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Abstract. An altitudinal series of eleven fine resolution pollen diagrams were used to examine the role of volcanism in forest dynamics on Mt Hauhungatahi. Partial pollen diagrams from four of these sites, chosen to illustrate the major effects of the 1718 bp Taupo eruption, are presented. Following the eruption Libocedrus bidwillii expanded in all sites. Open sites created by the eruption may have facilitated an expansion already underway as a result of more variable climatic conditions since c. 3000 bp . Weinmannia racemosa invaded upper montane forest c. 650 bp . The current altitudinal sequence of forest types, with Libocedrus dominating the subalpine and Weinmannia the upper montane forests, has thus been synthesized only within the last 1800 years. This is interpreted as a consequence of individualistic species' responses to major disturbance by the eruption. The results support nonequilibrium theories of community composition.  相似文献   

Two sections of sediments from a shallow lake on The Pas moraine gave a 14C age of 7 220 ± 110 years, a likely minimum age for the recession of Glacial Lake Agassiz II. Three pollen zones are recognized as follows: Zone 1, from 7 300 to about 6 200 B.P., dominated by NAP(40–75%) with 6–22% spruce, 1–10% juniper and minor proportions of other trees, interpreted as a treeless vegetation, except for scattered spruce, dominated by juniper, grasses, sagebush and herbs. Zone 2, from 6 200 to 3 500 B.P., dominated by pine, with a mixed forest of poplar, pine and spruce. Zone 3, an assemblage occurring from 3 500 B.P. to the present, consisting of spruce, pine and birch, representing the modern mixed boreal forest. These findings agree with archaeological data suggesting a shift from a plains to a woodland culture.  相似文献   

BackgroundFluoride is an inorganic element, which can be found in high concentrations in groundwater. Its consumption and exposure have consequences on human health. The objective of this study was to evaluate fluoride exposure and develop a health risk assessment in children from an urban area with hydrofluorosis in Mexico.MethodsWater fluoride levels in active wells were provided by the Water State Agency and divided into three zones: agriculture zone (Zone A), metallurgical zone (Zone B), and industrial zone (Zone C). Urinary fluoride levels were determined by potentiometric method using an ion-selective electrode. Health risk assessment was performed through Monte Carlo model analysis and hazard quotient was calculated.ResultsAccording to fluoride well concentration, all zones have high concentration especially Zone B (2.55 ± 0.98 mg/L). Urinary fluoride concentrations were highest in children in Zone B (1.42 ± 0.8 mg/L). The estimated median daily intake dose of fluoride was 0.084 mg/Kg-day for the children living in zone B. The highest mean HQ value was to Zone B (1.400 ± 0.980), followed by Zone C (0.626 ± 0.443).ConclusionThe levels of fluoride exposure registered are a potential risk to generate adverse health effects in children in the San Luis Potosi metropolitan area.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Publius) Kaup, V. unanus n. sp., from a mountain cloud forest of Costa Rica, northwestern Sierra de Talamanca, Tapantí-Río Macho Massif, Province of Cartago, is described and illustrated. It is the first known Publius species with a blue-grey body color, matt elytra and shining or satiny elsewhere. The species is interpreted as sister species of V. (Publius) talamacaensis Boucher, 2006, from which it differs by a few characters. Both species are sympatric. V. unanus n. sp. is the northernmost endemic in the subgenus Publius.  相似文献   

The ecology and distribution of Quercus aegilops ssp. brantii and the associated Pistacia atlantica var. mutica and P. khinjuk are examined as a basis for explaining the Late Quaternary history of the forest in the Zagros mountains. The three species are tolerant of aridity and low temperatures but sensitive to heavy snowfall. In most of the area, summer rain does not occur. Forest expansion is generally limited by the inability of seedlings to survive the four-month summer drought. Pollen diagrams from Lake Zeribar, Kurdistan show the absence of trees during the last glacial period and the migration of forest into the region between 10 000 and 5 500 B.P. This has been interpreted as indicating aridity during the Pleistocene with gradually increasing precipitation in the late glacial and Holocene. However, the sensitivity of these species to snow and their tolerance of low overall precipitation implicate higher snowfall rather than lower precipitation as the cause of absence during the Pleistocene. The inability of seedlings to survive the present summer-dry conditions suggests that summer rainfall, and not higher total precipitation, was the factor that finally allowed migration. These conclusions are supported by independent evidence of increased winter precipitation during the pleniglacial and a period of summer rainfall but low annual precipitation during forest expansion.  相似文献   


Background: Cerrado comprises heterogeneous vegetation types. The flora of the vegetation types has distinct biogeographic origins and thus can be hypothesised to have distinct evolutionary imprints.

