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One of the popular ideas is that decline in methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) in carbon-starved bacteria might facilitate occurrence of stationary-phase mutations. We compared the frequency of accumulation of stationary-phase mutations in carbon-starved Pseudomonas putida wild-type and MMR-defective strains and found that knockout of MMR system increased significantly emergence of base substitutions in starving P. putida. At the same time, the appearance of 1-bp deletion mutations was less affected by MMR in this bacterium. The spectrum of base substitution mutations which occurred in starving populations of P. putida wild-type strain was distinct from mutation spectrum identified in MMR-defective strains. The spectrum of base substitutions differed also in this case when mutants emerged in starved populations of MutS or MutL-defective strains were comparatively analyzed. Based on our results we suppose that other mechanisms than malfunctioning of MMR system in resting cells might be considered to explain the accumulation of stationary-phase mutations in P. putida. To further characterize populations of P. putida starved on selective plates, we stained bacteria with LIVE/DEAD kit in situ on agar plates. We found that although the overall number of colony forming units (CFU) did not decline in long-term-starved populations, these populations were very heterogeneous on the plates and contained many dead cells. Our results imply that slow growth of subpopulation of cells at the expenses of dead cells on selective plates might be important for the generation of stationary-phase mutations in P. putida. Additionally, the different survival patterns of P. putida on the same selective plates hint that competitive interactions taking place under conditions of prolonged starvation of microbial populations on semi-solid surfaces might be more complicated than previously assumed.  相似文献   

A major role of the methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) system of Escherichia coli is to repair postreplicative errors. In this report, we provide evidence that MMR also acts on oxidized DNA, preventing mutagenesis. When cells deficient in MMR are grown anaerobically, spontaneous mutation frequencies are reduced compared with those of the same cells grown aerobically. In addition, we show that a dam mutant has an increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide treatment that can be suppressed by mutations that inactivate MMR. In a dam mutant, MMR is not targeted to newly replicated DNA strands and therefore mismatches are converted to single- and double-strand DNA breaks. Thus, base pairs containing oxidized bases will be converted to strand breaks if they are repaired by MMR. This is demonstrated by the increased peroxide sensitivity of a dam mutant and the finding that the sensitivity can be suppressed by mutations inactivating MMR. We demonstrate further that this repair activity results from MMR recognition of base pairs containing 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) based on the finding that overexpression of the MutM oxidative repair protein, which repairs 8-oxoG, can suppress the mutH-dependent increase in transversion mutations. These findings demonstrate that MMR has the ability to prevent oxidative mutagenesis either by removing 8-oxoG directly or by removing adenine misincorporated opposite 8-oxoG or both.  相似文献   

Summary Bromouracil mutagenesis was studied in several strains of E. coli in combination with measurement of incorporation of bromouracil in DNA. For levels below 10% total replacement of bromouracil for thymine, mutagenesis was negligible compared with higher levels of incorporation. Such a nonlinear response occurred both when the bromouracil was evenly distributed over the genome and when a small proportion of the genome was highly substituted. Also, the mutation frequency could be drastically lowered by amino acid starvation following bromouracil incorporation. These observations suggest the involvement of repair phenomena. Studies of mutagenesis in recA and uvrA mutants, as well as studies of prophage induction, did not support an error prone repair pathway of mutagenesis. On the other hand, uvrD and uvrE mutants, which are deficient in DNA mismatch repair, had much increased mutation frequencies compared with wild type cells. The mutagenic action of bromouracil showed specificity under the conditions used, as demonstrated by the inability of bromouracil to revert an ochre codon that was easily revertable by ultraviolet light irradiation. The results are consistent with a mechanism of bromouracil mutagenesis involving mispairing, but suggest that the final mutation frequencies depend on repair that removes mismatched bases.  相似文献   

