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Background: Estuaries are characterised by salinity gradients and regular flooding events. These environmental factors form stress gradients, along which species composition changes.

Aims: Analyse and compare patterns of plant species diversity along the estuarine salinity and flooding gradients of the Elbe and Connecticut Rivers.

Methods: Vegetation was sampled at three elevations (low, mid, high) in five sites of each marsh type (fresh, brackish, salt) in both estuaries. Patterns of species density (SD) and evenness (E) along the gradients were analysed and compared between the two estuaries with three-factor ANOVAs.

Results: The regional species pool was 33% higher for the Connecticut than for the Elbe. SD of fresh marshes (19 ± 2.2) was more than twice in the Connecticut than in the Elbe. We found an overall increase in SD from low to high elevation and from salt to freshwater marshes in both estuaries. However, SD and E were strongly depressed at intermediate elevations in the Elbe fresh and brackish marshes.

Conclusions: Although diversity patterns in the two estuaries show overall similarities, patterns of SD and E differ, when particular elevational zones and marsh types are compared. We hypothesise this to be due to evolutionary and historical influences on the regional species pools, shaping the impact of local biotic and abiotic processes.  相似文献   


A review of the conservation status of fish in the estuarine environment around the South African coastline reveals that some species face serious problems associated either with habitat destruction, and its associated biological, physical and chemical components or exploitation. The 65 species considered fall into three categories; truly estuarine species, which are dependent on estuaries for their entire life; marine species dependent on estuaries during the juvenile phase of their life cycle; and marine species whose juveniles occur mainly in estuaries but are also found at sea. Included in the first two categories are 14 species of fish which are on the South African Red Data list. These comprise one species which is endangered, five which are vulnerable and eight which are rare. All groups are considered in relation to factors in estuaries which are affecting their populations. A conservation strategy is suggested for certain estuarine types or for specific estuaries which could ensure the survival of the entire range of estuarine faunas.  相似文献   

A species of Zygogonium forms extensive dark purple mats in Yellowstone National Park in acidic habitats adjacent to thermal areas. These mats range up to 6 cm in thickness and up to 3000 m2 in areal extent. Temperatures in the mats varied from 20–31 C and pH varied from 2.4–3.1. These mats form on soil in areas where a moist surface is created by the presence of small acidic springs or seeps. The effect of light, temperature, and pH on photosynthesis was studied in the field by use of 14CO2. Photosynthesis increased in rate up to full sunlight; light inhibition was not observed. Temperature optimum for photo-synthesis was 25 C. A broad pH optimum was found between 1.0 and 5.0. The Zygogonium mats have a high water holding capacity and create a moist habitat in which Euglena and Chlamydomonas develop. The mats also serve as repositories for the eggs of the brine fly Ephydra bruesi and both larvae and adults of this fly probably consume Zygogonium filaments as their main food source.  相似文献   

Here, I examine the potential for dead plant material, or wrack, to act as a vector of dispersal for plants among coastal marshes along the Palmer River in New England, USA. Three hundred mats of wrack floating along a 2.5 km section of river spanning tidal fresh, brackish and salt marshes were sampled for propagules of plants from May 1997 to October 1998. Thirty species of plants and 2 species of algae were associated with the wrack, and 24 of the plant species were viable under greenhouse conditions. Common and abundant species of tidal fresh, brackish and salt marshes were found in the wrack, as well as introduced and invasive species. Wrack contained plants suited to different modes of dispersal, including water, wind and adherence to animals. Measurements of the movement of individual mats of wrack along a 200 m section of the river indicated that wrack travelled at speeds ranging from 1.1 to 2.6 km h−1, which translates to potential dispersal distances ranging from 6.5 to 15.9 km for one ebb or flood tide of 6 h duration. Tagged mats of wrack tracked for one ebb or flood tide travelled at least 2.5 km along the river. These results suggest that wrack may be an important agent of plant dispersal among coastal marshes in estuaries.  相似文献   

