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1. Echthrodesis lamorali Masner, 1968 is the only known parasitoid of the eggs of the intertidal rocky shore spider Desis formidabilis O.P. Cambridge 1890 and is endemic to a small area of South Africa. 2. The abundance of spider nests and parasitoid presence were assessed in relation to their in‐ and between‐shore location at multiple sites within the distribution of E. lamorali along the Cape Peninsula (Western Cape, South Africa). 3. Desis formidabilis nests were more abundant in the mid‐shore zone than higher up or lower down the shore. Spider population sizes also differed between collection sites, with higher numbers recorded on the cooler western coast of the peninsula. 4. Evidence of parasitoid activity was recorded in 43.31% of the 127 nests and 13.85% of the 592 egg sacs they contained. 5. Where parasitoids gained entry to a spider egg sac, oviposition took place into all of the eggs present. 6. Incidence of wasp activity was positively correlated with spider nest concentration, not with height up the shore, suggesting that both the host and parasitoid are tolerant of salt‐water inundation. 7. These results should assist managers of the Table Mountain National Park, in which the full distribution of E. lamorali falls, to better understand this component of rocky shore community dynamics.  相似文献   

The false mussel Mytilopsis adamsi, originally described from the Pacific coast of Panama, is reported for the first time as an introduced species in the Urías estuary and an adjacent shrimp farm, on the Pacific coasts of Mexico. In the 19th century, this species was transported from the Pacific coast of Panama, reaching the Indo-Pacific Ocean, but it had not been previously reported in other coasts of the American Pacific. Its recent and irregular presence in this small estuary near shore the Mazatlán harbor and an adjacent shrimp farm suggests that the species was introduced into the area but it cannot still be considered as a harmful invader. The presence of the species in the shrimp farm may indicate that it was introduced along with shrimp stocks from Central America, although its passive transportation to the estuary via ballast water or attached to hulls is not discounted.  相似文献   


Beach erosion along the N coast of the Wirral peninsula (NW England) made it necessary to build a series of new defences. Completion of these in 1985 preceded a major reduction of pollution levels in the R. Mersey. The object of this investigation has been to see how marine algal vegetation and floristic diversity have developed on the defences following the improvement in the water quality of the estuary. Two types of material were used in construction: precast concrete blocks (smooth surface) and limestone rocks (rough surface). These materials were used in the building of reefs and for the revetment of old seawall, parts of which were left unreveted. Analysis of samples from these substrata revealed no significant differences in species zonation, in abundance of Fucus or in numbers of species. However, the floristic composition of the block samples differed significantly from that on the rocks, in spite of the fact that they were placed on the shore at the same time. The rock flora includes more filiform algae which exploit the greater variety of microhabitat present. They seem also to promote species diversity more effectively than green foliaceous algae. The flora of the defences now includes species not seen on Merseyside for a century and others new to the area.  相似文献   

Sara Ferri 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-4):269-284

The embryological development of Erigeron speciosus DC. — The Author refers on the embryology of Erigeron speciosus DC. listing the most important characteristics of the development of this gametophyte

a) a pluricellular archesporium is formed, with fertile and sterile cells.

b) several mother cells develop inside a single nucellus leading to the formation more than one gametophyte;

c) at the end of the meiotic process different conditions may be reached; that is: tetramegasporial apocitium; II) trimegasporial apocitium plus a megaspore; III) dimesporial apocitium plus two megaspores at the two ends of the apocitium;

d) the gametophyte may vacuolate with different patterns.

e) different types of development may occur in the gametophyte, that is: I) from tetrasporic cell of a 16-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium; II) from trisporic cell of a 12-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium; III) from disporic cell of a 8-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium.

f) Erigeron speciosus has a cromosomic set of n = 9.  相似文献   


Three scorpion species of the family Buthidae are recorded for the first time: Androctonus crassicauda and Buthotus jayakari from the north region of Yemen, and Apistobuthus pterygocercus from Yemen as a whole, The presence of A. crassicauda in the northern region of Yemen closes a gap in our knowledge of its distribution. The other two species are endemisms of the Arabian peninsula: A. pterygocercus is apparently confined to the Arabian peninsula; B. jayakari is probably restricted to the southern part of the Arabian peninsula.  相似文献   

Capsule Home-range of resident pairs of Golden Eagle was usually smaller during a successful breeding season than during winter and during an unsuccessful breeding season.

Aims To examine how Golden Eagles use space around their nests with respect to season and breeding status, and to compare home-range-use between a high and a low density region.

