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Recent evidence indicates that the transmembrane form of IgM on murine and human B lymphocytes is physically associated with at least two proteins, forming a disulfide-linked dimer, which may control cell surface expression of IgM and also play a role in signal transduction after Ag binding (by analogy with the TCR-associated CD3 components in T lymphocytes). We have used mAb and polyclonal antibodies against an intracytoplasmic epitope on one of these polypeptides (previously identified in murine B cells as the product of the B cell specific mb-1 gene) to study the distribution of the IgM-associated dimer in human cells. By immunocytochemical staining of normal and neoplastic B cells, we show that the human mb-1 protein appears early in B cell differentiation, probably before expression of cytoplasmic mu-chain, and persists until the plasma cell stage, where it is seen as an intracytoplasmic component. According to immunohistologic analysis of reactive lymphoid tissue and lymphoma samples, mb-1 protein is completely B cell specific. Anti-mb-1 also labels B cell areas in tissues from seven different mammalian species. Finally, the Ig-associated dimer could be isolated from human hairy-cell leukemia cells in high purity and yield by affinity chromatography using anti-mb-1 antibody. Mice immunized with this material have produced a strong polyclonal response, so that it should now be possible to prepare a panel of new mAb reactive with different epitopes on both mb-1 and on its associated polypeptide(s).  相似文献   

The B cell Ag receptor complex is comprised of membrane (m)IgM or mIgD noncovalently associated with one or more heterodimers, each containing one subunit of MB-1 (IgM alpha or IgD alpha) and one of B29 (Ig beta or Ig gamma). It is known that cross-linking of the B cell Ag receptor results in protein tyrosine kinase activation. Recent reports from other laboratories have demonstrated that mIg coprecipitates with multiple src family protein tyrosine kinases, including blk, lyn, and fyn. However, the mechanism by which these kinases are physically coupled to the Ag receptor has not been confirmed. It has been hypothesized that the mIg-associated proteins MB-1 and B29 provide a physical link between the Ag receptor (mIg) and one or more protein tyrosine kinases. In this study, we confirm previous findings demonstrating that the B cell Ag receptor coprecipitates with the MB-1/B29 heterodimer as well as the protein tyrosine kinases blk, lyn, and fyn under mild detergent conditions (1% digitonin). Additionally, we demonstrate that in detergent conditions (1% Nonidet P-40 (NP-40)) which disrupt the association between mIg and the MB-1/B29 heterodimer, no protein tyrosine kinase activity can be detected in association with mIg. These findings indicated that NP-40 effectively dissociates the B cell Ag receptor from ancillary signal transducing proteins. MB-1 and B29 were however, found to coprecipitate with blk, lyn, and fyn isolated from B cell lysates containing 1% NP-40. No significant difference was observed in the stoichiometry of association between the kinases and the MB-1/B29 heterodimer in the presence of 1% NP-40 when compared to 1% digitonin. It was further determined that in resting B cells, only a small fraction (approximately 1-3%) of the MB-1/B29 heterodimers appear to be complexed with protein tyrosine kinases. Finally, based on preclearing experiments, it appears that individual heterodimers may associate with a single species of protein tyrosine kinase. These data support the hypothesis that the MB-1/B29 heterodimer couples the antigen receptor to protein tyrosine kinases, thereby providing a physical link that facilitates Ag receptor-mediated regulation of kinase activity.  相似文献   

S Lin  W Chen    S S Broyles 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):2717-2723
The nucleotide sequence of the vaccinia virus open reading frame B1 predicts a polypeptide with significant sequence similarity to the catalytic domain of known protein kinases. To determine whether the B1R polypeptide is a protein kinase, we have expressed it in bacteria as a fusion with glutathione S-transferase. Affinity-purified preparations of the fusion protein were found to undergo autophosphorylation and also phosphorylated the exogenous substrates casein and histone H1. Mutation of lysine 41 to glutamine within the conserved kinase catalytic domain II abrogated protein kinase activity on all three protein substrates, supporting the notion that the protein kinase activity is inherent to the B1R polypeptide. Casein and histone H1 were phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues. The B1R fusion protein was phosphorylated on a threonine residue(s) by an apparently intramolecular mechanism. The autophosphorylation reaction resulted in phosphorylation of the glutathione S-transferase portion of the fusion and not the protein kinase domain. The protein kinase activity of B1R was specific for ATP as the phosphate donor; GTP was not utilized to a detectable extent. Immunoblotting experiments with anti-B1R antiserum showed that the protein kinase is located in the virion particle. Chromatography of virion extracts resulted in separation of the B1R protein kinase from the bulk of the total protein kinase activity, indicating that multiple protein kinases are present in the virion particle and that B1R is distinct from the previously described vaccinia virus-associated protein kinase.  相似文献   

