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Promoter of a somatic histone H2B gene of the sea urchin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Assembly of nucleosomes on relaxed, covalently closed DNA has been studied in a nuclear extract of Xenopus laevis oocytes. Nucleosomes containing the four histones H3, H4, H2A and H2B but lacking histone H1 are readily assembled on the DNA. The pattern of micrococcal nuclease digestion shows that the nucleosomes assembled in the absence of ATP and Mg (II) are closely packed, with a periodicity of 150 base pairs (bp). In contrast, in the presence of ATP and Mg (II) the spacing of the nucleosomes is 180 bp, similar to that observed for nucleosomes assembled on DNA microinjected into oocyte nuclei. The ATP and Mg (II) requirements for the assembly of correctly spaced nucleosomes are unrelated to the activity of the ATP and Mg (II) dependent DNA topoisomerase II in the extract; addition of specific inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II has no effect on the spacing of the reconstituted nucleosomes. The ATP requirement in the assembly of correctly spaced nucleosomes can be substituted by adenosine 5'-O-3'-thiotriphosphate (gamma-S-ATP) but not by adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-P-(NH)-P).  相似文献   

When DNA molecules are injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei, they can recombine with each other. With bacteriophage lambda DNAs, it was shown that this recombination is stimulated greatly by introduction of double-strand breaks into the substrates and is dependent on homologous overlaps in the recombination interval. With plasmid DNAs it was shown that little or no recombination occurs between circular molecules but both intra- and intermolecular events take place very efficiently with linear molecules. As with the lambda substrates, homology was required to support recombination; no simple joining of ends was observed. Blockage of DNA ends with nonhomologous sequences interfered with recombination, indicating that ends are used directly to initiate homologous interactions. These observations are combined to evaluate possible models of recombination in the oocytes. Because each oocyte is capable of recombining nanogram quantities of linear DNA, this system offers exceptional opportunities for detailed molecular analysis of the recombination process in a higher organism.  相似文献   

We have examined the feasibility of using Xenopus laevis oocytes microinjected with rabbit poxvirus as a system to study poxvirus gene expression. The injection of either intact virus or subviral cores resulted in accurate synthesis of viral proteins. This expression was dependent on the multiplicity of injected virus, with the optimal injected dose being equivalent to approximately 300 PFU per oocyte. Extensive viral gene expression including late viral protein synthesis was observed when intact virions were microinjected into the oocyte. However, the injection of subviral cores resulted in only early protein synthesis. When oocytes were injected with a mixture of subviral cores and the nonionic detergent-soluble fraction was removed from virus during the preparation of cores, both early and late viral proteins were synthesized. Therefore, the detergent-soluble fraction appears to contain a factor(s) required for the transition from early to late gene expression.  相似文献   

R Maxson  T Mohun  G Gormezano    L Kedes 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(24):10569-10582
Sea urchins possess several distinct sets of histone genes, including "early" genes, maximally active in cleavage and blastula stages, and "late" genes, active from the late blastula stage onwards. We determined the nucleotide sequences of six sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) late histone genes located on four genomic segments. Comparative analysis of these sequences identified several conserved elements in 5' flanking regions, including the sequences ATGPyATANTATA shared by all late genes and GGCGGGAAATTGAAAA shared by two late H4s. Comparisons of protein-coding sequences of late H4 and H2B genes with their early counterparts showed that silent sites have diverged to the theoretical maximum, indicating that early and late histone gene classes diverged at least 200 million years ago. Since extant echinoderms evolved from a common ancestor at about that time, it is likely that early and late histone gene sets are characteristic of all echinoderm groups. Amino acid sequences derived from nucleotide sequences of late H2A and H2B gistone genes differ substantially from amino acid sequences of their late counterparts. Most such differences are in highly mutable positions. A few, however, occur in positions that do not mutate frequently and thus may reflect functional differences between the early and late forms of the H2A and H2B proteins.  相似文献   

Embryonic sea urchin histone mRNA was injected into eggs and developing zygotes of Xenopus. The functional stability of the mRNA was monitored by separating newly synthesized sea urchin histones from those of Xenopus. Just as when injected into Xenopus oocytes, sea urchin H1, H2A, and H2B mRNA molecules have a functional half-life of about 3 hr in the developing embryo. This suggests that the endogenous Xenopus histone mRNA is also unstable and has a number of implications for the amount of histone mRNA that is stored in the oocyte and the time at which histone genes should become active in development. The injected mRNA is translated with little, if any, greater efficiency in the egg than in the oocyte. However, Xenopus histone synthesis increases about 20- to 50-fold during the transition from oocyte to egg. The injection experiments therefore suggest that this increase is brought about primarily by the mobilization of stored mRNA, rather than an increase in the efficiency of histone synthesis.  相似文献   

