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Vanadate-stimulated oxidation of NAD(P)H   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vanadate stimulates the oxidation of NAD(P)H by biological membranes because such membranes contain NAD(P)H oxidases which are capable of reducing dioxygen to O2 and because vanadate catalyzes the oxidation of NAD(P)H by O2, by a free radical chain mechanism. Dihydropyridines, such as reduced nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMNH), which are not substrates for membrane-associated NAD(P)H oxidases, are not oxidized by membranes plus vanadate unless NAD(P)H is present to serve as a source of O2. When [NMNH] greatly exceeds [NAD(P)H], in such reaction mixtures, one can observe the oxidation of many molecules of NMNH per NAD(P)H consumed. This reflects the chain length of the free radical chain mechanism. We have discussed the mechanism and significance of this process and have tried to clarify the pertinent but confusing literature.  相似文献   

The location and changes in NAD(P)H have been monitored during oscillatory growth in pollen tubes of lily (Lilium formosanum) using the endogenous fluorescence of the reduced coenzyme (excitation, 360 nm; emission, >400 nm). The strongest signal resides 20 to 40 microm behind the apex where mitochondria (stained with Mitotracker Green) accumulate. Measurements at 3-s intervals reveal that NAD(P)H-dependent fluorescence oscillates during oscillatory growth. Cross-correlation analysis indicates that the peaks follow growth maxima by 7 to 11 s or 77 degrees to 116 degrees, whereas the troughs anticipate growth maxima by 5 to 10 s or 54 degrees to 107 degrees. We have focused on the troughs because they anticipate growth and are as strongly correlated with growth as the peaks. Analysis of the signal in 10-microm increments along the length of the tube indicates that the troughs are most advanced in the extreme apex. However, this signal moves basipetally as a wave, being in phase with growth rate oscillations at 50 to 60 microm from the apex. We suggest that the changes in fluorescence are due to an oscillation between the reduced (peaks) and oxidized (troughs) states of the coenzyme and that an increase in the oxidized state [NAD(P)(+)] may be coupled to the synthesis of ATP. We also show that diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, causes an increase in fluorescence and a decrease in tube growth. Finally, staining with 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-2',7'-dichlorohydrofluorescein acetate indicates that reactive oxygen species are most abundant in the region where mitochondria accumulate and where NAD(P)H fluorescence is maximal.  相似文献   

The redox state of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides is known to be important for structural integrity of mitochondria. In this work, we observed a biphasic oxidation of endogenous NAD(P)H in rat liver mitochondria induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide. Nearly 85% of mitochondrial NAD(P)H was rapidly oxidized during the first phase. The second phase of NAD(P)H oxidation was retarded for several minutes, appearing after the inner membrane potential collapse and mitochondria swelling. It was characterized by disturbance of ATP synthesis and dramatic permeabilization of the inner membrane to pyridine nucleotides. The second phase was completely prevented by 0.5 microM cyclosporin A or 0.2 mM EGTA or was significantly delayed by 25 microM butylhydroxytoluene or trifluoperazine. The obtained data suggest that the second phase resulted from oxidation of the remaining NADH via the outer membrane electron transport system of permeabilized mitochondria, leading to further oxidation of the remaining NADPH in a transhydrogenase reaction.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LMD 79.41 produced significant amounts of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ) in its culture medium when grown on quinic acid or shikimic acid. Studies with LMD 79.41 and PQQ--mutants of this strain demonstrated that this organism contains an NAD(P)-independent quinate dehydrogenase (QDH) (EC 1.1.99.-), catalyzing the first degradation step of these compounds, and that the enzyme contains PQQ as a cofactor, i.e. is a quinoprotein. Synthesis of QDH was induced by protocatechuate and the enzyme appeared to be particle-bound. Acinetobacter lwoffi RAG-1 produced a quinoprotein QDH apoenzyme since growth on quinic acid only occurred in the presence of PQQ. The results obtained with the PQQ--mutants of strain LMD 79.41 also provided some insight into the regulation of PQQ biosynthesis and assemblage of quinoprotein enzymes in the periplasmic space. Since two species of Pseudomonas also contained a quinoprotein QDH, it is assumed that bacterial NAD(P)-independent quinate dehydrogenase is a quinoprotein.Abbreviations DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between mitochondrial NADH (NADH(m)) and cardiac work output, NADH(m) and the amplitude and frequency of the contractile response of electrically paced rat heart cells were measured at 25 degrees C. With 5.4 mM glucose plus 2 mM beta-hydroxybutyrate, NADH(m) was reversibly decreased by 23%, and the amplitude of contraction was reversibly decreased by 27% during 4-Hz pacing. With glucose plus 2 mM pyruvate or with 10 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose, NADH(m) was maintained during rapid pacing, and the contractile amplitude remained high. Phosphocreatine levels decreased with 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration but not with rapid pacing. Respiration increased to meet the increased ATP demand at 30 degrees C. The data suggest that 1) when NADH(m) is decreased during rapid pacing with defined substrates, the amplitude of contraction is decreased; 2) the amplitude of contraction during electrical pacing does not change with rate of pacing when both the ATP and NADH(m) levels are continuously replenished; and 3) the replenishment of NADH(m) during pacing with physiological substrates may be rate-limited by substrate supply to mitochondrial dehydrogenases. During activation of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, or a significant increase in free ADP induced by 2-deoxy-D-glucose, this rate limitation is bypassed or overcome.  相似文献   