The L5R gene of vaccinia virus is conserved among all sequenced members of the Poxviridae but has no predicted function or recognized nonpoxvirus homolog. Here we provide the initial characterization of the L5 protein. L5 is expressed following DNA replication with kinetics typical of a viral late protein, contains a single intramolecular disulfide bond formed by the virus-encoded cytoplasmic redox pathway, and is incorporated into intracellular mature virus particles, where it is exposed on the membrane surface. To determine whether L5 is essential for virus replication, we constructed a mutant that synthesizes L5 only in the presence of an inducer. The mutant exhibited a conditional-lethal phenotype, as cell-to-cell virus spread and formation of infectious progeny were dependent on the inducer. Nevertheless, all stages of replication occurred in the absence of inducer and intracellular and extracellular progeny virions appeared morphologically normal. Noninfectious virions lacking L5 could bind to cells, but the cores did not enter the cytoplasm. In addition, virions lacking L5 were unable to mediate low-pH-triggered cell-cell fusion from within or without. The phenotype of the L5R conditional lethal mutant is identical to that of recently described mutants in which expression of the A21, A28, and H2 genes is repressed. Thus, L5 is the fourth component of the poxvirus cell entry/fusion apparatus that is required for entry of both the intracellular and extracellular infectious forms of vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

The kinetochore is a large, macromolecular assembly that is essential for connecting chromosomes to microtubules during mitosis. Despite the recent identification of multiple kinetochore components, the nature and organization of the higher-order kinetochore structure remain unknown. The outer kinetochore KNL-1/Mis12 complex/Ndc80 complex (KMN) network plays a key role in generating and sensing microtubule attachments. Here we demonstrate that Caenorhabditis elegans KNL-1 exists as an oligomer, and we identify a specific domain in KNL-1 responsible for this activity. An N-terminal KNL-1 domain from both C. elegans and the related nematode Caenorhabditis remanei oligomerizes into a decameric assembly that appears roughly circular when visualized by electron microscopy. On the basis of sequence and mutational analysis, we identify a small hydrophobic region as responsible for this oligomerization activity. However, mutants that precisely disrupt KNL-1 oligomerization did not alter KNL-1 localization or result in the loss of embryonic viability based on gene replacements in C. elegans. In C. elegans, KNL-1 oligomerization may coordinate with other kinetochore activities to ensure the proper organization, function, and sensory capabilities of the kinetochore–microtubule attachment.  相似文献   

The NKR-P1B gene product is an inhibitory receptor on SJL/J NK cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mouse NKR-P1 family includes at least three genes: NKR-P1A, -B, -C. Neither surface expression nor function of the NKR-P1B gene product has previously been shown. Here, we demonstrate that the SJL/J allele of the NKR-P1B gene product is expressed on SJL/J NK cells, and is recognized by PK136 mAb. Interestingly, the same mAb does not recognize the NKR-P1B gene product of C57BL/6. We have also generated a novel mAb, 1C10, that recognizes an activation receptor on SJL/J NK cells. Activation of the NKR-P1B receptor-inhibited 1C10 mAb induced redirected lysis and recruited SHP-1, indicating that NKR-P1B is an inhibitory receptor. Therefore, the mouse NKR-P1 gene family, like the Ly49 family, includes both activation and inhibitory receptors.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein, IgM-alpha, a product of mb-1 gene, has been shown to be specifically associated with membrane-bound IgM on the plasma membrane of B lymphocytes. Recent studies have suggested that IgM-alpha may play a role in transducing signals from the Ag receptors during the activation of B cells. A large amount of information has been obtained in the mouse system regarding IgM-alpha and other components of the newly conceived B cell Ag receptor complex. Here we report the cloning and the nucleotide sequencing of cDNA clones of human mb-1, covering the entire length of the mRNA. At the amino acid sequence level, human and murine mb-1 share a high homology in their transmembrane and intracytoplasmic segments, suggesting an important biologic function for these regions of mb-1. A major difference, mainly in the 3' untranslated part, exists between our cDNA sequence and the published partial human mb-1 cDNA sequence. It has also been observed that human mb-1 is expressed not only by B cell lines expressing membrane-bound Ig of mu and delta isotypes but also those expressing membrane-bound Ig of alpha and gamma isotypes.  相似文献   

