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Fowler  R. T.  Death  R. G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):85-95
Interstitial water samples were collected from two well depths (30 and 60 cm) from 8 rivers in the Cass-Craigieburn region, South Island (New Zealand) during January 1998 to assess the hyporheos in streams of differing stability. Hyporheic water chemistry was more similar to surface water chemistry at unstable sites than at stable sites. The greatest diversity of both epigean and hypogean animals occurred at intermediate levels of disturbance; however, invertebrate density declined with increasing bed movement. Abundance of epigean animals also increased with declining environmental stability (i.e., increasing bed movement). Water chemistry was most like the river channel at unstable sites, probably because less stable substrates had increased interstitial flow facilitating a greater supply of water from the surface channel. In contrast, stable sites were spring fed and groundwater had a greater influence. Thus, substrate stability may influence hyporheic water chemistry and porosity by changing the interaction between ground and surface waters. Epigean taxa may be less abundant at stable sites because the chemical nature of the water is least like the river channel (e.g. low dissolved oxygen, higher temperature and higher conductivity), while the abundance of hypogean animals is greater, as these taxa are more tolerant of this water chemistry, and are thus capable of persisting in the stable substrates.  相似文献   

Among many stabilizing factors for community dynamics, spatial and temporal heterogeneities have been widely considered in recent years as two of the most important properties. However, the difference between the two types of heterogeneities have not been studied, except for Clark and Yoshimura (1993). We evaluated experimentally the effect of temporal and spatial heterogeneities on the persistence of a biological community. The experimental communities consisted of one parasitic wasp species, one bean weevil species, and two kinds of bean. Temporal and spatial heterogeneities of experimental communities were generated by kinds and timing of bean supply. Of all the experimental communities, the most persistent community was a temporally and spatially homogeneous community with Red Kidney bean as primary resource. Compared to spatially heterogeneous communities, temporally heterogeneous communities were more persistent. These results were easily explained by considering the attack rate of parasitic wasps and the difference between arithmetic and geometric means. In order to discuss the relative importance of environmental heterogeneity and the mode of biological interaction on community persistence, we have to measure the degree of environmental heterogeneity as the rate of change of the strength of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

The spatio–temporal structure of an earthworm community was assessed in a tropical Colombian pasture and compared with the patterns of soil heterogeneity. Earth–worms were sampled at six dates during a period of one year, while soil properties were assessed at a single date at the end of this period. Sample design was spatially explicit and consisted in a regular grid of 5 m mesh. At each date, 120 samples were taken for earthworm evaluations, while the single soil sampling consisted in 60 points, Multivariate and geostatistical analyses were performed to describe the spatial structure of collected data. Mantel and partial ManteTs tests were used to assess the links between the spatio-temporal patterns of earthworm distribution and soil heterogeneity.
The results clearly demonstrated the existence of structured spatial patterns in the earthworm community which were stable in time, at least at the temporal scale concerned by the study period, it mostly corresponded to an alternation of patches where particular species assemblages dominated. The ecological significance of these assemblages is discussed. Soil properties also displayed a significant spatial organisation. Only a small part of the spatio–temporal structures of earthworm distribution was correlated with soil properties. Small species were more abundant in patches where soil was more compact, while large species were associated with high root biomass and total C levels. The question whether earthworm spatio–temporal distribution induces similar patterns in soil properties or the contrary occurs is discussed. Our results suggest that earthworm community organisation mostly corresponds to a non–equilibrium system where mobile earthworm populations influence soil properties. The overall effect of earthworm community on soil is difficult to assess due to the predominance of factors that preferentially express tbetnselves at large scales in the ecological hierarchy.  相似文献   

1. Diversity begets diversity. Numerous published positive correlations between environmental heterogeneity and species diversity indicate ubiquity of this phenomenon. Nonetheless, most assessments of this relationship are phenomenological and provide little insight into the mechanism whereby such positive association results. 2. Two unresolved issues could better illuminate the mechanistic basis to diversity begets diversity. First, as environmental heterogeneity increases, both productivity and the species richness that contributes to that productivity often increase in a correlated fashion thus obscuring the primary driver. Second, it is unclear how species are added to communities as diversity increases and whether additions are trait based. 3. We examined these issues based on 31 rodent communities in the central Mojave Desert. At each site, we estimated rodent species richness and characterized environmental heterogeneity from the perspectives of standing primary productivity and number of seed resources. We further examined the phylogenetic structure of communities by estimating the mean phylogenetic distance (MPD) among species and by comparing empirical phylogenetic distances to those based on random assembly from a regional species pool. 4. The relationship between rodent species diversity and environmental heterogeneity was positive and significant. Moreover, diversity of resources accounted for more unique variation than did total productivity, suggesting that variety and not total amount of resource was the driver of increased rodent diversity. Relationships between environmental heterogeneity and phylogenetic distance were negative and significant; species were significantly phylogenetically over-dispersed in communities of low environmental heterogeneity and became more clumped as environmental heterogeneity increased. 5. Results suggest that species diversity increases with environmental heterogeneity because a wider variety of resources allow greater species packing within communities.  相似文献   

