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Escherichia coli has three DNA damage-inducible DNA polymerases: DNA polymerase II (Pol II), DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), and DNA polymerase V (Pol V). While the in vivo function of Pol V is well understood, the precise roles of Pol IV and Pol II in DNA replication and repair are not as clear. Study of these polymerases has largely focused on their participation in the recovery of failed replication forks, translesion DNA synthesis, and origin-independent DNA replication. However, their roles in other repair and recombination pathways in E. coli have not been extensively examined. This study investigated how E. coli's inducible DNA polymerases and various DNA repair and recombination pathways function together to convey resistance to 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQO), a DNA damaging agent that produces replication blocking DNA base adducts. The data suggest that full resistance to this compound depends upon an intricate interplay among the activities of the inducible DNA polymerases and recombination. The data also suggest new relationships between the different pathways that process recombination intermediates.  相似文献   

Hrq1 helicase is a novel member of the RecQ family. Among the five human RecQ helicases, Hrq1 is most homologous to RECQL4 and is conserved in fungal genomes. Recent genetic and biochemical studies have shown that it is a functional gene, involved in the maintenance of genome stability. To better define the roles of Hrq1 in yeast cells, we investigated genetic interactions between HRQ1 and several DNA repair genes. Based on DNA damage sensitivities induced by 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO) or cisplatin, RAD4 was found to be epistatic to HRQ1. On the other hand, mutant strains defective in either homologous recombination (HR) or post-replication repair (PRR) became more sensitive by additional deletion of HRQ1, indicating that HRQ1 functions in the RAD4-dependent nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway independent of HR or PRR. In support of this, yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that Hrq1 interacted with Rad4, which was enhanced by DNA damage. Overexpression of Hrq1K318A helicase-deficient protein rendered mutant cells more sensitive to 4-NQO and cisplatin, suggesting that helicase activity is required for the proper function of Hrq1 in NER.  相似文献   

The technique of sedimentation in alkaline sucrose was used to examine the formation and repair of single-strand (SS) breaks in cultured mammalian cells that were treated with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), methyl nitrosourea (MNUA), 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) or UV-light. The SS breaks induced by MMS and 4NQO were largely repaired by HeLa cells during a 5-h post-treatment incubation. The SS breaks induced by MNUA and UV-light were not repaired by HeLa cells. L-cells were not able to repair the SS breaks induced by any of the agents, which correlates with the deficiency of these cells for repair synthesis of DNA. The following conclusions are discussed. MNUA and UV-light produce modifications in DNA which are not repaired but are translated into SS breaks in alkali. MMS produces SS breaks intracellularly but these are not derived from a simple depurination of methylated purines. 4NQO produces a modification in DNA which is translated into an SS break in alkali but which can be removed by an intracellular process.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells are dificient in the repair of damage induced by ultraviolet irradiation. Excision-repair-deficient XP cell strains have been classified into 7 distinct complementation groups, according to results of studies on cell fusion and UV irradiation. XP cells are not only abnormally sensitive to UV, but also to a variety of chemical carcinogens, including 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO). Complementation analysis with XP strains from 4 different complementation groups with respect to the repair of 4NQO-induced DNA damage revealed that the classification of the strains into complementation groups with respect to 4NQO-induced repair coincides with the classification based on the repair of UV damage.  相似文献   

Both the initial velocity and the overall methylation of Ac-4HAQO modified DNA by a calf brain DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase are increased as compared to native DNA. The affinity of the modified DNA for the enzyme decreases as a function of the extent of the modification. Heat-denatured, single-stranded DNA shows exactly the opposite results: the more it is modified, the less it is methylated. The poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC) modified by 4NQO is as well methylated as the non-modified one. The carcinogen may induce a tertiary structure favouring the 'walking' of the enzyme along the DNA. The hypermethylation caused by this carcinogen could have a significance in gene activity and cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

