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A new association, Chrysopogono grylli-Nerietum oleandri, situated in the south of Croatia, is proposed. According to its floristic structure, physiognomy and ecology, it belongs to the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance (Tamaricetalia, Nerio-Tamaricetea). It is the only association with Nerium oleander in Croatia. This community has developed along a temporary watercourse as a vegetation exclave (extrazonal stand) within the climazonal evergreen forest vegetation of the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance. The association has a thermophilous character and a large number of companions from the Quercetalia ilicis and Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia communities. This report compares the floristic composition of this association with others of the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance from other Mediterranean areas. The Croatian association is most similar to the Spartio-Nerietum oleandri association from the Ionian side of Calabria (south Italy). The syntaxonomic status of the Montenegrin association Andropogono distachyi-Nerietum oleandri was determined, and the status of the stands with Nerium oleander is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide new syntaxa for the Italian vegetation checklist. For the class Rhamno–Prunetea which includes the class Paliuretea the new alliance Rhamno saxatilis–Paliurion spinae-christi is described, that is included in the order Paliuretalia spinae-christi with a central-western Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean distribution. Otherwise, the more thermophilous Paliurus spina-christi vegetation is included in the new suballiance named as Oleo sylvestris–Paliurenion spinae-christi within the alliance Oleo–Ceratonion of the class Quercetea ilicis. For the class Trifolio–Geranietea medii, a new alliance named Hyperico calabricae–Asphodelion macrocarpi is proposed here.  相似文献   


The vegetation of sandy coasts of California between Point Arena and Morro Bay, was investigated. Near the tide line, was annual vegetation of the Cakile maritima community. Dunal vegetation included the new Abronio latifoliae-Ambrosietea chamissonis class with the new Ambrosietalia chamissonis order and the new Ambrosion chamissonis alliance (proposed). Foredune vegetation included the two new Abronio latifoliae-Elymetum mollis and Atriplici leucophyllae-Abronietum maritimae associations, with the new Polygono paronychiae-Artemisietum pycnocephalae and Erigero glauci-Abronietum latifoliae associations on more stabilised surfaces. In some localities, Ammophila arenaria var. australis occurs within a Lupino variicoloris-Ammophiletum australis association, which colonises the whole dune ecosystem. In the flat areas characterised by grit and affected by frequent sea ingression is an association characterised by Juncus lesueurii and Distichlis spicata (Junco lesueurii-Distichletum spicatae). In the hollows among inland dunes, affected by stagnation, thick meadows develop which contain two new associations: Stachydo rigidae-Iridetum douglasianae developing on flat areas with a stronger stagnation and Achilleo millefoliae-Elymetum pacifici.  相似文献   


The shrublands growing on siliceous and/or calcium-poor substrata of the hilly and mountainous areas of north-western and central Italy were studied. This secondary vegetation is dominated by several acidophilous shrubs like Ulex europaeus, Cytisus scoparius, Erica arborea, E. scoparia and Calluna vulgaris. The synecology, synchorology and syntaxonomy of this vegetation was studied using multivariate methods, and discussed in comparison with similar types described in other zones of the Italian peninsula. Two new subassociations are proposed here: Erico arboreae-Arbutetum unedonis genistetosum germanicae and Calluno-Sarothamnetum ericetosum scopariae. Calluno-Sarothamnetum is typified; the Sarothamnion alliance is discussed and referred to Cytisetea scopario-striati. The presence of Calluno-Ulicetea and Cytisetea scopario-striati classes is discussed, and a syntaxonomical scheme is proposed.  相似文献   

