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Members of the Wnt family have been implicated in a variety of developmental processes including axis formation, patterning of the central nervous system and tissue morphogenesis. Recent studies have shown that a Wnt signalling pathway similar to that involved in the establishment of planar cell polarity in Drosophila regulates convergent extension movements during zebrafish and Xenopus gastrulation. This finding provides a good starting point to dissect the complex cell biology and genetic regulation of vertebrate gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Xenopus Cyr61 regulates gastrulation movements and modulates Wnt signalling   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cyr61 is a secreted, heparin-binding, extracellular matrix-associated protein whose activities include the promotion of adhesion and chemotaxis, and the stimulation of fibroblast and endothelial cell growth. Many, if not all, of these activities of Cyr61 are mediated through interactions with integrins. We explore the role of Cyr61 in the early development of Xenopus laevis. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments show that Xcyr61 is required for normal gastrulation movements. This role is mediated in part through the adhesive properties of Xcyr61 and its related ability to modulate assembly of the extracellular matrix. In addition, Xcyr61 can, in a context-dependent manner, stimulate or inhibit signalling through the Wnt pathway. These properties of Xcyr61 provide a mechanism for integrating cell signalling, cell adhesion and cell migration during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate gastrulation entails massive cell movements that establish and shape the germ layers. During gastrulation, the individual cell behaviors are strictly coordinated in time and space by various signaling pathways. These pathways instruct the cells about proliferation, shape, fate and migration into proper location. Convergence and extension (C&E) movements during vertebrate gastrulation play a major role in the shaping of the embryonic body. In vertebrates, the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (Wnt/PCP) pathway is a key regulator of C&E movements, essential for several polarized cell behaviors, including directed cell migration, and mediolateral and radial cell intercalation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the acquisition of Planar Cell Polarity by highly dynamic mesenchymal cells engaged in C&E are still not well understood. Here we review new evidence implicating the Wnt/PCP pathway in specific cell behaviors required for C&E during zebrafish gastrulation, in comparison to other vertebrates. We also discuss findings on the molecular regulation and the interaction of the Wnt/PCP pathway with other signaling pathways during gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Conserved patterns of cell movements during vertebrate gastrulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vertebrate embryogenesis entails an exquisitely coordinated combination of cell proliferation, fate specification and movement. After induction of the germ layers, the blastula is transformed by gastrulation movements into a multilayered embryo with head, trunk and tail rudiments. Gastrulation is heralded by formation of a blastopore, an opening in the blastula. The axial side of the blastopore is marked by the organizer, a signaling center that patterns the germ layers and regulates gastrulation movements. During internalization, endoderm and mesoderm cells move via the blastopore beneath the ectoderm. Epiboly movements expand and thin the nascent germ layers. Convergence movements narrow the germ layers from lateral to medial while extension movements elongate them from head to tail. Despite different morphology, parallels emerge with respect to the cellular and genetic mechanisms of gastrulation in different vertebrate groups. Patterns of gastrulation cell movements relative to the blastopore and the organizer are similar from fish to mammals, and conserved molecular pathways mediate gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Non-canonical Wnt signaling plays important roles during vertebrate embryogenesis and is required for cell motility during gastrulation. However, the molecular mechanisms of how Wnt signaling regulates modification of the actin cytoskeleton remain incompletely understood. We had previously identified the Formin homology protein Daam1 as an important link between Dishevelled and the Rho GTPase for cytoskeletal modulation. Here, we report that Profilin1 is an effector downstream of Daam1 required for cytoskeletal changes. Profilin1 interacted with the FH1 domain of Daam1 and was localized with Daam1 to actin stress fibers in response to Wnt signaling in mammalian cells. In addition, depletion of Profilin1 inhibited stress fiber formation induced by non-canonical Wnt signaling. Inhibition or depletion of Profilin1 in vivo specifically inhibited blastopore closure in Xenopus but did not affect convergent extension movements, tissue separation or neural fold closure. Our studies define a molecular pathway downstream of Daam1 that controls Wnt-mediated cytoskeletal reorganization for a specific morphogenetic process during vertebrate gastrulation.  相似文献   

