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Pistia stratiotes L. in a Nigerian lake receiving organic and laboratory chemical wastes, accumulated trace elements from the lake water. Its possible use in the treatment of specific industrial wastes or in selective enrichment of specific elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Crystal idioblasts are cells which are specialized for accumulation of Ca2+ as a physiologically inactive, crystalline salt of oxalic acid. Using microautoradiographic, immunological, and ultrastructural techniques, the process of raphide crystal growth, and how crystal growth is coordinated with cell growth, was studied in idioblasts ofPistia stratiotes. Incorporation of45Ca2+ directly demonstrated that, relative to surrounding mesophyll cells, crystal idioblasts act as high-capacity Ca2+ sinks, accumulating large amounts of Ca2+ within the vacuole as crystals. The pattern of addition of Ca2+ during crystal growth indicates a highly regulated process with bidirectional crystal growth. In very young idioblasts,45Ca2+ is incorporated along the entire length of the needle-shaped raphide crystals, but as they mature incorporation only occurs at crystal tips in a bidirectional mode. At full maturity, the idioblast stops Ca2+ uptake, although the cells are still alive, demonstrating an ability to strictly regulate Ca transport processes at the plasma membrane. In situ hybridization for ribosomal RNA shows young idioblasts are extremely active cells, are more active than older idioblasts, and have higher general activity than surrounding mesophyll cells. Polarizing and scanning electron microscopy demonstrate that the crystal morphology changes as crystals develop and includes morphological polarity and an apparent nucleation point from which crystals grow bidirectionally. These results indicate a carefully regulated process of biomineralization in the vacuole. Finally, we show that the cytoskeleton is important in controlling the idioblast cell shape, but the regulation of crystal growth and morphology is under a different control mechanism.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Neohydronomus affinis was imported into Australia as a potential biological control agent for the floating aquatic weedPistia stratiotes. Quarantine studies demonstrated that this weevil was host specific toP. stratiotes and it was released into the field in 1982. Subsequently it was released as a control agent for this weed in several other countries. In AustraliaN. affinis reduced infestations ofP. stratiotes by 40% or more within 12–18 months. The results are discussed in relation to its effectiveness in other parts of the world. We concluded thatN. affinis effectively controlsP. stratiotes in tropical regions (to lat. 22°), but in cooler regions its effectiveness fluctuates with seasonal conditions.   相似文献   

Waterlettuce,Pistia stratiotes L., has been successfully controlled in Australia with the weevil,Neohydronomus affinis Hustache. In this study, the weevil was tested in quarantine against 34 plant species in 27 families. In non-replicated no-choice tests, it fed and oviposited on 3 species of duckweeds [(Lemna minor L.,Spirodela punctata (Meyer) Thomps.,S. polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.], frogbit [(Limnobium spongia (Bosc.) Steud.], mosquitofern (Azolla caroliniana Willd) and waterfern (Salvinia mimima Baker). Feeding also occurred on golden club (Orontium aquaticum L.) and one egg was laid on the terrestrial panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa Baker). Plants oviposited and fed upon were retested in choice tests. The weevils then fed and oviposited exclusively on waterlettuce. Various aspects of weevil biology, including larval feeding and mining, plant response to weevil attack, and adult behavior are discussed. Florida Agric. Expt. J. series No 8580.  相似文献   

An assumption of weed science and conservation biology is that small populations are more vulnerable to elimination and extinction than large populations. We tested this with the invasive biennial garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). We compared 61 experimental populations from which every flowering plant was removed for 4 years, with 56 control populations. Whereas the majority of the control populations continued to expand in size over the 4 years, experimental populations showed a strong experimental effect, remaining stable in size, declining in size, or going extinct. Small populations were far more vulnerable to extinction than large populations: 43% of small experimental populations (initially fewer than 10 individuals) went extinct, but only 7% of large populations (initially more than 50 individuals). However, some small experimental populations persisted, and in a few cases, larger experimental populations continued to expand even though every flowering individual had been removed. These results and a simple population model suggest the importance of buried seeds in allowing this species to persist despite attempts to eradicate it.  相似文献   

