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A total of 48 female pigs (Large White × Landrace × Duroc cross) were used to determine whether a compensatory feed regime influenced performance, carcass composition and the level of plasma IGF-1. Pigs of initial age 73 days were fed a commercial diet at 0.70 of ad libitum (R) for 40 days followed by a return to ad libitum feeding for a further 42 days. The control group was fed ad libitum (A) throughout. Groups of animals on R and A feed regimes were slaughtered at the end of restriction period (SL1), 2 days after refeeding ad libitum (SL2) to establish the more immediate effects of refeeding on IGF levels, and after 42 days refeeding (SL3; n = 8 for each group). As expected, during the restriction period, average daily live weight gain in all the slaughter groups of R pigs was significantly lower than A pigs (P < 0.01); there was no significant difference in feed conversion ratios. In the re-alimentation period of SL3, R pigs grew 12.9% faster (P = 0.033), indicating compensatory growth. At SL1, there was a trend for carcass weight (P = 0.108) of A pigs to be higher than R pigs, but at SL2 live weight and carcass weight of A pigs were significantly heavier than R pigs (P < 0.05), but not at SL3. For killing-out percentage, there was no difference in SL1. After refeeding for 2 days (SL2) and 42 days (SL3), R pigs had significantly lower killing-out percentage than A pigs (P < 0.05). As a proportion of live weight, R pigs had smaller heart, kidney and liver (P < 0.05) than A pigs at SL1. At SL2, only the kidney was smaller in the restricted group (P < 0.05) and there were no significant differences in SL3. As a proportion of carcass weight, Longissimus dorsi was heavier in the R pigs at SL1 (P = 0.108) and SL2 (P < 0.05), but not at SL3. At SL1, there was a trend for intramuscular fat of A pigs to be higher than R pigs. The plasma IGF-1 level was lower in R pigs than A pigs (P = 0.010) at SL1, and slightly lower at SL2 (P = 0.110), with no significant differences at SL3. Dietary restriction period influenced plasma IGF-1 levels, which returned to the ad libitum group levels when animals were refed, as did live weight and carcass weight. It appears that the internal organs and possibly fat, but not muscles, underwent a compensatory response when animals were refed.  相似文献   

The diurnal patterns of plasma growth hormone (GH), thyroid hormone and cortisol concentrations in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss held under three photoperiod (L : D) regimes (6 : 18, 12 : 12 and 18 : 6), and fed either daily (DF) or on alternate days (ADF) with 2·0% body mass per day of a commercial trout diet were determined. The ADF groups had reduced total mass gain and specific growth rates compared with DF fish, but photoperiod had no affect on growth for either of the feeding regime groups. In the ADF groups, the mean 24 h plasma thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were significantly lower, both on days of feeding and days of fasting, than in DF fish held under all three photoperiod regimes, but for GH, only the 18L : 6D DF group was higher than the comparable ADF groups. There were no significant differences in mean 24 h plasma cortisol concentrations of DF and ADF groups. Diurnal patterns of plasma GH, cortisol, T4 and T3 were found in DF fish held under all three photoperiod regimes. Increases in plasma cortisol changes were associated with the onset of the light phase; elevations in plasma GH and T4 concentrations were more closely associated with clock time, regardless of photoperiod; increases in plasma T3 concentrations were strongly associated with time of feeding. In ADF groups, these diurnal changes in plasma GH, T4 and T3 concentrations were suppressed for both the fed and fast days, and plasma cortisol concentrations were suppressed on the fasting day. The observations are discussed in terms of the proposed anabolic, catabolic and growth regulating roles of these hormones in different growth and metabolic modifying situations in teleosts.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro effects of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) on plasma levels of lysozyme and ceruloplasmin were examined in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Hypophysectomy had no effect on the plasma lysozyme level. Implantation of PRL- or GH-containing cholesterol pellets increased the lysozyme level in a dose-related manner. After hypophysectomy and sham operation, plasma ceruloplasmin was elevated above the level in intact fish, suggesting inflammation caused by the surgery. PRL or GH treatment significantly attenuated the increased level of ceruloplasmin in the operated fish. Expression of lysozyme mRNA was detected in the leucocytes isolated from the peripheral blood by RT-PCR. In vitro administration of PRL or GH showed no effect on the proliferation of isolated leucocytes or on the total protein content; however, lysozyme activity in the medium increased in a dose-related manner. These results suggest that PRL and GH directly stimulate lysozyme production without affecting the proliferation of leucocytes, and the attenuated ceruloplasmin level increased in response to inflammation.  相似文献   

