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In neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channels (AChRs), agonist molecules bind with a low affinity (LA) to two sites that can switch to high affinity (HA) and increase the probability of channel opening. We measured (by using single-channel kinetic analysis) the rate and equilibrium constants for LA binding and channel gating for several different agonists of adult-type mouse AChRs. Almost all of the variation in the equilibrium constants for LA binding was from differences in the association rate constants. These were consistently below the limit set by diffusion and were substantially different even though the agonists had similar sizes and the same charge. This suggests that binding to resting receptors is not by diffusion alone and, hence, that each binding site can undergo two conformational changes (“catch” and “hold”) that connect three different structures (apo-, LA-bound, and HA-bound). Analyses of ACh-binding protein structures suggest that this binding site, too, may adopt three discrete structures having different degrees of loop C displacement (“capping”). For the agonists we tested, the logarithms of the equilibrium constants for LA binding and LA↔HA gating were correlated. Although agonist binding and channel gating have long been considered to be separate processes in the activation of ligand-gated ion channels, this correlation implies that the catch-and-hold conformational changes are energetically linked and together comprise an integrated process having a common structural basis. We propose that loop C capping mainly reflects agonist binding, with its two stages corresponding to the formation of the LA and HA complexes. The catch-and-hold reaction coordinate is discussed in terms of preopening states and thermodynamic cycles of activation.  相似文献   

While a variety of hypotheses have been proposed for the cause of Alzheimer's disease, our knowledge is far from complete to explain the disease making it difficult to develop the methods for treatment. In the brain of Alzheimer's patients, both neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors and NMDA receptors are known to be down-regulated. Thus four anticholinesterases have been developed and approved for the treatment in the U.S.A. However, these are not ideal drugs considering their side effects and limited effectiveness. Nefiracetam is being developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's and other patients with dementia, and has unique actions in potentiating the activity of both nACh and NMDA receptors as demonstrated by in vitro patch clamp experiments using rat cortical neurons in primary culture. Nefiracetam potentiated alpha4beta2-like ACh- and NMDA-induced currents at nanomolar concentrations forming bell-shaped dose-response curves with the maximum potentiation occurring at 1 and 10 nM, respectively. Nefiracetam potentiated nACh receptor currents via G(s) proteins, but not G(i)/G(o) proteins, PKA or PKC. Nefiracetam potentiation of NMDA currents occurred via interactions with the glycine binding site of the NMDA receptor. The nefiracetam potentiation of both nACh and NMDA receptors in a potent and efficacious manner is deemed responsible for its cognitive enhancing action.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of the electric ray Torpedo is the most comprehensively characterized neurotransmitter receptor. It consists of five subunits (alpha2beta gammadelta) amino acid sequences of which were determined by cDNA cloning and sequencing. The shape and size of the receptor were determined by electron cryomicroscopy. It has two agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites which are located between subunits near the membrane surface. The receptor ion channel is formed by five transmembrane helices (M2) of all five subunits. The position of the binding site for noncompetitive ion channel blockers was found by photoaffinity labelling and site-directed mutagenesis. The intrinsic feature of the receptor structure is the position of the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites in close vicinity to the ion channel spanning the bilayer membrane. This peculiarity may substantially enhance allosteric transitions transforming the ligand binding into the channel opening and physiological response. Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from birds and mammals are also pentaoligomers consisting of four different subunits (alpha2beta gammadelta or alpha2beta epsilondelta) with high homology to the Torpedo receptor. Apparently, the pentaoligomeric structure is the main feature of all nicotinic, both muscle and neuronal, receptors. However, the neuronal receptors are formed only by two subunit types (alpha and beta) or are even pentahomomers (alpha7 neuronal receptors). All nicotinic receptors are ligand-gated ion channel, the properties of the channels being essentially determined by amino acid residues forming M2 transmembrane fragments.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A combination of molecular, biochemical, electrophysiological and immunological approaches has begun to resolve some of the questions about structure-function relationships of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AchRs). 2. Current structural studies suggest that models of the subunits which propose four transmembrane domains are correct. 3. It is also probable that the carboxy termini of the subunits are extracellular, while the putative amphpathic helix is intracellular. 4. Electrophysiological and ligand-binding experiments suggest that the M2 region forms the wall of the ion channel. 5. We have isolated clones from PC12 and rat brain cDNA libraries which we have shown, by functional expression, code for members of a gene family of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. 6. In situ hybridization studies have shown that the neuronal receptor subunit mRNAs are expressed in the mammalian central nervous system. 7. The muscle and neuronal nicotinic AchR subtypes we have expressed show differences in their pharmacological properties. 8. The isolation and identification of clones which code for receptors and voltage-activated ion channels will help in the understanding of a variety of disease states and assist in the design of drugs which are specific for unique molecular targets.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel found in the postsynaptic membranes of electric organs, at the neuromuscular junction, and at nicotinic cholinergic synapses of the mammalian central and peripheral nervous system. The nAcChR from Torpedo electric organ and mammalian muscle is the most well-characterized neurotransmitter receptor in biology. It has been shown to be comprised of five homologous (two identicle) protein subunits (alpha 2 beta gamma delta) that form both the ion channel and the neurotransmitter receptor. The nAcChR has been purified and reconstituted into lipid vesicles with retention of ion channel function and the primary structure of all four protein subunits has been determined. Protein phosphorylation is a major posttranslational modification known to regulate protein function. The Torpedo nAcChR was first shown to be regulated by phosphorylation by the discovery that postsynaptic membranes contain protein kinases that phosphorylate the nAcChR. Phosphorylation of the nAcChR has since been shown to be regulated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, and a tyrosine-specific protein kinase. Phosphorylation of the nAcChR by cAMP-dependent protein kinase has been shown to increase the rate of nAcChR desensitization, the process by which the nAcChR becomes inactivated in the continued presence of agonist. In cultured muscle cells, phosphorylation of the nAcChR has been shown to be regulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, a Ca2+-sensitive protein kinase, and a tyrosine-specific protein kinase. Stimulation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase in muscle also increases the rate of nAcChR desensitization and correlates well with the increase in nAcChR phosphorylation. The AcChR represents a model system for how receptors and ion channels are regulated by second messengers and protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The view that Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC) and through nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine (nAChRs) causes equal catecholamine release responses in chromaffin cells, was reinvestigated here using new protocols. We have made two-step experiments consisting in an ACh prepulse followed by a depolarizing pulse (DP). In voltage-clamped bovine chromaffin cells an ACh prepulse caused a slow-rate release but augmented 4.5-fold the much faster exocytotic response triggered by a subsequent depolarizing pulse (measured with capacitance and amperometry). If the ACh prepulse was given with mecamylamine or in low external Ca2+, the secretion increase disappeared. This suggests a two-step model for the effects of ACh: (1) meager Ca2+ entry through nAChRs mostly serves to keep loaded with vesicles the secretory machine; and (2) in this manner, the cell is prepared to respond with an explosive secretion of catecholamine upon depolarization and fast high Ca2+ entry through VDCC.  相似文献   

