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The effects of aging, temperature, and growth medium on germination in culture-produced resting cysts of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich are examined. Cysts undergo a mandatory period of dormancy lasting approximately 25 days, during which germination does not occur. The duration of this period is not affected by temperature. Once the dormancy period is completed, germination is regulated by external factors. Cysts germinate optimally in nutrient replete medium at temperatures greater than approximately 14°C. At lower temperatures or in nutrient-depleted media germination rate is dramatically slowed, although the final germination frequency appears unchanged. The large Q10 of this temperature effect (ca. 11) suggests that the reduction in germination rate at lower temperatures is not merely the reflection of generally reduced metabolic rates, but rather the result of a temperature response specific to germination. At the highest temperatures tested (22-25°C), germination rate remains maximal although vegetative growth is greatly reduced. A shift in temperature or nutrient conditions, per se, is not necessary for germination. The relatively short dormancy period combined with the absence of a requirement for a dramatic shift in environmental conditions could facilitate rapid cycling between resting and vegetative stages in natural S. trochoidea populations. At the same time, the dramatic reduction in germination rate at low temperatures would permit cysts of this species to serve as overwintering cells as well.  相似文献   

The effects of aging, temperature, and growth medium on germination in culture-produced resting cysts of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich ore examined. Cysts undergo a mandatory period of dormancy lasting approximately 25 days, during which germination does not occur. The duration of this period is not affected by temperature. Once the dormancy period is completed, germination is regulated by external factors. Cysts germinate optimally in nutrient replete medium at temperatures greater than approximately 14° C. At lower temperatures or in nutrient-depleted media germination rate is dramatically slowed, although the final germination frequency appears unchanged. The large Q10 of this temperature effect (ca. 11) suggests that the reduction in germination rate at lower temperatures is not merely the reflection of generally reduced metabolic rates, but rather the result of a temperature response specific to germination. At the highest temperatures tested (22–25° C), germination rate remains maximal although vegetative growth is greatly reduced. A shift in temperature or nutrient conditions, per se, is not necessary for germination. The relatively short dormancy period combined with the absence of a requirement for a dramatic shift in environmental conditions could facilitate rapid cycling between resting and vegetative stages in natural S. trochoidea populations. At the same time, the dramatic reduction in germination rate at low temperatures would permit cysts of this species to serve as overwintering cells as well.  相似文献   

Scrippsiella hangoei (Schiller) Larsen is a peridinoid dinoflagellate that grows during winter and spring in the Baltic Sea. In culture this species formed round, smooth cysts when strains were mixed, indicating heterothallic sexuality and hypnozygote production. However, cysts of the same morphology were also formed in clonal strains exposed to slightly elevated temperature. To better understand the role of cysts in the life cycle of S. hangoei, cyst formation and dormancy were examined in culture experiments and the cellular DNA content of flagellate cells and cysts was compared in clonal and mixed strains using flow cytometry. S. hangoei exhibited a high rate of cyst formation in culture. Cysts produced in both clonal and mixed strain cultures were thick‐walled and underwent a dormancy period of 4 months before germinating. The S. hangoei flagellate cell population DNA distributions consisted of 1C, intermediate, and 2C DNA, indicative of respective eukaryotic cell cycle phases G1, S, and G2M. The majority (>95%) of cysts had a measured DNA content equivalent to the lower 1C DNA value, indicating a haploid nuclear phase and an asexual mode of cyst formation. A small percentage (<5%) of cysts produced in the mixed strain culture had 2C DNA, and thus could have been diploid zygotes. These findings represent the first measurements of dinoflagellate resting cyst DNA content, and provide the first quantitative evidence for dinoflagellate asexual resting cysts. Asexual resting cysts may be a more common feature of dinoflagellate life cycles than previously thought.  相似文献   

