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Phenothiazines (PTZ) such as chlorpromazine (CPZ) or trifluoperazine (TPZ) induced a sustained divalent cation-permeable channel activity when applied on either side of inside-out patches or on external side of cell-attached patches of adult rat ventricular myocytes. The percentage of active patches was 20%. In the case of CPZ, the K dof the dose-response curve was 160 m. CPZ-activated channels were potential-independent in the physiological range of membrane potential and were permeable to several divalent ions (Ba2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+). At least three levels of currents were usually detected with conductances of 23, 50 and 80 pS in symmetrical 96 mm Ba2+ solution and 17, 36 and 61 pS in symmetrical 96 mm Ca2+ solution. Saturation curves corresponding to the three main conductances determined in Ba2+ symmetrical solutions (tonicity compensated with choline-Cl) gave maximum conductances of 36, 81 and 116 pS (with corresponding half-saturating concentration constants of 31.5, 38 and 34.5 mm). The corresponding conductance values were estimated to 1.7, 3.3 and 5.2 pS in symmetrical 1.8 mm Ba2+ and to 1.1, 2.4 and 3.7 pS in symmetrical 1.8 mm Ca2+ (the value in normal Tyrode solution). Channels were poorly permeable to monovalent cations, such as Na, with a P Ba/P Na ratio of 10. A PTZ-induced channel activity similar to that described in cardiac cells was also observed in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells but not in cultured neuroblastoma cells.PTZ-activated channels described in cardiac cells appear very similar to the sporadically active divalent ion permeable channels described in a previous paper (Coulombe et al., 1989). Surprisingly, when 100 m CPZ were applied to myocytes studied in the whole-cell configuration, and maintained at a holding potential of –80 mV in the presence of 24 mm external Ca2+ or Ba2+, no detectable macroscopic inward current could be observed, whereas the L-type Ca2+ current triggered by depolarizing pulses was markedly and reversibly reduced. The possible reasons are discussed.  相似文献   

Membrane- associated guanylate kinase proteins (MAGUKs) are important determinants of localization and organization of ion channels into specific plasma membrane domains. However, their exact role in channel function and cardiac excitability is not known. We examined the effect of synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97), a MAGUK abundantly expressed in the heart, on the function and localization of Kv1.5 subunits in cardiac myocytes. Recombinant SAP97 or Kv1.5 subunits tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) were overexpressed in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells from adenoviral or plasmidic vectors. Immunocytochemistry, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, and patch-clamp techniques were used to study the effects of SAP97 on the localization, mobility, and function of Kv1.5 subunits. Adenovirus-mediated SAP97 overexpression in cardiac myocytes resulted in the clustering of endogenous Kv1.5 subunits at myocyte-myocyte contacts and an increase in both the maintained component of the outward K(+) current, I(Kur) (5.64 +/- 0.57 pA/pF in SAP97 myocytes vs. 3.23 +/- 0.43 pA/pF in controls) and the number of 4-aminopyridine-sensitive potassium channels in cell-attached membrane patches. In live myocytes, GFP-Kv1.5 subunits were mobile and organized in clusters at the basal plasma membrane, whereas SAP97 overexpression reduced their mobility. In CHO cells, Kv1.5 channels were diffusely distributed throughout the cell body and freely mobile. When coexpressed with SAP97, Kv subunits were organized in plaquelike clusters and poorly mobile. In conclusion, SAP97 regulates the K(+) current in cardiac myocytes by retaining and immobilizing Kv1.5 subunits in the plasma membrane. This new regulatory mechanism may contribute to the targeting of Kv channels in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

