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Values of correlation coefficients (CC) and forms of cross-correlation functions of impulse activity were studied in neurones recorded with one microelectrode or simultaneously with two sticked together microelectrodes with tangential distance between tips of 70 and 140 mcm. Three main types of cross-correlation functions were singled out differing by peaks form and modes positions. The greatest variety of forms and the greatest percentage of significantly correlated discharges of cellular pairs were found among the neurones recorded with one electrode. Mean CC of cells recorded with one electrode was significantly greater than mean CC of the neurones recorded with two microelectrodes. Comparison of the character of intercellular correlation with amplitudes of recorded spikes showed that discharges of neurones with greater amplitude mainly forestalled discharges of cells with low amplitude.  相似文献   

Over the last two centuries, electrical microstimulation has been used to demonstrate causal links between neural activity and specific behaviors and cognitive functions. However, to establish these links it is imperative to characterize the cortical activity patterns that are elicited by stimulation locally around the electrode and in other functionally connected areas. We have developed a technique to record brain activity using the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal while applying electrical microstimulation to the primate brain. We find that the spread of activity around the electrode tip in macaque area V1 was larger than expected from calculations based on passive spread of current and therefore may reflect functional spread by way of horizontal connections. Consistent with this functional transynaptic spread we also obtained activation in expected projection sites in extrastriate visual areas, demonstrating the utility of our technique in uncovering in vivo functional connectivity maps.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In single-sensillum extracellular electrophysiological recordings, terminal campaniform sensilla at the tip of antennae of the ground beetle Pterostichus aethiops (Pz., 1797) show action potentials of three sensory cells, A-, B- and C-cells, distinguished by differences in their spike amplitudes. Only the A-cell, with the largest spike amplitude, is highly sensitive to temperature fluctuations, showing remarkable changes in its firing rate induced by changes in temperature of 0.1 °C. The firing rate of A-cells at 23 °C varies from 15–52 Hz among different beetles. Mean impulse frequency of A-cells is found to be a function of steady temperature, the firing rate decreasing with temperature increase. A-cells respond to a rapid temperature drop with a strong phasic-tonic reaction; larger decreases in temperature evoke higher peak frequency values. Maximum peak frequencies, varying from 380–630 Hz in different beetles, are induced by temperature decreases of 3–10 °C, whereas temperature rise strongly inhibits impulse activity of the A-cell. The first manifestation of rapid warming in the nerve impulse sequence is a very long interspike period, followed by diminished activity. Both the length of the long interspike period and the rate of following impulse activity are functions of temperature change; hence, A-cells respond to temperature changes as typical cold receptors, similar to coeloconic and short hair-like sensilla in other insects.  相似文献   

The present investigation continues a previous study in which the soma-dendrite system of sensory neurons was excited by stretch deformation of the peripheral dendrite portions. Recording was done with intracellular leads which were inserted into the cell soma while the neuron was activated orthodromically or antidromically. The analysis was also extended to axon conduction. Crayfish, Procambarus alleni (Faxon) and Orconectes virilis (Hagen), were used. 1. The size and time course of action potentials recorded from the soma-dendrite complex vary greatly with the level of the cell's membrane potential. The latter can be changed over a wide range by stretch deformation which sets up a "generator potential" in the distal portions of the dendrites. If a cell is at its resting unstretched equilibrium potential, antidromic stimulation through the axon causes an impulse which normally overshoots the resting potential and decays into an afternegativity of 15 to 20 msec. duration. The postspike negativity is not followed by an appreciable hyperpolarization (positive) phase. If the membrane potential is reduced to a new steady level a postspike positivity appears and increases linearly over a depolarization range of 12 to 20 mv. in various cells. At those levels the firing threshold of the cell for orthodromic discharges is generally reached. 2. The safety factor for conduction between axon and cell soma is reduced under three unrelated conditions, (a) During the recovery period (2 to 3 msec.) immediately following an impulse which has conducted fully over the cell soma, a second impulse may be delayed, may invade the soma partially, or may be blocked completely. (b) If progressive depolarization is produced by stretch, it leads to a reduction of impulse height and eventually to complete block of antidromic soma invasion, resembling cathodal block, (c) In some cells, when the normal membrane potential is within several millivolts of the relaxed resting state, an antidromic impulse may be blocked and may set up within the soma a local potential only. The local potential can sum with a second one or it may sum with potential changes set up in the dendrites, leading to complete invasion of the soma. Such antidromic invasion block can always be relieved by appropriate stretch which shifts the membrane potential out of the "blocking range" nearer to the soma firing level. During the afterpositivity of an impulse in a stretched cell the membrane potential may fall below or near the blocking range. During that period another impulse may be delayed or blocked. 3. Information regarding activity and conduction in dendrites has been obtained indirectly, mainly by analyzing the generator action under various conditions of stretch. The following conclusions have been reached: The large dendrite branches have similar properties to the cell body from which they arise and carry the same kind of impulses. In the finer distal filaments of even lightly depolarized dendrites, however, no axon type all-or-none conduction occurs since the generator potential persists to a varying degree during antidromic invasion of the cell. With the membrane potential at its resting level the dendrite terminals contribute to the prolonged impulse afternegativity of the soma. 4. Action potentials in impaled axons and in cell bodies have been compared. It is thought that normally the over-all duration of axon impulses is shorter. Local activity during reduction of the safety margin for conduction was studied. 5. An analysis was made of high frequency grouped discharges which occasionally arise in cells. They differ in many essential aspects from the regular discharges set up by the generator action. It is proposed that grouped discharges occur only when invasion of dendrites is not synchronous, due to a delay in excitation spread between soma and dendrites. Each impulse in a group is assumed to be caused by an impulse in at least one of the large dendrite branches. Depolarization of dendrites abolishes the grouped activity by facilitating invasion of the large dendrite branches.  相似文献   

