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N-cadherin, a 130kD transmembrane adhesive glycoprotein, is a mediator of specific cellular interactions during development. Analysis of N-cadherin at the protein level, to date, has been largely dependent upon monoclonal antibody NCD-2 which recognizes only avian N-cadherin. We produced a monospecific polyclonal antiserum, C-NCAD(838-856), to a synthetic peptide corresponding to a portion of the highly conserved c-terminal cytoplasmic domain of chick N-cadherin. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting to map tissue distribution we show that the antiserum detects chick N-cadherin with a similar tissue distribution as NCD-2. Unlike NCD-2, however, anti-C-NCAD(838-856) recognizes N-cadherin analogues in a wide variety of species, including mouse, human, fish and drosophila. The results of comparative immunoblot studies demonstrate similar tissue-specific patterns and apparent molecular weight variation in the chick, mouse and human. This indicates that N-cadherin structure and expression, and most likely function as well, have been highly conserved in evolution. The antiserum recognizes an epitope unique to N-cadherin which is conserved among N-cadherins from a variety of species but is absent from other members of the cadherin gene family, as no immunoreactivity was detected with tissues bearing these other cadherins. The antiserum is thus a useful tool for the phylogenetic and biochemical investigation of N-cadherin from a variety of tissue sources.  相似文献   

Ruiz A  Nadal M  Puig S  Estivill X 《Gene》1999,239(1):155-161
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a common skin cancer. About 50% of CMM sporadic tumours have lost one copy of the chromosome 9p21 region. To identify genes involved in the initiation and/or progression of CMM we have characterised the 9p21 melanoma deleted region and screened the human expressed sequence tag (EST) databases (dbEST) to search for expressed genes. We have identified the gene that encodes the human orthologue of the rat phospholipase A2 activating protein (PLAP). PLAP was considered a potential candidate to be involved in malignant melanoma because it maps to the critical region for CMM and because the PLA2 gene has been identified as a modifier of the APC gene, responsible for the adenomatous polyposis phenotype in the mouse. PLAP encodes a protein of 738 amino acids and has a high DNA (90%) and protein (97%) sequence similarity with the rat and mouse PLAP protein. PLAP has a region of WD40 repeats in the amino-terminus, which allows us to include this protein in the superfamily of beta-transducin proteins. Northern blot hybridisation gave a fragment of 4.5 kb, with higher expression in heart compared to other tissues. PLAP was localised at chromosome 9p21, between marker AFM218xg11 and TEK. SSCP analysis of the coding region of PLAP revealed no variants in the studied samples, but one of six CMM samples analysed by RT-PCR showed specific inactivation of PLAP. Despite PLAP's important role in mediating several cellular responses and its localisation to the chromosome 9p21 region deleted in CMM, it is unlikely that point mutations or deletions in the coding region of PLAP are responsible for the initiation or progression of CMM. Further studies on PLAP inactivation should be performed to clarify its potential involvement in CMM.  相似文献   

