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The copper rockfish is a benthic, nonmigratory, temperate rocky reef marine species with pelagic larvae and juveniles. A previous range-wide study of the population-genetic structure of copper rockfish revealed a pattern consistent with isolation-by-distance. This could arise from an intrinsically limited dispersal capability in the species or from regularly-spaced extrinsic barriers that restrict gene flow (offshore jets that advect larvae offshore and/or habitat patchiness). Tissue samples were collected along the West Coast of the contiguous USA between Neah Bay, WA and San Diego, CA, with dense sampling along Oregon. At the whole-coast scale (approximately 2200 km), significant population subdivision (F(ST) = 0.0042), and a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distance were observed based on 11 microsatellite DNA loci. Population divergence was also significant among Oregon collections (approximately 450 km, F(ST) = 0.001). Hierarchical amova identified a weak but significant 130-km habitat break as a possible barrier to gene flow within Oregon, across which we estimated that dispersal (N(e)m) is half that of the coast-wide average. However, individual-based Bayesian analyses failed to identify more than a single population along the Oregon coast. In addition, no correlation between pairwise population genetic and geographical distances was detected at this scale. The offshore jet at Cape Blanco was not a significant barrier to gene flow in this species. These findings are consistent with low larval dispersal distances calculated in previous studies on this species, support a mesoscale dispersal model, and highlight the importance of continuity of habitat and adult population size in maintaining gene flow.  相似文献   

The Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) is an ecologically important prey species for many vertebrate marine predators in the Pacific Northwest. In this study, we examined the use of intertidal habitat by young of the year (YOY) sand lance in Barkley Sound, British Columbia. We selected 14 of the original 29 independent environmental variables for modelling based on univariate analysis for variable selection. These were then used to model sand lance presence-absence using a classification tree approach. Based on our models we found that sand lance avoided mud and intertidal eelgrass. For sites that had very little mud and no intertidal eelgrass, sand lance preferred sediment size mean ≥1,918 μm or sites with sediment size mean ≤1,918 μm but with relatively well sorted sediment (sorting values ≤2.56 SDs, used as a heterogeneity index of the substrate grain size). Adjacent subtidal characteristics were not found to be important at this scale of study. This suggests intertidal substrate characteristics and presence-absence of intertidal eelgrass are the main influences on occurrence of YOY in the intertidal. Our results support the hypothesis that sand lance are associated with particular sediment types, however intertidal sediment types used by sand lance in our study differ from known preferences of sand lance for subtidal sediment types. This difference may be due to unique habitat constraints for intertidal versus subtidal regions. Although it is unknown if the results of this study are widely applicable, the results begin to identify intertidal habitat features that are important for Pacific sand lance.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence larval dispersal and connectivity among marine populations is critical to the conservation and sustainable management of marine resources. We assessed genetic subdivision among ten populations of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) representing paired samples of outer coast and the heads of inlets in five replicate sounds on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, using 17 microsatellite DNA loci. Overall, subdivision (FST) was low (FST = 0.031, < 0.001), but consistently higher between paired coast and head of inlet sites (mean FST = 0.047, < 0.001) compared to among the five coast sites (mean FST = ?0.001, > 0.5) or among the five head of inlet sites (mean FST = 0.026, < 0.001). Heterozygosity, allelic richness and estimates of effective population size were also lower in head of inlet sites than in coast sites. Bayesian analysis identified two genetic groups across all samples, a single genetic group among only coast samples, two genetic groups among head of inlet samples and two genetic groups within each sound analysed separately. Head of inlet copper rockfish tended to be shorter with lower condition factors and grew more slowly than coast sites fish. Reduced physical connectivity and selection against immigrants in contrasting outer coast–head of inlet environments likely contribute to the evolution of population structure of copper rockfish. Based on genetic connectivity, coast sites appear to be better served by existing marine protected areas than are head of inlet sites.  相似文献   