The cellular content of carbon, nitrogen, amino acids, polysaccharides, phosphorus and adenosine trtphosphate (ATP) was determined at several stages during the life cycle of the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich. Carbon per cell decreased slightly between exponential and stationary phase growth in vegetative cells whereas nitrogen per cell did not change. Both of these cellular components increased markedly on encystment and then decreased to vegetative cell levels during dormancy and germination. C/N ratios increased gradually during cyst dormancy and activation, reflecting a more rapid decrease in N than in C pools, even though both decreased through time. Amino acid composition was relatively constant during the vegetative cell stages; glutamic acid was the dominant component. Arginine was notably higher in cysts than in vegetative cells but decreased significantly during germination, suggesting a role in nitrogen storage. The ratio of neutral ammo acids to total ammo acids (NAA/TAA) decreased as cysts were formed and then gradually increased during storage and germination. The ratio of basic ammo acids to total ammo acids (BAA/TAA) changed in the opposite direction of NAA/TAA, whereas the ratio of acidic acids to total amino adds (AAA/TAA) was generally invariant. Ammo acid pools were not static during the resting slate in the cysts: there was degradation or biosynthesis of certain, but not all, classes of these compounds. The monosacchande composition of cold and hot water extracted polysaccharides was quite different between cells and cysts. A high percentage of glucose in cysts suggests that the storage carbohydrate is probably in the form of glucan. Total cellular phosphorus was higher in all cyst stages than in vegetative cells. However, ATP-cell?1 decreased as vegetative cells entered stationary phase and encysted, and continued to decrease in cysts during dark cold storage. ATP increased only as the cysts were activated at warm temperatures in the light and began to germinate. The above data demonstrate that dormancy and quiescence are not periods of inactive metabolism but instead are times when numerous biochemical transformations are occurring that permit prolonged survival in a resting state.  相似文献   

Resting cysts of the marine phytoplanktonic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella spp. are encountered in coastal habitats and shallow seas all over the world. Identification of Scrippsiella species requires information on cyst morphology because the plate pattern of the flagellated cell is conserved. Cysts from sediments of the East China Sea were identified based on traits from both the cysts and the thecal patterns of germinated cells. Calcareous cysts belonged predominantly to S. trochoidea (F. Stein) A. R. Loebl., S. rotunda J. Lewis, and S. precaria Montresor et Zingone. The former two species also produced smooth and noncalcified cysts in the field. A new species, S. donghaienis H. Gu sp. nov, was obtained from six noncalcified cysts with organic spines. These cysts are spherical, full of pale white and greenish granules with a mesoepicystal archeopyle. The vegetative cells consist of a conical epitheca and a round hypotheca with a plate formula of po, x, 4′, 3a, 7′′, 6c (5c + t), 6 s, 5′′′, 2′′′′ and are morphologically indistinguishable from S. trochoidea. Results of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence comparisons revealed that S. donghaienis was distinct from the S. trochoidea complex and appeared nested within the Calciodinellum/Calcigonellum clade. Culture experiments showed that the presence of a red body in the cyst and the shape of the archeopyle were constant within cell lines from one generation to the next, while the morphological features of the cyst wall, such as calcification and spine shape, appeared to be phenotypically plastic.  相似文献   

Cysts of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech 1992 from the lower St. Lawrence estuary were used in a test of the following hypotheses: (1) cyst germination is triggered by a change in temperature, and (2) germination rate varies throughout the year and is controlled by a circannual internal biological clock. Results show that cyst germination was not affected significantly by temperature of incubation over the range 1°–16° C, and light showed no significant stimulation of germination. This is supported by the lack of effect of cyst incubation conditions during evaluation of the seasonal changes in germination rate (two temperatures: 4° and 15° C, and two light conditions: darkness and 150 μmol photons·m?2·s?1). Thus, direct environmental control through short-term increases in temperature and exposure to light has no effect on the germination of the cysts tested. The rate of germination, observed monthly over a 16-month period, showed low germination (<20%) over most of the period tested, except for a maximum reaching more than 50% germination in August to October of the second year of the experiment. This pattern was observed for cysts both from monthly field collections and from laboratory-stored cysts kept under constant environmental conditions (4° C, in the dark). The peak in germination observed under constant environmental conditions (in the laboratory), the almost coincidental increase in cyst germination observed for the field-collected cysts, and the absence of effects of temperature and light during incubation could be explained either by a temperature-controlled cyst maturation period (the time-temperature hypothesis of Huber and Nipkow 1923) or by the presence of an internal biological clock. However, the large decline in the rate of germination 2 months after the maximum provides strong support for the biological clock hypothesis. The ca. 12-month maturation (dormancy) period observed for the laboratory-stored cysts is the longest reported for this species to our knowledge; this might be related to the low storage temperature (4° C), which is close to bottom temperatures generally encountered in this environment (0° to 6° C). Similar field and laboratory storage temperatures could explain the coincidental increase in germination rate in the fall of the second year if cyst maturation is controlled by temperature. A fraction of the laboratory-stored cysts did not follow a rhythmic pattern: A rather constant germination rate of about 20% was observed throughout the year. This continuous germination of likely mature cysts may supplement the local blooms of this toxic dinoflagellate, as these often occur earlier than peak germination observed in late summer. It seems that two cyst germination strategies are present in the St. Lawrence: continuous germination after cyst maturation, with temperature controlling the length of the maturation period, and germination controlled by a circannual internal rhythm.  相似文献   

