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During the 19th century, sail whalers hunted right whales throughout the southern oceans north of 50 degrees. This review seeks to document the recovery of southern right whales by comparing the northernmost recent sightings with older sightings that survive “fossilised” in historical records of the sail whaling era. Despite a steady expansion northwards in recent years, the present distribution of right whales is still far short of that recorded by sail whalers over a century ago.  相似文献   

Distribution and inheritance of dorsal skin color markings among two populations of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) suggest that two genes influence dorsal skin color. The grey-morph and partial-grey-morph phenotypes (previously known as partial albino and grey-blaze, respectively) appear to be controlled by an X-linked gene, whereas the white blaze appears controlled by an autosomal gene (recessive phenotype). Calving intervals, calf size, and length of sighting history data suggest that partial-grey-morph, white-blaze, and black cows experience similar levels of reproductive success. Grey-morph cows (XgXg) are rare or absent in the two populations, but this was not unexpected given observed population frequencies of grey-morph males (XgY) and partial-grey-morph females (XGXg). The proportion of partial-grey-morph calves produced by black cows (XGXG) suggests that the reproductive success of grey-morph males was equal to that of black males, however, larger sample sizes are required to determine whether grey-morph males tend to have shorter sighting histories. The reproductive success of white-blaze males appeared similar to that of black males among whales off Argentina. There were significantly fewer white-blaze calves than expected off South Africa, which could be due to white-blaze males experiencing reduced reproductive success or to sighting blases that result in white-marked calves being misidentified as black calves. The relative frequencies of both types of dorsal color markings varied between the South African and Argentinian right whale populations, suggesting limited nuclear gene flow between these populations; analyses using other nuclear markers are under way to confirm the extent of gene flow.  相似文献   

To assist in the species-level identification of stranded and hunted beaked whales, we compiled a database of 'reference' sequences from the mitochondrial DNA control region for 15 of the 20 described ziphiid species. Reference samples for eight species were obtained from stranded animals in New Zealand and South Australia. Sequences for a further seven species were obtained from a previously published report. This database was used to identify 20 'test' samples obtained from incompletely documented strandings around New Zealand. Analyses showed that four of these 'test' specimens (20%) had initially been misidentified. These included two animals of particular interest: (i) a Blainville's beaked whale ( Mesoplodon densirostris) , the first record of this species in New Zealand waters; and, (ii) a juvenile Andrews' beaked whale ( Mesoplodon bowdoini ), a species known from just over 20 strandings worldwide. A published sequence from a beaked whale product purchased in the Republic of Korea was identified as a Cuvier's beaked whale ( Ziphius cavirostris ). Levels of intra- and interspecific variation were compared to determine the potential for misidentification when the database or taxonomy is incomplete. Intraspecific variation was generally <2%, and interspecific divergence was generally >4.7%. Exceptions were within-species variation in Hyperoodon planifrons , southern bottlenosed whale (4.12%), which exceeded the variation between the two species of Berardius (3.78%), and variation between the two specimens assigned to M. hectori , Hector's beaked whale (7.14%). The latter case appears to be an error in species identification, and could represent the discovery of a new species of beaked whale.  相似文献   

We investigated sex‐related site fidelity by humpback whales to the Fueguian Archipelago, a new feeding area in the eastern South Pacific, by examining the resighting histories of 45 males and 39 females recorded from 2003 to 2012. Results indicated an overall annual return to the feeding area of 74.8%, and annual sex ratio is roughly equal in the population. The probability of an individual being resighted across years and in subsequent years was not significantly different for both males and females, however, the proportion of resighting within a year was significantly higher for individual males compared to females. Potential sources of sex‐related bias were analyzed, but none were found to be significant. Greater intraannual resighting frequency for males may reflect sex‐based differences in spatial occupation and short‐range movements due to potential differences in energy budgets.  相似文献   

