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Staib C  Drexler I  Ohlmann M  Wintersperger S  Erfle V  Sutter G 《BioTechniques》2000,28(6):1137-42, 1144-6, 1148
Recombinant vaccinia viruses are extremely valuable tools for research in molecular biology and immunology. The extension of vaccinia vector technology to replication-deficient and safety-tested virus strains such as modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) have made this versatile eukaryotic expression system even more attractive for basic and clinical research. Here, we report on easily obtaining recombinant MVA using stringent growth selection on rabbit kidney RK-13 cells. We describe the construction and use of new MVA vector plasmids that carry an expression cassette of the vaccinia virus host range gene, K1L, as a transient selectable marker. These plasmids allow either stable insertion of additional recombinant genes into the MVA genome or precisely targeted mutagenesis of MVA genomic sequences. Repetitive DNA sequences flanking the K1L gene were designed to remove the marker gene from the viral genome by homologous recombination under nonselective growth conditions. The convenience of this new selection technique is demonstrated by isolating MVA recombinants that produce green fluorescent protein and by generating MVA deletion mutants.  相似文献   

T M Chambers  K Essani  R G Webster 《Gene》1990,95(2):275-278
To assess the utility of two temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant vaccinia viruses as vectors for the conditional in vitro expression of recombinant foreign genes, we have studied the kinetics of expression of foreign genes incorporated into these viruses. At nonpermissive temperature, 40 degrees C, these viruses were defective either in DNA synthesis or in virus assembly. Foreign gene expression was affected by the nature of the ts lesion and by the nature of the vaccinia promoter positioned upstream from the foreign gene. With both vector viruses, a foreign gene controlled by the p7.5 early-late promoter was expressed at both 33 degrees and 40 degrees C. With the DNA synthesis-defective vector virus, foreign gene expression controlled by the p11 DNA synthesis-dependent late promoter was inhibited at 40 degrees C, but could be turned on by shift to 33 degrees C. This ts expression system provides an alternative to use of drugs that inhibit DNA synthesis as a means for experimental manipulation of gene expression. Both vector viruses can be used with existing vaccinia virus expression technology.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a host-encoded sialoglycoprotein bound to the external surface of the cell membrane by a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor. A posttranslationally modified PrP isoform (PrPSc) is a component of the infectious particle causing scrapie and the other prion diseases. mAb have been raised against the protease-resistant core of Syrian hamster (SHa) PrPSc designated PrP 27-30. To map the epitopes within PrP reacting to these antibodies, we have expressed wild-type, chimeric mouse (Mo)/SHa and mutant MoPrP genes using recombinant vaccinia virus systems. The fidelity of the expression of recombinant PrPC was examined using vaccinia viruses expressing SHa-PrPC. It is full length, possesses Asn-linked carbohydrates and is attached to the external surface of the cell membrane by a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor that is sensitive to cleavage by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. We have tested 18 mAb for their ability to bind to chimeric prion proteins on immunoblots. Three distinct epitopes were identified that mapped to amino acid differences between SHa and MoPrP sequences. The first epitope, recognized by three of the antibodies tested, was defined by methionines at amino acids 108 and 111 in the mouse protein. The second epitope was dependent upon the presence of asparagines at positions 154 and 174 in MoPrP and was recognized by four of the antibodies tested. The third epitope mapped to a single amino acid substitution at residue 138 in MoPrP. mAb raised against SHaPrP 27-30 specific for this epitope are able to bind MoPrPC which has a single amino acid change (Ile to Met) at position 138. Eleven of the 18 antibodies tested mapped to this immunodominant epitope. It is located within a postulated amphipathic helix, a structure associated with immunodominant Ag. Inasmuch as PrPC, in its native form on the cell surface, is detected by the mAb 13A5 (a prototypic antibody of the immunodominant third epitope class), it is likely that this epitope is accessible in the native conformation of this protein.  相似文献   

We report the assembly of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-like particles in African green monkey kidney cells coinfected with two recombinant vaccinia viruses, one carrying the HIV-1 gag and protease genes and the other the env gene. Biochemical analysis of particles sedimented from culture supernatants of doubly infected cells revealed that they were composed of gag proteins, primarily p24, as well as the env proteins gp120 and gp41. Thin-section immunoelectron microscopy showed that these particles were 100 to 120 nm in diameter, were characterized by the presence of cylindrical core structures, and displayed the mature gp120-gp41 complexes on their surfaces. Furthermore, thin-section immunoelectron microscopy analysis of infected cells showed that particle assembly and budding occurred at the plasma membrane. Nucleic acid hybridization suggested that the particles packaged only the gag mRNA but not the env mRNA. Therefore, the system we present is well suited for studies of HIV virion maturation. In addition, the HIV-like particles provide a novel and attractive approach for vaccine development.  相似文献   

