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Seed maturation of Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 proceeds more slowly in winter than in summer even when the parent plants are grown in greenhouse conditions with light-and heat-supplementation. For parent plants grown under summer and winter conditions the metabolism of [3H]GA9 in cultured seeds is qualitatively different in seeds of equivalent age and qualitatively the same in seeds of equivalent weight. 13-Hydroxylation of [3H]GA9[3H]GA20 is restricted to early stages of seed development. 2-Hydroxylation of [3H]GA92-OH-[3H]GA9 has only been observed at a stage of development after endogenous GA9 has accumulated. 2-OH-GA9 has been shown to be endogenous to pea and is named GA51. H2-GA31 and its conjugate have not been shown to be present in pea and may be induced metabolites of [3H]GA9. The metabolism of GA20GA29 is used to illustrate a technique of feeding [2H][3H]GAs in order to distinguish a metabolite from the same endogenous compound. The in vitro conversion of [3H]GA20[3H]GA29, and the virtual non-metabolism of [3H]GA29 have been confirmed for seeds in intact fruits. These results are discussed in relation to the apparent absence of conjugated GAs in mature pea seeds.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GC-RC combined gas chromatography-radio counting - Me methyl ester - RT etention time - SICM selected ion current monitoring - TLC thin layer chromatography - TMS trimethyl silyl ether The author is née Frydman  相似文献   

Summary The gibberellin A1 (GA1)-like and GA5-like fractions from immature seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as GA29 and GA20 respectively.  相似文献   

The metabolism of GA29 during seed maturation in Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 was further investigated. [17-13C1]GA29 was metabolised to a GA-catabolite (structure 3), with incorporation of the [13C] label from the GA29 substrate into the GA-catabolite being demonstrated by GC-MS. Quantitation of the GA-catabolite using GC-MS was achieved by adding GA-catabolite, labelled with [18O], to seed extracts as an internal standard. At least 50% conversion of [13C1]GA29 to [13C1]GA-catabolite was demonstrated with the build up of exogenous [13C1]GA-catabolite strictly paralleling the accumulation of native GA-catabolite. These results strongly suggest that conversion of GA29 to the GA-catabolite is a natural metabolic step occurring during the final stages of seed maturation. 25 g per seed of native GA-catabolite was recorded in 37 day old seeds. Some problems encountered in the analysis of extracts containing the GA-catabolite are discussed briefly.Abbreviations BSTFA bis(trifluoromethylsilyl)acetamide - GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - Me methyl ester - SICM selected ion current monitoring - TMSi trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

V. M. Sponsel 《Planta》1986,168(1):119-129
The stem growth in darkness or in continuous red light of two pea cultivars, Alaska (Le Le, tall) and Progress No. 9 (le le, dwarf), was measured for 13 d. The lengths of the first three internodes in dark-grown seedlings of the two cultivars were similar, substantiating previous literature reports that Progress No. 9 has a tall phenotype in the dark. The biological activity of gibberellin A20 (GA20), which is normally inactive in le le geno-types, was compared in darkness and in red light. Alaska seedlings, regardless of growing conditions, responded to GA20. Dark-grown seedlings of Progress No. 9 also responded to GA20, although red-light-grown seedlings did not. Gibberellin A1 was active in both cultivars, in both darkness and red light. The metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 has also been studied. In dark-grown shoots of Alaska and Progress No. 9 [13C3H]GA20 is converted to [13C3H]GA1, [13C3H]GA8, [13C]GA29, its 2-epimer, and [13C3H]GA29-catabolite. [13C3H] Gibberellin A1 was a minor product which appeared to be rapidly turned over, so that in some feeds only its metabolite, [13C3H]GA8, was detected. However results do indicate that the tall growth habit of Progress No. 9 in the dark, and its ability to respond to GA20 in the dark may be related to its capacity to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to give GA1. In red light the overall metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 was reduced in both cultivars. There is some evidence that 3-hydroxylation of [13C3H]GA20 can occur in red light-grown Alaska seedlings, but no 3-hydroxylated metabolites of [13C3H]GA20 were observed in red light-grown Progress. Thus the dwarf habit of Progress No. 9 in red light and its inability to respond to GA20 may be related, as in other dwarf genotypes, to its inability to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to GA1. However identification and quantification of native GAs in both cultivars showed that red-light-grown Progress does contain native GA1. Thus the inability of red light-grown Progress No. 9 seedlings to respond to, and to 3-hydroxylate, applied GA20 may be due to an effect of red light on uptake and compartmentation of GAs.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate - cv. cultivar - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GA(n) gibberellin A(n) - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   

