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We examined capacitative calcium entry (CCE) in Jurkat and in L6 skeletal muscle cells. We found that extracellular Ca2+ can enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of both cell types even in the presence of thapsigargin, which blocks entry into the ER from the cytosol through the CaATPase. Moreover, extracellular Ca2+ entry into the ER was evident even when intracellular flow of Ca2+ was in the direction of ER to cytosol due to the presence of caffeine. ER Ca2+ content was assessed by two separate means. First, we used the Mag-Fura fluorescent dye, which is sensitive only to the relatively high concentrations of Ca2+ found in the ER. Second, we transiently expressed an ER-targeted derivative of aequorin, which reports Ca2+ by luminescence. In both cases, the Ca2+ concentration in the ER increased in response to extracellular Ca2+ after the ER had been previously depleted despite blockade by thapsigargin. We found two differences between the Jurkat and L6 cells. L6, but not Jurkat cells, inhibited Ca2+ uptake at very high Ca2+ concentrations. Second, ryanodine receptor blockers inhibited the appearance of cytosolic Ca2+ during CCE if added before Ca2+ in both cases, but the L6 cells were much more sensitive to ryanodine. Both of these can be explained by the known difference in ryanodine receptors between these cell types. These findings imply that the origin of cytosolic Ca2+ during CCE is the ER. Furthermore, kinetic data demonstrated that Ca2+ filled the ER before the cytosol during CCE. Our results suggest a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel and an ER Ca2+ channel joined in tandem, allowing Ca2+ to flow directly from the extracellular space to the ER. This explains CCE; any decrease in ER [Ca2+] relative to extracellular [Ca2+] would provide the gradient for refilling the ER through a mass-action mechanism.  相似文献   

Effects of T8993G mutation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), associated with neurogenical muscle weakness, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP), on the cytoskeleton, mitochondrial network and calcium homeostasis in human osteosarcoma cells were investigated. In 98% NARP and rho(0) (lacking mtDNA) cells, the organization of the mitochondrial network and actin cytoskeleton was disturbed. Capacitative calcium entry (CCE) was practically independent of mitochondrial energy status in osteosarcoma cell lines. The significantly slower Ca(2+) influx rates observed in 98% NARP and rho(0), in comparison to parental cells, indicates that proper actin cytoskeletal organization is important for CCE in these cells.  相似文献   

The versatility of Ca(2+) as a messenger in multiple signaling events requires that the concentration of calcium ions within the cytoplasm be highly regulated. In particular, the release of calcium from intracellular stores must often be linked to calcium influx across the cell membrane. Capacitative calcium entry, whereby the depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores induces the influx of extracellular calcium, is a crucial element of concerted calcium signaling. Investigations into the phenomenon are contributing to a new appreciation for the organized cytoplasmic framework that supports calcium signaling.  相似文献   

We studied a novel function of the presenilins (PS1 and PS2) in governing capacitative calcium entry (CCE), a refilling mechanism for depleted intracellular calcium stores. Abrogation of functional PS1, by either knocking out PS1 or expressing inactive PS1, markedly potentiated CCE, suggesting a role for PS1 in the modulation of CCE. In contrast, familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD)-linked mutant PS1 or PS2 significantly attenuated CCE and store depletion-activated currents. While inhibition of CCE selectively increased the amyloidogenic amyloid beta peptide (Abeta42), increased accumulation of the peptide had no effect on CCE. Thus, reduced CCE is most likely an early cellular event leading to increased Abeta42 generation associated with FAD mutant presenilins. Our data indicate that the CCE pathway is a novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Kang TM  Park MK  Uhm DY 《Life sciences》2003,72(13):1467-1479
We have investigated the effects of hypoxia and mitochondria inhibitors on the capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) in cultured smooth muscle cells from rabbit small pulmonary arteries. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) depleted Ca(2+) from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in Ca(2+)-free medium and subsequent addition of Ca(2+) led to the nifedipine-insensitive, La(3+)-sensitive Ca(2+) influx. The presence of CCE was further verified by the measurement of unidirectional Mn(2+) influx. During the decay phase of the CCE-induced [Ca(2+)]c transients, hypoxia (P(O2) < 50 mmHg) and the mitochondria inhibitor FCCP reversibly increased [Ca(2+)]c, that is La(3+)-sensitive. Once SR is depleted by CPA, subsequent treatment of FCCP slowed the decay of CCE-induced [Ca(2+)]c transients but it did not attenuate Mn(2+) influx. Mitochondrial uptake of incoming Ca(2+) through CCE was demonstrated by additional increase in [Ca(2+)]c with Ca(2+) ionophore after terminating CCE. Together, it is suggested that the augmentation of CCE-induced [Ca(2+)]c transients by hypoxia and FCCP reflects a net gain of [Ca(2+)]c by the inhibition of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake.  相似文献   

