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Atlantic Oakwoods support a unique breeding avifaunal community, characterised by redstarts, wood warblers, pied flycatchers and tree pipits. We have used a sample of data from the national Repeat Woodland Bird Survey to examine population changes in these four species within Atlantic Oakwoods over the last two decades. We used data from 29 woods in Argyll in western Scotland surveyed in 1985, and from 27 woods in Gwynedd in northwest Wales surveyed in 1983 and compare them with data from repeat surveys carried out in 2003 and 2004. In this paper, we report the population changes for these species between these two periods and examine whether changes differed between Scottish and Welsh sites.  相似文献   


Extensive hybridisation between the two sympatric species Quercus petraea and Q.robur is suggested by the near lack of genetic differentiation between the two species and supported by controlled crosses and mating system analysis in mixed stands. Further ecological and genetic evidence suggest that hybridisation does not impede the ecological specialisation of the two species, raising the issue of its evolutionary significance in oaks. Preferential unidirectional hybridization (pollen Q. petraea to ovule Q. robur) has been shown in various mixed stands and facilitates the introduction of sessile oak in existing pedunculate stands. If this unidirectional trend is reinforced in later backcrosses, then hybridisation leads to the dispersal of Q. petraea in existing stands of Q. robur. Hybridisation can therefore be seen as a ‘pollen-mediated’ dispersal mechanism, and has most likely contributed to the rapid migration of Q. petraea in Europe. Given the extant distribution of the species in Europe, migration through pollen swamping should be seen at the edges of the natural distribution of Q. petraea where the demographic imbalance of the two species will reinforce backcrosses.  相似文献   

In the sediments of both of the investigated lakes, the tephra from the Mercato-Ottaviano eruption (Vesuvius, southern Italy) (ca. 7900 B.P.) could be identified. The palynological investigations show that from ca. 9000-7200 B.P. (8000-6000 cal B.C.) deciduous oak forests predominated, with only a few representatives of Mediterranean vegetation. At the transition to the central European Atlantic Period those forests changed to an open vegetation type, dominated byJuniperus andPhillyrea. At about 5500 B.P. (4400 cal B.C.), theJuniperus-Phillyrea vegetation was replaced byQuercus ilex woodland that still occurs on the island of Mljet today and is considered to be the natural vegetation of the Dalmatian coastland. The associated vegetation of theQ. ilex forests changed several times. At the beginning of theQ. ilex period,Juniperus values were still high, but soon they decreased andErica spread. In more recent times theQ. ilex forests were partially replaced by plantations ofPinus halcpensis. Indicators of human impact are sparse throughout the pollen record. Clear evidence for human influence exists only from ca. 3100 B.P. (1300 cal B.C.) whenJuglans andPinus halepensis were introduced to the area. Later,Olea andSecale cultivation can be suggested and further spreading ofJuniperus indicates use of the land as pasture.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies have shown that highly mobile species with continuous distributions can exhibit fine‐scale population structure. In this context, we assessed genetic structure within a marine species with high dispersal potential, the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis). Using 19 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region sequences, population structure was investigated in the western North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Azores Islands. Analyses of the microsatellite data identified four distinct genetic clusters, which were supported by the control region sequences. The highest level of divergence was seen between two clusters corresponding to previously described morphotypes that inhabit oceanic and shelf waters. The combined morphological and genetic evidence suggests these two lineages are on distinct evolutionary trajectories and could be considered distinct subspecies despite their parapatry. Further analysis of the continental shelf cluster resulted in three groups: animals inhabiting shelf waters in the western North Atlantic, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the western Gulf of Mexico. Analyses of environmental data indicate the four genetic clusters inhabit distinct habitats in terms of depth and sea surface temperature. Contemporary dispersal rate estimates suggest all of these populations should be considered as distinct management units. Conversely, no significant genetic differentiation was observed between S. frontalis from offshore waters of the western North Atlantic and the Azores, which are separated by approximately 4500 km. Overall, the hierarchical structure observed within the Atlantic spotted dolphin shows that the biogeography of the species is complex because it is not shaped solely by geographic distance.  相似文献   

Capsule Unlike Atlantic populations, which feed on krill, Mediterranean populations feed mainly on pelagic fish Gymnammodites cicerellus.

Aims To determine the diet and dive depth of the Mediterranean subspecies of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis.