For revealing the conjugation of impulse activity of simultaneously recorded neurones in the visual and sensorimotor areas of rabbits neocortex, histograms were built of cross- and autocorrelation (CCH and ACH) of their discharges sequences. From successions of discharges of the visual cortex neurones, forming pairs of cells acting in correlation, spikes were singled out conjugated with neuronal discharges in the sensorimotor area, and their ACHs were built. In 77% of cases a resemblance was observed of temporal structure of conjugated discharges and real spike sequences, in 23%--there was no such resemblance. Analysis of conjugated discharges ACHs showed that they appeared predominantly periodically (87% of cases). The number of fragments with periodic discharges frequency within delta-frequency range from 3 to 4 Hz prevailed.  相似文献   

By a method of mathematical modelling exogenic stationary random single impulse activity was reproduced of two neurones (N1 and N2), monosynaptically excited by a third one (N3). Value P12, defined from cross-correlation histogram and Cox coefficient beta 12 were used to evaluate the degree of dependence of N1 and N2 impulse trains. Dynamics of P12, beta 12 and of values of P1*, P2* and P3* proportional to corresponding mean interimpulse intervals of N1, N2 and N3, was studied under changes of efficiency of interneuronal connections, neurones excitability and summate action on them of independent random afferent synaptic inflows. It has been shown that the increase (decrease) of P12 or beta 12 accompanied by decrease (increase) of P1* and P2* is a sign of plastic change or N3 discharges frequency, or a sign of plastic changes of the amplitude of excited postsynaptic potentials elicited by these discharges.  相似文献   

Maintained activity in the cat''s retina in light and darkness   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Nervous activity has been recorded from the unopened eye of decerebrate cats. Recordings were made with metal electrodes or with small micropipettes from ganglion cells or nerve fibers. Continuous maintained discharges were seen in all ganglion cells during steady illumination of their receptive fields, as well as in complete darkness. Possible artefacts, such as electrode pressure, abnormal circulation, anesthetic, and several other factors have been excluded as the source of the maintained discharge. Visual stimuli are therefore transmitted by modulating the ever present background activity. Discharge frequencies were measured following changes of retinal illumination. No consistent patterns of frequency change were found. The maintained discharge frequency may be permanently increased or decreased, or may remain practically unchanged by altering the steady level of illumination. In addition, there were often transient frequency changes during the first 5 to 10 minutes after changing illumination, before a final steady rate was established. A statistical analysis of the impulse intervals of the maintained discharge showed: (a) the intervals were distributed according to the gamma distribution (Pearson's type III), (b) the first serial correlation coefficient of the intervals was between –0.10 and –0.24, with a mean value of –0.17, which is significantly different from zero, (c) the higher order serial correlation coefficients were not significantly different from zero. Thus the firing probability at any time depends on the times of occurrence of the two preceding impulses only, and in such a way as to indicate that each impulse is followed by a transient depression of excitability that outlasts the following impulse. The possible sites at which spontaneous or maintained activity may originate in the retina are discussed.  相似文献   