The new alliance Cerastio tomentosi-Globularion meridionalis and the new association Helianthemo alpestris-Globularietum meridionalis are here proposed as a contribute to the prodrome of Italian vegetation. The new syntaxa are related to the chamaephytic high-mountain vegetation and they are characterized by a wide presence of endemics, southern European orophytes, mountain-Mediterranean, and amphi-Adriatic species. The proposal aims to differentiate, on a structural basis, the high-mountain vegetation of the Apennines at higher syntaxonomical levels.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris in the Czech Republic is presented on the basis of 82 relevés including new unpublished data. A TWINSPAN classification and detrended correspondence analysis were used to identify the main vegetation types included in the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris. A syntaxonomic revision of the data set revealed five associations of the alliance: Digitario sanguinalis-Eragrostietum minoris, Portulacetum oleraceae, Eragrostio poaeoidis-Panicetum capillaris, Cynodontetum dactyli, and Hibisco trioni-Eragrostietum poaeoidis. The latter was recently found in several arable fields in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) and was newly characterized.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is the syntaxonomic interpretation of hyperhalophilous woody or semi-woody vegetation with Halocnemum M. Bieb. along the coasts of the Mediterranean Basin. For this area, the two species of Halocnemum, H. strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. and H. cruciatum (Forssk.) Tod. are identified; their morphological characteristics, synonymy and distribution are here described. The study carried out of particular aspects of the plant morphology and the micromorphological characteristics of the seeds collected from different places in the Mediterranean allows to better differentiate the two species. Vegetation studies already done in many communities of the Mediterranean by several authors threw into great confusion because only H. strobilacem has been recognized as a dominant species. As regards the syntaxonomic analyses of the vegetation, the authors refer to the proposals already made by various scientists for the vegetation of inland salt basins of Eurasia and the Irano-Anatolian area, who suggested the classes Kalidietea foliate and Halocnemetea strobilaceiirano-anatolica, respectively. Conversely, in the Mediterranean Basin, the vegetation study is present only in coastal areas where it is considerably impoverished in the number of species. Therefore, the authors propose to include hyperhalophilous, woody and fruticose vegetation in the class Sarcocornietea fruticosae. However, the phytosociological and ecological diversity is highlighted proposing the order Halocnemetalia cruciati in which both the alliance Halocnemion strobilacei, for middle Eastern Europe, and the alliance Halocnemion cruciati, for North Africa with penetrations in the Western and Eastern Europe up to the Middle East coast, are included. This new interpretation has required the correction of the names of two associations (Frankenio corymbosae–Halocnemetum cruciati and ZygophylloalbiHalocnemetumcruciati) and the proposal of two new associations Arthrocnemo machrostachyi–Halocnemetum cruciati and Halocnemo cruciati–Sarcocornietum fruticosae. A further proposal concerns the addition of the alliance Limoniastrion monopetali, previously included in the order Limonietalia, in the order Halocnemetalia cruciati.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the alliance Carpinion orientalis in the hilly and subcoastal areas of the Italian peninsula is presented. These woods are included in the suballiances Laburno-Ostryenion and Lauro-Quercenion; the distinction between these two suballiances is not always easy also because of the conservation status of these forest ecosystems. The hilly and subcoastal Turkey oak woods of the alliance Carpinion orientalis are mainly distributed on the Adriatic side of the Italian peninsula, where they are found on neutro-basic substrata to which these coenoses are linked. The Turkey oak woods of the alliance Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis are strongly linked to the acidic substrata typical of the Tyrrhenian side, but are sporadically found on the Adriatic side within small enclaves with more acidic substrata. A numerical analysis allowed us to rearrange the lower hierarchical levels of the associations of Turkey oak woods of the alliance Carpinion orientalis. In particular, the association Lonicero xylostei-Quercetum cerridis is included in the alliance Carpinion orientalis, and the new subassociation festucetosum exaltatae is proposed. The subassociation rosetosum arvensis is proposed for the association Daphno laureolae-Quercetum cerridis, and the new subassociation cytisophylletosum sessilifolii of the association Aceri obtusati-Quercetum cerridis is described.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation of anthropogenically disturbed sites on the Chukotka Peninsula was investigated in 1986 and 1990. 102 sites had been bulldozed free of vegetation and soil between 2 and 20 yr ago and revegetated. Anthropogenic vegetation differs considerably from natural tundra. The total plant cover decreases, lichens are absent, moss composition changes, and graminoids predominate. A floristic classification was developed in order to describe the diversity of anthropogenic communities formed on these sites. Four associations were distinguished, all belonging to the alliance Poion glaucomalacanthae. An additional alliance characterized by Alopecurus alpinus is suggested for colder sites, but it has not yet been described. There is a correspondence of associations to substrate types. The association Phippsietum algidae was found only on loam substrate. The Artemisietum glomeratae and Saxifragetum punctatae are connected with rubble or gravel. The graminoid association Arctagrostietum arundinaceae is generally widespread in disturbed habitats and occurs on a variety of substrate types.  相似文献   