Abstract.— DNA sequence variation at the hypervariable 5'end of the mitochondrial control region was examined in 247 individuals to detect genetic divergence among 14 populations of red grouse ( Lagopus lagopus scoticus ) in northeastern Scotland. Ten haplotypes were resolved, several of which were shared among populations. Analysis of molecular variance, Nei's yST, and a cladistic estimate of the amount of gene flow indicated a lack of overall population differentiation. Patterns of overall panmixia are in stark contrast to previous reports of localized subdivision among the same set of populations detected using hypervariable microsatellite markers. Because grouse cocks are territorial and show extreme natal philopatry and females are the dispersing sex, such discordance could be explained by sexbiased dispersal, with extensive female-mediated gene flow preventing mitochondrial DNA divergence. However, it is difficult to reconcile how effective dispersal of females would not homogenize both mitochondrial and nuclear structure simultaneously. We use a model that examines the spatial and temporal dynamics of diparentally and uniparentally inherited genes to show that, under realistic ecological scenarios and with specific differences in the dispersal of males and females, the local effective size of the nuclear genome can be less than that of the mitochondrial and the patterns of structuring we observe are meaningful.  相似文献   

Right whales carry large populations of three 'whale lice' (Cyamus ovalis, Cyamus gracilis, Cyamus erraticus) that have no other hosts. We used sequence variation in the mitochondrial COI gene to ask (i) whether cyamid population structures might reveal associations among right whale individuals and subpopulations, (ii) whether the divergences of the three nominally conspecific cyamid species on North Atlantic, North Pacific, and southern right whales (Eubalaena glacialis, Eubalaena japonica, Eubalaena australis) might indicate their times of separation, and (iii) whether the shapes of cyamid gene trees might contain information about changes in the population sizes of right whales. We found high levels of nucleotide diversity but almost no population structure within oceans, indicating large effective population sizes and high rates of transfer between whales and subpopulations. North Atlantic and Southern Ocean populations of all three species are reciprocally monophyletic, and North Pacific C. erraticus is well separated from North Atlantic and southern C. erraticus. Mitochondrial clock calibrations suggest that these divergences occurred around 6 million years ago (Ma), and that the Eubalaena mitochondrial clock is very slow. North Pacific C. ovalis forms a clade inside the southern C. ovalis gene tree, implying that at least one right whale has crossed the equator in the Pacific Ocean within the last 1-2 million years (Myr). Low-frequency polymorphisms are more common than expected under neutrality for populations of constant size, but there is no obvious signal of rapid, interspecifically congruent expansion of the kind that would be expected if North Atlantic or southern right whales had experienced a prolonged population bottleneck within the last 0.5 Myr.  相似文献   

Humpback whales feed on a variety of prey, but significant differences likely occur between regional feeding grounds. In this study, the diets of humpback whales were analyzed by comparing stable isotope ratios in animal tissues at three humpback whale feeding grounds in the Russian Far East: Karaginsky Gulf, Anadyr Gulf, and the Commander Islands. Anadyr Gulf is a neritic zone far from a shelf break, Karaginsky Gulf is a neritic zone close to a shelf break, and the Commander Islands represent an open oceanic ecosystem where whales feed off the shelf break. Samples from the Commander Islands had the lowest mean δ13C and δ15N values (mean ± SE: δ13C = ?18.7 ± 0.1, δ15N = 10.4 ± 0.1) compared to the samples from Karaginsky Gulf (δ13C = ?17.2 ± 0.1, δ15N = 12.7 ± 0.2) and Anadyr Gulf (δ13C= ?17.8 ± 0.1, δ15N = 14.0 ± 0.4). The samples from Anadyr Gulf had the highest δ15N values, while the samples from Karaginsky Gulf had the highest δ13C values. Both δ13C and δ15N values differed significantly among all three areas. Our data support the hypothesis that humpback whales tend to feed on fish in neritic areas and on plankton in deep oceanic waters.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Keller I  Heckel G 《Heredity》2012,109(2):108-116
Long-distance migrants are, by definition, highly mobile but it is poorly understood if this leads to high rates of gene flow and an essentially panmictic global population structure. Genetic divergence in migratory species could be promoted, for example, by fidelity to distinct migratory pathways. In this study, we investigate the population genetic structure of tufted duck (Aythya fuligula), a long-distance migrant with a largely continuous breeding distribution across Eurasia. Distinct, longitudinally oriented flyways have been postulated based on geographically disjunct wintering areas and are supported by evidence from ringing data. We generated sequences of the mitochondrial control region and multi-locus microsatellite genotypes for several hundreds of samples from the European and Asian breeding and wintering grounds including some individuals infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1. Significant differentiation between breeding sites was observed for both marker types, but F(ST) values were approximately 10 times higher for maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA than for biparentally transmitted nuclear markers. The genetic differentiation between the postulated European and Asian flyways was similar to that observed within continents and, in general, genetic divergence was not associated with geographic distance. Neither marker type showed evidence of genetic substructure among aggregations on the European wintering grounds. Our results suggest some breeding site fidelity, especially in females, but extensive population admixture on the wintering grounds. Several scenarios may explain the observed lack of genetic divergence between Europe and Asia including non-equilibrium conditions following a recent range expansion or contemporary gene flow across the postulated migratory divides.  相似文献   