Aims: We hypothesised that the flora of riparian forest was phylogenetically overdispersed, whereas those of more open habitats were phylogenetically clustered.

Methods: We built a species-level phylogeny for 1,663 species of trees, shrubs and palms and analysed the pattern of lineage distribution, alpha and beta phylogenetic diversity among Cerrado vegetation types (riparian forest, rocky savana, savana and seasonally dry forest - SDTF).

Results: We found a gradient of high phylogenetic diversity and overdispersion from riparian forests towards phylogenetic clustering in vegetation in more open and drier habitats. Habitat shifts were common along the evolutionary history of all families analysed and most families showed a high frequency of shifts from SDTF to riparian forest and savanna.

Conclusions: SDTF seems to be a transitional habitat in evolutionary terms, promoting lineage exchanges between stands of riparian forest and savanna. While riparian forest can be seen as a ‘museum’, that harbours ancient lineages, savanna and rocky savanna are a ‘cradle’ of derived lineages. Habitat shifts are an important underlying drive of high present-day Cerrado flora diversity.  相似文献   

The mid-Pliocene warming episode is well established along the margins of the North Atlantic and probably affected areas as far north as Iceland. Rich marine mollusc faunas have been described from the 500 m of Pliocene siliciclastic deposits on the Tjörnes Peninsula in northeast Iceland. The faunal compositions indicate a development from warm-water to arcto–boreal conditions. We have analysed the oxygen isotope composition of 96 well-preserved specimens of the bivalves Arctica islandica and Pygocardia rustica and interpreted the data as palaeotemperatures. After corrections for the isotopic composition of Pliocene seawater, the temperatures are in accordance with other palaeotemperature proxies. We interpret our data as reflecting a gradual change from warm-water conditions (summer temperatures between 10 and 15°C) during the deposition of the lower part of the Tjörnes beds (Tapes Zone and lower part of Mactra Zone) to cold-water conditions (summer temperatures between 5 and 10°C) at the top (top of Mactra Zone and Serripes Zone). The coldest interval is found in the middle of the Serripes Zone, where summer temperatures (5–8°C) are comparable to those of the present environment off northern Iceland. The arrival to Tjörnes of cold-water molluscs of Pacific origin postdates the cooling of the seas around Iceland. We suggest that the cold interval in the Serripes Zone represents a cooling event prior to the final warm period (ca. 3.3–3.0 Ma [Dowsett et al. (1999) Middle Pliocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction: PRISM2. US Geol. Survey Open File Rep. 99–53]) of the mid-Pliocene warming.  相似文献   


Zone electrophoresis separations of human recombinant interleukin-3 (rh IL-3) and related proteins in untreated fused silica capillaries are presented. Results using pH 9 CHES buffer show that rh IL-3 is easily separated from a common carrier, human serum albumin, in a commercial preparation.  相似文献   

Zehui Jiang 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):127-131

A pollen diagram from a small lake, Kutulahdenlampi, in northern Finland is interpreted in terms of the development of forest vegetation during the Holocene. The abundance of each of the forest taxa is considered independently by means of pollen accumulation rates (PARs), using as the reference material, long term average pollen deposition values monitored by a network of pollen traps. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of spruce and to the species in the original forests that this newcomer replaces. A model of pollen dispersal and deposition developed by Sugita is used to estimate the area around the lake that the pollen assemblage is most clearly reflecting. This relevant source area of pollen (RSAP), for the present day situations is c. 1,500 m. Pollen loadings calculated for a simulated landscape that mimics (i) that of the present day and (ii) for the situation at 8,000 BP (as deduced from the PARs) are compared with the pollen assemblages from the diagram at those points in time, and are seen to be compatible. The advantages of combining PAR and modelling to look at the spatial scale of vegetation reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   

Capsule Populations of most forest bird species increased between 1982 and 2003, probably due to increased forest cover and changes in forest age-class composition.