In estuaries, the somatic growth of crustacean mysids may be influenced by spatio-temporal variation in salinity and food resources. We tested such a possibility in a laboratory experiment, where somatic growth of sub-adult mysids Tenagomysis chiltoni and Tenagomysis novaezealandiae was studied in intermediate salinities(10–20) with contrasting high or low (based on Carbon and Nitrogen richness) food qualities. Different salinity and/or food quality combinations interacted to produce contrasting growth trajectories between the two species. Growth of sub-adult T. chiltoni was more influenced by salinity, whereas the growth of T. novaezealandiae more strongly affected by food quality. Our results suggest that small environmental changes to salinity and food regimes may give rise to different growth trajectories among sub-adult mysids which may have a cascading influence on their life histories and patterns of coexistence with other species in small intermittently open/closed estuaries in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Species-rich native grasslands in western Victoria, Australia, are often small, have a high perimeter to area ratio and are surrounded by non-native species. Few non-native species, however, have invaded them. A feature of species-rich grasslands is the presence of a bryophyte mat (composed of mosses and liverworts) that carpets the intertussock spaces. I assessed the role of these mats in plant invasions by sowing three non-native species (Briza maxima, Hypochoeris radicata, Plantago lanceolata) in replicated disturbed (mats removed) and undisturbed (mats intact) microsites at three grassland remnants (two recently burnt, one unburnt for 3 years) and followed seedling emergence, survival and growth for 5 months. Three native species were also sown for comparison. The rate of germination and total percent germination of non-native species were significantly enhanced at both burnt sites when the mat was disturbed. The large-seeded Briza maxima failed to germinate at both burnt sites in the absence of soil disturbance. The native species generally did not show a strong germination or growth response to soil disturbance in burnt areas. At the unburnt site, where monthly percent soil moisture was highest, final percent germination of the non-native and native species was greatest of any site in both microsites, and germination was not significantly affected by soil disturbance. Differences in the seed morphology of native and non-native species may play an important role in their ability to establish on bryophyte mats in moisture-limiting environments. Any activity that disrupts the mats in the frequently burnt, species-rich grassland remnants is likely to significantly enhance the germination and subsequent growth by non-natives. However, where burning is infrequent, germination of some non-native species may be expected, regardless of disturbance, although growth will likely be favoured in disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Concurrent with the spread of green algal mats on tidal flats, reports of macrofauna dieoffs under dense algal mats have increased in numbers. Bivalves seem to be particularly affected by persistent dense algal mats. Bivalve species with a long extendible siphon seem to be less affected underneath algal mats, but no distinction has been made in the past between species with short and those with long siphons,Mya arenaria andMacoma balthica, on an intertidal mudflat in New England. Abundances ofM. arenaria declined substantially during the study period when a thick green algal mat covered the mudflat for several months. Numbers of the small bivalveGemma gemma also decreased substantially, whereas abundances ofM. balthica showed minimal variation during the time of algal coverage. In algae removal/addition experiments numbers ofM. arenaria decreased, but effects were only significant in an algal addition to previously algal-free mudflat areas. Abundance ofM. balthica did not change significantly in the algal removal/additition experiments. Over the time period of the experiment (9 weeks),M. arenaria showed measurable size increase in uncovered mudflat areas, but not underneath algal mats. Similarly,M. balthica only increased in size in the uncovered mudflat area. From these results it is concluded thatM. balthica can survive time periods of dense algal coverage because it is able to penetrate through the algal mat with its long extendible siphon, and thus can reach well-oxygenated water layers above the mat.M. arenaria with its thick, less extendible, siphon cannot push through dense algal mats and therefore is more likely to die underneath persistent algal mats.  相似文献   