Shahid Naeem 《Oecologia》1990,84(1):29-38
Summary Complex or non-additive differences in the distribution and abundance of arthropod species inhabiting the water-filled bracts ofHeliconia imbricata can be created by simple manipulations of resource levels. The primary resources for these assemblages are the corollas of the flowers that accumulate in the bracts. Removing or adding corollas to individual bracts changes the pattern in the abundance of arthropod species within each bract such that bracts with different treatments ultimately differ in composition and numerical associations among species. These results suggest that direct and indirect resource-mediated factors can structure or significantly affect the distribution and abundance of species in these and perhaps other assemblages. Thus, in natural communities, if resources are heterogeneous among patches (such as among the bracts in this study) structure in a given patch may be a function of the resource level of that patch and can differ significantly from neighboring patches that provide different resource levels.  相似文献   

浮游动物是淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,一方面浮游动物主要以浮游植物作为食物^[1],同时又能摄食细菌^[2、3]、原生动物^[4、5];另一方面浮游动物又是一些鱼类优良的食物^[6、7]。国内外一些研究发现,有大量沉水植物存在的湖区,浮游动物的种类数、数量、生物量和多样性都比存在少量或没有沉水植物的湖区要高^[8-13]。  相似文献   

James JJ  Richards JH 《Oecologia》2007,152(4):721-727
Soil nutrients in arid systems are supplied to plants in brief pulses following precipitation inputs. While these resource dynamics have been well documented, little is known about how this temporal heterogeneity influences competitive interactions. We examined the impacts of the temporal pattern of N supply on competitive intensity and ability in an N-limited desert shrub community. At our field site, the three codominant shrubs, Atriplex confertifolia, A. parryi, and Sarcobatus vermiculatus, differ in seasonal growth patterns, with A. confertifolia and S. vermiculatus achieving higher growth rates earlier in the growing season than A. parryi. We predicted that these timing differences in maximum growth rate may interact with temporal variation in N supply to alter competitive abilities over time. Seedlings of the two Atriplex species were planted either individually in field plots or as target plants surrounded by neighbor seedlings. After one year of establishment, the same amount of 15N was applied to plots either as early spring pulses, mid spring pulses or continuously through the second growing season. Competitive effects were observed under continuous and pulsed N supply. Averaged across all target–neighbor treatments, competitive intensity was ∼1.8-fold greater when N was pulsed compared to when N was supplied continuously, but overall, the outcome of competitive interactions was not influenced by N pulse timing. While the timing of resource supply did not differentially influence the competitive abilities of coexisting species in this system, the temporal pattern of resource supply did alter the intensity of competitive interactions among species. While additional studies in other systems are needed to evaluate the generality of these results, this study suggests that competitive intensity may not necessarily be a direct function of productivity or resource availability as traditionally assumed. Instead, the intensity of competitive interactions in resource-poor systems may depend upon the temporal pattern of resource supply.  相似文献   

Besides spatial heterogeneity, another important component of the diversity of protist communities is the variation in species assemblages through time. Despite its importance, temporal turnover of benthic communities has been studied to a lesser extent than spatial heterogeneity has. In this study, we examine the desmid assemblages on small spatial scale in relation to the spatial, temporal, and environmental parameters. The samples were collected within two different types of peatland localities in the Czech Republic over 3 years. The differences in species composition between samples were mainly correlated with the geographic distance, while the effects of the environmental and temporal variables were much weaker. Since the spatial heterogeneity of the assemblages was not induced by the variation of the environmental factors or by the restricted dispersal ability at such a small spatial scale, we assume that both the temporal stability and strong spatial autocorrelation might have been the result of a priority effect, with subsequent monopolization of resources. Stochasticity in colonization can introduce noise into the match between community composition and environmental conditions, which may result in stronger effect of the spatial parameters on the community structure.  相似文献   

Hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships among species allow inferences about the mechanisms that affect species coexistence. Nevertheless, most studies assume that phylogenetic patterns identified are stable over time. We used data on monthly samples of fish from a single lake over 10 years to show that the structure in phylogenetic assemblages varies over time and conclusions depend heavily on the time scale investigated. The data set was organized in guild structures and temporal scales (grouped at three temporal scales). Phylogenetic distance was measured as the mean pairwise distances (MPD) and as mean nearest‐neighbor distance (MNTD). Both distances were based on counts of nodes. We compared the observed values of MPD and MNTD with values that were generated randomly using null model independent swap. A serial runs test was used to assess the temporal independence of indices over time. The phylogenetic pattern in the whole assemblage and the functional groups varied widely over time. Conclusions about phylogenetic clustering or dispersion depended on the temporal scales. Conclusions about the frequency with which biotic processes and environmental filters affect the local assembly do not depend only on taxonomic grouping and spatial scales. While these analyzes allow the assertion that all proposed patterns apply to the fish assemblages in the floodplain, the assessment of the relative importance of these processes, and how they vary depending on the temporal scale and functional group studied, cannot be determined with the effort commonly used. It appears that, at least in the system that we studied, the assemblages are forming and breaking continuously, resulting in various phylogeny‐related structures that makes summarizing difficult.  相似文献   

Macek  Petr  Lepš  Jan 《Plant Ecology》2003,168(1):31-43
Melinis minutiflora Beauv. (Poaceae) is an African grass that is invading mid-elevation Trachypogon savannas in Venezuela. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of soil fertility, competition and soil disturbance in facilitating Melinis' invasion and growth in these savanna sites. We manipulated soil fertility by adding nitrogen (+N), phosphorus and potassium (+PK), or nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (+NPK). We simultaneously manipulated the competitive environment by clipping background vegetation. In a separate experiment, we mechanically disrupted the soil to simulate disturbance. We hypothesized that germination and growth were bottlenecks to early establishment in undisturbed savanna, but that disturbance would alleviate those bottlenecks. We measured Melinis seed germination and subsequent establishment by adding seeds to all plots. We examined Melinis growth by measuring biomass of Melinis seedling transplants, 11 months after they were placed into treatment plots. Germination and establishment of Melinis from seed was extremely low. Of the 80,000 seeds applied in the experiment, only 28 plants survived the first growing season. Mortality of Melinis seedling transplants was lowest in PK fertilized plots, but in the absence of PK mortality increased with N additions and clipping. By contrast, fertilization of the savanna with NPK greatly increased Melinis seedling biomass and this effect was greatly enhanced when competition was reduced (e.g. clipping). Melinis transplant growth responded strongly to soil disturbance- a response not fully explained by removal of competitors (clipping) or changes in soil nutrients and moisture. We suspect that disruption of the soil structure allowed for greater root proliferation and subsequent plant growth. We believe that native savanna is relatively resistant to Melinis invasion, since Melinis seedlings persisted in intact savanna but exhibited little or no growth during the first year. The significant enhancement of Melinis seedling growth with clipping and nutrient additions suggests that low soil nutrients and the presence of native savanna species are important factors in the ability of native savanna to resist Melinis establishment. However, the potential for Melinis growth increases enormously with soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Ijanikin is a typical Yoruba village in the rain forest belt area of Southern Nigeria. The childhood years in this community are fraught with the danger of numerous communicable diseases, compounded by inadequate supply of good quality foods to meet normal requirements and allow a margin of safety for the stress of infections. Overcrowding and poor ventilation in the houses are important factors in the spread of communicable diseases, while poor sanitation and deficient personal hygiene account for the heavy burden of intestinal parasitoses. Improvement in the health of this and other similar rural communities would require the provision of clean water supply, installation of essential sanitary facilities, provision of adequate food supply, and a well-planned and carefully executed health education programme.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in host populations is an important factor affecting the ability of a pathogen to invade, yet the quantitative investigation of its effects on epidemic spread is still an open problem. In this paper, we test recent theoretical results, which extend the established "percolation paradigm" to the spread of a pathogen in discrete heterogeneous host populations. In particular, we test the hypothesis that the probability of epidemic invasion decreases when host heterogeneity is increased. We use replicated experimental microcosms, in which the ubiquitous pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani grows through a population of discrete nutrient sites on a lattice, with nutrient sites representing hosts. The degree of host heterogeneity within different populations is adjusted by changing the proportion and the nutrient concentration of nutrient sites. The experimental data are analysed via Bayesian inference methods, estimating pathogen transmission parameters for each individual population. We find a significant, negative correlation between heterogeneity and the probability of pathogen invasion, thereby validating the theory. The value of the correlation is also in remarkably good agreement with the theoretical predictions. We briefly discuss how our results can be exploited in the design and implementation of disease control strategies.  相似文献   