Ecological diversity has been reported for killer whales (Orcinus orca) throughout the North Atlantic but patterns of prey specialization have remained poorly understood. We quantify interindividual dietary variations in killer whales (n = 38) sampled throughout the year in 2017–2018 in northern Norway using stable isotopic nitrogen (δ15N: 15N/14N) and carbon (δ13C: 13C/12C) ratios. A Gaussian mixture model assigned sampled individuals to three differentiated clusters, characterized by disparate nonoverlapping isotopic niches, that were consistent with predatory field observations: seal‐eaters, herring‐eaters, and lumpfish‐eaters. Seal‐eaters showed higher δ15N values (mean ± SD: 12.6 ± 0.3‰, range = 12.3–13.2‰, n = 10) compared to herring‐eaters (mean ± SD: 11.7 ± 0.2‰, range = 11.4–11.9‰, n = 19) and lumpfish‐eaters (mean ± SD: 11.6 ± 0.2‰, range = 11.3–11.9, n = 9). Elevated δ15N values for seal‐eaters, regardless of sampling season, confirmed feeding at high trophic levels throughout the year. However, a wide isotopic niche and low measured δ15N values in the seal‐eaters, compared to that of whales that would eat solely seals (δN‐measured = 12.6 vs. δN‐expected = 15.5), indicated a diverse diet that includes both fish and mammal prey. A narrow niche for killer whales sampled at herring and lumpfish seasonal grounds supported seasonal prey specialization reflective of local peaks in prey abundance for the two fish‐eating groups. Our results, thus, show differences in prey specialization within this killer whale population in Norway and that the episodic observations of killer whales feeding on prey other than fish are a consistent behavior, as reflected in different isotopic niches between seal and fish‐eating individuals.  相似文献   

Marine mammals rely on blubber mainly for energy storage, buoyancy, and streamlining. Mysticetes are born with a relatively thin fat layer that grows rapidly during nursing. However, little information on blubber deposition patterns is available for baleen whale calves. We measured blubber thickness at nine body locations in 350 southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) newborn to 4–6-month-old calves that died on the Península Valdés (Argentina) calving ground from 2003 to 2019, to document changes in blubber thickness with growth. Additionally, we looked for differences in blubber thickness and lipid content of the outer/superficial blubber in calves that died in years with high (2003, 2005, 2007–2013) and low calf mortality (2004, 2006, 2014–2019) to test whether the former were suffering from gross nutritional stress. Blubber thickness increased at all body locations with calf length. Along the cranio-caudal axis, blubber increased in the dorsal and ventral planes, but decreased laterally towards the peduncle, possibly to improve streamlining. We found no difference in blubber thickness and lipid content between high and low mortality years, suggesting that individuals were not undernourished. This is the first study to describe progressive increases in calf blubber during growth and contributes knowledge to right whale health and ontogeny.  相似文献   

