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Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) maps have been constructed for cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using three independent sets of RFLP probes. The aim of this research was to integrate RFLP markers from two sets with RFLP markers for resistance gene candidate (RGC) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Genomic DNA samples of HA370 and HA372, the parents of the F2 population used to build the map, were screened for AFLPs using 42 primer combinations and RFLPs using 136 cDNA probes (RFLP analyses were performed on DNA digested with EcoRI, HindIII, EcoRV, or DraI). The AFLP primers produced 446 polymorphic and 1101 monomorphic bands between HA370 and HA372. The integrated map was built by genotyping 296 AFLP and 104 RFLP markers on 180 HA370 x HA372 F2 progeny (the AFLP marker assays were performed using 18 primer combinations). The HA370 x HA372 map comprised 17 linkage groups, presumably corresponding to the 17 haploid chromosomes of sunflower, had a mean density of 3.3 cM, and was 1326 cM long. Six RGC RFLP loci were polymorphic and mapped to three linkage groups (LG8, LG13, and LG15). AFLP markers were densely clustered on several linkage groups, and presumably reside in centromeric regions where recombination is reduced and the ratio of genetic to physical distance is low. Strategies for targeting markers to euchromatic DNA need to be tested in sunflower. The HA370 x HA372 map integrated 14 of 17 linkage groups from two independent RFLP maps. Three linkage groups were devoid of RFLP markers from one of the two maps.  相似文献   

Summary A detailed linkage map ofB. rapa (syn.campestris) was constructed based on segregation of 280 restriction fragment length polymorphism loci, detected by using 188 genomic DNA clones as probes on DNAs from a F2 population of Chinese cabbage MichihilF×Spring broccoli. These genetic markers covered 1,850 centiMorgans (cM) and defined ten linkage groups, which equals the haploid chromosome number of this species. Extensive sequence duplication was evident by the detection of two or more segregating loci with each of 69 clones (36.7% of the total). Although some duplicated loci were randomly distributed throughout the genome, many had linkage arrangements that were conserved on different linkage groups, suggesting that large chromosome fragments were present in multiple copies. However, conservation in the linkage arrangement of duplicate loci throughout entire pairs of linkage groups was not observed. Single-copy loci were often found to be located within conserved duplicated regions, and linkage distances between some loci having conserved duplicated arrangements were substantially different between the duplicated regions. Structural rearrangements, such as insertions, deletions, and inversions or combinations of these events, seemed to be related to the alternations of map distances between duplicated loci and to the dispersal of duplicated chromosome fragments. These results suggest thatB. rapa has evolved in part by duplication of chromosomes or large chromosome fragments with subsequent structural rearrangements.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for human chromosome 3 has been constructed using 41 polymorphic DNA markers genotyped in 40 CEPH reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 261 cM in males and 413 cM in females; the ratio of these distances (approximately 1.6 in favor of female meioses) was fairly constant across the map. Frequency of recombination was relatively uniform throughout much of the chromosome, except that in both telomeric regions recombination was more frequent than the physical distances would predict. The genetic map was basically in agreement with physical localization of 24 loci that were mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization. This map can be used for linkage studies for genetic diseases, and it will serve as a step toward a high-resolution map for human chromosome 3.  相似文献   

We describe a new basis for the construction of a genetic linkage map of the human genome. The basic principle of the mapping scheme is to develop, by recombinant DNA techniques, random single-copy DNA probes capable of detecting DNA sequence polymorphisms, when hybridized to restriction digests of an individual's DNA. Each of these probes will define a locus. Loci can be expanded or contracted to include more or less polymorphism by further application of recombinant DNA technology. Suitably polymorphic loci can be tested for linkage relationships in human pedigrees by established methods; and loci can be arranged into linkage groups to form a true genetic map of "DNA marker loci." Pedigrees in which inherited traits are known to be segregating can then be analyzed, making possible the mapping of the gene(s) responsible for the trait with respect to the DNA marker loci, without requiring direct access to a specified gene's DNA. For inherited diseases mapped in this way, linked DNA marker loci can be used predictively for genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Summary Cuphea lanceolata Ait. has had a significant role in the domestication of Cuphea and is a useful experimental organism for investigating how medium-chain lipids are synthesized in developing seeds. To expand the genetics of this species, a linkage map of the C. lanceolata genome was constructed using five allozyme and 32 restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) marker loci. These loci were assigned to six linkage groups that correspond to the six chromosomes of this species. Map length is 288 cM. Levels of polymorphism were estimated for three inbred lines of C. lanceolata and an inbred line of C. viscosissima using 84 random genomic clones and two restriction enzymes, EcoRI and HindIII. Of the probes 29% detected RFLPs between C. lanceolata and C. viscosissima lines. Crosses between these species can be exploited to expand the map.  相似文献   