Aims To determine population changes of forest birds in the Czech Republic and to determine their possible causes.

Methods Population data were collected via the Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme, which is based on skilled volunteers counting birds at point transects using a standardized technique. Population trends and indices for the period 1982–2003 were calculated for 47 species using log-linear models. Published data on development of forest cover and forest age composition in the Czech Republic were used to indicate environmental change over the same period.

Results Populations of most forest species increased between 1982 and 2003. There was also an increase in forest cover and an increase in the proportion of older forest age-classes. The increase in forest specialist birds was positively correlated with the average increase in forest coverage.

Conclusions The populations of Czech forest birds have increased in the last two decades. This contrasts with widely reported declines of farmland bird populations throughout Europe. The correlation between populations of specialized forest species and extent of forest habitat suggests that changes in land-use are an important factor. However, increasing cover of mature forests could have a similar effect on the populations of specialist species.  相似文献   

CapsuleIndividuals concentrated near forest edges in bigger social groups than in forest interiors and foraged more on pine cones which were more abundant there.

Aims To evaluate differences in food distribution between forest edges and forest interiors and their effects on the non-breeding flocking patterns of Coal Tit populations inhabiting mountain coniferous forests.

Methods We collected cone production data at forests edges and interiors in mountain pine forests located in the Pyrenees (northeast Iberian peninsula). At the same sites, we also quantified Coal Tit abundance, flocking patterns and foraging behaviour by means of paired bird surveys during autumn and early winter.

Results We recorded a larger abundance of pine cones available on trees along forest edges compared with forest interiors. Coal Tit groups were of bigger size along forest edges, although the number of social groups detected did not differ from forest interiors. Our observations on foraging behaviour supported the hypothesis that differences in flock sizes and overall abundances associated with distance to the edge are due to differences in the availability of pine cones and to the heavier use of these foraging substrates by birds along forest edges.

Conclusions Our results suggest that by changing food distribution, edge effects on pine cone production may be significantly involved in local changes in the social structure of the Coal Tit. An increase in resource heterogeneity and local population density may have important implications at a population level, such as favouring mobility of individuals searching for food resources and thus a transient life, and increasing the costs of territory defence to resident individuals.  相似文献   

Mary E. Endress 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):307-313
Three new species ofMalouetia (Apocynaceae) are described and illustrated:M. amazonica andM. pumila from Brazil andM. gentryi from Peru.Malouetia amazonica grows in inundated igapó forest, whereas the other two are found in non-inundated habitats:M. pumila incampa fechada, andM. gentryi in upland forest.  相似文献   

Aim We report the first analysis of the long‐term ecology of Tenerife, in order to establish a pre‐colonization base‐line and to assess the effect of human activity and the role of climatic variation on vegetation during the Late Holocene. Location A former lake bed in the city of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain). Methods A sedimentary sequence of over 2 m was obtained from the former lake bed. Fossil pollen and microfossil charcoal concentrations were analysed. Radiocarbon dating of the sequence indicates that it spans approximately the last 4700 years. The pollen diagram was zoned using optimal splitting within psimpoll 4.25. Results Three pollen zones were differentiated: (1) in Zone L1 (c. 4700–2900 cal. yr bp ) a mixed forest was dominated by Quercus, Carpinus, Myrica and Pinus; (2) in Zone L2 (c. 2900–2000 cal. yr bp ) the laurel forest taxa increased, while Pinus, Juniperus and Phoenix declined; and (3) Zone L3 (c. 2000–400 cal. yr bp ) was characterized by the decline of Carpinus and Quercus and the abundance of laurel forest taxa (e.g. Myrica). Neither Carpinus nor Quercus was hitherto considered to be native to the Canary Islands. Their decline started c. 2000 years ago, coinciding with microfossil charcoal evidence of increased burning and with archaeological evidence for the first human settlement on Tenerife. Main conclusions Between c. 4700 and 2000 cal. yr bp , the composition of the forest in the valley of La Laguna was very different from what it is at present. In particular, Quercus and Carpinus appear to have been significant components, alongside components of the present‐day laurel forest, and the native pine (Pinus canariensis) forest and thermophilous woodland were also more prevalent in the region (but probably not within the lake basin itself) until 3000 cal. yr bp . The subsequent decline of Quercus and Carpinus led to the establishment of the present laurel forest in the region and a shift to more open vegetation types. These changes indicate that the aboriginal inhabitants of the islands, the Guanches, had a far more profound impact on the vegetation of Tenerife than hitherto realized.  相似文献   