Methods Analysis of regurgitates of adults arriving at the colony for chick feeding and by determination of dives depth using the capillary tube method.

Results The main prey is Gymnammodites cicerellus, a pelagic fish. Storm Petrels dive for their prey and can reach up to 5 m in depth. They also make short foraging trips just outside the colony where they capture Opossum Shrimps Misydacea.

Conclusions European Storm Petrels in the Mediterranean exploit pelagic fish which are taken by diving. This contrasts with the Atlantic populations which feed mainly on krill. Mediterranean birds also feed on Opossum Shrimps Mysidacea during short foraging trips made at night just outside the colony. Differences in diet between long and short foraging trips may be because adults have to forage for both themselves and their chicks.  相似文献   

Background: There is concern about increasing numbers of large herbivores including red deer (Cervus elaphus), but little is known about their impact on bryophytes.

Aims: This study set out to determine the effect of different localised densities of red deer on the internationally important Northern Atlantic hepatic mat, characteristic of oceanic heath vegetation, at four locations in the Scottish Highlands where sheep have been absent for decades.

Methods: Thirty 7 m × 7 m plots were randomly located in each study area. The standing crop dung pellet group count method was used to estimate red deer density. Species richness, diversity and cover of hepatic mat liverworts were obtained from 1 m × 1 m quadrats placed at random within the sample plots. Calluna vulgaris cover, ericoid height, rock cover, gradient and altitude were also recorded.

Results: Model simplification in analysis of covariance revealed a consistent pattern of decreasing cover of hepatic mat and Calluna with increasing red deer density at all four study areas. Northern Atlantic hepatic mat cover, diversity and species richness were positively correlated with Calluna cover.

Conclusions: The data suggest that Calluna cover is reduced (through trampling and browsing) at high local densities of red deer which has had cascading effects on the Northern Atlantic hepatic mat. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim We searched for evidence of floristic homogenization in widespread oceanic archipelagos. Location Twelve oceanic archipelagos in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans: Ascension, Azores, Canary, Cape Verde, Desventuradas, Easter, Galápagos, Hawaii, Juan Fernández, Madeira, Puerto Rico and Savage. Methods By using Jaccard’s index, we established the floristic similarity between pairs of archipelagos at two stages: original (pre‐European; Jo) and current flora (Jc). Then, we calculated ΔJ = JcJo, where positive differences imply that similarity has increased floristic homogenization. Results We found that floristic similarity increased fourfold on average, from 1.6% to 6.3% for original and current floras, respectively. In fact, we recorded 64 cases in which floristic similarity increased and only two in which it decreased. The importance of invasions exceeds that of extirpations as a driver of biotic change by more than an order of magnitude (2679 versus 142 species, respectively). Main conclusions The vascular floras of these 12 insular oceanic systems have increased in compositional similarity, a phenomenon consistent with the trend towards biotic homogenization. It can be characterized as a teleconnected process that operates across vast geographical distances, driven by the unprecedented capacity of humans for translocation. Trends in biotic homogenization differ depending on the geographical location (i.e. Pacific < Atlantic archipelagos) and phylogenetic groups (island vascular plants > island birds reported in a previous study), emphasizing the complexity of biotic change.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

The Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) is a dynamic coastal environment characterized by a complex system of oceanic processes and discontinuous rocky habitats. These features, in conjunction with the ecological and physiological characteristics of Anisotremus interruptus, might limit gene flow and shape the evolutionary history of the species. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of the reef fish A. interruptus (and its Atlantic sister species A. surinamensis) throughout its range in the TEP, using two mitochondrial (cox1 and cytb) and two nuclear markers (S7 and RAG1). We found three genetic groups of A. interruptus with recent divergence times from the Galapagos Archipelago, Revillagigedo Archipelago, the continental TEP, and A. surinamensis the sister specie from the Atlantic. The haplotype mtDNA networks show A. surinamensis in a central position with respect to Pacific genetic haplogroups, whereas nDNA networks show mixed haplotypes between the four genetic groups. In the species tree, A. surinamensis appears as the sister species of all the Pacific samples and the Galapagos Archipelago population emerges as a genetically distinctive group. The samples from the Revillagigedo Archipelago also constitute a genetic distinctive group, closely related to the continental samples. Continental individuals do not show significant genetic structure and exhibit a population expansion during the Pleistocene. The sandy gaps of the TEP not appear to act as barriers isolating populations of A. interruptus, whereas the open sea gap between the oceanic islands and the continental coast do.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to ascertain the significance of coccolithophores as a proxy for paleoceanographic and paleoproductivity studies in the equatorial Atlantic. Data from a range of different samples, from the plankton, surface sediments as well as sediment cores are shown and compared with each other.In general, the living coccolithophores in the surface and subsurface waters show considerable variation in cell numbers and distribution patterns. Cell densities reached a maximum of up to 300×103 coccospheres/l in the upwelling area of the equatorial Atlantic. Here, Emiliania huxleyi is the dominant species with relatively high cell numbers, whereas Umbellosphaera irregularis and Umbellosphaera tenuis are characteristic for oligotrophic surface waters. Although they are observed in high relative abundances, these species only occur in low absolute numbers. The lower photic zone is dominated by high abundances and considerable cell numbers of Florisphaera profunda.The geographical distribution pattern of coccoliths in surface sediments reflects the conditions of the overlying surface water masses. However, abundances of the oligotrophic species Umbellosphaera irregularis and Umbellosphaera tenuis are strongly diminished, causing an increase in relative abundance of the lower photic zone taxa Florisphaera profunda and Gladiolithus flabellatus.During the past 140,000 years the surface water circulation of the equatorial Atlantic has changed drastically, as can be seen from changes in the coccolithophore species composition, absolute coccolith numbers, as well as coccolith accumulation rates. Significant increases in coccolith numbers and accumulation rates is observed in the southern equatorial Atlantic during the last glacial interval (oxygen isotope stages 2–4), which we attribute to enhanced upwelling intensities and advection of cool nutrient rich waters at this site. In the western equatorial Atlantic we observe an opposite trend with decreasing numbers of coccoliths during glacial periods, which probably is caused by a deepening of the thermocline.  相似文献   


The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can harbor a number of distinct prions. Most of the yeast prion proteins contain a glutamine/asparagine (Q/N) rich region that drives prion formation. Prion-like domains, defined as regions with high compositional similarity to yeast prion domains, are common in eukaryotic proteomes, and mutations in various human proteins containing prion-like domains have been linked to degenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Here, we discuss a recent study in which we utilized two strategies to generate prion activity in non-prion Q/N-rich domains. First, we made targeted mutations in four non-prion Q/N-rich domains, replacing predicted prion-inhibiting amino acids with prion-promoting amino acids. All four mutants formed foci when expressed in yeast, and two acquired bona fide prion activity. Prion activity could be generated with as few as two mutations, suggesting that many non-prion Q/N-rich proteins may be just a small number of mutations from acquiring aggregation or prion activity. Second, we created tandem repeats of short prion-prone segments, and observed length-dependent prion activity. These studies demonstrate the considerable progress that has been made in understanding the sequence basis for aggregation of prion and prion-like domains, and suggest possible mechanisms by which new prion domains could evolve.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the morphology of Florisphaera profunda from plankton samples collected at three sites in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans reveals wide variation in this deep ocean-dwelling coccolithophore. In addition to the two varieties described previously, we found a third distinctive form, Florisphaera profunda var. rhinocera var. nov. All three varieties occur at each of the sampling sites. The analysis of monthly samples from different levels in the lower photic zone (LPZ) (100–200?m) at the Hawaii Ocean Time series station suggests that the varieties have similar distributions, which are correlated to primary productivity and the availability of light. The analysis of coccolith and coccosphere size in F. profunda reveals the existence of several size modes in Florisphaera profunda var. profunda and F. profunda var. elongata. The biological significance of these modes, or morphotypes is not known. However, their co-occurrence in single samples from different oceanic areas suggests that they are not ecophenotypes. In the light of recent molecular genetic analyses of intraspecific groups within commonly occurring coccolithophores, the varieties and size morphotypes of F. profunda are of significant interest for the study of marine phytoplankton biodiversity. Coccolithophores inhabiting the LPZ may be adapted to the low light, high nutrient conditions of this layer and hold great potential as a means to reconstruct past oceanographic conditions such as the position of the nutricline. However, coccolithophore biodiversity in the LPZ is poorly documented and the number of species may be much higher than previously thought.  相似文献   


