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Improvements were found in the inosine productivity of Brevibacterium ammoniagenes KY 13714, which is an adenine leaky and 6-mercaptoguanine resistant mutant. A highly productive mutant, KY 13761, was selected after the addition of 6-methyIthiopurine resistance and guanine requiring character to KY 13714 and after repeating single colony isolation.

Culture conditions for the practical production of inosine were investigated using KY 13761. It was found that the concentrations of phosphate, magnesium, and adenine were important. Carbon sources and natural nutrients also showed profound effects on inosine accumulation. Especially, effective was the feeding of inverted molasses and urea for production of inosine. Under optimal conditions, 31 mg of inosine per ml was accumulated after 42 hr cultivation in a 5 liter jar fermenter at 32°C. A growth-associated type of accumulation was confirmed in inosine production with KY 13761.  相似文献   

The principal nutrient source for forest trees derives from the weathering of soil minerals which results from water circulation and from plant and microbial activity. The main objectives of this work were to quantify the respective effects of plant- and root-associated bacteria on mineral weathering and their consequences on tree seedling growth and nutrition. That is why we carried out two column experiments with a quartz-biotite substrate. The columns were planted with or without pine seedlings and inoculated or not with three ectomycorrhizosphere bacterial strains to quantify biotite weathering and pine growth and to determine how bacteria improve pine growth. We showed that the pine roots significantly increased biotite weathering by a factor of 1.3 for magnesium and 1.7 for potassium. We also demonstrated that the inoculation of Burkholderia glathei PML1(12) significantly increased biotite weathering by a factor of 1.4 for magnesium and 1.5 for potassium in comparison with the pine alone. In addition, we observed a significant positive effect of B. glathei PMB1(7) and PML1(12) on pine growth and on root morphology (number of lateral roots and root hairs). We demonstrated that PML1(12) improved pine growth when the seedlings were supplied with a nutrient solution which did not contain the nutrients present in the biotite. No improvement of pine growth was observed when the seedlings were supplied with all the nutrients necessary for pine growth. We therefore propose that the growth-promoting effect of B. glathei PML1(12) mainly resulted from the improved plant nutrition via increased mineral weathering.  相似文献   

采用粗纤维法、凯氏定氮法、斐林试剂法、索氏浸提法、干灰化法和重量法等多种化学分析方法对云南翠雀花的化学成分进行了分析.结果显示,云南翠雀花含有丰富的维生素、矿质元素以及异亮氨酸、蛋氨酸、赖氨酸等17种氨基酸,其中粗纤维、VB2和蛋氨酸含量尤为丰富,分别为32.83%、3.26 mg·g-1、3.27 mg· g-1.  相似文献   

习惯性流产伴罕见Rob(13;21)的异常核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付建华  李露霞  付睿婷  秦冬梅 《遗传》2003,25(2):145-145
病例  患者,女,29岁,汉族,身高156cm,体重52kg;职业农民表型无异常,非近亲婚配,否认家族遗传史。孕期及孕前期无毒物、化学、放射物的接触史,无特殊病史。因连续流产4次而就诊。细胞遗传学检查  外周血染色体分析,普通核型计数,分析50个分裂相,均为45条,D、G组各少一条,多一条衍生染色体。经G带技术分析了20个核型均为45,XX,der(13;21)(q10;q10)。其丈夫核型正常,其他家庭成员拒绝检查。患者的13号、21号染色体分别在着丝粒区发生断裂,两者的长臂在着丝粒区附近彼此连接,形成了一条新的染色体,两者的短臂也可能连接成一条小染色体…  相似文献   

牛蒡含有多种氨基酸,且含有苏氨酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸以及组氨酸和精氨酸必需氨基酸和半必需氨基酸。必需氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的26.59%。无机元素测定结果表明,牛蒡含有16种化学元素,其中铁含量高达1560.4mg/kg,明显高于其它野生植物。  相似文献   

南酸枣果实的成分分析   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
本文对南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)鲜果的常规营养尬发和化学成分进行了测定。结果表明,南酸枣果实含有丰富的营养素,果皮内保18种氨基酸总量达26.23~38.54mg/100g,蛋白质为0.92%~1.48%,有机酸含量高达5.22%~8.13%,色谱分析显示含有21种有机酸,其中以柠檬酸、酒石酸、苹果酸和葡萄糖酸等为主要成分,鲜果可食部分还含有丰富的Ca、Fe、Zn、  相似文献   