Compensatory growth responses of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were studied by examining food intake and growth of individual fish held within groups that were switched between regimes that involved full and restricted feeding. Restricted feeding led to marked interindividual variability in food intake, probably as a result of the establishment of feeding hierarchies. This disparity in food acquisition was reflected in highly heterogeneous growth amongst the fish fed low rations. When fish were transferred from restricted to full rations, they became hyperphagic and displayed high rates of growth. Growth compensation was most marked amongst those fish which had shown the poorest growth during the period of feed restriction. These results suggest that the feeding hierarchies established under feed restriction did not persist, but were rapidly broken down when food became increasingly available, enabling the previously suppressed fish to gain access to food and to display rapid growth.  相似文献   

Animal growth performance and quality of pork depend on the interactive effects of pig genotype, rearing conditions, pre-slaughter handling, and carcass and meat processing. This paper focuses on the effects of feeding and rearing systems (feeding level and diet composition, housing, production system, etc.) on growth performance, carcass composition, and eating and technological qualities of pork. The feeding level and protein : energy ratio can be used to manipulate growth rate or composition of weight gain. Restricted feed allowance strongly reduces growth rate and carcass fatness and also intramuscular fat (IMF) level, resulting in decreased meat tenderness or juiciness. Expression of compensatory growth due to restricted followed by ad libitum feeding modifies the composition of weight gain at both carcass and muscle levels, and may improve meat tenderness due to higher in vivo protein turnover. Decreasing the protein : energy ratio of the diet actually increases IMF and improves eating quality, but gives fatter carcasses. In contrast, a progressive reduction in the protein : energy ratio leads to similar carcass composition at slaughter but with higher IMF. Technological meat traits (pH1, pHu, colour, drip loss) are generally not affected by the level or protein : energy in feed. Modification of fatty acid composition and antioxidant level in meat can be obtained through diet supplementations (e.g. vegetable sources with high n-3 fatty acids), thereby improving the nutritional quality of pork. Influences of pig rearing system on animal performance, carcass and meat traits result from interactive effects of housing (floor type, space allowance, ambient temperature, physical activity), feeding level and genotype in specific production systems. Indoor enrichment (more space, straw bedding) generally increases growth rate and carcass fatness, and may improve meat juiciness or flavour through higher IMF. Outdoor rearing and organic production system have various effects on growth rate and carcass fatness, depending on climatic conditions and feed allowance. Influence on meat quality is also controversial: higher drip and lower pHu and tenderness have been reported, whereas some studies show improved meat juiciness with outdoor rearing. Discrepancies are likely due to differences between studies in rearing conditions and physiological responses of pigs to pre-slaughter handling. Specific production systems of the Mediterranean area based on local breeds (low growth rate, high adiposity) and free-range finishing (pasture, forests), which allows pig to express their genetic potential for IMF deposition, clearly demonstrate the positive effects of genotype × rearing system interactions on the quality of pork and pork products.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone (GH) given daily to rainbow trout, Sulmo gairdneri for 4 or 7 days at either 10.00 or 14.00 hours, significantly increased plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels but had not effect on plasma cholesterol levels. Liver lipid content of the GH-injected trout after seven injections was significantly lower than comparable controls in groups injected at both 10.00 and 14.00 hours. There were no apparent effects of GH on carcass or muscle lipid content although in fish injected and sampled at 14.00 hours there was a significant correlation between the number of injections and carcass lipid content.
Changes in hepatosomatic index (HSI), liver, muscle and carcass lipid content, plasma FFA and cholesterol concentrations and somatotrop activity during food-deprivation for up to 60 days are described. Despite significant decreases in liver and muscle lipid content and increases in plasma FFA levels in food-deprived fish, there was no concomitant change in apparent somatotrop activity.
The data are interpreted to indicate that although exogenous GH, in the doses used here, appears to stimulate mobilization of lipid reserves, particularly from the liver, there is no evidence that enforced changes in lipid reserves elicits a response of the endogenous somatotrop cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the compensatory growth feeding strategy could be a suitable solution for overcoming the negative effects on growth, carcass composition and meat quality of low birth weight pigs. Forty-two Swiss Large White barrows from 21 litters were selected at weaning and categorized into either being light (L; >0.8 and <1.3 kg) or heavy (H; >1.7 kg) birth weight pigs. From 27.8 kg BW, pigs were assigned within birth weight group to one of three feeding groups: AA: ad libitum access to the grower and finisher diet, RR: restricted access to the grower and finisher diet or RA: restricted access to the grower diet and ad libitum access to the finisher diet. At slaughter, the longissimus (LM) and semitendinosus (STM) muscles were removed from the right side of the carcass. Weight, girth and length of the STM and the LM area were determined after muscle excision. Carcass characteristics and meat quality traits were assessed. Using mATPase histochemistry, myofibre size and myofibre type distribution were determined in the LM and STM. Because of longer days on feed, total feed intake was greater (P<0.01) and feed efficiency was lower (P<0.01) in L than H barrows. Regardless of the birth weight group, AA and RA barrows grew faster (P<0.05) than RR barrows. During the compensatory growth period, RA barrows grew faster (P<0.05) than AA or RR barrows. Growth efficiency did not differ between RA and RR barrows but was greater (P<0.05) compared with AA barrows. Carcasses of L barrows were fatter as indicated by the lower (P⩽≤0.05) lean meat and greater (P⩽0.02) omental and subcutaneous fat percentage. Lean meat percentage was lower (P⩽0.05) in AA and RA than RR barrows. These differences caused by ad libitum feed access tended to be greater (feeding regime × birth weight group interaction; P<0.08) in L than H barrows. In L barrows, slow oxidative, fast oxidative glycolytic and overall average myofibre size of the LM and the fast glycolytic myofibres and overall average myofibre size of the dark portion of the STM were larger (P⩽0.03) than in H barrows. The study revealed that the compensatory growth feeding strategy was inadequate in overcoming the disadvantages of low birth weight.  相似文献   

