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Some metabolic aspects of tolerance to bacterial endotoxin   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Berry, L. Joe (Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.), and Dorothy S. Smythe. Some metabolic aspects of tolerance to bacterial endotoxin. J. Bacteriol. 90:970-977. 1965.-The tolerance to bacterial endotoxins which is produced in mice given a series of daily injections of heat-killed Salmonella typhimurium failed to occur when actinomycin D was administered with the heat-killed cells. Neither ethionine nor 2-thiouracil, when given with endotoxin, altered the development of tolerance. An injection of endotoxin, actinomycin D, or ethionine lowered the activity of the liver enzyme tryptophan pyrrolase more significantly at either 4 or 17 hr postinjection in normal mice than in tolerant mice. Similarly, an injection of either saccharated iron oxide or Thorotrast lowered liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity more extensively in normal than in tolerant animals. Activation of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) of tolerant mice, as determined by an accelerated rate of carbon clearance from the blood, was observed, but this was prevented by the appropriate dose of actinomycin D. Similar results were obtained when saccharated iron oxide, rather than endotoxin, was used to activate the RES, but these animals were not resistant to endotoxin and their tryptophan pyrrolase was normally diminished after an injection of endotoxin. Thus, RES activation may occur without tolerance developing. A more nearly normal level of enzyme activity appears to be characteristic of the tolerant state.  相似文献   

Although outdated opinions about poor avian olfaction have largely disappeared in recent decades, there has been inadequate attention paid to olfaction of other organisms that interact with birds and their nests. In particular, olfaction is likely more important than vision for many biting arthropods and for many reptilian, mammalian, and likely even some bird predators of nests (e.g. some procellariiforms, piciforms, and corvids), but crypsis (or attractiveness) of nest odors has largely been ignored in the literature. Given the pivotal importance of nest success to a bird's fitness, there has likely been strong selection to conceal inadvertent cues to nest locations, including odors. Here, I summarize what is known about this, and discuss a few important topics I deem worthy of deeper investigation.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the ecology of Melosira spp. in Ontario Lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) predicts the effects of body size and temperature on metabolism through considerations of vascular distribution networks and biochemical kinetics. MTE has also been extended to characterise processes from cellular to global levels. MTE has generated both enthusiasm and controversy across a broad range of research areas. However, most efforts that claim to validate or invalidate MTE have focused on testing predictions. We argue that critical evaluation of MTE also requires strong tests of both its theoretical foundations and simplifying assumptions. To this end, we synthesise available information and find that MTE's original derivations require additional assumptions to obtain the full scope of attendant predictions. Moreover, although some of MTE's simplifying assumptions are well supported by data, others are inconsistent with empirical tests and even more remain untested. Further, although many predictions are empirically supported on average, work remains to explain the often large variability in data. We suggest that greater effort be focused on evaluating MTE's underlying theory and simplifying assumptions to help delineate the scope of MTE, generate new theory and shed light on fundamental aspects of biological form and function.  相似文献   

Temperature and the metabolic theory of ecology   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  

刘为  夏虹 《生物学通报》2011,46(6):15-17
代谢理论是近年来生态学领域的重要进展,不仅有效地解释了生物的新陈代谢率随个体大小和温度的变化规律,还通过代谢率将个体、种群、群落、生态系统水平上的生物学模式联系起来。介绍了代谢理论的研究历史和主要内容,并通过几个例子说明该理论的应用。  相似文献   

The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the current ecological status of the Groot Letaba River and to compare this information with historical data. The objective was to determine the effects of various impacts on the fish populations of the river. This was done by analysing the water quality and by considering the effect of weirs and dams, as well as various illegal angling activities, on the fish community.

The Groot Letaba River is not highly polluted and the decline in its flow seems to be the greatest threat to the system. During a preliminary study to develop the river's resource potential, it was stated that the annual water allocation from Tzaneen Dam was 103.9 million m3/annum for irrigation, 8.4 million m3/annum for domestic and industrial use and 14.7 million m3/annum for environmental purposes. However, the yield from Tzaneen Dam was only 98 million m3/annum, suggesting that more water had been allocated than was available. As a result only 20% of the simulated natural flow is observed at Letaba Ranch Weir at the lower end of the river.

Over the past few years many weirs and dams, none of which have fishways, have been constructed in the Groot Letaba River, impacting on the flow regime and on the migration potential of many fish species. Tiger fish (Hydrocynus vittatus) and the largescale yellowfish (Barbus marequensis) are two of the more prominent species influenced negatively by these barriers. This problem is aggravated by the illegal netting of fish stranded below these barriers during their spawning migrations.  相似文献   