Two Q factors are in common use in bioacoustics: Q, the Quality Factor and Q10 dB. The usage, definitions and separate application of these two terms can be traced back for more than 30 years. The two terms provide different measurements of the sharpness of tuning of e.g. acoustic systems. The two terms have been used in separate contexts and they measure different things. In view of the confusion that arises from the shared use of the letter Q, it is important that whichever Q is used is defined clearly in all publications.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was examined within and among North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic populations of the benthic red alga Phycodrys rubens using allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. On western and eastern North Atlantic coasts distinct allozyme types were found, with the exception of western Newfoundland where East and West Atlantic types co-occur. Along the European coasts, two genetic groups were distinguished by fixed allelic differences: an outer oceanic group and a North Sea/Baltic group. The two genetic types co-occur in the Skagerrak and Kattegat region. Reproductive isolation between the two types is suggested by the lack of hybrids in the overlap zones, and they may therefore represent sibling species. Unexpectedly, an analysis of RAPD variation was unable to recover the two cryptic species identified using allozymes. Within-population RAPD variation was similar to or greater than between-population variation. The lack of structure in the RAPD data cannot be attributed solely to technical artefacts of the method but appears to reflect real biological variability. Within-population genomic polymorphisms caused by frequent mutational events are discussed, as are high amounts of genetic drift and possible disruptive selection brought about by stressed habitats. Finally, Baltic and extra-Baltic salinity ecotypes are known to exist in P. rubens. However, no correlation between ecotypic variation and allozyme groups was detected.  相似文献   


The evolution of the wood ring in Quercus pubescens W. and in Quercus Ilex L. in Florence (from June 1946 to June 1947).

The present study deals with the anatomical characters of the wood ring of Q. pubescens and of Q. Ilex. In both the specimens the wood of the stem and of the young branch has been investigated.

In both plants studied the cambial tissue of the stem starts dividing at the end of April, reaching its maximum activity from May to June.

On the contrary the cambium of the branch differentiates in Q. pubescens a month earlier (18 March-18 April) than in Q. Ilex (18 April-18 May). While in the branch of Q. Ilex a false ring can be seen corresponding to the autumn months, nothing of the kind is found in the branch of Q. pubescens; though it presents a false ring in the stem.

It is difficult to date clearly the period when the cambium stops its activity, but probably it happens at the end of August in the samples of the stem.

The leaf buds of Q. pubescens and of Q. Ilex open during April-May and the young branch is completely developed at the end of June. In both oaks some buds open in autumn, but the small branches are prevented to develop because of the cold.

No comparison can be made between the opening of the buds and the beginning of the cambial activity in the stem and in the branch.

Considering the evolution of these woods and their relationship to climatic factors, we can see that the cambial activity starts during a period of remarkable rainfall and of regular increase of temperature, and stops almost completely at the end of July, when temperature and dryness reach their highest values.

The autumn rainfall would favour again a cambial activity, but the values of the temperature, regularly decreasing, do not allow it.  相似文献   

Two pollen diagrams from near the Chuya Basin, Russian Altai, are presented together with results from geomorphological archives. The Kuray Range profile (2330 m a.s.l.) is situated just above the forest line and starts with the weak cooling of the middle Atlantic period (ca. 6500–5900 b.p.) that bisects the Holocene optimum, as in other parts of Siberia. Taiga (boreal coniferous forest) with Picea obovata established afterwards but was displaced at ca. 5300 b.p. by the pronounced cooling of the early Sub-boreal. A gradual recovery of taiga stopped and it disappeared around 3400 b.p. at the end of the middle Sub-boreal. Since then the climatic and vegetational conditions much resemble those of the Sub-atlantic. In the last two millennia, three climatic declines are documented in the second diagram from the Tarkhata Valley (2210 m a.s.l.) from the dry limit of Larix sibirica: a cold and wet one around the 5th century a.d., a cold and dry one around a.d. 1200 and the Little Ice Age which started around a.d. 1600. In addition, several of the climatic periods and especially local human influence can be proved by the geomorphological findings. Most of the climatic changes seem to be connected with socio-ecological changes in Asia and even Europe, with movements of the Huns and Mongols, which show the possible dimensions of global climatic change. Hints of teleconnections between Siberia, the Mediterranean and the Himalayas via the North Atlantic and the Arctic Oscillation are discussed.  相似文献   

