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Synopsis Freerunning circadian rhythms of locomotor activity in individual longnose dace sampled from a population at 41°N latitude were recorded under constant darkness throughout the year. There was an annual cycle in the length of the circadian period, with maximum and minimum lengths of mean period of 23.6 and 21.6 h recorded during summer (June) and winter (December), respectively. These annual changes in period length may have resulted from seasonal changes in entrainment by natural light-dark cycles and their after-effects on endogenous circadian rhythms. The possibility of an endogenous circannual rhythm was also considered.  相似文献   

Synopsis Study of 314 specimens of Rhinichthys cataractae from British Columbia, Alberta, and Wyoming, lead to the following conclusions: (1) Rhinichthys cataractae smithi Nichols,1916, is a valid subspecies, endemic to Cave and Basin Hotsprings and distinguished by 48–58 as opposed to 58–74 lateral line scales; (2) between 1925 and 1971, R. c. smithi hybridized with the eastern subspecies R. c. cataractae (Valenciennes,1842) from the Bow River and by 1981 the former had undergone almost complete introgression and was virtually extinct; (3) probable factors leading to this are introduction of tropical fishes into the hotsprings and periodic reduction of inflow from the hotsprings; (4) the closest relative of R. c. smithi is R. c. cataractae, rather than the westslope longnose dace (without a scientific name) inhabiting the Pacific basin; (5) the low number of lateral line scales of R. c. smithi may be a pleomeristic response to dwarfing; (6) R. c. smithi develops breeding tubercles at sizes as small as 21.1 mm SL, whereas R. c. cataractae develop them at 36.3 mm SL in Alberta; (7) introductions should not be made into a body of water prior to the study of its native fishes and consultation with experts in taxonomy and distribution of rare fishes. R. c. smithi is illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

The Nooksack dace (Pisces: an undescribed putative taxon within Rhinichthys) and longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) are two forms within the R. cataractae species complex that are distinguishable from one another by mitochondrial (mt) DNA divergence of 2–3%, as well as by subtle morphological differences. The two forms are found in allopatry in south‐eastern British Columbia (BC), Canada, and adjacent areas of western Washington, USA, and are sympatric in three streams in the lower Fraser River valley, BC, and may represent cryptic species. We assayed 12 morphometric traits and two meristic characters (= 582; 23 sampling locations) to test for diagnosability of the two dace, as well as to test for morphological differentiation by mtDNA type in sympatry. We then employed a 10‐locus microsatellite DNA assay (= 374; 12 sampling locations) to test for genetic distinction between Nooksack dace and longnose dace in sympatry. We found that the two dace could not be reliably differentiated morphologically: there was overlap in all characters measured, and sampling location had a much larger effect on morphology than mtDNA group. Microsatellite analysis showed no distinction by mtDNA type in localities with sympatric dace, indicating complete admixture between the sympatric Nooksack dace and longnose dace. The Nooksack dace and longnose dace provide an example of ‘ephemeral speciation’: two lineages that, despite an estimated 1.1 Myr of isolation, have developed no apparent barriers to reproduction and appear to have collapsed into a single interbreeding population where they come into secondary contact. Nonetheless, the zone of secondary contact and the diagnosability of the Nooksack dace in terms of mtDNA represent significant aspects of the evolutionary legacy within R. cataractae and support its conservation importance.  相似文献   

A total of 1,115 longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae (family Cyprinidae), were examined for parasites from May 1983 through October 1986 from 3 localities in the Ford River in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Thirteen parasite species (1 Monogenea, 2 Digenea, 2 Cestoda, 4 Nematoda, 1 Acanthocephala, 3 Protozoa) infected dace. The parasite faunas of dace, taxonomically and in species number, were similar between localities. Posthodiplostomum minimum minimum, Neascus sp., and Rhabdochona canadensis were the most common helminths infecting dace from each locality. The first 2 species did not exhibit consistent seasonal infection patterns between years, whereas the prevalence and mean intensity of R. canadensis in dace from the downriver locality were higher in summer 1983, 1984, and 1985. The intensity of infection of each of these helminth species significantly increased with host length. The prevalences and mean intensities of P. m. minimum, Neascus sp., and R. canadensis as well as the helminth infracommunity diversity were highest in dace from the upriver locality. The major factors that influenced parasite intensity were environmental factors that occurred when and where a fish began its life, the sequence of events that occurred in each habitat the fish encountered during its life, and the length of exposure (age of fish). Dace have isolationist helminth infracommunities arising from factors including ectothermy, a simple enteric system, restricted vagility, and being gape-limited. Allogenic helminths with indirect life cycles predominate in the depauperate helminth fauna of dace.  相似文献   

The longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) appears as a relevant model to address environmental and ecological issues in an evolutionary perspective. Eleven microsatellite markers were characterized for this species. Eight of these loci were highly polymorphic for populations of this species. Between four to 10 loci were also successfully amplified in five closely related species. These markers are believed to be valuable tools for genetic analysis of populations of longnose dace and other Leuciscinae species.  相似文献   

Measurements of active, standard and routine oxygen consumption were made for 207 Utah chub at 6°, 9°, 12°, 18° and 22° C; and 123 speckled dace at 4°, 8°, 12° and 18° C. These were expressed as mathematical functions of water temperature and size of the fish. The mean slopes of loge oxygen consumption (mg O2/h) and loge wet weight (g) were 0.771, 0.526, and 0.619 for active, standard, and routine rates respectively for Utah chub, and 0.943, 0.486, and 0.683 respectively for speckled dace.  相似文献   

Urbanization alters stream and watershed hydrology so that fish from urban stream systems are confronted with extreme flows during storms and runoff events. To test whether residence in urban streams is associated with altered swimming ability, we compared sprint and endurance swimming performances of eight populations of blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) from different watersheds along an urban/rural gradient. Watershed impervious surface cover, a measure of urbanization, was significantly correlated with sprint performance in dace from all stream types and endurance swimming performance (U(crit)) when only fish from urban streams were analyzed. Three estimators of water flow in a stream system, watershed area, mean annual discharge, and base-flow current speed, were all related to U(crit) in fish from nonurban streams. The U(crit) was significantly repeatable after 6 mo in the laboratory, but dace populations with exceptional U(crit) values lost ability under no-flow, "detraining" conditions. Sprint performance changed substantially in individual dace after 10 wk under no-flow conditions and was a significant function of the animal's original performance. Animals with high sprint performance tended to lose ability, whereas those with poor performance gained ability. Interpopulation differences in both sprint and endurance swimming were robust over multiple years of collection from the same sites.  相似文献   

We examined genetic diversity within- and among-populations of speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) in five major drainage systems in the state of Oregon in western North America. Analysis of sequence variation in a 670-bp segment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene revealed deep divergence among basins and high genetic diversity within basins. Application of a molecular clock indicated that the divergence time among basins reflects vicariant events during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. The high levels of genetic diversity observed within basins is likely due to large historic population sizes, in particular, within the Klamath Basin. Two highly divergent mtDNA lineages were found to co-occur in populations in the Klamath Basin. This result may be indicative of a complex history of isolation and reconnection in this basin and/or multiple colonization events. Based on the observed level of mtDNA divergence these lineages may represent two reproductively isolated sympatric taxa. We recommend that major basins be regarded as distinct ESUs based on high levels of subdivision, deep divergences, and reciprocal monophyly among basins.  相似文献   

Molecular evaluations of successful invaders are common, however studies of introduced species that have had limited invasion success, or have died out completely, are rare. We studied an introduced population of speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) from northern California, USA that has rapidly increased in abundance but remained restricted to a 25-km stretch of river since its introduction in the mid-1980s. Field and laboratory analyses indicate that invasion success of speckled dace is constrained by the combined effects of multiple predators. The role of bottleneck effects associated with the introduction has not been studied. We assayed variation in seven microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA gene in the introduced population and nine putative source populations to identify the source population and evaluate bottleneck effects. The Trinity River system was supported as the source owing to its genetic similarity and geographic proximity to the introduced population. Consistent with a bottleneck, the introduced population exhibited reduced allelic and haplotype richness in comparison to source populations. Estimates of the genetically effective number of individuals founding the introduced population using nuclear coalescent analyses and a mitochondrial simulation procedure were highly concordant in suggesting that the initial colonizing group was comprised of about 10 individuals. A bottleneck effect in an exotic species exhibiting limited invasion success has rarely been documented and thus introduction of speckled dace represents an important model system for future investigation. Establishing a relationship between genetic diversity and factors limiting invasion success in this system (e.g., predator avoidance) will help determine the extent to which genetic diversity loss has constrained invasion success in speckled dace.  相似文献   

The longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae, is a primary freshwater fish inhabiting riffle habitats in small headwater rivers and streams across the North American continent, including drainages east and west of the Continental Divide. The mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) and 2298–2346 bp of the nuclear‐encoded genes S7 and RAG1 were obtained from 87 individuals of R. cataractae (collected from 17 sites throughout its range) and from several close relatives. Phylogenetic analyses recovered a monophyletic R. cataractae species‐group that contained Rhinichthys evermanni, Rhinichthys sp. ‘Millicoma dace’, and a non‐exclusive R. cataractae. Within the R. cataractae species‐group, two well‐supported lineages were identified, including a western lineage (containing R. evermanni, R. sp. ‘Millicoma dace’ and individuals of R. cataractae from Pacific slope drainages) and an eastern lineage (containing individuals of R. cataractae from Arctic, Atlantic, and Gulf slope drainages). Within the eastern lineage of R. cataractae, two well‐supported groups were recovered: a south‐eastern group, containing individuals from the Atlantic slope, southern tributaries to the Mississippi River, and the Rio Grande drainage; and a north‐eastern group, containing individuals from the Arctic slope and northern tributaries to the Mississippi River. Estimates of the timing of divergence within the R. cataractae species‐group, combined with ancestral area‐reconstruction methods, indicate a separation between the eastern and western lineages during the Pliocene to early‐Pleistocene, with a direction of colonization from the west of the Continental Divide eastward. Within the southern portion of its range, R. cataractae likely entered the Rio Grande drainage during the Pleistocene via stream capture events between the Arkansas River (Mississippi River drainage) and headwaters of the Rio Grande. A close relationship between populations of R. cataractae in the Rio Grande drainage and the adjacent Canadian River (Mississippi River drainage) is consistent with hypothesized stream capture events between the Pecos (Rio Grande drainage) and Canadian rivers during the late‐Pleistocene. The population of R. cataractae in the lower Rio Grande may have become separated from other populations in the Rio Grande drainage (upper Rio Grande and Pecos River) and Canadian River during the late‐Pleistocene, well before initiation of recent and significant anthropogenic disturbance within the Rio Grande drainage. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 317–333.  相似文献   

Most contemporary pig breeds have been constructed with a contribution of pigs of Asian origin (Volkopjalov et al., 1934; Tikhonov, 1967). At present, the closest relatives of the latter are the Vietnamese black and spotted pigs (Tikhonov, 1972a, 1972b). Immunogenetic characterization of Vietnamese pigs and hybrids between Vietnamese and European pigs may be of interst for the phylogenesis of the now existing pig breeds and the widening use of miniature laboratory pigs. Vietnamese  相似文献   

Hybrids of Lucilia sericata and Lucilia cuprina have been shown to exist in previous studies using molecular methods, but no study has shown explicitly that these hybrids can be identified morphologically. Published morphological characters used to identify L. sericata and L. cuprina were reviewed, and then scored and tested using specimens of both species and known hybrids. Ordination by multi-dimensional scaling indicated that the species were separable, and that hybrids resembled L. cuprina, whatever their origin. Discriminant function analysis of the characters successfully separated the specimens into three unambiguous groups – L. sericata, L. cuprina and hybrids. The hybrids were morphologically similar irrespective of whether they were from an ancient introgressed lineage or more modern. This is the first evidence that hybrids of these two species can be identified from their morphology. The usefulness of the morphological characters is also discussed and photographs of several characters are included to facilitate their assessment.  相似文献   