A Maly  V Krchnák 《FEBS letters》1986,205(1):104-108
A synthetic nonadecapeptide (IL 19) derived from a sequence of v-myb was covalently bound to haemocyanin and used for immunization. Anti-IL 19 serum immunoprecipitated a 75 kDa protein in the lysate of metabolically labelled chicken and murine thymus cells. Presaturation of the serum with IL 19 abolished this immunoprecipitation, thus indicating that the product of c-myb in both chicken and murine thymuses is the 75 kDa protein (p75c-myb). Anti IL 19 serum also precipitated p48v-myb in the lysate of nonproducer myeloblasts.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin, a 450-kDa glycoprotein composed of three disulphide linked chains, is located in human blood platelet alpha-granules and is released from platelets upon stimulation. This glycoprotein is thought to play a major role in platelet aggregation. The aim of this study was to characterize two monoclonal antibodies (P10 and P12) directed against human blood platelet thrombospondin. When the released material obtained after stimulation of platelets with thrombin in the presence of 2 mM calcium was immediately treated with EDTA, labelled with 125I and incubated with monoclonal antibodies P10 and P12, both immunoprecipitated a major labelled protein band with a molecular mass of 160 kDa and a weaker band at 146 kDa, as analysed on reduced dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels. The major band corresponds in molecular mass to the thrombospondin subunits. If, however, the released material was left in the presence of Ca2+ for 48 h, then the main band was at 130 kDa and in addition one minor protein band (75 kDa) was immunoprecipitated by P10 whereas P12 recognized two minor protein bands (75 and 60 kDa). When P10 and P12 were incubated with 125I-labelled platelet releasates treated for 48 h at 4 degrees C with 10mM EDTA, three major protein bands (160, 146 and 130 kDa) were immunoprecipitated in addition to the minor bands mentioned above. These results indicate that thrombospondin is probably degraded by the endogenous platelet calcium-dependent protease. Investigation of tryptic peptide fragments of thrombospondin isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography showed that 125I-labelled antibody P10 bound to 400-kDa and 120-kDa fragments whereas 125I-labelled P12 only recognized a 400-kDa fragment. Competition studies involving solid-phase antibody binding and double antibody sandwich assays showed that P10 and P12 were directed against different determinants of thrombospondin. Purified thrombospondin, isolated in the presence of calcium, either directly or after treatment with EDTA, haemagglutinated trypsinized, formaldehyde-fixed sheep erythrocytes identically. The haemagglutination activity of EDTA-treated thrombospondin was inhibited by P10 and enhanced by P12. On the other hand, P10 and P12, despite their binding to calcium-treated thrombospondin, had no effect on its haemagglutination activity. Monoclonal antibodies P10 and P12 could be useful tools to investigate the role of thrombospondin in platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

The cDNA coding for human skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin was expressed in Escherichia coli to produce an unacetylated beta-tropomyosin. This cDNA was deleted from the sequence corresponding to the exon 9 and expressed in E. coli to produce an unacetylated beta-tropomyosin mutant lacking the C-terminal residues 254-284. The main structural and functional properties of the two isolated proteins, designated tropomyosin-1 and des-(254-284)-tropomyosin, respectively, were characterized in comparison with those of the genuine rabbit skeletal muscle alpha beta-tropomyosin. The folding and thermal stability of the three tropomyosins were indistinguishable. Tropomyosin-1, but not des-(254-284)-tropomyosin, was polymerized in the presence of troponin and did bind to actin in the presence of the troponin complex. Despite its weak binding to actin, des-(254-284)-tropomyosin displayed a regulatory function in the presence of troponin with a marked activation of the actomyosin subfragment-1 ATPase in the presence of Ca2+ and low concentrations of subfragment-1. The data were interpreted in the light of the allosteric models of regulation and suggest the involvement of the sequence coded by exon 9 in the stabilization by tropomyosin of the off state of the thin filament.  相似文献   

The transmembrane epithelial cell-cell adhesion protein E-cadherin (uvomorulin) associates via its cytoplasmic domain with three or more proteins whose structure and function are not yet established. The associated proteins, also termed catenins (Ozawa, M., Baribault, H., and Kemler, R. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 1711-1717), are of interest because they may form a link to the cytoskeleton, and/or regulate E-cadherin function. In this report immunoprecipitates of E-cadherin complexes, isolated from Xenopus laevis A6 and Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers, were stringently washed to leave a single very tightly associated protein of approximately 92 kDa. We report on the 92-kDa protein's association with E-cadherin in the presence of various perturbants, its preferential dissociation from the immune complex upon exposure to mixed detergent micelles containing sodium dodecyl sulfate, and its preparative purification to homogeneity. We have additionally found that E-cadherin and its associated proteins may be easily and quantitatively extracted from both subconfluent and fully confluent cells by a variety of mild nonionic detergents made up in isotonic buffers. In contrast, such extractions at short times left most of the cytoskeletal protein fodrin in the insoluble pellet fraction. Western blots of immunoprecipitated E-cadherin complexes failed to detect the presence of fodrin, or that of the cytoskeletal proteins adducin, alpha-actinin, and vinculin. If the E-cadherin-associated protein complex interacts with known proteins of the cell cytoskeleton, such interactions are labile and/or transient.  相似文献   

Using a hybrid baculovirus system, we compared the expression of 45 recombinant proteins from six categories using two models: silkworm (larvae and pupae) and an Sf9 cell line. A total of 45 proteins were successfully expressed; preparation of hybrid baculovirus was unsuccessful for one protein, and two proteins were not expressed. A similar pattern of expression was seen in both silkworm and Sf9 cells, with double and multiple bands found in immunoblotting of the precipitate of both hosts. Degraded proteins were seen only in the silkworm system (particularly in the larvae). Production was more efficient in silkworms; a single silkworm produced about 70 times more protein than 10(6) Sf9 cells in 2 ml of culture medium.  相似文献   

