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A general investigation was carried out on Lake Liambezi to characterize the limnological features of the lake. The lake, 101 km2 in area and situated within the tropics, was found to be shallow and bordered by reed swamps, particularly on the south-western shore. It was polymictic and consequently oxygen levels were high at all depths. Transparency was such that photosynthesis occurred to the bottom. Conductivity ranged from 17,3 to 41,2 mSm?1 and the waters were moderately alkaline. Transfer of organic detritus from the reed swamp into the open water has resulted in the presence of high levels of organic nitrogen and phosphorus whilst ambient levels of inorganic forms were low. Planktonic chlorophyll a concentrations ranged between 1 and 104 μg l?1 and Microcystis was the dominant phytoplankter. The dominant zooplankter was Bosmina. The important species of phytoplankton and zooplankton are listed and include two new species of blue-green algae which are described. The lake was found to be generally similar to most shallow tropical African lakes with a wide diversity of food sources for fish. Progressive encroachment by Salvinia appears to hamper access to fishing areas and the fishery potential is threatened.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the apparent loss from the water column in Lake McIlwaine This study of significant quantities of reactive phosphorus. The Total Reactive Phosphorus mass-balance for the lake for 1977/78 was calculated, and both in situ and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of the lake sediments on the phosphorus loading of the lake. The experimental results showed that both uptake and release of phosphorus occurs in the lake, but that uptake of phosphorus by the sediments was by far the dominant process, thus accounting for the observed loss of phosphorus from the water column. The availability of the bound phosphorus for algal growth was also studied and it is suggested that algal uptake of bound phosphorus is possible. Various factors affecting phosphorus uptake by the sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

Nutrient control of phytoplankton production in Lake Naivasha,Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hubble  David S.  Harper  David M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):99-105
Lake Naivasha, a shallow tropical lake in Kenya's Rift Valley, has an unstable water column and is moderately eutrophic. Nutrient (bottom-up) control of primary production is more important than grazing (top-down) control. Experimental nutrient enrichment was used to investigate bottom-up control in more detail. Minor nutrients were not found to be limiting, whilst nitrogen was more limiting than phosphorus with an algal preference for ammonium over nitrate. Sediments form a phosphorus sink but there is hypolimnetic release from the one area showing regular temporary stratification. This indicates that the rate of primary production in the water column could double if conditions change to allow lake-wide nutrient release from sediments. Both external and recycled nutrient regeneration are important.  相似文献   

中国太湖1950年以来主要环境的变化和迅速富营养化的开始   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cha.  WYB 《古生物学报》1996,35(2):155-174
太湖是我国第三大淡水湖,面积2350km^2,位于长江三角洲(面积35000km^2)的中部,自6000年前太湖形成以来,湖泊经历了几个主要变化,1950年以前太湖最明显的变化发生在海侵和湖盆大小,海侵是太湖形成的主要原因。太湖形成后,在不同的干燥和湿润时期,湖盆经历了由一系列的小湖或统一湖盆之间的波动,但一般来说,近2000年以来,湖盆的大小在增大,然而1950年以后,为适应人口的增长,许多浅水  相似文献   

底泥再悬浮对东湖水体初级生产力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究底泥再悬浮对东湖初级生产力的影响, 通过模拟东湖通道施工导致的底泥再悬浮过程, 用原位黑白瓶法测量了水体初级生产力, 同步测定受试水体的光强、营养盐以及藻类叶绿素荧光活性, 结果表明, 随着再悬浮底泥含量的增加, 水体出现明显的光衰减现象, 光强显著降低(P0.05); 总氮总磷浓度升高; 藻类最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)上升; 水体呼吸作用显著增强(P0.05), 总初级生产力与净初级生产力先增大后减小。与不含再悬浮底泥的对照组相比, 水体再悬浮底泥含量50100 g/L处理组具有较高的初级生产力; 相对其他处理组, 再悬浮底泥含量200 g/L处理组的初级生产力显著降低(P0.05), 且其净初级生产力为负值。研究结果表明, 在一定范围内的底泥再悬浮通过增加水体营养盐含量的方式提高水体初级生产力, 较大含量的再悬浮底泥则通过影响水体光强降低初级生产力, 该结果确认了东湖通道施工引起的底泥再悬浮对水域生态系统的影响, 值得引起关注和重视。  相似文献   

