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Morphotypes for 67 lakes in the German lowlands were derived, based on maximum depth and mixis type. A threshold of 11 m maximum depth was identified to be the best level to discriminate shallow from deep lake morphotypes. The fish communities in these two morphotypes were significantly different. Indicator species analyses based on fish biomasses found vendace Coregonus albula in deep lakes and ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , bream Abramis brama , white bream Abramis bjoerkna , roach Rutilus rutilus , pikeperch Sander lucioperca and small perch Perca fluviatilis in shallow lakes to be the most representative species of their communities. Lake productivity was closely related to biomass and in part abundance of the type‐indicator species, with vendace declining with increasing chlorophyll a concentration in the deep lakes, whereas biomass of pikeperch, bream, white bream and ruffe increased and biomass of small perch decreased with increasing chlorophyll a . These results indicate that assessment of ecological integrity of lakes by their fish fauna is generally possible, if lakes are initially separated according to a depth‐related morphotype before the assessment, and if eutrophication is considered to be the main anthropogenic degradation.  相似文献   

1. Classification of European lake fish assemblages can be based on fish‐assemblage structure or morphological, geographical, physical and chemical lake attributes. However, substantial gaps in knowledge exist with respect to the correspondence between both classification approaches. 2. Here, we compiled fish assemblage data from 165 lakes situated in the European ‘Central Plains’ ecoregion. Cluster analysis of fish abundances was performed to compare fish assemblage types of the entire ecoregion with those from previous country‐specific studies. Nonparametric group comparisons, classification trees and partial canonical ordinations were used to infer the correspondence between fish assemblage types and morphology, geographical position and nutrient concentration of the lakes. 3. Three distinct fish assemblages were revealed: vendace (Coregonus albula), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) lake types. Both latitude and lake depth were the best determinants of lake type, but total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were also important. Vendace lakes were deep and had low TP concentrations, whereas the shallower ruffe and roach lakes had higher TP values. Roach lakes were more frequent in the north‐west area of the ecoregion, whereas ruffe lakes were more often found south of the Baltic Sea. 4. Controlling for the influence of nutrient concentration showed that lake morphology and geographical position were important determinants of fish assemblages. However, the variance explained was low (<20%), implying that biological interactions may also be important in forming the lake‐specific fish assemblages. 5. The results suggest that fish assemblages differ between deep and shallow lakes, and between the north‐west and south‐east locations within the Central Plains ecoregion. Accordingly, establishment of depth‐related lake morphotypes is needed, and the European ecoregions recommended to be used in evaluation systems according to the Water Framework Directive seem to be too coarse to reflect the subtle differences of fish species richness along geographical gradients.  相似文献   

Organisms continuously release DNA into their environments via shed cells, excreta, gametes and decaying material. Analysis of this ‘environmental DNA’ (eDNA) is revolutionizing biodiversity monitoring. eDNA outperforms many established survey methods for targeted detection of single species, but few studies have investigated how well eDNA reflects whole communities of organisms in natural environments. We investigated whether eDNA can recover accurate qualitative and quantitative information about fish communities in large lakes, by comparison to the most comprehensive long‐term gill‐net data set available in the UK. Seventy‐eight 2L water samples were collected along depth profile transects, gill‐net sites and from the shoreline in three large, deep lakes (Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water) in the English Lake District. Water samples were assayed by eDNA metabarcoding of the mitochondrial 12S and cytochrome b regions. Fourteen of the 16 species historically recorded in Windermere were detected using eDNA, compared to four species in the most recent gill‐net survey, demonstrating eDNA is extremely sensitive for detecting species. A key question for biodiversity monitoring is whether eDNA can accurately estimate abundance. To test this, we used the number of sequence reads per species and the proportion of sampling sites in which a species was detected with eDNA (i.e. site occupancy) as proxies for abundance. eDNA abundance data consistently correlated with rank abundance estimates from established surveys. These results demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding can describe fish communities in large lakes, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and has great potential as a complementary tool to established monitoring methods.  相似文献   

This study investigated the fish fauna in the subtropical Sinos River, considering species addition and replacement and the occurrence of indicator species along a longitudinal gradient. Patterns in fish assemblage ordination evaluated by correspondence analysis reflected the headwater and lowland river reaches. Uppermost sampling stations were characterized by species with restricted occurrence and medium abundance, whereas in the lowland most species were captured only once during the surveyed period and in low abundance. Species addition prevailed between the headwater sampling stations and both addition and replacement occurred between the lowland sampling stations. Nine species were characteristic for the headwater reach and 14 species for the lowland reach.  相似文献   