Cell to cell interaction is one of the key processes effecting angiogenesis and endothelial cell function. Wnt signalling is mediated through cell-cell interaction and is involved in many developmental processes and cellular functions. In this study, we investigated the possible function of Wnt5a and the non-canonical Wnt pathway in human endothelial cells. We found that Wnt5a-mediated non-canonical Wnt signalling regulated endothelial cell proliferation. Blocking this pathway using antibody, siRNA or a down-stream inhibitor led to suppression of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and monolayer wound closure. We also found that the mRNA level of Wnt5a is up-regulated when endothelial cells are treated with a cocktail of inflammatory cytokines. Our findings suggest non-canonical Wnt signalling plays a role in regulating endothelial cell growth and possibly in angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic cell movements during gastrulation shape the vertebrate embryo bodyplan. Non-canonical Wnt signaling has been established to regulate convergence and extension cell movements that mediate anterior-posterior axis elongation. In recent years, many other factors have been implicated in the process by modulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling or by different, unknown mechanisms. We have found that the Src family kinases, Fyn and Yes, are required for normal convergence and extension cell movements in zebrafish embryonic development and they signal in parallel to non-canonical Wnts, eventually converging on a common downstream factor, RhoA. Here, we report that Csk, a negative regulator of Src family kinases has a role in gastrulation cell movements as well. Csk knock down induced a phenotype that was similar to the defects observed after knock down of Fyn and Yes, in that gastrulation cell movements were impaired, without affecting cell fate. The Csk knock down phenotype was rescued by simultaneous partial knock down of Fyn and Yes. We conclude that Csk acts upstream of Fyn and Yes to control vertebrate gastrulation cell movements.  相似文献   

Early shaping of Xenopus laevis embryos occurs through convergent and extension movements, a process that is driven by intercalation of polarized dorsal mesodermal cells and regulated by non-canonical Wnt signalling. Here, we have identified Xenopus syndecan-4 (xSyn4), a cell-surface transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan. At the gastrula stage, xSyn4 is expressed in the involuting dorsal mesoderm and the anterior neuroectoderm. Later, it is found in the pronephros, branchial arches, brain and tailbud. Both gain- and loss-of-function of xSyn4 impaired convergent extension movements in Xenopus embryos and in activin-treated ectodermal explants. xSyn4 interacts functionally and biochemically with the Wnt receptor Frizzled7 (xFz7) and its signal transducer Dishevelled (xDsh). Furthermore, xSyn4 is necessary and sufficient for translocation of xDsh to the plasma membrane - a landmark in the activation of non-canonical Wnt signalling. Our results suggest that the ability of xSyn4 to translocate xDsh is regulated by fibronectin, a component of the extracellular matrix required for proper convergent extension movements. We propose a model where xSyn4 and fibronectin cooperate with xFz7 and Wnt in the specific activation of the non-canonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Migration of neural crest cells is an elaborate process that requires the delamination of cells from an epithelium and cell movement into an extracellular matrix. In this work, it is shown for the first time that the non-canonical Wnt signalling [planar cell polarity (PCP) or Wnt-Ca2+] pathway controls migration of neural crest cells. By using specific Dsh mutants, we show that the canonical Wnt signalling pathway is needed for neural crest induction, while the non-canonical Wnt pathway is required for neural crest migration. Grafts of neural crest tissue expressing non-canonical Dsh mutants, as well as neural crest cultured in vitro, indicate that the PCP pathway works in a cell-autonomous manner to control neural crest migration. Expression analysis of non-canonical Wnt ligands and their putative receptors show that Wnt11 is expressed in tissue adjacent to neural crest cells expressing the Wnt receptor Frizzled7 (Fz7). Furthermore, loss- and gain-of-function experiments reveal that Wnt11 plays an essential role in neural crest migration. Inhibition of neural crest migration by blocking Wnt11 activity can be rescued by intracellular activation of the non-canonical Wnt pathway. When Wnt11 is expressed opposite its normal site of expression, neural crest migration is blocked. Finally, time-lapse analysis of cell movement and cell protrusion in neural crest cultured in vitro shows that the PCP or Wnt-Ca2+ pathway directs the formation of lamellipodia and filopodia in the neural crest cells that are required for their delamination and/or migration.  相似文献   