Nine vegetation types were distinguished using cluster analysis within Molinion meadows in Slovakia. Vegetation of cluster 1 occurs on most acidic soils and is characterized by the occurrence of species of the Caricion fuscae alliance and of the Nardus grasslands. Vegetation of cluster 2 is also found on rather acidic soils but in contrast to cluster 1 vegetation it contains species of base-rich sites, such as Betonica officinalis, Galium boreale or Serratula tinctoria. Vegetation of cluster 3 occurs in wet base-rich habitats and often contains species of the Caricion davallianae alliance. Species of dry and Nardus grasslands are typical for vegetation of cluster 4, which is found at the driest sites and is confined to oligotrophic sandy soils. Vegetation of clusters 5 and 6 occurs on moist mesotrophic soils. Their species composition is quite similar, the main difference being that the former includes species-poor relevés and the latter includes species-rich relevés. Relevés of cluster 7 include species of dry grasslands and some ruderal species and represent degraded types of inundated floodplain meadows of the Deschampsion alliance. Vegetation of clusters 8 is characterized by species of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class and of the Deschampsion alliance, and occurs in wet nutrient-rich habitats. Vegetation of cluster 9, which usually develops from vegetation of cluster 8 due to decrease in the ground-water table, often contains species of dry grasslands and mesic meadows. Except for relevés of clusters 1 and 7, all others can be assigned to the Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926 association. Cluster 1 corresponds to the Junco effusi-Molinietum caeruleae Tüxen 1954 association. Average Ellenberg indicator values for relevés, which were passively projected on the ordination biplot of detrended correspondence analysis, showed that the first ordination axis correlates with nutrients, soil base status and temperature, and second axis with moisture.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the urban woods of Rome is described. Six syntaxonomical types were identified: 1) Orno-Quercetum ilicis, an edaphic-xerophytic variant of the natural potential vegetation of the city (deciduous Quercus sp. pl. woods); 2) Aquifolio-Fagetum carpinetosum betuli, in the northern slopes of alluvial valleys; 3) Q. suber and Q. pubescens wood, ranked in Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae order 4) Quercetum ilicis galloprovinciale suberetosum; 5) coppice of Q. cerris and Q. frainetto, which belongs to the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliance; 6) mixed mesophile wood of Q. cerris and Ostrya carpinifolia which can be considered a transition between the Doronico-Fagion and the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliances. All of these six woody vegetation types are characterised by the large penetration of Mediterranean species belonging to the Quercetea and Quercetalia ilicis and the middle-European ones of the Querco-Fagetea. This mosaic of species exemplifies the bioclimatic characteristics of Rome, which is situated in a Mediterranean transitional region.  相似文献   