Fin and humpback whales are large consumers that are often sympatric, effectively sharing or partitioning their use of habitat and prey resources. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the skin of fin and humpback whales from two regions in the western Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak, and Shumagin Islands, were analyzed to test the hypothesis that these sympatric baleen whales exhibit trophic niche partitioning within these regions. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference, suggested that niche partitioning between species is occurring in the Kodiak region but not in the Shumagin Islands. Isotopic mixing models based on stable isotopes from whales and local prey samples, were used to estimate possible diet solutions for whales in the Kodiak region. Comparison of isotopic niches and diet models support niche partitioning, with fin whales foraging primarily on zooplankton and humpback whales foraging on zooplankton and small forage fish. The results of this study show that niche partitioning between sympatric species can vary by region and may be the result of prey availability, prey preferences, or both.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Genetic structure of the mayfly Bungona narilla was examined using allozymes and a section of the cytochrome oxidase I gene.
2. The study had two major aims. The first was to determine whether patterns of genetic variation in mitochondrial DNA were similar to those found previously for allozymes, i.e. that more variation was evident among pools within a single stream than among streams. The mitochondrial DNA results were similar to those reported previously for allozymes, supporting the idea that larvae within any particular pool were unrepresentative of the total population and may result from a few matings.
3. The second aim was to test the hypothesis that the variation among pools within a stream was greater after dry periods than after wet periods. This was because after wet periods, larvae would have greater opportunity for mixing because of movement among pools. This hypothesis was partly supported by the mitochondrial DNA data but not by the allozyme data, in which variation among pools was extremely low on both sampling occasions. The reasons for this difference are unclear.  相似文献   

Fecal analysis from the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale provides valuable information about health and reproductive parameters of individual animals. Genetically profiling the feces facilitates this connection when the sample originator is unknown. Although genetic analysis of feces collected in terrestrial systems has become well established, genetic studies of cetacean DNA are rare. Here, the use of free‐floating feces as a source of right whale DNA and the reliability of the genotypes produced are examined. On average, fecal extracts yielded 25 ng of DNA/mg dry weight, but less than 1% was right whale DNA. Although all samples were amplified using genus‐specific mitochondrial control region primers, the quantity of right whale DNA present was over estimated when compared to amplifications using nuclear primers. No correlation was found between the quantity of right whale DNA recovered and the duration the sample sat in the water. Composite microsatellite profiles from multiple amplifications of 28 fecal samples of known origin were consistent with profiles of the same individuals obtained from skin biopsies, however, the rate of allelic dropout varied depending on the amount of right whale DNA added. A screening and genotyping protocol for reliable genetic profiling based on fecal DNA quantification is presented.  相似文献   