恢复生态学焦点问题   总被引:53,自引:9,他引:53  
彭少麟  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1249-1257
就恢复生态学的概念、近期的发展趋势与前沿命题、传统生态学理论在生态恢复过程中的应用及恢复生态学的社会性等核心问题展开论述。恢复生态学是一门年轻的学科,迄今尚无统一的定义。代表性的有3方面的学术观点。第1种强调受损的生态系统要恢复到理想的状态;第2种强调其应用生态学过程;第3种强调生态整合性恢复。笔者认为,恢复生态学是研究生态系统退化的原因、退化生态系统恢复与重建的技术与方法、过程与机理的科学。从近年的国际恢复生态学大会来看,恢复生态学研究近期主要有3个方面的发展趋势。一是强调自然恢复与社会、人文的耦合。认为恢复生态是全球性的,不只是自然的过程,应有全社会的支持,包括政治、经济和人文的介入。二是强调无论是在地域上还是在理论上都要跨越边界。有效的生态恢复实践在地域上要求多地区甚至是多国家的合作,在理论上要求多学科的交叉与耦合。三是强调以生态系统为基点,在景观尺度表达。随着环境和经济问题的全球化,生态系统和景观尺度的恢复生态学研究引起了越来越多的关注。2004年第15届国际恢复生态学大会的会议主题已定为:恢复、景观与设计。在当前研究趋势的基础上,提出了恢复生态学当前研究的6个前沿命题:恢复生态学的学科理论框架研究、恢复生态系统的功益研究、生物多样性在生态恢复中的作用研究、生态恢复对全球变化的响应研究、生态恢复立法研究和生态恢复与社会、经济的整合性研究。退化生态系统的恢复与重建是一项十分复杂的系统工程,尤其需要生态学理论的指导。多数生态学理论已被应用于恢复生态学的研究与实践。结合实例,着重阐述了生态系统演替理论在生态恢复中的应用。恢复生态与全球变化间的相互作用研究越来越多的引起了人们的关注,但多数研究仍停滞在定性研究阶段。在广东的恢复生态学研究表明,广东省从1986年至1998年,植被覆盖从26%到51%,新造林绿化的植被每年可吸收、固定广东省年排放CO2量的一半。人类社会与自然环境的协调可持续发展,不仅要求实现生态环境的可持续,同时亦要求实现人类社会与经济的可持续发展。这就要求生态系统的恢复与重建必须同时实现生态、经济与社会效率的三重优化。中国科学院华南植物研究所生态中心在中国热带、南亚热带进行的退化生态系统的恢复与重建研究历时30余年,所产生的显著的经济和社会效益,在各个实验站点均已有所反映。  相似文献   

Being inspired in the process of teaching and studying on tourism geography and heritage landscapes, the author attempts to broaden the scope of traditional studies in landscape ecology. Upon reviewing the progress, limitations and boundaries of landscape ecology, he criticizes the negligence of waterscapes by academics. The author further examines some waterscape conservation policy programs practiced by different nations. These include 10 National Seashores, 4 National Lakeshores, 4 National Rivers, 13 National Marine Sanctuaries and 1 Marine National Monument in USA, 13 Marine National Parks, 11 Marine Sanctuaries and 4 multiple use Marine Reserves in the State of Victoria, Australia, 3 Marine Nature Reserves and 43 Heritage Coasts in UK, and 272 National Water Parks in China. Based on these explorations, the author proposes a few hypotheses on waterscape ecology. Finally, he concludes that as one among many sub-disciplines of applied ecology, waterscape ecology can only achieve its full-fledged growth through concerted efforts among academics, and the supports from both governments and non-government organizations. Meanwhile, the site-specific policy practices with the rapid increasing social needs will likely facilitate the development of this infant school. Hopefully, the birth and development of waterscape ecology will contribute to the prosperity of global academics and the maintenance of earth level environmental health.  相似文献   

Being inspired in the process of teaching and studying on tourism geography and heritage landscapes, the author attempts to broaden the scope of traditional studies in landscape ecology. Upon reviewing the progress, limitations and boundaries of landscape ecology, he criticizes the negligence of waterscapes by academics. The author further examines some waterscape conservation policy programs practiced by different nations. These include 10 National Seashores, 4 National Lakeshores, 4 National Rivers, 13 National Marine Sanctuaries and 1 Marine National Monument in USA, 13 Marine National Parks, 11 Marine Sanctuaries and 4 multiple use Marine Reserves in the State of Victoria, Australia, 3 Marine Nature Reserves and 43 Heritage Coasts in UK, and 272 National Water Parks in China. Based on these explorations, the author proposes a few hypotheses on waterscape ecology. Finally, he concludes that as one among many sub-disciplines of applied ecology, waterscape ecology can only achieve its full-fledged growth through concerted efforts among academics, and the supports from both governments and non-government organizations. Meanwhile, the site-specific policy practices with the rapid increasing social needs will likely facilitate the development of this infant school. Hopefully, the birth and development of waterscape ecology will contribute to the prosperity of global academics and the maintenance of earth level environmental health.  相似文献   

Human ecology is the science on interaction of the man with the environment including the social surrounding. In the human ecological morphology biogenic and sociogenic peculiarities are distinguished; they are formed in the phylo- or ontogenesis. Peculiarities of the body integument, proportions, development of the fat component of the body mass etc. are related with the biogenic signs of the phylogenic origin, since they are connected with life in certain climato-natural conditions. These signs have certain analogues among Mammalia. The sociogenic signs of the phylogenic origin include complexes of bepedality, labour and informative-speech activity. They are characteristic for the human being only. The sociogenic peculiarities of the ontogenic origin include certain changes of the organism connected with professional and sporting activities. According to the human organism state, observed in dynamics, it is possible to judge on biogenic and sociogenic consequences of the environmental influences. For this purpose the data of anthropometric observations in newborn are considered to be important. The role of the biogenic changes is followed in the example of shifts of the body dimensions in time, connected with the solar activity cycles; the sociogenic changes are considered in an example of growth processes under conditions of different gas-pollution of the atmosphere with industrial waste.  相似文献   

Summary Between 1976–1978, we studied the ecology of the Sphincterochila prophetarum, the most common snail, on stony slopes in Northern Negev. Energy and water flow determinations were made at the individual and population levels on a field observation basis and metabolic data were derived from laboratory simulations.The snails are active during 5–7% of the time during the year, while the remaining 95% of the time, the snails are in aestivation under stones. The energy and water inputs during the short feeding periods are very fast. Only 8% of the total energy in the eaten food are assimilated. Eighty-nine percent of the total assimilated energy are utilized in respiration during the various periods of activity and dormancy.The water loss during the feeding and activity period is about 37% of the total annual input. The snails lose twice as much the amount of water during the winter dormancy periods than in the summer dormancy period.Dedicated to Prof. Evenari and Dr. Springer  相似文献   

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