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The effects of different levels of quercetin on the blood pressure were studied in 6-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were fed with a control diet or a high-fat high-sucrose (HFS) diet containing 0, 0.02, 0.07, 0.2, or 0.5% quercetin for 4 weeks. The systolic blood pressure and the lipid peroxides in the plasma were both higher in the rats fed with the HFS diet without quercetin than in the rats fed with the control diet. The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in the vascular tissues and nitric oxide (NO) metabolites in the plasma and urine were both lower in these rats. A distinct depression of the increase in blood pressure was found in the rats fed with the HFS diets containing quercetin. Each level of quercetin examined was effective, the 0.5% level being much more effective than other levels. Dietary quercetin decreased lipid peroxidation in the plasma of the rats fed with the HFS diets. Quercetin also suppressed the decrease in NO metabolites in the plasma and urine, and the NOS activity in the vascular tissues of these rats. These results suggest that the increased NO availability caused by the elevated NOS activity, and the antioxidative activity in these rats fed with quercetin may be sources of the antihypertensive effect of quercetin.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the opioid antagonist naltrexone would inhibit the redevelopment of a preference for a high-sucrose diet after an abstention period from this diet. Rats that chose between a starch or sucrose diet for 10 days preferred the sucrose diet. Rats were then given access to the starch diet alone for another 10-day period. A miniosmotic pump containing saline or naltrexone was then implanted (70 microg/h; 1.7 mg/day) for approximately 10 days. During the saline infusion, 77% of the total energy came from the sucrose diet, whereas during the naltrexone infusion, 33% of the total energy came from the sucrose diet. We repeated this study in another group of rats but did not restrict the sucrose diet. In this case naltrexone failed to decrease preference for the sucrose diet. Thus naltrexone infusion inhibited redevelopment of a preference for a sucrose diet after a period of restriction to a starch diet for 10 days but had no effect on preference if both diets were present throughout the study.  相似文献   

While diet-induced obesity has been exclusively attributed to increased caloric intake from fat, animals fed a high-fat diet (HFD) ad libitum (ad lib) eat frequently throughout day and night, disrupting the normal feeding cycle. To test whether obesity and metabolic diseases result from HFD or disruption of metabolic cycles, we subjected mice to either ad lib or time-restricted feeding (tRF) of a HFD for 8 hr per day. Mice under tRF consume equivalent calories from HFD as those with ad lib access yet are protected against obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis, and inflammation and have improved motor coordination. The tRF regimen improved CREB, mTOR, and AMPK pathway function and oscillations of the circadian clock and their target genes' expression. These changes in catabolic and anabolic pathways altered liver metabolome and improved nutrient utilization and energy expenditure. We demonstrate in mice that tRF regimen is a nonpharmacological strategy against obesity and associated diseases.  相似文献   

Black vine weevils, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), are globally‐distributed polyphagous pests of many horticultural crops. We investigated how adult weevils were affected by host switching and, in particular, how host plant species nutritional and defensive chemistry affected subsequent host plant species selection and oviposition. Adults were fed one of three host plant species, blackcurrant [Ribes nigrum L. (Grossulariaceae)], raspberry [Rubus idaeus L. (Rosaceae)], or strawberry [Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne (Rosaceae)], throughout their pre‐reproductive periods and then subjected to behavioral choice assays with these plants. Foliar chemistry differed significantly among the three host plant species. Compared to raspberry and strawberry foliage, blackcurrant foliage was 13% lower in nitrogen, 3% higher in carbon, and 28% higher in phenolic compounds. Initial host plant species had a significant effect on weevil mortality, with more weevils dying when previously fed blackcurrant (12%) than strawberry (3%) or raspberry (0%) regardless of subsequent host. Initial host plant species also affected oviposition, with weevils laying only ca. two eggs per week when previously fed blackcurrant, compared to those on raspberry or strawberry (ca. 11 and 15 eggs per week, respectively). When given a choice, weevils discriminated among host plant species and tended to oviposit on plants on which they had previously fed, even when the plant was nutritionally inferior for egg production and adult survival. In contrast, feeding behavior was only affected by the current host plant species. Feeding and oviposition were related to leaf chemistry only in blackcurrant, as leaf consumption was negatively correlated with foliar carbon and zinc concentrations, and positively correlated with foliar phosphorus and potassium concentrations.  相似文献   