水浮莲对水稻竞争效应、产量与土壤养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解入侵植物水浮莲在稻田生产中的扩散规律和对水稻农业性状的影响,通过田间水稻田实验,按照de Wit 取代试验方法和添加系列设计方法研究水浮莲与水稻(云稻2 号)混种对植株形态和生物量影响、种间竞争效应、水稻产量以及对土壤养分的影响。结果表明,混种条件下水浮莲母株株高、分蘖数、生物量和开花株数均受到水稻的明显抑制,受到的抑制率显著高于其对水稻的抑制率。水浮莲的种间竞争大于种内竞争(RY 小于1.0)而水稻的种内竞争大于种间竞争(RY 大于1.0),水浮莲混种比例大于和等于1:1 时(RYT大于1.0)与水稻不存在竞争作用,而小于1:1时(RYT 小于1.0)其存在着竞争作用,水浮莲对水稻的竞争力(CB 小于0)小于水稻。混种条件下水稻有效穗数和产量有明显提高,增产比例为3.54%-13.38%。生长过程中水浮莲对土壤钾、磷元素消耗大于水稻,而有机质和氮元素消耗小于水稻;混种条件下水稻明显降低水浮莲对土壤养分消耗,且二者在土壤养分上没有竞争关系。所有这些表明,入侵稻田的水浮莲与水稻生长过程中其形态、生物量等方面都处于劣势,而且一定的水浮莲密度有利于抑制水浮莲对土壤养分的消耗和促进水稻生长繁殖及其产量的提高,因此为满足饲料利用和环境净化,建议在正常耕作稻田中可对水浮莲进行适当的应用。  相似文献   

Chemical investigation of the dichloromethane extract of the Red Sea marine sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea led to the isolation of four novel polyhydroxysteroids: cholesta-8-en-3beta,5alpha,6alpha,25-tetrol (1), cholesta-8(14)-en-3beta,5alpha,6alpha,25-tetrol (2), cholesta-8,24-dien-3beta,5alpha,6alpha-triol (3), and cholesta-8(14),24-dien-3beta,5alpha,6alpha-triol (4). Their structures were identified through 1D and 2D NMR studies. Relative stereochemistries were established by analysis of chemical shifts, coupling constants, and NOESY correlations. Compounds 3-4 showed antifungal activity against Candida tropicalis, with an inhibition diameter of 13 and 11 mm at 10 microg/disc, respectively.  相似文献   

Shadrin  N. V.  Popova  E. V. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):179-184
There are two morphotypes of A. clausi in the Black Sea. The diversity in the spine ornamentation of the last prosomal and urosomal segments generally has been decreasing in both morphotypes during the period of this study (1976–1990). Seasonal data showed increased variability in April.  相似文献   

As part of an ecological risk assessment casestudy at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNS), Kittery,Maine, USA, the population level effects of leadexposure to purple sea urchin, Arbaciapunctulata, were investigated using a stage-classifiedmatrix population model. The model divided the lifehistory of A. punctulata into five classes,incorporating both, the developmental stages of thisspecies and the endpoints from a laboratory bioassay. Finite population growth rate () was themetric relating population level impact to leadexposure. An inverse relationship was observed betweenlead tissue residues in A. punctulata and. Bioassay treatments which resulted insignificant impacts on fertilization success and zygoteviability did not translate into significant effects on, unless those treatments also negativelyimpacted adult survival. These results paralleled theelasticity (relative sensitivity) analysis of themodel, which indicated that was mostsensitive to adult and subadult survival and wasrelatively insensitive to fecundity, fertilizationsuccess, or zygote survival. Model results indicatedthat the environmental lead levels observed at PNSshould not pose significant ecological risk to seaurchin populations. Additionally, the model resultsindicated that impacts to the early life stagesroutinely used in toxicity testing do not necessarilytranslate directly into impacts at the populationlevel.  相似文献   

