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Full-size cDNAs encoding the precursors of chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP), sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBP), and the small subunit of Rubisco (RbcS) from spinach were cloned. These cDNAs complete the set of homologous probes for all nuclear-encoded enzymes of the Calvin cycle from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). FBP enzymes not only of higher plants but also of non-photosynthetic eukaryotes are found to be unexpectedly similar to eubacterial homologues, suggesting a eubacterial origin of these eukaryotic nuclear genes. Chloroplast and cytosolic FBP isoenzymes of higher plants arose through a gene duplication event which occurred early in eukaryotic evolution. Both FBP and SBP of higher plant chloroplasts have acquired substrate specificity, i.e. have undergone functional specialization since their divergence from bifunctional FBP/SBP enzymes of free-living eubacteria.Abbreviations FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - SBP sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase - FBA fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase  相似文献   

Plastids and mitochondria each arose from a single endosymbiotic event and share many similarities in how they were reduced and integrated with their host. However, the subsequent evolution of the two organelles could hardly be more different: mitochondria are a stable fixture of eukaryotic cells that are neither lost nor shuffled between lineages, whereas plastid evolution has been a complex mix of movement, loss and replacement. Molecular data from the past decade have substantially untangled this complex history, and we now know that plastids are derived from a single endosymbiotic event in the ancestor of glaucophytes, red algae and green algae (including plants). The plastids of both red algae and green algae were subsequently transferred to other lineages by secondary endosymbiosis. Green algal plastids were taken up by euglenids and chlorarachniophytes, as well as one small group of dinoflagellates. Red algae appear to have been taken up only once, giving rise to a diverse group called chromalveolates. Additional layers of complexity come from plastid loss, which has happened at least once and probably many times, and replacement. Plastid loss is difficult to prove, and cryptic, non-photosynthetic plastids are being found in many non-photosynthetic lineages. In other cases, photosynthetic lineages are now understood to have evolved from ancestors with a plastid of different origin, so an ancestral plastid has been replaced with a new one. Such replacement has taken place in several dinoflagellates (by tertiary endosymbiosis with other chromalveolates or serial secondary endosymbiosis with a green alga), and apparently also in two rhizarian lineages: chlorarachniophytes and Paulinella (which appear to have evolved from chromalveolate ancestors). The many twists and turns of plastid evolution each represent major evolutionary transitions, and each offers a glimpse into how genomes evolve and how cells integrate through gene transfers and protein trafficking.  相似文献   

Exploiting the differential expression of genes for Calvin cycle enzymes in bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells of the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor L., we isolated via subtractive hybridization a molecular probe for the Calvin cycle enzyme d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase (R5P3E) (EC, with the help of which several full-size cDNAs were isolated from spinach. Functional identity of the encoded mature subunit was shown by R5P3E activity found in affinity-purified glutatione S-transferase fusions expressed in Escherichia coli and by three-fold increase of R5P3E activity upon induction of E. coli overexpressing the spinach subunit under the control of the bacteriophage T7 promoter, demonstrating that we have cloned the first functional ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase from any eukaryotic source. The chloroplast enzyme from spinach shares about 50% amino acid identity with its homologues from the Calvin cycle operons of the autotrophic purple bacteria Alcaligenes eutrophus and Rhodospirillum rubrum. A R5P3E-related eubacterial gene family was identified which arose through ancient duplications in prokaryotic chromosomes, three R5P3E-related genes of yet unknown function have persisted to the present within the E. coli genome. A gene phylogeny reveals that spinach R5P3E is more similar to eubacterial homologues than to the yeast sequence, suggesting a eubacterial origin for this plant nuclear gene.Abbreviations R5P3E d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase - RPI ribose-5-phosphate isomerase - TKL transketolase - PRK phosphoribulokinase - GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphophatase - FBP fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - 6PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - OPPP oxidative pentose phosphate pathway - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - FBA fructose-1,6-bisphophate aldolase - IPTG isopropyl -d-thiogalactoside - GST glutathione S-tranferase - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - TPI triosephosphate isomerase  相似文献   

