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SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(1):19-30
In an attempt to elucidate the factors controlling the developmentof the inflorescence of Carex various substances were appliedto plants of several species during and after the transitionto the flowering phase. The main effects of the treatments onthe inflorescence were that indole-3–acetic acid and i-naphtha-leneaceticacid caused the induction of female spikelets on the sites ofpotential male flowers, 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid caused suppressionof branching and kinetin an increase in branching. All threesubstances resulted in a decrease in the flowering response,as expressed by the number of inflorescences produced. On thebasis of these results it is suggested that normal developmentof the inflorescence can be explained on a hypothesis involvingtwo substances, one probably an auxin and the other replaceablein experiments by kinetin. The possibility is considered thatthis second substance may be a kinetin-like factor producedby the roots.  相似文献   

SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):505-514
By using aseptic culture methods it has proved possible to studythe roles of leaves and roots in the control of inflorescenceinitiation and development in Carex. Removal of leaves upsetsinitiation and growth of the inflorescence and it is concludedthat the continued stimuli from the leaves essential for normaldevelopment are not supplied by leaves appreciably less thanhalf grown. Removal of roots or root apices upsets inflorescenceinitiation and branching. It is probable that a stimulus fromthe roots promotes initiation but is not essential, whereasa factor produced by actively growing roots is essential fornormal branching to occur. The only substance tested which couldalter the degree of branching was benzyladenine. On the evidenceavailable it is suggested that normal branching of the inflorescencemay depend on an adequate supply of cytokinin from the roots.  相似文献   

Covered, developing flower buds of Chrysanthemum morifoliumcv. Bright Golden Anne did not atrophy, although their dry weightwas lower than that of uncovered buds at 21, 28, 35 and 42 dafter the start of short days. This reduced dry weight was primarilydue to a reduction in the dry weight of the bracts, which arephotosynthetically active. The reduction in dry weight was notdue to a decrease in the number of bracts or florets or to alag in development of the covered buds. At 49 d the weight ofboth covered and uncovered buds was not significantly different,although the weight of the covered bracts was still reducedcompared with uncovered bracts. At 28 d uncovered buds fixedabout 40 times more 14CO2 than covered buds. Both covered anduncovered buds had the same sink intensity and relative specificactivity, but the first bract had a greater sink intensity andrelative specific activity when covered than when uncovered,owing to photosynthesis by the bract itself. Chrysanthemum morifolium, flower development, assimilate partitioning, light, bract photosynthesis  相似文献   

This work presents the basics for interpreting the adult inflorescence structure in grasses. It provides an analysis of the variations in the grass inflorescence structure and their correlation with some of the developmental processes that give origin to it.  相似文献   

Principles of Simulation of Inflorescence Development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FRIJTERS  D. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(3):549-560
This paper is an introduction in the construction techniqueof models for inflorescence development by means of the theoryof L-systems. An inflorescence is thought of as composed ofa number of segments. It is shown how for these segments a setof instructions can be formulated and how then, beginning withan initial segment, the whole inflorescence structure can begenerated in a number of time steps. The for mation of the flowersand the order of flowering are the two most important featuresof an inflorescence pattern and they, therefore, have been mostemphasized.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, floral meristems arise in continuous succession directly on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem. Thus, the pathways that regulate inflorescence and floral meristem identity must operate both simultaneously and in close spatial proximity. The TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) gene of Arabidopsis is required for normal inflorescence meristem function, and the LEAFY (LFY), APETALA 1 (AP1), and APETALA 2 (AP2) genes are required for normal floral meristem function. We present evidence that inflorescence meristem identity is promoted by TFL1 and that floral meristem identity is promoted by parallel developmental pathways, one defined by LFY and the other defined by AP1/AP2. Our analysis suggests that the acquisition of meristem identity during inflorescence development is mediated by antagonistic interactions between TFL1 and LFY and between TFL1 and AP1/AP2. Based on this study, we propose a simple model for the genetic regulation of inflorescence development in Arabidopsis. This model is discussed in relation to the proposed interactions between the inflorescence and the floral meristem identity genes and in regard to other genes that are likely to be part of the genetic hierarchy regulating the establishment and maintenance of inflorescence and floral meristems.  相似文献   

