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The nitrogenase complex from Azotobacter vinelandii is composed of the MoFe protein (Av1), an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer, and the Fe protein (Av2), a gamma 2 dimer. During turnover of the enzyme, electrons are transferred from Av2 to Av1 in parallel with the hydrolysis of MgATP. Using the cross-linking reagent, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, we have identified some of the properties of the complex between the two components. The cross-linking reaction was highly specific yielding a single apparent Mr = 97,000 protein. The amount of cross-linked product was essentially independent of whether MgATP or MgADP were in the reaction. Also, the amount was maximum at high ratios of Av2 to Av1. The Mr = 97,000 protein was characterized by amino acid analysis and Edman degradation and was found to be consistent with a 1:1 complex of an Av2 gamma subunit and an Av1 beta subunit (the amino terminal serine subunit). The complex was no longer active in the nitrogenase reaction which supports, but does not prove, the requirement for dissociation of the complex after each electron transferred. Nitrogenase activity and cross-linking were inhibited in an identical way by NaCl, which suggests that electrostatic forces are critical to the formation of the electron transfer complex.  相似文献   

Extracts of both young and old sugar beet plants were obtained using a modified Likens and Nickerson apparatus. Constituents were identified by GC/MS, and using selected ion monitoring it was shown that the previously determined phenylacetonitrile was probably not of glucosinolate origin. Some unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols and derivatives (enzymic lipid degradation products) were formed to greater extents by the younger leaves, but otherwise such quantitative differences were relatively few and generally random. An interesting range of chlorinated compounds was obtained only from the older plants; a pesticide origin is suggested.  相似文献   

罗汉果果肉中糖类物质组成与含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗汉果果实中富含糖分,糖类物质的组成及其含量对果实的内在品质有重要影响,然而多年来对其品质的研究多集中在罗汉果苷上,果实中可溶性糖种类与含量迄今尚未见有系统地报道。该研究以干燥的罗汉果果实为材料,采用PMP柱前衍生化一高效液相色谱紫外检测法、高效液相色谱示差折光检测法分别检测果肉中可溶性糖的种类与含量,并进行方法学考察。结果表明:PMP柱前衍生化一高效液相色谱紫外检测法只能检出罗汉果果实中存在的2种还原性醛糖——葡萄糖、甘露糖;而高效液相色谱示差折光检测法则可一次性检出葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、棉籽糖、多糖5种糖分。与柱前衍生化法相比,高效液相色谱示差折光检测法更适合用来全面分析罗汉果果实中糖分的种类和含量。不同罗汉果品种果实中糖的组分一致,但含量有显著差别。另外,样品的干燥方式会影响果实中的总糖及各组分的相对含量。冻干果肉中蔗糖和葡萄糖相对含量最高,烘干则导致蔗糖和葡萄糖下降,果糖与多糖相对含量增加。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the nuclear pore complex has been investigated in isolated nuclei of an in vitro cultured bovine liver cell line. In shadow-cast replicas of the surface of nuclei isolated in Tris buffer containing low K+ and Mg2+ concentrations (RSB) the rims of the pores appeared as annular projections with an outer diameter of 100 to 120 nm. When the nuclei were isolated in Tris buffer containing 0.1% Triton the projections were essentially lost, together with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. In electron micrographs of whole-mount preparations the Triton-Tris nuclei—but not the RSB nuclei—were surrounded by numerous circular structures, which obviously had been detached from the nuclear surface during the preparation. They consisted of eight granules of about 20 nm diameter which were connected in a circular fashion by fibrous material. The circular structures had an inside diameter close to 65 nm. In broken nuclei many of these circular structures contained a second, smaller circular component and a central granule. From these observations it is concluded that the annulus of the nuclear pore consists of two components and that the outer component is located in the perinuclear space in intimate association with the membrane limiting the pore. A modified model of the nuclear pore complex which accounts for this location is proposed.  相似文献   

Preparative TLC was used to separate the MGDG and DGDG fractions from 22 green plant species. Methanolysis of the separated fractions gave methyl glycosides which were analysed by GLC as trimethylsilyl derivatives. Galactose was found to be the major component in the fractions of all the species examined and glucose was present as a minor component in 15 of the species. From the results it was possible to calculate the MGDG/DGDG ratio.  相似文献   

Three components differing by their properties from the carminomycins described earlier were isolated from the carminomycin complex. Comparison of the IR and UV spectra, as well as chromatographic and physicochemical properties of 2 of them showed that they were dihydrocarminomycin and its aglycone or dihydrocarminomycinone, which was prepared earlier by synthesis. The third component was a chromophore belonging to 1,4,6-trihydroxyanthraquinone. Investigation of its IR spectrum, physicochemica properties and PMR spectrum showed it to be carboxymethylethylcarminomycinone identical to epsilon-rodomycinone. The data were confirmed by 13C-NMR spectrometry.  相似文献   