The range of microhabitats and microclimatic conditions provided by epiphytes has been linked to the high diversity of invertebrates in many forest canopies worldwide, but comparably little is known about the invertebrate fauna in this habitat in New Zealand. This study compiled an inventory of the invertebrate fauna of epiphyte mats in the canopy of northern rata (Myrtaceae: Metrosideros robusta A. Cunn.) at two study sites on the West Coast of the South Island. A total of 242 069 invertebrate specimens was collected over one year, representing 4 phyla, 9 classes and more than 160 families, 225 genera and 446 species. At least 10 new species and 3 new genera were identified, while 5 species were recorded outside their known geographical range. Epiphyte mats provided habitat for an invertebrate fauna, highly diverse and abundant both taxonomically and functionally, dominated in terms of abundance by Acari, Collembola and Hymenoptera (largely ants), and in terms of feeding guilds by epiphyte grazers and ants. As the first inventory of this taxonomic depth and breadth compiled for New Zealand forest epiphyte habitats, this study provides important baseline data for the conservation of biodiversity in New Zealand's indigenous forests.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the small‐bodied benthic naked goby Gobiosoma bosc, a western Atlantic species that occurs in estuaries and other inshore habitats from Connecticut to Texas U.S.A., was investigated in a total of four estuaries spanning South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey. Gut content analysis of 391 individuals revealed that G. bosc is a benthic microcarnivore that feeds primarily on polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and harpacticoid copepods. Diet composition varied with body size, tidal creek within an estuary and geographic region. Analyses of gut fullness suggest that G. bosc is a daytime visual predator and that nest and egg guarding during the reproductive season reduce foraging activity in mature males. Additionally, G. bosc infected with adult digenean parasites of the gut foraged more intensely than uninfected individuals, a relationship that was strongest for reproductively mature males. Regionally, significant variation in dietary breadth was documented and may reflect a foraging response to a decrease in prey diversity moving from estuaries of higher salinity and lower latitude to estuaries of lower salinity and higher latitude. These results contribute to an understanding of the life history of G. bosc and the role played by this common species in estuarine food webs.  相似文献   

The assessment of the status of eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds at the bay-scale in turbid, shallow estuaries is problematic. The bay-scale assessment (i.e., tens of km) of eelgrass beds usually involves remote sensing methods such as aerial photography or satellite imagery. These methods can fail if the water column is turbid, as is the case for many shallow estuaries on Canada’s eastern seaboard. A novel towfish package was developed for the bay-scale assessment of eelgrass beds irrespective of water column turbidity. The towfish consisted of an underwater video camera with scaling lasers, sidescan sonar and a transponder-based positioning system. The towfish was deployed along predetermined transects in three northern New Brunswick estuaries. Maps were created of eelgrass cover and health (epiphyte load) and ancillary bottom features such as benthic algal growth, bacterial mats (Beggiatoa) and oysters. All three estuaries had accumulations of material reminiscent of the oomycete Leptomitus, although it was not positively identified in our study. Tabusintac held the most extensive eelgrass beds of the best health. Cocagne had the lowest scores for eelgrass health, while Bouctouche was slightly better. The towfish method proved to be cost effective and useful for the bay-scale assessment of eelgrass beds to sub-meter precision in real time.  相似文献   

The relative importance of separation by distance and by environment to population genetic diversity can be conveniently tested in river networks, where these two drivers are often independently distributed over space. To evaluate the importance of dispersal and environmental conditions in shaping microbial population structures, we performed genome-resolved metagenomic analyses of benthic Microcoleus-dominated cyanobacterial mats collected in the Eel and Russian River networks (California, USA). The 64 Microcoleus genomes were clustered into three species that shared >96.5% average nucleotide identity (ANI). Most mats were dominated by one strain, but minor alleles within mats were often shared, even over large spatial distances (>300 km). Within the most common Microcoleus species, the ANI between the dominant strains within mats decreased with increasing spatial separation. However, over shorter spatial distances (tens of kilometres), mats from different subwatersheds had lower ANI than mats from the same subwatershed, suggesting that at shorter spatial distances environmental differences between subwatersheds in factors like canopy cover, conductivity, and mean annual temperature decreases ANI. Since mats in smaller creeks had similar levels of nucleotide diversity (π) as mats in larger downstream subwatersheds, within-mat genetic diversity does not appear to depend on the downstream accumulation of upstream-derived strains. The four-gamete test and sequence length bias suggest recombination occurs between almost all strains within each species, even between populations separated by large distances or living in different habitats. Overall, our results show that, despite some isolation by distance and environmental conditions, sufficient gene-flow occurs among cyanobacterial strains to prevent either driver from producing distinctive population structures across the watershed.  相似文献   