In addition to the previously-reported gibberellins: GA1; GA8, GA20 and GA29 (García-Martínez et al., 1987, Planta 170, 130–137), GA3 and GA19 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in pods and ovules of 4-d-old pollinated pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) ovaries. Pods contained additionally GA17, GA81 (2-hydroxy GA20) and GA29-catabolite. The concentrations of GA1, GA3, GA8, GA19, GA20 and GA29 were higher in the ovules than in the pod, although, with the exception of GA3, the total content of these GAs in the pod exceeded that in the seeds. About 80% of the GA3 content of the ovary was present in the seeds. The concentrations of GA19 and GA20 in pollinated ovaries remained fairly constant for the first 12 ds after an thesis, after which they increased sharply. In contrast, GA1 and GA3 concentrations were maximal at 7 d and 4–6 d, respectively, after anthesis, at about the time of maximum pod growth rate, and declined thereafter. Emasculated ovaries at anthesis contained GA8, GA19 and GA20 at concentrations comparable with pollinated fruit, but they decreased rapidly. Gibberellins a1 and A3 were present in only trace amounts in emasculated ovaries at any stage. Parthenocarpic fruit, produced by decapitating plants immediately above an emasculated flower, or by treating such flowers with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or GA7, contained GA19 and GA20 at similar concentrations to seeded fruit, but very low amounts of GA1 and GA3 Thus, it appears that the presence of fertilised ovules is necessary for the synthesis of these last two GAs. Mature leaves and leaf diffusates contained GA1, GA8, GA19 and GA20 as determined by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using selected ion monitoring. This provides further evidence that vegetative tissues are a possible alternative source of GAs for fruit-set, particularly in decapitated plants.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FW fresh weight - GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - KRI Kovats retention index - m/z mass to charge ratio We thank Mr M.J. Lewis for qualitative GC-MS analyses and Ms M.V. Cuthbert (LARS), R. Martinez Pardo and T. Sabater (IATA) for technical assistance. We are also grateful to Professor B.O. Phinney, University of California, Los Angeles, for gifts of [17-13C]GA8 and -GA29 and to Mr Paul Gaskin, University of Bristol, for the mass spectrum of GA29-catabolite and for a sample of GA81 The work in Spain was supported by Dirección General de Investigación Cientifica y Técnica (grant PB87-0402 to J.L.G.-M.). We also acknowledge the British Council and Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia for travel grants through Accion Integrada Hispano-Britanica 56/142 (J.L.G.-M. and P.H.).  相似文献   

The organization of the enzymes of de novo pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Progress No. 9) has been studied. The first three enzymes of the pathway, carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase, aspartate carbamoyltransferase, and dihydroorotase, are readily separable from one another; they are not part of a multifunctional complex. The final two activities of the pathway, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase, copurify and appear to be complexed in vivo. This organizational pattern is distinct from those reported for bacteria, yeast, and mammals. The differences in organization, in a pathway which is present in all organisms, make the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway a very interesting candidate for evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

The lectin from the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) has been localized at the ultrastructural level by the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure of L.A. Sternberger et al. (1970, J. Histochem. Cytochem 18, 315–333) in 24 h imbibed seeds. Upon examination by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, the lectin was only found in the protein bodies of cotyledons and embryo axis. Cell walls as well as membraneous fractions were completely devoid of lectin. These results are discussed in relation to the possible physiological function of seed lectins.Abbreviations PBS phosphate-buffered saline - TBS Tris-buffered saline - PAP-complex horseradish peroxidase-antihorseradish peroxidase soluble complex - NGS normal goat serum - TBS* Tris-buffered saline containing 0.5 M NaCl, pH 7.6  相似文献   