Tumour–stroma interaction is a prerequisite for tumour progression in skin cancer. Hereby, a critical step in stromal function is the transition of tumour-associated fibroblasts to MFs (myofibroblasts) by growth factors, for example TGFβ (transforming growth factor beta(). In this study, the question was addressed of whether fibroblast-associated NAD(P)H oxidase (NADH/NADPH oxidase), known to be activated by TGFβ1, is involved in the fibroblast-to-MF switch. The up-regulation of αSMA (alpha smooth muscle actin), a biomarker for MFs, is mediated by a TGFβ1-dependent increase in the intracellular level of ROS (reactive oxygen species). This report demonstrates two novel aspects of the TGFβ1 signalling cascade, namely the generation of ROS due to a biphasic NAD(P)H oxidase activity and a ROS-dependent downstream activation of p38 leading to a transition of dermal fibroblasts to MFs that can be inhibited by the selective NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor apocynin. These data suggest that inhibition of NAD(P)H oxidase activity prevents the fibroblast-to-MF switch and may be important for chemoprevention in context of a ‘stromal therapy’ which was described earlier.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of plant mitochondria differs from that in mammalian mitochondria by containing several rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenases. Two of these are located on the outer, cytosolic surface of the inner membrane. One is specific for NADH, the other for NADPH. Only the latter is inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). Both of these enzymes are normally dependent upon Ca2+ for activity and this constitutes a potentially important mechanism by which the cell can regulate the oxidation of cytosolic NAD(P)H via the concentration of free Ca2+. This and other potential regulatory mechanisms such as the substrate concentration and polyamines are discussed.  相似文献   

Vanadate-dependent NAD(P)H oxidation, catalyzed by rat liver microsomes and microsomal NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase (b5 reductase), was investigated. These enzymes and intact microsomes catalyzed NAD(P)H oxidation in the presence of either ortho- or polyvanadate. Antibody to P450 reductase inhibited orthovanadate-dependent NADPH oxidation catalyzed by either purified P450 reductase or rat liver microsomes and had no effect on the rates of NADH oxidation catalyzed by b5 reductase. NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase catalyzed orthovanadate-dependent NADPH oxidation five times faster than NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase catalyzed NADH oxidation. Orthovanadate-dependent oxidation of either NADPH or NADH, catalyzed by purified reductases or rat liver microsomes, occurred in an anaerobic system, which indicated that superoxide is not an obligate intermediate in this process. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibited orthovanadate, but not polyvanadate-mediated, enzyme-dependent NAD(P)H oxidation. SOD also inhibited when pyridine nucleotide oxidation was conducted anaerobically, suggesting that SOD inhibits vanadate-dependent NAD(P)H oxidation by a mechanism independent of scavenging of O2-.  相似文献   

A new method to calculate the ratios of free NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH [NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H] in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells by means of nomographs is suggested. The method permits estimating the redox state of the tissue with allowance for the content of metabolites in the dehydrogenase systems. The method may be used widely in the biochemical and medical practice.  相似文献   

