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The antennae of the sawyer beetles Monochamus notatus and M. scutellatus were examined with the light and scanning electron microscopes to determine the types, number, distribution and innervation of the sense organs. Nine types of sensilla are described. Both short, thin-walled pegs (sensilla basiconica) and reversely curved thick-walled hairs (sensilla trichodea) are chemoreceptors. There are three types of long, thick-walled hairs (sensilla chaetica) which may be mechanoreceptors. One of these is modified in males to form unique snail-shaped pegs. A few dome-shaped organs, probably campaniform sensilla, were found. In addition to sense organs, many glands occur in association with the sensilla, and the antennae are well supplied with dermal glands connected by canals to small pores on the surface.  相似文献   

Five different types of sense organs were found on the antennal flagellum of Homadaula anisocentra. These were (1) tactile hairs; (2) thick-walled chemoreceptors; (3) thin-walled chemoreceptors of several kinds; (4) styloconic chemoreceptors and (5) small chemoreceptor pegs in shallow depressions. No coeloconic sense organs were seen.  相似文献   

Five types of sense organs have been found on the antennal flagellum of Forficula auricularia Linnaeus: (1) tactile hairs; (2) long, thick-walled chemoreceptors; (3) short, thick-walled chemoreceptors; (4) thin-walled chemoreceptors and (5) coeloconic chemoreceptors. Earlier workers have placed the first three of these in a single class. The structural characteristics and distribution of these five kinds of sensilla on the antenna are described. All of the types except the third have been reported previously for other species but short, thick-walled chemoreceptors have not been described before. They are remarkable for the presence of (1) a broad pad-Like structure that absorbs dyes readily at the distal end of the peg and (2) a spheroid body, over a micron in diameter, on the dendrite of each olfactory neuron at the point where it narrows to assume the structure of a cilium. The antennal sense organs of a few specimens of Chelisoches morio (Fabricius), Labidura riparia (Pallas) and Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) were also examined.  相似文献   

Two kinds of tactile hairs, plain and wavy, thick-walled chemoreceptors and two types of thin-walled chemoreceptors are present on the antennal flagellum of Gromphadorhina portentosa males. These are described and their location on the antenna noted. Females of this species have plain tactile hairs and the same types of chemoreceptors as do the males but wavy tactile hairs are absent. The antennal sense organs of a few specimens of five other species of cockroaches — Periplaneta americana, Blatta orientalis, Supella longipalpa, Pycnoscelus surinamensis and Diploptera punctata — were also examined. All lacked tactile hairs but were provided with thick-walled chemoreceptors and with two types of thin-walled chemoreceptors similar to those described for Gromphadorhina portentosa.  相似文献   

The long antennal flagellum of Neoconocephalus ensiger is covered with many sharp-tipped hairs that appear to be non-innervated; thick-walled chemoreceptors, that may also have a tactile function; thin-walled chemoreceptors of several kinds and coeloconic chemoreceptors. All of the chemoreceptors are innervated by small groups of neurons. The first flagellar subsegment is unusual in that it bears a small protuberance on its latero-ventral surface. This marks the site of the attachment, internally, of a scoloparium containing about eleven scolopales in which the dendrites of some 23 sensory neurons terminate. The most distal subsegment lacks the scoloparium reported earlier for the grasshopper. No conspicuous difference between the antennae of males and of females was found.  相似文献   

Six types of sense organs are present on the antennal flagellum of Ctenolepisma lineata pilifera: tactile hairs, trichobothria, thick-walled chemoreceptors, small thin-walled chemoreceptors and coeloconic chemoreceptors. The number, size and distribution on the antenna of each type have been recorded. The base of the tactile hair is more complex than is that of other insects examined earlier. Trichobothria, long, slender hairs that oscillate in a gentle puff of air, are an unusal feature in insects and especially so for the antenna. The two types of thin-walled chemoreceptors differ in shape, size and in the structure of their walls and internal parts. A pocket-like depression of the floor of the cavity in which the peg of the coeloconic sense organ is set has not been found in earlier studies. Its function is unknown. The axons from the sensory neurons extend along the inner surface of the antennal epidermis as a sheet of fibers lining the antennal lumen. Near the pedicel the axons leave the epidermis and join to form the antennal nerve. A few observations on sense organs on appendages other than the antennae and some notes on behavior are included.  相似文献   