Allosteric mechanisms have been suggested for an increasing number of ion channel drug interactions, but often these ideas are not examined quantitatively through use of Markov models that would allow statistical estimation of proposed coupling effects. In this paper we illustrate, using properties relevant to the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, how these models can be used to provide insight into the behavior of cooperative systems. Such models would then provide the basis for inferential studies with experimental data aimed at quantifying the magnitude of drug-induced changes on particular channel parameters. It is shown that even small changes in agonist binding affinity or channel gating are sufficient to produce biphasic modulatory drug effects in an allosteric model of nicotinic receptor activity.  相似文献   

The conversion of acetylcholine binding into ion conduction across the membrane is becoming more clearly understood in terms of the structure of the receptor and its transitions. A high-resolution structure of a protein that is homologous to the extracellular domain of the receptor has revealed the binding sites and subunit interfaces in great detail. Although the structures of the membrane and cytoplasmic domains are less well determined, the channel lining and the determinants of selectivity have been mapped. The location and structure of the gates, and the coupling between binding sites and gates, remain to be established.  相似文献   

The ligand binding relationship between the acetylcholine transporter (AcChT) and the vesamicol receptor (VR) and the kinetics of active transport were studied in synaptic vesicles purified from the Torpedo electric organ using analogues of AcCh and vesamicol. Methoxyvesamicol, which should exhibit better equilibration properties for kinetics measurements than the more potent parent, inhibits active transport in a nonlinear noncompetitive manner. AcCh analogues competitively inhibit binding of [3H]vesamicol with higher affinity in hyposmotically lysed vesicle ghosts than in intact vesicles, apparently due to removal of a competing internal, osmotically active factor. AcCh and actively transported analogues of AcCh that are up to 57% larger in van der Waals volume exhibit up to a 200-fold ratio for the dissociation constant measured by inhibition of vesamicol binding to ghosts (KIAg) compared to the Michaelis constant for transport (KM) or the IC50 value for inhibition of [3H]AcCh active transport. In contrast, two AcCh analogues that are about 120% larger and that almost surely are not transported exhibit a KIAg/IC50 ratio of about 1. The data demonstrate that the vesamicol family of compounds binds to an allosteric site in the AcChT. Initiation of active transport has no apparent effect on the affinities of vesamicol and AcCh analogues, which suggests that most of the AcChT-VR in purified vesicles is transport incompetent. Vesicle ghosts actively transport [3H]AcCh nearly as well as intact vesicles, which suggests that internal factor does not affect transport-competent AcChT-VR. A kinetics model is proposed that predicts that AcCh analogues exhibiting a KIAg/IC50 ratio significantly greater than 1 are actively transported. Some of the microscopic constants in the model are estimated. The AcChT binds AcCh very weakly with a dissociation constant of about 20-50 mM, but it transports substrates rapidly in a process exhibiting remarkably little selectivity for the detailed shape and volume of the transported ion.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Work over the past ten years has greatly increased our understanding of both the structure and function of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. There is a strongly supported general picture of how the receptor functions: agonist binds rapidly to sites of low affinity and channel opening occurs at a rate comparable to the agonist dissociation rate. Channel closing is slow, so the channel has a high probability of being open if both agonist-binding sites are occupied by ACh. Results of expression studies have shown that each subunit can influence AChR activation and have given a structural basis for the major physiological change known for muscle AChR, the developmental change in AChR activation. These general statements notwithstanding, there are still major areas of uncertainty which limit our understanding. We have emphasized these areas of uncertainty in this review, to indicate what needs to be done.First, the quantitative estimates of rate constants are not as strongly supported as they should be. The major reasons are twofold—uncertainties about the interpretation of components in the kinetic data and difficulties of resolving brief events. As a result, any inferences about the functional consequences of structural alterations must remain tenuous.Second, the functional behavior of individual AChRs is not as well understood as it should be. The kinetic behavior of an individual receptor clearly can be complex (section II). In addition, there is evidence that superimposed on this complexity there may be stable and kinetically distinguishable populations of receptors (section III). Until the basis for the kinetically defined populations is clarified, kinetic parameters for receptors of defined structure cannot be unambiguously obtained.Finally, it is not surprising that the studies of AChR of altered structure have not given definitive results. Two reasons should be apparent from the preceding points: there is not a fully supported approach for kinetic analysis, and the normal population may not be clearly defined. An additional complication is also emerging, in that the available data support the idea that specific residues distributed over all subunits may influence AChR activation. This possibility renders the task of analysis that much more difficult.The muscle nicotinic AChR has served as a prototype for the family of transmitter-gated membrane channels, which includes the muscle and neuronal nicotinic receptors, the GABAA, the glycine and possibly the non-NMDA excitatory amino acid receptor (Stroud et al., 1990). It is interesting to note that the functional properties of the GABAA receptor, probably the best-studied of the other members of the family are rather similar. In particular, opentime and burst durations show multiple components interpreted as reflecting openings of singly and doubly liganded receptors (Mathers & Wang, 1988; Macdonald et al., 1989), the distribution of gaps indicates a relatively complex gating scheme (Twyman et al., 1990; Weiss & Magleby, 1989), and multiple kinetic modes are likely to exist (Newland et al., 1991). The situation with regards to the effects of GABAA receptor subunit stoichiometry is more complex than for muscle AChR (e.g., Luddens & Wisden, 1991), perhaps similar to that found for neuronal nicotinic AChR (Papke et al., 1989; Luetje et al., 1990; Luetje & Patrick, 1991). Overall, it appears that the unresolved questions about the muscle nicotinic AChR are not indications that this is an exceptionally complicated transmitter-gated channel. Rather, it appears to be a relatively straightforward member of the family, and the lessons we learn from studying it are likely to be directly applicable to other receptors.We thank many friends for discussion, including Tony Auerbach, Paul Brehm, Jim Dilger, Meyer Jackson, and Chuck Stevens who told us about data before publication. Research in the authors' laboratories is supported by grants from the NIH (CL and JHS) and the AHA (CL).  相似文献   

The alpha7 subtype of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) was targeted for the design of selective agonists deriving from the quinuclidine scaffold. Arylidene groups at the 3-position and N-methyl quinuclidine were found to be selective agonists with EC(50)s of 1.5 and 40 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

Regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by protein phosphorylation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels play a critical role in the transduction of signals at chemical synapses. The modulation of neurotransmitter receptor and ion channel function by protein phosphorylation is one of the major regulatory mechanisms in the control of synaptic transmission. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChR) has provided an excellent model system in which to study the modulation of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels by protein phosphorylation since the structure and function of this receptor have been so extensively characterized. In this article, the structure of the nAcChR from the electric organ of electric fish, skeletal muscle, and the central and peripheral nervous system will be briefly reviewed. Emphasis will be placed on the regulation of the phosphorylation of nAcChR by second messengers and by neurotransmitters and hormones. In addition, recent studies on the functional modulation of nicotinic receptors by protein phosphorylation will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a critical physiological process for cell survival and development. Endothelial cells, necessary for the course of angiogenesis, express several non-neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). The most important functional non-neuronal AChRs are homomeric α7 AChRs and several heteromeric AChRs formed by a combination of α3, α5, β2, and β4 subunits, including α3β4-containing AChRs. In endothelial cells, α7 AChR stimulation indirectly triggers the activation of the integrin αvβ3 receptor and an intracellular MAP kinase (ERK) pathway that mediates angiogenesis. Non-selective cholinergic agonists such as nicotine have been shown to induce angiogenesis, enhancing tumor progression. Moreover, α7 AChR selective antagonists such as α-bungarotoxin and methyllycaconitine as well as the non-specific antagonist mecamylamine have been shown to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation and ultimately blood vessel formation. Exploitation of such pharmacologic properties can lead to the discovery of new specific cholinergic antagonists as anti-cancer therapies. Conversely, the pro-angiogenic effect elicited by specific agonists can be used to treat diseases that respond to revascularization such as diabetic ischemia and atherosclerosis, as well as to accelerate wound healing. In this mini-review we discuss the pharmacological evidence supporting the importance of non-neuronal AChRs in angiogenesis. We also explore potential intracellular mechanisms by which α7 AChR activation mediates this vital cellular process.  相似文献   

Ca2+ permeability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are expressed in muscle cells and neurons, as well as in an increasing number of other cell types. The nAChR channels are permeable to cations, including Ca(2+). Ca(2+) entry through nAChR channels has been shown to modulate several Ca(2+)-dependent cellular processes, such as neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, and cell motility. The value of Ca(2+) permeability associated to a particular nAChR subtype thus represents an important indication for its physiological role. This review summarizes the quantitative data on Ca(2+) permeability obtained from several nAChR subtypes in native and heterologous systems. Different experimental approaches are compared, and the structural determinants of Ca(2+) permeability are discussed.  相似文献   

Neosurugatoxin, a neurotoxin isolated from the Japanese ivory mollusc (Babylonia japonica) is a nicotinic antagonist with a specificity towards ganglionic nicotinic receptors. At low concentration (5 × 10?8 M) neosurugatoxin inhibited the release of [3H]dopamine evoked by 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium (DMPP) from rat striatal nerve terminals, without affecting the response to K+-depolarisation. In contrast, αbungarotoxin did not antagonise the action of DMPP. Neosurugatoxin also inhibited [3H] nicotine binding to rat brain membranes but had no effect on [125I]αbungarotoxin binding to the same tissue preparation. These results support the view that functional nicotinic receptors in the CNS resemble ganglionic nicotinic receptors. Neosurugatoxin has considerable potential as a useful probe for such receptors in the brain.  相似文献   

Stimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors protects motor neurons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study demonstrated that administration of nicotine prevented glutamate-induced motor neuronal death in primary cultures of the rat spinal cord. The nicotine-induced neuroprotection was inhibited by either dihydro-beta-erythroidin (DHbetaE) or alpha-bungarotoxin (alphaBT), suggesting that it is mediated through both alpha4beta2 and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Both alpha4beta2 and alpha7 nAChRs were identified on rat spinal motor neurons by immunohistochemical methods. We also demonstrated that galantamine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor with allosteric nAChR-potentiating ligand properties, prevented glutamate-induced motor neuronal death. These results suggest that stimulation of nAChR may be used as a treatment for ALS.  相似文献   

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Regulated trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors in excitable cells may play an important role in synaptic plasticity. In addition, agonist‐induced endocytosis of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in particular might be involved in nicotine tolerance and addiction. The existing evidence concerning regulated internalization of cell‐surface nAChRs is indirect and equivocal, however. In the present study, radioligand binding and fluorescence microscopy were used to show that agonists cause substantial endocytosis of nAChRs on cultured myotubes. Exposure to carbachol or nicotine caused a decrease in the intensity of fluorescent labeling of clusters of cell‐surface nAChRs that was blocked by low temperature. Overall, myotubes exposed to carbachol or nicotine bound 50–70% less [125I]‐α‐bungarotoxin on the cell surface than untreated cells. The effect of carbachol was significant within 5 min, increased progressively for at least 4 h, and had a sensitivity of 100 nM or less. Exposure to carbachol caused the appearance or dramatic expansion of an intracellular pool of nAChRs, which were localized to discrete, largely perinuclear structures. A pulse‐chase labeling protocol allowed the selective labeling and localization of nAChRs that had been internalized from the cell surface. In untreated cells, very little internalization of nAChRs occurred over a period of 3 h, indicating that constitutive endocytosis of receptors over this period was minimal. Exposure to carbachol, however, caused a dramatic increase in the endocytosis of nAChRs. These results provide direct evidence that agonists, including the tobacco alkaloid nicotine, can cause substantial endocytosis of cell‐surface nAChRs. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 49: 212–223, 2001  相似文献   

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