  • Canopy soil (CS) volume reflect epiphyte community maturity, but little is known about the factors that retain CS or species succession within it. Humus fern species (e.g. Phlebodium areolatum) appear capable of retaining CS.
  • In ten Quercus spp. we sampled 987 epiphyte mats to examine the role of the common epiphyte species and crown traits determining CS volume, in order to infer successional stages and identify pioneer and late successional species. Branch traits (height, diameter and slope), CS volume and cover of the epiphyte species were determined for each mat. Nutrient content was determined in CS random samples of 12 epiphyte associations and sizes (one sample from each size quintile).
  • A total of 60% of the mats lack CS. Cover of Pareolatum was the main variable explaining CS volume, and this species was present in 46.8% of those with CS. Epiphyte composition was highly variable, but pioneer (species appearing in monospecific mats, without CS) and late successional species could be identified. Canopy soil nutrient content was similar among the associations of epiphytes. Magnesium, Ca and pH decreased with CS volume, while P and N increased.
  • Phlebodium areolatum is associated with high CS volumes and could act as a key species in its retention. Monospecific mats of pioneer species lack CS or have low volumes, while CS is much higher in mats with late successional species, but the mechanisms of CS formation and nutrient retention in response to interactions between epiphyte species remain to be tested.

Microbial Communities and Exopolysaccharides from Polynesian Mats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microbial mats present in two shallow atolls of French Polynesia were characterized by high amounts of exopolysaccharides associated with cyanobacteria as the predominating species. Cyanobacteria were found in the first centimeters of the gelatinous mats, whereas deeper layers showing the occurrence of the sulfate reducers Desulfovibrio and Desulfobacter species as determined by the presence of specific biomarkers. Exopolysaccharides were extracted from these mats and partially characterized. All fractions contained both neutral sugars and uronic acids with a predominance of the former. The large diversity in monosaccharides can be interpreted as the result of exopolymer biosynthesis by either different or unidentified cyanobacterial species. Received July 25, 2000; accepted October 21, 2000  相似文献   

Natural or anthropogenic induced variations in estuaries and the dynamics of marine fish populations potentially promote differences in connectivity between estuaries and marine areas, i.e. in their importance as nursery grounds. Within this context, an integrated assessment of the differential nursery function of the main estuaries along the Portuguese coast for commercial fish species common sole Solea solea, Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis, flounder Platichthys flesus and sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax was performed through several indicators based on available data. Contribution of individual estuaries to marine subpopulations was measured with potential metrics (juvenile density, habitat quantity, juvenile number and habitat quality within estuaries) and effective metrics (estuarine source of young adults in marine environment measured via otolith elemental fingerprints). The relationship between the two types of metrics was also assessed. Estuaries identified as important nursery and/or effective juvenile habitat (EJH) differed with species and no single estuary was best for all, highlighting species-specific regulation of nursery function. Multiple species assessment of nursery and EJH function differed among estuaries. Management and conservation of estuaries should focus on sites with higher contributions to adult subpopulations of multiple species. The importance of defining precise scientific and management objectives was emphasized by the different rankings of estuaries obtained with nursery or EJH criteria. Potential and effective contribution of estuaries were not significantly correlated, but in a quantitative analysis juvenile densities and number of juveniles seem related with effective contribution in some species. An agreement between potential and effective contributions of estuaries is concurrent with the acknowledged minor role of juvenile stage processes in regulation of recruitment to adult subpopulations.  相似文献   