Methods Nine adults in six mainland Argyll ranges were radiotracked between 1991 and 1996. On the island of Mull visual observations of range-use were obtained for five ranges between 1994 and 1998.

Results Overall, Mull ranges were smaller than the Argyll ranges, reflecting the much higher range density on Mull. In both regions there were significant differences between ranging distances with season and breeding status. In general, ranging distances were smallest during breeding seasons when young were fledged.

Conclusions Studies of range-use in Golden Eagles must be conducted across a 12-month period, as a minimum.  相似文献   


The endemic species in the peninsula of Capo Caccia (N. W. Sardinia). — The author signals the presence of some endemic species in the Peninsula of Capo Caccia (N. W. Sardinia)  相似文献   

The phenology and seasonal growth of Porphyra linearis Grev. were investigated in two morphologically dissimilar populations from the west coast of Ireland. Thallus size and reproductive status of individuals were monitored monthly between June 1997 and June 1998. Both populations exhibited a similar phenology: gametophyte stages appeared on the shore in October, with spermatangial and zygotosporangial sori appearing the following February; the gametophyte stage began to degenerate in April and had disappeared completely by June. However, significant differences in growth and reproduction in the field and in cultures of plants from the two populations were observed. Thallus length and width of individuals from one population were significantly longer throughout the sample period, and reproduction and sporulation occurred 1 month earlier. Also, in situ relative growth rates (RGRs) of plants differed significantly and were correlated with different climatic factors (sunshine, day length, irradiance, rainfall, seawater temperature, and intertidal temperatures), suggesting that plants were affected by two different microhabitats. At one site, blades were more exposed to wave action, sunshine, and extreme minimum temperatures, while at the other site, blades were more protected in winter, spring, and early summer. In culture, RGRs of blades from the second site were higher than RGRs of blades from the first site under short days, corroborating the field results and suggesting a degree of phenotypic differentiation between the two populations. However, there were no sequence divergences of the RUBISCO spacer between strains of the two P. linearis populations.  相似文献   


The Australian bee Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius) has recently established itself near Gisborne and Napier on the east coast of the North Island, and is likely to extend its range in future. Nine bee genera and about 49 species are now known from New Zealand.  相似文献   


Embryological researches on SENECIO VULGARIS L. var. THYRRENUS Fiori. — Male gametophyte, development of tapetal cells and female gametophyte have been studied in Senecio vulgaris L. var thyrrenus Fiori.

1) The development of male gametophyte is normal. Divisions of the microspore mother cells are of the simultaneous type. The division of the generative nucleus has never been observed till the pollen grain was in the anther.

2) The tapetal cells follow a very simple development. The nucleus of each cell divides only twice starting at the same time with the meiotic divisions of pollen mother cells but ending much earlier; subsequently, as usually happens with the Asteraceae, the ameboid involution of the tapetum begins. Endomitosis or any other process which leads to a polyploidy not due to nuclear fusion, has never been observed.

3) The female gametophyte is eight nucleate of the normal type (Polygonum). At maturity it shows only three antipodal cells whose nucleus undergoes at first, two or three divisions. Only later these new nuclei, always within the antipodal cell, may fuse in a polyvalent one.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the relationship between the size and isolation of islands and bat species richness in a near‐shore archipelago to determine whether communities of vagile mammals conform to predictions of island biogeography theory. We compared patterns of species richness in two subarchipelagos to determine whether area per se or differences in habitat diversity explain variations in bat species richness. Location Islands in the Gulf of California and adjacent coastal habitats on the Baja California peninsula in northwest Mexico. Methods Presence–absence surveys for bats were conducted on 32 islands in the Gulf of California using acoustic and mist‐net surveys. We sampled for bats in coastal habitats of four regions of the Baja peninsula to characterize the source pool of potential colonizing species. We fitted a semi‐log model of species richness and multiple linear regression and used Akaike information criterion model selection to assess the possible influence of log10 area, isolation, and island group (two subarchipelagos) on the species richness of bats. We compared the species richness of bats on islands with greater vegetation densities in the southern gulf (n = 20) with that on drier islands with less vegetation in the northern gulf (n = 12) to investigate the relationship between habitat diversity and the species richness of bats. Results Twelve species of bats were detected on islands in the Gulf of California, and 15 species were detected in coastal habitats on the Baja peninsula. Bat species richness was related to both area and isolation of islands, and was higher in the southern subarchipelago, which has denser vegetation. Log10 area was positively related to bat species richness, which increased by one species for every 5.4‐fold increase in island area. On average, richness declined by one species per 6.25 km increase in isolation from the Baja peninsula. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate that patterns of bat species richness in a near‐shore archipelago are consistent with patterns predicted by the equilibrium theory of island biogeography. Despite their vagility, bats may be more sensitive to moderate levels of isolation than previously expected in near‐shore archipelagos. Differences in vegetation and habitat xericity appear to be associated with richness of bat communities in this desert ecosystem. Although observed patterns of species richness were consistent with those predicted by the equilibrium theory, similar relationships between species richness and size and isolation of islands may arise from patch‐use decision making by individuals (optimal foraging strategies).  相似文献   


