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In binocular fusion, pairs of left and right stimuli yielding the same brightness perception constitute an equibrightness curve in a coordinate system whose ordinate and abscissa correspond to the left and right stimulus strengths. A neural network model is presented to elucidate the characteristics of the curve. According to the model, Fechner's paradox is due to the threshold characteristics of the neuron. If the shapes or movements are radically different between the left and right stimuli, the retinal rivalry is caused. That is, only the left stimulus is perceived at one moment and the right stimulus at another moment. The period of left or right eye dominance alternates randomly from time to time. The distribution of the period is approximate to the gamma distribution. In order to account for this fact, a neural network model is proposed, which consists of a pair of neurons receiving inputs with stochastic fluctuations. The computer simulation was carried out with satisfactory results. The model of retinal rivalry is integrated with that of brightness perception.  相似文献   

This paper develops a micro probabilistic model to describe the family extension process. The parameters are: the probability that a newborn is a boy (P), the number of desired boys (B), the number of desired girls (G), and the maximum possible number of children (N). This maximum is a stopping rule rather than a biological maximum. The variables are the ultimate number of boys and girls. According to this model, each couple determines B, G, and N, at the beginning of the reproductive period and continues to reproduce until at least B and at least G are achieved, or until the total number of children reaches N. The probability distribution of the ultimate number of boys and girls in the population is derived for this model. Simulation techniques are used to generate offspring. The results showed that the population size increases with the absolute differences, [B-G] for fixed N. They also suggested that son or daughter preference may be an important factor in fertility determinants, which may have important implications in population policies.  相似文献   

Understanding evolutionary coordination among different life-history traits is a key challenge for ecology and evolution. Here we develop a general quantitative model predicting how offspring size should scale with adult size by combining a simple model for life-history evolution with a frequency-dependent survivorship model. The key innovation is that larger offspring are afforded three different advantages during ontogeny: higher survivorship per time, a shortened juvenile phase, and advantage during size-competitive growth. In this model, it turns out that size-asymmetric advantage during competition is the factor driving evolution toward larger offspring sizes. For simplified and limiting cases, the model is shown to produce the same predictions as the previously existing theory on which it is founded. The explicit treatment of different survival advantages has biologically important new effects, mainly through an interaction between total maternal investment in reproduction and the duration of competitive growth. This goes on to explain alternative allometries between log offspring size and log adult size, as observed in mammals (slope = 0.95) and plants (slope = 0.54). Further, it suggests how these differences relate quantitatively to specific biological processes during recruitment. In these ways, the model generalizes across previous theory and provides explanations for some differences between major taxa.  相似文献   

Intravenous buprenorphine reduces pupil size and the light reflex in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pupillary effects of intravenous buprenorphine were studied in eight nondependent male subjects who reported previous opiate use. Buprenorphine (0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mg) decreased pupil size, the amplitude of the light reflex, and the velocities of constriction and dilation. Significant pupillary effects occurred within 15 min of the injection and persisted for 24 hr. At 48 hr most measures returned to baseline levels. Generally the magnitude of the effect was not dose related although recovery occurred sooner after the lower dose. The time course of the pupillary effects of buprenorphine exceeds duration of its analgesic and subjective effects. Previous studies have reported that pupillary measures are especially sensitive to the acute effects of full opiate agonists. The results of the present study indicate that buprenorphine, a partial opiate agonist, causes profound and persistent effects on pupillary size and dynamic measures.  相似文献   

A kinetic model is proposed for oscillatory kinetic phenomena. The exact analytic solution is exhibited and shown to account for several features exhibited by oscillatory chemical and biological systems.  相似文献   

Summary I developed a model for seed size variation among plants assuming that the pollen captured per flower depends on both the allocation to pollen capture mechanisms per flower and the number of flowers on each plant. I showed that the optimal seed size increases with (1) the total resource allocation to reproduction, (2) decreasing outcross pollen availability, (3) decreasing probability of seedling establishment and (4) decreasing selfing rate. However, optimal seed size does not depend on the total resource allocation if the total number of pollen grains captured by a plant increases linearly with its flower number. In addition, the optimal seed size is not always positively correlated with the optimal resource allocation to pollen capture mechanisms per flower. I discussed implications of the results for seasonal decline in seed size and seed size variations among populations, such as alutitudinal variation.  相似文献   

In this work we present a model of the kindling effect based on the Hopf bifurcation for a system of ordinary differential equations. The model shows how quantitative changes in the physiological parameters at the microscopic, synaptic scale, produce the afterdischarge which is a macroscopic effect at the neuronal network scale. The presynaptic mechanisms are based on the vesicular hypothesis, or more generally on the quantal theory of synaptic transmission. The postsynaptic processes rely on Granit's law. This model gives a consistent framework which organizes and explains several experimental observations.  相似文献   

A quantitative formulation of Ogle's induced size effect is carried out on the assumption that vertical equality of the retinal images acts as a cue for localing the subjective median plane as opposed to the horizontal retinal dispartities which serve for localizing the subjective frontal plane; that this cue operates, independently of such cues as are provided by ocular versions, and predominates when the versions are not great. The equation which embodies the theoretical predictions involves no parameters not directly measurable.  相似文献   