The paper describes the sequence and pattern of inflorescencedifferentiation in six determinate and three indeterminate varietiesof Phaseolus vulgaris. The terminal inflorescence of determinatevarieties is a compound raceme possessing a peduncle bearingtriads—branch inflorescences, each consisting of threeflower buds developed acropetally on a condensed axis. Irrespectiveof the number of leaves on the main stem the bud primordiumin the axil of the uppermost leaf differentiates into the firsttriad on the plant. In indeterminate varieties, the first formedtriad arises at the lowermost node of the first formed lateralinflorescence, the position of which on the main stem is a varietalcharacteristic.  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

We present the initial phenotypic characterization of an Arabidopsis mutation, terminal flower 1-1 (tfl1-1), that identifies a new genetic locus, TFL1. The tfl1-1 mutation causes early flowering and limits the development of the normally indeterminate inflorescence by promoting the formation of a terminal floral meristem. Inflorescence development in mutant plants often terminates with a compound floral structure consisting of the terminal flower and one or two subtending lateral flowers. The distal-most flowers frequently contain chimeric floral organs. Light microscopic examination shows no structural aberrations in the vegetative meristem or in the inflorescence meristem before the formation of floral buttresses. The wild-type appearance of lateral flowers and observations of double mutant combinations of tfl1-1 with the floral morphogenesis mutations apetala 1-1 (ap1-1), ap2-1, and agamous (ag) suggest that the tfl1-1 mutation does not affect normal floral meristems. Secondary flower formation usually associated with the ap1-1 mutation is suppressed in the terminal flower, but not in the lateral flowers, of tfl1-1 ap1-1 double mutants. Our results suggest that tfl1-1 perturbs the establishment and maintenance of the inflorescence meristem. The mutation lies on the top arm of chromosome 5 approximately 2.8 centimorgans from the restriction fragment length polymorphism marker 217.  相似文献   

A water deficit imposed during the period of terminal male inflorescenceinitiation and early development reduced both the growth rateand the mature size of that organ in Zea mays (cv. Iochief).Growth and development of the axillary shoots, the potentialfemale inflorescences, was inhibited during the episode of waterdeficit but promoted thereafter. As a result, plants which hadbeen subjected to a water deficit at that period produced 2–3mature cobs and relatively large axillary shoots at the lowernodes, whereas plants supplied with water throughout produceda single mature cob and relatively small axillary shoots. A water deficit imposed during other growth phases did not producethis response and, moreover, a further period of deficit imposedlater in development, following a deficit at the sensitive stage,inhibited the enlargement of the axillary shoots invoked bythe earlier deficit. It did not, however, inhibit the enhancedfloral development of those axillary shoots nor reverse theinhibition of tassel growth. The data are discussed in relation to correlative inhibitionin Zea mays.  相似文献   

The size of the apical dome of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.at the transition to inflorescence initiation in continuouslight (long days) was not systematically influenced by eitherthe temperature or the irradiance under which the plants weregrown. It was generally 0.26 mm in diameter and c. 3.6 x 10–3mm3 in volume when the first bract was initiated. The dimensionsof the apical dome of plants in short days were only slightlysmaller at this stage. Similarly, each step in the further developmentof the chrysanthemum inflorescence was associated with a narrowrange of apex sizes, indicating that inflorescence initiationand development are closely related to apex size. Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, shoot apex, inflorescence initiation  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察了禾本科(Poaceae)虎尾草属(Chloris Sw.)孟仁草(Chloris barbata Sw.)的花序发育过程,以寻找适于虎尾草群(Chloris group)分支分析的发育性状.结果发现了未见于成熟花序的23个发育性状.阐明盂仁草花序的本质是二级长侧枝包围平截的主轴构成指形花序.该类型花序仅见于单子叶植物和少数高度特化的双子叶植物.涉及花序分枝的分子遗传机制研究亟待开展.  相似文献   

Inflorescence of Globba barthei is a thyrse . Primary bracts are initiated in a spiral phyllotactic pattern on the inflorescence apex . Cincinnus primordia are initiated in the axils of primary bracts . These promordia develop secondarybracts and floral primordia . The floral primordium continues to enlarge and produce a ring primordium . Sepals are initiated sequentially from the rounded corner of the primordium . The ring primordium separates three common primordium surrounding a central cavity . The adaxial common primordium is the first to separate . This primordium divides transversely and producespetal and fertile stamen . The remaining two common primordium transversely separate and produce respectively a petal and a petaloid . As the flower developing , the cavity of the floral cup becomes triangular . The angles of this triangle are the sites of outer androecial primordium . The abaxial androecia forms slightly earlier than the two adaxial ones, and then this primordium ceases growth soon . The two posterior primordia continue growth to produce the lateral petaloid staminodes . During this stage , gynoecia initiate from the floral cup and continue to fuse and develop into style and stigma. In addition ,Initiation of the bulbil primordium is observed at base of inflorescence axis during the early floral development . The bulbil primordium initiates in the axil of primary bract . The evolutionary significance of six androecia is discussed .  相似文献   