Morpho-physiological reaction of alive bush-like interoceptors in the Rana temporaria isolated urinary bladder to the effect of procaine hydrochloride (PH) solution (0.5 and 0.05%) has been studied. Total impulse activity of the receptors has been studied synchronously with changes occurring in their structures. The alive receptors are revealed by means of methylene blue in concentration 1.6 X 10(-4) mol/l. PH sharply inhibits the impulse activity which is completely damped under 0.05% solution nearly in 12-13 min, and at administration of 0.5% solution--in 1-2 min. The impulse amplitude is decreasing. Morphological and tinctorial shifts, produced by PH administration, appear later--in 15-20 min on the background of a completely inhibited impulse activity and are manifested as swelling and increasing size of terminal plates, formation of varicosities on the preterminals and in the region of the Ranvier node, deterioration of staining properties and their dynamic changes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the proposition of relaxation offered by performing the Muslim prayers by measuring the alpha brain activity in the frontal (F3–F4), central (C3–C4), parietal (P3–P4), and occipital (O1–O2) electrode placements using the International 10–20 System. Nine Muslim subjects were asked to perform the four required cycles of movements of Dhuha prayer, and the EEG were subsequently recorded with open eyes under three conditions, namely, resting, performing four cycles of prayer while reciting the specific verses and supplications, and performing four cycles of acted salat condition (prayer movements without any recitations). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests revealed that there were no significant difference in the mean alpha relative power (RPα) between the alpha amplitude in the Dhuha prayer and the acted conditions in all eight electrode positions. However, the mean RPα showed higher alpha amplitude during the prostration position of the Dhuha prayer and acted condition at the parietal and occipital regions in comparison to the resting condition. Findings were similar to other studies documenting increased alpha amplitude in parietal and occipital regions during meditation and mental concentration. The incidence of increased alpha amplitude suggested parasympathetic activation, thus indicating a state of relaxation. Subsequent studies are needed to delineate the role of mental concentration, and eye focus, on alpha wave amplitude while performing worshipping acts.  相似文献   

The ventral photoreceptors of Limulus polyphemus are unipolar cells with large, ellipsoidal somas located long both "lateral olfactory nerves." As a consequence of their size and location, the cells are easily impaled with microelectrodes. The cells have an average resting potential of -48 mv. The resting potential is a function of the external concentration of K. When the cell is illuminated, it gives rise to the typical "receptor potential" seen in most invertebrate photoreceptors which consists of a transient phase followed by a maintained phase of depolarization. The amplitude of the transient phase depends on both the state of adaptation of the cell and the intensity of the illumination, while the amplitude of the maintained phase depends only on the intensity of the illumination. The over-all size of the receptor potential depends on the external concentration of Na, e.g. in sodium-free seawater the receptor potential is markedly reduced, but not abolished. On the other hand lowering the Ca concentration produces a marked enhancement of both components of the response, but predominantly of the steady-state component. Slow potential fluctuations are seen in the dark-adapted cell when it is illuminated with a low intensity light. A spike-like regenerative process can be evoked by either the receptor potential or a current applied via a microelectrode. No evidence of impulse activity has been found in the axons of these cells. The ventral photoreceptor cell has many properties in common with a variety of retinular cells and therefore should serve as a convenient model of the primary receptor cell in many invertebrate eyes.  相似文献   

Statistic parametres of discharges of separate cells in various hypothalamic nuclei were studied on Wistar rats in acute experiment under aethernembutal anesthesia. By logarithmic transformation of activity parameters a difference was established and some similar features of background firing of neurones in the frontal and posterior zones of the hypothalamus. Changes were shown in quantitative characteristics of impulse activity of hypothalamic neurones during development of emotional stress in conditions of long-term sexual conflict situations.  相似文献   