In radicle meristem cells of germinating seeds of the pea (Pisum sativum L) before the onset of replicative synthesis of DNA, irradiation with 2-3 krad of gamma-rays induced the incorporation of 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR). Maximum isotope incorporation was noted during the first 2 hours after irradiation. Higher doses of radiation suppressed 3H-TdR incorporation. It was not seen after gamma-irradiation of air-dried seeds, nor after fast-neutron irradiation. The replication inhibitors hydroxyurea and 5-aminouracil had no effect on the gamma-induced incorporation of 3H-TdR, Whereas caffeine and acriflavine inhibited it to some extent. It is suggested that the gamma-radiation-induced incorporation of 3H-TdR in meristem cells during the pre-replicative period may be connected with repair phenomena.  相似文献   

P. A. Jones 《Planta》1977,135(3):233-240
Maturing embryos of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) were treated with an aqueous solution of tritiated thymidine for 1 h, sectioned, and processed for autoradiography. An analysis of the distribution of labelled nuclei and mitotic figures demonstrated the presence of a quiescent center (QC) in the radicles of developing embryos. The QC developed in the radicle during the growth of the embryo. Immature radicles that did not contain a well-formed zone of root-cap initials did not show a QC. In the latter stages of seed ripening, the pattern of arrest of DNA synthesis and mitosis was tissue-specific. Cells within the QC remained inactive. The region lacking labelled nuclei and mitotic figures progressively expanded to include the root cap initials and then the provascular cylinder. Mitosis was arrested before DNA synthesis in the embryonic cortex. Cells within the QC synthesized DNA during the first stages of seed germination.Abbreviations [3H]TdR tritiated thymidine - QC quiescent center  相似文献   

The metabolism of GA29 in maturing seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 was further investigated, and the utility of 2H-labelled GAs in conjuction with GC-MS is illustrated. Using [2-2H1]GA29 as an internal standard, endogenous GA29 was shown to reach a maximal level (ca. 10 g/seed) 27 days from anthesis, and to decline to ca. 1.6 g/seed in mature seeds. In a time-course feed the metabolism of [2-2H1] [2-3H1]GA29 applied to 27 day old seeds, and of endogenous GA29, was compared from the 1H:2H ratios in the recovered GA29. Although both [2-2H1] [2-3H1]GA29 and endogenous GA29 were metabolised to the same limited extent to a putative conjugate, in the main metabolic process endogenous GA29 was preferentially converted to an untraceable (i.e. unlabelled) metabolite. In contrast, endogenous GA29 and [1,3-2H2] [1,3-3H2]GA29, derived from [1,3-2H2] [1,3-3H2]GA20 in a time-course feed, were metabolised in an identical manner. In the latter case isotope loss precluded identification of the metabolite. The structure (8) has been assigned to a GA catabolite present in maturing seeds and seedlings of pea. The isotope data are consistent with this compound being the hitherto untraced metabolite of GA29 in pea.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GC-RC combined gas chromatography-radio counting - M+ molecular ion - Me methyl ester - RT retention time - SICM selected ion current monitoring - TLC thin layer chromatography - TMS trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

Seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were germinated for four days over two sheets of filter paper moistened with H2O (control) and 5 mM Cd(NO3)2 or CuSO4 (treated). The relationship between heavy-metal stress and breakdown of storage compounds was studied. Germination rate and growth of radicle decreased, while the water content in stressed seeds remained around the control values. Cotyledons changed their biochemical constituents: disorders in the contents of micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn), free amino acids and soluble sugars were found. Decline of alpha-amylase activity as well as acid phosphatase were also observed, whereas beta-amylase and alkaline phosphatase ones were not modified by heavy-metal treatments. These results suggest that the inhibition of seed germinations after exposure to cadmium or copper is not the consequence of starvation in water uptake by seed tissues, but may be due to a failure in the reserve mobilization process from cotyledons.  相似文献   

