on early algal succession patterns using cages (uncaged and fully caged treatments) and two nutrient levels (ambient and enriched concentrations). To determine seasonal influences, experiment plots on dead coral patches were cleared during both dry and rainy season. Of the 17 algal species recruited in the experiment plots, three were dominant: Ulva paradoxa C. Agardh, Padina in the Vaughaniella stage, and Polysiphonia sphaerocarpa Børgesen. In this succession process, U. paradoxa was the earliest colonizer and occupied the cleared plots within the first month after clearing with the highest percentage of 83.33 ± 1.67% to 88.33 ± 9.28%. Then, it was replaced by the late successional algae, Padina in the Vaughaniella stage, and P. sphaerocarpa. The effects of herbivory and nutrient enrichment on algal abundance varied across algal functional groups and seasons. During the dry season, neither herbivory nor nutrient enrichment affected Ulva cover but during the rainy season, Ulva cover was influenced by nutrient enrichment. However, the abundance of algae in this early stage was not apparently affected by either herbivory or nutrient enrichment. Our results indicated that the timing of disturbance strongly influenced the algal abundance and successional patterns in this tropical intertidal community.  相似文献   

The toxicity of crude oil in relation to nutrient limitation was studied in Skeletonema costatum cultures. The addition of 100 mg/l of crude oil, although slightly toxic for the algae grown in complete media, was eventually lethal for the algae growing in phosphorus and nitrogen limited media, indicating the importance of those two nutrients for the algal resistance to oil pollution problems. Less severe effects of crude oil were observed in the silicon limited media, suggesting that the adsorptive properties of silica play an important role in the uptake and intracellular distribution of hydrocarbons. Chl a and carbon uptake were found to be more sensitive parameters for assessing hydrocarbon toxicity than cell counting.  相似文献   

Net growth of ice algae in response to changes in overlying snow cover was studied after manipulating snow thickness on land-fast, Arctic sea ice. Parallel laboratory experiments measured the effect of changing irradiance on growth rate of the ice diatom, Nitzschia frigida. After complete removal of thick snow (≥9 cm), in situ ice algae biomass declined (over 7–12 days), while removal of thin snow layers (4–5 cm), or partial snow removal, increased net algal growth. Ice bottom ablation sometimes followed snow removal, but did not always result in net loss of algae. Similarly, in laboratory experiments, small increases in irradiance increased algal growth rate, while greater light shifts suppressed growth for 3–6 days. However, N. frigida could acclimate to relatively high irradiance (110 μmol photons m2 s−1). The results suggest that algal loss following removal of a thick snow layer was due to the combination of photoinhibition and bottom ablation. The smaller relative increase in irradiance after removal of thin or partial snow layers allowed algae to maintain high specific-growth rates that compensated for loss from physical mechanisms. Thus, the response of ice algae to snow loss depends both on the amount of change in snow depth and algal photophysiology. The complex response of ice algae growth and export loss to frequently changing snow fields may contribute to horizontal and temporal patchiness of ecologically and biogeochemically important variables in sea ice and should be considered in predictions of how climate change will affect Arctic marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Continuous cultures of Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmerman, limited by phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, or carbon, were compared to non limited batch cultures by two methods. The cellular content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll and phycocyanin) was found to decrease in all nutrient limited cultures, except for the carbon limited culture. The ratio of carbohydrate to protein was 4- to 7-fold higher in P, N or S limited cultures than in non-limited or C limited cultures. The macromolecular products of photosynthesis were determined in samples to which NaH14CO3 was added. Relative incorporation into protein decreased in P or N limited cultures, increased accumulation of low molecular weight compounds was found in S and P limited cultures, and little change was noted in C limited cultures as compared to non-limited cultures. Although relative incorporation into protein was significantly greater at 20μEin·m?2·s?1 light intensity than at 180 μEin·m?2.s?1 in non-limited cultures, this effect was abolished in all nutrient limited cultures. These results suggest that measurement of the cellular carbohydrate to protein ratio and the products of photosynthesis would be useful in the analysis of algal population dynamics in nature.  相似文献   