The distribution of fishes in Dauphin Lake, a large, shallow, turbid, prairie lake in west-central Manitoba, was examined using gillnets. Catch per unit effort was used to assess differences in distribution thai may be attributed lo year, season, lake zone (inshore, offshore), substratum, water depth, water temperature, turbidity and presence of other fish species. Although 13 species were caught, only the distributions of the six most abundant was analysed. Variation in number of species caught was attributed mainly to lake zone, water depth and water temperature. White sucker (Catastomus commersoni) distribution can be explained by zone and temperature. Shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) catches were related to depth and temperature. Cisco (Coregonus artedii) catches varied with year, zone and temperature. Variances in northern pike (Esox Indus) distribution reflected year and zone. Walleye (Stizostedkm vitreum) varied with year, depth and temperature and differences in the catches of yellow perch (Pertaflurescens) were attributed to year, depth, temperature and turbidity. They were also positively correlated to the numbers of northern pike caught.  相似文献   

The introduction of exotic species and the extirpation of native species that occurred during the past two centuries have strongly modified the structure of most plant and animal assemblages across the globe. Such a biotic change is particularly marked in isolated environments such as islands or isolated lakes. Most studies reported drastic changes between before and after human disturbances, but the dynamics of change in assemblage structure through the invasion and extirpation processes are rarely reported. Here we measured the aquatic ecosystem degradation through exotic species introduction and native species extirpation experienced by Lake Erhai (China) during the last 50 years using structural, functional and taxonomic distinctness biodiversity indices. Structural diversity (species richness) did not varied monotonically along the temporal gradient, due to an opposite trend between exotic species increase and a concomitant decline of native species richness. Functional diversity displayed unclear ascending trends driven by the introduction of exotic species having distinct functional traits than natives. Taxonomic distinctness indices exhibited an increase of the average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+), but a decrease of the variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) through time. Structural, functional and distinctness indices providing complementary information on ecosystem degradation, we here proposed a new multifaceted degradation index integrating these three facets of biodiversity. Such an index provided an accurate representation of the faunistic changes experienced by Lake Erhai and might constitute a comprehensive way to measure ecosystem degradation through exotic fish species introductions and native fish species extirpations.  相似文献   



We sought to identify direct and indirect effects of factors contributing to establishment and spread of 272 stream fish species.


Two hundred and ninety‐seven watersheds in the eastern United States.


We modelled two variables: (1) whether a species had become established outside its native range (establishment) and (2) the number of watersheds in which species established outside their native range (spread). We estimated these variables by comparing historical distributions to a rich data set of contemporary sampling. We calculated metrics of human use (indexing propagule pressure), and gathered species trait data from an open‐access database. We then used piecewise path analysis to estimate direct and indirect effects of human use, native range size and species traits on the two metrics of species introductions.


We identified a hierarchical causal structure in which native range size and fishing pressure were important direct determinants of introductions. Species traits had some direct effects, but played a more indirect role. Native range size was significantly affected by thermal tolerance and diet breadth. Likewise, fishing pressure was significantly affected by life history strategy: larger‐bodied, longer‐living and more fecund species were positively associated with fishing pressure.

Main conclusions

Functional traits can confer an advantage to some species during the establishment phase, but human use is important for subsequent dispersal throughout the non‐native range. However, human use is non‐random, and is largely a function of species traits. Considering both direct and indirect effects of traits across stages of the invasion process can help to elucidate the full role of traits in species invasions.

Aim To analyse the importance of local and regional influences on the patterns of species richness in natural and man‐made lakes and to infer the impacts of human‐mediated introductions on these patterns. Location France. Methods Species occurrence data were gathered for 25 natural and 51 man‐made lakes. Analysis is based on regression models of local richness against their related regional richness and lake environmental variables. Results Local native richness was mostly controlled by the regional richness. Conversely, local total richness was mainly explained by local variables. These statements apply to both natural and man‐made lakes. Lacustrine systems displayed weak resistance to invaders. Main conclusions Species introductions have apparently contributed to saturate fish communities in these systems even if no clear negative effect on the survival of native species (i.e. species extinction) is detectable so far.  相似文献   

We used the rapid visual technique (RVT), an underwater visual assessment method developed in marine environments, to assess the influence of residential and cottage development on littoral zone fish communities in Pigeon Lake, a shallow, mesotrophic Canadian lake with extensive shoreline disturbance. We used RVT to assess 135 sites, stratified by degree of residential and cottage development (undeveloped, moderately developed, highly developed) and habitat type (three substrate/vegetation categories). Sites with different degrees of residential and cottage development did not differ significantly in species richness. When the RVT site scores of each species life stage (young-of-year, juveniles and adults) were compared among development categories, only 11% of species life stages showed significant differences; all were most abundant in moderately developed sites. Habitat had a greater influence than development on within-taxon abundance, as 46% of species life stages showed significant among-habitat differences in RVT score. The absence of significant fish community differences between developed and undeveloped sites may be due to the shallowness, extensive macrophyte cover and raised shorelines from the construction of the Trent-Severn Waterway. However, there do appear to be changes in the fish community over the last 35 years, as six cyprinids and one cyprinodont species that were present in Pigeon Lake in the 1970s were not detected by our sampling. RVT provided comparable data to that obtained by straight line transects on the relative abundance of species in the lake, but RVT was more effective at detecting species and life stages present at individual sites.  相似文献   

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