The sense organs on the antennal flagella of five species of winged psocids belonging to two families of Psocoptera, Psocidae and Leptopsocidae, have been examined. All agree in possessing tactile hairs, thick-walled chemoreceptors and long, porous chemoreceptors. Thin-walled chemoreceptors were identified in all species except Metylophorous novaescotiae. Coeloconic chemoreceptors were present in all species except Echmepteryx hageni. Campaniform sense organs were found only in Metylophorus novaescotiae and Psocus leidyi.  相似文献   

Non-innervated macrotrichia and microtrichia, thick-walled chemoreceptors and three kinds of thin-walled chemoreceptors are present on the antennal flagellum of Frenesia missa. One of the thin-walled receptors, the plate organ, is of a type not previously recorded for any insect. About four times as many plate organs are present on the flagellum of the male as on that of the female. They occur also on the maxillary and labial palps.  相似文献   

The antennae of two species of thrips, Bagnalliella yuccae (Hinds) and Frankliniella tritici (Fitch), have been examined with the light and electron microscopes. The antennal flagellum of both species is provided with tactile hairs, thick-walled chemoreceptors and thin-walled chemoreceptors. In addition, B. yuccae, but not F. tritici, has a single coeloconic chemoreceptor on the dorsal surface of the pedicel. Observations were made on the fluids in the lumen of the antennae of E. yuccae in the living insect. The movement of the fluids probably has an important physiological significance.  相似文献   

The antennae and their sense organs in nymphs and adult roaches of Gromphadorhina brunneri, were investigated and described. The number of segments and sensillae of the nymphal antennae depend on the developmental stage. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Males have longer antennae than females as well as an abundance of especially long sensory hairs (long wavy hairs), which are probably responsible for the perception of female sex pheromones. They also have more thin-walled sensory hairs, for instance, sensilla trichodea. On a morphological basis the sensillae of Gromphadorhina brunneri, were named and classified. Long wavy hairs and large sensory hairs appear to be present also in a related species, G. portentosa, but are lacking in others. Their distribution on the antennae varies greatly from that in G. portentosa but their structure varies only slightly. These two types of sense organs are considered to be specialized forms of sensilla chaetica. They are contact chemoreceptors, as are two other types of sensilla chaetica. Furthermore, thin-walled chemoreceptors are present, such as sensilla trichodea, sensilla basiconica, sensilla coeloconica and a typical mechanoreceptor, the sensillum campaniformium.  相似文献   

Interest in the structure of the antennae of the Florida Queen butterfly arises from the finding that a pheromone is active in their courtship. Light and electron microscopic techniques were used to study the sensilla on the antennae and three types of sensilla with perforated walls were identified. The most common of these are short, thin-walled pegs which are distributed over most of the antennal surface. Long, curved, thin-walled pegs occur in patches on the inner medial antennal surface. Multiple coeloconic sensilla are present having up to 50 pegs in one sensillum. On the outer 28 flagellar subsegments there are two such sensilla per subsegment. In addition there are on the antennae long, thick-walled hairs which are mechanoreceptors and probably also contact chemoreceptors. Sunken pegs, the function of which is not known, occur on the antennae. Grooved sensilla were found with the electron microscope but could not be identified with the light microscope. There was no indication of sexual dimorphism in sensilla types or numbers on the antennae.  相似文献   

Adult and nymphal antennae of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, contain nine or more different morphological types of sense organs. There is no outwardly apparent sexual dimorphism in adult antennae. Nymphs are dificient in gross numbers of sensilla. Sense organs are classified morphologically by their similarity to known types of sensila and are assigned functions on this basis and preliminary electrophysiological data: Sensilla chaetica (A), thick-walled mechanoreceptive hairs in groups on the antennal base; S. chaetica (B), thick-walled setae which are tactile and probably chemoreceptive, occurring in the antennal base and flagellum; S. trichodea (A), thin-walled chemoreceptive hairs of the flagellum; S. trichodea (B), minute hairs on the scape and pedicel; S. basiconica, thin-walled chemoreceptive pegs, and S. coeloconica (?pit-pegs”?) of the flagellum; S. campaniformia and scolopidia, mechanoreceptors in the base and flagellum; plus Johnston's organ and/or connective chrodotonal organs in the pedicel. Calculations based on absolute counts of sensilla and their known innervation yield an estimate of about 3.3 × 104 sensilla and 105 cells per antenna.  相似文献   