This essay examines the historical significance of an APS classic paper that is freely available online: Kwan CY, Takemura H, Obie JF, Thastrup O, and Putney JW Jr. Effects of MeCh, thapsigargin, and La(3+) on plasmalemmal and intracellular Ca(2+) transport in lacrimal acinar cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 258: C1006-C1015, 1990.  相似文献   

Capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) refers to the influx of Ca(2+) through plasma membrane channels activated on depletion of endoplasmic-sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) stores. We utilized two Ca(2+)-sensitive dyes (one monitoring cytoplasmic free Ca(2+) and the other free Ca(2+) within the sarcoplasmic reticulum) to determine whether adult rat ventricular myocytes exhibit CCE. Treatments with inhibitors of the sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPases were not efficient in releasing Ca(2+) from stores. However, when these inhibitors were coupled with either Ca(2+) ionophores or angiotensin II (an agonist generating inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate), depletion of stores was observed. This depletion was accompanied by a significant influx of extracellular Ca(2+) characteristic of CCE. CCE was also observed when stores were depleted with caffeine. This influx of Ca(2+) was sensitive to four inhibitors of CCE (glucosamine, lanthanum, gadolinium, and SKF-96365) but not to inhibitors of L-type channels or the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger. In the whole cell configuration, an inward current of approximately 0.7 pA/pF at -90 mV was activated when a Ca(2+) chelator or inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate was included in the pipette or when Ca(2+) stores were depleted with a Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor and ionophore. The current was maximal at hyperpolarizing voltages and inwardly rectified. The channel was relatively permeant to Ca(2+) and Ba(2+) but only poorly to Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). Taken together, these data support the existence of CCE in adult cardiomyocytes, a finding with likely implications to physiological responses to phospholipase C-generating agonists.  相似文献   

细胞内钙库排空产生一种信号,诱导细胞膜上的钙库操纵的钙通道(SOC)开放,使Ca^2 由细胞外进入细胞内,称为容量性钙内流(CCE),或钙释放激活的钙通道(CRAC),可能由果蝇一过性受体电位(trp)和trp样(trpl)基因编码,钙库排空和通道开放之间的偶联机制不清,目前主要提出三种机制:(1)弥散信使;(2)蛋白质-蛋白质之间的相互作用;(3)囊泡分泌。本文综述了CCE的分子代表 ,可能机制及电生理表型。  相似文献   

In nonexcitable cells, the predominant mechanism for regulated entry of Ca(2+) is capacitative calcium entry, whereby depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores signals the activation of plasma membrane calcium channels. A number of other regulated Ca(2+) entry pathways occur in specific cell types, however, and it is not know to what degree the different pathways interact when present in the same cell. In this study, we have examined the interaction between capacitative calcium entry and arachidonic acid-activated calcium entry, which co-exist in HEK293 cells. These two pathways exhibit mutual antagonism. That is, capacitative calcium entry is potently inhibited by arachidonic acid, and arachidonic acid-activated entry is inhibited by the pre-activation of capacitative calcium entry with thapsigargin. In the latter case, the inhibition does not seem to result from a direct action of thapsigargin, inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) pumps, depletion of Ca(2+) stores, or entry of Ca(2+) through capacitative calcium entry channels. Rather, it seems that a discrete step in the pathway signaling capacitative calcium entry interacts with and inhibits the arachidonic acid pathway. The findings reveal a novel process of mutual antagonism between two distinct calcium entry pathways. This mutual antagonism may provide an important protective mechanism for the cell, guarding against toxic Ca(2+) overload.  相似文献   