Exercise was found to dilate the pupil area while the exercise took place, while the area showed constriction following the exercise period. Exercise-induced change in the size of the pupil was minimal. Pupillary dilation was greatest under conditions of maximal exercise. In exercise under a consistent load, pupillary dilation increased as the exercise time was prolonged. With lower lighting, there was virtually no dilation with exercise.  相似文献   

Estimating optimal sample size for microbiological surveys is a challenge for laboratory managers. When insufficient sampling is conducted, biased inferences are likely; however, when excessive sampling is conducted valuable laboratory resources are wasted. This report presents a statistical model for the estimation of the sample size appropriate for the accurate identification of the bacterial subtypes of interest in a specimen. This applied model for microbiology laboratory use is based on a Bayesian mode of inference, which combines two inputs: (ii) a prespecified estimate, or prior distribution statement, based on available scientific knowledge and (ii) observed data. The specific inputs for the model are a prior distribution statement of the number of strains per specimen provided by an informed microbiologist and data from a microbiological survey indicating the number of strains per specimen. The model output is an updated probability distribution of strains per specimen, which can be used to estimate the probability of observing all strains present according to the number of colonies that are sampled. In this report two scenarios that illustrate the use of the model to estimate bacterial colony sample size requirements are presented. In the first scenario, bacterial colony sample size is estimated to correctly identify Campylobacter amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism types on broiler carcasses. The second scenario estimates bacterial colony sample size to correctly identify Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis phage types in fecal drag swabs from egg-laying poultry flocks. An advantage of the model is that as updated inputs from ongoing surveys are incorporated into the model, increasingly precise sample size estimates are likely to be made.  相似文献   

A general model for sample size determination for collecting germplasm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper develops a general model for determining the minimum sample size for collecting germplasm for genetic conservation with an overall objective of retaining at least one copy of each allele with preassigned probability. It considers sampling from a large heterogeneous 2k-ploid population under a broad range of mating systems leading to a general formula applicable to a fairly large number of populations. It is found that the sample size decreases as ploidy levels increase, but increases with the increase in inbreeding. Under exclusive selfing the sample size is the same, irrespective of the ploidy level, when other parameters are held constant. Minimum sample sizes obtained for diploids by this general formula agree with those already reported by earlier workers. The model confirms the conservative characteristics of genetic variability of polysomic inheritance under chromosomal segregation.  相似文献   

The notion of an evolutive hierarchical system proposed in this paper is a mathematical model for systems, like organisms, with more or less complex objects. This model, based on category theory, retains the following characteristics of natural systems: they have an internal organization consisting of components with interrelations; they maintain their organization in time though their components are changing; their components are divided into several levels corresponding to the increasing complexity of their own organization, and the system may be studied at any of these levels (e.g. molecular, cellular...). The state of the system at a given instant is modeled by a category whose objects are its components, the state transition by a functor, a complex object by the (direct) limit of a pattern of linked objects (which describes its internal organization). The properties of limits in a category make it possible to ‘measure’ the emergence of properties for a complex object with respect to its components, and to reduce the study of a hierarchical system to that of its components of the lowest degree and their links. Categorical constructions describe the formation of a hierarchical evolutive system stepwise, by means of the operations: absorption of external objects, destruction of some components, formation of new complex objects.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of the propagation coefficient on the molar distribution function in a modified shell model for micellar systems was examined. The sharpness of the micelle size distribution boundary was found to depend less on the degree of polymerization, n, than on the propagation coefficient, P. Although Kegeles (J. Phys. Chem. 83 (1979) 1728) has reported a marked sharpening of the distribution boundary when P = 2.0. we found the boundary to be fairly broad at this point. However, as values of the propagation coefficient were increased from 3 to 10, the micelle distribution boundary became increasingly sharp. The possibility of such a change in the reaction boundary arising from a structural transition, accompanied by a change in the rate of dissociation of monomer from the shell, is also discussed.  相似文献   

A synergetic model for the verbal transformation effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a nonlinear dynamical model based on synergetics for the auditory perceptual illusion known as the verbal transformation effect. The model is an extension of a synergetic model of perceptual oscillations of visual ambiguous figures. The main extension is connected to the number of reported alternative phonemic structures, which is typically much greater than the two or three alternatives usually reported in experiments with visual ambiguous figures. The properties of the model, which are derived using basic psychophysical principles, are presented and evaluated on the basis of the fit to earlier empirical work. It will be shown that there is very good agreement between the empirically observed properties of the verbal transformation effect and the properties detected by the model. Received: 19 February 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 27 May 1997  相似文献   

A model of cell size regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In the early days of the FSC, younger pupils comprised only about 4% of visitors to the Centres; this proportion fell to around 1% in the mid 1970s but has risen dramatically (to 16% in 1986) during the present decade. During 1986, the introduction of GCSE has brought a further factor into play and the F'SC's junior category now embraces the range from 6-year-olds to GCSE pupils. At all levels, courses are carefully designed in consultation with school staff to enable pupils to gain the maximum benefit from their visit. While there is always a carefully-structured basis to a course, the approach to a topic is as heuristic as possible and child-centred learning is considered critically important. In GCSE courses, care is taken to link content to both the National Criteria of the Secondary Examination Council and the more detailed requirements of the particular syllabus being followed.  相似文献   

Cluster Computing - Multi-core systems has evolved enormously during the last decade with the improvement in the integration technology which makes it possible to house large number of transistors...  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model for two-phase aqueous polymer systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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