Netropsin is bound to the DNA decamer d(CCCCCIIIII)2, the C-4 bromo derivative d(CCCBr5CCIIIII)2and the C-2 bromo derivative d(CBr5CCCCIIIII)2in a novel 2:1 mode. Complexes of the native decamer and the C-4 bromo derivative are isomorphous, space group P1, unit cell dimensions a = 32.56 A (32.66), b = 32.59 A (32.77), c = 37.64 A (37.71), alpha = 86.30 degrees (86.01 degrees), beta = 84.50 degrees (84.37 degrees), gamma = 68.58 degrees (68.90 degrees) with two independent molecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit (values in parentheses are for the derivative). The C-2 bromo derivative is hexagonal P61, unit cell dimensions a = b = 32.13 A, c = 143.92, gamma = 120 degrees with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structures were solved by the molecular replacement method. The novelty of the structures is that there are two netropsins bound end-to-end in the minor groove of each B-DNA decamer which has nearly a complete turn. The netropsins are held by hydrogen bonding interactions to the base atoms and by sandwiching van der Waal's interactions from the sugar-phosphate backbones of the double helix similar to every other drug.DNA complex. Each netropsin molecule spans approximately 5 bp. The netropsins refined with their guanidinium heads facing each other at the center, although an orientational disorder for the netropsins cannot be excluded. The amidinium ends stretch out toward the junctions and bind to the adjacent duplexes in the columns of stacked symmetry-related complexes. Both cationic ends of netropsin are bridged by water molecules in one of the independent molecules (molecule A) of the triclinic structures and also the hexagonal structure to form pseudo-continuous drug.decamer helices.  相似文献   

We have previously identified in human fibroblasts a multisubunit protein (designated PGB) that specifically bound single-stranded G-rich microsatellite DNA sequences. PGB was later found to be identical, or closely related to translin, an octameric protein that bound single-stranded DNA consisting of sequences flanking chromosomal translocations. Here, we report that recombinant translin binds single-stranded microsatellite repeats, d(GT)n, and G-strand telomeric repeats, d(TTAGGG)n, with higher affinities (Kdis approximately = 2 nM and Kdis approximately = 12.5 nM, respectively, in 100 mM NaCl and 25 degrees C) than the affinity with which it binds a prototypical sequence flanking translocation sites (Kdis approximately = 23 nM). Translin also binds d(GT)n and d(TTAGGG)n overhangs linked to double-stranded DNA with equilibrium constants in the nanomolar range. Formation of DNA quadruplexes by the d(TTAGGG)n repeats inhibits their binding to translin. A further study of the binding parameters revealed that the minimal length of d(GT)n and d(TTAGGG)n oligonucleotides that a translin octamer can bind is 11 nucleotides, but that such oligonucleotides containing up to 30 nucleotides can bind only a single translin octamer. However, the oligonucleotides d(GT)27 and d(TTAGGG)9 bind two octamers with negative cooperativity. Translin does not detectably bind single-stranded d(GT)n sequences embedded within double-stranded DNA. Based on our data, we propose that translin might be involved in the control of recombination at d(GT)n.d(AC)n microsatellites and in telomere maintenance.  相似文献   

The core protein of the large hyaline cartilage proteoglycan, aggrecan, is composed of six distinct domains: globular 1 (G1), interglobular, globular 2 (G2), keratan sulfate attachment, chondroitin sulfate (CS) attachment, and globular 3 (G3). Monoclonal antibodies that recognize epitopes in these domains were raised against Swarm rat chondrosarcoma aggrecan that was either denatured through reduction and alkylation or partially deglycosylated through chondroitinase ABC digestion or alkali elimination, the latter with or without sulfite addition. Monoclonal antibodies were further characterized for reactivity to purified aggrecan substructures including rat chondrosarcoma G1 and CS attachment domains, a recombinant rat chondrosarcoma G3 domain fusion protein, bovine articular cartilage G2 domain, and rat chondrosarcoma link protein (LP). Biochemical characterization of the specificities of these monoclonal antibodies indicated that one (1C6) recognized an epitope shared by both the G1 and the G2 domains; one (5C4) recognized an epitope shared by both LP and the G1 domain; one (7D1) recognized an epitope shared by both the G1 and the CS attachment domains; two (14A1 and 15B2) recognized epitopes in the CS attachment domain; one (14B4) recognized an epitope in the G3 domain; and one (13D1) recognized a ubiquitous epitope shared by the G1, G2, G3, and CS attachment domains of aggrecan and also LP. Collectively the specificities of these antibodies confirm the occurrence of multiple repeated epitopes (both carbohydrate and protein in nature) throughout the different domain structures of aggrecan. These antibodies have been proven to be useful for identifying aggrecan-like molecules in several connective tissues other than cartilage.  相似文献   