T J Hallam  T J Rink 《FEBS letters》1985,186(2):175-179
Agonists such as thrombin, PAF (platelet-activating factor) and ADP are known to cause a larger elevation in [Ca2+]i in quin2-loaded platelets in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ than in its absence. The simplest interpretation of these observations is that in the presence of extracellular calcium there is an influx component across the cell surface. In the presence of Mn2+, a divalent cation which is known to avidly bind to quin2 and to quench its fluorescence, the agonists produce a small initial rise in quin2 fluorescence followed by a decrease in fluorescence to well below the resting level. The result indicates entry of Mn2+, presumably through some form of receptor-operated Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane potential in cardiac myocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mitochondria are involved in cellular functions that transcend the traditional role of these organelles as the energy factory of the cell. Their relative inaccessibility and the difficulties involved in attempts to study them in their natural environment -- the cytosol -- has delayed much of this understanding and they still have many secrets to yield. One of the relatively new fields in this respect is undoubtedly the analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential. The realization that its alteration may have important pathophysiological consequences has led to an increased interest in measuring this variable in a variety of biological settings, including cardiovascular diseases. Measurements of mitochondrial membrane potential tell us much about the role of mitochondria in normal cell function and in processes leading to cell death. However, we must be aware of the limitations of using isolated mitochondria, single cells and different fluorescent indicators.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP has vasodilatory and inotropic effects in the heart. We have demonstrated that extracellular ATP, in a concentration-dependent manner (10 nM-0.1 mM), increased [Ca2+]i in suspensions of isolated fura-2-loaded rat cardiac ventricular myocytes (maximum 96 +/- 10% increase over basal levels, SEM, n = 12, P less than 0.01). The increase in [Ca2+]i was often biphasic, with an initial fast phase (less than 1 s) of low amplitude, followed by a slower phase of higher amplitude. A second application of ATP had little effect, and ATP abolished the effect of subsequent electrical stimulations, even through the cells were still able to respond with an increase in [Ca2+]i to KCl-induced depolarization or stimulation by caffeine. Pretreatment of cells with nifedipine, verapamil, caffeine, ryanodine, or 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride attenuated the effect of extracellular ATP on [Ca2+]i, and binding of extracellular free calcium by excess EGTA completely abolished the effects of extracellular ATP and electrical stimulation. Extracellular ATP increased bisoxonol fluorescence in ventricular myocytes, indicating depolarization of the sarcolemma. Pretreatment of the myocytes with tetrodotoxin (50 microM), or replacement of NaCl in the incubation buffer with the impermeant cation N-methyl-D-glucamine, suppressed the extracellular ATP effect on [Ca2+]i. ADP and AMP had smaller effects on [Ca2+]i than ATP; adenosine had no effect. ATP analogues showed the following rank order of potency in increasing [Ca2+]i or bisoxonol fluorescence: ATP greater than or equal to 2-methylthioATP much greater than adenosine 5'-O-[3-thio]triphosphate greater than adenosine 5'-[alpha, beta-methylene]triphosphate approximately adenosine 5'-[beta, gamma-methylene]triphosphate approximately adenosine 5'-[beta, gamma-imino]triphosphate greater than adenosine. These data are consistent with the presence of purinoceptors (P2Y subtype) on the sarcolemma of cardiac ventricular myocytes of the rat, which upon activation lead to depolarization and activation of cation channels of the sarcolemma and flux of extracellular Ca2+ into the cells. This may result in further flux of Ca2+ into the cytosol from intracellular stores. The effects of extracellular ATP on [Ca2+]i in rat cardiac ventricular myocytes may, in part, explain the direct inotropic effects of extracellular ATP on the mammalian heart.  相似文献   

Summary This report details preliminary findings for ion channels in the plasma membrane of protoplasts derived from the cotyledons ofAmaranthus seedlings. The conductance properties of the membrane can be described almost entirely by the behavior of two types of ion channel observed as single channels in attached and detached patches. The first is a cation-selective outward rectifier, and the second a multistate anion-selective channel which, under physiological conditions, acts as an inward rectifier.The cation channel has unit conductance of approx. 30 pS (symmetrical 100 K+) and relative permeability sequence K+>Na+>Cl (10.160.03); whole-cell currents activate in a time-dependent manner, and both activation and deactivation kinetics are voltage dependent. The anion channel opens for hyperpolarized membrane potentials, has a full-level conductance of approx. 200 pS and multiple subconductance states. The number of sub-conductances does not appear to be fixed. When activated the channel is open for long periods, though shuts if the membrane potential (V m ) is depolarized; at millimolar levels of [Ca2+]cyt this voltage dependency disappears. Inward current attributable to the anion channel is not observed in whole-cell recordings when MgATP (2mm) is present in the intracellular solution. By contrast the channel is active in most detached patches, whether MgATP is present or not on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The anion channel has a significant permeability to cations, the sequence being NO 3 >Cl>K+>Aspartate (2.0410.18 to 0.090.04). The relative permeability for K+ decreased at progressively lower conductance states. In the absence of permeant anions this channel could be mistaken for a cation inward rectifier. The anion and cation channels could serve to clampV m at a preferred value in the face of events which would otherwise perturbV m .  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels are vital to cardiac muscle contraction. Therefore it is very important to isolate physiologically active channel proteins, however there have been few reports on their solubilization and reconstitution. Highly purified sarcolemmal membranes from bovine cardiac muscle were solubilized with octylglucoside, partially purified by gel filtration, and reconstituted into planar lipid bilayer by the direct insertion method. At least, two cation channel activities were observed: one with about 4.2 pS and the other with about 28 pS in conductance. From the reversal potential, it was concluded that Ba2+ ions are the current carrier through these two channels.  相似文献   