Although the endosymbiotic evolution of chloroplasts through primary and secondary associations is well established, the evolutionary timing and stability of the secondary endosymbiotic events is less well resolved. Heterokonts include both photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic members and the nonphotosynthetic lineages branch basally in phylogenetic reconstructions. Molecular and morphological data indicate that heterokont chloroplasts evolved via a secondary endosymbiosis, involving a heterotrophic host cell and a photosynthetic ancestor of the red algae and this endosymbiotic event may have preceded the divergence of heterokonts and alveolates. If photosynthesis evolved early in this lineage, nuclear genomes of the nonphotosynthetic groups may contain genes that are not essential to photosynthesis but were derived from the endosymbiont genome through gene transfer. These genes offer the potential to trace the evolutionary history of chloroplast gains and losses within these lineages. Glutamine synthetase (GS) is essential for ammonium assimilation and glutamine biosynthesis in all organisms. Three paralogous gene families (GSI, GSII, and GSIII) have been identified and are broadly distributed among prokaryotic and eukaryotic lineages. In diatoms (Heterokonta), the nuclear-encoded chloroplast and cytosolic-localized GS isoforms are encoded by members of the GSII and GSIII family, respectively. Here, we explore the evolutionary history of GSII in both photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic heterokonts, red algae, and other eukaryotes. GSII cDNA sequences were obtained from two species of oomycetes by polymerase chain reaction amplification. Additional GSII sequences from eukaryotes and bacteria were obtained from publicly available databases and genome projects. Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of GSII provided strong support for the monophyly of heterokonts, rhodophytes, chlorophytes, and plants and strong to moderate support for the Opisthokonts. Although the phylogeny is reflective of the unikont/bikont division of eukaryotes, we propose based on the robustness of the phylogenetic analyses that the heterokont GSII gene evolved via endosymbiotic gene transfer from the nucleus of the red-algal endosymbiont to the nucleus of the host. The lack of GSIII sequences in the oomycetes examined here further suggests that the GSIII gene that functions in the cytosol of photosynthetic heterokonts was replaced by the endosymbiont-derived GSII gene.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis stating that chloroplasts were derived from a photosynthetic procaryote is explored at a genetic and biochemical level. A transfer of genetic material from the endosymbiont to the nucleus of the host cell is proposed along with a corollary argument that the protein products of such transferred genes have remained specific to the chloroplast. This model provides an explanation for the presence of plastid-specific isozymes which are coded by nuclear DNA. It also suggests that the genome of the endosymbiont contributed the information necessary for the biosynthesis of carotenoids and the essential amino acids and the assimilation of nitrate-nitrogen and sulfate-sulfur. Animal cells lack these capabilities not because such were lost subsequent to the divergence of the plant and animal lines, but because animal cells did not become host to the appropriate symbionts. Additional implications of this thesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is composed of two different subunits, GapA and GapB. cDNA clones containing the entire coding sequences of the cytosolic precursors for GapA from pea and for GapB from pea and spinach have been identified, sequenced and the derived amino acid sequences have been compared to the corresponding sequences from tobacco, maize and mustard. These comparisons show that GapB differs from GapA in about 20% of its amino acid residues and by the presence of a flexible and negatively charged C-terminal extension, possibly responsible for the observed association of the enzyme with chloroplast envelopes in vitro. This C-terminal extension (29 or 30 residues) may be susceptible to proteolytic cleavage thereby leading to a conversion of chloroplast GAPDH isoenzyme I into isoenzyme II. Evolutionary rate comparisons at the amino acid sequence level show that chloroplast GapA and GapB evolve roughly two-fold slower than their cytosolic counterpart GapC. GapA and GapB transit peptides evolve about 10 times faster than the corresponding mature subunits. They are relatively long (68 and 83 residues for pea GapA and spinach GapB respectively) and share a similar amino acid framework with other chloroplast transit peptides.  相似文献   