The thecal surface morphology of Scrippsiella subsalsa (Ostenfeld) Steidinger et Balech was examined using the scanning electron microscope. This species is distinguished by a number of morphological characteristics. Apical plate 1′ is wide, asymmetric, and pentagonal, and it ends at the anterior margin of the cingulum. Intercalary plates 2a and 3a are separated by apical plate 3′. The apical pore complex includes a large Po plate with a raised dome at the center and a deep canal plate with thickened margins at plates 2′, 3′, and 4′. The intercalary bands are wide and deeply striated. The cingulum is deep, formed by six cingular plates; its surface is transversely striated and aligned with a row of minute pores. The cingular list continues around postcingular plate 1′” to form a sulcal list. The sulcal list is a flexible ribbon with a rounded tip that protrudes posteriorly, partially covering the sulcal plates. The hypotheca is lobed, and the antapical plates are irregularly shaped and wide in antapical view. The thecal surface is vermiculate to reticulate. A comparison in morphology and ecology is presented between S. subsalsa and other known Scrippsiella species.  相似文献   

The possible role of cortical microtubules in dinoflagellates was studied using high‐pressure treatments applied to nonmotile cells (just after ecdysis) of Scrippsiella hexapraecingula T. Horig. et Chihara. Whereas considerable disorganization of cortical microtubules was observed when cells were exposed to high‐pressure treatments of 98 MPa or more for 5–15 min, they were mostly intact in cells exposed to a pressure of <98 MPa for 5 min. After nonmotile cells were exposed to high‐pressure treatments sufficient to disorganize the cortical microtubules, they produced new motile cells with thecal plate patterns that differed considerably from the pattern known for this species. Increasing the intensity of high pressure applied to nonmotile cells resulted in an increase in the number of cells that exhibited disorganized cortical microtubules as well as a change in their thecal plate pattern, suggesting that high pressure disorganizes cortical microtubules leading to a change in the thecal plate pattern.  相似文献   

Primuline staining is widely used to visualize and enumerate dinoflagellate cysts in marine sediments. In staining cysts of Gymnodinium catenatum H. W. Graham, Scrippsiella trochoidea (F. Stein) A. R. Loebl., and cysts from estuarine sediments, we found their green fluorescence after primuline treatment to be seemingly no different from the green autofluorescence (GAF) inherent in vegetative cells and cysts of dinoflagellates fixed in formaldehyde. Although primuline subsequently proved to enhance green fluorescence of both species quantitatively, we nonetheless recommend taking advantage of dinoflagellates' GAF to detect and count their cysts in sediments. Doing so will reduce the time, chemical consumption, and possible loss of cells involved in the primuline‐staining procedure.  相似文献   

The paratabulate calcareous cyst of Calciodinellum operosum Deflandre was recorded in a sediment trap sample collected in the Bay of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). The germination of this resting stage produced a phototrophic vegetative cell that had the typical plate pattern of a Scrippsiella species. The cyst morphotypes, observed in a clonal culture of this species, ranged from cysts with well-developed paratabulation to cysts in which the paratabulation was barely visible, to cysts covered by irregularly shaped crystals. The analysis of thin sections of the calcareous cysts using the polarized light microscope equipped with crossed nicols and a gypsum plate showed that the optical orientation of the calcite crystals was tangential in all the morphotypes examined. We suggest that the crystallographic method we describe might provide insights for calcareous cyst taxonomy and phylogeny .  相似文献   

海洋卡盾藻与中肋骨条藻和锥状斯氏藻种间竞争研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同起始细胞密度与硅酸盐浓度对海洋卡盾藻(Cm)与中肋骨条藻(Sc)及锥状斯氏藻(St)之间种间竞争的影响,利用竞争抑制参数对相互间的竞争关系进行了分析,并引入体积竞争抑制系数的概念。结果表明:海洋卡盾藻的环境容量不受起始细胞密度(100—3600cells/mL)的影响,但随着起始接种密度的增加,达到最大细胞密度和进入稳定生长期的时间均提前。在硅缺乏的条件下,中肋骨条藻仍能保持一定生长,并能在与海洋卡盾藻之间的种间竞争中保持数量优势,但硅酸盐浓度的增加有利于其种间竞争。初始细胞密度和接种比例对3种赤潮藻类之间的种间竞争影响明显,总体来说海洋卡盾藻在竞争中处于劣势。当海洋卡盾藻细胞密度远远高于中肋骨条藻时(Cm:Sc=6:1),海洋卡盾藻才能在与中肋骨条藻的竞争中取胜;而在与海洋卡盾藻共培养条件下,锥状斯氏藻具有一定竞争优势,其对海洋卡盾藻的体积抑制系数(α’)是后者(β’)的27—100倍。但在所有处理中均没有绝对优胜者,竞争结果都会出现不稳定的平衡状态。    相似文献   