The nursery role of the Mondego estuary for marine fish species was studied between June 2003 and May 2004. The spatial and temporal distribution and abundance patterns of 0-group Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758), Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) were analyzed based on monthly sampling surveys in five stations along the estuarine gradient. Fishing took place during the night at low water of spring tides, using a 2 m beam trawl. The spatial patterns of estuarine colonization were different according to species. D. labrax showed a wider distribution, but the main nursery ground was the same as for S. solea. Highest densities of S. solea juveniles were found in oligohaline areas, with muddy bottoms and high benthic invertebrates availability, while P. flesus occurred mainly in the sandy uppermost areas. D. labrax was found in both these areas. Fish abundance in the estuary mainly reflected seasonal changes.  相似文献   

Habitat use of age-0 and age-1 juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) was examined in coastal regions in Kodiak Alaska over daily, seasonal and annual scales. Catch data indicated highly variable recruitment to nursery areas, but a strong separation of distribution by depth among age groups. Age-0 cod were most abundant in the shallows (<3 m) whereas age-1 cod were typically found in depths (9.0-13.5 m). In comparison, age-1 saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis), another highly abundant gadid in the region, were found in shallower depths where age-0 cod often resided. Age-1 cod Pacific cod made diel lateral movements, moving into shallow regions at night where they co-occurred with age-0 cod to a greater extent. Laboratory light-gradient experiments indicated that age-0 cod tolerated intense lighting (~ 20-80 µE m− 2 s− 1) typical of shallow water regions whereas larger age-1 Pacific cod strongly avoid bright light given the choice. However, while diet data indicate age-1 cod of both species are moderately piscivorous (3% saffron cod; 16% Pacific cod), we found no direct evidence of predation on smaller conspecific cod, possibly due to the low densities of age-0 cod in the year of the diet study. Together, these data suggest that coastal regions continue to serve a nursery function beyond the 1st year of development for juvenile Pacific gadids, and that small-scale temporal and depth partitioning in these regions is a mechanism by which varying cod species and age classes co-occur.  相似文献   

Cunningham SA  Murray W 《Oecologia》2007,151(2):303-312
We examined body length differences between the beetle fauna of Eucalyptus plantation forests and remnant Eucalyptus forest in the same region using aerial and arboreal sampling. Mean body length of plantation-using species was greater than for remnant forest species, and the same pattern was apparent in the mean of all individuals collected regardless of species. This pattern was true for both Malaise-trap-collected beetles (aerial) and canopy-collected (arboreal) beetles. The tendency for plantation-restricted species to have longer bodies is significant even if clade is treated as a random factor in the analysis. Greater body length among plantation-using species is consistent with a few other studies that have found body size of insect species in early successional environments is typically greater than in late successional environments. Some studies suggest that larger species are better dispersers, which can rapidly colonise early successional habitats. In this study, however, there was little relationship between body length and the number of sites occupied; suggesting dispersal was not a major determinant of community membership. Two different patterns in this study support the hypothesis that body size differences are linked to trophic structure of the communities. First, the body length shift comparing remnant users to plantation users was greater among phytophages than for predators or saprophages. Second, saprophages were typically smaller than phytophages, and constituted a larger fraction of the remnant forest using fauna, driving down the mean body length in the saprophage-rich remnant forest community.  相似文献   