Compensatory growth is the phase of rapid growth, greater than normal or control growth, which occurs upon adequate refeeding following a period of undernutrition. The effect of feed cycling periods (periods of starvation followed by periods of refeeding), ration level and repetitive feed cycles on the compensatory growth response in rainbow trout were evaluated in two experiments. A feeding cycle of 3 weeks starvation and 3 weeks feeding produced better results in terms of average percentage changes in weight and length, and in specific growth rate, than either 1 week and 1 week or 2 weeks and 2 weeks feed cycles. The fish on the 3 weeks starvation and 3 weeks feeding cycle did as well as, if not better than, the constantly fed controls over one or two complete cycles, though the controls were fed more than twice the amount of feed. Three ration levels were compared using a 3-week starvation and 3-week feeding period. The only effect of increasing ration level was to decrease conversion efficiency, indicating overfeeding. Carcass analysis of moisture, fat, protein and ash showed no significant differences between the controls and an experimental group on a 3 weeks starvation, 3 weeks feeding cycle after one complete cycle. Possible mechanisms underlying the compensatory growth response are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The chief objectives were: (i) to compare two growth models, one based on weight and the other on energy, using the same data set for the analyses; (ii) to discover if weight and energy units can be simply interchanged for growth assessment. The data set was for 183 brown trout, Salmo trutta (live weight 1–300 g), fed to satiation on shrimps, Gammarus pulex, and grown individually over 42 days at constant temperatures (range 3.8–20.4 °C). 2. Rates of change in weight or energy content, and final weight or energy content at the end of 42 days growth, were estimated from the models and were excellent fits to the experimental data (P < 0.001). The shape of the temperature relationship for rates of change or final values was triangular for the weight model and curvilinear for the energetics model. Optimum temperatures for growth according to the weight and energetics models were 13.1 and 13.9 °C, respectively, for rates of change and 13.1 and 13.5 °C, respectively, for final values. When the growth period was extended to 100 and then 300 days, the triangular relationship and optimum temperature remained the same for the weight model, but the curvilinear relationship became more triangular for the energetics model and the optimum temperature identical to that in the weight model. The relationship between gross efficiency and temperature also differed in shape between the two models but maximum efficiencies occurred at a similar value of 9 ± 0.1 °C (18 and 32% for weight and energetics models). As fish weight increased, gross efficiency remained constant in terms of energy units, but decreased markedly in terms of weight. 3. These comparisons showed that different conclusions can be drawn from the two models, even if the same data set was analysed. There was a close relationship between initial wet weight and energy content for stock trout used in the experiments, but the relationship was not so close at the end of the experiments, and interchangeability of units could no longer be assumed. A variable error, often as high as 10–12%, would occur if the relationship for initial values was used to predict one unit from the other. Therefore, weight and energy units cannot be simply interchanged for growth assessment, especially in comparisons for trout of different sizes.  相似文献   