We report the first recorded interactions between bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii). The diurnal behavioral patterns of bottlenose dolphins in Bahía Engaño, Argentina, were similar to those described for other coastal populations around the world. The majority of the feeding bouts were recorded near the mouth the Chubut River. When not feeding near the river, bottlenose dolphins generally swam along the coast, and interactions with Commerson’s dolphins were recorded very close to the shore on two occasions during a 3-year period. In the first event, both species were feeding on a fish school. The second interaction was aggressive in nature, involving one juvenile and three adult bottlenose dolphins with several Commerson’s dolphins. Two of the adult bottlenose dolphins attacked the Commerson’s dolphins. We propose that the observed behavior represented defense of the juvenile bottlenose dolphin.



Embriologycals researches in the thalictrum genus. — Embriology of Thalictrum angustifolium L. v. flavum L.

In this research has been studied the development of the female gametophyte of Thalictrum angustifolium L. v. flavum L.; it has been found a tetrasporic bipolarized type: the Pyretrum type, with sixteen nuclei.

The gametophyte is characterized by cellularization of every antipodal nucleus.

Besides this is a new type in the Thalictrum genus, supposing that in others species of this genus, has been recognized the Normal type.

The author supposes another type in this specie, probably a development of the tetrasporic tetrapolarized type, of which he will refer when the necessary elements emerge.

In this specie the microsporogenesis is simultaneous.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(5):794-800

The phylogenetic position of the family Pleuroziaceae (Hepaticae), consisting of only the two genera Pleurozia Dumort. and Eopleurozia Schust., is reevaluated on the basis of the discovery that the fundamental architecture of the gametophyte in this family bad been misinterpreted. With study of Pleurozia caledonica it was found that previous accounts erroneously considered the family to have incubous leaves, with a ventra1lobule (water-sac); thus the gametophyte was considered comparable to that of the suborders Radulinae Schust. and Porellinae SchusL However, the antical and postical faces of the plant had been confused; the leaves are succubously inserted and each has a dorsal, generally inflated lobule. The leaves are therefore not comparable to those of the Radulinae and Porellinae and appear to have been derived from an organization of the Jungermanniine type. Intercalary branching from the leafaxils, commonly found in Jungermanniinae, but never in the Radulinae or Porellinae, confirms this judgement.  相似文献   


Cucullanus tunisiensis sp. nov., (Nematoda: Cucullanidae), collected from the intestine of the white grouper Epinephelus aeneus from waters off the coast of Tunisia is described based on light and scanning electron microscopic observations. The new species is characterized by the presence of lateral alae, ventral sucker, long unequal spicules (left spicule 2474-2789 μm long, right spicule 2357-2518 μm long). This is the sixth nominal species of the genus Cucullanus Müller, 1777 and the first representative of this genus infecting fishes of Serranidae family reported from Tunisian waters.


《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):375-379

(1) The ratio of 14CO2 uptake of fully expanded capsules to that of corresponding gametophytes in the species studied was about 1 : 15 in Mnium hornum, 1 : 35 in Pleurldium acuminatum and around 1 : 1 in Funaria hygrometriea.

(2) Translocation of photosynthate from gametophyte to sporophyte took place within 1 to 4 days of exposure to 14CO2; in expanded capsules the final activity was at least equal to that remaining in the gametophyte.

(3) In M hornum there was no evidence of reverse translocation from sporophyte to gametophyte.

(4) Translocation from gametophyte continued at a high level throughout the expansion and differentiation of the capsule in M. hornum. The activity reaching the sporophyte was approximately proportional to its fresh weight.

(5) Both in situ photosynthesis and translocation to the capsule of F. hygrometrica rose to a maximum during the latter part of capsule expansion and ensuing differentiation, subsequently declining as the green tissues of the capsule senesced.

(6) Fully expanded (but premeiotic) capsules of M. hornum contributed approximately 20% of the assiinilate necessary for their growth. The corresponding figure for P. acuminatum was about 10%, and for F. hygrometrica about 50%.  相似文献   


Embryological, systematic and ecological observations on Allium parciflorum Viv. The morphological observations and the comparison with some allied species have shown a good taxonomic isolation of Allium parciflorum: this has suggested to ascribe it to a new section.