The evacuation patterns of shrimp, crab and fish from the stomachs of black and yellow rockfish, Sebastes chrysomelas , were examined by feeding meals of known size and measuring the amount remaining after various post-prandial intervals. Linear, square-root, exponential, power exponential, logistic and Gompertz models (the latter two with unrestricted lower asymptotes, or with lower asymptotes restricted to 0% food remaining) were fitted to the wet weight, dry weight and volume of food remaining in the stomach as a function of post-prandial time. Evacuation patterns ranged from steeply concave (fish wet weight, dry weight, volume, shrimp dry weight), to linear (shrimp wet weight, crab dry weight), to highly convex with lag phases of up to 30 h (crab wet weight, crab and shrimp volume). Friability, the ease with which a food item is fragmented in the stomach, may be an important factor in determining evacuation patterns. The evacuation of a crab meal by tagged, free-ranging S. chrysomelas in the field was not significantly different from that of S. chrysomelas held in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Analyses of the spatial distribution pattern, spatial genetic structure and genetic diversity were carried out using a 33-ha plot in a hill dipterocarp forest for three dipterocarps with different habitat preferences, i.e. Shorea curtisii on the ridges, Shorea leprosula in the valleys and Shorea macroptera both on the ridges and in the valleys. The significant spatial aggregation in small-diameter trees of all the three species was explained by limited seed dispersal. At the large-diameter trees, only S. macroptera showed random distribution and this might further prove that S. macroptera is habitat generalist, whilst S. curtisii and S. leprosula are habitat specific. The levels of genetic diversity estimated based on five microsatellite loci were high and comparable in all the three studied species. As the three studied species reproduced mainly through outcrossing, the observed high levels of genetic diversity might support the fact that the plant mating system can be used as guideline to infer the levels of genetic diversity, regardless of whether the species is habitat specific or habitat generalist. The lack of spatial genetic structure but significant aggregation in the small-diameter trees of all the three species might indicate limited seed dispersal but extensive pollen flow. Hence, if seed dispersal is restricted but pollen flow is extensive, significant spatial aggregation but no spatial genetic structure will be observed at the small-diameter trees, regardless of whether the species is habitat specific or habitat generalist. The inferred extensive pollen flow might indicate that energetic pollinators are involved in the pollination of Shorea species in the hill dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   

Summary Two predictions of the ideal free distribution model, a null hypothesis of habitat selection, were examined using free-ranging muskrats. We rejected the prediction that the proportion of the animals found in each of five habitats was independent of population size. Data on over-winter occupancy of muskrat dwellings tend also to refute the prediction of equal fitness reward among habitats. Habitat type and water-level had a profound effect on the suitability of a site for settlement. We concluded that the observed pattern of muskrat distribution followed more closely an ideal despotic distribution where some individuals benefited from a higher fitness because of resource monopolization. Current theories of density-dependent habitat selection, which assume an ideal free distribution, would not apply to muskrats and possibly to many other mammal species.  相似文献   

牛科(哺乳纲:偶蹄目)动物与生境利用有关的适应形态模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对广义牛科动物颅后骨骼的多元变量分析揭示了牛科生境利用和体型之间的骨学特征。利用逐步分辨分析方法和一个基于机器学习的决策树方法鉴别了每种生境中牛科动物颅后解剖结构的形态特征。从110个广义牛科动物测量了43个指标进行了这项分析。利用所有主要肢骨测量值和以单根肢骨测量为主的测量值获得的分辨函数和决策树可以完美地区分适应开阔生境、森林和山地的牛科动物(在所有分析中得到了100 %正确的再分类)。由于调整的函数仅涉及到很小的颅后骨骼测量集,这些函数可以应用于研究考古学和古生物学发掘物中保存的不完整标本。这些表征生境利用的生态适应函数与那些用颅齿部性状建立、用于推测牛科动物食物选择的函数结合,具有刻画已灭绝的分类类群的古个体生态学和重建古环境的潜力。我们还分析了多元回归是否较单一因子回归表现出较高的预测能力,并提出了从每一种单根主要肢骨测量的颅后形态变量得到的最好代数函数  相似文献   