Spontaneous rhythmic impulse discharges of motoneurons of spinal centers of the posterior lymphatic hearts have been recorded from the ventral roots of isolated spinal cord perfused by oxygenated Ringer's solution. Inhibition of the transmission in interneuronal synapses evoked by abolition of Ca ions from the external solution and by the addition to the latter of 1--4 mM EDTA was accompanied by the block of the spontaneous impulse activity. Blocking of rhythmic efferent discharges in the anterior roots was also observed after the addition to normal Ringer's solution of 10--30 mM MgCl2. Inhibition of the spontaneous activity by high Mg content in the perfusion fluid could be alleviated by the addition of 5--15 mM CaCl2 to this solution. Antidromic impulses in the ventral roots of the XI and X segments, evoked by rhythmic electrical stimulation of these roots, did not affect the intrinsic rhythm of motor discharges.  相似文献   

The paper reports spontaneous generation of weak electric discharges with an amplitude of 0.4–1.0 mV and a frequency of 3–9 min–1 by solitary Synodontis caudovittatus fish. When fish individuals were tested in pairs, their aggressive–defense interactions were associated with an increase in the amplitude of the discharges (up to 30–45 mV) compared to the discharges of individual fish, while the duration of the pulses increased up to 20–25 ms due to the prolongation of the second phase. In S. eupterus, electric activity was recorded only in the course of aggression–defense interactions, while spontaneous generation of discharges was not observed at all. The paper discusses the different aspects of electrocummunication between the catfish including the role of the reversion of polarity of the merged summated discharges with increased duration.  相似文献   

The spontaneous burst discharges of isolated lobster (Homarus americanus) cardiac ganglia were recorded with a spaced array of electrodes. Small regions (less than 1 mm) of the ganglion were exposed to the cardioexcitor neurohormone in extracts of pericardial organs (XPO) or to 10(-5) M 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT). All axons were excited (increased mean firing frequency, f) by both substances, but only by applications in the region between the soma (but excluding it) and proximal site of impulse initiation. Units not so exposed changed their f relatively little despite f increases of as much as threefold in exposed units and changes in burst rate and overall length. Regularity and grouping of all impulse activity into bursts was never disturbed. 5HT increases burst rate at any point of application. The increases are larger if small cells are affected than if only large cells are exposed. Burst length decreases except when the pacemaker is affected. In contrast, XPO affects neither burst rate or length unless small cells are affected. Length is increased if non-pacemaker small cells are affected; both rate and length increase if the pacemaker is affected. The pacemaker usually exhibits an f of intermediate value. Rate changes are not simply related to its f. A small cell can "burst" in the absence of impulses from any other cells. XPO may enhance endogenous "driver potentials," while 5HT may excite by depolarizing at limited sites.  相似文献   

The effect of menthol on the discharge pattern of feline nasal and lingual cold receptors was analyzed in order to elucidate the underlying sensory transducer mechanism. A repetitive beating activity and burst (grouped) discharges were observed in both cold receptor populations at constant temperatures and after rapid cooling. An analysis of the impulse activity revealed a cyclic pattern of impulse generation, which suggested the existence of an underlying receptor potential oscillation that initiates impulses in the afferent nerve when it exceeds a threshold value. The frequency and amplitude of the periodic impulse-inducing receptor processes were characterized by the burst frequency, which increased with warming, and by the average number of impulses generated during each cycle, which increased with cooling. Menthol at micromolar concentrations induced an acceleration of the burst frequency at higher temperatures, but reduced the burst frequency in the midtemperature range. At temperatures above 25 degrees C, menthol increased the number of impulses elicited during each cycle and induced bursting in previously repetitively discharging fibers. At low temperatures, menthol suppressed bursting and finally inhibited all cold receptor activity. The impulse pattern at constant temperatures and during the dynamic response to rapid cooling was comparably affected by menthol. Calcium application completely abolished the stimulating menthol effect. Since, in equal concentrations, menthol specifically impairs neuronal calcium currents, the results are consistent with the conjecture that in cold receptors, menthol reduces the activation of a calcium-stimulated outward current by an impeding effect on a calcium conductance, thereby inducing depolarization and a modification of bursting behavior. The data confirm the hypothesis of a calcium-controlled outward conductance being involved in the generation of cyclic afferent activity in cold receptors.  相似文献   