Capacitative regulation of calcium entry is a major mechanism of Ca2+ influx into electrically non-excitable cells, but it also operates in some excitable ones. It participates in the refilling of intracellular calcium stores and in the generation of Ca2+ signals in excited cells. The mechanism which couples depletion of intracellular calcium stores located in the endoplasmic reticulum with opening of store-operated calcium channels in the plasma membrane is not clearly understood. Mitochondria located in close proximity to Ca2+ channels are exposed to high Ca2+ concentration, and therefore, they are able to accumulate this cation effectively. This decreases local Ca2+ concentration and thereby affects calcium-dependent processes, such as depletion and refilling of the intracellular calcium stores and opening of the store-operated channels. Finally, mitochondria modulate the intensity and the duration of calcium signals induced by extracellular stimuli. Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria requires these organelles to be in the energized state. On the other hand, Ca2+ flux into mitochondria stimulates energy metabolism. To sum up, mitochondria couple cellular metabolism with calcium homeostasis and signaling.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the properties and role of capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) in interstitial cells (IC) isolated from the rabbit urethra. Ca2+ entry in IC was larger in cells with depleted intracellular Ca2+ stores compared with controls, consistent with influx via a CCE pathway. The nonselective Ca2+ entry blockers Gd3+ (10 µM), La3+ (10 µM), and Ni2+ (100 µM) reduced CCE by 67% (n = 14), 65% (n = 11), and 55% (n = 9), respectively. These agents did not inhibit Ca2+ entry when stores were not depleted. Conversely, CCE in IC was resistant to SKF-96365 (10 µM), wortmannin (10 µM), and nifedipine (1 µM). Spontaneous transient inward currents were recorded from IC voltage-clamped at –60 mV. These events were not significantly affected by Gd3+ (10 µM) or La3+ (10 µM) and were only slightly decreased in amplitude by 100 µM Ni2+. The results from this study demonstrate that freshly dispersed IC from the rabbit urethra possess a CCE pathway. However, influx via this pathway does not appear to contribute to spontaneous activity in these cells. smooth muscle; patch clamp; spontaneous transient inward currents  相似文献   

Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) are hypothesized to affect intracellular structures in living cells providing a new means to modulate cell signal transduction mechanisms. The effects of nsPEFs on the release of internal calcium and activation of calcium influx in HL-60 cells were investigated by using real time fluorescent microscopy with Fluo-3 and fluorometry with Fura-2. nsPEFs induced an increase in intracellular calcium levels that was seen in all cells. With pulses of 60 ns duration and electric fields between 4 and 15 kV/cm, intracellular calcium increased 200-700 nM, respectively, above basal levels (approximately 100 nM), while the uptake of propidium iodide was absent. This suggests that increases in intracellular calcium were not because of plasma membrane electroporation. nsPEF and the purinergic agonist UTP induced calcium mobilization in the presence and absence of extracellular calcium with similar kinetics and appeared to target the same inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate- and thapsigargin-sensitive calcium pools in the endoplasmic reticulum. For cells exposed to either nsPEF or UTP in the absence of extracellular calcium, there was an electric field-dependent or UTP dose-dependent increase in capacitative calcium entry when calcium was added to the extracellular media. These findings suggest that nsPEFs, like ligand-mediated responses, release calcium from similar internal calcium pools and thus activate plasma membrane calcium influx channels or capacitative calcium entry.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the presence of capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) in guinea pig gallbladder smooth muscle (GBSM), including a possible relation with activation of L-type Ca(2+) channels. Changes in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration induced by Ca(2+) entry were assessed by digital microfluorometry in isolated, fura 2-loaded GBSM cells. Application of thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+) store pump, induced a transient Ca(2+) release followed by sustained entry of extracellular Ca(2+). Depletion of the stores with thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, ryanodine and caffeine, high levels of the Ca(2+)-mobilizing hormone cholecystokinin octapeptide, or simple removal of external Ca(2+) resulted in a sustained increase in Ca(2+) entry on subsequent reapplication of Ca(2+). This entry was attenuated by 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane, L-type Ca(2+) channel blockade, pinacidil, and Gd(3+). Accumulation of the voltage-sensitive dye 3,3'-dipentylcarbocyanine and direct intracellular recordings showed that depletion of the stores is sufficient for depolarization of the plasma membrane. Contractility studies in intact gallbladder muscle strips showed that CCE induced contractions. The CCE-evoked contraction was sensitive to 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane, L-type Ca(2+) channel blockers, and Gd(3+). We conclude that, in GBSM, release of Ca(2+) from internal stores activates a CCE pathway and depolarizes plasma membrane, allowing coactivation of voltage-operated L-type Ca(2+) channels. This process may play a role in excitation-contraction coupling in GBSM.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney (NRK) fibroblasts have electrophysiological properties and intracellular calcium dynamics that are dependent upon their growth stage. In the present study we show that this differential behavior coincides with a differential calcium entry that can be either capacitative or non-capacitative. Confluent cells made quiescent by serum deprivation, which have a stable membrane potential near ? 70 mV and do not show spontaneous intracellular calcium oscillations, primarily exhibit the capacitative mechanism for calcium entry, also called store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). When the quiescent cells are grown to density-arrest in the presence of EGF as the sole polypeptide growth factor, these cells characteristically fire spontaneously repetitive calcium action potentials, which propagate throughout the whole monolayer and are accompanied by intracellular calcium transients. These density-arrested cells appear to exhibit in addition to SOCE also receptor-operated calcium entry (ROCE) as a mechanism for calcium entry. Furthermore we show that, in contrast to earlier studies, the employed SOCs and ROCs are permeable for both calcium and strontium ions. We examined the expression of the canonical transient receptor potential channels (Trpcs) that may be involved in SOCE and ROCE. We show that NRK fibroblasts express the genes encoding Trpc1, Trpc5 and Trpc6, and that the levels of their expression are dependent upon the growth stage of the cells. In addition we examined the growth stage dependent expression of the genes encoding Orai1 and Stim1, two proteins that have recently been shown to be involved in SOCE. Our results suggest that the differential expression of Trpc5, Trpc6, Orai1 and Stim1 in quiescent and density-arrested NRK fibroblasts is responsible for the difference in regulation of calcium entry between these cells. Finally, we show that inhibition or potentiation of SOCE and ROCE by pharmacological agents has profound effects on calcium dynamics in NRK fibroblasts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of capacitative calcium influx to intracellular calcium levels during agonist-induced stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (A7r5) were loaded with Indo-1 and intracellular calcium transients were measured. Cells were challenged with either arginine vasopressin (0. 5 microM) or thapsigargin (1 microM). Lanthanum (1 mM) was used to block capacitative calcium influx through store-operated channels. Calcium traces were analyzed for basal, peak and plateau responses. Recordings were derivatized and integrated to gain additional information. Nonlinear regression provided a time constant that describes restoration of ionic equilibrium involving both sequestration and extrusion pathways. RESULTS: Stimulation of cells with thapsigargin produced a non-L-type calcium influx that was attenuated by lanthanum. Cells excited with vasopressin exhibited a rapid calcium increase followed by a gradual decrease to a plateau level. Lanthanum pretreatment prior to stimulation caused no significant change in baseline, peak or plateau calcium levels as compared to control. Lanthanum caused no significant change in maximal calcium release rate, calcium integrals or time constant as compared to control. CONCLUSIONS: Capacitative calcium entry can occur in vascular smooth muscle cells, but does not appear to contribute significantly to the vasopressin response.  相似文献   