During the last glacial age, Afro-alpine habitats were widespread across the highlands of Ethiopia. A wolf-like canid ancestor is thought to have colonized this expanding habitat and given rise to a new species that was remarkably well adapted to the high altitude environment: the Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis. Here, we address the timing of genetic divergence and examine population genetic history and structure by investigating the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. The pattern of mtDNA variation and geographical distribution indicate an initial population expansion, probably immediately after divergence from the wolf-like ancestor, around 100,000 years ago. The partition of mtDNA haplotypes that followed was most likely the result of habitat reduction and fragmentation at the onset of deglaciation approximately 15,000 years ago. Phylogenetic and geographical associations suggest that the most likely genetic partitioning corresponds to three mountain areas, Arsi/Bale, Wollo/Shoa and Simien/Mt. Guna. Although there is a degree of clustering of haplotypes from both sides of the Rift Valley, the lack of reciprocal monophyly does not support the taxonomic classification of two subspecies. This study highlights the importance of populations north of the Rift Valley for the maintenance of genetic variability within the species and has consequent implications for conservation.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale genetic structure of large mammals is rarely analysed. Yet it is potentially important in estimating gene flow between the now fragmented wildlife habitats and in predicting re‐colonization following local extinction events. In this study, we examined the extent to which warthog populations from five localities in Uganda are genetically structured using both mitochondrial control region sequence and microsatellite allele length variation. Four of the localities (Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, Lake Mburo and Kidepo Valley) are national parks with relatively good wildlife protection practices and the other (Luwero), not a protected area, is characterized by a great deal of hunting. In the total sample, significant genetic differentiation was observed at both the mtDNA locus (FST = 0.68; P < 0.001) and the microsatellite loci (FST = 0.14; P < 0.001). Despite the relatively short geographical distances between populations, significant genetic differentiation was observed in all pair‐wise population comparisons at the two marker sets (mtDNA FST = 0.21–0.79, P < 0.001; microsatellite FST = 0.074–0.191, P < 0.001). Significant heterozygote deficiency was observed at most loci within protected areas while no significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg expectation was observed in the unprotected Luwero population. We explain these results in terms of: (i) a strong philopatry among warthogs, (ii) a Wahlund effect resulting from the sampling regime and (iii) break down of social structure in the disturbed Luwero population.  相似文献   

The sub-Antarctic waters of South Georgia Island (Islas Georgias del Sur, SG/IG) are a regularly visited feeding ground for southern right whales (Eubalaena australis, SRW) in the southwest Atlantic. Satellite telemetry and photo-identification records were compared to better understand the role of SG/IG in the SRW migratory network. We present the first insights from SRW satellite-tracked from the SG/IG feeding ground, habitat use patterns in the Scotia Arc, and movements to Antarctic habitats. Photo-identification comparisons to calving and feeding areas across the South Atlantic and a review of sightings of cetaceans reported from Bird Island (west of SG/IG) since 1979 illuminate long-term habitat use patterns in SG/IG. We present the first recorded migratory movement between SG/IG and multiple countries: Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Photo-identification (1) linked SG/IG to a female SRW with a long-term sighting history in Brazil, and (2) provided the first match between SG/IG and the western Antarctic Peninsula, suggesting the latter could extend the feeding area for southwest Atlantic SRW. Satellite tracking and opportunistic sightings suggest that shelf and coastal waters west of SG/IG represent an important multi-season SRW feeding habitat and add to our overall understanding of habitats and ranges occupied by recovering southwest Atlantic SRW.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogenies can provide useful insights into how populations have been shaped by historical and contemporary processes. Taiwan formed around 5 million years ago from tectonic uplift, and has been connected to mainland Asia several times since its emergence. A central mountain range runs north to south, bisecting the island, and potentially impedes gene flow along an east-west axis. The Formosan lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus monoceros) is endemic to Taiwan, where it is found mainly at low altitude. To determine the population structure and the demographic and colonization history of this species, we examined variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region in 203 bats sampled at 26 sites. We found very high haplotype and nucleotide diversity, which decreased from the centre to the south and north. Population differentiation followed a pattern of isolation by distance, though most regional genetic variance was attributable to differences between the relatively isolated southern population and those from other regions. A haplotype network was consistent with these findings and also suggested a southward colonization, followed by subsequent secondary contact between the south and other regions. Mismatch distributions were used to infer a past population expansion predating the last glacial maximum, and a neighbour-joining tree showed that R. monoceros formed a monophyletic grouping with respect to its sister taxa. Taken together, our results suggest that this taxon arose from a single period of colonization, and that demographic growth followed in the late Pleistocene. Current genetic structure reflects limited gene flow, probably coupled with stepwise colonization in the past. We consider explanations for the persistence of the species through multiple glacial maxima.  相似文献   