We report the fate of different derivatives of the vitellogenin genes after injection into fertilized eggs of Xenopus. We injected a constructed minigene as well as a 5' fragment of the A2 vitellogenin gene. The minigene survives in embryogenesis much better than the 5' A2 fragment and is retained more frequently and at a higher level in frog tissues. The mosaic distribution of the foreign DNA in different frog tissues indicates that no integration occurred before the first cleavage stage. The persisting DNA may be partially integrated but is mostly found in an episome-like form. This unintegrated form is not supercoiled and is rearranged. Methylation of the Hpa II sites prior to injection has no influence on the survival of the injected sequences and the Hpa II sites of the surviving DNA are unmethylated irrespective whether the injected DNA was methylated or not. Whereas the derivatives are transcribed in embryos, they cannot be activated by estrogen in the liver of young frogs.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibiting DNA synthesis on the concentration of the alpha-histone mRNA and the late histone mRNAs in sea urchin embryos was measured. The alpha-histone mRNA concentrations did not change, while the late histone mRNA concentrations were rapidly reduced at the three developmental stages (morula, blastula, and mesenchyme blastula) tested. The rapid degradation of the late histone mRNAs was prevented when protein synthesis was inhibited.  相似文献   

In sea urchins, "early" histone proteins are synthesized during cleavage and blastula formation, "late" histone proteins in subsequent stages of development. To understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for this ontogenic switch in histone subtype synthesis, we determined the absolute amounts, rates of synthesis, and rates of turnover of late H2b histone mRNAs during development. We showed previously that late H2b mRNA comprises several mRNA isotypes. In this study, we used both a class-specific DNA probe to measure the amounts of the late H2b mRNA isotypes collectively, and a gene-specific probe to measure amounts of a particular late H2b mRNA encoded by a gene known as L1. We found that the amount of late H2b mRNA increased dramatically from 85,000 molecules per embryo in the 16-hr blastula to a peak of 670,000 molecules per embryo in the 24-hr mesenchyme blastula, and fell to 380,000 molecules per embryo in the 72-hr pluteus larva. The L1 late H2b mRNA achieved its maximum abundance earlier than the late H2b mRNA class as a whole, reaching a peak of 34% of total late H2b in the 14-hr blastula and declining to 7% in the pluteus larva. Measurements of the rate of incorporation of [3H]uridine into late class H2b mRNA, performed by a novel in vivo isotope incorporation method, enabled us to calculate both synthesis rates and half-lives of late H2b mRNA during development. These calculations showed (1) that the increase in late H2b mRNA level between 16 and 24 hr postfertilization is regulated primarily if not entirely at the level of mRNA synthesis; and (2) that the half-life of late H2b mRNA is comparatively short, around 20 min, at all stages examined.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus) late stage H3 and H4 histone genes contained on the clone pLpH3H4 -21 and of the early stage H3 gene contained on the plasmid pLpA . Comparison of these differentially regulated histone genes with each other and with other L. pictus late and early stage histone H3 and H4 genes previously sequenced confirms that members of each histone gene family (early and late) are more homologous to each other than they are to members of other histone gene families. The spacer regions between two late H3-H4 gene pairs on the clones pLpH3H4 -19 and pLpH3H4 -21 have diverged to the point where they are no longer homologous. However, comparative analysis of the 5' flanking DNA has identified a sequence 5'C-T-C-A-T-G-T-A-T-T3' upstream of both late H4 genes and another, 5'A-G-A-T-T-C-A3', upstream of both H3 genes. Except for a short conserved sequence near the initiation codon, the transcribed 5' leaders of the late mRNAs differ in length and sequence in the two non-allelic late histone gene pairs. This divergence contrasts with the 95 to 96% conservation found between late histone gene coding sequences. The results suggest that there is intergenic exchange in the germline among members of the late histone gene family and that the unit of exchange is the individual gene rather than the heterotypic dimer which includes the common spacer DNA.  相似文献   

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