The mechanism of nervous control of licking was studied in the frame work of the electrophysiological analysis of conditioned taste aversion. The licking rhythm is so stable that the rats are unable to slow it down by 20 percent. If the solution which was previously used for establishing the conditioned taste aversion, appears in the drinking spout, the rat stops drinking after one or two licks. Analysis of temporal relationships between afferent and efferent impulse activity of licking shows that the comparison of gustatory signals with memory traces and the corresponding decision occurs within 80 to 120 ms after lick onset. Electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic centres through implanted electrodes has shown that the amplitude of evoked responses and the impairment of licking increases, in proportion to the delay between lick onset and stimulus application. Isolated discharges of epileptic foci in the frontal cortex and the hypothalamus cause an omission of one or several licks, without interfering with the activity of the licking generator.  相似文献   

目的: 通过对比内置和外置参考电极的微丝电极阵列在记录大鼠脑神经元放电过程中的优缺点,优化微丝电极阵列的制作与埋置,为多通道电生理实时记录系统提供更加实惠、优异的媒介工具。方法: 采用镍铬合金丝、电路板、电极引脚和地线(银线)制作16通道的微丝电极阵列,通过内置(参考电极与电极阵列并列排布)或外置(参考电极与地线分别焊接在电极一侧的两端)微丝电极阵列的参考电极,观察对比两种电极在记录大鼠ACC脑区神经元放电中的区别。实验大鼠分为内置组(8只)和外置组(9只),检测指标有信噪比(n=8)、放电幅度(n=380)和放电频率(n=54)。结果: 内置与外置参考电极的微丝电极阵列均可顺利记录出大鼠ACC脑区神经元的电信号;与外置组相比,内置组的神经元电信号具有信噪比高(P<0.05)、背景信号幅度小、受噪音干扰小,和放电幅度大(P<0.05)的优点;锋电位放电频率没有显著差异(P>0.05)。结论: 在记录大鼠ACC脑区神经元电活动时,内置参考电极的微丝电极阵列记录到更高信噪比、更大放电幅度的电信号,为多通道电生理技术提供更加可靠的工具。  相似文献   

Spontaneous and evoked activity of caudate nucleus neurons was recorded extracellularly in acute experiments on cats. Different forms of potentials were found by analysis of the results. The potentials recorded belong to three types: ordinary action potentials; prepotentials or incomplete spikes differing from ordinary action potentials in their lower amplitude and slower decline, and complex discharges in which a spike of somewhat reduced amplitude is followed by a slow positive-negative wave. In the spontaneous activity prepotentials were observed both in complete action potentials and in isolation. The frequency of the complex discharges was 0.5–1 per second. The slow wave of these discharges blocked prepotential and action potential formation. The origin of these forms of potentials in neurons of the caudate nucleus is discussed and they are compared with analogous forms of potentials described for the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukranian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 149–156, March–April, 1977.  相似文献   

本文采用电极阵列检测技术,在大鼠海马脑切片上诱导出稳定的癫痫样放电,分析、研究130 Hz的高频电刺激(high-frequency stimulation,HFS) CA3区时,海马切片在癫痫发作间期放电(inter-ictal discharges,IID)和发作期放电(ictal discharges,ID)的各项参数、癫痫样放电地起始位点、传播方向和传输速率以及各频段的功率谱密度.结果显示:高频电刺激可以有效地降低癫痫发作期的幅值、减少持续时间、增长潜伏时间、抑制癫痫样放电由IID向ID的转变等.提示高频电刺激抑制癫痫的作用机制是通过促进神经元之间的抑制性传输系统,并且抑制海马神经元之间的兴奋性连接,从而达到抑制效果.  相似文献   

By cross-correlation method conjugation in impulse activity of pairs of simultaneously recorded units in the visual and sensorimotor areas of the neocortex (representations of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli) was studied during the switching of defensive positive and inhibitory reflexes in rabbits. 30-second fragments of impulse activity were analyzed in intervals before and after three presentations of positive and inhibitory conditioned stimuli (CS). The activity of single pairs of units in the process of stimuli presentation was characterized by instability. Only in 29% of 51 units' pairs the presence or absence of correlation between their discharges was stable. Analysis of activity of 75 pairs of units showed differences in impulse activity in inhibitory and positive tonic reflexes. The number of pairs of correlated units in about 30 s after inhibitory CS decreased (27%) in comparison with the interval before its action (52%). In the inhibitory tonic conditioned reflex, temporal intervals of discharges of one unit correlated with discharges of the second unit undergo changes. The obtained results testify that such parameter as the number of pairs of units with correlated activity in intersignal time interval is very important for the realization of motor reaction to conditioned stimuli.  相似文献   

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