Variation in plant shoot structure may be described as occurring through changes within a basic unit, the metamer. Using this terminology, the apical meristem of Arabidopsis produces three metameric types sequentially: type 1, rosette; type 2, coflorescence-bearing with bract; and type 3, flower-bearing without bract. We describe a mutant of Arabidopsis, Leafy, homozygous for a recessive allele of a nuclear gene LEAFY (LFY), that has an inflorescence composed only of type 2-like metamers. These data suggest that the LFY gene is required for the development of type 3 metamers and that the transition from type 2 to type 3 metamers is a developmental step distinct from that between vegetative and reproductive growth (type 1 to type 2 metamers). Results from double mutant analysis, showing that lfy-1 is epistatic to the floral organ homeotic gene ap2-6, are consistent with the hypothesis that a functional LFY gene is necessary for the expression of downstream genes controlling floral organ identity.  相似文献   

毛舞花姜花器官的发生与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜观察了毛舞花姜(Globba barthei Gagne p.)的花序及花器官的发生与发育。3枚萼片原基首先于花顶连续发生,随后花顶的中心凹陷形成环状原基,环状原基进一步分化形成三枚花瓣—雄蕊共同原基,并在花顶的中心形成花杯。共同原基分化形成花瓣和三枚内轮雄蕊,紧接着外轮雄蕊在花杯的顶点发生。远轴的两枚内轮雄蕊延伸生长并相互融合形成了唇瓣,近轴的一枚形成了可育雄蕊;近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊发育形成了成熟花结构中的侧生退化雄蕊,而远轴的一枚缺失。近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊原基起始的同时,3枚心皮原基也在中心花杯的内侧发生而后与外轮雄蕊相间排列。对毛舞花姜花序的发生和发育的观察发现,在花序轴的头几片初级苞片中产生的是珠芽原基而非蝎尾状小花序原基,其形态特征类似于早期的蝎尾状小花序原基,由此推测珠芽很可能是蝎尾状小花序的变异。  相似文献   

This work presents the basics for interpreting the adult inflorescence structure in Cyperaceae. It provides an analysis of the variations of the synflorescence and inflorescence structure in the family. Three types of synflorescence may be recognized in this family: a synflorescence with a foliate stem, a terminal inflorescence and a variable number of lateral inflorescences; a synflorescence with a foliate stem and only the terminal inflorescence; and a synflorescence with a scape and a terminal inflorescence. Variations in the structure and form of the inflorescences are related to variations in inflorescence branching, inflorescence homogenization degree, presence or absence of the distal part of the inflorescence, phyllotaxis, inflorescence position, types of bracts and leaves subtending branches, elongation of inflorescence internodes and spikelet structure. These variations are correlated with some of the developmental processes that give origin to the inflorescence.  相似文献   

李援亚  张云孙  杜娟  高志勇  张永彪  王璐 《遗传》2003,25(6):695-699
从Internet、国内外文献中查询了50个水稻花序的相关基因,制备成水稻花序相关基因的寡核苷酸芯片。对3个不同生长阶段的水稻花序材料进行了表达谱检测,用ScanArray3000对杂交结果进行扫描,得到了不同的基因表达谱。用ImaGene 4.0软件对获得的表达谱进行分析,获得基因表达差异的散点图及饼图。 图像分析表明,候选基因在水稻花序3个不同发育阶段的材料中,表达水平有显著差异。这些结果将有助于研究水稻花序的发育机理。 Abstract:In this paper we chose 50 rice inflorescence genes from Internet,references.Rice oligonucleotide microarray was prepared by printing the target rice inflorescence genes oligonucleotide.Expression patterns of 50 genes from rice inflorescence in three different development phase were obtained by scanning using ScanArray3000 after array hybridization.The scatter plots and scale maps of the images were acquired after the acquired gene expression patterns were analyzed by ImaGene4.0 software.The scatter plots and scale maps show that there existed a significant difference in the expression of these candidate genes in rice inflorescences with different development phase.Further analysis of those candidate gene expression patterns will be helpful to understand the developmental mechanism of rice inflorescence.  相似文献   

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