Impact of Women’s Harvest Practices on Pandanus guillaumetii in Madagascar’s Lowland Rainforests. Pandanus guillaumetii B.C. Stone is endemic to the east coast rainforests of Madagascar. The plant is an important non-timber forest product (NTFP) for the local population living near these forests, and its leaves are collected by women to be woven into mats. These mats have economic value and are also used for daily activities. At present, little is known about how local harvesting practices impact this plant species. In this study, we describe women’s local harvest practices and quantify their impact on the P. guillaumetii population. We carried out plant inventories as well as interviews and participatory observations with local people harvesting P. guillaumetii in two villages with different population densities in the Manompana region. Inventories were conducted at varying distances from the villages in order to better understand the influence of human pressure on the plant population. The results suggest that local communities apply practices that tend to minimize the harvest impact on the plant. Harvesting seems to have no effect on the actual density of P. guillaumetii. However, the availability of plants with leaves of sufficient quality for mat production is influenced by human pressure. Considering the decreasing number of plants suitable for handicraft, we assume that their availability in the long term may not fulfill the needs of the local people.  相似文献   

Bacterial mats in sulfide aquatic systems of North Caucasus are basically composed by the species of genera Thiothrix and Sphaerotilus. Additionally, several non-filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from the mats and several minor 16S rRNA phylotypes were found in clone libraries from these mats. The minor components were affiliated with Proteobacteria, Chlorobia, Cyanobacteria and Firmicutes. Even in an individual mat population heterogeneity of Thiothrix spp. was revealed by analysis of 16S rRNA gene and RAPD-PCR. Five Thiothrix isolates were described as new species Thiothrix caldifontis sp. nov. and Thiothrix lacustris sp. nov. In the Thiothrix-Sphaerotilus type of bacterial mat the proportion of dominant organisms might be influenced by sulfide concentration in the spring water. The higher sulfide concentration (more than 10 mg/1) in the spring water is more favorable for the development of bacterial mats with dominant Thiothrix organisms than for Thiothrix-Sphaerotilus type of sulfur mat.  相似文献   

Fish species densities from 1025 hauls obtained with beam trawl and stow net catches from the southern Tagus and northern Elbe estuaries were analysed for two different periods of time between 1978 and 1997. The data were related with environmental factors to compare species composition and densities, contributions of different ecological guilds, structuring environmental key factors, intra‐annual cyclicity and interperiodical stability of ichthyofaunas in large European estuaries at different latitudes. Although the total number of species in both the Tagus and Elbe estuaries (Tagus: 57 species, Elbe: 58 species) was very similar, significant differences were estimated in species compositions, species densities and number of species, and individuals of the different ecological guilds between both estuaries. A total of 15 species occurred in both estuaries but only two of these species, the catadromous Anguilla anguilla and the marine estuarine opportunist Pleuronectes flesus, contributed substantially to the total abundance. Marine species together contributed more than 5% of the total number of species in the Tagus and Elbe estuaries, whereas their contribution in number of individuals amounted to 22% in the Tagus and only 9% in the Elbe. In terms of number of individuals, the ichthyofauna of the Tagus estuary was dominated by estuarine species (especially Pomatoschistus spp.) contributing 68% of the total abundance. In contrast, the fish fauna of the Elbe estuary was dominated by high numbers of anadromous species (88%) individuals, especially Osmerus eperlanus. Canonical corresponding analyses (CCA) indicated that, besides intra‐annual variables, salinity and mouth distance were two of the most important environmental factors structuring the fish communities in both estuaries. Moreover, water depth was found to be an important environmental factor in the Tagus estuary, whereas the water temperature substantially affected the ichthyofaunal composition in the Elbe estuary. In both estuaries, contributions by number of species and number of individuals of the different ecological guilds were not statistically different between the two periods considered, 1978–80 and 1995–97 for the Tagus, and 1981–86 and 1989–95 for the Elbe. Nevertheless, from 1981–86 until 1989–95 a remarkable increase of about 4.5 times in the densities of O. eperlanus was observed in the Elbe estuary, probably related to improved water quality, especially of oxygen conditions in the nurseries since 1990. This was also supported by the results of CCA, suggesting important influences of the years 1989 and 1990 on the Elbe estuary fish assemblage. Climate change as a result of global warming may be evident for the observed changes of the densities of P. flesus which decreased in the southern Tagus estuary and, in contrast, increased in the northern Elbe estuary during comparable periods of time. It is recommended to use the ecological guild classification scheme which was applied for the Tagus and Elbe estuaries for further studies of European estuarine fish assemblages.  相似文献   