In all multicellular animals, successful embryogenesis is dependent on the ability of cells to detect the status of the local environment and respond appropriately. The nature of the extracellular environment is communicated to the intracellular compartment by ligand/receptor interactions at the cell surface. The Wnt canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways are found in the most primitive metazoans, and they play an essential role in the most fundamental developmental processes in all multicellular organisms. Vertebrates have expanded the number of Wnts and Frizzled receptors and have additionally evolved novel Wnt receptor families (Ryk, Ror). The multiplicity of potential interactions between Wnts, their receptors and downstream effectors has exponentially increased the complexity of the signal transduction network. Signalling through each of the Wnt pathways, as well as crosstalk between them, plays a critical role in the establishment of the complex architecture of the vertebrate central nervous system. In this review, we explore the signalling networks triggered by non-canonical Wnt/receptor interactions, focussing on the emerging roles of the non-conventional Wnt receptors Ryk and Ror. We describe the role of these pathways in neural tube formation and axon guidance where Wnt signalling controls tissue polarity, coordinated cell migration and axon guidance via remodelling of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, convergence and extension cell movements are coordinated with the anteroposterior and mediolateral embryonic axes. Wnt planar cell polarity (Wnt/PCP) signaling polarizes the motile behaviors of cells with respect to the anteroposterior embryonic axis. Understanding how Wnt/PCP signaling mediates convergence and extension (C&E) movements requires analysis of the mechanisms employed to alter cell morphology and behavior with respect to embryonic polarity. Here, we examine the interactions between the microtubule cytoskeleton and Wnt/PCP signaling during zebrafish gastrulation. First, we assessed the location of the centrosome/microtubule organizing center (MTOC) relative to the cell nucleus and the body axes, as a marker of cell polarity. The intracellular position of MTOCs was polarized, perpendicular to the plane of the germ layers, independently of Wnt/PCP signaling. In addition, this position became biased posteriorly and medially within the plane of the germ layers at the transition from mid- to late gastrulation and from slow to fast C&E movements. This depends on intact Wnt/PCP signaling through Knypek (Glypican4/6) and Dishevelled components. Second, we tested whether microtubules are required for planar cell polarization. Once the planar cell polarity is established, microtubules are not required for accumulation of Prickle at the anterior cell edge. However, microtubules are needed for cell-cell contacts and initiation of its anterior localization. Reciprocal interactions occur between Wnt/PCP signaling and microtubule cytoskeleton during C&E gastrulation movements. Wnt/PCP signaling influences the polarity of the microtubule cytoskeleton and, conversely, microtubules are required for the asymmetric distribution of Wnt/PCP pathway components.  相似文献   

Identification of common mechanistic principles that shed light on the action of the many chemically diverse toxicants to which we are exposed is of central importance in understanding how toxicants disrupt normal cellular function and in developing more effective means of protecting against such effects. Of particular importance is identifying mechanisms operative at environmentally relevant toxicant exposure levels. Chemically diverse toxicants exhibit striking convergence, at environmentally relevant exposure levels, on pathway-specific disruption of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling required for cell division in central nervous system (CNS) progenitor cells. Relatively small toxicant-induced increases in oxidative status are associated with Fyn kinase activation, leading to secondary activation of the c-Cbl ubiquitin ligase. Fyn/c-Cbl pathway activation by these pro-oxidative changes causes specific reductions, in vitro and in vivo, in levels of the c-Cbl target platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α and other c-Cbl targets, but not of the TrkC RTK (which is not a c-Cbl target). Sequential Fyn and c-Cbl activation, with consequent pathway-specific suppression of RTK signaling, is induced by levels of methylmercury and lead that affect large segments of the population, as well as by paraquat, an organic herbicide. Our results identify a novel regulatory pathway of oxidant-mediated Fyn/c-Cbl activation as a shared mechanism of action of chemically diverse toxicants at environmentally relevant levels, and as a means by which increased oxidative status may disrupt mitogenic signaling. These results provide one of a small number of general mechanistic principles in toxicology, and the only such principle integrating toxicology, precursor cell biology, redox biology, and signaling pathway analysis in a predictive framework of broad potential relevance to the understanding of pro-oxidant–mediated disruption of normal development.  相似文献   

Key to invasiveness is the ability of tumor cells to modify the extracellular matrix, become motile, and engage in directed migration towards the vasculature. One significant protein associated with metastatic progression is membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP14). How MMP14 activity is coordinated with other signaling pathways to regulate cell migration in vivo is largely unknown. Here we have used zebrafish embryogenesis as a model to understand the potential relationship between MMP14-dependent pericellular proteolysis, cell polarity, and motility. Knockdown of zebrafish Mmp14 function disrupted gastrulation convergence and extension cell movements and craniofacial morphogenesis. Using time-lapse imaging and morphometric analyses, we show that Mmp14 is required for proper cell polarity underlying the directed migration of mesodermal cells during gastrulation. We have identified a genetic interaction between mmp14 and non-canonical Wnt signaling, a pathway that also regulates cell polarity in embryonic tissues and is increasingly being linked with tumor cell migration. Finally, we demonstrate that Van Gogh-like 2, a key regulator of the non-canonical Wnt pathway, co-localizes with MMP14 and becomes redistributed towards the leading edge of polarized human cancer cells. Together, our results support the notion that pathways regulating pericellular proteolysis and cell polarity converge to promote efficient cell migration.  相似文献   