White light (25 watts per square meter) induced an increase in plasma membrane K+-channel activity and a 30- to 70-millivolt transient membrane depolarization (completed in 2-3 minutes) in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf mesophyll cells. Transport characteristics of three types of ion channels in the plasma membrane were determined using inside-out patches. With 220 millimolar K+ on the cytoplasmic side of the patch and 50 millimolar K+ in the pipette, (220/50 K), the open-channel current-voltage curves of these channels were sigmoidal and consistent with an enzyme kinetic model. Two channel types were selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl. One (named PKC1) had a maximum conductance (Gmax) of 44 picosiemens at a membrane voltage (Vm) of −65 mV in (220/50 K) and is stimulated by light. The other (PKC2) had Gmax = 66 picosiemens at Vm = 60 millivolts in (220/50 K). The third channel type (PCC1) transported K+ and Na+ about equally well but not Cl. It had Gmax = 109 picosiemens at Vm = 55 millivolts in (250/50 K) with 10 millimolar Ca2+ on the cytoplasmic side. Reducing Ca2+ to 0.1 millimolar increased PCC1 open-channel currents by approximately 50% in a voltage-independent manner. Averaged over time, PKC2 and PCC1 currents strongly outward rectified and PKC1 currents did so weakly. Reductants (1 millimolar dithiothreitol or 10 millimolar β-mercaptoethanol) added to the cytoplasmic side of an excised patch increased the open probability of all three channel types.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to characterize Na(+) currents through nonselective cation channels (NSCCs) in protoplasts derived from root cells of Arabidopsis. The procedure of the protoplast isolation was modified to increase the stability of Arabidopsis root protoplasts in low external Ca(2+) by digesting tissue in elevated Ca(2+). Experiments in whole-cell and outside-out modes were carried out. We found that Na(+) currents in Arabidopsis root protoplasts were mediated by cation channels that were insensitive to externally applied tetraethylammonium(+) and verapamil, had no time-dependent activation (permanently opened or completely activated within 1-2 ms), were voltage independent, and were weakly selective for monovalent cations. The selectivity sequence was as follows: K(+) (1.49) > NH(4)(+) (1.24) > Rb(+) (1.15) approximately equal to Cs(+) (1.10) approximately equal to Na(+) (1.00) > Li(+) (0.73) > tetraethylammonium(+) (0.47). Arabidopsis root NSCCs were blocked by H(+) (pK approximately equal to 6.0), Ca(2+) (K(1/2) approximately equal to 0.1 mM), Ba(2+), Zn(2+), La(3+), Gd(3+), quinine, and the His modifier diethylpyrocarbonate. They were insensitive to most organic blockers (nifedipine, verapamil, flufenamate, and amiloride) and to the SH-group modifier p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid. Voltage-insensitive, Ca(2+)-sensitive single channels were also resolved. Properties of Arabidopsis root NSCCs are discussed and compared with characteristics of similar conductances studied previously in plants and animals. It is suggested that NSCCs present a distinct group of plant ion channels, mediating toxic Na(+) influx to the cell and probably having other important roles in physiological processes of plants.  相似文献   

Two populations,Ca2+-dependent(BKCa) andCa2+-independentK+ (BK) channels of largeconductance were identified in inside-out patches of nonlabor and laborfreshly dispersed human pregnant myometrial cells, respectively.Cell-attached recordings from nonlabor myometrial cells frequentlydisplayed BKCa channel openings characterized by a relatively low open-state probability, whereas similar recordings from labor tissue displayed either no channel openings or consistently high levels of channel activity that oftenexhibited clear, oscillatory activity. In inside-out patch recordings,Ba2+ (2-10 mM),4-aminopyridine (0.1-1 mM), andShaker B inactivating peptide("ball peptide") blocked theBKCa channel but were much lesseffective on BK channels. Application of tetraethylammonium toinside-out membrane patches reduced unitary current amplitude ofBKCa and BK channels, withdissociation constants of 46 mM and 53 µM, respectively.Tetraethylammonium applied to outside-out patches decreased the unitaryconductance of BKCa and BKchannels, with dissociation constants of 423 and 395 µM,respectively. These results demonstrate that the properties of humanmyometrial large-conductance K+channels in myocytes isolated from laboring patients are significantly different from those isolated from nonlaboring patients.