Both habitat heterogeneity and disturbance can profoundly influence ecological systems at many levels of biological and ecological organization. However, the joint influences of heterogeneity and disturbance on temporal variability in communities have received little attention despite the intense homogenizing influence of human activity. I performed a field manipulation of substrate heterogeneity in a small New England stream, and measured changes in benthic macroinvertebrate communities for 100 days—a period that included both a severe drought and a flood. Generally, community variability decreased with increasing substrate heterogeneity. However, within sampling intervals, this relationship tended to fluctuate through time, apparently tracking changes in hydrology. At the beginning of the experiment, community temporal variability clearly decreased along a gradient of increasing substrate heterogeneity—a result consistent with an observational study performed the previous year. During the subsequent weeks, droughts and flooding created exceptionally high variability in both hydrology and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure resulting in the disappearance of this relationship. However, during the last weeks of the experiment when hydrologic conditions were relatively more stable, the negatively sloped relationship between community temporal variability and habitat heterogeneity reemerged and mimicked relationships observed both early in the experiment and in the previous year’s study. High habitat heterogeneity may promote temporal stability through several mechanisms including stabilization of resources and increased refugia from minor disturbances or predation. However, the results of this experiment suggest that severe disturbance events can create large-scale environmental variability that effectively swamps the influence of habitat heterogeneity, illustrating that a thorough understanding of community temporal variability in natural systems will necessarily consider sources of environmental variability at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Handling editor: L. M. Bini  相似文献   

Jagadish S. Patil 《Biofouling》2013,29(3-4):189-206

Diatoms, which are early autotrophic colonisers, are an important constituent of the biofouling community in the marine environment. The effects of substratum and temporal variations on the fouling diatom community structure in a monsoon-influenced tropical estuary were studied. Fibreglass and glass coupons were exposed every month for a period of 4 days and the diatom population sampled at 24 h intervals, over a period of 14 months. The planktonic diatom community structure differed from the biofilm community. Pennate diatoms dominated the biofilms whilst centric diatoms were dominant in the water column. Among the biofilm diatoms, species belonging to the genera Navicula, Amphora, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Thalassionema were dominant. On certain occasions, the influence of planktonic blooms was also seen on the biofilm community. A comparative study of biofilms formed on the two substrata revealed significant differences in density and diversity. However species composition was almost constant. In addition to substratum variations, the biofilm diatom community structure also showed significant seasonal variations, which were attributed to physico-chemical and biological changes in both the water and substratum. Temporal variations in the tychopelagic diatoms of the water were also observed to exert an influence on the biofilm diatom community. Variations in diatom communities may determine the functional ecosystem of the benthic environment.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Plant root placement is highly plastic in order to acquire patchily distributed nutrients and to ensure their survival, growth and reproduction. Considering the spatial extension of clonal organs, we selected two clonal plants (Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. and Hierochloe glabra Trin.) to determine the spatio-temporal effects of environmental heterogeneity on belowground organs and newly-born ramets.


Small-scale and multi-patch heterogeneous environments were manipulated by creating four patches filled with different types of soil in a same pot. The four patches were composed of sandy soil, sandy loam, loam soil and humus soil, respectively. Ramet number, bud number, mean spacer length, rhizome length, and biomass allocation within each patch were measured to identify plant foraging responses.


The preferential patch of L. chinensis was humus soil patch which was the highest in nutrient availability, whereas H. glabra preferred to place ramets in sandy loam and loam soil patches. When growing in homogeneous environments, both species randomly rooted their offspring ramets in the four compartments. In heterogeneous environments, foraging responses were detected in ramet placement, aboveground biomass and total rhizome length. However, there were no differences in bud number or belowground biomass among four types of patches in heterogeneous environments, which might suggest that there would be no inter-patch differences in seedling establishment in the next year.


Plants show selective allocation of offspring ramets to preferential patches in the presence of multi-patch environmental heterogeneity. Responses of H. glabra to multi-patch heterogeneity were faster than those of L. chinensis, demonstrating that the foraging patterns are species-specific. Clonal plants can rapidly respond to environmental heterogeneity, whereas foraging responses are potentially reversible over a longer temporal scale.  相似文献   

Patil JS  Anil AC 《Biofouling》2005,21(3-4):189-206
Diatoms, which are early autotrophic colonisers, are an important constituent of the biofouling community in the marine environment. The effects of substratum and temporal variations on the fouling diatom community structure in a monsoon-influenced tropical estuary were studied. Fibreglass and glass coupons were exposed every month for a period of 4 days and the diatom population sampled at 24 h intervals, over a period of 14 months. The planktonic diatom community structure differed from the biofilm community. Pennate diatoms dominated the biofilms whilst centric diatoms were dominant in the water column. Among the biofilm diatoms, species belonging to the genera Navicula, Amphora, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Thalassionema were dominant. On certain occasions, the influence of planktonic blooms was also seen on the biofilm community. A comparative study of biofilms formed on the two substrata revealed significant differences in density and diversity. However species composition was almost constant. In addition to substratum variations, the biofilm diatom community structure also showed significant seasonal variations, which were attributed to physico-chemical and biological changes in both the water and substratum. Temporal variations in the tychopelagic diatoms of the water were also observed to exert an influence on the biofilm diatom community. Variations in diatom communities may determine the functional ecosystem of the benthic environment.  相似文献   

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