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农业技术措施对AM真菌群落结构的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性丰富,并以独特的群落结构发挥其功能.寄主植物和环境因子对AM真菌群落结构具有重要影响,此外,农业技术措施对农业生态系统中AM真菌群落结构的影响也值得关注.本文系统总结了施肥、灌溉、轮作、间作、土壤耕作、化学药剂等农业技术措施对AM真菌群落结构的影响研究进展,分析了农业技术措施改变AM真菌群落结构的可能机制,探讨了提高农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性的可能途径,提出通过改进施肥体制及其配套技术、增加植物多样性和人工接种AM真菌等可提高农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性;并指出当前存在的问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

As C(3) photosynthesis is not yet CO(2)-saturated, forests offer the possibility of enhanced growth and carbon (C) sequestration with rising atmospheric CO(2). However, at an ecosystem scale, increased photosynthetic rates are not always translated into faster tree growth, and in free air carbon enrichment (FACE) experiments with trees, the stimulation in above-ground growth often declines with time. So is tree growth C-limited? The evidence is reviewed here at three different scales. First, at the biochemical scale, the role of Rubisco is discussed by considering its evolution and role as a nitrogen (N) storage protein. Second, at the ecophysiological scale, C allocation to gain nutrients from the soil is considered and it is argued that any C limitation is only through a limitation to soil nutrient cycling. Finally, the response of forest ecosystems to rising atmospheric CO(2) concentrations is considered and evidence from FACE experiments is discussed. From the three lines of evidence we conclude that the growth of trees is not C-limited, with the key to understanding future responses to climate change being turnover of soil organic matter and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

史加勉  王聪  郑勇  高程 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):118-129
工业革命以来,人类活动输入到生态系统中的氮迅速增加,已突破地球所能承受的氮循环阈值。过量氮沉降会造成生物多样性丧失等一系列危害,严重影响生态系统结构和功能。丛枝菌根(AM)真菌能够与大约70%-80%的陆地植物种类形成共生关系,在宿主植物养分吸收、抵抗外界不良环境压力、群落动态和物种共存、生物地球化学循环等方面具有重要的作用。探究AM真菌对氮沉降的响应对认识和把握菌根真菌缓解氮沉降的负面后果,维持生态系统的结构和功能具有重要意义。本文综述了AM真菌的形态结构、物种多样性和群落组成等对氮沉降的响应机制。前人研究表明氮沉降通常降低AM真菌的根系定殖率,减少根外菌丝密度和土壤孢子密度,改变菌丝生长的时间动态;降低AM真菌多样性,改变AM真菌群落组成。氮沉降主要通过缓解植物氮限制、降低植物对菌根的依赖性、减少植物对菌根的碳分配、改变根系和土壤中菌根生物量比率、在植物根内维持稳定的菌根真菌组成作为应对未来扰动的“保险”、改变土壤资源有效性及土壤酸度等直接和间接途径影响AM真菌结构和功能。我们建议在未来研究中整合多组学手段、开展学科交叉,聚焦复杂的生物互作体系对氮沉降的响应机制,以及AM真菌对氮沉降响应的生态后果。  相似文献   

Plant mycorrhizal associations influence the accumulation and persistence of soil organic matter and could therefore shape ecosystem biogeochemical responses to global changes that are altering forest composition. For instance, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) tree dominance is increasing in temperate forests, and ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) shrubs can respond positively to canopy disturbances. Yet how shifts in the co-occurrence of trees and shrubs with different mycorrhizal associations will affect soil organic matter pools remains largely unknown. We examine the effects of ErM shrubs on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and indicators of microbial activity at different depths across gradients of AM versus ectomycorrhizal (EcM) tree dominance in three temperate forest sites. We find that ErM shrubs strongly modulate tree mycorrhizal dominance effects. In surface soils, ErM shrubs increase particulate organic matter accumulation and weaken the positive relationship between soil organic matter stocks and indicators of microbial activity. These effects are strongest under AM trees that lack fungal symbionts that can degrade organic matter. In subsurface soil organic matter pools, by contrast, tree mycorrhizal dominance effects are stronger than those of ErM shrubs. Ectomycorrhizal tree dominance has a negative influence on particulate and mineral-associated soil organic matter pools, and these effects are stronger for nitrogen than for carbon stocks. Our findings suggest that increasing co-occurrence of ErM shrubs and AM trees will enhance particulate organic matter accumulation in surface soils by suppressing microbial activity while having little influence on mineral-associated organic matter in subsurface soils. Our study highlights the importance of considering interactions between co-occurring plant mycorrhizal types, as well as their depth-dependent effects, for projecting changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in response to compositional shifts in temperate forests driven by disturbances and global change.  相似文献   