Phytosociological observations on «Lago Gurrida» (N-E Sicily). The results of a phytosociological research on the vegetation of «Lago Gurrida» are given. It is a little marshy area at present partially bonified, which is localized at the base of the N-W slope of Etna and is fed mainly by the water of Flascio river. The natural vegetation is represented by very peculiar plant-communities which are linked to the lenght of the submersion period. The surveyed associations are the followings: Myriophylletum spicati Soò 1927, submerged monophytic vegetation belonging to Potametea; Eleocharido-Alismetum lanceolati ass. nov., hygrophilous association referred to Phragmition which is represented by a more hygrophilous subassociation (bolboschoenetosum) and by a less hygrophilous subassociation (alismetosum); Phragmitetum communis (W. Koch 1925) Schmale 1939 forming a dense monophytic vegetation; Carici otrtibae-Juncetum inflexi ass. nov. of Agropyro-Rumicion crispi, physionomically characterized by the dominance of Juncus inflexus; Epilobio hirsuti-Agropyretum repentis ass. nov., belonging to the same alliance of the previous association and it is represented by meadows of Agropyron repens; Coronopo-Sisymbrielletum dentatae ass. nov. of Heleochloion, which represents a ephemeral vegetation characterized by the occurrence of Sisymbriella dentata rare endemic species of Sicily and S. Calabria; Rubo-Crataegetum brevispinae O. Bolòs 1962, thorny scrub vegetation belonging to Pruno-Rubion ulmijolii. Besides some plant-communities not very well characterized from the floristical and structural point of view occur; they are indicated as community of Dipsacus fullonum and Cirsium italicum, belonging to Plantaginetalia majoris and frequent in the uncultivated surfaces of bonified areas, and as community of Salix alba and Salix purpurea, riparian wood of Poptilion albae  相似文献   


The Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion describes the cliff vegetation of the Southeastern Adriatic. This habitat type harbours many endemic taxa and has a high value for biodiversity conservation. Notwithstanding its importance, knowledge of the syntaxonomy of this alliance is still poor. This article aims at revising the synchorological, coenological and floristic relationships of the associations of the Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion. The revision is based on a data set of 103 relevés of Mediterranean xerothermic cliffs from Croatia, Bosnia i Herzegovina and Montenegro. The relevés were clustered by using the Flexible beta method. An indicator species analysis was used to identify the diagnostic taxa of the main clusters of relevés and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination was undertaken to visualize the floristic relationships among them. Results revealed that only seven associations belong to the Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion, whereas the others already described in phytosociological literature were invalidly described or should be treated as syntaxonomic synonyms of the previous ones. Two associations (Inulo-Centaureetum cuspidatae and Portenschlagiello-Campanuletum portenschlagianae) were reduced to the rank of subassociations of the Moltkio-Inuletum verbascifoliae. Two other subassociations were described for the first time. Data provided with this revision may be considered as essential base-line information that should aid in evaluating the state of this vegetation type in the future.  相似文献   

Syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation based on classification and ordination of a large phytosociological data set from various authors (using the IAHOPA program) has confirmed the alliances Centrantho-Parietarion and Galio-Parietarion (order Parietarietalia judaicae, class Parietarietea judaicae), as already proposed by traditional syntaxonomy. The variation in humidity and the north-south geographical gradient are shown to be the most significant factors for the differentiation of this vegetation in Italy. The presence of some associations belonging to the class Asplenietea trichomanis (alliance Cystopteridion, Potentillion caulescentis and Centaureo-Campanulion) shows a strong connection with natural rock vegetation.  相似文献   

Béguin Cl., Progin Sonney M. and Vonlanthen M. 2006. The vegetation of polygonal soils at the upper alpine and subnival belts in Switzerland. Bot. Helv. 116: 41–54. Polygonal soils are typical formations of arctic regions but occur locally at high elevation in the Alps. A vegetation survey of sites with polygonal patterning of soils in the Western Swiss Alps revealed a clear distinction between (1) periglacial polygonal soils, whose structure is created by frost action, and whose occurrence is limited to the subniveal belt (2700–3000 m a.s.l.) and (2) soils whose polygonal structures are mere contraction cracks created by desiccation, which are found in the alpine belt (2300–2750 m a.s.l). Two new plant associations characteristic of these sites are described: periglacial polygonal soils of the subniveal belt are colonized by the association Saxifrago oppositifoliae- Poetum alpinae ass. nov. of the alliance Drabion hoppeanae. Conversely, soils with polygonal contraction cracks shelter the association Epilobio anagallidifolii- Saginetum saginoidis ass. nov., which is related to the alliance Salicion herbaceae. We describe the particular geomorphological and climatic factors leading to the local formation of these soil types with their specialised vegetation. We conclude that their future existence is strongly threatened by climate warming. Manuscrit accepté le 6 mars 2006  相似文献   