A screening procedure based on the formation of papillae on individual bacterial colonies was used to isolate mutants of Escherichia coli with high mutation rates in the presence of bromouracil. Most of the mutants obtained had high spontaneous mutation rates and mapped close to the previously known mutators mutT, mutS, mutR, uvrE and mutL. Except for mutants of mutT type, these mutators also showed high mutability by bromouracil. Transfection experiments were performed with heteroduplex lambda DNA to test for mismatch repair. The results suggest a reduced efficiency of repair of mismatched bases in mutators mutS, mutR, uvrE and mutL, whereas mutants mapping as mutT appear normal. The results support a connection between spontaneous and bromouracil-induced mutability and repair of mismatched bases in DNA.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways play an important role in modulating cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) cytotoxicity. In this article, we identified a novel mechanistic role of both BER and MMR pathways in mediating cellular responses to cisplatin treatment. Cells defective in BER or MMR display a cisplatin-resistant phenotype. Targeting both BER and MMR pathways resulted in no additional resistance to cisplatin, suggesting that BER and MMR play epistatic roles in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity. Using a DNA Polymerase β (Polβ) variant deficient in polymerase activity (D256A), we demonstrate that MMR acts downstream of BER and is dependent on the polymerase activity of Polβ in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity. MSH2 preferentially binds a cisplatin interstrand cross-link (ICL) DNA substrate containing a mismatch compared with a cisplatin ICL substrate without a mismatch, suggesting a novel mutagenic role of Polβ in activating MMR in response to cisplatin. Collectively, these results provide the first mechanistic model for BER and MMR functioning within the same pathway to mediate cisplatin sensitivity via non-productive ICL processing. In this model, MMR participation in non-productive cisplatin ICL processing is downstream of BER processing and dependent on Polβ misincorporation at cisplatin ICL sites, which results in persistent cisplatin ICLs and sensitivity to cisplatin.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli mismatch repair system does not recognize and/or repair all mismatched base pairs with equal efficiency: whereas transition mismatches (G X T and A X C) are well repaired, the repair of some transversion mismatches (e.g. A X G or C X T) appears to depend on their position in heteroduplex DNA of phage lambda. Undecamers were synthesized and annealed to form heteroduplexes with a single base-pair mismatch in the centre and with the five base pairs flanking each side corresponding to either repaired or unrepaired heteroduplexes of lambda DNA. Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) studies show that a G X A mismatch gives rise to an equilibrium between fully helical and a looped-out structure. In the unrepaired G X A mismatch duplex the latter predominates, while the helical structure is predominant in the case of repaired G X A and G X T mismatches. It appears that the E. coli mismatch repair enzymes recognize and repair intrahelical mismatched bases, but not the extrahelical bases in the looped-out structures.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair and the long-patch mismatch repair systems correct abnormal DNA structures arising from DNA damage and replication errors, respectively. DNA synthesis past a damaged base (translesion replication) often causes misincorporation at the lesion site. In addition, mismatches are hot spots for DNA damage because of increased susceptibility of unpaired bases to chemical modification. We call such a DNA lesion, that is, a base damage superimposed on a mismatch, a compound lesion. To learn about the processing of compound lesions by human cells, synthetic compound lesions containing UV photoproducts or cisplatin 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand cross-link and mismatch were tested for binding to the human mismatch recognition complex hMutS alpha and for excision by the human excision nuclease. No functional overlap between excision repair and mismatch repair was observed. The presence of a thymine dimer or a cisplatin diadduct in the context of a G-T mismatch reduced the affinity of hMutS alpha for the mismatch. In contrast, the damaged bases in these compound lesions were excised three- to fourfold faster than simple lesions by the human excision nuclease, regardless of the presence of hMutS alpha in the reaction. These results provide a new perspective on how excision repair, a cellular defense system for maintaining genomic integrity, can fix mutations under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