Summary The antennae of Scolytus multistriatus were examined with light and scanning and transmitting-electron microscopy to determine the distributions, types and structures of sense organs. Four types of sensilla were found: (1) sensilla chaetica, a singly-innervated receptor; (2) sensilla basiconica, Type A, a short, thin-walled, multiple-innervated receptor; (3) sensilla basiconica, Type B, a long, thin-walled multiple-innervated receptor; and (4) sensilla trichodea, short, thick-walled, multiple-innervated receptors. The positioning of dendrite(s) with regard to pore tubules is elaborated. Evidence for lack of sensory axon fusion is presented.Approved for publication by the Director of the Research Division, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. This research was supported in part by a research grant (GB-8756) from the National Science Foundation, and by funds from the Elm Research Institute. The authors wish to thank Dr. G. A. deZoeten and Mr. G. A. Gaard for their assistance and encouragement.  相似文献   

Tactile hairs are present on all three subsegments of the antennal flagellum of the human louse. There is, in addition, a single chemoreceptor (tuft organ) on subsegment 2 and 12 or 13 chemoreceptors (one tuft organ, two pore organs and nine or ten pegs) on subsegment 3. The cuticle surrounding the bases of the pegs at the tip of the antenna is unusual in that parts of it are perforated by many fine pores. This cuticle is underlain by a thin layer of dendrites. This region may also have a chemoreceptor function.  相似文献   

The distribution of a glial cell-associated glycoprotein, glionexin (GX), on sensory receptors of the adult cricket Acheta domesticus is described, using the monoclonal antibody 5B12 as an immunohistochemical probe. GX was previously shown to be widely distributed in the embryo and to persist in the postembryonic to adult central nervous system. Here we demonstrate that it is restricted in the adult periphery to three subclasses of mechano-receptor sensilla: large socketed hair mechanoreceptors, their associated campaniform sensilla, and chordotonal organs. GX was not detected in photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, or other mechanoreceptors. The pattern of distribution differs significantly within the three subclasses of mechanoreceptors. In the hair and campaniform receptors GX is restricted to the extracellular space among glial cells clustered around the axon hillock region, but in chordotonal organs it surrounds the scolopidium at the tip of dendrites. The highly restricted distribution of GX in the periphery suggests possible functions that include mechanical stability of the sensory apparatus and ionic homeostasis in the respective neuronal spike-generating regions. The developmental modulation of GX expression is taken to imply multiple functions for the molecule during the life of the insect. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The antennal flagellum of the male sorghum midge is about a millimeter long and may bear over 500 sense organs. These consist of (1) tactile hairs, (2) thin-walled pegs, (3) circumfila and (4) very small pegs of unknown function. Each of the 12 subsegments of the flagellum is divided into two globular nodes and each of these is encircled by a circumfilum of from 6 to 14 loops. The circumfila are attached to the antennal surface by short stalks. The loops of the circumfila have the basic structure of thin-walled chemoreceptors: (1) very small pores in their delicate wall and (2) a lumen filled with branches of dendrites from sensory neurons. The outer surface of the circumfilum is covered with a labyrinth of fine ridges between which the pores are located. Some evidence was obtained that the circumfila are produced in the pupa by bifurcate trichogen cells. The flagellum of the female is shorter than that of the male and composed of 12 cylindrical subsegments. The circumfila of the female lie close to the surface to which they are attached by short stalks. Each is composed of two parts that encircle the subsegment and of two others that run lengthwise between the circles. The surface is nearly smooth, perforated by fine openings and lacks the complex pattern of ridges seen in the male. It also has more dendrite branches but, otherwise, has the same basic structure.  相似文献   