The NAD(P)H cytochrome b5 oxidoreductase, Ncb5or (previously named b5+b5R), is widely expressed in human tissues and broadly distributed among the animal kingdom. NCB5OR is the first example of an animal flavohemoprotein containing cytochrome b5 and chrome b5 reductase cytodomains. We initially reported human NCB5OR to be a 487-residue soluble protein that reduces cytochrome c, methemoglobin, ferricyanide, and molecular oxygen in vitro. Bioinformatic analysis of genomic sequences suggested the presence of an upstream start codon. We confirm that endogenous NCB5OR indeed has additional NH2-terminal residues. By performing fractionation of subcellular organelles and confocal microscopy, we show that NCB5OR colocalizes with calreticulin, a marker for endoplasmic reticulum. Recombinant NCB5OR is soluble and has stoichiometric amounts of heme and flavin adenine dinucleotide. Resonance Raman spectroscopy of NCB5OR presents typical signatures of a six-coordinate low-spin heme similar to those found in other cytochrome b5 proteins. Kinetic measurements showed that full-length and truncated NCB5OR reduce cytochrome c actively in vitro. However, both full-length and truncated NCB5OR produce superoxide from oxygen with slow turnover rates: kcat = approximately 0.05 and approximately 1 s(-1), respectively. The redox potential at the heme center of NCB5OR is -108 mV, as determined by potentiometric titrations. Taken together, these data suggest that endogenous NCB5OR is a soluble NAD(P)H reductase preferentially reducing substrate(s) rather than transferring electrons to molecular oxygen and therefore not an NAD(P)H oxidase for superoxide production. The subcellular localization and redox properties of NCB5OR provide important insights into the biology of NCB5OR and the phenotype of the Ncb5or-null mouse.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomes catalyze a vanadate-stimulated oxidation of NAD(P)H, which is augmented by paraquat and suppressed by superoxide dismutase, but not by catalase. NADPH oxidation was a linear function of the concentration of microsomes in the absence of vanadate, but was a saturating function in the presence of vanadate. Microsomes did not catalyze a vanadate-stimulated oxidation of reduced nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMNH), but gained this ability when NADPH was also present. When the concentration of NMNH was much greater than that of NADPH a minimal average chain length could be calculated from 1/2 the ratio of NMNH oxidized per NADPH added. The term chain length, as used here, signifies the number of molecules of NMNH oxidized per initiating event. Chain length could be increased by increasing [vanadate] and [NMNH] and by decreasing pH. Chain lengths in excess of 30 could easily be achieved. The Km for NADPH, arrived at from saturation of its ability to trigger NMNH oxidation by microsomes in the presence of vanadate, was 1.5 microM. Microsomes or the outer mitochondrial membrane was able to catalyze the vanadate-stimulated oxidation of NADH or NADPH but only the oxidation of NADPH was accelerated by paraquat. The inner mitochondrial membrane was able to cause the vanadate-stimulated oxidation of NAD(P)H and in this case paraquat stimulated the oxidation of both pyridine coenzymes. Our results indicate that vanadate stimulation of NAD(P)H oxidation by biomembranes is a consequence of vanadate stimulation of NAD(P)H or NMNH oxidation by O-2, rather than being due to the existence of vanadate-stimulated NAD(P)H oxidases or dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

B Thorell 《Cytometry》1983,4(1):61-65
A cytofluorimeter is described, using the combination of Argon UV (351-363 nm) and Argon Blue (488 nm) lasers. The dual excitation makes it possible to monitor simultaneously the redox state of flavins and NAD(P)H as indicative of cell metabolic state. Light scatter, absorption, and staining with exogenous fluorescent dyes can add additional information. Thus, a five-parameter flow analysis becomes possible. The present paper describes flavin and NAD(P)H measurements on isolated rat liver cells and mouse bone marrow.  相似文献   

Glutamate toxicity in the N18-RE-105 neuronal cell line results from the inhibition of high-affinity cystine uptake, which leads to a depletion of glutathione and the accumulation of oxidants. Production of superoxides by one-electron oxidation/reduction of quinones is decreased by NAD(P)H:quinone reductase, an enzyme with DT-diaphorase activity. Using glutamate toxicity in N18-RE-105 cells as a model of neuronal oxidative stress, we report that the degree of glutamate toxicity observed is inversely proportional to quinone reductase activity. Induction of quinone reductase activity by treatment with t-butylhydroquinone reduced glutamate toxicity by up to 80%. In contrast, treatment with the quinone reductase inhibitor dicumarol potentiated the toxic effect of glutamate. Measurement of cellular glutathione indicates that increases in its levels are not responsible for the protective effect of t-butylhydroquinone treatment. Because many types of cell death may involve the formation of oxidants, induction of quinone reductase may be a new strategy to combat neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

beta-Lapachone activates a novel apoptotic response in a number of cell lines. We demonstrate that the enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) substantially enhances the toxicity of beta-lapachone. NQO1 expression directly correlated with sensitivity to a 4-h pulse of beta-lapachone in a panel of breast cancer cell lines, and the NQO1 inhibitor, dicoumarol, significantly protected NQO1-expressing cells from all aspects of beta-lapachone toxicity. Stable transfection of the NQO1-deficient cell line, MDA-MB-468, with an NQO1 expression plasmid increased apoptotic responses and lethality after beta-lapachone exposure. Dicoumarol blocked both the apoptotic responses and lethality. Biochemical studies suggest that reduction of beta-lapachone by NQO1 leads to a futile cycling between the quinone and hydroquinone forms, with a concomitant loss of reduced NAD(P)H. In addition, the activation of a cysteine protease, which has characteristics consistent with the neutral calcium-dependent protease, calpain, is observed after beta-lapachone treatment. This is the first definitive elucidation of an intracellular target for beta-lapachone in tumor cells. NQO1 could be exploited for gene therapy, radiotherapy, and/or chemopreventive interventions, since the enzyme is elevated in a number of tumor types (i.e. breast and lung) and during neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