The SMXA-5 strain, a new mouse model for type 2 diabetes, is a recombinant inbred strain derived from non-diabetic SM/J and A/J strains. As dietary fat is a key component in the development of diabetes, we compared the glucose tolerance and diabetes-related traits among the SMXA-5, SM/J, and A/J strains while feeding a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. SMXA-5 fed on a high-fat diet showed an increased serum insulin concentration. Judging from the hyperinsulinemia in SMXA-5, this strain showed insulin resistance, an inability of peripheral tissues to respond to insulin, which was strengthened by feeding with a high-fat diet. When fed on a high-fat diet for 5 weeks, the SMXA-5 mice showed severely impaired glucose tolerance. On the other hand, SM/J showed mildly impaired glucose tolerance, even when fed on a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. These results indicate that SMXA-5 would be available for use as a diabetic model susceptible to a high-fat diet.  相似文献   

The effects of Welsh onion on the development of hypertension and autoxidation were studied in 6-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were fed with a control diet or a high-fat high-sucrose (HFS) diet with or without 5% Welsh onion (green-leafy type or white-sheath type) for 4 weeks. The systolic blood pressure was elevated and the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in plasma were increased in the rats fed with the HFS diet without Welsh onion. The rats fed with the HFS diet containing Welsh onion, especially the green-leafy type, had lower blood pressure. They also had a higher level of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites in both the urine and plasma, lower activity of NADH/NADPH oxidase in the aorta, and suppressed angiotensin II production. The effect of white Welsh onion on decreasing the blood pressure was not significant, although the effects on increasing NO metabolites in the urine and decreasing NADH oxidase activity in the aorta were significant. The TBARS value in the plasma was lowered in the rats fed with either green or white Welsh onion, but the in vitro radical scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidative activities were much higher with green Welsh onion than with the white type. These results suggest that the green-leafy Welsh onion, but not the white type, reduced superoxide generation by suppressing the angiotensine II production and then the NADH/NADPH oxidase activity, increasing the NO availability in the aorta, and consequently lowering the blood pressure in the rats fed with the HFS diet. The radical scavenging and reducing antioxidative activities of green Welsh onion may also be effective in decreasing superoxide.  相似文献   