Microautoradiographs showed that [14C]sucrose taken up in the xylem of small and intermediate (longitudinal) vascular bundles of Zea mays leaf strips was quickly accumulated by vascular parenchyma cells abutting the vessels. The first sieve tubes to exhibit 14C-labeling during the [14C]sucrose experiments were thick-walled sieve tubes contiguous to the more heavily labeled vascular parenchyma cells. (These two cell types typically have numerous plasmodesmatal connections.) With increasing [14C]sucrose feeding periods, greater proportions of thick- and thin-walled sieve tubes became labeled, but few of the labeled thin-walled sieve tubes were associated with labeled companion cells. (Only the thin-walled sieve tubes are associated with companion cells.) When portions of leaf strips were exposed to 14CO2 for 5 min, the vascular parenchyma cells-regardless of their location in relation to the vessels or sieve tubes-were the most consistently labeled cells of small and intermediate bundles, and label (14C-photosynthate) appeared in a greater proportion of thin-walled sieve tubes than thick-walled sieve tubes. After a 5-min chase with 12CO2, the thin-walled sieve tubes were more heavily labeled than any other cell type of the leaf. After a 10-min chase with 12CO2, the thin-walled sieve tubes were even more heavily labeled. The companion cells generally were less heavily labeled than their associated thin-walled sieve tubes. Although all of the thick-walled sieve tubes were labeled in portions of leaf strips fed 14CO2 for 5 min and given a 10-min 12CO2 chase, only five of 72 vascular bundles below the 14CO2-exposed portions contained labeled thick-walled sieve tubes. Moreover, the few labeled thick-walledsieve tubes of the transport region always abutted 14C-labeled vascular parenchyma cells. The results of this study indicate that (1) the vascular parenchyma cells are able to retrieve at least sucrose from the vessels and transfer it to the thick-walled sieve tubes, (2) the thick-walled sieve tubes are not involved in long-distance transport, and (3) the thin-walled sieve tubes are capable themselves of accumulating sucrose and photosynthates from the apoplast, without the companion cells serving as intermediary cells.  相似文献   

The sensory organs on the tarsi of the antenniform first legs of the whip spider Admetus pumilio C. L. Koch (Amblypygi, Arachnida) were examined with the scanning and transmission electron microscope. At least four different types of hair sensilla were found: (1) thick-walled bristles, which have the characteristics of contact chemoreceptors (several chemoreceptive dendrites in the lumen plus two mechanoreceptors at the base); (2) short club sensilla, innervated by 4-6 neurons which terminate in a pore on the tip; they are possibly humidity receptors; (3) porous sensilla, which are either innervated by 20-25 neurons and have typical pore tubules, or they have 40-45 neurons but no pore tubules; both types are considered to be olfactory; (4) rod sensilla occur in clusters near segmental borders; they are innervated by only one large dendrite which branches inside the lumen. Other tarsal receptors are the claws, which correspond to contact chemoreceptors, and the pit organ which resembles the tarsal organ of spiders. Compared to other arthropod sensilla, the contact chemoreceptors are very similar to those of spiders, while the porous sensilla correspond structurally to olfactory receptors in insects; the club and rod sensilla seem to be typical for amblypygids.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the distribution of antennal sense organs is common among adults of the genus Periplaneta. In three out of the four strains of Periplaneta americana examined, adult males had more contact chemoreceptors than females. In the fourth strain of P. americana and in P. australasiae, P. brunnea, P. fuliginosa, and P. japonica, no statistically supportable sexual dimorphism of contact chemoreceptors was found. However, in all strains and species of Periplaneta examined, sexual dimorphism was found in the total number and/or density of olfactory sensilla. Male adults had nearly twice as many olfactory sensilla as female adults. These observations are consistent with the behavioral observation that males within the genus Periplaneta rely on the reception of an airborne pheromone for the initiation of courtship behavior. In P. americana, where sexual dimorphism was found in the contact chemoreceptors, contact stimuli release the full wing raising display and presentation in males during courtship.  相似文献   

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