南亚热带湖泊-星湖后生浮游动物群落特征研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
星湖位于广东省境内,是一个南亚热带浅水自然湖泊,由5个子湖组成,是典型的富营养化湖泊。为了解这一典型南亚热带富营养湖泊的后生浮游动物群落特征,于2002年对该湖的轮虫和浮游甲壳动物进行了研究。星湖的后生浮游动物基本上为广温种类,兼具一些嗜暖种。轮虫在种类数、数量和生物量上均占优势,其优势种为臂尾轮虫。在4个子湖中,波海湖的臂尾轮虫数量最高,与该子湖营养水平较高相对应。桡足类为第二优势类群,在数量上以无节幼体和桡足幼体为主,并且在7、8月份数量较高,优势种为温中剑水蚤和台湾温剑水蚤;枝角类优势种则是长额象鼻溞和颈沟基合溞。两类浮游甲壳动物成体的数量均比较低。与20世纪90年代相比,星湖后生浮游动物的数量和生物量均下降,两类甲壳动物均向小型种类演替。和我国北亚热带的富营养化湖泊相比,星湖后生浮游动物的数量和生物量都明显偏低,这可能反映了南亚热带浅水湖泊的特征。  相似文献   

水生植物群落动态与演替的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
于丹 《植物生态学报》1994,18(4):372-378
 本文根据10年定位研究的结果,讨论了哈尔滨朱顺泡(湖)水生植物的种类组成和动态变化;分析了群落建群种的替代及其影响因素;指出水体变浅是导致水生植物群落演替的关键因素。同时利用盖度、密度、频度和重要值等计算了群落的数量特征,并按重要值划分了不同演替阶段的优势种和亚优势种;根据生活型确定了群落的分层结构;建立了群落生物量的分层模型。随着湖底上垫作用的进行,物种的消失速率在加快;实验证明透明度仅影响沉水植物的分布,而营养盐含量低是群落生产力限制因子。  相似文献   

文章根据2019年(厄尔尼诺)和2020年(正常)相同月份(2—5月)中国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋采集的1896尾鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis),对不同气候年间西北印度洋鸢乌贼渔业生物学特性进行了对比研究。结果表明,两年间雌性个体胴长分别为129—347和284—582 mm,优势胴长组分别为171—220和481—530 mm;雄性个体胴长分别为138—273和94—235 mm,优势胴长组均为171—220 mm; 2019年胴长及优势胴长均大于2020年,其中雌性个体差异最大。不同气候年间鸢乌贼体重与胴长的关系存在性别间显著性差异,除2020年雄性样本胴长与体重的关系最适用指数函数表示外,其余胴长与体重的关系均最适用幂函数表示。两年间样本的雌雄性别比分别为1.5﹕1和1.3﹕1,性腺成熟度组成也不相同,雌性个体2019年多处于未成熟阶段(Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期), 2020年则多处于成熟阶段(Ⅲ期和Ⅳ期);雄性个体2019年多处于未成熟阶段(Ⅱ期)和成熟阶段(Ⅲ期), 2020年多处于成熟阶段(Ⅲ期和Ⅳ期)。不同气候年间西北印度洋鸢乌贼个体日龄组成和孵化群体也...  相似文献   