In this experiment, we assessed the effect of amino acid (AA) intake restriction in entire male Yorkshire pigs between 15 and 38 kg BW (restriction phase) on BW gain, body composition and plasma levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), cortisol, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), growth hormone (GH) and leptin during the subsequent re-alimentation phase. During the restriction phase, 36 pigs were allotted to one of two dietary treatments: adequate AA intake (control) or AA-limiting diets (AA-30%). Thereafter, pigs were fed common non-limiting diets up to 110 kg BW. Throughout the experiment, pigs were scale-fed at 90% of the estimated voluntary daily digestible energy intake. At the end of the restriction phase, pigs on AA-30% had lesser BW gain (650 v. 784 g/day; P < 0.001), loin area (LA; 12.2 v. 14.2 cm2; P < 0.001), BUN (4.6 v. 6.3 mg/dl; P < 0.02), lesser plasma levels of IGF-I (440 v. 640 ng/m; P < 0.001) and cortisol (8.2 v. 19.2 μg/dl; P < 0.001), greater backfat thickness (BF; 7.56 v. 6.56 mm; P < 0.02), and greater plasma levels of leptin (2.7 v. 1.8 ng/ml; P = 0.027) and GH (3.3 v. 2.0 ng/ml; P = 0.05) than pigs on control. During the re-alimentation phase, previously restricted pigs showed full compensatory growth (CG) in terms of BW gain (1170 v. 1077 g/day; P < 0.002), whole-body protein deposition (Pd) (179 v. 163 g/day; P < 0.001) as well as physical and chemical body composition (whole-body lipid to body protein mass ratio, LB/PB; 1.14 v. 1.15; P > 0.10). Besides GH at 45 kg BW (4.2 v. 2.4 ng/ml; P = 0.066), there were no effects of previous AA intake restriction on leptin, IGF-I and BUN during the re-alimentation phase (P > 0.10). Plasma cortisol and IGF-I levels may act as an indicator of AA-induced restriction in Pd in growing pigs. Plasma BUN level does not appear as a sensitive indicator for compensatory Pd. Plasma leptin and GH levels allow for the involvement of the brain in controlling chemical body composition. Full CG was observed during the energy-dependent phase of Pd in growing pigs and might be driven by a target LB/PB, possibly mediated via plasma leptin, IGF-I and GH levels.  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) during a period of fasting in overwintering salmonid fish. Indices of carbohydrate (plasma glucose, liver glycogen), lipid (plasma free fatty acids (FFAs)) and protein metabolism (plasma protein, total plasma amino acids) were determined, together with plasma GH, cortisol and somatolactin (SL) levels at intervals in three groups of rainbow trout (continuously fed; fasted for 9 weeks then fed; fasted for 17 weeks). In fasted fish, a decline in body weight and condition factor was accompanied by reduced plasma glucose and hepatic glycogen and increased plasma FFA. No consistent elevation of plasma GH occurred until after 8 weeks of fasting when plasma GH levels increased ninefold. No changes were observed in plasma total protein and AA until between weeks 13 and 17 when both were reduced significantly. When previously fasted fish resumed feeding, plasma glucose and FFA, and hepatic glycogen levels rapidly returned to control values and weight gain resumed. No significant changes in plasma cortisol levels, related to feeding regime, were evident at any point during the study and there was no evidence that SL played an active role in the response to fasting. The results suggest that overwinter fasting may not represent a significant nutritional stressor to rainbow trout and that energy mobilisation during fasting may be achieved without the involvement of GH, cortisol or SL.  相似文献   

To investigate the nature of compenstory growth in fish, an 8 week study at 28°C was performed on juvenile gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio weighing 6·6 g. Fish were starved for 0 (control), 1 (S1) or 2 (S2) weeks and then re-fed to satiation for 5 weeks. Weekly changes in weight gain, feed intake and body composition were monitored during re-feeding. No significant difference was found in final body weight between the three groups, indicating complete compensation in the deprived fish. The deprived groups caught up in body weight with that of the control after 2 weeks of re-feeding. Body fat: lean body mass ratio was restored to the control level within 1 week of re-feeding. In the re-feeding period, weekly gains in body weight, protein, lipid, ash and energy in the S1 group were significantly higher than in the controls for 1 week. For the S2 group, weekly gains in body weight, lipid, ash and energy were higher than in the controls for 2 weeks, and gain in protein was higher than in the controls for 3 weeks, though gain in body energy became elevated again during the last 2 weeks of the experiment. Feed intake remained higher than the control level for 3 weeks in the S1 group and 4 weeks in the S2 group. Growth efficiency was not significantly different among the three groups in any of the weeks during re-feeding. Compensatory responses in growth and especially feed intake tended to last longer than the recovery of body composition.  相似文献   