Oxygen causes perinatal pulmonary dilatation. Although fetal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PA SMC) normally respond to an acute increase in oxygen (O2) tension with a decrease in cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i), an acute increase in O2 tension has no net effect on [Ca(2+)](i) in PA SMC derived from lambs with chronic intrauterine pulmonary hypertension (PHTN). The present experimental series tests the hypothesis that an acute increase in O2 tension decreases capacitative calcium entry (CCE) in normal, but not hypertensive, fetal PA SMC. PA SMC were isolated from late-gestation fetal lambs after either ligation of the ductus arteriosus (PHTN) or sham (control) operation at 127 days gestation. PA SMC were isolated from the distal PA (>or=4th generation) and maintained under hypoxic conditions ( approximately 25 Torr) in primary culture. After fura 2 loading, apparent [Ca2+]i in PA SMC was determined as the ratio of 340- to 380-nm fluorescence intensity. Under both hypoxic and normoxic conditions, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) increased [Ca2+]i more in PHTN than in control PA SMC. CCE was determined in PA SMC under hypoxic and normoxic conditions, after superfusion with zero extracellular Ca2+ and intracellular store depletion with CPA, followed by superfusion with Ca2+-containing solution, in the presence of the voltage-operated calcium channel blockade. CCE was increased in PHTN compared with control PA SMC under conditions of both acute and sustained normoxia. Transient receptor potential channel gene expression was greater in control compared with PHTN PA SMC. PHTN may compromise perinatal pulmonary vasodilation, in part, by modulating PA SMC CCE.  相似文献   

In this report we investigated the correlation between cell morphology and regulation of cytosolic calcium homeostasis. Type I astrocytes were differentiated to stellate process-bearing cells by a 100-min exposure to cAMP. Differentiation of cortical astrocytes increased the magnitude and duration of calcium transients elicited by phospholipase C-activating agents as measured by single cell Fura-2-based imaging. Calcium imaging showed differences in the spatial pattern of the response. In both differentiated and the control cells, the response originated in the periphery and gradually extended into the center of the cell. However, the elevation of cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was particularly evident within the processes and adjacent to the inner cell membrane of the differentiated astrocytes. In addition, differentiation significantly prolonged the duration of the [Ca(2+)](i) elevation. Potentiation of the calcium transients was mimicked by forskolin-induced differentiation and abolished by a specific protein kinase-A blocker. Conversely, the enhancement of the calcium transients was not mimicked by brief exposure to cAMP not causing morphological differentiation, and in PC12 cells that did not undergo morphological changes after 100 min of cAMP treatment. Impairing cAMP-induced cytoskeleton re-organization, by means of cytochalasin D and nocodazole, prevented the potentiation of the calcium transients in cAMP-treated astrocytes. Phospholipase C activity and sensitivity to inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate were not involved in the enhancement of the calcium responses. Also, potentiation of the calcium transients was dependent on extracellular calcium. Calcium storage and thapsigargin-depletable intracellular calcium reservoirs were analogously not increased in differentiated astrocytes. Rearrangement of the cell shape also caused a condensation of the endoplasmic reticulum and altered the spatial relationship between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell membrane. In conclusion, morphological rearrangements of type I astrocytes increase the magnitude and the duration of agonist-induced calcium transients via enhancement of capacitative calcium entry and is associated with a spatial reorganization of the relationship between cell membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum structures.  相似文献   

Capacitative calcium entry (CCE) has been described in a variety of cell types. To date, little is known about its role in the CNS, and in particular in the cross-talk between glia and neurons. We have first analyzed the properties of CCE of astrocytes in culture, in comparison with that of the rat basophilic leukemia cell line (RBL-2H3), a model where calcium release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels have been unambiguously correlated with CCE. We here show that (i) in astrocytes CCE activated by store depletion and Ca2+ influx induced by glutamate share the same pharmacological profile of CCE in RBL-2H3 cells and (ii) glutamate-induced Ca2+ influx in astrocytes plays a primary role in glutamate-dependent intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) oscillations, being these latter reduced in frequency and amplitude by micromolar concentrations of La3+. Finally, we compared the expression of various mammalian transient receptor potential genes (TRP) in astrocytes and RBL-2H3 cells. Despite the similar pharmacological properties of CCE in these cells, the pattern of TRP expression is very different. The involvement of CCE and TRPs in glutamate dependent activation of astrocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

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