To construct a high-density molecular linkage map of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam), we used a two-way pseudo-testcross F1 population consisting of 82 individuals to analyze three types of markers: restriction fragment length polymorphism markers, which we detected by using genomic probes from Italian ryegrass as well as heterologous anchor probes from other species belonging to the Poaceae family, amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, which we detected by using PstI/MseI primer combinations, and telomeric repeat associated sequence markers. Of the restriction fragment length polymorphism probes that we generated from a PstI genomic library, 74% (239 of 323) of randomly selected probes detected hybridization patterns consistent with single-copy or low-copy genetic locus status in the screening. The 385 (mostly restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers that we selected from the 1226 original markers were grouped into seven linkage groups. The maps cover 1244.4 cM, with an average of 3.7 cM between markers. This information will prove useful for gene targeting, quantitative trait loci mapping, and marker-assisted selection in Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   

Summary Methodologies commonly used to detect linkage of marker loci to loci affecting quantitative traits are discussed. It is shown that variances for the quantitative trait differ among marker genotypes when using F2 or pooled backcross data if linkage exists. Hence, to analyze this type of data by single factor ANOVA or other statistical techniques that assume a common variance is inadequate. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers are a powerful tool in plant breeding but cost is an important drawback; hence, a methodology is suggested to obtain the minimum number of plants in F2 populations to detect such linkage.  相似文献   

A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism in inbred rats was detected by Southern blot analysis with rat growth hormone cDNA as a probe. Four alleles, characterized by PstI fragments of 1.2, 1.1, 0.9, and 0.7 kb, respectively, were detected in 27 strains examined. The same distribution of polymorphisms was observed on digestion of DNAs of these strains with three other enzymes, PvuII, HindIII, and BamHI. Moreover, the same differences in length of allelic restriction fragments were obtained with these restriction enzymes as with PstI. These findings suggested that the polymorphism was caused by insertion or deletion of variable DNA segments in the second intron of the growth hormone gene. Linkage analyses using backcross progeny provided no evidence for close linkage between the restriction fragment length polymorphism locus and 10 other loci examined.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus was constructed on the basis of the segregation of 219 RAPD markers, 28 RFLP markers and the A and B mating-type loci among 40 random basidiospore progeny from a single cross between a wild-type homokaryon, KF(3)#2, and an AmutBmut strain, #326. Thirteen linkage groups covering a total of 1346cM were identified and correlated to the 13 chromosomes of this fungus by hybridization of RFLP and RAPD marker probes to CHEF blots. These probes also revealed chromosome length polymorphisms (CLP), which could be associated with haplotype plots of the progeny. The average kb/cM ratio in this cross was approximately 27.9kb/cM. The AmutBmut strain undergoes sexual development without mating, because of mutations in both A and B mating-type loci, and has been used to identify mutations affecting developmental processes such as dikaryosis, fruit body morphogenesis, and meiosis. The markers in the map, especially the RAPD ones, would facilitate mapping of genes responsible for such mutations induced in the AmutBmut strain.  相似文献   

Summary In segregating populations, large numbers of individuals are needed to detect linkage between markers, such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), and quantitative trait loci (QTL), limiting the potential use of such markers for detecting linkage. Fewer individuals from inbred lines are needed to detect linkage. Simulation data were used to test the utility of two methods to detect linkage: maximum likelihood and comparison of marker genotype means. When there is tight linkage, the two methods have similar power, but when there is loose linkage, maximum likelihood is much more powerful. Once inbred lines have been established, they can be screened rapidly to detect QTL for several traits simultaneously. If there is sufficient coverage of the genome with RFLPs, several QTL for each trait may be detected.  相似文献   