To investigate involvement of DNA mismatch repair in the response to short-wave ultraviolet (UVC) light, we compared UVC-induced mutant frequencies and mutational spectra at the Hprt gene between wild type and mismatch-repair-deficient mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Whereas mismatch repair gene status did not significantly affect survival of these cells after UVC irradiation, UVC induced substantially more mutations in ES cells that lack the MutSalpha mismatch-recognizing heterodimer than in wild type ES cells. The global UVC-induced mutational spectra at Hprt and the distribution of most spectral mutational hotspots were found to be similar in mismatch-repair-deficient and wild type cells. However, at one predominant spectral hot spot for mutagenesis in wild type cells, the UVC-induced mutation frequency was not affected by the mismatch repair status. Together these data reveal a major role of mismatch repair in controlling mutagenesis induced by UVC light and may suggest the sequence context-dependent direct mismatch repair of misincorporations opposite UVC-induced pyrimidine dimers.  相似文献   

Folate is a critical factor for DNA metabolism and its deficiency is associated with a number of human diseases and cancers. Although it has been shown that folate deficiency induces genomic instability and apoptotic cell death, the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Given the role of mismatch repair in maintaining genomic integrity, mismatch repair was tested for its involvement in folate deficiency-induced genomic instability and cell death. Cells proficient in mismatch repair were highly sensitive to folate deficiency compared with cells defective in either hMutSalpha or hMutLalpha. Since wild-type cells but not mutant cells underwent apoptosis upon extensive folate depletion, the apoptotic response is dependent on a functional mismatch repair system. Our data also indicate that p53 is required for the folate depletion-induced apoptosis. In vitro biochemical studies demonstrated that hMutSalpha specifically recognized DNA damage induced by folate deficiency, suggesting a direct participation of mismatch repair proteins in mediating the apoptotic response. We conclude that while the mismatch repair-dependent apoptosis is necessary to protect damaged cells from tumorigenesis, it may damage a whole tissue or organ, as seen in patients with megaloblastic anemia, during extensive folate deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the proofreading (35 exonuclease) function of T4 DNA polymerase and the mismatch repair system ofE. coli on N4-hydroxycytidine (oh4Cyd)1 induced mutagenesis was investigated. oh4Cyd-induced mutation is strongly suppressed when the proofreading activity increases as a result of the presence oftsCB87-antimutator polymerase or elevated temperature (43° C vs 30° C). Mutagenic activity of oh4Cyd, however, is little, if at all, affected by the presence of thetsLB56 mutator allele of T4 DNA polymerase with suppressed proofreading activity. This leads to the conclusion that oh4C nucleotides are not frequently removed by proofreading activity of wild-type T4 DNA polymerase. The number of mutations induced by oh4Cyd increases 3- to 5-fold due to damage of the genesmutS,mutL,uvrE, but notmutR.Dam - cells are more sensitive to, and hypermutable by, oh4Cyd in comparison withdam + cells. This is compatible with the notion that oh4C residues are recognised and excised by mismatch repair enzymes. The results indicate thath neither the proofreading function of T4 DNA polymerase, nor the mismatch repair enzymes, are responsible for the high specificity of oh4Cyd which causes ATGC transition.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) null background renders mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells base excision repair deficient and hyper-mutagenic upon treatment with the monofunctional alkylating agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). This effect involves an increase in all types of base substitutions, with a modest predominance of G to A transitions. In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that the MMS-induced mutagenesis in the Pol beta null MEF system is due to a lesion bypass mechanism. We studied the effect of RNAi mediated down-regulation of the lesion bypass factor REV1. The steady-state level of REV1 protein was reduced by more than 95% using stable expression of a siRNA construct in a Pol beta null cell line. We found that REV1 expression is required for the MMS-induced mutagenesis phenotype of Pol beta null MEF cells. In contrast, cell survival after MMS treatment is not reduced in the absence of REV1.  相似文献   