An essential virulence attribute for Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is the ability to invade the intestinal epithelium of mammals. The chromosomal invasin gene (inv) has been cloned from both of these Yersinia species, and the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin has been well characterized (R. R. Isberg, D. L. Voorhis, and S. Falkow, Cell 50:769-778, 1987). Here we constructed TnphoA translational fusions to the Y. enterocolitica inv gene to identify, characterize, and localize the inv protein product in Escherichia coli. The cloned Y. enterocolitica inv locus encoded a unique protein of ca. 92 kilodaltons when expressed in minicells. A protein of comparable size was detected in immunoblots by using monoclonal antibodies directed against the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin. This protein, which we also refer to as invasin, promoted both attachment to and invasion of cultured epithelial cells. These two functions were not genetically separable by insertional mutagenesis. We determined that the Y. enterocolitica invasin was localized on the outer membrane and that it was exposed on the bacterial cell surface, which may have implications for how invasin functions to mediate invasion.  相似文献   

R Lehner  H Meyer    M Mach 《Journal of virology》1989,63(9):3792-3800
A rabbit antiserum was raised against envelope material from purified human cytomegalovirus strain AD169. The serum recognized polypeptides 200, 170, 160, 75, 58, and 45 kilodaltons in size. It was used to screen a cDNA library constructed from poly(A)+ RNA from human cytomegalovirus-infected cells in the expression vector lambda gt11. A recombinant bacteriophage expressing cytomegalovirus-specific sequences was identified, and the corresponding gene was mapped to the HindIII R fragment. The gene is transcribed into a late 1.5-kilobase RNA. The nucleotide sequence of the coding region was determined. Computer analysis of the gene product revealed a polypeptide containing multiple potential membrane-spanning domains, representing a type of protein not identified in the envelope of herpesviruses before. The protein shows homology on the amino acid level to hypothetical proteins from reading frames BBRF3 of Epstein-Barr virus, UL10 of herpes simplex virus type 1, and ORF50 of varicella-zoster virus. By using an antiserum raised against procaryote-expressed parts of the cytomegalovirus membrane protein, a 45-kilodalton structural component of the virus was identified as the gene product.  相似文献   

A 27kDa Chlamydia trachomatis L2 protein was characterized by the use of monoclonal antibodies and by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The protein was shown to be located in the membrane of reticulate bodies as well as elementary bodies. Its synthesis could be detected from 10 hours post-infection. Cloning and sequence analysis of the distal part of the gene revealed an open reading frame of 175 amino acids. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with the NBRF data base revealed significant homology between the 27 kDa chlamydial membrane protein and the product of the macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) gene of Legionella pneumophila.  相似文献   

B66.0 is one of the most abundant proteins of Escherichia coli. Its relative rate of synthesis is highly regulated depending on temperature and the growth rate of the culture. We identified the B66.0 protein to be the dnaK+ structural gene product since dnaK756 mutant bacteria synthesized a B66.0 protein with a more acidic isoelectric point.  相似文献   

