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Aquatic macroaggregates (flocs ≥0.5 mm) provide an important mechanism for vertical flux of nutrients and organic matter in aquatic ecosystems, yet their role in the transport and fate of zoonotic pathogens is largely unknown. Terrestrial pathogens that enter coastal waters through contaminated freshwater runoff may be especially prone to flocculation due to fluid dynamics and electrochemical changes that occur where fresh and marine waters mix. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate whether zoonotic pathogens (Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella) and a virus surrogate (PP7) are associated with aquatic macroaggregates and whether pathogen aggregation is enhanced in saline waters. Targeted microorganisms showed increased association with macroaggregates in estuarine and marine waters, as compared with an ultrapure water control and natural freshwater. Enrichment factor estimations demonstrated that pathogens are 2–4 orders of magnitude more concentrated in aggregates than in the estuarine and marine water surrounding the aggregates. Pathogen incorporation into aquatic macroaggregates may influence their transmission to susceptible hosts through settling and subsequent accumulation in zones where aggregation is greatest, as well as via enhanced uptake by invertebrates that serve as prey for marine animals or as seafood for humans.  相似文献   

Surveillance of zoonotic pathogens in marine birds and mammals in the Northwest Atlantic revealed a diversity of zoonotic agents. We found amplicons to sequences from Brucella spp., Leptospira spp., Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in both marine mammals and birds. Avian influenza was detected in a harp seal and a herring gull. Routine aerobic and anaerobic culture showed a broad range of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics. Of 1460 isolates, 797 were tested for resistance, and 468 were resistant to one or more anti-microbials. 73% (341/468) were resistant to 1-4 drugs and 27% (128/468) resistant to 5-13 drugs. The high prevalence of resistance suggests that many of these isolates could have been acquired from medical and agricultural sources and inter-microbial gene transfer. Combining birds and mammals, 45% (63/141) of stranded and 8% (2/26) of by-caught animals in this study exhibited histopathological and/or gross pathological findings associated with the presence of these pathogens. Our findings indicate that marine mammals and birds in the Northwest Atlantic are reservoirs for potentially zoonotic pathogens, which they may transmit to beachgoers, fishermen and wildlife health personnel. Conversely, zoonotic pathogens found in marine vertebrates may have been acquired via contamination of coastal waters by sewage, run-off and agricultural and medical waste. In either case these animals are not limited by political boundaries and are therefore important indicators of regional and global ocean health.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is a microbial eukaryotic parasite that causes diarrheal disease in humans and other vertebrates worldwide. The negative effect on quality of life and economics caused by G. intestinalis may be increased by its potential status as a zoonosis, or a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. The zoonotic potential of G. intestinalis has been implied for over 2 decades, with human-infecting genotypes (belonging to the 2 major subgroups, Assemblages A and B) occurring in wildlife and domesticated animals. There are recent reports of G. intestinalis in shellfish, seals, sea lions and whales, suggesting that marine animals are also potential reservoirs of human disease. However, the prevalence, genetic diversity and effect of G. intestinalis in marine environments and the role that marine animals play in transmission of this parasite to humans are relatively unexplored. Here, we provide the first thorough molecular characterization of G. intestinalis in marine vertebrates. Using a multi-locus sequencing approach, we identify human-infecting G. intestinalis haplotypes of both Assemblages A and B in the fecal material of dolphins, porpoises, seals, herring gulls Larus argentatus, common eiders Somateria mollissima and a thresher shark Alopias vulpinus. Our results indicate that G. intestinalis is prevalent in marine ecosystems, and a wide range of marine hosts capable of harboring zoonotic forms of this parasite exist. The presence of G. intestinalis in marine ecosystems raises concerns about how this disease might be transmitted among different host species.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are at risk for infection by fecal-associated zoonotic pathogens when they swim and feed in polluted nearshore marine waters. Because of their tendency to consume 25-30% of their body weight per day in coastal filter-feeding invertebrates, southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) can act as sentinels of marine ecosystem health in California. Feces from domestic and wildlife species were tested to determine prevalence, potential virulence, and diversity of selected opportunistic enteric bacterial pathogens in the Monterey Bay region. We hypothesized that if sea otters are sentinels of coastal health, and fecal pollution flows from land to sea, then sea otters and terrestrial animals might share the same enteric bacterial species and strains. Twenty-eight percent of fecal samples tested during 2007-2010 were positive for one or more potential pathogens. Campylobacter spp. were isolated most frequently, with an overall prevalence of 11%, followed by Vibrio cholerae (9%), Salmonella spp. (6%), V. parahaemolyticus (5%), and V. alginolyticus (3%). Sea otters were found positive for all target bacteria, exhibiting similar prevalences for Campylobacter and Salmonella spp. but greater prevalences for Vibrio spp. when compared to terrestrial animals. Fifteen Salmonella serotypes were detected, 11 of which were isolated from opossums. This is the first report of sea otter infection by S. enterica Heidelberg, a serotype also associated with human clinical disease. Similar strains of S. enterica Typhimurium were identified in otters, opossums, and gulls, suggesting the possibility of land-sea transfer of enteric bacterial pathogens from terrestrial sources to sea otters.  相似文献   