A fundamental requirement for cellular vitality is the maintenance of plasma ion concentration within strict ranges. It is the function of the kidney to match urinary excretion of ions with daily ion intake and nonrenal losses to maintain a stable ionic milieu. NADPH oxidase is a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within many cell types, including the transporting renal epithelia. The focus of this review is to describe the role of NADPH oxidase-derived ROS toward local renal tubular ion transport in each nephron segment and to discuss how NADPH oxidase-derived ROS signaling within the nephron may mediate ion homeostasis. In each case, we will attempt to identify the various subunits of NADPH oxidase and reactive oxygen species involved and the ion transporters, which these affect. We will first review the role of NADPH oxidase on renal Na(+) and K(+) transport. Finally, we will review the relationship between tubular H(+) efflux and NADPH oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The NAD+/NADH ratio was 12 in whole soybean nodules tissue,but only 2 in bacteroids, as a result of the high concentrationof NADH. By contrast, NADP+/NADPH ratios were less than unityin both nodules and bacteroids, being 0.28 and 0.37, respectively. The adenylate energy charge values in bacteroids and nodules,0.37 and 0.39, respectively, were remarkably low, and were insharp contrast to the normal value of 0.83 in root tissue. (Received July 19, 1988; Accepted March 9, 1989)  相似文献   

A review is presented dealing with electrocatalytic NADH oxidation at mediator-modified electrodes, summarising the history of the topic, as well as the present state of the art.  相似文献   

A novel superoxide-producing NAD(P)H oxidase in kidney   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
During phagocytosis, gp91(phox), the catalytic subunit of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase, becomes activated to produce superoxide, a precursor of microbicidal oxidants. Currently increasing evidence suggests that nonphagocytic cells contain similar superoxide-producing oxidases, which are proposed to play crucial roles in various events such as cell proliferation and oxygen sensing for erythropoiesis. Here we describe the cloning of human cDNA that encodes a novel NAD(P)H oxidase, designated NOX4. The NOX4 protein of 578 amino acids exhibits 39% identity to gp91(phox) with special conservation in membrane-spanning regions and binding sites for heme, FAD, and NAD(P)H, indicative of its function as a superoxide-producing NAD(P)H oxidase. The membrane fraction of kidney-derived human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, expressing NOX4, exhibits NADH- and NADPH-dependent superoxide-producing activities, both of which are inhibited by diphenylene iodonium, an agent known to block oxygen sensing, and decreased in cells expressing antisense NOX4 mRNA. The human NOX4 gene, comprising 18 exons, is located on chromosome 11q14.2-q21, and its expression is almost exclusively restricted to adult and fetal kidneys. In human renal cortex, high amounts of the NOX4 protein are present in distal tubular cells, which reside near erythropoietin-producing cells. In addition, overexpression of NOX4 in cultured cells leads to increased superoxide production and decreased rate of growth. The present findings thus suggest that the novel NAD(P)H oxidase NOX4 may serve as an oxygen sensor and/or a regulator of cell growth in kidney.  相似文献   

The chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex functions in PSI cyclic and chlororespiratory electron transport in higher plants. Eleven plastid-encoded and three nuclear-encoded subunits have been identified so far, but the entire subunit composition, especially of the putative electron donor-binding module, is unclear. We isolated Arabidopsis thaliana crr23 (chlororespiratory reduction) mutants lacking NDH activity according to the absence of a transient increase in Chl fluorescence after actinic light illumination. Although CRR23 shows similarity to the NdhL subunit of cyanobacterial NDH-1, it has three transmembrane domains rather than the two in cyanobacterial NdhL. Unlike cyanobacterial NdhL, CRR23 is essential for stabilizing the NDH complex, which in turn is required for the accumulation of CRR23. Furthermore, CRR23 and NdhH, a subunit of chloroplast NDH, co-localized in blue-native gel. All the results indicate that CRR23 is an ortholog of cyanobacterial ndhL in Arabidopsis, despite its diversity of structure and function.  相似文献   

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