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Four specimens attributable to the freshwater red algal taxon, Ptilothamnion richardsii, were examined from locations in Australia and French Guiana, and partial rbcL gene sequence data were obtained. Phylogenetic analyses showed these specimens to be allied to taxa in the Batrachospermales. The two specimens from Australia were determined to be Batrachospermum antipodites, differing from that taxon by only 15?bp (1.2%). The two specimens from French Guiana were within the Batrachospermum section Contorta clade, but differed considerably (≥8%) from the taxa for which there are presently rbcL gene data. The sequence data clearly show these specimens to be chantransia stages of Batrachospermum taxa. Recently, other described freshwater Audouinella taxa have also been shown to be chantransia stages. Like previous authors, we argue that it is useful to continue to recognize entities with particular morphological characters and propose the form taxa Chantransia richardsii, C. macrospora and C. pygmaea. A key to these is provided.  相似文献   

Studies on crustose corallines present in the intertidal region at three localities in northern Chile (30°S), show that these algae are well represented in exposed and protected sites, reaching up to 90% cover. Species composition differs between sites with the common occurrence of species or morphological variants of Spongites and a single taxon attributed to Phymatolithon at the most exposed sites, and species of Lithophyllum and Titanoderma at more protected localities. The two Lithophyllum taxa recorded are distinguished by the presence/absence of protuberances, cell size and degree of calcification, while Titanoderma taxa are segregated by the thickness of the thallus, hypothallic and perithallic cell size and shape. Spongites taxa are distinguished on the basis of external morphology and anatomical features such as cell size, degree of calcification and percentage of fusions between cells. The variability of these features within each species is still unknown thus, the taxa remain without specific epithet until further studies. Examination of specific types recorded for nearby regions are also required in order to clarify the taxonomy of the group in these coasts.  相似文献   

Intertidal macroalgae endure light, desiccation, and temperature variation associated with sub‐merged and emerged conditions on a daily basis. Physiological stresses exist over the course of the entire tidal cycle, and physiological differences in response to these stresses likely contribute to spatial separation of species along the shore. For example, marine species that have a high stress tolerance can live higher on the shore and are able to recover when the tide returns, whereas species with a lower stress tolerance may be relegated to living lower on the shore or in tidepools, where low tide stresses are buffered. In this study, we monitored the physiological responses of the tidepool coralline Calliarthron tuberculosum (Postels and Ruprecht) E.Y. Dawson and the nontidepool coralline Corallina vancouveriensis Yendo during simulated tidal conditions to identify differences in physiology that might underlie differences in habitat. During high tide, Corallina was more photosynthetically active than Calliarthron as light levels increased. During low tide, Corallina continued to out‐perform Calliarthron when submerged in warming tidepools, but photosynthesis abruptly halted for both species when emerged in air. Surprisingly, pigment composition did not differ, suggesting that light harvesting does not account for this difference. Additionally, Corallina was more effective at resisting desiccation by retaining water in its branches. When the tide returned, only Corallina recovered from combined temperature and desiccation stresses associated with emergence. This study broadens our understanding of intertidal algal physiology and provides a new perspective on the physiological and morphological underpinnings of habitat partitioning.  相似文献   

Hitherto only gametangial and carposporangial phases of Thuretellopsis peggiana Kylin have been reported. A study of this rare member of the Dumontiaceae (Cryptonemiales) in culture has disclosed the existence of an encrusting tetrasporangial phase, previously unknown, whilst the life history has been shown to be of the ‘Bonnemaisonia’ type.  相似文献   

The patterns of microhabitat use were investigated in three coexisting epizoic algae on an intertidal gastropod, Lunella correensis in an attempt to enhance understanding of the niche relations among ecologically similar species in a space-limited environment. Our analysis of field-derived data showed clear spatiotemporal partitioning of shell microhabitats by epizoic algae with different degrees of resource specialization. As a substrate-specializing, obligate epizoic alga, Pseudocladophora conchopheria occupied wider micro-niches on the host of different sizes than facultative epizoic algae (encrusting rhodophytes, crustose Corallina and Gelidium). While Pseudocladophora demonstrated uniform use of all shell microhabitats on hosts of all sizes, crustose Corallina and Gelidium showed more varied microhabitat use with shifting positions on hosts of different sizes. Furthermore, in addition to slight differences in microhabitat use, crustose Corallina and Gelidium demonstrated differences in their interspecific relationship with Pseudocladophora. Our generalized linear models (GLM) analyses indicated that the occurrence/abundance of crustose Corallina was negatively affected by Pseudocladophora but that of Gelidium was positively affected, while Pseudocladophora appeared to be competitively inferior to both rhodophytes when they co-occurred on hosts of relatively large sizes. The present study, therefore, points to variable niche partitioning among algae even on a small spatial scale, which may result from complex interactions between spatio-temporal substrate heterogeneity on a live host and interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