Summary. A selection of cattle, human and sheep cDNA probes were screened against sheep genomic DNA, cut with 10 different restriction enzymes, to assess the usefulness of these probes for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage studies in sheep. Two-thirds of the cattle cDNA probes showed moderate to strong homology with sheep DNA samples, compared with less than half of the human cDNA probes at the final washing stringency chosen for the experiments. The set of probes tested detected a useful frequency of RFLPs. Fifty-seven per cent of probes showing moderate to strong homology identified RFLPs with one or more restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes that detected RFLPs most frequently in sheep were Taq I and Msp I. The results show that sheep and cattle cDNA probes, including candidate genes for production traits, identified a high frequency of RFLPs suitable for genetic mapping in sheep.  相似文献   

A composite genetic melon map was generated based on two recombinant inbred line (RI) populations. By analyzing the segregation of 346 AFLPs, 113 IMAs and phenotypic characters on a RI population of 163 individuals derived from the cross Védrantais x PI 161375, a first map was constructed. About 20% of the molecular markers were skewed, and the residual heterozygosity was estimated at 4.43% which was not significantly different from the theoretical value of 4.2%. The genome distribution of molecular markers among the 12 linkage groups was not different from a random distribution with the exception of linkage group XII which was found significantly less populated. The genome distributions of IMAs and AFLPs were complementary. AFLPs were found mainly in the middle of each linkage group and sometimes clustered, whereas IMAs were found mainly at the end. A total of 318 molecular markers, mainly AFLP and IMA markers, were mapped on 63 RIs of the second population, Védrantais x PI 414723. Comparison of the maps enables one to conclude that AFLPs and IMAs of like molecular size, amplified with the same primer combination, correspond to the same genetic locus. Both maps were joined through 116 common markers comprising 106 comigrating AFLPs/IMAs, plus five SSRs and five phenotypic markers. The integrated melon map contained 668 loci issuing from the segregation of 1,093 molecular markers in the two RI populations. The composite map spanned 1,654 cM on 12 linkage groups which is the haploid number of chromosomes in melon. Thirty two known-function probes, i.e. known-function genes (9) and morphological traits (23), were included in this map. In addition, the composite map was anchored to previously published maps through SSRs, RFLPs and phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of tef was constructed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers using F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived by single seed descent from the intraspecific cross of ’Kaye Murri’×’Fesho’. A total of 192 EcoRI/MseI primer combinations were screened for parental polymorphism. Around three polymorphic fragments per primer combination were detected, indicating a low polymorphism level in tef. Fifty primer combinations were selected to assay the mapping population, and 226 loci segregated among 85 F5 RILs. Most AFLP loci behaved as dominant markers (presence or absence of a band), but about 15% of the loci were codominant. Significant deviations from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio were observed for 26 loci. The genetic linkage map comprised 211 markers assembled into 25 linkage groups and covered 2,149 cM of genome. AFLP is an efficient marker system for mapping plant species with low polymorphism such as tef. This is the first genetic linkage map constructed for tef. It will facilitate the mapping of genes controlling agronomically important traits and cultivar improvement in tef. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

We have constructed a genetic linkage map in the rat by analyzing the strain distribution patterns of 500 genetic markers in a large set of recombinant inbred strains derived from the spontaneously hypertensive rat and the Brown-Norway rat (HXB and BXH recombinant inbred strains). 454 of the markers could be assigned to specific chromosomes, and the amount of genome covered by the mapped markers was estimated to be 1151 centimorgans. By including a variety of morphologic, biochemical, immunogenetic, and molecular markers, the current map integrates and extends existing linkage data and should facilitate rat gene mapping and genetic studies of hypertension and other complex phenotypes of interest in the HXB and BXH recombinant inbred strains. Received: 21 June 1995 / Accepted: 11 September 1995  相似文献   