Benthos of a seasonally-astatic, saline, soda lake in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The benthic macroinvertebrate community (BMC) of Lake Tecuitlapa Sur, central Mexico, was monitored to determine the structure of the community (i.e. species composition, richness, abundance and biomass), throughout an annual cycle. Tecuitlapa Sur is shallow, seasonally-astatic, warm, mesosaline, and soda-alkaline. The physical, chemical and biological variables were determined monthly for a yearly cycle. Tecuitlapa Sur displayed a seasonal patterns of dilution (June–August) and concentration (September–November) phases. Salinity and pH were the most important parameters explaining environmental variance. The BMC consisted of two species: Culicoides occidentalis sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and Tanypus Apelopia sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae). C. occidentalis was the most important species both numerically and in biomass (95%). Annual density (mean ± sd) of C. occidentalis (1141082 ± 2765879 ind. m–2, n = 120) was notably higher than other reported for other saline water bodies. However, the mean annual density of T. Apelopia (6782 ± 8310 ind. m–2, n = 120) was similar to other saline lakes. Seasonal abundance and biomass dynamics of the BMC showed an increasing trend until October (T. Apelopia) and November (C. occidentalis), when massive emergence occurred, just before the lake dried out. Contrary to most temporal waters, Tecuitlapa Sur did not show taxonomic or trophic succession. C. occidentalis, a transient detritivore, dominated over T. Apelopia, a resident predator during the wet period.  相似文献   

通过对昆山白莲湖西部一剖面产出的牡蛎层及邻近层位有孔虫化石的鉴定与定量统计分析,并结合沉积物的岩性特征及牡蛎壳体AMS 14 C测年数据,揭示了牡蛎层的形成年代及其代表的古环境。研究结果表明,牡蛎层形成于7 230aBP,其所含的牡蛎与有孔虫群落显示此时为水动力相对较弱的半开放半咸水泻湖环境。  相似文献   

浅水草型湖泊──扁担塘中桡足类的群落结构(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了一浅水草型湖泊──扁担塘中桡足类的群落结构,包括种类组成、种群动态及现存量。在一周年的研究中,共发现14种浮游桡足类(9种剑水蚤和5种哲水蚤)。根据年平均密度,剑水蚤的优势种为:Mesocyclops notius,Cyclops vincinuis vincinus和Thermocyclops brevifurcatus,而哲水蚤的优势种为Meodiaptomus yantsekiangensis和Sinocalanus dorrii。通过比较长江沿岸的5个湖泊的桡足类的种类组成发现,桡足类的种类数并不与湖泊面积大小成正比,这与Dodson通过研究欧洲及北美湖泊中的枝角类得出的结论并不一致。此外,虽然这5个湖泊中的桡足类的种类数多达35种,但每个湖泊中的优势种都非常相似地集中到少数几个属或种,而其它均为偶尔性种类。  相似文献   

淤泥湖近太湖新银鱼的生物学及其增殖途径的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近太湖新银鱼的生殖期为春夏季的3月底至6月上旬,产卵盛期为4月上旬和5月上旬。性成熟年龄为1年,属分批产卵类型。终生以浮游动物为食。生长1年平均全长为68.7mm,平均体重为0.70g。产卵后不久死亡,寿命只有1年。捕捞近太湖新银鱼的合理时期为冬季,捕捞期内划定禁渔区和向禁渔区放流部分亲本。产卵盛期人工放流受精卵或银鱼苗。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖渔业资源现状及其环境监测   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
1997-1999年对鄱阳湖区渔业资源与环境进行了动态监测,统计渔获物2778kg,生物学测定1627尾,采集到鱼类122种,隶属于12目21科77属,其中鲤科鱼类种类最多,计65种,占53.3%,湖区渔获物个体偏小,以1-2龄鱼为主,鲤、鲫基本上是当年鱼,鄱阳湖现有鲤,鲫产卵场33处,主要分布在湖区东,南,西部,年均有效产卵面积616.66km^2,年均产卵量56.85亿,鄱阳湖区湖口,蛤蟆石,星子,康山水域湖水的pH,COD,Cr^ 6,Cd,Zn,Cu,Pb,总磷,氨氮,总汞均未超过渔业水质标准,鄱阳湖区水质良好。  相似文献   

太湖16000年来沉积环境的演变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王建  刘金陵 《古生物学报》1996,35(2):213-223
通过对太湖钻孔岩芯岩性,结构,构造的剖析及粒度,磁化率的测试,发现冰后期东太湖形成于跑今6500年前,在距今6500-5800年,为一水深约2-3m的,经常受到流水作用影响的浅水湖泊,距今约5800-5700年,东太湖曾一度干枯或接近于干枯,距今5700年以来湖泊变浅,平均水深只有1m左右,由于湖泊变浅,湖底经常遭受波浪的扰动,形成波状层理或透镜状层理。西太湖局部洼地集水成湖的时间比东太湖早,并且  相似文献   