广东大亚湾甲藻孢囊及其与锥状斯氏藻赤潮的关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
1999年12月至2001年1月,在大亚湾澳头海域用沉积物捕捉器(Sediment trap)及TFO重力采泥器对甲藻孢囊进行每月一次的周年监测,并同时研究了浮游植物的季节变化.结果显示,晚秋孢囊形成率最高(3.48105 cysts/m2d),冬季形成率较低,年平均为1.28105 cysts/m2d.锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)是大亚湾沉积物孢囊中的绝对优势种,除个别季节外,其形成率一般占孢囊总形成率的50%以上.2000年8月至9月,该海域发生了一次较大规模的锥状斯氏藻赤潮,最高细胞密度达4.0104 cells/mL.赤潮中后期,锥状斯氏藻孢囊包括暂时性孢囊和休眠孢囊大量形成,孢囊的形成减少了水体中营养细胞数量,是赤潮消退原因之一.    相似文献   

A new dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella arenicola Horiguchi et Pienaar sp. nov., is described from tidal pools with sandy substrates along the east coast of South Africa. S. arenicola exhibits a vertical migratory rhythm which is in synchrony with the tidal cycle. It is a medium-sized armoured dinoflagellate with many rod-shaped chloroplasts. Thecal plate arrangement is pp, x, 4′, 3a, 7′, 6c, 5′, 2″ and 4s. The 2a and 3a plates are separated from each other. S. arenicola has several unique ultrastructural features. Electron-dense fibres are found on the protruded part of the thecal plates, such as on the ornamental projections or extremities of the lists. In addition to the 9 + 2 axoneme, additional fibres are found in the free moving part of the longitudinal flagellum. The portion of the transverse flagellum covered by the left sulcal list possesses a dense array of mastigonemes which connect the flagellum and the cell. The flagellar pore platelets differ from ordinary thecal plates in their thickness and fibrous nature. The ultrastructure of the apical stalk and its associated structures is described. The vertical migration and mode of cell division is also described.  相似文献   

While investigating dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments of the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno (Mediterranean Sea), we found a new calcareous resting cyst. This cyst has a round to oval body surrounded by a thick mineral layer, which gives it the shape of a Napoleon hat, with a flat, oval face bearing the archeopyle and a convex keel on the opposite side. The cyst shape is variable in both natural samples and clonal cultures. The organic membrane underlying the calcareous covering is resistant to acetolysis, thus demonstrating the presence of sporopolleninlike material. The cyst germinated into a motile stage having the same morphological features and thecal plate pattern as Peridinium tyrrhenicum Balech. We believe the validity of the genus Pentapharsodinium Indelicato & Loeblich should be accepted. Based on the comparative examination of the species we collected and of a similar species, Pentapharsodinium trachodium Indelicato & Loeblich, we propose Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum as a new combination for Peridinium tyrrhenicum. The genus Pentapharsodinium also includes P. dalei Indelicato & Loeblich (= Peridinium faeroense Dale), which produces spiny, organic-walled cysts. The presence of species forming calcareous cysts and species producing noncalcareous cysts in the same genus raises questions about maintaining the family Calciodinellaceae. This family should only include calcareous cyst-forming peridinioids, in order to maintain a unified system of classification of fossil and recent dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

High‐biomass blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense occur most summers in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, posing a recurring threat to ecosystem health. Like many dinoflagellates, P. bahamense forms immobile resting cysts that can be deposited on the seafloor—creating a seed bank that can retain the organism within the ecosystem and initiate future blooms when cysts germinate. In this study, we examined changes in the dormancy status of cysts collected from Tampa Bay and applied lessons from plant ecology to explore dormancy controls. Pyrodinium bahamense cysts incubated immediately after field collection displayed a seasonal pattern in dormancy and germination that matched the pattern of cell abundance in the water column. Newly deposited (surface) cysts and older (buried) cysts exhibited similar germination patterns, suggesting that a common mechanism regulates dormancy expression in new and mature cysts. Extended cool‐ and warm‐temperature conditioning of field‐collected cysts altered the cycle of dormancy compared with that of cysts in nature, with the duration of cool temperature exposure being the best predictor of when cysts emerged from dormancy. Extended warm conditioning, on the other hand, elicited a return to dormancy, or secondary dormancy, in nondormant cysts. These results directly demonstrate environmental induction of secondary dormancy in dinoflagellates—a mechanism common and thoroughly documented in higher plants with seasonal growth cycles. Our findings support the hypothesis that a seasonal cycle in cyst germination drives P. bahamense bloom periodicity in Tampa Bay and point to environmentally induced secondary dormancy as an important regulatory factor of that cycle.  相似文献   