To develop a minipig model of type 2 diabetes that simulates the common manifestations of the metabolic abnormalities and resembles the kidney pathology of type 2 diabetes in the human population, male Chinese Bama minipigs were divided into 2 groups (5 in each) and fed with a control diet (CD) or high-fat/ high-sucrose/ high-cholesterol diet (HFSCD) for 5 months. The biochemical parameters of blood and urine, and the oral glucose tolerance test were monitored after the feeding program. The insulin resistance was estimated by the HOMA-IR index and the glucose elimination constant (K(G)), and beta-cell function by the HOMA-beta index and the acute insulin response (AIR). Glomerulosclerosis index (GSI) was semi-quantitated by the degree of glomerular lesions in kidney sections stained with Masson trichrome. Extracellular matrix deposition in the kidney was examined by the protein expression of type IV collagen, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and matrix metalloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) using immunohistochemistry. Feeding HFSCD to minipigs markedly caused hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and dyslipidaemia. HOMA-IR was significantly increased while HOMA-beta, AIR and K(G) were obviously decreased in the HFSCD group compared with control group. Microalbuminuria, glucosuria and moderate glomerulosclerosis were exhibited in HFSCD-fed minipigs. The expression of type IV collagen and CTGF was elevated whereas that of MMP-2 was reduced in the kidneys of HFSCD group compared with the CD group. We concluded that feeding HFSCD to Chinese Bama minipigs for 5 months can induce humanoid type 2 diabetes and early-stage diabetic nephropathy, and accelerate extracellular matrix deposition and glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effects of a high-fat, high-sucrose (HFHS) diet on vascular and metabolic actions of insulin. Male rats were randomized to receive an HFHS or regular chow diet for 4 wk. In a first series of experiments, the rats had pulsed Doppler flow probes and intravascular catheters implanted to measure blood pressure, heart rate, and regional blood flows. Insulin sensitivity and vascular responses to insulin were assessed during a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp performed in conscious rats. In a second series of experiments, new groups of rats were used to examine skeletal muscle glucose transport activity and to determine in vitro vascular reactivity, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein expression in muscle and vascular tissues and endothelin content, nitrotyrosine formation, and NAD(P)H oxidase protein expression in vascular tissues. The HFHS-fed rats displayed insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperlipidemia, elevated blood pressure, and impaired insulin-mediated renal and skeletal muscle vasodilator responses. A reduction in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, accompanied by a decreased eNOS protein expression in muscles and blood vessel endothelium, and increased vascular endothelin-1 protein content were also noted in HFHS-fed rats compared with control rats. Furthermore, the HFHS diet induced a reduced insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in muscles and increased levels of NAD(P)H oxidase protein and nitrotyrosine formation in vascular tissues. These findings support the importance of eNOS protein in linking metabolic and vascular disease and indicate the ability of a Westernized diet to induce endothelial dysfunction and to alter metabolic and vascular homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effects of a high-fat diet supplying a constant energy/protein ratio, with and without overeating, on energy intake and expenditure was studied in mature male rats. A control group (LF) received ad libitum access to a low-fat diet. Body weight gain, efficiency of food utilization, and dietary-induced thermogenesis were increased relative to controls in a group with ad libitum access to the high-fat diet (HF-A), but not in a group which was pair fed the diet (HF-P) in amounts (kcal) equal to that of LF animals. However, the individual variability within the HF-A group was high for each measure. An arbitrary separation of that group into 2 subgroups (based on high vs low weight gain) produced one subgroup with increased efficiency, greater weight gain and no change in dietary-induced thermogenesis (HF-AH), and another with no difference in efficiency or in weight gain from the LF group but which had higher dietary-induced thermogenesis (HF-AL). Food intake was slightly, but not significantly, greater for the HF-AH subgroup than for the HF-AL subgroup. We conclude that rats can increase thermogenesis in response to overeating but that the increase is highly variable. The thermogenic response appears to be related to the overeating rather than to the fat content of the diet.  相似文献   