An investigation of the hydrography and the population, production and biomass of plankton in the Red Sea, carried out during the METEOR cruise in summer 1987, aimed to describe the ecosystem characteristics during the SW monsoon period. Vertical profiles of in-vivo chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, measured in the presence of chlorphenyl-dimethyl-urea (CMU), are presented. Variations in the fluorescence pattern were observed and assumed to be due to the influence of a reef and surface influx of nutrient rich water from the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. This northward influx was driven by SE winds, caused by an unusual northward shift of the innertropical convergence zone up to 20°N in summer 1987. Integrated chlorophyll a values were calculated from fluorescence data. They showed a slight increase from north to south and higher pigment contents in August (8.7–20.2 mg m–2) than in July (3.3–9.0 mg m–2), the latter was attributed to the above mentioned influx. Calibration of the fluorescence measurements using cultures of a green alga and cyanobacterium indicated that there may have been an underestimate of the contribution of Oscillatoria populations to the chlorophyll a concentration of the samples. Fluorescence peaks were recorded in the lower part of the euphotic zone, indicating a deep maximum of phytoplankton and/or an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence per unit biomass at these depths.  相似文献   

We present the first comparative study of the stage-specific patterns of mortality of Calanus and Pseudocalanus, two widely distributed genera that are representative of a relatively large-bodied, broadcast spawning calanoid copepod and a relatively small-bodied, egg-brooding calanoid. The study site is Georges Bank, a continental shelf locality in the Northwestern Atlantic with retentive circulation that renders it suitable for studies of population dynamics. Based on extensive mortality estimates from 30 cruises, we find that co-occurring Calanus finmarchicus and Pseudocalanus spp. have markedly different patterns of stage-specific mortality, the former bimodal and the latter relatively uniform with respect to developmental stage. Neither taxon exhibits a monotonic decline in mortality with developmental stage, nor are rates of mortality predictable in a useful manner by copepod body size or by ambient temperature. Young stages of the broadcast-spawning C. finmarchicus show conditional density-dependence of mortality rates, i.e. mortality rates are independent of population density when adult females are low in abundance but positively related to population density at high female abundances. This density-dependence, which is probably attributable to egg cannibalism, introduces a quadratic mortality term into population dynamic models. The egg-brooding Pseudocalanus spp., in contrast, show no evidence of density-dependent mortality. The two taxa illustrate a life history trade-off: the broadcast-spawning Calanus exhibits birth rates that are greatly elevated with respect to those of Pseudocalanus, but there is a compensatory cost in very low survivorship of the freely spawned eggs. Both the high fecundity, high mortality life history of Calanus and the low fecundity, low mortality life history of Pseudocalanus appear to have approximately equal fitness in this study site.  相似文献   

In the present study, the catch composition and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) by weight and numbers in red shrimps’ (Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus) grounds was examined in the southern part of the eastern Ionian Sea, in order to collect important information for the Greek waters, where no deep-water fishery exists. In the depth stratum 500–700 m, the catch of the commercial species represented a high proportion (>70%) of the total catch. Red shrimps and several other commercial species were found in important quantities. The present results suggest the possibility of developing a deep-water fishery in Greece. In such a case, attention should be paid because of the high vulnerability of A. foliacea – the main deep-water fishing resource in the area – to the fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Zooplankton characteristics in monitoring of Lake Ladoga   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae)) is alien to Africa and a declared weed in South Africa. In large perennial rivers it is effectively controlled by its biological control agent, Neohydronomus affinis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). On those shallow isolated water bodies which are regularly subjected to alternate wet and dry regimes that become infested with water lettuce, chemical control is necessary to prevent further spread of the weed and to facilitate access to water. This paper discusses the short-term chemical control and the long-term biological control of water lettuce. The need for further research is outlined.  相似文献   

Nagasawa  Kazuya  Imai  Yoshihiro  Ishida  Kyoichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):571-577
Changes in the population size and geographical distribution of the mesoparasitic copepod Pennella sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Pennellidae) on the saury, Cololabis saira, were studied for a period of six years (1981–86) in the western North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. The parasite was first recorded in the western North Pacific in 1981. Its population size increased rapidly in 1982–83 and declined slightly in 1984. During these years, infected fish were widely distributed in the western and central North Pacific and also found in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. However, the population declined dramatically in 1985 and its distributional range was reduced. The parasite disappeared in 1986. The observed frequency distributions of parasites on the host population were the Poisson in 1981 and 1985, but those during 1982–1984 were over-dispersed and fitted the negative binomial.Parasites of the saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort)-IV.  相似文献   