Strophanthidin inhibits KATP channels in 2,4-dinitrophenol-poisoned heart cells (). The current study shows that the Na/K pump interacts with KATP current (IK-ATP) via submembrane ATP depletion in isolated giant membrane patches and in nonpoisoned guinea pig cardiac cells in whole-cell configuration. IK-ATP was inhibited by ATP, glibenclamide, or intracellular Cs+. Na/K pump inactivation by substitution of cytoplasmic Na+ for Li+ or N-methylglucamine decreased both IK-ATP by 1/3 (1 mM ATP, zero calcium), and IC50 of ATP for IK-ATP (0.3 +/- 0.1 mM) by 2/5. The Na+/Li+ replacement had no effect on IK-ATP at low pump activity ([ATP] </= 0.1 mM or 100 microM ouabain) or when IK-ATP was completely inhibited by 10 mM ATP. In whole-cell configuration, ouabain inhibited up to 60% of inwardly rectifying IK-ATP at 1 mM ATP in the pipette but not at 10 mM ATP and 10 mM phosphocreatine when IK-ATP was always blocked. However, mathematical simulation of giant-patch experiments revealed that only 20% of ATP depletion may be attributed to the ATP concentration gradient in the bulk solution, and the remaining 80% probably occurs in the submembrane space.  相似文献   

Sze H  Hodges TK 《Plant physiology》1977,59(4):641-646
Influx of alkali cations (Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+)) across plasma membranes of cells of excised roots of Avena sativa cv. Goodfield was selective, but different, in the absence and in the presence of 1 mm CaSO(4). Ca(2+) reduced the influx rates of all of the alkali cations-especially Na(+) and Li(+). Transport selectivity changed as the external concentrations of the alkali cations increased.Plasma membrane ATPase, purified from Avena sativa roots, was differentially stimulated by alkali cations. This specificity, however, was not altered by Ca(2+) or the external cation concentrations. A close correspondence existed between the relative influx rates of K(+), Rb(+), and Cs(+) and the relative stimulation of the ATPase by these cations. A similar correspondence did not occur for Na(+) and Li(+).Selective cation transport in oat roots could result, in part, from the specificity of the plasma membrane ATPase, but other factors such as specific carriers or porters or differential diffusion rates must also be involved.  相似文献   

A large conductance (~300 picosiemens) channel (LCC) of unknown molecular identity, activated by Ca(2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, particularly when augmented by caffeine, has been described previously in isolated cardiac myocytes. A potential candidate for this channel is pannexin 1 (Panx1), which has been shown to form large ion channels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and mammalian cells. Panx1 function is implicated in ATP-mediated auto-/paracrine signaling, and a crucial role in several cell death pathways has been suggested. Here, we demonstrate that after culturing for 4 days LCC activity is no longer detected in myocytes but can be rescued by adenoviral gene transfer of Panx1. Endogenous LCCs and those related to expression of Panx1 share key pharmacological properties previously used for identifying and characterizing Panx1 channels. These data demonstrate that Panx1 constitutes the LCC of cardiac myocytes. Sporadic openings of single Panx1 channels in the absence of Ca(2+) release can trigger action potentials, suggesting that Panx1 channels potentially promote arrhythmogenic activities.  相似文献   

Ionic selectivity of Nitella flexilis plasmalemma cation channels is studied by voltage-clamp method with consecutive replacing of cations in the bathing medium. The selectivity sequence received by measuring the ionic current reversal potentials, psi alpha is: Ba++ approximately equal to Sr++ approximately equal to Ca++ greater than Mg++ greater than Cs+ approximately equal to K+ greater than Na+ greater than Li+. An analysis of results based on the three-barrier channel model suggests that when ions of the same valency are compared, the channel selectivity is determined by specific interactions between the ion and the nearest water molecules, which is possible both in a narrow and wide pore. On the other hand, when monovalent and divalent ions are compared the effects of ions binding in the channel or near the membrane surface prevail, thus causing the channel preference for divalent cations.  相似文献   

Cation channels in the Arabidopsis plasma membrane   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In vivo analyses have identified different functional types of ion channels in various plant tissues and cells. The Arabidopsis genome contains approximately 70 genes for ion channels, of which 57 might be cation-selective channels (K(+), Ca(2+) or poorly discriminating channels). Here, we describe the different families of (putative) cation channels: the Shakers, the two-P-domain and Kir K(+) channels (encoded by the KCO genes), the cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels, the glutamate receptors, and the Ca(2+) channel TPC1. We also compare molecular data with the data obtained in planta, which should lead to a better understanding of the identity of these channels and provide clues about their roles in plant nutrition and cell signalling.  相似文献   

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