Recombinant vaccinia viruses that express the bacteriophage T3 RNA polymerase (VV-T3pol) or the Escherichia coli lac repressor (VV-lacI) under control of the early-late vaccinia promoter P7.5 were constructed. To determine whether phage polymerase and lac repressor can function in the nucleus of mammalian cells, the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene was cloned downstream of a T3 promoter (PT3-CAT) or downstream of a T3 promoter-lac operator fusion element (PT3Olac-CAT), and these reporter gene cassettes were introduced stably into NIH 3T3 or Ltk- cells. Infection of 3T3/PT3-CAT or Ltk-/PT3-CAT cells by VV-T3pol led to rapid expression of CAT (greater than 20 ng of CAT protein per 10(6) cells). The presence of hydroxyurea (which blocks virus DNA replication) did not prevent CAT production. When 3T3/PT3Olac-CAT cells were infected with both VV-T3pol and VV-lacI (multiplicities of infection of 2.5 and 10, respectively), greater than 30-fold repression of CAT gene activity by lac repressor was observed. This could be reversed to unrepressed levels by the presence of 10 mM o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactoside (IPTG) in the medium. Regulated expression of the target gene was observed with cell lines that had been maintained for over 1 year (greater than 50 passages in culture), and Southern blot analysis revealed the presence of the CAT gene only in the nuclear fraction in these cells, demonstrating the stability of the target gene. These results indicate that vaccinia virus-encoded proteins can function in the mammalian nucleus and provide the basis for a genetic system in which essential vaccinia virus genes, placed in the chromosome of a cell, can be used to complement defective virus particles. This approach may prove useful for other virus systems.  相似文献   

A genomic library was prepared in Escherichia coli from DNA of wild-type Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (aetiological agent of crucifer black rot), partially digested with endonuclease EcoRI, using the mobilisable broad host range cosmid vector pLAFR1. Recombinant plasmids contained inserts ranging in size from 19.1 to 32.3 kb (mean 26.6). Certain of the clones complemented E. coli auxotrophic markers. Using the narrow host range plasmid pRK2013 as a helper the pooled recombinant plasmids were transferred conjugally to X. c. campestris mutants, and clones were identified which restored yellow pigmentation to white mutants, prototrophy to amino acid auxotrophs and pathogenicity towards turnip plants to two non-pathogenic mutants. The lesion in one mutant (8288, complemented by the plasmid pIJ3000) is unknown. However mutant 8237 is defective in production of extracellular protease and polygalacturonate lyase and restoration of pathogenicity by complementation with the plasmid pIJ3020 concomitantly restored both enzyme levels to wild-type values.  相似文献   

Novel virulence and host range genes of African swine fever virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current work is beginning to reveal the complex mechanisms by which African swine fever virus interacts with its swine and tick hosts. This work includes the identification of novel viral genes that mediate virulence and host range, and influence important cellular regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

The HindIII DNA fragments of vaccinia virus strain L-IVP were cloned in pBR322 bacterial plasmid. A hybrid plasmids collection of pVHn series contains all fragments of virus genome except terminal HindIII-B and HindIII-G, and also a large HindIII-A. The latter was cloned in cosmid pHC79. The obtained collection of hybrid DNA molecules allows to carry out a wide range of molecular biological experiments on the vaccinia virus genome.  相似文献   

The usefulness of host range expanded viruses as an expressionvector system was investigated by following the expression ofthe E. coli lacZ gene. The host range expanded recombinantviruses were obtained from Sf-21 or BmN-4 cells coinfected withAutographa californica and Bombyx mori nuclearpolyhedrosis viruses. Among the host range expanded viruses,RecB-8 and RecS-B6 have similar enzyme digestion profiles butdifferent infection characteristics in cells. Therefore, tostudy the foreign gene expression efficiency of these twoviruses, we constructed recombinant viruses RecB8-LacZ andRecSB6-LacZ containing the lacZ gene instead of the polyhedringene. Also, the host range expanded recombinant AcNPV, Bac-BH,containing lacZ gene in the polyhedrin gene locus was constructedby substitution of the 0.6 kb region within the helicase gene ofBacPAK6 with that of BmNPV. -Galactosidase expressionefficiency by these viruses were determined and compared in Sf-21and BmN-4 cells. The result showed that Bac-BH has highexpression efficiency only in Sf-21 cells, whereas RecB8-LacZhas high expression efficiency both in Sf-21 and BmN-4 cells.Also, in BmN-4 cells, -galactosidase expressionefficiency of RecB8-LacZ was higher than that of recombinantBmNPV (BmK1-LacZ containing lacZ gene in polyhedrin gene locus).In addition, the expression efficiency was not correlated withvirus titer.  相似文献   