Even though occurrence of fungi in several marine environments has been documented, their inclusion within the marine microbial loop is not fully recognized. A major constraint is whether fungi in coastal waters are truly marine or represent transient microorganisms transported from terrestrial environments. We approached this issue by analyzing ambient fungal composition and hydrolytic activity of culturable fungi along a nearshore-offshore gradient in the upwelling ecosystem off central Chile, a region of high marine productivity strongly influenced by river discharges. We detected different communities of fungi in nearshore and offshore waters, with near estuary strains hydrolyzing proteins and carbohydrates faster than those from offshore sites. We conclude that coastal waters off central Chile comprise distinct fungal communities representative of offshore and nearshore environments, and provide new evidence for fungi processing organic matter in coastal ecotones, opening a fresh perspective for disappearance of organics carried by rivers in the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

A review is given of major studies in marine parasitology in Australia. Aspects discussed include: geographical distribution of parasites in Australian coastal waters and their affinities to parasites of other zoogeographical regions; species diversity in Australian coastal surface and deep waters; use of marine parasites for stock discrimination; use of marine parasites as ecological models; ultrastructural and phylogenetic studies of marine parasites; and effects of marine parasites on their hosts.  相似文献   

Fishborne zoonotic metacercariae have not been reported from brackish water and marine fish from Vietnam waters although these parasites are common in the country's freshwater fish. Both wild-caught and cultured grouper (Epinephelus coioides and Epinephelus bleekeri), and mullet (Mugil cephalus) from brackish and marine waters located in Khanh Hoa province in central coastal Vietnam were examined, and found positive for zoonotic trematode metacercariae. From grouper, Heterophyopsis continua and Procerovum varium were recovered. The prevalence of H. continua ranged from 2.0 to 6.0% and that for P. varium ranged from 11.6 to 15.8%. Mullet were infected with Pygidiopsis summa and H. continua both of these species are new records for Vietnam. The prevalence of P. summa in mullet was generally high, ranging from 17.6 to 75.5%, and was significantly higher than the prevalence of H. continua (2.5 to 32.4%). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of metacercariae between grouper from natural or cultured habitats, indicating that the highest risk of infection occurs in the wild-caught state prior to their placement in culture. Further, there was no difference in metacercarial prevalence between the 2 species of grouper. Infected wild-caught seed were only observed from January to October. Monthly variation in prevalence suggests seasonal variation in mullet infections occurs in this region with the highest transmission taking place from October to December. Basic investigations on the ecology and epidemiology of these intestinal flukes need to be carried out to determine their significance as a public health problem and the aspects of their biology that may be vulnerable to control interventions.  相似文献   

Toxin production by harmful cyanobacteria blooms (CyanoHABs) constitutes a major, worldwide environmental threat to freshwater aquatic resources that is expected to expand in scale and intensity with global climate change. Extensive literature exists on the most frequently encountered cyanotoxin, microcystin, in freshwater environments. Yet, the expansion of microcystin producing CyanoHABs and the transport of contaminated inland waters to estuarine and coastal marine waters has only recently received attention. This paper synthesizes information on the salinity tolerance of microcystin producing cyanobacteria and summarizes available case reports on microcystin presence in estuarine and coastal waters. We highlight a potential food-borne exposure route to humans by reviewing the growing body of evidence that shows microcystins can accumulate in coastal seafood. These cases reinforce the importance of freshwater nutrient reduction and the need for freshwater management efforts to look beyond lacustrine and riverine systems. Events reviewed here likely only represent a small proportion of cases where microcystins affect estuarine and coastal waters. We strongly suggest increased monitoring and research efforts to understand, react to, and prevent ecological and health problems associated with the growing problem of toxic CyanoHABs in coastal environments.  相似文献   