We recently described a fluorescence polarization platform for competitive activity-based protein profiling (fluopol-ABPP) that enables high-throughput inhibitor screening for enzymes with poorly characterized biochemical activity. Here, we report the discovery of a class of oxime ester inhibitors for the unannotated serine hydrolase RBBP9 from a full-deck (200,000+ compound) fluopol-ABPP screen conducted in collaboration with the Molecular Libraries Screening Center Network (MLSCN). We show that these compounds covalently inhibit RBBP9 by modifying enzyme’s active site serine nucleophile and, based on competitive ABPP in cell and tissue proteomes, are selective for RBBP9 relative to other mammalian serine hydrolases.  相似文献   

A Pardi  K M Morden  D J Patel  I Tinoco 《Biochemistry》1982,21(25):6567-6574
The relaxation lifetimes of imino protons from individual base pairs were measured in (I) a perfect helix, d(C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G), (II) this helix with a G . C base pair replaced with a G . T base pair, d(C-G-T-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G), and (III) the perfect helix with an extra adenine base in a mismatch, d(C-G-C-A-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G). The lifetimes were measured by saturation recovery proton nuclear magnetic resonance experiments performed on the imino protons of these duplexes. The measured lifetimes of the imino protons were shown to correspond to chemical exchange lifetimes at higher temperatures and spin-lattice relaxation times at lower temperatures. Comparison of the lifetimes in these duplexes showed that the destabilizing effect of the G . T base pair in II affected the opening rate of only the nearest-neighbor base pairs. For helix III, the extra adenine affected the opening rates of all the base pairs in the helix and thus was a larger perturbation for opening of the base pairs than the G . T base pair. The temperature dependence of the exchange rates of the imino proton in the perfect helix gives values of 14-15 kcal/mol for activation energies of A . T imino protons. These relaxation rates were shown to correspond to exchange involving individual base pair opening in this helix, which means that one base-paired imino proton can exchange independent of the others. For the other two helices that contain perturbations, much larger activation energies for exchange of the imino protons were found, indicating that a cooperative transition involving exchange of at least several base pairs was the exchange mechanism of the imino protons. The effects of a perturbation in a helix on the exchange rates and the mechanisms for exchange of imino protons from oligonucleotide helices are discussed.  相似文献   

Acridine-4-carboxamides form a class of known DNA mono-intercalating agents that exhibit cytotoxic activity against tumour cell lines due to their ability to inhibit topoisomerases. Previous studies of bis-acridine derivatives have yielded equivocal results regarding the minimum length of linker necessary between the two acridine chromophores to allow bis-intercalation of duplex DNA. We report here the 1.7 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of a six-carbon-linked bis(acridine-4-carboxamide) ligand bound to d(CGTACG)2 molecules by non-covalent duplex cross-linking. The asymmetric unit consists of one DNA duplex containing an intercalated acridine-4-carboxamide chromophore at each of the two CG steps. The other half of each ligand is bound to another DNA molecule in a symmetry-related manner, with the alkyl linker threading through the minor grooves. The two crystallographically independent ligand molecules adopt distinct side chain interactions, forming hydrogen bonds to either O6 or N7 on the major groove face of guanine, in contrast to the semi-disordered state of mono-intercalators bound to the same DNA molecule. The complex described here provides the first structural evidence for the non-covalent cross-linking of DNA by a small molecule ligand and suggests a possible explanation for the inconsistent behaviour of six-carbon linked bis-acridines in previous assays of DNA bis-intercalation.  相似文献   