We used microbial lipid analysis to analyze microbial biomass and community structure during 6 years of experimental treatment at the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment (JRGCE), a long‐term multi‐factor global change experiment in a California annual grassland. The microbial community fingerprint and specific biomarkers varied substantially from year to year, in both control and experimental treatment plots. Possible drivers of the variability included plant growth, soil moisture, and ambient temperature. Surprisingly, background variation in the microbial community was of a larger magnitude than even very significant treatment effects, and this variation appeared to constrain responses to treatment. Microbial communities were mostly not responsive or not consistently responsive to the experimental treatments. Both arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi biomarker abundance (16 : 1 ω5c) and the fungal to bacterial ratio were lower under nitrogen addition in most years. Bacterial lipid biomarker abundances (15 : 0 iso and 16 : 1 ω7c) were higher under nitrogen addition in 2002, the year of largest microbial biomass, suggesting that bacteria could respond more to nitrogen addition in years of better growth conditions. Nitrogen addition and warming led to an interactive effect on the Gram‐positive bacterial biomarker and the fungal to bacterial ratio. These patterns indicate that in California grassland ecosystems, microbial communities may not respond substantially to future changes in climate and that nitrogen deposition may be a determinant of the soil response to global change. Further, year‐to‐year variation in microbial growth or community composition may be important determinants of ecosystem response to global change.  相似文献   

全球变化深刻影响着陆地生态系统生物多样性及生态功能。丛枝菌根(AM)真菌可与绝大多数陆生植物根系形成互惠共生体,在协助宿主养分吸收、促进植物生长、维持植物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。本文主要分析了大气CO2浓度升高(eCO2)和增温对森林和草地生态系统AM真菌群落组成及其功能的影响。eCO2主要通过影响宿主植物、土壤碳(C)输入等方式间接影响AM真菌,可增加AM真菌的多度和活性,影响AM真菌的多样性与群落组成。增温可直接或间接地(通过宿主植物和土壤途径)影响AM真菌,显著改变森林土壤AM真菌的群落组成,但对草地土壤AM真菌群落组成的影响尚无定论。我们提出了当前研究中存在的主要问题及未来应重点关注的内容。本文旨在明晰AM真菌对eCO2和增温的响应和适应,增进对AM真菌介导的土壤生态功能的认识,为利用AM真菌缓解全球变化、增强土壤功能的韧性和全球变化的生态系统适应性提供依据。  相似文献   