A. D. Rosemond 《Oecologia》1993,94(4):585-594
Using stream-side, flow-through channels, I tested for the effects of nutrients (NU) (nitrogen plus phosphorus), irradiance (L), and snail grazing (G) on a benthic algal community in a small, forested stream. Grazed communities were-dominated by a chlorophyte (basal cells ofStigeoclonium) and a cyanophyte (Chamaesiphon investiens), whereas ungrazed communities were comprised almost entirely of diatoms, regardless of nutrient and light levels. Snails maintained low algal biomass in all grazed treatments, presumably by consuming increased algal production in treatments to which L and NU were increased. When nutrients were increased, cellular nutrient content increased under ambient conditions (shaded, grazed) and biomass and productivity increased when snails were removed and light was increased. Together, nutrients and light had positive effects and grazing had negative effects on biomass (chlorophylla, AFDM, algal biovolume) and chlorophyll-and areal-specific productivity in ANOVAs. However, in most cases, only means from treatments in which all three factors were manipulated (ungrazed, +NU&L treatments) were significantly different from controls; effects of single factors were generally undetectable. These results indicate that all three factors simultaneously limited algal biomass and productivity in this stream during the summer months. Additionally, the effects of these factors in combination were in some cases different from the effects of single factors. For example, light had slight negative effects on some biomass parameters when added at ambient snail densities and nutrient concentrations, but had strong positive effects in conjunction with nutrient addition and snail removal. This study demonstrates that algal biomass and productivity can be under multiple constraints by irradiance, nutrients, and herbivores and indicates the need to employ multifactor experiments to test for such interactive effects.  相似文献   

Light has been identified as one of the main factors affecting seaweed ecophysiology. We investigated the dependence of nutrient metabolism on sun and shade light conditions and whether episodes of upwelling of nutrient‐rich subsuperficial water could reduce the summer nutrient limitation driving physiological changes in Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze. We measured the major nutrient pools, photosynthetic pigments, and light curves, under sun and shade conditions during a summer period when one upwelling was recorded. The redundancy analysis (RDA) produced two clear groups: sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae. Light was the major predictive factor. Sun‐acclimated algae exhibited higher carbon (C) and lower nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content in association with the storage of floridoside (main C reserve) to benefit from higher irradiance (under nutrient limitation). Among N pools, N reserves (phycoerythrin, nitrate) were a lower proportion of the total N in sun‐acclimated algae, suggesting their degradation to fulfill the N demands of the cell. The orthophosphate content was also lower in sun‐acclimated algae, indicating its utilization as a nutrient reserve. In contrast, N within cell walls and membranes and chl a contributed to a similar proportion of the total N in sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae, suggesting a response to sustain cell integrity. Transient high nutrient concentration due to the upwelling was unrelated to the nutrient content of the thallus. The storage of C as floridoside from high light exposure was shown to be the driving force for the metabolic adjustment of P. palmata at the end of summer before the onset of dormancy.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in lake ecosystems varies over four orders of magnitude and is affected by local and global environmental perturbations associated with both natural and anthropogenic processes. Little is known, however, about how changes in pCO2 extend into the function and structure of food webs in freshwater ecosystems. To fill this gap, we performed laboratory experiments using the ecologically important planktonic herbivore Daphnia and its algal prey under a natural range of pCO2 with low light and phosphorus supplies. The experiment showed that increased pCO2 stimulated algal growth but reduced algal P : C ratio. When feeding on algae grown under high pCO2, herbivore growth decreased regardless of algal abundance. Thus, high CO2‐raised algae were poor food for Daphnia. Short‐term experimental supplementation of PO4 raised the P content of the high CO2‐raised algae and improved Daphnia growth, indicating that low Daphnia growth rates under high pCO2 conditions were due to lowered P content in the algal food. These results suggest that, in freshwater ecosystems with low nutrient supplies, natural processes as well as anthropogenic perturbations resulting in increased pCO2 enhance algal production but reduce energy and mass transfer efficiency to herbivores by decreasing algal nutritional quality.  相似文献   

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