Bacterial intracellular symbiosis (endosymbiosis) is well documentedin the insect world where it is believed to play a crucial rolein adaptation and evolution. However, although Coleopteran insectsare of huge ecological and economical interest, endosymbiontmolecular analysis is limited to the Dryophthoridae family.Here, we have analyzed the intracellular symbiotic bacteriain 2 Hylobius species belonging to the Molytinae subfamily (Curculionoideasuperfamily) that exhibit different features from the Dryophthoridaeinsects in terms of their ecology and geographical spanning.Fluorescence in situ hybridization has shown that both Hylobiusspecies harbor rod-shaped pleiomorphic symbiotic bacteria inthe oocyte and in the bacteria-bearing organ (the bacteriome),with a shape and location similar to those of the Dryophthoridaebacteriome. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA genesequences, using the heterogeneous model of DNA evolution, hasplaced the Hylobius spp. endosymbionts (H-group) at the basalposition of the ancestral R-clade of Dryophthoridae endosymbiontsnamed Candidatus Nardonella but relatively distant from theS-clade of Sitophilus spp. endosymbionts. Endosymbionts fromthe H-group and the R-clade evolved more quickly compared withfree-living enteric bacteria and endosymbionts from the S- andD-clades of Dryophthoridae. They are AT biased (58.3% A + T),and they exhibit AT-rich insertions at the same position aspreviously described in the Candidatus Nardonella 16S rDNA sequence.Moreover, the host phylogenetic tree based on the mitochondrialCOI gene was shown to be highly congruent with the H-group andthe R-clade, the divergence of which was estimated to be around125 MYA. These new molecular data show that endosymbiosis isold in Curculionids, going back at least to the common ancestorof Molytinae and Dryophthoridae, and is evolutionary stable,except in 2 Dryophthoridae clades, providing additional andindependent supplementary evidence for endosymbiont replacementin these taxa.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and cDNA sequence of a novel human gene, which is distinct from all known members of the human src family of proto-oncogenes. In contrast to these, an autophosphorylation site corresponding to Tyr416, as well as the equivalent of Tyr527 in p60c-src, are missing in the amino acid (aa) sequence deduced from this gene. Furthermore, no N-terminal myristylation site is found. Our human clone is 98% identical at the aa level to a gene which was isolated independently from neonatal rat brain and was termed csk for c-src kinase. We, therefore, propose to designate the present human gene CSK. In Northern blot experiments, CSK was found to be expressed in human lung and macrophages. Due to its extreme conservation across species barriers, the CSK product is likely to exert important regulatory functions. On the basis of its expression in tissues, not typically expressing high c-src levels, it can be assumed that its regulatory role is more general and may also involve other tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

To infer the phylogeny of both the host and the endosymbiont of Peridinium quinquecorne Abé, the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from the host and two genes of endosymbiont origin (plastid‐encoded rbcL and nuclear‐encoded SSU rDNA) were determined. The phylogenetic analysis of the host revealed that the marine dinoflagellate P. quinquecorne formed a clade with other diatom‐harbouring dinoflagellates, including Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (Stein) Lindeman, Durinskia baltica (Levander) Carty et Cox and Galeidinium rugatum Tamura et Horiguchi, indicating a single endosymbiotic event for this lineage. Phylogenetic analyses of the endosymbiont in these organisms revealed that the endosymbiont of P. quinquecorne formed a clade with a centric diatom (SSU data indicated it to be closely related to Chaetoceros), whereas the endosymbionts of other three dinoflagellates formed a clade with a pennate diatom. The discrepancy between the host and the endosymbiont phylogenies suggests a secondary replacement of the endosymbiont from a pennate to a centric diatom in P. quinquecorne.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated chloroplasts from Pisum sativum were found to contain at least 32 tRNA species. Hybridization of in vitro labeled, identified, chloroplast tRNAs to Pisum chloroplast DNA fragments revealed the locations of the tRNA genes on the circular chloroplast genome. Comparison of this gene map to the maps of Vicia faba and Phaseolus vulgaris showed that the chloroplast genomes of Pisum and Phaseolus are otherwise more closely related than either genome is to the chloroplast genome of Vicia. Furthermore, the results suggest how possible recombination events could be involved in the evolution of these three closely related, but divergent, chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were performed on concatenated data sets of 31 genes and 11,789 unambiguously alignable characters from 37 cyanobacterial and 35 chloroplast genomes. The plastid lineage emerged somewhat early in the cyanobacterial tree, at a time when Cyanobacteria were likely unicellular and restricted to freshwater ecosystems. Using relaxed molecular clocks and 22 age constraints spanning cyanobacterial and eukaryote nodes, the common ancestor to the photosynthetic eukaryotes was predicted to have also inhabited freshwater environments around the time that oxygen appeared in the atmosphere (2.0–2.3 Ga). Early diversifications within each of the three major plastid clades were also inferred to have occurred in freshwater environments, through the late Paleoproterozoic and into the middle Mesoproterozoic. The colonization of marine environments by photosynthetic eukaryotes may not have occurred until after the middle Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.5 Ga). The evolutionary hypotheses proposed here predict that early photosynthetic eukaryotes may have never experienced the widespread anoxia or euxinia suggested to have characterized marine environments in the Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. It also proposes that earliest acritarchs (1.5–1.7 Ga) may have been produced by freshwater taxa. This study highlights how the early evolution of habitat preference in photosynthetic eukaryotes, along with Cyanobacteria, could have contributed to changing biogeochemical conditions on the early Earth.  相似文献   