Skull characters of wildcats ( Felis silvestris ), classed as 'old', 'recent' or 'modern', depending on collection date, were compared with those of domestic cats ( F. catus ) and hybrids, using Fisher Linear Discriminant Functions, Principal Component Analyses and Canonical Variates. A key is derived for classification of individual (unknown) skulls. All analyses indicate that 'recent' and 'modern' wildcats were different from those collected earlier, and implied marked changes in the rate of hydridization during this century. We suggest that the older wildcat populations were a relatively 'pure' form but more recent populations contain a significant hybrid component. Although there may be a trend towards re-establishment of the earlier type, an alternative conclusion is that the 'pure' form of wildcat is effectively extinct in Scotland.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Introgressive hybridization between two co-existing Betula species in Iceland, diploid dwarf birch B. nana and tetraploid downy birch B. pubescens, has been well documented. The two species are highly variable morphologically, making taxonomic delineation difficult despite stable ploidy levels. Here an analysis is made of morphological variation within each ploidy group with an aim to establishing a reliable means to distinguish the species. METHODS: Plant materials were collected from 14 woodlands in Iceland. The plants were identified based on 2n chromosome numbers. Morphological variation in species-specific characters within each ploidy group was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The morphological index was based on eight discrete characters, whereas the multivariate analysis was based on nine leaf variables. KEY RESULTS: Of the 461 plants examined, 9.5 % were found to be triploid hybrids. The three ploidy groups were morphologically distinguishable but their variation overlapped. The diploid, triploid and tetraploid groups had average scores of 1.3, 4.1 and 8.3, respectively, in the morphology index scale from 0 (B. nana) to 13 (B. pubescens). A linear discriminant analysis also revealed significant separation among the three ploidy groups and the model assigned 96 % and 97 % of the B. nana and B. pubescens individuals correctly. The triploid hybrids were difficult to predict since only half of them could be assigned correctly. Leaf length was the most useful variable identifying triploid hybrids. Geographical patterns within the ploidy groups could partly be explained by differences in mean July temperature. CONCLUSIONS: Hybridization between B. nana and B. pubescens is widespread in Iceland. The species can be distinguished from each other morphologically, and from the triploid hybrids. The overlapping morphological variation indicates bidirectional introgression between the two species via triploid hybrids. Iceland could be considered a birch hybrid zone, harbouring genetic variation which may be advantageous in subarctic regions.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts on the progeny of crosses between diploid and tetraploid races ofDactylis show that tetraploid hybrids are produced as well as the expected triploids. The relative proportions of 4x and 3x hybrids vary greatly in different crosses, and the data suggest that parental geno-type influences the result. Overall, the frquencies of 3x and 4x hybrids are about equal, with no indication of a difference between the reciprocal 2x×4x and 4x×2x cross-combinations except perhaps in the case of diploids and autotetraploids of the same subspecies. Rare triploid hybrids are found in crosses between diploid subspecies ofDactylis. The mechanisms by which a diploid plant could donate two genomes to its offspring are discussed in relation to theDactylis situation, and the evolutionary significance of 4x hybrids formed in this way is considered.  相似文献   

On Australia's south‐east coast, hybridization between estuary‐restricted black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri Munro and its migratory coastal congener yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) has led to estuarine populations largely composed of hybrids that are most genetically similar to A. butcheri. The fertilization success achieved when ova of estuary‐caught A. butcheri were fertilized with the cryogenically preserved sperm of either ocean‐caught A. australis or estuary‐caught A. butcheri‐like was compared. The experimental crosses, which by chance included both pure parental and hybrid bream, revealed no evidence that gametic incompatibility provides a barrier to fertilization among both pure species and their hybrids.  相似文献   

1. Many calanoid copepods produce subitaneous eggs that hatch immediately and diapause eggs that remain dormant for long periods of time. Boeckella triarticulata (Copepoda: Calanoida) produces diapause eggs that hatch asynchronously over an extended period of time and appear identical under light microscopy to those that hatch immediately.
2. We compared the internal morphology of subitaneous and diapause eggs of B. triarticulata that had been prepared for transmission electron microscopy by four methods.
3. Subitaneous eggs had a thin, single-layered shell whereas diapause eggs had a thick, three-layered shell that appeared consistent over 3 months of diapause. Boeckella triarticulata appears to enter diapause at the multicellular stage.
4. Consistent morphological differences between subitaneous and diapause eggs of B. triarticulata suggest that these two egg types also have distinct differences in physiology, and are not merely extremes of a continuum from subitaneous to diapause eggs.  相似文献   

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