  • 1 The chief objectives were to determine the daily energy intake and growth of piscivorous brown trout (Salmo trutta), and to compare the observed values with those expected from models developed previously for brown trout feeding on freshwater invertebrates. Energy budgets for individual fish were obtained from experiments with 40 trout (initial live weight 250–318 g) bred from wild parents, and kept at five constant temperatures (5, 10, 13, 15, 18 °C) and 100% oxygen saturation. Each trout was fed to satiation on freshly killed sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) over a period of 42 days.
  • 2 Energy intake (CIN cal day‐1) and growth (CG cal day‐1) were measured directly and energy losses (CQ cal day‐1) were estimated by difference (CQ = CINCG). All three variables increased with temperature. A model previously used to predict the daily energy intake (CIN(INV)) of trout feeding to satiation on invertebrates was adapted, by changing only one parameter, to provide an excellent model (R2 = 0.998) for predicting the mean daily energy intake (CIN(ST)) for the piscivorous trout. Values of CIN(ST) were 58% (range 48–67%) higher than those for CIN(INV). A simple model was also developed to estimate mean daily energy losses for piscivorous trout (R2 = 0.999). Both models were combined to provide excellent estimates of the daily energy gain (growth) of the piscivorous trout, and this was about three times that for trout feeding on invertebrates. The optimum temperature for maximum growth in energy terms increased from 13.9 °C for trout feeding on invertebrates to 17.0 °C (range 16.6–17.4 °C) for piscivorous trout.
  • 3 The models are basically an extension of those developed for trout feeding on invertebrates. They show clearly how energy intake, growth, and the optimum temperature for growth increase markedly when trout change their diet from invertebrates to fish. The implications of this are discussed and it is shown that, in theory, these increases should continue if a more energy‐rich diet was utilised by the trout.

The capacity of three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus (initial mean mass 0.280 g) to compensate for recurrent periods of food deprivation of 2, 4 or 6 days followed by 2 days of ad libitum feeding on enchytraeid worms over 56 days was assessed by measuring appetite and growth. Control fish were fed daily. The total number of days on which fish were fed ranged from 14 (6‐day cycle) to 56 (controls). Deprived sticklebacks were hyperphagic on the first day of re‐feeding in a cycle and this hyperphagia increased with successive cycles. Mean daily consumption on first day of refeeding was: controls, 62.9 mg; 2 days, 108 mg; 4 days, 98.8 mg; 6 days, 101 mg. The hyperphagia did not increase as the preceding period of deprivation within a cycle increased. Hyperphagia was not maintained on the second day of re‐feeding. The 4 day and 6 day groups initially showed hypophagia on the second day of re‐feeding. Mean daily consumption on second day of re‐feeding was: controls, 62.6 mg; 2 days, 62.2 mg; 4 days, 54.2 mg; 6 days, 50.0 mg. Over the experiment, consumption on the second day of the 4 day and 6‐day groups increased towards the control level, suggesting a developing compensatory response. The highest mean daily consumption per days fed was shown by the 2 day group. The relationship between number of days fed and total food consumption and specific growth rate suggested that the 2 day group almost compensated for the periods of deprivation. Performance declined for the 4 day and 6 day groups, although even at the highest level of deprivation, a positive growth was achieved. Mean specific growth rate in mass (% per day) was: controls, 2.33; 2 days, 1.89; 4 days, 1.21; 6 days, 0.86. Initial mass and total food consumption accounted for most of the variance in specific growth rate. Other indices of performance including lipid concentration, dry matter concentration and the RNA:DNA ratio in white muscle were positively related to quantity of food consumed by each group. Growth efficiency of sticklebacks in terms of wet mass gained and wet mass consumed over the experimental period was 19.4% and did not differ among control and treatment groups. The growth rates of the sticklebacks experiencing cyclical deprivation were comparable to growth rates previously recorded for sticklebacks fed daily, but consuming similar mean daily rations.  相似文献   