Synopsis The ways in which the distributions of six species of whiting (Sillaginidae) in the coastal marine waters of south-western Australia are related to the type of substrate (bare sand vs. seagrass), degree of exposure of habitat, water depth and body size have been investigated. Whiting in near shore waters (< 1.5 m) were sampled using a fine-meshed seine net, while those in shallow (5–15 m) and deep (20–35 m) waters of the inner continental shelf were sampled with a trawl net. Shallow nearshore waters are shown to provide nursery habitats for five of the six whiting species. In these waters, Sillaginodes punctata, Sillago burrus, Sillago schomburgkii and Sillago vittata mainly occur in protected areas, while Sillago bassensis predominantly occupies areas that are more exposed to wave and swell activity. The first three of these species also use estuaries as nursery areas. In nearshore waters, whiting were captured almost exclusively over bare sand, rather than in interpersed beds of the seagrass Posidonia spp., presumably reflecting the fact that the dense canopies produced by the wide blades of Posidonia spp. must inhibit penetration by the benthic whiting species. As 0 + S. punctata increase in size, they tend to move offshore during the day and inshore at night. Many mature representatives of S. schomburgkii are present in nearshore areas, whereas the other four species move offshore into inner-shelf waters as they increase in length. Sillago burrus and S. vittata remain in shallow inner-shelf waters, whereas the larger S. bassensis subsequently migrate into deeper inner-shelf waters. Large Sillago bassensis thus co-occurs with Sillago robusta, which is mainly found in those deeper waters, but does not reach as large a size. The larger S. punctata occupy areas near reefs which could not be sampled by trawl netting. There are thus interspecific differences in (i) the times of recruitment of the 0 + age class into nearshore areas, (ii) the types of habitat occupied during juvenile and adult life, and (iii) the degree to which fish move into more offshore waters as they increase in length, and one species is restricted to deeper waters. The resultant partial segregation among habitats of the coastal waters of south-western Australia by different size groups of these relatively abundant whiting species presumably reduces the potential for intra- and interspecific competition amongst these species.  相似文献   

Aim  Niche theory predicts that ecologically identical species cannot stably coexist in local communities. My aim was to investigate morphological diversity as a possible factor enabling the coexistence of a species-rich Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) fauna in a hotspot of North American mammalian diversity, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE).
Location  The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, North America.
Methods  Using in-hand morphological measurements of size and shape, I compared the morphologies of three North American vole species ( Microtus spp.), in sympatry in the GYE and in allopatry across their ranges, in order to examine: (1) whether morphologies are fixed or plastic and (2) the degree of morphological character displacement or convergence in sympatric species.
Results  Support was found for plasticity of morphology for all three vole species: M. longicaudus , M. montanus and M. pennsylvanicus. However, Microtus individuals of all species from the GYE area of sympatry were more similar to each other than to allopatric individuals of the same species.
Main conclusions  Competition among these congeners is not manifested in morphological overdispersion. The response of these congeneric species to the same local ecological conditions is convergent. The relative strength of environmental conditions appears to be stronger than the strength of competitive interactions among the study species.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of 17 proteins has provided data on inter- and intrapopulation genetic variation in 20 species ofPorphyra occurring in British Columbia and adjacent areas.P. cuneiformis andP. nereocystis showed no within species variation, even over ranges of more than 1000 km. Populations ofP. abbottae, P. fallax, P. fucicola, P. gardneri andP. schizophylla were characterized by fixation for certain alleles. The number of polymorphic loci in a population ranged from zero to nine, depending on the species. Six species had populations that were polymorphic at just a single locus. Only two species (P. mumfordii andP. pseudolanceolata) had populations that were polymorphic at more than three loci. These levels of genetic variation are lower than those reported for populations of JapanesePorphyra species. Eleven taxa were polymorphic for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, the most variable enzyme. No within species polymorphisms were detected for bromoperoxidase, lactate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase or phycoerythrin. Possible evidence for the chimeric nature of the thallus was observed only inP. mumfordii.  相似文献   