This study investigated variation in the rates of growth and mortality, and age and fork‐length (LF) compositions of two exploited species of Mugilidae, Liza argentea and Myxus elongatus, in two south‐east Australian estuaries (Lake Macquarie and St Georges Basin). An ageing protocol was developed by counting opaque growth zones on sectioned otoliths which was validated by periodically examining the otoliths of captive‐reared young‐of‐the‐year fishes, and marginal increment analysis of wild fishes. The maximum recorded age was 17 years for L. argentea and 12 years for M. elongatus, which is greater than generally observed in other species of mugilids. Growth models of each species significantly differed between sexes and, except for male L. argentea, between estuaries. Fishes from Lake Macquarie generally had a greater mean LF at age than those from St Georges Basin and females of both species generally attained a greater maximum LF and age than males. Gillnet catches of L. argentea were of similar LF and age compositions in both estuaries, whereas the age composition of catches of M. elongatus in Lake Macquarie contained a greater proportion of younger fish. Estimates of total, natural and fishing mortality were greater for M. elongatus than L. argentea across both estuaries, and estimates of total mortality were greatest for both species in Lake Macquarie. The data indicate that neither species has been overfished in these estuaries.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish utilizing South African estuaries may be divided into two major groups according to the location of their spawning sites. The marine group comprises large species which spawn at sea, enter estuaries mainly as juveniles, and return to the sea prior to attaining sexual maturity. The estuarine group is dominated by small species which have the ability to complete their life cycle within the estuarine environment. They tend to produce relatively few, demersal eggs, or exhibit parental care, which facilitates the retention of eggs and young within the estuary, whereas the marine group release large numbers of small pelagic eggs during spawning and exhibit no parental care. This is contrary to the theory that estuaries (unpredictable environments) should favour altricial life-history styles and the marine inshore zone (a more predictable environment) should favour precocial styles. However, if the total ichthyofauna of South African estuaries is considered, then altricial species predominate. The fact that both altricial and precocial traits are well represented within the overall estuarine fish community suggests that the various taxa have adapted their life-history styles, in different ways, to ensure the utilization of abundant food resources available within these fluctuating systems. A detailed comparison of the life-history styles of the estuarine teleostGilchristella aestuaria and the marine fishMugil cephalus is used to illustrate the contrasting manner in which these two species have succeeded in exploiting South African estuaries.  相似文献   

On sandy tidal flats at the Island of Sylt (North Sea) ephemeral mats of green algae covered wide areas in the vicinity of sewage outflows. Algae became anchored in the feeding funnels of lugworms (Arenicola marina) and thus were able to resist displacement by tidal currents. Below the algal mats anoxic conditions extend to the sediment surface. After about one month a rough sea removed all algae. Polychaetes endured this short-term environmental deterioration, while the more sensitive Turbellaria decreased in abundance and species richness. Diatom-feeders were affected most, predators to a medium extent, and bacteria-feeders the least affected. Rare and very abundant species were more affected than moderately abundant ones. None of the turbellarian species increased in abundance and none colonized the algal mats above the sediment. In a semicontrolled experiment with daily hand-removal of drift algae from a 100-m2 plot within an extensive field of algal mats, this cleaned "island" served as a refuge to Turbellaria escaping from their algal covered habitat. Here abundance doubled relative to initial conditions and was 5-times higher than below algal mats.  相似文献   

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