An amplified fragment polymorphism (AFLP) based linkage map has been generated for a new Landsberg erecta/Cape Verde Islands (Ler/Cvi) recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. A total of 321 molecular PCR based markers and the erecta mutation were mapped. AFLP markers were also analysed in the Landsberg erecta/Columbia (Ler/Col) RIL population ( Lister & Dean 1993) and 395 AFLP markers have been integrated into the previous Arabidopsis molecular map of 122 RFLPs, CAPSs and SSLPs. This enabled the evaluation of the efficiency and robustness of AFLP technology for linkage analyses in Arabidopsis. AFLP markers were found throughout the linkage map. The two RIL maps could be integrated through 49 common markers which all mapped at similar positions. Comparison of both maps led to the conclusion that segregating bands from a common parent can be compared between different populations, and that AFLP bands of similar molecular size, amplified with the same primer combination in two different ecotypes, are likely to correspond to the same locus. AFLPs were found clustering around the centromeric regions, and the authors have established the map position of the centromere of chromosome 3 by a quantitative analysis of AFLP bands using trisomic plants. AFLP markers were also used to estimate the polymorphism rate among the three ecotypes. The larger polymorphism rate found between Ler and Cvi compared to Ler and Col will mean that the new RIL population will provide a useful material to map DNA polymorphisms and quantitative trait loci.  相似文献   

An amplified fragment length polymorphism map of the silkworm   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
Tan YD  Wan C  Zhu Y  Lu C  Xiang Z  Deng HW 《Genetics》2001,157(3):1277-1284
The silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) is a lepidopteran insect with a long history of significant agricultural value. We have constructed the first amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genetic linkage map of the silkworm B. mori at a LOD score of 2.5. The mapping AFLP markers were genotyped in 47 progeny from a backcross population of the cross no. 782 x od100. A total of 1248 (60.7%) polymorphic AFLP markers were detected with 35 PstI/TaqI primer combinations. Each of the primer combinations generated an average of 35.7 polymorphic AFLP markers. A total of 545 (44%) polymorphic markers are consistent with the expected segregation ratio of 1:1 at the significance level of P = 0.05. Of the 545 polymorphic markers, 356 were assigned to 30 linkage groups. The number of markers on linkage groups ranged from 4 to 36. There were 21 major linkage groups with 7-36 markers and 9 relatively small linkage groups with 4-6 markers. The 30 linkage groups varied in length from 37.4 to 691.0 cM. The total length of this AFLP linkage map was 6512 cM. Genetic distances between two neighboring markers on the same linkage group ranged from 0.2 to 47 cM with an average of 18.2 cM. The sex-linked gene od was located between the markers P1T3B40 and P3T3B27 at the end of group 3, indicating that AFLP linkage group 3 was the Z (sex) chromosome. This work provides an essential basic map for constructing a denser linkage map and for mapping genes underlying agronomically important traits in the silkworm B. mori L.  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of this study were to assess the degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in Cucumis melo and to determine interrelationships among cultivated varieties. Initial screening of a genomic PstI library revealed that approximately 40% of the clones were repetitive. A total of 162 unique and low-copy sequence clones were hybridized to seven diverse accesions of C. melo and a C. sativus cultivar Pacer to evaluate RFLP variation. Of these, 130 probes (80%) detected a polymorphism between C. melo accessions and C. sativus, and the majority were polymorphic with more than one enzyme digest. In contrast, only 53 probes (33%) were useful in differentiating at least one of the seven accessions. Of those, only 9% were informative with more than one enzyme digest. This indicates that within C. melo, the differences among accessions are due to infrequent base substitutions, whereas between the two species, differences are mainly due to genome rearrangements such as insertions and deletions or numerous base substitutions. Of the informative probes, 34 were used in analyzing 44 C. melo lines to establish a data base of RFLP hybridization patterns. Percent similarity based on RFLP profiles was computed among lines and analyzed by principal component analysis, to visualize relationships among lines. There were clear demarcations among, but not within, muskmelon and honeydew groups.  相似文献   

Summary Direct gene analysis of the haptoglobin gene region was carried out by Southern blotting using an Hp cDNA as probe. Two types of polymorphism were observed: one due to intragenic duplication, is characterized by a constant fragment length difference of 1700bp observed with several enzymes and by complete correspondence with the protein molecular weight polymorphism; the second type, due to point mutation, was represented by two additional restriction sites for Eco RI and Pst I, with a frequency comparable to that of other genes. These two mutations segregated together in families, suggesting that the recently described Hp related gene is closely linked to the Hp gene. Moreover, they were completely associated with each other. The evolutionary significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

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