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本文以ECO2DBASE(Edition6)为研究材料,探讨了利用蛋白质组表达图谱提供的生命动态活动信息提高基因组功能提示效果的可行性,在设计出一套较为完整的细胞功能簇(CRC)聚类方案的基础上,经考察,79个蛋白质聚成4个不同的CRC。结果显示出功能相关的蛋白质趋向于聚集在相同的CRC中,如9种氨酰,tRNA合成酶和4种热休克蛋白分别准确地聚合到CRC2和CRC3中,这些结果提示,在蛋白质组研究  相似文献   

蛋白质组表达图谱用于基因组功能提示的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以ECO2DBASE(Edition 6) 为研究材料, 探讨了利用蛋白质组表达图谱提供的生命动态活动信息提高基因组功能提示效果的可行性。在设计出一套较为完整的细胞功能簇(CRC)聚类方案的基础上, 经考察,79 个蛋白质聚成4 个不同的CRC。结果显示出功能相关的蛋白质趋向于聚集在相同的CRC中, 如9 种氨酰tRNA 合成酶和4 种热休克蛋白分别准确地聚合到CRC2 和CRC3 中。这些结果提示: 在蛋白质组研究资料比较充分的前提下, 通过有效的算法, 蛋白质组表达图谱可以为基因组功能提示提供非常重要的序列相似性之外的功能信息  相似文献   

给出了蛋白质序列的一种六维表示方法,根据这种表示方法有3种不同表示形式,利用这3种形式来构造距离矩阵的信息熵,然后通过信息熵向量的欧式距离、夹角来比较序列之间的相似性。  相似文献   

目的:用2株新分离鉴定的细菌克隆与最近源种(Bacillus halodurans C-125)木聚糖酶基因的同源序列,并对其进行序列分析。方法:根据已发表的近源种(C-125)的保守区序列设计引物,扩增出与其同源的木聚糖酶基因,进而用pQE31载体对该基因进行表达。同时对表达蛋白的三维空间结构进行网络模拟分析,对蛋白同源性进行比对分析。结果:克隆的木聚糖酶基因片段分别为1284bp和1236bp,而且该基因也成功表达;该蛋白是(α/α)6折叠构象,与C-125三者同属于一个分支上。结论:通过分析、表达蛋白编码外切-1,4-β-木聚糖酶,属于M家族。这该新分离菌株木聚糖酶的研究和应用提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

立克次体脂肪酸图谱及其相似性判别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用气相色谱-质谱法分析了7株立克次体浓盐乙醚纯化物的脂肪酸成分,即R.ProwazekiE株、R. conorii Simkoo株、R.rickettsii R株、R sibirica Barbash株和246株、R.Si—nkiangensis Jinghe。株以及R.heilugkiangensis 54株。所得脂肪酸色谱图中有近50个色谱峰,初步确认有以下1 6种: C11:10、2OH—C10:1、C12:0、2OH—C12:0、C13:0、C14:0、C15:0、3OH-C14:0,C16:1、C16:0、C17:0、C18:1、C18:1、C18:0、C19:0和C22:0。其中主要成分是直链饱和脂肪酸C16:0、C18:0及C14:0与不饱和脂肪酸C18:1、C18:2及C16:1。实验菌株脂肪酸图谱经改进的Kulik—Vincent相似系数法处理后,精河株和246株的相似系数为9 7.09%,54株和其他菌株的相似系数在81.6--94.6%之间。  相似文献   

信号肽序列及其在蛋白质表达中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
信号肽在蛋白分泌的过程中起重要作用,分泌性蛋白质合成后由信号肽引导其穿过合成所在的细胞到其他组织细胞中。可以利用因特网在线工具和信号序列捕获系统来判定基因序列中是否含有信号肽序列。外源蛋白的表达形式多为细胞内不溶性表达(包涵体),少数为细胞外分泌表达。利用信号肽来引导外源蛋白分泌可避免因包涵体复性带来的困难。研究表明,多种外源基因连接上信号肽后在原核表达系统如大肠杆菌、L型细菌、芽孢杆菌和乳酸杆菌中等都得到了分泌表达;信号肽也广泛应用于真核表达系统如毕赤酵母和昆虫杆状病毒表达系统,以提高蛋白的表达量。  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(Hp)定植于胃部的苛刻环境,引起胃和十二指肠的多种疾病。对该菌的毒力因子已进行广泛的研究,但对其基因表达调控的综合机制及如何进行表达修饰来应对环境变化和引起慢性胃部感染方面知之甚少。本文使用高密度DNA微阵列分析体外培养Hp依赖于生长期的基因表达综合图  相似文献   