The flux of terrestrially derived pathogens to coastal waters presents a significant health risk to marine wildlife, as well as to humans who utilize the nearshore for recreation and seafood harvest. Anthropogenic changes in natural habitats may result in increased transmission of zoonotic pathogens to coastal waters. The objective of our work was to evaluate how human-caused alterations of coastal landscapes in California affect the transport of Toxoplasma gondii to estuarine waters. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that is excreted in the feces of infected felids and is thought to reach coastal waters in contaminated runoff. This zoonotic pathogen causes waterborne toxoplasmosis in humans and is a significant cause of death in threatened California sea otters. Surrogate particles that mimic the behavior of T. gondii oocysts in water were released in transport studies to evaluate if the loss of estuarine wetlands is contributing to an increased flux of oocysts into coastal waters. Compared to vegetated sites, more surrogates were recovered from unvegetated mudflat habitats, which represent degraded wetlands. Specifically, in Elkhorn Slough, where a large proportion of otters are infected with T. gondii, erosion of 36% of vegetated wetlands to mudflats may increase the flux of oocysts by more than 2 orders of magnitude. Total degradation of wetlands may result in increased Toxoplasma transport of 6 orders of magnitude or more. Destruction of wetland habitats along central coastal California may thus facilitate pathogen pollution in coastal waters with detrimental health impacts to wildlife and humans.Estuaries are recognized as being critically endangered worldwide. Pollution of estuarine waters is a significant threat to the health of aquatic life, as well as to humans who depend on coastal habitats (23). Contamination of nearshore waters with terrestrially derived, zoonotic pathogens has received little attention in the field of marine water pollution, which has primarily focused on chemical and nutrient pollutants (22, 42, 46, 55). Yet, studies have documented the presence of fecal pathogens from terrestrial animals in coastal waters and filter-feeding shellfish (7, 37, 48), as well as infections and deaths in aquatic wildlife and humans who become exposed through recreation activities or seafood (4, 18, 39). The zoonotic parasite Toxoplasma gondii is emerging as an important waterborne pathogen in both human and marine wildlife populations (2, 3, 6, 11, 15, 38). Consumption of raw oysters, clams, or mussels has recently been determined to be a risk factor for human exposure to T. gondii (24). Moreover, this parasite is an important cause of death in threatened Southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) (10, 29). Sea otter infection appears most likely to result from ingestion of environmentally resistant T. gondii oocysts that reach coastal waters in contaminated freshwater runoff (35, 36). These oocysts are shed in the feces of infected wild and domestic felids, with an individual cat capable of shedding up to 1 billion oocysts over several days postinfection (12).Elkhorn Slough, within Monterey Bay in California, is one of the high-risk sites for sea otter infection with T. gondii, with seroprevalence rates of 79% in otters sampled in this area (35). To date, the reasons for the high sea otter prevalence of infections with T. gondii at this site remain unknown. This estuarine habitat has been extensively altered by human activities and is listed as an impaired body of water by the State of California (9). Specifically, extensive degradation has been observed in the slough, with over one-third of vegetated wetlands converted to mudflats due to erosion (49). While the effect of this landscape alteration on the transport of waterborne pathogens is not currently known, such degradation may facilitate contamination of nearshore waters with T. gondii.Wetland habitats provide valuable ecosystem services, including improvement of effluent water quality characteristics through removal of a variety of pollutants (28, 50, 57). Artificially constructed wetlands are now used globally in water treatment facilities to remove nutrients, chemical pollutants, and fecal pathogens from contaminated waters before discharge into receiving water bodies (8, 17, 21, 26, 27). However, compared with freshwater and constructed wetlands, significantly less research has focused on the effects of natural, estuarine wetlands on water quality. In the few studies that investigated the impact of saltwater marshes on marine water quality, these habitats were shown to reduce concentrations of chemicals and nutrients that reach coastal waters in contaminated overland runoff (5, 51). In addition, the percentage of watershed-impervious surface coverage and reduction of natural coastal habitats due to anthropogenic changes has been associated with increased coastal water pollution (33, 34). Despite previous research suggesting a link between wetland degradation and coastal pathogen pollution (5, 33, 34, 51), the role estuarine wetlands play in the transport of terrestrial pathogens from land to sea has not been previously investigated.The overall goal of our research was to evaluate the effect of coastal wetland degradation on contamination of estuarine and coastal waters with terrestrially derived, zoonotic pathogens. Specifically, the objective of this study was to measure T. gondii oocyst transport through vegetated estuarine wetlands and nonvegetated mudflats to quantify the effect of vegetation loss on the flux of this zoonotic pathogen to coastal waters. Due to the biohazard risks associated with the release of environmentally resistant oocysts, experiments used previously validated surrogate microspheres and a specially designed flume that was deployed in vegetated and mudflat (nonvegetated) estuarine wetland habitats. The flume-in-field study design allowed for replication of experiments using specific hydrological parameters while conducting the study within a natural estuarine environment with in situ vegetation, substrate, and water. The two autofluorescent microspheres used in this study have similar physical and surface chemistry properties to T. gondii oocysts and have been previously evaluated as surrogate particles for this protozoan parasite (44). Our results provide novel insights into the consequences of changes in coastal habitat on the ecology of zoonotic infectious disease organisms in coastal marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are food- and waterborne zoonotic pathogens that cause diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans but little or no discernible disease in their animal reservoirs. Like other zoonotic infections, EHEC are illustrative of the One Health concept as they embody the complex ecology of agricultural animals, wildlife, and the environment in zoonotic transmission of EHEC O157. But compared to the detailed epidemiological and clinical information available for EHEC infection in humans, there is an incomplete understanding of the ecology of EHEC infection in animals and the persistence of EHEC bacteria in the environment. Significant aspects of the microbiology, epidemiology, and host-pathogen interactions of EHEC in animals remain undefined. This review highlights the nature of EHEC infection in humans, provides a One Health perspective on what is known about EHEC in animal and environmental reservoirs, and proposes interventions targeted at pathways of transmission to optimize effective prevention and control measures.  相似文献   