Background: Quantitative effects of large-scale oil palm expansion in the Neotropics on biodiversity and carbon stocks are still poorly documented.

Aims: We evaluated differences in tree species composition and richness, and above-ground carbon stocks among dominant land cover types in Pará state, Brazil.

Methods: We quantified tree species composition and richness and above-ground carbon stock in stands in remnant primary rain forest, young secondary forest, oil palm plantation and pastures.

Results: We sampled 5,696 trees with a DBH ≥ 2 cm, of 413 species in 68 families, of which 381 species were recorded in primary forest fragments. We found significant differences in species richness and carbon stock among the four land cover classes. Carbon stocks in remnant primary forest were typically over 190 Mg ha?1, while those in other land cover types were typically less than 60 Mg ha?1.

Conclusion: Oil palm plantations have a species-poor tree community given active management; old plantations have a standing carbon stock which is comparable to that of secondary forest and far greater than that of pastures. Private forest reserves within oil palm company holdings play an important role in preserving primary forest tree diversity in human-modified landscapes in Amazonia.  相似文献   

Five new species ofHypolytrum Rich. from South America are described and illustrated.Hypolytrum amorimii andH. jardimii, both of sect.Bullata T. Koyama, are species with pseudopetioles and colored leaves, and endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Brazil.Hypolytrum bahiense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with a lax synflorescence and two, free and lightly scabridulous floral bracts, is endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Hypolytrum leptocalamum (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with lax synflorescence and spike ellipsoid to cylindrical, is restricted to area of tepuis in the Guayana Highland (Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela).Hypolytrum paraense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with three, partly connate and densely scabridulous floral bracts, is restricted to the rain forest of the Amazon Basin, in the state of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   


The majority of LCA studies begin with the drawing of a process flow diagram, which then needs to be translated manually into an LCA model. This study presents an initial image processing pipeline, implemented in an open-source software package, called lcopt-cv, which can be used to identify the boxes and links in a photograph of a hand-drawn process flow diagram and automatically create an LCA foreground model.


The computer vision pipeline consists of a total of 15 steps, beginning with loading the image file and conversion to greyscale. The background is equalised, then the foreground of the image is extracted from the background using thresholding. The lines are then dilated and closed to account for drawing errors. Contours in the image are detected and simplified, and rectangles (contours with four corners) are identified from the simplified contours as ‘boxes’. Links between these boxes are identified using a flood-filling technique. Heuristic processing, based on knowledge of common practice in drawing of process flow diagrams, is then performed to more accurately identify the typology of the identified boxes and the direction of the links between them.

Results and discussion

The performance of the image processing pipeline was tested on four flow diagrams of increasing difficulty: one simple computer drawn diagram and three photographs of hand-drawn diagrams (a simple diagram, a complex diagram and a diagram with merged lines). A set of default values for the variables which define the pipeline was developed through trial and error. For the two simple flow charts, all boxes and links were identified using the default settings. The complex diagram required minor tweaks to the default values to detect all boxes and links. An ‘unstacking’ heuristic allowed the diagram with merged lines to be correctly processed. After some manual reclassification of link directions and process types, the diagrams were turned into LCA models and exported to open-source LCA software packages (lcopt and Brightway) to be verified and analysed.