Sequences and structures of all P-loop-fold proteins were compared with the aim of reconstructing the principal events in the evolution of P-loop-containing kinases. It is shown that kinases and some related proteins comprise a monophyletic assemblage within the P-loop NTPase fold. An evolutionary classification of these proteins was developed using standard phylogenetic methods, analysis of shared sequence and structural signatures, and similarity-based clustering. This analysis resulted in the identification of approximately 40 distinct protein families within the P-loop kinase class. Most of these enzymes phosphorylate nucleosides and nucleotides, as well as sugars, coenzyme precursors, adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate and polynucleotides. In addition, the class includes sulfotransferases, amide bond ligases, pyrimidine and dihydrofolate reductases, and several other families of enzymes that have acquired new catalytic capabilities distinct from the ancestral kinase reaction. Our reconstruction of the early history of the P-loop NTPase fold includes the initial split into the common ancestor of the kinase and the GTPase classes, and the common ancestor of ATPases. This was followed by the divergence of the kinases, which primarily phosphorylated nucleoside monophosphates (NMP), but could have had broader specificity. We provide evidence for the presence of at least two to four distinct P-loop kinases, including distinct forms specific for dNMP and rNMP, and related enzymes in the last universal common ancestor of all extant life forms. Subsequent evolution of kinases seems to have been dominated by the emergence of new bacterial and, to a lesser extent, archaeal families. Some of these enzymes retained their kinase activity but evolved new substrate specificities, whereas others acquired new activities, such as sulfate transfer and reduction. Eukaryotes appear to have acquired most of their kinases via horizontal gene transfer from Bacteria, partly from the mitochondrial and chloroplast endosymbionts and partly at later stages of evolution. A distinct superfamily of kinases, which we designated DxTN after its sequence signature, appears to have evolved in selfish replicons, such as bacteriophages, and was subsequently widely recruited by eukaryotes for multiple functions related to nucleic acid processing and general metabolism. In the course of this analysis, several previously undetected groups of predicted kinases were identified, including widespread archaeo-eukaryotic and archaeal families. The results could serve as a framework for systematic experimental characterization of new biochemical and biological functions of kinases.  相似文献   