江苏近海生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
夏涛  陈尚  张涛  王敏 《生态学报》2014,34(17):5069-5076
海洋生态系统服务是人类从海洋生态系统中获得的效益,对沿海地区社会经济具有重要的支撑作用。采用国家标准《海洋生态资本评估技术导则》的方法,评估了江苏省管辖海域的生态系统服务价值,并揭示了其空间分布特征。江苏近海海域面积1.18万km2,2008年提供的生态系统服务总价值为426.02亿元,供给服务、文化服务、调节服务和支持服务价值分别为226.38亿元,186.61亿元,12.68亿元和0.34亿元;3个沿海地市比较,盐城近海生态系统服务价值最高,为184.55亿元;其次是连云港近海,为155.58亿元;南通近海最低,为85.89亿元。江苏近海生态系统服务价值空间分布密度平均为361.91万元/km2,从近岸到远海总体呈逐渐降低趋势,高值区主要分布在滨海旅游区和海洋保护区,中值区出现在养殖区,其它海域的服务价值则较低。江苏近海生态系统服务利用属于供给服务和文化服务共同主导的综合开发利用型,连云港近海属于文化服务主导的开发利用型,盐城近海属于供给服务和文化服务共同主导的综合开发利用型,南通近海则属于供给服务主导的开发利用型。建议在江苏近海开展离岸养殖工程,以提高近海供给服务价值;在盐城,特别是南通近岸海域开发海洋公园、渔家乐和其他亲水性旅游活动以提高文化服务价值。  相似文献   

The role of marine birds, mammals, turtles and fish as vectors of infectious agents of potential risk to humans can be examined from a variety of perspectives. The studies in this DAO Special include a broad survey of multiple agents and species, a sequencing study of Giardia intestinalis haplotypes known to be pathogenic to humans, an assessment of risks to humans working with marine mammals, a source tracking study using E. coli ribotypes, studies of regional Salmonella and Brucella epizootiology, a serology survey and a case report of a herpes simplex infection in a dolphin. Additionally, a recently published study (Venn-Watson et al. 2008; Dis Aquat Org 79:87-93) classifying pure cultures of bacteria from a captive dolphin colony also pertains to this theme. These studies raise the following questions: whether the presence of zoonotic agents in marine vertebrates represents a risk to other marine vertebrates, humans, or both; what are the routes by which these marine vertebrate zoonotic infections are acquired and circulated in the marine ecosystem; to what degree are such agents subclinical versus causes of overt disease in marine vertebrates; what are the subsets of the human population most likely to be affected by such infections; and which human health preventive measures would seem reasonable?  相似文献   