信号肽序列对毕赤酵母表达外源蛋白质的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
乙醇氧化酶启动子被分离、克隆 ,并建立了转化方法后 ,毕赤酵母已被发展成为一种高效的外源蛋白表达宿主。为了进一步提高外源蛋白质的分泌表达 ,对信号肽序列进行了研究。首先按毕赤酵母的偏爱密码合成了酿酒酵母的α因子信号肽序列MF4I,随后在MF4I信号肽序列的N端分别引入 1~ 10个毕赤酵母Aox1蛋白质的N端氨基酸 ,构成 10种不同的分泌信号肽序列 ,10种不同的分泌信号肽序列被用于植酸酶基因的毕赤酵母分泌表达。以上新的信号肽序列都可使植酸酶的分泌表达量增加 ,而以N端增加A、I、P三个氨基酸的信号肽序列引起的提高最大 ;和野生型的酿酒酵母α因子信号肽序列相比 ,使植酸酶分泌表达量增加 5倍 ,摇瓶中植酸酶的分泌表达量为 90mg/L。此外在MF4I信号肽的引导序列和内切蛋白酶间增加了EEAEAEAEP和K共 10个氨基酸 ,进一步提高信号肽的分泌效率 ,使表达又提高约 35 % ,使得摇瓶中酸性植酸酶的表达量达到 12 0mg/L ,是pPCI9K表达量的 8倍。  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR 和RACE 相结合的方法, 克隆得到了斑马鱼的akt3/pkb 基因, 其cDNA 全长为2874 bp,编码479 个氨基酸。斑马鱼akt3 具有akt 家族成员间保守的PH 结构域、催化活性结构域和调节结构域以及两个保守的磷酸化位点Thr305 和Ser472。与已发表的人、大鼠、小鼠的akt3 氨基酸序列比较, 相似性分别为95.8%、94.7%和95.4%。对斑马鱼早期胚胎进行RT-PCR 检测显示, akt3 在0-4hpf(hours post fertilization)含量水平较高, 6hpf 到12hpf 降低至较低水平, 16hpf 后表达量开始逐渐上升, 60hpf 至96hpf 则稳定在较高水平。原位杂交结果表明: akt3 在2hpf 至96hpf 的胚胎中整体都有表达, 没有组织特异性。在成鱼中, 除鳃部外, akt3 在所检测的其他各组织器官中均有表达, 在脑部和卵巢表达量较高; 利用显微注射持续表达myr-akt3 mRNA 研究其功能充分性时结果显示, 过量表达斑马鱼akt3 mRNA 能使斑马鱼胚胎发育滞后且伴随着尾部短粗、体节模糊、尾末端膨大甚至严重缩短等不同程度畸形。而在斑马鱼myr-akt3 注射组发育至24hpf 时观察(以排除akt3 造成的发育延迟的影响), 发现注射过akt3 的斑马鱼胚胎的脑部厚度较对照组显著增大, 表明akt3 对斑马鱼胚胎脑部尺寸发育有影响。    相似文献   

基于混沌游走方法的Rh血型系统中RHD基因的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高雷  齐斌  朱平 《生命科学研究》2009,13(5):408-412
利用基于经典HP模型的蛋白质序列混沌游走方法(chaos game representation,CGR),给出了RHD基因的蛋白质序列CGR图,可视作蛋白质序列二级结构的一个特征图谱描述.对临床上的血型鉴别有一定的参考价值.另外.还根据由Jeffrey在1990年提出的描绘DNA序列的CGR方法,给出了RHD基因的DNA序列的CGR图.并且根据RHD基因DNA序列的CGR图算出了尺日D基因相应的马尔可夫两步转移概率矩阵,从概率矩阵表可以看出RHD基因对编码氨基酸的三联子的第3个碱基的使用偏好性.  相似文献   


A new approach using a 3-D Cartesian coordinate system to represent protein sequences has been derived. By the 3-D Graphical representation we make a comparison of sequences belonging to nine different proteins.  相似文献   


In this paper, we proposed a 3-D graphical representation of RNA secondary structures. Based on this representation, we outline an approach by constructing a 3-component vector whose components are the normalized leading eigenvalues of the L/L matrices associated with RNA secondary structure. The examination of similarities/dissimilarities among the secondary structure at the 3′-terminus of different viruses illustrates the utility of the approach.  相似文献   

A statistical goodness-of-fit test, based on representing the sample observations by linked vectors, is developed. The direction and the length of the linked vectors are defined as functions of the expected values of the order statistics and sample order statistics, respectively. The underlying method can be used to test distributional assumptions for any location-scale family. A test statistic Qn is introduced and some of its properties are studied. It is shown that the proposed test can be generalized to test if two or more independent samples come from the same distribution. The test procedure provides a graphical method of identifying the true distribution when the null hypothesis is rejected.  相似文献   