Cyst formation in Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Bergh was studied by light and electron microscopy, using material from several lakes and reservoirs and also laboratory cultures. Cells preparing to encyst build up large quantities of starch and lipid and at the same time reduce their other cell components. The cyst is released from the theca as a naked cell bounded by a double membrane. The most commonly found cyst deposits a layer of electron-dense granules containing silicon on the outer membrane and lays down a cellulose-like material between the two membranes. Cysts without the electron-dense granules are commonly formed in cultures but rarely found in lakes. These cysts appear less resistant to decay and do not show the reorganization of cell contents for dormancy. It is suggested that C. hirundinella has both a resting cyst, forming part of the life cycle, and a temporary cyst stage.  相似文献   

The activities of the enzymes α‐ and β‐glucosidase, and leucine aminopeptidase were measured in cultures of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pavill.) J. Schiller and in field samples collected during dinoflagellate blooms occurring in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. Activities were measured using fluorogenic artificial substrates and partitioned among the >5 μm size fraction, small microbes fraction (0.1–5 μm), and dissolved phase (<0.1 μm). P. minimum and most other photosynthetic dinoflagellates are >5 μm in size and thus can be separated from the small microbes fraction, which contains most bacteria. Little to no glucosidase activity was detected associated with the >5 μm size fraction in cultures or in field samples, with most of the activity (67% to 93% in cultures, 54% to 100% in field samples) in the small microbes size fraction for both α and β glucosidase. In contrast, 67% to 90% of the total leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity in cultures was measured in the >5 μm fraction. Within a culture, LAP activity in the size fraction containing P. minimum decreased in response to ammonium and urea additions, but not in response to nitrate. In field samples, LAP activity was positively correlated with dinoflagellate abundance and chl a, and negatively correlated with ammonium concentration. During blooms, up to 34% of LAP activity was associated with the >5 μm fraction, indicating that when abundant, dinoflagellates may make a substantial contribution to ectocellular LAP activity in the water column.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction was induced in the dinoflagellate Peridinium willei Huitfeld-Kass when exponentially growing cells were inoculated into nitrogen deficient medium. Small, naked vegetative cells produced by division of thecate cells acted as gametes. The zygote remained motile 13–14 days, during which time it enlarged and the theca formed became warty. Fourteen to 15 days following plasmogamy the zygote was nonmotile with the protoplast contracted. A large red oil droplet appeared and the wall thickened, becoming chitinized. Hypnozygotes with 4 nuclei were observed 7–8 wk following formation. Meiosis was inferred. The hypnozygote germinated, within 8 wk producing one post-zygotic cell retaining the red oil droplet. This cell divided within 24 h into 2 daughter cells each with a prominent red oil droplet. These daughter cells divided after 2 to 3 days into ordinary vegetative cells. Attempts to induce sexual reproduction by inoculation of cells into media deficient in a number of basic elements were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction was induced in the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense Nygaard when exponentially growing cells were inoculated into nitrogen deficient medium. Small thecate cells produced by division of vegetative cells then acted as gametes. Thecae of fusing gametes broke in the girdle region and were lost. Zygotes thus formed remained motile 3–5 days during which time they enlarged slightly with the newly formed theca becoming warty. Three to 5 days following plasmogamy the zygote became nonmotile, the protoplast contracted, and the cell wall thickened. Hypnozygotes with 4 nuclei were observed ca. 10–12 h following formation. Meiosis was inferred. Hypnozygotes germinated within 12 h of formation producing 2 vegetative cells which divided within a 24 h period. Attempts to induce sexual reproduction by inoculation of cells into media deficient in a number of basic elements other than N were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Ammonia concentration between 10–300 μM in 75% seawater in which Amphidinium carterae Hulb, was allowed to photosynthesize caused an increased rate of photosynthesis. In addition, these same concentrations caused the dinoflagellate to release to the medium up to 50% of the carbon fixed during the 30 min period of photosynthesis used in the experiments.  相似文献   

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