Vertical divergence in marine organisms is being increasingly documented, yet much remains to be carried out to understand the role of depth in the context of phylogeographic reconstruction and the identification of management units. An ideal study system to address this issue is the beaked redfish, Sebastes mentella – one of four species of ‘redfish’ occurring in the North Atlantic – which is known for a widely distributed ‘shallow‐pelagic’ oceanic type inhabiting waters between 250 and 550 m, and a more localized ‘deep‐pelagic’ population dwelling between 550 and 800 m, in the oceanic habitat of the Irminger Sea. Here, we investigate the extent of population structure in relation to both depth and geographic spread of oceanic beaked redfish throughout most of its distribution range. By sequencing the mitochondrial control region of 261 redfish collected over a decadal interval, and combining 160 rhodopsin coding nuclear sequences and previously genotyped microsatellite data, we map the existence of two strongly divergent evolutionary lineages with significantly different distribution patterns and historical demography, and whose genetic variance is mostly explained by depth. Combined genetic data, analysed via independent approaches, are consistent with a Late Pleistocene lineage split, where segregation by depth probably resulted from the interplay of climatic and oceanographic processes with life history and behavioural traits. The ongoing process of diversification in North Atlantic S. mentella may serve as an ‘hourglass’ to understand speciation and adaptive radiation in Sebastes and in other marine taxa distributed across a depth gradient.  相似文献   

The Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias and the blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatus are two abundant species in the Macaronesia region which includes the archipelago of Madeira, Portugal. Both are key species in the trophic web, being important prey for several local top predators, such as seabirds and marine mammals. Nonetheless, little is known about their feeding ecology in oceanic environments. In this study, the authors describe the seasonal variation in the diet of S. colias and T. picturatus in the oceanic region of Madeira throughout a year. Visual inspection of stomach contents revealed that S. colias fed on a broader range of prey groups than T. picturatus, but for both species, zooplankton (particularly calanoid copepods) and fish were the most important food items. The diet of S. colias included a higher proportion of fish, namely Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurus and S. colias, than that of T. picturatus, that included mostly the longspine snipefish Macroramphosus scolopax. T. picturatus consumed a higher proportion of decapods and other copepods. Seasonal variation was found in the diet of both species, with zooplanktonic species being more important in colder months (February to April) for S. colias and during warm months (May to October) for T. picturatus. Their diet in other seasons was dominated by fish. Although they consume similar prey, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of muscle of S. colias and T. picturatus showed little overlap in their diets, and T. picturatus showed higher δ15N and a narrower isotopic niche.  相似文献   

Diversification and speciation of terrestrial organisms are anticipated in oceanic islands such as Macaronesia, a group of Atlantic islands that have remained unconnected to continental landmasses. Hitherto, the diversification of marine organisms in oceanic islands, especially those with low vagility, has received little direct empirical analysis using molecular markers. Here, we focus on such a case study, through applying a multilocus molecular approach to investigate the diversity and evolution of a group that lacks a planktonic larval stage, the isopod genus Dynamene, in Macaronesia and Northeast Atlantic. Sequences of two mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA) loci were obtained from specimens of Dynamene edwardsi (Lucas, 1849), Dynamene magnitorata Holdich, 1968 and Dynamene bidentata (Adams, 1800) collected along the Northeast Atlantic and Macaronesia. Although no major phylogeographic structure was detected in D. bidentata and D. magnitorata, from five to nine deeply divergent lineages were evident within D. edwardsi. The divergent lineages displayed genetic distances comparable to those found among established species of peracarids. D. edwardsi exhibits a long, rich and complex phylogeographic history in Macaronesia, where the geodynamics of the islands possibly associated with founder effects and subsequent lack of gene flow among populations confounds patterns based on geographic proximity of targeted populations. Our findings collectively suggest a much larger role of oceanic islands in the diversification of marine invertebrates than previously anticipated. The work provides insights into the origins and dynamics of ongoing geographic segregation and associated deep divergence among sister evolutionary lineages in Macaronesia.  相似文献   


Atlantic oakwoods are the oceanic oak-dominated woodlands that fringe the western coast of Britain and Ireland and, due to their high humidity and rich and luxuriant lower plant assemblages, have been regarded as ‘temperate rainforest’. However, unlike the similarly iconic Caledonian pinewoods, Atlantic oakwoods have no formal designation or associated woodland classification type, which gives some uncertainty to the extent of the oakwoods habitat on its fringes. This paper examines the various elements central to the concept of an ‘Atlantic oakwood’ and discuses their occurrence in Great Britain.  相似文献   

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