The extent of DNA excision repair was determined in dermal fibroblast strains from clinically normal and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP; complementation group A) human donors after single or combined exposures to 254-nm ultraviolet light and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO). The repair was monitored by incubation of the treated cultures in the presence of 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (araC), a potent inhibitor of long-patch excision repair, followed by quantitation of araC-accumulated DNA single-strand breaks (representing repair events) by velocity sedimentation analysis in alkaline sucrose gradients. The amount of repair in normal fibroblast strains increased as a function of UV fluence and reached a plateau at 15 J/m2; strand breaks were not detected when these same cultures were irradiated with as much as 60 J/m2 UV and incubated in the absence of araC, implying that an initial (incision) step is rate-limiting in the repair of UV damage. In normal fibroblasts (i) the incidence of araC-detectable lesions removed during fixed intervals following exposure to 4NQO (4 microM; 30 min) was approximately 2.5 times greater than that seen following irradiation with repair-saturating fluences (greater than or equal to 15 J/m2) of UV-rays; and (ii) the amount of repair in cultures treated simultaneously with 4NQO (0.5-6 microM; 30 min) and a repair-saturating fluence of UV (20 J/m2) was found to approach the sum of that arising from exposure to each separately. The XP cells (XP12BE) exhibited a deficiency in the removal of araC-detectable DNA lesions following exposure to either of the carcinogens. Since araC is known to inhibit the repair of alkali-stable 4NQO-DNA adducts (i.e., lesions assumed to be removed by the UV-like excision pathway) but not that of alkali-labile sites (i.e., DNA lesions operated on by the X-ray-like repair pathway), our results strongly imply that the multistep excision-repair pathway operative on UV photoproducts in human fibroblasts differs from that responsible for removing alkali-stable (araC-detectable) 4NQO adducts by at least one step, presumably the rate-limiting incision reaction mediated by a lesion-recognizing endonuclease.  相似文献   

KB cells and L cells were treated with methylmethanesulfonate (MMS) or 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4 NQO) and the resulting damage to DNA and its repair were examined by sedimentation in an alkaline sucrose gradient. The sedimentation profiles obtained were found to be the resultant of a complex interrelationship between drug dosage, duration of the lysis period and the repair capacity of the cells. A systematic study of these variables was made which led to a plausible and useful interpretation of the sedimentation profiles. Both drugs produce two kinds of DNA modifications which show up as a single-strand breaks but affect the sedimentation profile in characteristic ways. One of these modifications which is quite alkali-labile can be studied using a 30-min lysis period. The other modification is less alkali-labile and can be studied using a long lysis period. Both KB cells and L cells can repair the former type of damage but only KB cells can repair the latter type of damage.  相似文献   

Native and denatured DNAs and polynucleotides were modified by 4-acetoxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide, the ultimate carcinogen of 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4 NQO). The N-( deoxyguanosin -C8-yl)-4-aminoquinoline-1-oxide adduct, the so-called "dG III," was quantified on the DNA and on poly(dG-dC) in absorption spectroscopy, by using a spectral property of dG III, i.e., the variation of the absorption spectrum as a function of the pH. Using the "free-dG III" absorption reference spectra, a simple graphic determination of the percentage of dG III was established by recording the absorption spectra of the 4-acetoxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide-modified polymers. It was found that the dG III adduct accounts for about 30% of the total modification in the case of native modified DNA and poly(dG-dC) and for about 70% in the case of denatured modified DNA.  相似文献   

DNA damage and DNA repair in human fibroblasts induced by the combination mixture of the genotoxic agents methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO) were studied using the comet assay and the unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS), respectively. Cells were simultaneously treated for 1h with the no observed effect concentration (noec) of MMS and increasing concentrations of 4-NQO or vice versa. Different results were obtained with the two types of mixtures. When the noec of 4-NQO was combined with increasing concentrations of MMS, no combination effects were observed. However, in experiments with increasing concentrations of 4-NQO and the noec of MMS, an increase in DNA damage and repair (and an enhancement of cytotoxicity) was demonstrated. Quantitative analysis of the effects by the isobologram method confirmed synergistic responses in both tests. We are proposing interactive actions between 4-NQO and MMS, whereby 4-NQO facilitates the attack of MMS on the DNA bases.  相似文献   

DNA degradation in Escherichia coli uvrA recA bacteria exposed to a low dose (0.07 J/m2) of ultraviolet radiation was studied. A considerable amount of the newly-synthesized DNA, which contains gaps opposite pyrimidine dimers, is broken down. In contrast, parental, dimer-containing DNA is resistant to radiation-induced degradation.  相似文献   

Summary Ultraviolet irradiation of Petunia hybrida pollen led to an unscheduled labelling of pollen DNA by 3H-thymidine during the early stages of germination. Hydroxyurea increased this DNA labelling, while added boron, required absolutely for pollen germination, tube elongation and tube generative cell mitosis, was not needed for this repair — like DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that single stranded DNA vectors could be used in different organisms to study mutagenesis induced by DNA damaging agents. We applied this approach to study mutagenesis induced by 4NQO lesions. The use of ssDNA, on which the ultimate metabolite of 4NQO (Ac-4HAQO) induces mainly C8-guanine adducts, allowed us to find a correlation between G-transversions and the dGuo-C8-AQO adduct. This correlation was established in two independent assay-systems, based on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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