1. The horizontal distribution of plankton in Loch Ness, a deep, oligotrophic lake with a simple trench morphometry, was studied on three occasions in 1993. Samples were collected from ten stations spaced along the length of the loch and the abundance of algae, bacteria, protozoa, rotifers and crustacean zooplankton was determined. 2. Horizontal variability was found to be greatest for the metazoan zooplankton and for the algae, especially two cryptomonad flagellates. Bacteria and heterotrophic protozoa showed relatively little horizontal variability. The degree of horizontal variability was not sufficient seriously to affect studies of the seasonality of plankton abundance conducted from a single sampling station. 3. Gradients of plankton distribution along the length of the loch were dependent on the recent wind history. The direction of the gradient could readily reverse with a shift in wind direction. These results indicate that the horizontal distribution of plankton in Loch Ness is more dependent on wind-induced water circulation patterns than on differential growth of plankton in water masses of differing chemistry.  相似文献   

Species with restricted gene flow often show trait-shifts from one type of environment to another. In those rock-dwelling marine gastropods that lack larval dispersal, size generally decreases in wave-exposed habitats reducing risk of dislodgement, while increases in less exposed habitats to resist crab-crushing. In Littorina fabalis, however, snails of moderately exposed shores are generally much larger (11–14 mm) than snails of sheltered shores (5–8 mm). Observations from the White Sea (where crabs are not present) indicate that in the absence of crabs snails are small (6–7 mm) in both habitats. We assumed that the optimal size for L. fabalis in the absence of crabs is less than 8 mm, and thus that increased size in moderately exposed habitats in areas with crabs might be a response to crab predation. In a crab-rich area (Sweden) we showed that crab predation is an important mortality factor for this snail species in both sheltered and moderately exposed habitats. In sheltered habitats, snails were relatively more protected from crab-predation when dwelling on their habitual substrate, fucoid algae, than if experimentally tethered to rocks below the algae. This showed that algae function as snail refuges. Snail dislodgement increased, however, with wave exposure but tethering snails in moderately exposed habitats showed that large snails survived equally well on rocks under the algae as in the canopy of the algae. Thus in sheltered habitats a small snail size is favored, probably due to life-history reasons, while increased risk of being dislodged from the algae refuges promotes a large size in moderately exposed habitats. This study shows an example of selection of a trait depends on complex interactions of different factors (life-history optimization, crab predation, wave induced dislodgement and algal refuges).  相似文献   

Blanchette  C. A.  Raimondi  P. T.  Wilson  M.  Lohse  D.  Kendall  A.  Kusic  K.  Livingston  H.  Maloney  E.  & Williams  M. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):4-4
This research was directed to gather a better understanding about the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas acidophila, one of the 6 algal species found in the Berkeley Pit Lake. Berkeley Pit Lake is a flodded, abandoned pit mine with a pH of 2.7 and high metal concentrations. It has been found that the effective concentrations of metals that limit the growth of C. acidophila by 50% were 9.024 mg/L for Cu2+ and 75.4 mg/L for Zn 2+. We have been able to grow C. acidophila from Berkeley Pit samples at high densities in medium containing 15.36 mg/L Cu2+ and 83.65 mg/L Zn2+. Moreover, this species is able to grow in nutrified Berkeley Pit water, which contains approximately 110 mg/L Cu2+ and 323 mg/L of Zn2+. The hypothesis is that the species found in Berkeley Pit Lake represents a genetic strain adapted to high metal concentrations environments. A comparison between the American Type Culture Collection strain of C. acidophila and the strain collected from Berkeley Pit was made. Growth rate of the two strains in Bold Basil Medium, Modified Acid Medium and Berkeley Pit nutrified water were calculated and compared. Moreover, preliminary investigations of the genome of C.acidophila from the Berkeley Pit Lake were initiated.  相似文献   

