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To study the effects of age structure in predator-prey systems, a general, analytically tractable model is formulated and solved. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model in a study of a specific system of two mites. We show that to maintain stable equilibrium between the herbaceous (pest) mite and the predacious mite, the nonintuitive strategy of reducing the growth rate of the predator may be necessary. The modelling technique allows a determination of the magnitude of the effect of age structure on stability.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in biological populations and the effect of spatial patterns on ecological interactions are central topics in mathematical ecology. Various approaches to modeling have been developed to enable us to understand spatial patterns ranging from plant distributions to plankton aggregation. We present a new approach to modeling spatial interactions by deriving approximations for the time evolution of the moments (mean and spatial covariance) of ensembles of distributions of organisms; the analysis is made possible by “moment closure,” neglecting higher-order spatial structure in the population. We use the growth and competition of plants in an explicitly spatial environment as a starting point for exploring the properties of second-order moment equations and comparing them to realizations of spatial stochastic models. We find that for a wide range of effective neighborhood sizes (each plant interacting with several to dozens of neighbors), the mean-covariance model provides a useful and analytically tractable approximation to the stochastic spatial model, and combines useful features of stochastic models and traditional reaction-diffusion-like models.  相似文献   

There are two main types of metapopulation models. Spatially implicit models are analytically tractable but neglect spatial heterogeneities. Spatially explicit models are more realistic but too complex. In this paper, I build a bridge between both approximations. I derive a new metapopulation model using a well-known technique in population genetics. Spatial heterogeneities are captured by an aggregate statistical measure of spatial correlation. When this correlation is zero, i.e., space is homogeneous, the model becomes the well-known Levins' model. As spatial correlation increases, equilibrium patch occupancy decreases from what would be expected under the spatially homogeneous assumption. I proceed by testing how well spatial complexities from a spatially explicit simulation can be encapsulated by such an aggregate statistical measure.  相似文献   

The interplay between space and evolution is an important issue in population dynamics, that is particularly crucial in the emergence of polymorphism and spatial patterns. Recently, biological studies suggest that invasion and evolution are closely related. Here, we model the interplay between space and evolution starting with an individual-based approach and show the important role of parameter scalings on clustering and invasion. We consider a stochastic discrete model with birth, death, competition, mutation and spatial diffusion, where all the parameters may depend both on the position and on the phenotypic trait of individuals. The spatial motion is driven by a reflected diffusion in a bounded domain. The interaction is modelled as a trait competition between individuals within a given spatial interaction range. First, we give an algorithmic construction of the process. Next, we obtain large population approximations, as weak solutions of nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations. As the spatial interaction range is fixed, the nonlinearity is nonlocal. Then, we make the interaction range decrease to zero and prove the convergence to spatially localized nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations. Finally, a discussion of three concrete examples is proposed, based on simulations of the microscopic individual-based model. These examples illustrate the strong effects of the spatial interaction range on the emergence of spatial and phenotypic diversity (clustering and polymorphism) and on the interplay between invasion and evolution. The simulations focus on the qualitative differences between local and nonlocal interactions.   相似文献   

The effect of dispersal and inbreeding on the evolution of seed dormancy to avoid sib competition is theoretically investigated, using a model which assumes a plant population with patchy spatial structure in a constant environment. Applying the inclusive fitness method, the evolutionarily stable dormancy rates are analytically derived for three cases: (a) an asexual haploid population, (b) a diploid-hermaphrodite population in which the dormancy rate is controlled by seeds, and (c) a diploid-hermaphrodite population in which the dormancy rate is controlled by mother plants. The evolutionarily stable dormancy rates decrease in the order of case (c), case (a), and case (b). In all the cases, the evolutionarily stable dormancy rates increase with decreasing the dispersal rate. Although inbreeding generally increases the evolutionarily stable dormancy rates, inbreeding due to selfing reduces the rate exceptionally in case (c).  相似文献   