Wnt and estrogen signaling represent important regulatory pathways, each controlling a wide range of biological processes. While an increasing number of observations suggest potential convergence between these pathways, no direct evidence of their functional interaction has been reported. Using human colon and breast cancer cells, we found that estrogen receptor (ER) alpha- and beta-catenin precipitated within the same immunocomplexes, reciprocally enhanced the transactivation of cognate reporter genes, and were reciprocally recruited to cognate response elements in the promoters of endogenous target genes. Using transgenic Drosophila that ectopically expressed human ERalpha alone or together with metabolically stable beta-catenin/Armadillo mutants, we demonstrated genetic interaction between these signal transducers in vivo. Thus, we present here the first direct evidence of cross-talk between Wnt and estrogen signaling pathways via functional interaction between beta-catenin and ERalpha.  相似文献   

During the early vertebrate body plan formation, convergent extension (CE) of dorsal mesoderm and neurectoderm is coordinated by the evolutionarily conserved non-canonical Wnt/PCP signaling. Disheveled (Dvl), a key mediator of Wnt/PCP signaling, is essential for the medial–lateral polarity formation in the cells undergoing convergent extension movements. NEDD4L, a highly conserved HECT type E3 ligase, has been reported to regulate the stability of multiple substrates including Dvl2. Here we demonstrate that NEDD4L is required for the cellular polarity formation and convergent extension in the early Xenopus embryos. Depletion of NEDD4L in early Xenopus embryos results in the loss of mediolateral polarity of the convergent-extending mesoderm cells and the shortened body axis, resembling those defects caused by the disruption of non-canonical Wnt signaling. Depletion of xNEDD4L also blocks the elongation of the animal explants in response to endogenous mesoderm inducing signals and partially compromises the expression of Brachyury. Importantly, reducing Dvl2 expression can largely rescue the cellular polarity and convergent extension defects in NEDD4L-depleted embryos and explants. Together with the data that NEDD4L reduces Dvl2 protein expression in the frog embryos, our findings suggest that regulation of Dvl protein levels by NEDD4L is essential for convergent extension during early Xenopus embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Directed cell migration is crucial for development, but most of our current knowledge is derived from in vitro studies. We analyzed how neural crest (NC) cells migrate in the direction of their target during embryonic development. We show that the proteoglycan Syndecan-4 (Syn4) is expressed in the migrating neural crest of Xenopus and zebrafish embryos. Loss-of-function studies using an antisense morpholino against syn4 show that this molecule is required for NC migration, but not for NC induction. Inhibition of Syn4 does not affect the velocity of cell migration, but significantly reduces the directional migration of NC cells. Furthermore, we show that Syn4 and PCP signaling control the directional migration of NC cells by regulating the direction in which the cell protrusions are generated during migration. Finally, we perform FRET analysis of Cdc42, Rac and RhoA in vitro and in vivo after interfering with Syn4 and PCP signaling. This is the first time that FRET analysis of small GTPases has been performed in vivo. Our results show that Syn4 inhibits Rac activity, whereas PCP signaling promotes RhoA activity. In addition, we show that RhoA inhibits Rac in NC cells. We present a model in which Syn4 and PCP control directional NC migration by, at least in part, regulating membrane protrusions through the regulation of small GTPase activities.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies in Drosophila identified a novel non-canonical Wnt pathway, the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, that signals via JNK to control epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. Most recently, a pathway regulating convergent extension movements during gastrulation in vertebrate embryos has been shown to be a vertebrate equivalent of the PCP pathway. However, it is not known whether the JNK pathway functions in this non-canonical Wnt pathway to regulate convergent extension movements in vertebrates. In addition, it is not known whether JNK is in fact activated by Wnt stimulation. Here we show that Wnt5a is capable of activating JNK in cultured cells, and present evidence that the JNK pathway mediates the action of Wnt5a to regulate convergent extension movements in Xenopus. Our results thus demonstrate that the non-canonical Wnt/JNK pathway is conserved in both vertebrate and invertebrate and define that JNK has an activity to regulate morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

R Habas  Y Kato  X He 《Cell》2001,107(7):843-854
Wnt signaling via the Frizzled (Fz) receptor controls cell polarity and movement during development, but the molecular nature of Wnt/Fz polarity signal transduction remains poorly defined. Here we report that in human cells and during Xenopus embryogenesis, Wnt/Fz signaling activates the small GTPase Rho, a key regulator of cytoskeleton architecture. Wnt/Fz activation of Rho requires the cytoplasmic protein Dishevelled (Dvl) and a novel Formin homology protein Daam1. Daam1 binds to both Dvl and Rho, and mediates Wnt-induced Dvl-Rho complex formation. Inhibition or depletion of Daam1 prevents Wnt/Fz activation of Rho and of Xenopus gastrulation, but not of beta-catenin signaling. Our study illustrates a molecular pathway from Wnt/Fz signaling to Rho activation in cell polarity signal transduction.  相似文献   

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