Ecosystem water‐use efficiency (EWUE) is an indicator of carbon–water interactions and is defined as the ratio of carbon assimilation (GPP) to evapotranspiration (ET). Previous research suggests an increasing long‐term trend in annual EWUE over many regions and is largely attributed to the physiological effects of rising CO2. The seasonal trends in EWUE, however, have not yet been analyzed. In this study, we investigate seasonal EWUE trends and responses to various drivers during 1982–2008. The seasonal cycle for two variants of EWUE, water‐use efficiency (WUE, GPP/ET), and transpiration‐based WUE (WUEt, the ratio of GPP and transpiration), is analyzed from 0.5° gridded fields from four process‐based models and satellite‐based products, as well as a network of 63 local flux tower observations. WUE derived from flux tower observations shows moderate seasonal variation for most latitude bands, which is in agreement with satellite‐based products. In contrast, the seasonal EWUE trends are not well captured by the same satellite‐based products. Trend analysis, based on process‐model factorial simulations separating effects of climate, CO2, and nitrogen deposition (NDEP), further suggests that the seasonal EWUE trends are mainly associated with seasonal trends of climate, whereas CO2 and NDEP do not show obvious seasonal difference in EWUE trends. About 66% grid cells show positive annual WUE trends, mainly over mid‐ and high northern latitudes. In these regions, spring climate change has amplified the effect of CO2 in increasing WUE by more than 0.005 gC m−2 mm−1 yr−1 for 41% pixels. Multiple regression analysis further shows that the increase in springtime WUE in the northern hemisphere is the result of GPP increasing faster than ET because of the higher temperature sensitivity of GPP relative to ET. The partitioning of annual EWUE to seasonal components provides new insight into the relative sensitivities of GPP and ET to climate, CO2, and NDEP.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that enrichment of atmospheric CO2 should alter mycorrhizal function by simultaneously increasing nutrient‐uptake benefits and decreasing net C costs for host plants. However, this hypothesis has not been sufficiently tested. We conducted three experiments to examine the impacts of CO2 enrichment on the function of different combinations of plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi grown under high and low soil nutrient availability. Across the three experiments, AM function was measured in 14 plant species, including forbs, C3 and C4 grasses, and plant species that are typically nonmycorrhizal. Five different AM fungal communities were used for inoculum, including mixtures of Glomus spp. and mixtures of Gigasporaceae (i.e. Gigaspora and Scutellospora spp.). Our results do not support the hypothesis that CO2 enrichment should consistently increase plant growth benefits from AM fungi, but rather, we found CO2 enrichment frequently reduced AM benefits. Furthermore, we did not find consistent evidence that enrichment of soil nutrients increases plant growth responses to CO2 enrichment and decreases plant growth responses to AM fungi. Our results show that the strength of AM mutualisms vary significantly among fungal and plant taxa, and that CO2 levels further mediate AM function. In general, when CO2 enrichment interacted with AM fungal taxa to affect host plant dry weight, it increased the beneficial effects of Gigasporaceae and reduced the benefits of Glomus spp. Future studies are necessary to assess the importance of temperature, irradiance, and ambient soil fertility in this response. We conclude that the affects of CO2 enrichment on AM function varies with plant and fungal taxa, and when making predictions about mycorrhizal function, it is unwise to generalize findings based on a narrow range of plant hosts, AM fungi, and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We examined plant community responses to interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and availability of atmospheric CO2 and soil N. Communities of 14 plant species were grown in mesocosms containing living or killed AM fungal inoculum, ambient or elevated atmospheric CO2 and low or enriched soil N. After one growing season, significantly different plant communities existed in the different treatments. Plant species richness was lowest in +N mesocosms and highest in +AM + CO2 mesocosms. At ambient CO2, AM fungi reduced richness but at elevated CO2 they increased it. This was caused by changes in mortality rates of several C3 forbs and may suggest that CO2 enrichment ameliorates the carbon cost of some AM symbioses. Soil moisture was higher in +CO2 mesocosms but +AM counteracted this effect. These results suggest that AM symbioses may be important mediators of plant community responses to anthropogenic CO2 and N enrichment.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbiosis can cause both positive and negative feedback with trees under elevated CO2. Positive feedback arises if the additional carbon (C) increases both nutrient uptake by the fungus and nutrient transfer to the plant, whereas negative feedback results from increased nutrient uptake and immobilization by the fungus and reduced transfer to the plant. Because species of ECM fungi differ in their C and nitrogen (N) demand, understanding fungal species‐specific responses to variation in C and N supply is essential to predict impacts of global change. We investigated fungal species‐specific responses of ECM Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings under ambient and elevated CO2 (350 or 700 μL L−1 CO2) and under low and high mineral N availability. Each seedling was associated with one of the following ECM species: Hebeloma cylindrosporum, Laccaria bicolor and Suillus bovinus. The experiment lasted 103 days. During the final 27 days, seedlings were labeled with 14CO2 and 15N. Most plant and fungal parameters were significantly affected by fungal species, CO2 level and N supply. Interactions between fungal species and CO2 were also regularly significant. At low N availability, elevated CO2 had the smallest impact on the photosynthetic performance of seedlings inoculated with H. cylindrosporum and the largest impact on seedlings with S. bovinus. At ambient CO2, increasing N supply had the smallest impact on seedlings inoculated with S. bovinus and the largest on seedlings inoculated with H. cylindrosporum. At low N availability, extraradical hyphal length increased after doubling CO2 level, but this was significant only for L. bicolor. At ambient CO2, increasing N levels reduced hyphal length for both H. cylindrosporum and S. bovinus, but not for L. bicolor. We discuss the potential interplay of two major elements of global change, elevated CO2 and increased N availability, and their effects on plant growth. We conclude that increased N supply potentially relieves mycorrhiza‐induced progressive N limitation under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to global change   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  

In this review, we discuss the potential for mycorrhizal fungi to act as a source or sink for carbon (C) under elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition. Mycorrhizal tissue has been estimated to comprise a significant fraction of soil organic matter and below-ground biomass in a range of systems. The current body of literature indicates that in many systems exposed to elevated CO2, mycorrhizal fungi might sequester increased amounts of C in living, dead and residual hyphal biomass in the soil. Through this process, the fungi might serve as a negative feedback on the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels caused by fossil fuel burning and deforestation. By contrast, a few preliminary studies suggest that N deposition might increase turnover rates of fungal tissue and negate CO2 effects on hyphal biomass. If these latter responses are consistent among ecosystems, C storage in hyphae might decline in habitats surrounding agricultural and urban areas. When N additions occur without CO2 enrichment, effects on mycorrhizal growth are inconsistent. We note that analyses of hyphal decomposition under elevated CO2 and N additions are extremely sparse but are critical in our understanding of the impact of global change on the cycling of mycorrhizal C. Finally, shifts in the community composition of arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi with increasing CO2 or N availability are frequently documented. Since mycorrhizal groups vary in growth rate and tissue quality, these changes in species assemblages could produce unforeseeable impacts on the productivity, survivorship, or decomposition of mycorrhizal biomass.  相似文献   