M. Weigend  H. Förther 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):119-123
Two new species ofSisymbrium are described from the Department of Arequipa in south-western Peru. Both are annuals from the loma vegetation.Sisymbrium lactucoides has glabrous leaves with clasping bases and is very distinct.Sisymbrium ferreyrae is probably closest toS. llatasii, but it is a much smaller plant with petals and sepals of subequal length (vs. petals longer than sepals inS. llatasii).  相似文献   


The research conducted here presents a syntaxonomical revision of the montane mesophilous meadows of the Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis alliance in central Europe – the Slovak part of the western and eastern Carpathians. These typical semi-natural grasslands occur mainly as small islands over the calcareous bedrocks. Associations of this alliance have tight relationships to the Arrhenatherion, Mesobromion and Nardo-Agrostion alliances. Formal definitions based on combination of the species groups were used regarding the diversity and geographical range of the Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis alliance. Following the formal definitions from the eight associations reported previously for Slovakia, only four of them can be placed within the Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis: Campanulo glomeratae-Geranietum sylvatici, Geranio sylvatici-Trisetetum, Crepido mollis-Agrostietum capillaries and Geranio-Alchemilletum crinitae. A comparison of traditional and formalized classification, and the advantages/disadvantages of the formalized classification are discussed.  相似文献   

C. Blasi  G. Pelino 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):357-385

The vegetation communities of the karst-tectonic basins of the Majella massif alpine belt were studied using the phytosociological methods, and analysed from coenological, synchorological and syntaxonomical viewpoints. During the field-work, 115 relevés were performed using the phytosociological approach of Braun-Blanquet, and these relevés were further subjected to multivariate analyses. Eight clusters of relevés resulted from the numerical classification. The plant communities identified in the study area were ascribed to the following five associations, two sub-associations and one community type: Leontopodio – Seslerietum juncifoliae (ass. nova); Helianthemo – Festucetum italicae (ass. nova); Gnaphalio – Plantaginetum atratae; Taraxaco – Trifolietum thalii gnaphalietosum magellensis (subass. nova); Luzulo italicae – Nardetum, Carici – Salicetum retusae; Saxifrago – Papaveretum julici, Saxifrago – Papaveretum androsacetosum (subass. nova), Plantago atrata and Leontodon montanus community. The distribution of these communities within the karst basins was found to be related to variations in topographic and geomorphological parameters, such as altitude, slope, soil availability and stoniness. All the new associations proposed in this paper belong to the suballiance Leontopodio – Elynenion and to the alliance Seslerion apenninae, both of which are endemic to the central Apennines. In order to compare the plant community types identified within the Majella massif to similar associations found in the rest of the Apennine chain, synoptic tables were constructed. Finally, a comparative phytogeographical analysis of the alpine belt vegetation of the Apennines, Dinarides, southern Balkans and eastern Alps is presented.  相似文献   

Background: Abernethy Forest, an area of native Caledonian Scots pine forest, includes areas of open or sparsely forested peatland, largely ombrotrophic, but locally influenced by water from mineral ground.

Aims: To relate vegetation species-composition to the limit of ombrotrophy inferred from water chemistry.

Methods: Species composition was listed in 300 sample quadrats; chemical analyses of water samples were available from 200 of these. The vegetation data were classified using TWINSPAN. Relationships between vegetation and chemical results were analysed statistically using contingency tables.

Results: Eleven ‘vegetation types’ were recognised, five (189 samples) judged as primarily ombrotrophic-bog vegetation. The others showed evidence of flushing, or transition to forest. A previous analysis of major cations in the 200 water samples indicated that a limiting Ca/Mg ratio of 1.0 divided 61 samples showing telluric influence from 139 essentially ombrotrophic samples. Neither division was sharp. Contingency tables showed that the division based on vegetation types was strongly associated with the division of the water samples based on cation ratios.

Conclusions: Large areas of bog south and east of Loch Garten are unequivocally ombrotrophic; the main telluric-influenced sites occupy openings in the forest west of the loch. The limited ‘fen’ flora probably reflects the small size and isolation of the calcium-rich sites and the dominating influence of the ombrotrophic peats.  相似文献   

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