14C-labeled extracellular products of a natural microphytobenthic community and two species of benthic diatoms (Nitzschia hybridaeformis and Amphora coffeaeformis) were fractionated into extracellular dissolved organic carbon (14C-EDOC), organic carbon extracted with EDTA (14C-EDTA-extractable OC) and extracellular polymeric substances (14C-EPS). The biodegradation of this labeled extracellular organic carbon by bacteria in sediments was examined to determine the processes of enzymatic degradation of photosynthetically-produced extracellular organic carbon from microphytobenthos in an intertidal flat ecosystem. In addition, primary production as well as extracellular enzyme activities (beta- and alpha-glucosidase) were measured to evaluate the possible relationship between organic carbon production and microbiological degradation at the Isshiki intertidal flat in Mikawa Bay, Japan. With all three 14C-fractions extracted from a natural microphytobenthic assemblage and two species of benthic diatoms, more than 50% of the added substrates were mineralized within 24 h by the bacterial community in sediments. At that time, the percentage of high-molecular-weight compounds (>5 K MW) to total MW compounds of 14C-EDTA-extractable OC and 14C-EPS fractions decreased within 24 h from 50.9 to 6.6% and 74.5 to 11.1%, respectively. In situ, beta- and alpha-glucosidase activity in sediment was higher than in the seawater column (at a depth of 1 m), though the photosynthetic production of microphytobenthos was equal to that of phytoplankton. Based on our previous studies that microphytobenthos produced much more extracellular products than phytoplankton, it is assumed from these results that carbon flowing into the microbial loop through the mediation of enzymatic degradation of extracellular products in a benthic system exceeds that in the overlying water column.  相似文献   

Human alteration of nutrient cycling and the densities of important consumers have intensified the importance of understanding how nutrients and consumers influence the structure of ecological systems. We examined the effects of both grazing and nutrient enrichment on algal abundance and diversity in a high-intertidal limpet-macroalgal community on the South Island of New Zealand, a relatively nutrient-poor environment. We used a fully factorial design with three levels each of grazing (manipulations of limpet and snail densities) and nutrients (nutrient-diffusers attached to the rock). Top-down control by grazers appears to be the driving organizing mechanism for algal communities in this system, with strong negative effects of grazing on algal diversity and abundance across all levels of nutrient enrichment. However, in contrast to the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the whole algal community, there was an interactive effect of grazing and enrichment on foliose algae, an important component of the algal system. When herbivory was reduced to very low levels, enrichment generated increases in the abundance and biomass of foliose algae. As expected, top-down control was the primary determinant of algal community structure in this system, controlling abundance and diversity of macrophytes on the upper shore. Contrary to expectations, however, increased nutrients had no community-wide effects, although foliose algal abundance increases were greatest with high nutrients and reduced grazing. It seems likely that most of the corticated algal species have limited capacity to respond to nutrient pulses in this nutrient-poor environment.  相似文献   

The organically enriched sediments of Loch Eil reduced acetylene (fixed nitrogen) at a higher rate than sediments in the Firth of Lome and other near shore marine locations. Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were implicated in nitrogen fixation although fixation rates did not correlate with the SRB numbers found in these sediments. The data suggest that a negative relationship may exist between nitrogen fixation and the sulphide content of sediments.  相似文献   



A non-canonical nuclear genetic code, in which TAG and TAA have been reassigned from stop codons to glutamine, has evolved independently in several eukaryotic lineages, including the ulvophycean green algal orders Dasycladales and Cladophorales. To study the phylogenetic distribution of the standard and non-canonical genetic codes, we generated sequence data of a representative set of ulvophycean green algae and used a robust green algal phylogeny to evaluate different evolutionary scenarios that may account for the origin of the non-canonical code.  相似文献   

Encrusting algae are well-known to be able, for long periods, to withstand shading and overgrowth by other organisms. How this is achieved remains a mystery. It had been proposed that connections with unshaded (non-overgrown) parts of the thallus may allow transfer of nutrients to the shaded part. From this model, I proposed and tested the hypothesis that shaded patches of the intertidal red alga, Hildenbrandia rubra, would survive overgrowth longer, or better, when connected to unshaded thallus than when experimentally separated from surrounding alga. Experimental treatments were shading (black or transparent 80 mm perspex discs or no cover) and scraping (scraped around the disc to remove contacts, a control for effects of scraping, no treatment). The 9 orthogonal combinations of cover and scraping were applied to 3 independent, random replicates (i.e. 27 plots) in each of four randomly chosen sites.