牙本质基质蛋白1(dentin matrix protein 1,DMP1)是一种高度磷酸化的偏酸性非胶原蛋白, 属于小整合素结合配体N端连接糖蛋白(small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoprotein, SIBLINGs)家族.和SIBLINGs家族其它成员一样,DMP1基因定位于人类染色体4q21除存在于牙组织外,该蛋白还普遍分布于骨组织中.在骨组织与细胞中已发现4种DMP1的主要存在形式,即全长DMP1、57 kD C-DMP1、37 kD N-DMP1、DMP1-PG.它们的分布与功能均不相同,但对骨的正常形成均有重要意义. DMP1的氨基酸序列拥有大量的酸性结构域,携带负电荷,与钙离子有较强的结合能力.它在体外能够促进羟基磷灰石形成,并调控细胞分化,在体内参与硬组织的矿化过程.另外,DMP1的水解过程对其调控矿化的功能十分关键.人体内DMP1基因的突变可导致常染色体隐性低血磷性佝偻病.本文就近几年对DMP1基因结构与调控、蛋白结构与代谢、在骨组织与细胞中的分布及其对骨形成调控作用的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two four-base related 2D curves of DNA primary sequences (termed as F-B curves) and their corresponding single-base related 2D curves (termed as A-related, G-related, T-related and C-related curves). The constructions of these graphical curves are based on the assignments of individual base to four different sinusoidal (or tangent) functions; then by connecting all these points on these four sinusoidal (tangent) functions, we can get the F-B curves; similarly, by connecting the points on each of the four sinusoidal (tangent) functions, we get the single-base related 2D curves. The proposed 2D curves are all strictly non degenerate. Then, a 8-component characteristic vector is constructed to compare similarity among DNA sequences from different species based on a normalized geometrical centers of the proposed curves. As examples, we examine similarity among the coding sequences of the first exon of beta-globin gene from eleven species, similarity of cDNA sequences of beta-globin gene from eight species, and similarity of the whole mitochondrial genomes of 18 eutherian mammals. The experimental results well demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

基于DNA序列的3D图形表示,通过L/L矩阵的规范化最大特征值组成的3维向量来刻画了DNA序列,并基于这种方法,用β-globin基因的第一个外显子分析了11个物种的相似性问题。  相似文献   

Mineralization of tooth dentin (the deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals in and around collagen type I fibers of the extracellular matrix) requires the involvement of several genes, among them the gene coding for the dentin matrix protein 1, DMP1. We determined the exon–intron organization of the cattle DMP1 gene and used this information to amplify by the polymerase chain reaction homologous gene fragments from the genomic DNA of two species of metatherian (marsupial) mammals and one prototherian (monotreme) species. The translated proto- and metatherian protein sequences are highly divergent from the eutherian sequences but retain the general characteristics of the DMP1 (high acidity, serine-richness, multiple glycosylation sites, and the presence of the RGD cell attachment tripeptide). They therefore appear to be functional even though, evolutionarily, teeth are in a regression phase in prototherians. It is possible, therefore, that DMP1 is also involved in other functions besides dentinogenesis. The DMP1 gene appears to evolve rapidly and apparently tolerates non-frame-shifting insertions/deletions throughout the coding sequence. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

核基质蛋白Ciz1(Cdkn1A-interacting zinc finger protein 1)是在酵母双杂交系统中寻找能与p21 Cip1/Waf1结合并调节其细胞核定位时发现的锌指蛋白。当分别过表达Ciz1和p21 Cip1/Waf1时,它们均主要定位于细胞核,而当共转染时,则均从细胞核转位到细胞质。在小鼠3T3 细胞中,Ciz1可以协同CDK2、细胞周期蛋白E和细胞周期蛋白 A启动DNA的复制,并促进细胞由G1期进入S期。此外,Ciz1还具有结合DNA的能力并参与对转录因子的活性调控,同时,Ciz1还可能作为蛋白激酶ATM的底物参与DNA的损伤修复。近年来研究发现,Ciz1除与阿尔茨海默病和肌张力失常等疾病相关以外,还在肺癌、结肠癌和乳腺癌等多种肿瘤组织中呈现高表达,参与肿瘤的发生和发展过程。本文主要就Ciz1的结构功能及与肿瘤的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

The matrix (MA) domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) precursor Gag (PrGag) protein plays multiple roles in the viral replication cycle. One essential role is to target PrGag proteins to their lipid raft-associated phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] assembly sites at the plasma membranes of infected cells. In addition to this role, several reports have implicated nucleic acid binding properties to retroviral MAs. Evidence indicates that RNA binding enhances the binding specificity of MA to PI(4,5)P2-containing membranes and supports a hypothesis in which RNA binding to MA acts as a chaperone that protects MA from associating with inappropriate cellular membranes prior to PrGag delivery to plasma membrane assembly sites. To gain a better understanding of HIV-1 MA-RNA interactions, we have analyzed the interaction of HIV MA with RNA ligands that were selected previously for their high affinities to MA. Binding interactions were characterized via bead binding, fluorescence anisotropy, gel shift, and analytical ultracentrifugation methods. Moreover, MA residues that are involved in RNA binding were identified from NMR chemical shift data. Our results indicate that the MA RNA and PI(4,5)P2 binding sites overlap and suggest models for Gag-membrane and Gag-RNA interactions and for the HIV assembly pathway.  相似文献   

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