Three novel antigen systems (L22, L23, and L24) expressed on human B cell subpopulations were identified by using TB1-2C3, TB1-2B3, and TB1-3C1 monoclonal antibodies, respectively. L22 was expressed on a minor subpopulation of B cells in human lymphoid tissues and in the peripheral blood. These B cells associated with L22 were resting small B cells mainly located in the mantle zone of lymphoid follicles, most of which also expressed IgM and IgD on their cell membrane. This antigen was absent from all cultured hemopoietic cell lines including B cell-derived cell lines as well as from all human B cell malignancies, except for B cell-type chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hairy cell leukemia. L23 and L24, on the other hand, existed on approximately two-third of B cells in blood and lymphoid tissues. These L23 and L24 antigens were expressed largely on small lymphocytes located in the mantle zone of lymphoid follicles and to a lesser extent on large blastic cells within lymphoid germinal centers. L23 and L24, like L22, seem to disappear from B cells during their differentiation into antibody-secreting cells, because they were not expressed on normal and neo-plastic plasma cells. This is additionally confirmed by the observation that L23 and L24 were expressed little or not at all on pokeweed mitogen-activated and Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells, and were absent from some of B cell malignancies that have been thought to correspond to the later stages of B cell development. Although L23, but not L22 and L24, was faintly expressed on mature granulocytes and monocytes, none of L22, L23, or L24 existed on human thymus and T cells. Immunoprecipitation studies showed that L23 and L24 were different molecular species consisting of a single glycoprotein with m.w. of 205,000 and 145,000, respectively. L22 antigen is presently under study.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus (VV) I3L gene product is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein made early in infection that localizes to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication (S. C. Rochester and P. Traktman, J. Virol. 72:2917-2926, 1998). Surprisingly, when replication was blocked, the protein localized to distinct cytoplasmic spots (A. Domi and G. Beaud, J. Gen. Virol. 81:1231-1235, 2000). Here these I3L-positive spots were characterized in more detail. By using an anti-I3L peptide antibody we confirmed that the protein localized to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopy (EM). Before replication had started or when replication was inhibited with hydroxyurea or cytosine arabinoside, I3L localized to distinct cytoplasmic punctate structures of homogeneous size. We show that these structures are not incoming cores or cytoplasmic sites of VV early mRNA accumulation. Instead, morphological and quantitative data indicate that they are specialized sites where the parental DNA accumulates after its release from incoming viral cores. By EM, these sites appeared as complex, electron-dense structures that were intimately associated with the cellular endoplasmic reticulum (ER). By double labeling of cryosections we show that they contain DNA and a viral early protein, the gene product of E8R. Since E8R is a membrane protein that is able to bind to DNA, the localization of this protein to the I3L puncta suggests that they are composed of membranes. The results are discussed in relation to our previous data showing that the process of viral DNA replication also occurs in close association with the ER.  相似文献   

A unique antigen on mature B cells defined by a monoclonal antibody   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel 42,000 dalton antigen (MB-1) expressed by mature human B cells in blood and tonsil was identified and characterized by utilizing a hybridoma monoclonal antibody. A comparison of MB-1 with other known B cell antigens suggests that the MB-1 antigen has not been previously identified. From one-and two-color immunofluorescence studies, it appears that the MB-1 antigen is found on all normal immunoglobulin (Ig)-expressing cells, but not on T cells, thymocytes, granulocytes, or platelets. Studies of malignant B cell tumors reveal that the antigen is expressed by virtually all Ig-expressing B cell tumors but only 10% of SIg- B-lineage leukemias. Data from these studies suggest that the MB-1 antigen is expressed late in B cell ontogeny before the expression of SIg.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers T-DNA into the plant genome by a process mediated by Ti plasmid-encoded vir genes. Cleavage at T-DNA border sequences by the VirD endonuclease generates linear, single-stranded T-DNA molecules. In the work described in this report, we used electrophoretic mobility shift assays to show that the purified virE2 gene product binds to single-stranded DNA. VirE2 protein associates with T-DNA as shown by immunoprecipitation studies with VirE2-specific antiserum. The VirE2 protein was detected primarily in the cytoplasm, but also in the inner and outer membrane and periplasmic fractions. Virulence of a virE2 mutant was restored by mixed infection with strains carrying an intact vir region, but not with virA, virB, virD, virE, or virG mutants or chvA, chvB, or exoC mutants. We propose that the VirE2 protein is involved in the processing of T-DNA and in T-strand protection during transfer to the plant cell.  相似文献   

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