This study demonstrates that it is possible to generate a fully functional LCA model from a picture of a flow chart. This has potentially important implications not only for LCA practitioners as a whole, but in particular for the teaching of LCA. Skipping the steep learning curve required by most LCA software packages allows teachers to focus on important LCA concepts, while participants maintain the benefits of experiential learning by doing a ‘real’ LCA.



Background: Lianas are an important component of tropical forests that respond to logging disturbance. Determining liana response to selective logging chronosequence is important for understanding long-term logging effects on lianas and tropical forests.

Aims: Our objective was to quantify the response of liana communities to selective logging chronosequence in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Methods: Liana community characteristics were determined in ten 40 m × 40 m plots randomly and homogenously distributed in each of four selectively logged forest stands that had been logged 2, 14, 40 and 68 years before the surveys and in an old-growth forest stand (ca. >200 years).

Results: Liana species composition differed significantly among the forest stands, as a function of logging time span, while species richness fluctuated along the chronosequence. The abundance of liana communities and of reproductive and climbing guilds was lower in the logged forests than in the old-growth forest. The ratio of liana abundance and basal area to those of trees was similar in the logged forests, but significantly lower than those in the old-growth forest.

Conclusions: Logging impacts on liana community structure and functional traits were largely evident, though no clear chronosequence trends were recorded, except for species composition.  相似文献   

Litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphical methods were applied in the examination of a 9.9 m thick sequence of laminated sediments in Verijärv, a lake in southeast Estonia. The vegetation history, which covers at least the time from 10300 cal b.p. to the present, was inferred from the core, which was taken from the deepest part of the lake and correlated with the studied and dated pollen diagrams nearby. Reconstruction of the past vegetation dynamics is based on pollen percentage, accumulation rate and human impact diagrams. During the Holocene two main shifts in vegetation dynamics occurred, the first one at about 7700 cal b.p. when the pine-birch forest was replaced by deciduous mixed forest, and the second at about 3200 cal b.p. marked by the regeneration of pine-birch-spruce forest. A catastrophic forest fire at about 3450 cal b.p. opened up the landscape and gave rise to erosion and the sedimentation of a thick clayey layer. The steep decline in the Alnus curve between 1500–1650 cal b.p. coincides with the start of the continuous Secale curve and evidence of extensive land-use.  相似文献   


Distribution maps are presented for 30 species of small forest moths representing two genera of Micropterigidae and one genus of Mnesarchaeidae. Evolutionary patterns are interpreted by means of the panbiogeographic method in order to seek a relationship between dispersal patterns within New Zealand and the overseas links of the taxa in question. It is established that different evolutionary lines indeed exhibit different geographic dispersal patterns within New Zealand. Moreover, certain characteristics of these patterns can be attributed to the overseas affinities of the groups, i.e., groups of organisms with New Caledonian or Australian affinities have a western disjunct pattern, whereas those with circum-Pacific affinities have a different pattern in which the taxa occupying a basal position in the phylogeny are to be found in the eastern South Island. However, both groups have overlapping centres of diversity, particularly in NW Nelson.  相似文献   


Phase diagrams for several oligonucleotide duplex -spermine systems have been constructed. These diagrams characterize the duplex and spermine concentrations ranges in which crystalline precipitates are formed. All of them are wedge-like form. The slope of the upper branch of the diagram is determined by the oligonucleotide length. The position of the lower branch depends on both the nucleotide sequence and its length. The position of the lower branch depends on both the nucleotide sequence and its length. It has been shown that the addition to the system ofMgCl2 and NaCl salts and MPD results in specific changes in the diagrams. A model for oligonucleotide duplex-spermine system has been suggested which explains the main characteristic features of the obtained phase diagrams. The experimental phase diagrams for the (pGpT)n · (pApC)n-spermine system (n = 2,3,4) have been analyzed ion terms of this model and the values of the binding constants of spermine and Mg2+ions binding to duplexes have been determined. It permitted to identify the complexes that precipitated in different regions of the phase diagrams under various conditions. The diagram obtained in the presence of a cobalt hexammine counterion is also considered. It has been shown that this phase diagram, in general, is similar to those obtained for the oligonucleotide duplex-spermine system.  相似文献   

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