A L Lu  I C Hsu 《Genomics》1992,14(2):249-255
A novel method for identifying DNA point mutations has been developed by using mismatch repair enzymes. The high specificity of the Escherichia coli MutY protein has permitted the development of a reliable and sensitive method for the detection and characterization of point mutations in the human genome. The MutY protein is involved in a repair pathway that can convert A/G or A/C mismatches to C/G or G/C basepairs, respectively. A/G or A/C mismatches formed by hybridization between two amplified genomic DNA samples or between specific DNA probes and target DNA are nicked at the mispaired adenine strand by MutY protein. As little as 1% of the mutant sequence can be detected by the mismatch repair enzyme cleavage (MREC) method in a mixture of normal and mutated DNAs (e.g., mutant cells are only present in 1% of the normal cell background). By using different probes, the assay also can determine the nucleotide sequence of the mutation. We have applied this method to detect single-base substitutions in human oncogenes.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress inactivates the human DNA mismatch repair system   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In the human DNA mismatch repair(MMR) system, hMSH2 forms the hMutS and hMutS complexes withhMSH6 and hMSH3, respectively, whereas hMLH1 and hPMS2 form thehMutL heterodimer. These complexes, together with other componentsin the MMR system, correct single-base mismatches and smallinsertion/deletion loops that occur during DNA replication.Microsatellite instability (MSI) occurs when the loops in DNAmicrosatellites are not corrected because of a malfunctioning MMRsystem. Low-frequency MSI (MSI-L) is seen in some chronicallyinflamed tissues in the absence of genetic inactivation of the MMRsystem. We hypothesize that oxidative stress associated with chronicinflammation might damage protein components of the MMR system, leadingto its functional inactivation. In this study, we demonstrate thatnoncytotoxic levels of H2O2 inactivate bothsingle-base mismatch and loop repair activities of the MMR system in adose-dependent fashion. On the basis of in vitro complementation assaysusing recombinant MMR proteins, we show that this inactivation is mostlikely due to oxidative damage to hMutS, hMutS, and hMutLprotein complexes. We speculate that inactivation of the MMR functionin response to oxidative stress may be responsible for the MSI-L seenin nonneoplastic and cancer tissues associated with chronic inflammation.


DNA mismatch repair (MMR) repairs mispaired bases in DNA generated by replication errors. MutS or MutS homologs recognize mispairs and coordinate with MutL or MutL homologs to direct excision of the newly synthesized DNA strand. In most organisms, the signal that discriminates between the newly synthesized and template DNA strands has not been definitively identified. In contrast, Escherichia coli and some related gammaproteobacteria use a highly elaborated methyl-directed MMR system that recognizes Dam methyltransferase modification sites that are transiently unmethylated on the newly synthesized strand after DNA replication. Evolution of methyl-directed MMR is characterized by the acquisition of Dam and the MutH nuclease and by the loss of the MutL endonuclease activity. Methyl-directed MMR is present in a subset of Gammaproteobacteria belonging to the orders Enterobacteriales, Pasteurellales, Vibrionales, Aeromonadales, and a subset of the Alteromonadales (the EPVAA group) as well as in gammaproteobacteria that have obtained these genes by horizontal gene transfer, including the medically relevant bacteria Fluoribacter, Legionella, and Tatlockia and the marine bacteria Methylophaga and Nitrosococcus.  相似文献   

Involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in base excision repair   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a zinc-finger DNA binding protein that detects and signals DNA strand breaks generated directly or indirectly by genotoxic agents. In response to these lesions, the immediate poly(ADP-ribosylation) of nuclear proteins converts DNA interruptions into intracellular signals that activate DNA repair or cell death programs. To elucidate the biological function of PARP in vivo, the mouse PARP gene was inactivated by homologous recombination to generate mice lacking a functional PARP gene. PARP knockout mice and the derived mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were acutely sensitive to monofunctional alkylating agents and gamma-irradiation demonstrating that PARP is involved in recovery from DNA damage that triggers the base excision repair (BER) process. To address the issue of the role of PARP in BER, the ability of PARP-deficient mammalian cell extracts to repair a single abasic site present on a circular duplex plasmid molecule was tested in a standard in vitro repair assay. The results clearly demonstrate, for the first time, the involvement of PARP in the DNA synthesis step of the base excision repair process.  相似文献   

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