Globally it is estimated that up to 37% of all marine mammals are at a risk of extinction, due in particular to human impacts, including coastal pollution. Dolphins are known to be at risk from anthropogenic contaminants due to their longevity and high trophic position. While it is known that beach-cast animals are often high in contaminants, it has not been possible to determine whether levels may also be high in live animals from the same populations. In this paper we quantitatively assess mercury contamination in the two main populations of a newly described dolphin species from south eastern Australia, Tursiops australis. This species appear to be limited to coastal waters in close proximity to a major urban centre, and as such is likely to be vulnerable to anthropogenic pollution. For the first time, we were able to compare blubber mercury concentrations from biopsy samples of live individuals and necropsies of beach-cast animals and show that beach-cast animals were highly contaminated with mercury, at almost three times the levels found in live animals. Levels in live animals were also high, and are attributable to chronic low dose exposure to mercury from the dolphin''s diet. Measurable levels of mercury were found in a number of important prey fish species. This illustrates the potential for low dose toxins in the environment to pass through marine food webs and potentially contribute to marine mammal deaths. This study demonstrates the potential use of blubber from biopsy samples to make inferences about the health of dolphins exposed to mercury.  相似文献   

Incidental capture in fisheries threatens many marine vertebrates, however, conservation cannot be effective without identifying major sources of mortality. For the critically endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), a reliance on fisheries observer data and an absence of behavioural data sets corresponding to a large and diverse sample of animals have focused conservation efforts on a very limited part of the species marine habitat. Using the largest satellite telemetry data set for Atlantic leatherbacks, morphometrics from foraging animals and entanglement records, we show annual return migrations to key feeding areas by males, females and juveniles, and demonstrate the importance of northern latitudes to leatherbacks. We show that leatherbacks are vulnerable to entanglement in northern coastal and shelf waters, where turtle–fishery interactions represent a greater threat to this species than previously recognized. Unless conservation efforts expand to coastal and shelf areas, present efforts alone will not be sufficient to save the species.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide yet its origin remains unclear. Two potential scenarios of how infection of humans initially occurred include zoonotic transfer from wild animals and a leak of the pathogen from a research laboratory. The Wuhan wet markets where wild animals are sold represent a strong scenario for zoonotic transfer. However, isolation of SARS-CoV-2 or its immediate predecessor from wild animals in their natural environment has yet to be documented. Due to incomplete evidence for a zoonotic origin, a laboratory origin is plausible. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the epicenter of the pandemic and their work has included manipulation of wild-type coronavirus to enable infection of human cells. Although stronger evidence supports the zoonotic transfer, inconclusive reports maintain the laboratory leak hypothesis alive. It is imperative to reach a factual conclusion to prevent future pandemics.  相似文献   

The shared diseases between animals and humans are known as zoonotic diseases and spread infectious diseases among humans. Zoonotic diseases are not only a major burden to livestock industry but also threaten humans accounting for >60% cases of human illness. About 75% of emerging infectious diseases in humans have been reported to originate from zoonotic pathogens. Because antibiotics are frequently used to protect livestock from bacterial diseases, the development of antibiotic‐resistant strains of epidemic and zoonotic pathogens is now a major concern. Live attenuated and killed vaccines are the only option to control these infectious diseases and this approach has been used since 1890. However, major problems with this approach include high cost and injectable vaccines is impractical for >20 billion poultry animals or fish in aquaculture. Plants offer an attractive and affordable platform for vaccines against animal diseases because of their low cost, and they are free of attenuated pathogens and cold chain requirement. Therefore, several plant‐based vaccines against human and animals diseases have been developed recently that undergo clinical and regulatory approval. Plant‐based vaccines serve as ideal booster vaccines that could eliminate multiple boosters of attenuated bacteria or viruses, but requirement of injectable priming with adjuvant is a current limitation. So, new approaches like oral vaccines are needed to overcome this challenge. In this review, we discuss the progress made in plant‐based vaccines against zoonotic or other animal diseases and future challenges in advancing this field.  相似文献   