M. Mura  F. Orrù  A. Cau 《Hydrobiologia》2006,557(1):51-57
Some aspects of the reproductive biology of two hermit crabs Pagurus alatus (Fabricius, 1775) and P. excavatus (Herbst, 1791) were studied. Specimens were collected monthly from April 2000 to March 2001 on the continental shelf and the upper-middle slope off the Southwestern coasts of Sardinia, in the central-western Mediterranean Sea. Crab size (minimum and maximum shield length) was 1.7 and 9.5 mm for 1150 females of P. alatus; 4.0 and 10.4 mm for 347 females of P. excavatus, respectively. Females of P. alatus with ripe ovaries were only found in February-April and ovigerous females were observed throughout the year except in March, with the highest incidence in summer. Females of P. excavatus with fully developed ovaries were collected during all months of the year reaching a peak from April to June. Ovigerous females of P. excavatus occurred throughout the year and the main spawning period occurred in March and April. Fecundity of both species was calculated to assess seasonal variation of reproductive intensity and was positively correlated with the size of the individuals. Monthly fecundity did not reveal significant differences in P. alatus ovigerous females, whereas P. excavatus exhibited significant differences in monthly fecundity depending on the time of year. Difference in fecundity among P. alatus and P. excavatus can be related to the size of the ovigerous females and species of hermit crab, but their different reproductive strategies suggest that they are specifically related to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Freeliving nematodes from the Salton Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Thirteen species, or putative species, of freeliving nematodes are recorded from a variety of habitats in the hypersaline Salton Sea, the largest inland lake in California. This doubles the number of species of multicellular invertebrates known to occur in the lake. All species are referable to known marine genera, and are regarded as having a marine coastal origin. The range of taxa present is representative of the full taxonomic spread found in marine coastal habitats, suggesting that a wide range of marine nematode taxa are capable of adapting to the hypersaline conditions. The broad spectrum of feeding types present suggests that nematodes play a variety of ecological roles within the lake.  相似文献   

Colobus monkeys on the African island of Zanzibar eat charcoal from burned trees and lying near kilns, where it is produced for cooking. This behavior may be a learned response for counteracting toxicity due to phenolic and similar compounds that occur in significant concentrations in the Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) leaves and mango (Mangifera indica) leaves which constitute a major part of their diet. Accordingly, we studied the adsorption of organic materials from hot water extracts of Indian almond and mango leaves by five charcoals collected in Zanzibar. For comparison, we also evaluated three commercial powdered activated charcoals. Three African charcoals collected at kilns adsorbed more organic material than two kinds collected from burned tree stumps. The commercial activated charcoals adsorbed the organic material best, as expected, yet the African kiln charcoals adsorbed surprisingly well. Thus, the hypothesized function of charcoal eating is supported.  相似文献   

During the Pleistocene, when the climate was wetter and cooler, aquatic habitats in the Great Basin of western North America were much more extensive and connected. As the climate warmed over the last 10000 years, many of these habitats dried but others remained as isolated springs and inland lakes. The isolation of desert springs and lack of dispersal between populations of non-vagile species (e.g. fish, spring snails) has led to genetic differentiation and speciation. However, the extent to which vagile species of aquatic insects disperse from spring to spring is unknown. We examined the population genetics of two caddisflies, Hesperophylax designatus (Limnephilidae) and Lepidostoma ojanum (Lepidostomatidae) that occur in isolated springs in Nevada and eastern California to determine the extent of their dispersal from spring to spring. Mitochondrial DNA sequences indicate that the populations of L. ojanum are isolated and that the populations represent management units. In contrast, H. designatus individuals are flying from spring to spring and their populations are connected by dispersal. Disturbance impacts (e.g. grazing by ungulates, water extraction) that eliminate poor dispersers (e.g. L. ojanum) locally may result in permanent losses of genetic diversity; this is less likely with broader dispersers such as H. designatus.  相似文献   

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