In all 4 sites, over 13 months, shaded H. rubra survived in greater abundance (as % cover) where in contact with surrounding thallus. In one site, there was no effect of shading unless the thallus was isolated. In two sites, shading reduced cover, but was more deleterious where the thallus was isolated. In the fourth site, there were artefacts due to a perspex cover, but still less cover of alga where it was isolated.

This encrusting alga can withstand a long period of complete shading, provided there is connection to unshaded thallus. Interpreting or predicting overgrowth interactions in terms of competitive outcomes is therefore dependent on consideration of whether the overgrown species is actually being affected. It also depends on the duration of overgrowth and, as shown here, the extent to which connectivity with unshaded thallus is effective at preventing or reducing any consequences. Observations and experiments that do not ascertain these are difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

浙江马鞍列岛海域潮间带底栖海藻分布特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
章守宇  梁君  汪振华  王凯 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2299-2307
2007年3—7月对浙江马鞍列岛海域潮间带底栖海藻进行了调查,初步查明该海域潮间带底栖海藻的组成、分布情况和温度属性,并利用相似性指数(Sc)和相对重要性指数(IRIc)分析了调查海域潮间带底栖海藻的优势种组成.结果表明:调查海域采集到的31种海藻隶属于3门24属,其中绿藻门5属7种,褐藻门5属8种,红藻门14属16种;在波浪和潮汐作用下,潮间带出现局限分布种和选择性分布种,孔石莼、鼠尾藻等在调查岛礁区域广有分布;红藻门种类在调查海域的出现频率为61.1%,为优势门类,绿藻门种类在该海域的总体水平分布基本呈均匀状态;81%的调查种类分布在低潮带,其中包括一些中潮带延伸种类,中、低潮带的海藻组成相似性值为0.47,并且中、低潮带的生境趋同效果大于高、中潮带.马鞍列岛潮间带底栖海藻具有明显的垂直分带现象,温水性种类占绝对优势,优势种多为暖温性种.该海域底栖海藻属于暖温带-亚热带过渡型海洋植物区系.  相似文献   

The physico-Chemical limnology of Loch Lomond   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
G. A. Best  I. Traill 《Hydrobiologia》1994,290(1-3):29-37
Loch Lomond, the largest freshwater lake in Britain, is physically divided into a number of distinct basins by geological structures. The northern part of the loch is long, narrow and deep whilst the southern area is broad and shallow with many islands scattered throughout it.The water chemistry of the loch is dictated by the geology of catchment and the quality of the rivers flowing into it. The two major rivers, the Falloch and the Endrick Water, are both of good quality with low nutrient content. Consequently, the loch is regarded as oligotrophic, though the southern area verges towards being mesotrophic.  相似文献   

The abundance of intertidal microalgal food resources was estimated on shores at Cape Banks (Botany Bay, New South Wales) by indirect assays of the concentration of chlorophyll on and in the surface of sandstone rocks. Examination of the relationships between chlorophyll concentration and weight and area of rock samples allowed valid assays to be made despite uncontrollable variations from replicate to replicate in the amount of rock sampled. Microalgal cells were also sampled directly by brushing them from the surface of the rock. The relationship between amount of chlorophyll in samples, and the number of microalgal cells in immediately adjacent brushed areas indicated a relatively constant amount of chlorophyll per cell at different heights and on different parts of the shore throughout different seasons of the year. These preliminaries determined that assays of chlorophyll provided reliable, repeatable estimates of the number of microalgal cells present.Replicated sampling at five heights on a transect spanning the mid-shore regions of a sheltered shore dominated by grazing gastropods, at approximately monthly intervals from 1977 to 1979, revealed a vertical gradient of increasing abundance of microalgae towards the bottom of the shore, except during summer. This trend was not correlated with decreasing abundance of microalgal grazers. During summer, the abundance of microalgae declined abruptly at all levels. The decrease was greatest at the lower levels, resulting in little or no difference among the abundances of microalgae at the five heights during summer. The seasonal changes were again unrelated to any major changes in densities of grazers. These trends confirm the general patterns of distribution of intertidal microalgae in previous studies in other parts of the world. The present data are discussed with respect to problems of interpretation of microalgal food resources for intertidal grazers.  相似文献   

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