Although lipid excess can impair beta-cell function in vitro, short-term high-fat feeding in normal rats produces insulin resistance but not hyperglycemia. This study examines the effect of long-term (10-mo) high polyunsaturated fat feeding on glucose tolerance in Wistar rats. The high fat-fed compared with the chow-fed group was 30% heavier and 60% fatter, with approximately doubled fasting hyperinsulinemia (P < 0.001) but only marginal fasting hyperglycemia (7.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 7.2 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, P < 0.01). Insulin sensitivity was approximately 67% lower in the high-fat group (P < 0.01). The acute insulin response to intravenous arginine was approximately double in the insulin-resistant high-fat group (P < 0.001), but that to intravenous glucose was similar in the two groups. After the intravenous glucose bolus, plasma glucose decline was slower in the high fat-fed group, confirming mild glucose intolerance. Therefore, despite severe insulin resistance, there was only a mildly elevated fasting glucose level and a relative deficiency in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion; this suggests that a genetic or congenital susceptibility to beta-cell impairment is required for overt hyperglycemia to develop in the presence of severe insulin resistance.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of dietary supplementation of difructose anhydride III (DFA III), raffinose (Raf), and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on diet-induced obesity development. Male rats were fed normal or high-fat and high-sucrose (HFS) diet, with or without supplementing (3%) DFA III, Raf, or FOS, for 8 or 5 weeks. Supplementing DFA III to the HFS diet decreased energy intake compared to the non-supplemented HFS diet. Accordingly, body weight gain and fat accumulation reduced in DFA III-fed rats. Cecal acetate production and plasma glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide-YY (PYY) were elevated in DFA III-fed rats, while Raf and FOS partially affected these parameters. These results demonstrate that DFA III has suppressive effect on excessive energy intake driven by the palatable obesogenic diet, possibly due to combined effects of increased anorexigenic factors such as cecal acetate production and GLP-1/PYY secretion.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging and optimal oviposition are two major forces leading to plant selection by insect females, but the contribution of these forces to the host‐selection process has been little studied for sucking herbivores. We studied feeding and oviposition behavior of a global pest, the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellapé (Heteroptera: Thaumastocoridae), using dual‐choice bioassays to evaluate the preference of females between host species, developmental leaf stage, or prior plant exposure to conspecifics. We assessed the link between these preferences and the performance of the offspring, by comparing survival and developmental time of nymphs reared on the various treatments. Finally, we compared the composition of the leaf wax of healthy and damaged leaves, and tested the effects of leaf wax on female preference behavior. Using healthy adult leaves of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. (Myrtaceae) as a reference, we found that females prefer to feed on Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden and E. tereticornis adult leaves that had been previously damaged by female conspecifics, whereas they reject juvenile leaves of E. tereticornis as food. Females also prefer to oviposit on leaves previously damaged by conspecifics but they rejected E. grandis as oviposition substrate. Nymphal performance varied among leaf treatments, suggesting a correlation with oviposition preference (but not feeding preference). Epicuticular wax extracts from damaged leaves contained higher concentrations of long‐chain, saturated linear alkanes, aldehydes, and alcohols than extracts from undamaged leaves. However, a choice assay failed to demonstrate an oviposition preference based on leaf surface wax chemistry. We discuss these findings in the context of the preference‐performance relationship.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: (1) to define the extent to which a high-fat (HF) diet given on a long-term basis reduces resting plasma ghrelin (total [acyl+des-acyl]) levels and the plasma ghrelin (total) response to fasting, (2) to determine whether a chronic HF diet modifies the orexigenic activity of acyl-ghrelin, (3) whether insulin pretreatment inhibits the plasma ghrelin (total) response to fasting, and (4) the extent to which pioglitazone (PIO) treatment will increase stomach and plasma ghrelin (total) levels in rats fed a HF diet. PIO is a drug given to diabetics which improves insulin resistance. Our findings show that a chronic HF diet given for either 10 or 60 weeks exerts a persistent inhibitory effect on resting plasma ghrelin (total) levels. Additionally, the plasma ghrelin (total) elevation to overnight fasting is not altered in rats fed a HF diet on a long-term basis. A HF diet does not impair the ingestive response to acyl-ghrelin. Together, these results suggest that acyl-ghrelin serves as an important orexigenic factor. Results show that insulin pretreatment does not inhibit the plasma ghrelin (total) response to fasting suggesting that meal-induced insulin secretion does not have a role in reducing ghrelin (total) secretion. In rats fed a HF diet, PIO administration increases stomach ghrelin (total) levels. Because PIO can reduce systemic glucose and lipid levels, our findings suggest that elevated glucose and lipid levels are part of the inhibitory mechanism behind reduced ghrelin (total) secretion in rats fed a HF diet.  相似文献   