During the breeding season seabirds are constrained to coastal areas and are restricted in their movements, spending much of their time in near-shore waters either loafing or foraging. However, in using these areas they may be threatened by anthropogenic activities such as fishing, watersports and coastal developments including marine renewable energy installations. Although many studies describe large scale interactions between seabirds and the environment, the drivers behind near-shore, fine-scale distributions are not well understood. For example, Alderney is an important breeding ground for many species of seabird and has a diversity of human uses of the marine environment, thus providing an ideal location to investigate the near-shore fine-scale interactions between seabirds and the environment. We used vantage point observations of seabird distribution, collected during the 2013 breeding season in order to identify and quantify some of the environmental variables affecting the near-shore, fine-scale distribution of seabirds in Alderney’s coastal waters. We validate the models with observation data collected in 2014 and show that water depth, distance to the intertidal zone, and distance to the nearest seabird nest are key predictors in the distribution of Alderney’s seabirds. AUC values for each species suggest that these models perform well, although the model for shags performed better than those for auks and gulls. While further unexplained underlying localised variation in the environmental conditions will undoubtedly effect the fine-scale distribution of seabirds in near-shore waters we demonstrate the potential of this approach in marine planning and decision making.  相似文献   

山东近海生态资本价值评估——供给服务价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  陈尚  夏涛  杜国英  王蔚  张涛 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5561-5570
海洋生态资本是沿海地区社会经济活动的重要生产要素,供给服务价值是海洋生态资本价值的关键构成要素之一。选择养殖生产、捕捞生产和氧气生产3个指标,分别采用市场价格法和替代成本法对山东近海生态系统提供的供给服务价值进行了评估,并揭示山东近海供给服务价值的空间分布规律。山东近海3.16万km2的海域,2008年产出的供给服务价值为574.1亿元,占全省沿海地级市生产总值的3.62%。其中,养殖生产价值452.86亿元,捕捞生产价值66.02亿元,氧气生产价值55.23亿元。山东沿海7个地级市比较,威海和烟台近海的供给服务价值最高,分别为180亿元和169.13亿元;其次是青岛近海,为103.58亿元;滨州、潍坊、日照和东营近海较低且相差不大。山东近海生态系统供给服务价值的分布密度平均为167.7万元/km2。供给服务价值的高值区集中分布于青岛和日照近海,中值区主要分布于威海和烟台近海,滨州、东营和潍坊近海的分布密度较低。山东近海生态系统供给服务价值空间分布遵守从近岸向外海总体降低的规律,有养殖区分布的局部海域,供给服务价值较高。山东近海供给服务与调节服务、支持服务存在正相关的关系,养殖生产、捕捞生产、氧气生产3项服务之间也存在互相促进的关系。山东近海供给服务价值,尤其是养殖生产对山东沿海经济发展有着重要的支撑作用。  相似文献   

The 20 or so species of Leishmania which have been recorded as human infections are all either zoonotic, or have recent zoonotic origins. Their distribution is determined by that of their vector, their reservoir host, or both, so is dependent on precise environmental features. This concatenation of limiting factors leads to specific environmental requirements and focal distribution of zoonotic or anthroponotic sources. Human infection is dependent on the ecological relationship between human activity and reservoir systems. Examples are available of the emergence of leishmaniasis from the distant past to the present, and can be postulated for the future. These emergences have been provoked by the adoption of new, secondary reservoir hosts, the adoption of new vector species, transport of infection in humans or domestic animals, invasion by humans of zoonotic foci, and irruption of reservoir hosts beyond their normal range. The leishmaniases therefore present an excellent model for emerging disease in general, and for the generation of the principles governing emergence. The model is, however, limited by gaps in our knowledge, usually quantitative, sometimes qualitative, of the structure of reservoir systems.  相似文献   

Resourceful heterotrophs make the most of light in the coastal ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The carbon cycle in the coastal ocean is affected by how heterotrophic marine bacterioplankton obtain their energy. Although it was previously thought that these organisms relied on the organic carbon in seawater for all of their energy needs, several recent discoveries now suggest that pelagic bacteria can depart from a strictly heterotrophic lifestyle by obtaining energy through unconventional mechanisms that are linked to the penetration of sunlight into surface waters. These newly discovered mechanisms involve the harvesting of energy, either directly from light or indirectly from inorganic compounds that are formed when dissolved organic carbon absorbs light. In coastal systems, these mixed metabolic strategies have implications for how efficiently organic carbon is retained in the marine food web and how climatically important gases are exchanged between the ocean and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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