Tat-dependent expression of an endogenous lethal or deleterious foreign gene might be useful for abrogating the production of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from cells. This type of HIV-induced cellular killing, as well as other approaches to gene therapy for HIV infection, would be facilitated by simple HIV vectors that express introduced genes in a Tat-inducible manner. As part of studies to examine the feasibility of this concept, we constructed HIV-1 vectors that express the hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene (Hygr) in a Tat-dependent manner. Comparison of the efficiency of propagation of each vector indicates that sequences extending into the gag open reading frame are necessary in cis for efficient vector propagation. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA isolated from vector-infected cells demonstrated that the vectors were capable of being propagated as expected without gross rearrangements or deletions. A fragment of the influenza A virus hemagglutinin (H5 HA) gene, capable of eliciting antibody and cytotoxic T-cell responses, was used as a marker for further characterization of the vector system. A Tat-dependent vector conferring the H5 HA+ phenotype was assayed by indirect immunofluorescence, and cells which contained but did not express the H5 HA gene were isolated. The activation of H5 HA expression following HIV infection of Tat- cells that stably contained but did not express the H5 HA construct was determined to be an efficient process.  相似文献   

Summary Some primitive pea lines, e.g. cultivar Afghanistan, are resistant to nodulation by most strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum. However the Turkish strain TOM can nodulate cv. Afghanistan in addition to commercial pea varieties, and this extended host range is a property of its symbiotic plasmid, pRL5JI. A gene bank was constructed using DNA from a strain of R. leguminosarum containing pRL5JI. Following transfer to a strain of R. leguminosarum that had been cured of its symbiotic plasmid, two derivatives were isolated that contained cloned nodulation determinants, and were able to nodulate both cv. Afghanistan and a commercial pea variety. In addition, these clones conferred the ability to nodulate peas to a strain of R. phaseoli that had been previously cured of its symbiotic plasmid. One of these clones was subjected to mutagenesis with transposon Tn5, and 11 mutants were identified that were affected in nodulation ability. The sites of Tn5 insertions were mapped using restriction endonucleases and all were found to be within a region of 5 kb. The mutants fell into three classes on the basis of their map positions and their phenotypes on the two different pea lines tested. One class of mutants was affected in gene functions that were common to the nodulation of both pea hosts; a second class was impaired specifically in the nodulation of the commercial pea variety; a third class of mutant failed to confer on a normal strain of R. leguminosarum the supplementary ability to nodulate cv. Afghanistan.  相似文献   

During parasitization of their hosts some insect parasitoids deliver resident viruses which encode genes that must be expressed in the host for successful parasitization. Among these viruses the Campoletis sonorensis Ichnovirus has been well studied and encodes a cys-motif gene family implicated in disruption of host immunity and other physiological systems. Members of this gene family encode one or more intercystine-knot structural motifs in which the non-cysteine residues of the motif are variable. We analyzed patterns of synonymous and non-synonymous substitution within the cys-motif to investigate the evolution of this gene family and the likelihood of virus-host gene coevolution. Maximum likelihood techniques suggest positive selection acts on 8 of 51 codons in the aligned cysteine-rich region. Although the detected positive selection was not strong, it likely contributes to the diversification of this gene family. Comparison of selection pressure relative to tertiary structure of the VHv1.1 cys-motif protein suggests that the hypervariable sites are exposed. Furthermore, invariant residues in the motif exhibit a region-specific pattern of codon bias, suggesting there are unusual mechanisms of effecting selection pressure at work in this system, though the mechanism has yet to be studied. The positive selection and duplication of both the gene family and the cys-motif implies either selection is driving the molecular radiation of immune suppressive genes toward novel hosts, or molecular coevolution with host targets.Novel nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AY033945, AY197489, AY197490, AY197491, AY197492, AY197493 and AY197494  相似文献   

Poxvirus vaccine vectors, although capable of eliciting potent immune responses, pose serious health risks in immunosuppressed individuals. We therefore constructed five novel recombinant vaccinia virus vectors which contained overlapping deletions of coding regions for the B5R, B8R, B12R, B13R, B14R, B16R, B18R, and B19R immunomodulatory gene products and assessed them for both immunogenicity and pathogenicity. All five of these novel vectors elicited both cellular and humoral immunity to the inserted HIV-BH10 env comparable to that induced by the parental Wyeth strain vaccinia virus. However, deletion of these immunomodulatory genes did not increase the immunogenicity of these vectors compared with the parental vaccinia virus. Furthermore, four of these vectors were slightly less virulent and one was slightly more virulent than the Wyeth strain virus in neonatal mice. Attenuated poxviruses have potential use as safer alternatives to current replication-competent vaccinia virus. Improved vaccinia virus vectors can be generated by deleting additional genes to achieve a more significant viral attenuation.  相似文献   

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