It has been observed that the female gametophyte develops according to the disporic-type, as in other species of Allium previously studied.

The distributional area in Sardinia has been considerably extended and many ecological data are also given.  相似文献   


Flora of Palmaria and Tino islands. — Palmaria and Tino are two small islands at the entrance of the Gulf of La Spezia. They are formed of grey fossiliferous limestones of the Rhaetian period and of more recent — but still of the Rhaetian period — dolomitic limestones. Their climate is definitely more mediterranean than that of the La Spezia coasts laying near by; the winters are milder and the annual precipitations much lower (at the Palmaria 525 mm, at La Spezia 1375 mm. The flora is composed of 399 entities and has a biological spectrum in which the Hemicryptophytes predominate (35,33%), however also the Therophytes (29,57%) and the Geophytes (15,03%) are frequent. The test of the floristic composition shows that the eumediterranean elements are predominant (24,56%) but also the submediterranean (12,53%) and the central southern European (13,53%) are frequent; besides, the subatlantic (6,01%) and the Eurasian ones are also to be found (9,27%). From the test of the floristic components of the three floras of Palmaria and Tino, Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of the Marettimo island in western Sicily, it has been found that there is a bigger quantity of eumediterranean elements than in the islands near La Spezia (24,56%) at Capo Caccia (42,14%) and at Marettimo (47,60%), and on the contrary a decrease of the central southern European (13,53%, 9,50%, 6,40%). The fact that the island of Sardinia was separated from the continent since very early times is proved by the presence at Capo Caccia of a lower number of euro-centralasiatic plants (6,76%, 3,30%, 6,60% respectively), of sub-Atlantic ones (6,01%, 1,65%, 3,80%), and of Eurasian ones (9,27%, 7,85%, 8,20%) and on the contrary by a higher number of Sardinian-Corsican endemisms at Capo Caccia (8,67%), definitely higher than the ones in Sicily at Marettimo (3,40%) and the Tuscan-Ligurian endemisms at Palmaria and Tino (only 0,75%) islands which are a few dozen meters near the coast, from which they were separated in recent periods. Among the plants of phytogeographycal interest I would like to mention Centaurea cineraria which is present at the Palmaria and Tino with the var. veneris; may be once spread on most of the Mediterranean coasts. Most of the Mediterranean plants growing on the Palmaria and Tino have a distribution area which includes a great part of the Mediterranean. Just a few of them (Cephalaria leucantha, Argyrolobium zanonii, Phagnalon sordidum, Staehelina dubia, Pinus pinaster, Antirrhinum latifolium) are western submediterranean, distributed mostly in Europe; in comparison, at Marettimo there are western eumediterranean plants growing in northern Africa with some remains in the Spanish peninsula. At Marettimo eastern eumediterranean plants also grow, while at Palmaria and Tino are to be found only some plants that, from the north-eastern coasts of the Mediterranean sea, reach the interior of the Balkan peninsula (Genista januensis) or the Pontic region. (Coronilla cretica, Dorycnium pentaphyllum var. berbaceum).  相似文献   


Antrodia onychoides (Egel.) Ryv., new to Italy and very rare species in Europe. II. - The paper is concerned with the first Italian collection of A. onychoides, a resupinate polypore. From the literature, this is the fourth European finding of Antrodia onychoides and follows the first collection, occurred in 1913 near Oslo, in Norway, the second in France and the third in Finland.

Macroscopically A. onychoides could be misdetermined as a Tyromyces however, on the basis of microscopical features, there is no doubt concerning its determination as a species of Antrodia genus.  相似文献   


Embryology of « Leontopodium nivale » (Ten.) Huet ex Hand.-Mazz. — As in « Leontopodium alpinum » Cass. var. a typicum Fiori e Paoletti, from different alpine localities, no cases of apomixis have been observed (Maugini 1962) while Sokolowska-Kulczycka (1959) has noticed this phenomenon in the same species collected on the Tatra mountains, an embryological research on « Leontopodium nivale » (Ten.) Huet ex Hand. Mazz. has been undertaken. The material, collected in the alpine garden of Campo Imperatore (Abruzzo), has shown that the development of the female gametophyte occurs as in Leontopodium alpinum, according to the normal monomegasporial type which leads to the formation of an 8-nucleate gametophyte which at maturity is almost always poliantipodate. In « Leontopodium nivale » there is no trace of apomixix, but many cases of degeneration, particularly in the mature gametophyte, have been observed.  相似文献   

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