Intracellular lipids and their synthesis contribute to the mechanisms and complications of obesity-associated diseases. We describe an NMR approach that provides an abbreviated lipidomic analysis with concurrent lipid biosynthetic fluxes. Following deuterated water administration, positional isotopomer analysis by deuterium NMR of specific lipid species was used to examine flux through de novo lipogenesis (DNL), FA elongation, desaturation, and TG-glycerol synthesis. The NMR method obviated certain assumptions regarding sites of enrichment and exchangeable hydrogens required by mass isotope methods. The approach was responsive to genetic and pharmacological gain or loss of function of DNL, elongation, desaturation, and glyceride synthesis. BDF1 mice consuming a high-fat diet (HFD) or matched low-fat diet for 35 weeks were examined across feeding periods to determine how flux through these pathways contributes to diet induced fatty liver and obesity. HFD mice had increased rates of FA elongation and glyceride synthesis. However DNL was markedly suppressed despite insulin resistance and obesity. We conclude that most hepatic TGs in the liver of HFD mice were formed from the reesterification of existing or ingested lipids, not DNL.  相似文献   

Several findings suggest the existence of a "fatty" taste, and the CD36 fatty acid translocase is a candidate taste receptor. The present study compared fat preference and acceptance in CD36 knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice using nutritive (triglyceride and fatty acid) and nonnutritive (Sefa Soyate oil) emulsions. In two-bottle tests (24 h/day) naive KO mice, unlike WT mice, displayed little or no preference for dilute soybean oil, linoleic acid, or Sefa Soyate emulsions. At high concentrations (2.5-20%), KO mice developed significant soybean oil preferences, although they consumed less oil than WT mice. The postoral actions of fat likely conditioned these preferences. KO mice, like WT mice, learned to prefer a flavored solution paired with intragastric soybean oil infusions. These findings support CD36 mediation of a gustatory component to fat preference but demonstrate that it is not essential for fat-conditioned flavor preferences. The finding that oil-naive KO mice failed to prefer a nonnutritive oil, assumed to provide texture rather than taste cues, requires explanation. Finally, CD36 deletion decreased fat consumption and enhanced the ability of the mice to compensate for the calories provided by their optional fat intake.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the antihypertensive and antioxidant effect of seaweeds (Ulva linza and Lessonia trabeculata) in rats which were fed a hypercaloric diet. Seaweed at 400 mg kg?1 of body weight was administered for 8 weeks to Wistar rats that were fed with a standard diet or a hypercaloric diet. Intra-abdominal fat, insulin resistance, and lipid profile of the rats were determined. Liver was isolated to determine antioxidant enzymes [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)] activity and gene expression. The administration of seaweed to the rats reduced the levels of intra-abdominal fat, arterial blood pressure, insulin resistance, and cholesterol and triglyceride serum levels. U. linza reduced the GPx activity in control animals but increased it in animals with MS, which could be reduced by using L. trabeculata. Both seaweeds diminished the SOD and GPx expression and increased CAT in control group. Both seaweeds reduced the CAT expression in animals with metabolic syndrome. Combined effects of the different compounds found in the seaweeds explain the regulating effect over different antioxidant enzymes and metabolic pathways that protect the animals fed a hypercaloric diet against the development of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and obesity.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether long-term feeding a high-fat diet (HFC) has an effect on schistosomiasis mansoni outcome compared to standard chow diet (SC). Swiss Webster female mice (3 wk old) fed each diet over 5 months, and then were infected with 50 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Their nutritional status was assessed by monitoring growth rates twice a week and measuring serum levels of lipoproteins. Mice were euthanised 63 days after infection. Parasitological and liver histological analyses were performed. The levels of TC, HDL-C and LDL-C, fecal and tissue schistosome eggs were statistically different (p<0.05) between groups. Livers from HFC mice showed exudative, exudative/exudative-productive, exudative-productive and productive granulomas, some degree of hepatic steatosis and focal necrosis. Mice fed normal-chow did not present productive granulomas and hepatic steatosis. The morphometric evaluation of hepatic granulomas did not reach statistical significance (p>0.05) between diets assayed. The high-fat diet for long-term produces effects on schistosomiasis mansoni outcome.  相似文献   

Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Nephroblastoma overexpressed protein, also called NOV/CCN3, is an adipokine which is present in various tissues and recently linked to obesity. The...  相似文献   

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