This research addressed the effect of mineral and organic soil constituents on the fate of organic compounds in soils. Specifically, it sought to determine how the associations between organic chemicals and different soil constituents affect their subsequent biodegradation in soil. Four 14C-labeled surfactants were aseptically adsorbed to montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite, sand, and humic acids. These complexes were mixed with a woodlot soil, and 14CO2 production was measured over time. The mineralization data were fitted to various production models by nonlinear regression, and a mixed (3/2)-order model was found to most accurately describe the mineralization patterns. Different mineralization patterns were observed as a function of the chemical and soil constituents. Surfactants that had been preadsorbed to sand or kaolinite usually showed similar mineralization kinetics to the control treatments, in which the surfactants were added to the soil as an aqueous solution. Surfactants that had been bound to illite or montmorillonite were typically degraded to lesser extents than the other forms, while surfactant-humic acid complexes were degraded more slowly than the other forms. The desorption coefficients (Kd) of the soil constituent-bound surfactants were negatively correlated with the initial rates of degradation (k1) and estimates of 14CO2 yield (Po) as well as actual total yields of 14CO2. However, there was no relationship between Kd and second-stage zero-order rates of mineralization (ko). Microbial community characteristics (biomass and activity) were not correlated with any of the mineralization kinetic parameters. Overall, this study showed that environmental form had a profound effect on the ultimate fate of biodegradable chemicals in soil. This form is defined by the physicochemical characteristics of the chemical, the composition and mineralogy of the soil, and the mode of entry of the chemical into the soil environment.  相似文献   

新疆甘草化学成分研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从新疆甘草(GlycyrrhizauralensisFisch.)根中分离得到5个化合物,分别鉴定为:槲皮素(1)、甘草次酸(2)、阿魏酸(3)、5,7,3′,4′-四羟基-7-葡萄糖基二氢黄酮醇(4)、8,5′-二羟基3′α-鼠李糖黄酮(5)。其中化合物4,5为首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

火麻仁脂溶性成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张媛  王喆之 《西北植物学报》2006,26(9):1955-1958
采用索氏提取法提取火麻仁中脂溶性成分,进行甲酯化处理后用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分离和鉴定其组成和含量.共鉴定29种脂溶性成分,其中脂肪酸甲酯化产物占99.32%(其中饱和脂肪酸甲酯为12.36%,不饱和脂肪酸甲酯为86.96%),13种成分在火麻仁脂溶性成分的研究中未见报道.研究结果表明,火麻仁在食用、医疗保健等方面具有较大的应用潜力和开发前景.  相似文献   

牛膝多糖的组分分析及抗衰老活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛膝多糖(Achyranthes bidentata polysaccharides, ABPS)是苋科植物牛膝(Achyranthes bidentata Bl.)根中的水溶性多糖,先后用DEAE-Sepharose fast-flow柱和Sephadex G-100柱将牛膝粗多糖分为4个组分,分别命名为:Con.1、Con.2、Con.3和Con.4.Micro-Kjeldahl试验表明,Con.1中含有氮元素3.95%,另3个小分子组分不含氮元素.以果蝇为动物模型研究了该4个牛膝多糖组分的抗衰老作用,结果表明,大分子组分Con.1对果蝇无抗衰老作用,而另3个小分子量组分在培养基中浓度为2和5 mg/g(多糖质量/培养基质量)时,都可显著或极显著地使果蝇平均体重增加3.85%-5.47%, 并使果蝇平均寿命延长2.61%-3.16%.  相似文献   

牛膝多糖的组分分析及抗衰老活性研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
牛膝多糖 (Achyranthesbidentatapolysaccharides ,ABPS)是苋科植物牛膝 (AchyranthesbidentataBl.)根中的水溶性多糖 ,先后用DEAE_Sepharosefast_flow柱和SephadexG_10 0柱将牛膝粗多糖分为 4个组分 ,分别命名为 :Con .1、Con .2、Con .3和Con .4。Micro_Kjeldahl试验表明 ,Con .1中含有氮元素 3 .95 % ,另 3个小分子组分不含氮元素。以果蝇为动物模型研究了该 4个牛膝多糖组分的抗衰老作用 ,结果表明 ,大分子组分Con .1对果蝇无抗衰老作用 ,而另3个小分子量组分在培养基中浓度为 2和 5mg/g(多糖质量 /培养基质量 )时 ,都可显著或极显著地使果蝇平均体重增加 3 .85 % - 5 .47% ,并使果蝇平均寿命延长 2 .6 1% - 3.16 %。  相似文献   

The following three basic defects for which three-taxon analysis has been rejected as a method for biological systematics are reviewed: (1) character evolution is a priori assumed to be irreversible; (2) basic statements that are not logically independent are treated as if they are; (3) three-taxon statements that are considered as independent support for a given tree may be mutually exclusive on that tree. It is argued that these criticisms only relate to the particular way the three-taxon approach was originally implemented. Four-taxon analysis, an alternative implementation that circumvents these problems, is derived. Four-taxon analysis is identical to standard parsimony analysis except for an unnatural restriction on the maximum amount of homoplasy that may be concentrated in a single character state. This restriction follows directly from the basic tenet of the three-taxon approach, that character state distributions should be decomposed into basic statements that are, in themselves, still informative with respect to relationships. A reconsideration of what constitutes an elementary relevant statement in systematics leads to a reformulation of standard parsimony as two-taxon analysis and to a rejection of four-taxon analysis as a method for biological systematics.  相似文献   

本文采用鲜姜榨汁-过滤的方法提取鲜姜内成分。然后对其化学成分进行GC/MS分析。从鲜姜汁中分离确定了33中成分,其中萜类物质相对含量较高。  相似文献   

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