Bearded vulture populations in the Western Palearctic have experienced a severe decline during the last two centuries that has led to the near extinction of the species in Europe. In this study we analyse the sequence variation at the mitochondrial control region throughout the species range to infer its recent evolutionary history and to evaluate the current genetic status of the species. This study became possible through the extensive use of museum specimens to study populations now extinct. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two divergent mitochondrial lineages, lineage A occurring mainly in Western European populations and lineage B in African, Eastern European and Central Asian populations. The relative frequencies of haplotypes belonging to each lineage in the different populations show a steep East-West clinal distribution with maximal mixture of the two lineages in the Alps and Greece populations. A genealogical signature for population growth was found for lineage B, but not for lineage A; futhermore the Clade B haplotypes in western populations and clade A haplo-types in eastern populations are recently derived, as revealed by their peripheral location in median-joining haplotype networks. This phylogeographical pattern suggests allopatric differentiation of the two lineages in separate Mediterranean and African or Asian glacial refugia, followed by range expansion from the latter leading to two secondary contact suture zones in Central Europe and North Africa. High levels of among-population differentiation were observed, although these were not correlated with geographical distance. Due to the marked genetic structure, extinction of Central European populations in the last century re-sulted in the loss of a major portion of the genetic diversity of the species. We also found direct evidence for the effect of drift altering the genetic composition of the remnant Pyrenean population after the demographic bottleneck of the last century. Our results argue for the management of the species as a single population, given the apparent ecological exchangeability of extant stocks, and support the ongoing reintroduction of mixed ancestry birds in the Alps and planned reintroductions in Southern Spain.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were analyzed from 106 bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) specimens dating 471 ± 44 14C b.p. –10,290 ± 150 14C b.p. to evaluate whether historical changes in distribution and connectivity were detectable in levels of diversity and population structuring in the Central Canadian Arctic. The species has maintained levels of mtDNA diversity over 10,000 yr comparable to other nonbottlenecked large whale species. When compared to data from the Holocene East Greenland/Spitsbergen and contemporary Bering‐Chuckchi‐Beaufort populations, differentiation was low (FST≤ 0.005, ΦST≤ 0.003) and no temporal or geographical genetic structuring was evident. A combination of analyses suggests that the population has expanded over the past 30,000 14C yr. This genetic signature of expansion could result from population growth, admixture of multiple gene pools, or a combination of both scenarios. Despite known climatic change that altered bowhead distribution and led to isolation of populations, there is no detectable population structuring or change in genetic diversity during the Holocene. This may be due to long generation time, occasional population connectivity and a historically large global population. These characteristics warrant caution when interpreting contemporary bowhead whale DNA data, as it is unlikely that any population will be in mutation‐drift equilibrium.  相似文献   

Meng XF  Shi M  Chen XX 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(12):2880-2897
Chilo suppressalis (Walker) displays significant geographical differences in ecological preference that may be congruent with patterns of molecular variation. To test this, we collected and analysed 381 individuals of this species from cultivated rice at 18 localities in China during the rice-growing season of 2005–2006. We used four microsatellite DNA markers and four mitochondrial DNA gene fragments. We found that this species is highly differentiated, coupled with an estimated population expansion date of at least 60 000  bp . Phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian clustering, and phylogeographical analyses of statistical parsimony haplotype network consistently divided the populations into three clades: a central China (CC) clade, a northern plus northeastern China (NN) clade and a southwestern China (SW) clade. Analysis of molecular variance indicated a high level of geographical differentiation at different hierarchical levels [ F ST for microsatellite markers, COI, COII, 16S and ND1 is 0.06004 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.27607 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.22949 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.19485 ( P  < 0.0001) and 0.29285 ( P  < 0.0001), respectively]. Isolation by distance appeared among the samples from within China ( r  = 0.404, P  = 0.0002); Nem values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (< 2 migrants per generation), suggesting that the observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration–drift equilibrium. Our results imply that the genetic differentiation of this borer, which is approximately in accordance with its observed number of generations per year in different Chinese geographical regions, is probably attributed to climatic and/or geological events (e.g. the last glacial maximum) and subsequently strengthened by the domestication of rice.  相似文献   

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