The interaction of components of the prothrombinase complex, i.e. bovine Factor X or Factor Xa. bovine Factor V or Factor Va, phospholipid, and Ca2+, in various combinations was studied primary by a gel filtration technique. In experiments, in which phospholipids ranging from those isolated from naturally occurring sources to those long chain (18 : 1) as well as short chain 6 : o and 7 : 0 fatty acids prepared by chemical and enzymatic synthesis were used, it was evident that a net negative surface charge on the lipid dispersions was one of the important requirements for interaction. Though the short chain fatty acid phospholipids interacted with the proteins of the prothrombinase complex, there was invariably a diminution in the activity of the enxyme complex. It was established that Factor V or Va did not bind Ca2+ and that the binding of either of these factors with phospholipids (with a net negative charge) was not dependent on Ca2+. However, the interaction of Factor X or Factor Xa with phospholipids with a negative charge required Ca2+. It was shown that Factor X could bind to the same type of lipid surface as that notes for Factor Xa. Of interest was the apparent difference in the phospholipid binding characteristics of the two variant forms of bovine plasma Factor X, i.e. X1 and X2, which might in part explain the differences in their specific activities. Of importance was the lack of demonstrable complex formation between Factors II, X and V in the absence of phospholipids and/or in the presence or absence of Ca2+. The significance of these results as they might apply to the configuration of the prothrombinase complex and its interaction with prothrombin plus the usefulness of the short chain fatty phospholipid in exploring these lipid-protein interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

A new amino sugar named eremosamine was isolated from hydrolysate of eremomycin, an antibiotic belonging to the group of polycyclic glycopeptides. Crystalline derivatives of the amino sugar i. e. methyleremosaminide and methyl-N,O-acetyleremosaminide (alpha- and beta-anomers) were prepared. The data on PMR study and optic properties of the compounds showed that eremosamine had the structure of 2,3,6-tridesoxy-3-amino-3-C-methyl-L-arabinohexose.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the in vivo function of individual components of the eukaryotic gamma-tubulin complex (gamma-TuC). We identified three genes, gfh1+, mod21+, and mod22+, in a screen for fission yeast mutants affecting microtubule organization. gfh1+ is a previously characterized gamma-TuC protein weakly similar to human gamma-TuC subunit GCP4, whereas mod21+ is novel and shows weak similarity to human gamma-TuC subunit GCP5. We show that mod21p is a bona fide gamma-TuC protein and that, like gfh1Delta mutants, mod21Delta mutants are viable. We find that gfh1Delta and mod21Delta mutants have qualitatively normal microtubule nucleation from all types of microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) in vivo but quantitatively reduced nucleation from interphase MTOCs, and this is exacerbated by mutations in mod22+. Simultaneous deletion of gfh1p, mod21p, and alp16p, a third nonessential gamma-TuC protein, does not lead to additive defects, suggesting that all three proteins contribute to a single function. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments suggest that gfh1p and alp16p are codependent for association with a small "core" gamma-TuC, whereas mod21p is more peripherally associated, and that gfh1p and mod21p may form a subcomplex independently of the small gamma-TuC. Interestingly, sucrose gradient analysis suggests that the major form of the gamma-TuC in fission yeast may be a small complex. We propose that gfh1p, mod21p, and alp16 act as facultative "noncore" components of the fission yeast gamma-TuC and enhance its microtubule-nucleating ability.  相似文献   

The 2.65-angstroms crystal structure of the rebeccamycin 4'-O-methyltransferase RebM in complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine revealed RebM to adopt a typical S-adenosylmethionine-binding fold of small molecule O-methyltransferases (O-MTases) and display a weak dimerization domain unique to MTases. Using this structure as a basis, the RebM substrate binding model implicated a predominance of nonspecific hydrophobic interactions consistent with the reported ability of RebM to methylate a wide range of indolocarbazole surrogates. This model also illuminated the three putative RebM catalytic residues (His140/141 and Asp166) subsequently found to be highly conserved among sequence-related natural product O-MTases from GC-rich bacteria. Interrogation of these residues via site-directed mutagenesis in RebM demonstrated His140 and Asp166 to be most important for catalysis. This study reveals RebM to be a member of the general acid/base-dependent O-MTases and, as the first crystal structure for a sugar O-MTase, may also present a template toward the future engineering of natural product MTases for combinatorial applications.  相似文献   