Global change affects terrestrial loadings of colored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrients to northern lakes. Still, little is known about how phytoplankton respond to changes in light and nutrient availability across gradients in lake DOC. In this study, we used results from whole‐lake studies in northern Sweden to show that annual mean phytoplankton biomass expressed unimodal curved relationships across lake DOC gradients, peaking at threshold DOC levels of around 11 mg/L. Whole‐lake single nutrient enrichment in selected lakes caused elevated biomass, with most pronounced effect at the threshold DOC level. These patterns give support to the suggested dual control by DOC on phytoplankton via nutrient (positively) and light (negatively) availability and imply that the lakes' location along the DOC axis is critical in determining to what extent phytoplankton respond to changes in DOC and/or nutrient loadings. By using data from the large Swedish Lake Monitoring Survey, we further estimated that 80% of northern Swedish lakes are below the DOC threshold, potentially experiencing increased phytoplankton biomass with browning alone, and/or combined with nutrient enrichment. The results support the previous model results on effects of browning and eutrophication on lake phytoplankton, and provide important understanding of how northern lakes may respond to future global changes.  相似文献   

赵平  彭少麟  曾小平 《广西植物》2001,21(4):287-294
大气 CO2 浓度升高所引起的森林生态系统生态稳定性的变化会导致森林在结构和功能上的变动。概述了全球变化背景下大气 CO2 浓度升高和陆地森林生态系统可能性变化之间的相互关系的研究情况。由于大气 CO2 浓度升高出现了额外多的 C供应 ,讨论了以这些额外多的 C经大气—植物—土壤途径的流动走向来研究大气 CO2 浓度的升高与森林结构和功能的相互作用 ,探讨了大气 CO2 浓度升高对森林植物生长、冠层结构、引发的生物量增量的分配、凋落物质量和根质量的变化造成的土壤生态过程的变化、微生物共生体、有机质周转率以及营养循环的潜在效应 ,这些受影响的生物要素和生态过程会引起群落内植物间对资源原有的竞争关系发生变化 ,对资源竞争的格局发生变化最终将会导致森林结构和功能的改变。还提出了一个假设性的概念性框架 ,描述大气 CO2 升高引起的森林结构和功能变化的内在机理。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment on belowground carbon (C) pools and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in a chaparral community in southern California. Chambers enclosing intact mesocosms dominated by Adenostoma fasciculatum were exposed for 3.5 years to CO2 levels ranging from 250 to 750 ppm. Pools of total C in bulk soil and in water-stable aggregates (WSA) increased 1.5- and threefold, respectively, between the 250- and 650-ppm treatments. In addition, the abundance of live AM hyphae and spores rose markedly over the same range of CO2, and the community composition shifted toward dominance by the AM genera Scutellospora and Acaulospora. Net ecosystem exchange of C with the atmosphere declined with CO2 treatment. It appears that under CO2 enrichment, extra C was added to the soil via AM fungi. Moreover, AM fungi were predominant in WSA and may shunt C into these aggregates versus bulk soil. Alternatively, C may be retained longer within WSA than within bulk soil. We note that differences between the soil fractions may act as a potential feedback on C cycling between the soil and atmosphere.  相似文献   

The response of boreal ecosystems to future global change is an uncertain but potentially critical component of the feedback between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere. To reduce some of the uncertainties in predicting the responses of this key ecosystem, the climate change experiment (CLIMEX) exposed an entire undisturbed catchment of boreal vegetation to CO2 enrichment (560 ppmv) and climate change (+ 5 °C in winter, + 3 °C in summer) for three years (1994–96). This paper describes the leaf metabolic responses of the vegetation to the experimental treatment and model simulations of possible future changes in the hydrological and carbon balance of the site. Randomized intervention analysis of the leaf gas exchange measurements for the dominant species indicated Pinus sylvestris had significantly (P < 0.01) higher photosynthetic rates and Betula pubescens and Vaccinium myrtillus had significantly (P < 0.01) lower stomatal conductances after three years treatment compared to the controls. These responses led to sustained increases in leaf water-use efficiency of all species of trees and ground shrubs, as determined from carbon isotope analyses. Photosynthesis (A) vs. intercellular CO2 (ci) response curves (A/ci responses), RuBisCo analysis and leaf nitrogen data together suggested none of the species investigated exhibited down-regulation in photosynthetic capacity. At the whole ecosystem level, the improved water economy of the plants did not translate into increased catchment runoff. Modelling simulations for the site indicate this was most likely brought about by a compensatory increase in evapotranspiration. In terms of the carbon budget of the site, the ecosystem model indicates that increased CO2 and temperature would lead to boreal ecosystems of the type used in CLIMEX, and typical of much of southern Norway, acting as moderate net sinks for CO2.  相似文献   

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