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研究于2010年秋季和2011年夏季对南水北调东线工程最大调蓄湖泊洪泽湖的鱼类资源进行了调查,结合历史资料分析该湖鱼类资源变动情况,以期为渔业管理和生物多样性保护提供依据。自20世纪60年代以来,洪泽湖累计记录鱼类88种,本研究发现63种,其中新记录6种,分别为:点纹银 、彩副 、方氏鳑鲏、鲻、大眼鳜和波氏吻虾虎鱼;与历史记录比较,湖泊定居性鱼类所占比例由59%上升78%,而喜流水性鱼类和河海洄游性鱼类分别由22%和7%下降到3%和3%;未采集到的25种鱼类中,流水性鱼类计17种,占68%。网簖和丝网的渔获物分析表明,鲫、黄颡鱼、刀鲚和红鳍原鲌等小型鱼类具有较高的IRI值(相对重要性指数,Index of Relative Importance),是鱼类群落的优势种,大型鱼类除鲤外,IRI值均不高,在群落中不占优势。20102011年洪泽湖渔业年产量为2200104 kg,以刀鲚和鲫为主的小型鱼类产量达1967104 kg,占89.4%;四大家鱼产量96104 kg,占4.4%;鳜、翘嘴鲌、乌鳢和鲇等大型食鱼性鱼类合计仅占0.89%。文章分析江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和生境破坏对洪泽湖鱼类资源的影响,提出相应的渔业管理策略,并初步预测南水北调东线工程对该湖鱼类和渔业的潜在影响。    相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudokephyrion are described from Little Aurora Lake, Ontario, Canada. The distribution of both P. taeniatum sp. nov. and P. auroreum sp. nov. is restricted, for reasons which are not clear; neither species was found in samples from lakes adjacent to Little Aurora Lake. All lakes in the vicinity are very dilute, oligotrophic and acidic.  相似文献   

湖湾效应对长江中游湖泊水生植物多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
于丹  康辉  陈宜瑜 《生态学报》1996,16(5):476-483
在3a野外调查和定位研究的基础上,本文对长江中游地区水生植物物种多样性进行了初步研究。主要工作在10个有代表性的湖泊进行,结果表明:湖泊水生植物多样性指数沿湖湾至中央敞水区由2.1655降至0.3633;植物种类和个体数自湖湾至湖心区急剧减少,植物群落生物量自湖湾至湖中央区也发生明显变化;水深梯度与植物种类分布密切相关,在保安湖0.5m水深中有19种植物,在2m水深中仅有4种植物,绘出3个湖的种-  相似文献   

洞庭湖区东方田鼠的食物组成调查   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
吴林  张美文 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):282-291
采用胃内容物显微组织学鉴定法,定量调查了洞庭湖区东方田鼠(Microtusfortiscalamo-rum)的食物组成。该鼠的主要食物,在苔草地是苔草和水田碎米荠,在芦荻场是碎米荠、苦草、荻和镜子苔,在稻田区是水稻和双穗雀稗,在岗地是三毛草、一年蓬、千金子和水稻。植物叶片是其主要利用对象,在绿色食物资源不足的情况下,也取食植物种子。其食物组成的变化表明,该鼠能依不同栖息地的植被结构调整摄食对象,因而能适应湖区生活环境的灾变性变化。  相似文献   

A routine sampling technique has been developed using artificial styrofoam substrate to estimate benthic algal productivity in the littoral zone of lakes. Estimation of maximum carbon fixed in Lake Tahoe ranged from 11.1 mg C·m?2· day?1 at 0.5 m to 17.1 mg C·m?2· day?1 at 1.0 m. Estimates were made for communities composed of both diatom and green algal populations in water between 0.5 and 3.0 m. Maximum productivity occurred between 1–2 m. The technique developed can give comparable estimates of productivity if adequate replication is undertaken to decrease problems associated with periphytic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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