The antiblastomic activity of the carminomycin complex components was studied with respect to 8 strains of transplantable tumors of mice: lymphosarcoma L10-1, prestomach cancer OZh-5, sarcoma 180, lymphoid leucosis L 1210, lung bronchogenic cancer RL, lymphodenosis NK/LI, Ehrlich carcinoma and Garding-Passy melanoma. It was shown that components I, II and III possessed almost the same high antiblastomic activity and the same optimal administration schemes should be used for them. The scheme consisted of two-fold administration of the drug at intervals of 96-120 hours. Component I had broader therapeutic ranges and was more active against the lung bronchogenic cancer as compared to component II. All 3 components had no selective antiblastomic effect on the ascitic form of Ehrlich carcinoma. A comparative study of the component toxicity and pharmacology is required for final conclusion as to the recommendation of one of the components for clinical trials.  相似文献   

The chemotactic sensory system of Escherichia coli comprises membrane-embedded chemoreceptors and six soluble chemotaxis (Che) proteins. These components form signaling complexes that mediate sensory excitation and adaptation. Previous determinations of cellular content of individual components provided differing and apparently conflicting values. We used quantitative immunoblotting to perform comprehensive determinations of cellular amounts of all components in two E. coli strains considered wild type for chemotaxis, grown in rich and minimal media. Cellular amounts varied up to 10-fold, but ratios between proteins varied no more than 30%. Thus, cellular stoichiometries were almost constant as amounts varied substantially. Calculations using those cellular stoichiometries and values for in vivo proportions of core components in complexes yielded an in vivo stoichiometry for core complexes of 3.4 receptor dimers and 1.6 CheW monomers for each CheA dimer and 2.4 CheY, 0.5 CheZ dimers, 0.08 CheB, and 0.05 CheR per complex. The values suggest a core unit of a trimer of chemoreceptor dimers, a dimer (or two monomers) of kinase CheA, and two CheW. These components may interact in extended arrays and, thus, stoichiometries could be nonintegral. In any case, cellular stoichiometries indicate that CheY could be bound to all signaling complexes and this binding would recruit essentially the entire cellular complement of unphosphorylated CheY, and also that phosphatase CheZ, methylesterase CheB, and methyltransferase CheR would be present at 1 per 2, per 14, and per 20 core complexes, respectively. These characteristic ratios will be important in quantitative treatments of chemotaxis, both experimental and theoretical.  相似文献   

Regulation of myosin and filamentous actin interaction by tropomyosin is a central feature of contractile events in muscle and nonmuscle cells. However, little is known about molecular interactions within the complex and the trajectory of tropomyosin movement between its "open" and "closed" positions on the actin filament. Here, we report the 8 ? resolution structure of the rigor (nucleotide-free) actin-tropomyosin-myosin complex determined by cryo-electron microscopy. The pseudoatomic model of the complex, obtained from fitting crystal structures into the map, defines the large interface involving two adjacent actin monomers and one tropomyosin pseudorepeat per myosin contact. Severe forms of hereditary myopathies are linked to mutations that critically perturb this interface. Myosin binding results in a 23 ? shift of tropomyosin along actin. Complex domain motions occur in myosin, but not in actin. Based on our results, we propose a structural model for the tropomyosin-dependent modulation of myosin binding to actin.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide and monoamine components of the parabrachial pontine complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C H Block  G E Hoffman 《Peptides》1987,8(2):267-283
The present investigation examined the distributions of immunoreactive neurotensin (NT), cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK), substance P (SP), methionine enkephalin (ENK), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), somatostatin (SS), rat neurophysin II (RNP II), vasopressin (VP), oxytocin (OXY), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and serotonin in the parabrachial nuclear complex (PB) of the rat. All of these substances were localized to the PB and they appeared to be chemoarchitecturally organized within the complex. The lateral subdivision (PBL) was organized medial-lateral and ventral-dorsal. Specifically NT, CCK, and SP immunoreactive fibers were found to be the most dense in the ventral aspect of the PBL. The distribution of NT-containing fibers was similar to the pattern of CCK-containing fibers and these were localized primarily to the central zone of the PBL. Immunoreactive SP fibers and cells were found in the external and internal zones ventrally and surrounding the dorsal and dorsolateral nuclei in the PBL. Somatostatin, ENK and VIP were found to be the most dense in the dorsal PBL. Serotonin- and TH-containing cells and fibers were found in both the PBL and PBM. These results, coupled with the observations of neuronal connections of the PB and the known functions of this region, underscore the potential involvement for these neuropeptides and monoamines in limbic-brainstem mechanisms of autonomic control.  相似文献   

Structure and function of facilitative sugar transporters.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sugar transporters from one group of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. A conserved common central pore structure lies at the heart of these transporters and diverse functionality is brought about by alterations to this pore or regions associated with it. Recent mutagenesis studies of sugar transporters within the framework of tenable models for the distantly related lactose permease argue that this model is a good paradigm for other members of the major facilitator superfamily.  相似文献   

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