Folding of RNA sequences into secondary structures is viewed as a map that assigns a uniquely defined base pairing pattern to every sequence. The mapping is non-invertible since many sequences fold into the same minimum free energy (secondary) structure or shape. The pre-images of this map, called neutral networks, are uniquely associated with the shapes and vice versa. Random graph theory is used to construct networks in sequence space which are suitable models for neutral networks. The theory of molecular quasispecies has been applied to replication and mutation on single-peak fitness landscapes. This concept is extended by considering evolution on degenerate multi-peak landscapes which originate from neutral networks by assuming that one particular shape is fitter than all the others. On such a single-shape landscape the superior fitness value is assigned to all sequences belonging to the master shape. All other shapes are lumped together and their fitness values are averaged in a way that is reminiscent of mean field theory. Replication and mutation on neutral networks are modeled by phenomenological rate equations as well as by a stochastic birth-and-death model. In analogy to the error threshold in sequence space the phenotypic error threshold separates two scenarios: (i) a stationary (fittest) master shape surrounded by closely related shapes and (ii) populations drifting through shape space by a diffusion-like process. The error classes of the quasispecies model are replaced by distance classes between the master shape and the other structures. Analytical results are derived for single-shape landscapes, in particular, simple expressions are obtained for the mean fraction of master shapes in a population and for phenotypic error thresholds. The analytical results are complemented by data obtained from computer simulation of the underlying stochastic processes. The predictions of the phenomenological approach on the single-shape landscape are very well reproduced by replication and mutation kinetics of tRNA(phe). Simulation of the stochastic process at a resolution of individual distance classes yields data which are in excellent agreement with the results derived from the birth-and-death model.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) occurs in the epithelia of many animals and can lead to the alignment of hairs, bristles, and feathers. Here, we present two approaches to modelling this phenomenon. The aim is to discover the basic mechanisms that drive PCP, while keeping the models mathematically tractable. We present a feedback and diffusion model, in which adjacent cell sides of neighbouring cells are coupled by a negative feedback loop and diffusion acts within the cell. This approach can give rise to polarity, but also to period two patterns. Polarisation arises via an instability provided a sufficiently strong feedback and sufficiently weak diffusion. Moreover, we discuss a conservative model in which proteins within a cell are redistributed depending on the amount of proteins in the neighbouring cells, coupled with intracellular diffusion. In this case, polarity can arise from weakly polarised initial conditions or via a wave provided the diffusion is weak enough. Both models can overcome small anomalies in the initial conditions. Furthermore, the range of the effects of groups of cells with different properties than the surrounding cells depends on the strength of the initial global cue and the intracellular diffusion.  相似文献   

Oscillatory dynamics in rock-paper-scissors games with mutations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the oscillatory dynamics in the generic three-species rock-paper-scissors games with mutations. In the mean-field limit, different behaviors are found: (a) for high mutation rate, there is a stable interior fixed point with coexistence of all species; (b) for low mutation rates, there is a region of the parameter space characterized by a limit cycle resulting from a Hopf bifurcation; (c) in the absence of mutations, there is a region where heteroclinic cycles yield oscillations of large amplitude (not robust against noise). After a discussion on the main properties of the mean-field dynamics, we investigate the stochastic version of the model within an individual-based formulation. Demographic fluctuations are therefore naturally accounted and their effects are studied using a diffusion theory complemented by numerical simulations. It is thus shown that persistent erratic oscillations (quasi-cycles) of large amplitude emerge from a noise-induced resonance phenomenon. We also analytically and numerically compute the average escape time necessary to reach a (quasi-)cycle on which the system oscillates at a given amplitude.  相似文献   

Evolution of Cooperation in Spatially Structured Populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a spatial lattice model of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma we studied the evolution of cooperation within the strategy space of all stochastic strategies with a memory of one round. Comparing the spatial model with a randomly mixed model showed that (1) there is more cooperative behaviour in a spatially structured population, (2) PAVLOV and generous variants of it are very successful strategies in the spatial context and (3) in spatially structured populations evolution is much less chaotic than in unstructured populations. In spatially structured populations, generous variants of PAVLOV are found to be very successful strategies in playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. The main weakness of PAVLOV is that it is exploitable by defective strategies. In a spatial context this disadvantage is much less important than the good error correction of PAVLOV, and especially of generous PAVLOV, because in a spatially structured population successful strategies always build clusters.  相似文献   

We consider a two-species competition model in which the species have the same population dynamics but different dispersal strategies. Both species disperse by a combination of random diffusion and advection along environmental gradients, with the same random dispersal rates but different advection coefficients. Regarding these advection coefficients as movement strategies of the species, we investigate their course of evolution. By applying invasion analysis we find that if the spatial environmental variation is less than a critical value, there is a unique evolutionarily singular strategy, which is also evolutionarily stable. If the spatial environmental variation exceeds the critical value, there can be three or more evolutionarily singular strategies, one of which is not evolutionarily stable. Our results suggest that the evolution of conditional dispersal of organisms depends upon the spatial heterogeneity of the environment in a subtle way.  相似文献   

The lottery model is a stochastic population model in which juveniles compete for space. Examples include sedentary organisms such as trees in a forest and members of marine benthic communities. The behavior of this model appears to be characteristic of that found in other sorts of stochastic competition models. In a community with two species, it was previously demonstrated that coexistence of the species is possible if adult death rates are small and environmental variation is large. Environmental variation is incorporated by assuming that the birth rates and death rates are random variables. Complicated conditions for coexistence and competitive exclusion have been derived elsewhere. In this paper, simple and easily interpreted conditions are found by using the technique of diffusion approximation. Formulae are given for the stationary distribution and means and variances of population fluctuations. The shape of the stationary distribution allows the stability of the coexistence to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Steady-state microdialysis is a widely used technique to monitor the concentration changes and distributions of substances in tissues. To obtain more information about brain tissue properties from microdialysis, a dual-probe approach was applied to infuse and sample the radiotracer, [3H]mannitol, simultaneously both in agar gel and in the rat striatum. Because the molecules released by one probe and collected by the other must diffuse through the interstitial space, the concentration profile exhibits dynamic behavior that permits the assessment of the diffusion characteristics in the brain extracellular space and the clearance characteristics. In this paper a mathematical model for dual-probe microdialysis was developed to study brain interstitial diffusion and clearance processes. Theoretical expressions for the spatial distribution of the infused tracer in the brain extracellular space and the temporal concentration at the probe outlet were derived. A fitting program was developed using the simplex algorithm, which finds local minima of the standard deviations between experiments and theory by adjusting the relevant parameters. The theoretical curves accurately fitted the experimental data and generated realistic diffusion parameters, implying that the mathematical model is capable of predicting the interstitial diffusion behavior of [3H]mannitol and that it will be a valuable quantitative tool in dual-probe microdialysis.  相似文献   