Two new species of Demospongiae are described for British Columbia and adjacent waters in the family Axinellidae, Auletta krautteri sp. n. and Dragmacidon kishinensis sp. n. They represent range extensions for both of these genera. Both are fairly commonly encountered, Auletta krautteri below diving depths (87 to at least 300 m) and Dragmacidon kishinensis in shallow water (intertidal to 30 m). We propose an amended genus diagnosis for Auletta to account for the variability among species in principal spicules that form the ascending tracts to be either oxeas, styles or strongyles rather than just oxeas.  相似文献   

The species pool hypothesis is applied here to the interpretation of ‘hump-shaped’ (unimodal) species richness patterns along gradients of both habitat fertility and disturbance level (the habitat templet). A ‘left-wall’ effect analogous to that proposed for the evolution of organismal complexity predicts a right-skewed unimodal distribution of historical habitat commonness on both gradients. According to the species pool hypothesis, therefore, the distribution of opportunity for net species accumulation (speciation minus extinction) should also have a corresponding unimodal central tendency on both habitat gradients. Two assumptions of this hypothesis are illustrated with particular reference to highly fertile, relatively undisturbed habitats: (i) such habitats have been relatively uncommon in space and time, thus providing relatively little historical opportunity for the origination of species with the traits necessary for effective competitive ability under these habitat conditions; and (ii) species that have evolved adaptation to these habitats are relatively large, thus imposing fundamental ‘packing’ limitations on the number of species that can ‘fit’ within such habitats. Based on these assumptions, the species pool hypothesis defines two associated predictions that are both supported by available data: (a) resident species richness will be relatively low in highly fertile, relatively undisturbed contemporary habitats; and (b) species sizes within regional floras should display as a right-skewed unimodal (log-normal) distribution. The latter is supported here by an analysis of data for 2,715 species in the vascular flora of northeastern North America.  相似文献   

完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008 年11 月18 日至2009 年3 月20 日,为了调查黑龙江省完达山东部林区野猪种群数量和栖息地特征,我们采用随机布设样线的方法在东方红林业局境内13 个林场共布设大样方40 个,样线200 条。调查结果表明,东方红林业局境内野猪分布平均密度为0.175 头/ km2 , 种群数量为546 ~ 680 头;野猪主要分布在河口、奇源、青山、五林洞、独木河、海音山和东林7 个林场,位于海拔300 ~ 800 m 的范围内。1989 年调查的野猪平均密度为0.372 头/ km2 ,种群数量为1302 ; 2002 年调查的野猪平均密度为0. 342 头/ km2 , 种群数量为1 198 头。近年来野猪种群密度降低,种群数量呈加速下降趋势。对野猪栖息地特征分析表明,野猪喜欢选择中坡位、阳坡、坡度小于5°、地表植被盖度大于30% 、隐蔽度和郁闭度在25% ~ 50% 之间的生境。阔叶林、灌丛是野猪的主要栖息地。非法捕猎、森林采伐、坚果采摘和东北虎的捕食是造成野猪种群数量减少、栖息地质量下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

The structure and sporogenesis of Leptotheca koreana n. sp. from cultured rockfish Sebastes schlegeli from South Korea were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. Broadly oval spores and disporous pseudoplasmodia were observed in the lumen of renal tubules. Spores were 8.59 +/- 1.25 microm in length, 13.42 +/- 1.0 microm in width in sutural view and 8.13 +/- 0.52 pm in thickness in the plane perpendicular to the suture. The width of each valve was always smaller than spore length. Two spherical polar capsules were equal in size (3.86 +/- 0.45 microm in diameter) containing a polar filament with 6 to 7 turns, opening at the anterior end of the spore. Two uninucleate sporoplasms filled the spore cavity. The asynchronous division of secondary and tertiary cells and asynchronous development in spore formation of the present Leptotheca koreana resembled the disporous sphaerosporids. Cytoplasmic projections of pseudoplamodia were considered to be rhizoids, as they seem to strengthen the attachment to the epithelial cells of the renal tubules. The capsulogenic cells in early sporoblast had large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum but had a few Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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