Gibberellins A1 and A3 are the major physiologically active gibberellins (GAs) present in young fruit of pea (Pisum sativum L.). The relative importance of these GAs in controlling fruit growth and their biosynthetic origins were investigated in cv. Alaska. In addition, the non-13-hydroxylated active GAs, GA4 and GA7, were identified for the first time in young seeds harvested 4 d after anthesis, although they are minor components and are not expected to play major physiological roles. The GA1 content is maximal in seeds and pods at 6 d after anthesis, the time of highest growth-rate of the pod (Garcia-Martinez et al. 1991, Planta 184: 53–60), whereas gibberellic acid (GA3), which is present at high levels in seeds 4–8 d after anthesis, has very low abundance in pods. Gibberellins A19, A20 and A29 are most concentrated in seeds at, or shortly after, anthesis and their abundance declines rapidly with development, concomitant with the sharp increase in GA1 and GA3 content. Application of GA1 or GA3 to the leaf subtending an emasculated flower stimulated parthenocarpic fruit development. Measurement of the GA content of the pods at 4 d after anthesis indicated that only 0.002–0.5% of the applied GA was transported to the fruit, depending on dose. There was a linear relationship between GA1 content and pod weight up to about 2 ng · (g FW)−1, whereas no such correlation existed for GA3 content. The concentration of endogenous GA1 in pods from pollinated ovaries is just sufficient to give the maximum growth response. It is concluded that GA1, but not GA3, controls pod growth in pea; GA3 may be involved in early seed development. The distribution of GAs within the seeds at 4 d post anthesis was also investigated. Most of the GA1, GA8, GA19, GA20 and GA29 was present in the testa, whereas GA3 was distributed equally between testa and endosperm and GA4 was localised mainly in the endosperm. Of the GAs analysed, only GA3 and GA20 were detected in the embryo. Metabolism experiments with intact tissues and cell-free fractions indicated compartmentation of GA biosynthesis within the seed. Using 14C-labelled GA12, GA9, 2,3-didehydroGA9 and GA20 as substrates, the testa was shown to contain 13-hydroxylase and 20-oxidase activities, the endosperm, 3β-hydroxylase and 20-oxidase activities. Both tissues also produced 16,17-dihydrodiols. However, GA1 and GA3 were not obtained as products and it is unlikely that they are formed via the early 13-hydroxylation pathway. [14C]gibberellin A12, applied to the inside surface of pods in situ, was metabolised to GA19, GA20, GA29, GA29-catabolite, GA81 and GA97, but GA1 was not detected. Gibberellin A20 was metabolised by this tissue to GA29 and GA29-catabolite. Received: 23 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 September 1996  相似文献   

NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (E.C. has been purified to homogeneity from germinating pea seeds. The enzyme is a tetrameric protein (mol wt, about 146,000) made up of apparently identical monomers (subunit mol wt, about 36,000). Thermal inactivation of purified enzyme at 45 degrees and 50 degrees C shows simple first order kinetics. The enzyme shows optimum activity at pH range 7.5-8. Effect of substrate [S] on enzyme activity at different pH (6.5-8) suggests that the proton behaves formally as an "uncompetitive inhibitor". A basic group of the enzyme (site) is protonated in this pH range in the presence of substrate only, with a pKa equal to 6.78. On successive dialysis against EDTA and phosphate buffer, pH 7.8 at 0 degrees C, yields an enzymatically inactive protein showing kinetics of thermal inactivation identical to the untreated (native) enzyme. Maximum enzyme activity is observed in presence of Mn2+ and Mg2+ ions (3.75 mM). Addition of Zn2+, Cd2+, Co2+ and Ca2+ ions brings about partial recovery. Other metal ions Fe2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ are ineffective.  相似文献   

Endosperm and cotyledons of Sechium edule at different stages of seed development were found to contain three novel GA conjugates. 3-propyl- or 3-acetyl- GA4/7 were characterized by mass spectral analysis and were found to be biologically active in contrast to synthetic GA4/7 propyl esters. An unusual GA glucoside showing biological activity was also isolated from both tissues and characterized by mass spectrometry and NMR analysis as 16,17-dihydro-16-hydroxy-GA15 alcohol glucoside. The functional significance of this novel GA conjugate is discussed.  相似文献   

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