A generalization of the “constant overall organization” constraint of Eigen's quasispecies and hypercycle models, called herein “global population regulation”, is shown to lead to mathematically tractable spatial generalizations of these two models. The spatially uniform steady state of Eigen's quasispecies model is shown to be stable and globally attracting for all possible values of the mutation and replication rates. In contrast, the spatially and temporally uniform solutions to the hypercycle with fewer than five members, the only ones insensitive to stochastic perturbations, are shown to be unstable, and a lower bound to the spatial inhomogeneities is obtained. The prospect that the spatially localized hypercycle might be immune to various instabilities cited in the literature is then briefly considered. Although spatial localization makes possible a much richer dynamical repertoire than previously considered, it is also more difficult to understand how Darwinian selection of hypercycles could result in a unique genetic code.  相似文献   

The paper offers a partial vindication of Sterelny’s view on the role of error rates and reliability in his theory of decoupled representation based on modelling techniques borrowed from the biological literature on evolution in stochastic environments. In the case of a tight link between tracking states and behaviour, I argue that in its full generality Sterelny’s account instantiates the base-rate fallacy. With regard to non-tightly linked behaviour, I show that Sterelny’s account can be vindicated subject to an adequate evolutionary model and a suitable notion of reliability.  相似文献   

Various diffusion processes employed for modelling logistic growth are briefly summarized. A discrete-time, discrete-state space stochastic process for population growth is proposed and analyzed with either Bose-Einstein or Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics for the distribution of offspring in available sites in a restricted region. A diffusion approximation is constructed, which differs from those previously employed. The logistic law is a natural deterministic analog of the diffusion process.  相似文献   

A recently proposed mathematical model of a “core” set of cellular and molecular interactions present in the developing vertebrate limb was shown to exhibit pattern-forming instabilities and limb skeleton-like patterns under certain restrictive conditions, suggesting that it may authentically represent the underlying embryonic process (Hentschel et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 271, 1713–1722, 2004). The model, an eight-equation system of partial differential equations, incorporates the behavior of mesenchymal cells as “reactors,” both participating in the generation of morphogen patterns and changing their state and position in response to them. The full system, which has smooth solutions that exist globally in time, is nonetheless highly complex and difficult to handle analytically or numerically. According to a recent classification of developmental mechanisms (Salazar-Ciudad et al., Development 130, 2027–2037, 2003), the limb model of Hentschel et al. is “morphodynamic,” since differentiation of new cell types occurs simultaneously with cell rearrangement. This contrasts with “morphostatic” mechanisms, in which cell identity becomes established independently of cell rearrangement. Under the hypothesis that development of some vertebrate limbs employs the core mechanism in a morphostatic fashion, we derive in an analytically rigorous fashion a pair of equations representing the spatiotemporal evolution of the morphogen fields under the assumption that cell differentiation relaxes faster than the evolution of the overall cell density (i.e., the morphostatic limit of the full system). This simple reaction–diffusion system is unique in having been derived analytically from a substantially more complex system involving multiple morphogens, extracellular matrix deposition, haptotaxis, and cell translocation. We identify regions in the parameter space of the reduced system where Turing-type pattern formation is possible, which we refer to as its “Turing space.” Obtained values of the parameters are used in numerical simulations of the reduced system, using a new Galerkin finite element method, in tissue domains with nonstandard geometry. The reduced system exhibits patterns of spots and stripes like those seen in developing limbs, indicating its potential utility in hybrid continuum-discrete stochastic modeling of limb development. Lastly, we discuss the possible role in limb evolution of selection for increasingly morphostatic developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a brief review of the well-known methods of reducing spatially structured population models to mean-field models. First, we discuss the terminology of mean-field approximation which is used in the ecological modelling literature and show that the various existing interpretations of the mean-field concept can imply different meanings. Then we classify and compare various methods of reducing spatially explicit models to mean-field models: spatial moment approximation, aggregation techniques and the mean-field limit of IBMs. We emphasize the importance of spatial scales in the reduction of spatially explicit models and briefly consider the inverse problem of scaling up local ecological interactions from microscales to macroscales. Then we discuss the current challenges and limitations for construction of mean-field population models. We emphasize the need for developing mixed methods based on a combination of various reduction techniques to cope with the spatio-temporal complexity of real ecosystems including processes taking place on multiple time and space scales. Finally, we argue that the construction of analytically tractable mean-field models is becoming a key issue to provide an insight into the major mechanisms of ecosystem functioning. We complete this review by introducing the contributions to the current special issue of Ecological Complexity.  相似文献   

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