Experiments were done with two strain of filamentous, mat-forming Phormidium and their ciliate grazer Pseudomicrothorax dubius, to explain why the ciliates remain hungry in an apparent surplus of food, except for the first 24 hours after feeding. Under grazing pressure, both strains of cyanobacteria showed statistically significant increases in the number of filaments terminating in an empty sheath, compared to the control. Direct observations revealed that the mechanism behind this effect was active withdrawal of the trichomes inside the sheaths when disturbed by grazers. As P. dubius is unable to ingest trichomes with such endings, we conclude that cyanobacteria are not limited to chemical means of defence against grazers but can also defend themselves by means of movement and changes in filament morphology. This is apparently the first report on behavioural defence observed in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

While some intracellular bacterial and viral proteins secreted into host cell possess ubiquitin ligase (E3) activity for their profit, it has not been reported whether intracellular parasites secrete such molecules. We identified a gene that encodes a protein containing a secretory signal peptide and a RING finger domain in the intracellular protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi . This gene was specific to T. cruzi and was designated spring ( secretory p rotein with RING finger domain). An in vitro ubiquitination assay showed that SPRING possessed E3 activity in a RING finger domain-dependent manner. SPRING could utilize human ubiquitin-activating enzymes (E2), UbcH5 and UbcH13. Although SPRING was found to be a secretory protein, the signal peptide-cleaved mature form of SPRING was localized in the nucleus of host cells, indicating that SPRING may function in the host cell nuclei. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified 52 putative SPRING interactors in HeLa cells, suggesting that SPRING affects the stability or function of a number of host proteins. Furthermore, a co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that breast cancer-associated protein 3 interacted with SPRING, as well as being ubiquitinated by SPRING in vitro . These findings are the first to show that this protozoan parasite secretes an ubiquitin ligase-related protein into host cells.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein L9 (RPL9), a component of the large subunit of the ribosome, has an unusual structure, comprising two compact globular domains connected by an α-helix; it interacts with 23 S rRNA. To obtain information about rpL9 of Ailuropoda melanoleuca (the giant panda) we designed primers based on the known mammalian nucleotide sequence. RT-PCR and PCR strategies were employed to isolate cDNA and the rpL9 gene from A. melanoleuca; these were sequenced and analyzed. We overexpressed cDNA of the rpL9 gene in Escherichia coli BL21. The cloned cDNA fragment was 627 bp in length, containing an open reading frame of 579 bp. The deduced protein is composed of 192 amino acids, with an estimated molecular mass of 21.86 kDa and an isoelectric point of 10.36. The length of the genomic sequence is 3807 bp, including six exons and five introns. Based on alignment analysis, rpL9 has high similarity among species; we found 85% agreement of DNA and amino acid sequences with the other species that have been analyzed. Based on topology predictions, there are two N-glycosylation sites, five protein kinase C phosphorylation sites, one casein kinase II phosphorylation site, two tyrosine kinase phosphorylation sites, three N-myristoylation sites, one amidation site, and one ribosomal protein L6 signature 2 in the L9 protein of A. melanoleuca. The rpL9 gene can be readily expressed in E. coli; it fuses with the N-terminal GST-tagged protein, giving rise to the accumulation of an expected 26.51-kDa polypeptide, which is in good agreement with the predicted molecular weight. This expression product could be used for purification and further study of its function.  相似文献   

PTEN is a critical gene involved in the regulation of many cellular processes. The product of this gene has dual phosphatase activity and is able to dephosphorylate the 5' end of the phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate. Within the cellular nucleus, this protein has been associated with regulation of the expression of many genes, although the mechanism of this regulation remains unclear. In this paper, two specific oligonucleotide aptamers were developed and selected, using the SELEX procedure, according to their ability to detect the PTEN protein in different subcellular compartments of neurons. While one aptamer was able to detect PTEN in the nucleus, the other recognized PTEN in the cytoplasm. The recognition pattern of PTEN by both aptamers was confirmed using antibodies in western blots of the proteins purified from mouse cerebellar homogenates and subcellular fractions. Additionally, we demonstrated that the two aptamers recognized different epitopes of the target peptide. The results presented here could not be fully explained by the canonical phosphatase structure of PTEN, suggesting the existence of different conformations of phosphatase in the nucleus and the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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