Colour preference of individual juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was tested at 1 and 12° C, and also at 12° C after a 42 day growth experiment under white, blue, green, yellow or red ambient colour. All experiments were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions and the preference was assessed by the location of the fish in a preference tank with four chambers. Rainbow trout showed a preference for blue and green at 1° C and for green at 12° C. After the growth experiment the fish reared in blue tanks preferred blue and green but green was the most preferred colour for the fish reared in green, yellow and red tanks. Yellow and especially red chambers were avoided, irrespective of the ambient colour during the growth trial. The final mass of fish reared in the red aquaria was significantly smaller than that of the fish in green tanks. In addition, when the data of the preference tests were correlated with the data of the growth experiment using mean values of the four tested colours, a very good linear relationship was observed between the preference ( i.e. visit frequency in coloured compartments) and growth rate as well as food intake. When considering the results both from the preference and growth trials it is suggested that green is the best environmental colour for rearing juvenile rainbow trout while rearing in a red environment cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

Summary Among the cells of the pituitary generally believed to produce glycoprotein gonadotropin (GTH) five forms were distinguished, based on the amount and the diameter of granules and globules and the appearance of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In sham-operated trout so-called globular cells predominated, whereas after ovariectomy these were replaced by so-called cisternal cells, suggesting that both belong to one GTH-cell type. In addition, ovariectomy caused a strong increase in plasma GTH-levels. This indicates that the transition from globular to cisternal cells is accompanied by extrusion of GTH, and thus points to a storage of GTH in the granules and globules. It is argued that one of the five forms has the morphological characteristics of thyrotropic cells and may not produce glycoprotein GTH.The authors are indebted to Mr. L.W. van Veenendaal for preparing the illustrations and the photographic layout  相似文献   

Plasma total lipids were significantly higher in 17β-oestradiol(E2)-treated immature rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss at week 4 after implantation, due to increases in polar and neutral lipids. The lipid classes responding were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, sterols and sterol esters, in a proportion that approximately reflected the increase in plasma vitellogenin (VtG) levels as measured by a non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma non-esterified fatty acids and triacylglycerol were not affected by E2 treatment. Plasma growth hormone GH levels were increased, and plasma somatostatin-14 (SRIF) levels decreased in E2-treated fish, responses which could be secondary to elevated plasma lipid (VtG) content, although a direct E2 action on somatotroph function is possible. Plasma T4 concentrations were not affected by E2 treatment, but plasma T3 concentrations were significantly lower than in controls 1 week after implantation when plasma E2 concentrations were the highest; this is in support of the hypothesis that E2 has a suppressive action on T3 production.  相似文献   

1. The tryptophan requirement of rainbow trout (initial body wt, 13 g) was estimated by feeding diets containing varied levels of tryptophan from 0.06 to 0.5% of diet for 6 weeks. 2. The estimated tryptophan requirement was 0.20-0.25 (0.57-0.71)% of diet (dietary proteins). 3. Nitrogen retention increased and feed/gain decreased with dietary tryptophan levels up to 0.14%, but no further effect was observed at levels above 0.14%. 4. Carcass protein content gradually increased and lipid and ash contents decreased with increasing dietary tryptophan levels. 5. Dietary tryptophan levels did not affect hepatosomatic index or liver glutamate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

A nutritional assay has been conducted with rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using a biomass of photosynthetic micro-organisms. The algal biomass was incorporated in the feed at increasing levels (12.5%, 25% and 50%) in order to verify the effects on survival (%), growth (length and mass) and carcass quality of the fish (skin color, water, protein and lipid content). Two commercial feeds (CF, as sold, and 0% A, reprocessed without algae) have been used as controls. After eight weeks at 10 degrees C, the growth has been significantly reduced in fish fed the feeds containing 25% and 50% algae diets (P<0.01). Moreover, an incorporation of algae higher than 12.5% in the feed led to a increase of water content (CF versus other diets; P<0.01) and TL (CF versus 50% A; P<0.01) (wet basis) content of carcasses. Survival was 100% in all treatment groups. Under the experimental conditions used, the results obtained show that a maximum of 12.5% of algal biomass can be incorporated in the feed for rainbow trout fry (O. mykiss) without negative consequences on growth and body content in lipids and energy of fish.  相似文献   

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