Abstract Almost all aphids harbor prokaryotic intracellular symbionts in the cytoplasm of mycetocytes, huge cells in the abdomen specialized for this purpose. The aphids and their intracellular symbionts are in close mutualistic association and unable to live without their partner. The intracellular symbionts of various aphids are of a single origin; they are descendants of a prokaryote that was acquired by the common ancestor of the present aphids. The date of establishment of the symbiotic association is estimated to be 160–280 million years ago using 16S rRNA molecular clock calibrated by aphid fossils. Molecular phylogeny indicates that the intracellular symbiont belongs to a group of gut bacteria, suggesting the possibility that it was derived from a gut microbe of aphids. While the in-tracellular symbionts are universal and highly conserved amongst aphids, other types of symbiotic microorganisms are also present. In various aphids, bacterial “secondary” intracellular symbionts are found in addition to the standard symbionts. They are thought to be acquired many times in various lineages independently. Some Cerataphidini aphids do not have intracellular symbiotic system but harbor yeast-like extracellular symbionts in the hemocoel. In a lineage of this group, symbiont replacement from intracellular prokaryote to extracellular yeast must have occurred. The diversity of the endosymbiotic system of aphids illuminates a dynamic aspect of endosymbiotic evolution.  相似文献   

Spiroplasma poulsonii is a vertically transmitted endosymbiont of Drosophila melanogaster that causes male‐killing, that is the death of infected male embryos during embryogenesis. Here, we report a natural variant of S. poulsonii that is efficiently vertically transmitted yet does not selectively kill males, but kills rather a subset of all embryos regardless of their sex, a phenotype we call ‘blind‐killing’. We show that the natural plasmid of S. poulsonii has an altered structure: Spaid, the gene coding for the male‐killing toxin, is deleted in the blind‐killing strain, confirming its function as a male‐killing factor. Then we further investigate several hypotheses that could explain the sex‐independent toxicity of this new strain on host embryos. As the second non‐male‐killing variant isolated from a male‐killing original population, this new strain raises questions on how male‐killing is maintained or lost in fly populations. As a natural knock‐out of Spaid, which is unachievable yet by genetic engineering approaches, this variant also represents a valuable tool for further investigations on the male‐killing mechanism.  相似文献   

Characterization of a rice sucrose-phosphate synthase-encoding gene   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A rice genomic clone (spsl) coding for sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) was isolated and sequenced. Rice spsl contains 13 exons and 12 introns, an unusually long 366-bp leader region with a highly organized primary structure and a promoter region with no obvious homology with eukaryotic promoter consensus sequences. Southern blot analysis showed that SPS is encoded by a single-copy gene in the rice genome. Comparison of the rice, maize, potato and spinach SPS deduced amino acid (aa) sequences showed that these enzymes have a well conserved region comprising their first 700 aa, and a variable C-terminal region. Analysis of rice spsl expression showed that mRNA levels change during leaf development. SPS activity and mRNA were undetectable in roots.  相似文献   

Northern blot analysis of RNA extracted from leaves of increasing age and different organs, indicates that genes encoding both isoenzymes of tobacco phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK, EC are differentially expressed in a developmental and tissue-specific manner. The genes for both chloroplast PGK (chl-PGK) and cytosolic PGK (cyt-PGK) also show light-modulated gene expression in vivo. In dark-grown developing cotyledonary leaves of tobacco both PGK mRNAs are present, but only the concentration of the chl-PGK mRNA increased on illumination. In contrast, on transfer to darkness, the concentration of both mRNAs decreased in light-grown seedlings and then increased again on resumption of illumination.  相似文献   

The rbcS gene coding for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) of the brown alga Pylaiella littoralis is located within the plastid genome and is transcribed as a single polycistronic mRNA with the gene for the large subunit of Rubisco, rbcL. The structure of the Rubisco operon from P. littoralis was determined. Molecular phylogenies for rbcS and rbcL with a wide range of prokaryotes and eukaryotes were constructed which are congruent with recent evidence for polyphyletic plastid origins. Both rbcL and rbcS of the -purple bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus clearly cluster with the rhodophyte and chromophyte proteins. The data suggest that the Rubisco operons of red algal and chromophytic plastids derive from -purple eubacterial antecedents, rather than the cyanobacterial lineage of eubacteria from which other of their genes derive. This implies a lateral transfer of Rubisco genes from -purple eubacterial ancestors to the cyanobacterial ancestor of rhodophyte and chromophyte plastids.  相似文献   

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