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Capsule The population of Nightjars in the UK increased by over 36% between 1992 and 2004.

Aims To determine the population size and distribution of Nightjars in the UK and examine associations with forestry and heathland habitat features.

Methods A volunteer survey was supported by professional cover in remote parts of Wales, and areas of Dorset and lowland Scotland. Two visits to allocated 1-km squares were made between late May and mid-July. Each surveyor recorded the locations of calling males onto maps and the occurrence of habitat categories within 50 m of each Nightjar registration.

Results Observers surveyed 3264 1-km squares in 2004 and, on average, 78% of the target habitat (90% in southern England). The total number of males counted was 4131 (range 3850–4414), adjusted to 4606 (95% CL ± 913) to account for unsurveyed habitat. The adjusted total represented a 36% increase in 12 years. Nightjars were recorded in 275 10-km squares in 2004, a 2.6% increase since 1992. However, there was evidence of population decline and range contractions in northwest Britain, including north Wales, northwest England and in Scotland. In 2004, 57% of Nightjars were associated with forest plantations (similar to 1992) and 59% with heathland (slightly higher than in 1992).

Conclusion National objectives for Nightjar conservation (UK Biodiversity Action Plan: UKBAP) were reached in respect of population size and stability, but the target for a 5% range increase by 2003 was not met. The continued increase in the national population is probably attributable to habitat protection, management and restoration of heathlands, and the continued availability of clear-fell/young plantations in conifer forests. Management and/or protection/restoration/re-creation of these key habitats remains critical for the long-term objectives of UKBAP. The issue of providing foraging habitats, perhaps via agri-environment schemes, is also raised.  相似文献   

Translocation of threatened species is a tool used increasingly to conserve biodiversity, but the suite of co-dependent species that use the threatened taxa as hosts can be overlooked. We investigate the preliminary impact of translocating three threatened plant species on insect species and the integrity of insect assemblages that depend on these plants as their hosts. We compare the insect assemblages between natural populations of the threatened species, related non-threatened plant species growing wild near the threatened plants, and threatened plants translocated to another site approximately 40?km away. We used host breadth models and a coextinction risk protocol to determine which insect species are potentially host-specific on the threatened plants, and then assessed these insects?? potential presence at the translocation site. We found that insect assemblages on naturally-occurring threatened plants had more individuals, higher species density and higher species richness than assemblages on translocated plants. For one plant species, Leucopogon gnaphalioides, species composition differed significantly between wild and translocated populations (P?<?0.001). Furthermore, four insect species that were host-specific to Banksia brownii and B. montana were not detected on the translocated plants. Instead, translocated plants supported insect assemblages more similar to those of related plant species from the surrounding area. We conclude that threatened plant translocations that involve seed collection and propagation may have limited benefit for individual dependent species or the supported insect assemblage. Additional conservation actions will be required to maintain the diversity of insect assemblages and host-dependent relationships.  相似文献   

Capsule The third national Merlin survey estimated a UK population of 1162 breeding pairs (95% CI: 891–1462).

Aims To estimate the number of breeding Merlins (with associated 95% confidence intervals) in the UK and the four countries (Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland), and to compare these with the relevant estimates from the 1993–94 Merlin survey. In addition, to calculate estimates of change for several regional populations with complete survey coverage during both national surveys.

Methods A subset of 10-km squares (Raptor Study Group squares and randomly sampled squares) was surveyed across the breeding distribution of Merlins in the UK using standardised methods devised during the 1993–94 national survey.

Results The population estimate for Merlins in the UK was 1162 breeding pairs, and in Britain was 1128 pairs (95% CI: 849–1427), which although 13% lower, was not significantly different from the British estimate of the 1993–94 survey. Scotland held the bulk (733 pairs) of the UK Merlin population, and smaller numbers of 301 pairs, 94 pairs and 32 pairs were estimated for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, respectively. The population estimate for Wales may have been biased upwards by low coverage in the south of the country. Marked declines were noted in several regional Merlin populations, particularly in areas of northern England.

Conclusions The 2008 Merlin survey suggests that the population in Britain has remained relatively stable since 1993–94, but with local declines, particularly in northern England. Currently, little is known about important drivers of regional population change in Merlins, but changes in land-use, prey populations and climate are likely to be important factors.  相似文献   


Introduction. Pallavicinia lyellii is recognised as being of principal importance for conservation in England and is threatened with extinction in Europe. The aims of this study were to investigate the current status, conservation and ecology of the species in S Hampshire, a key region for the plant.

Methods. All recent and historic locations for Pallavicinia lyellii in S Hampshire were searched and information collected on distribution, abundance and ecology.

Results. Pallavicinia lyellii was re-found at three sites. It is almost certainly extinct at two sites and may have been lost from a third. Whilst few colonies were sterile, most comprised a single sex. Colonies with both male and female plants were confined to Cadnam Bog, which supported 49 (91%) of the colonies found. Overall, female shoots occurred at 41 (76%) colonies and males at 26 (48%), producing a female sex bias (1.6:1). All colonies occur in boggy woodland, mostly on the sides of low mounds of damp, acidic, peaty soil developed, due to poaching by ponies and cattle, at the base of trees, usually I. aquifolium. The community mainly comprises a species-poor mix of acidophilous mosses and liverworts, most frequently Mnium hornum, Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans and Leucobryum juniperoideum.

Conclusions. Cadnam Bog appears to support the largest sexually reproducing population of Pallavicinia lyellii in England. The site is specially protected, actively managed with consideration to P. lyellii and seemingly in favourable condition for the plant. Research is needed to quantify canopy shade favoured by the plant and assess implications for woodland management. Future monitoring should include re-survey of populations every 3?yr.  相似文献   


Conservation of plants is now viewed as a major priority for botanic gardens. However, few practical initiatives to conserve Scotland's threatened flora have so far been undertaken in Scotland. With the present financial uncertainty of Scotland's botanic gardens and the low priority given by them to the ex situ conservation of threatened Scottish plants, the scope for further conservation activities is limited. Long-term preservation of living material of a large number of threatened Scottish species in Scotland's botanic gardens is unlikely to be undertaken by any of them in the present climate. New practical initiatives must: 1) be self-financing; 2) have low maintenance costs; and 3) further the public role of botanic gardens in education. The best way forward is to develop areas using Scottish plants of wild origin in an informal garden setting to create unique wildlife habitats within the botanic garden itself. Threatened species could be included where the habitat allowed. Such areas would provide ideal opportunities for environmental study programmes and ecological projects and, at the same time, would widen the educational role of the botanic garden.  相似文献   

Secondary extinctions of dependent affiliate species may exceed the numbers of species directly extirpated with habitat loss. We investigated the host specificity, and hence the co‐extinction risk, of multiple psyllid species (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) on the threatened plants Acacia ausfeldii, A. dangarensis and A. gordonii by sampling from these and other sympatric common plants across multiple sites, years and plant phenologies. We found one specialist psyllid species (Psyllidae: Acizzia sp.) on each of the plants A. ausfeldii and A. gordonii but no specialists on A. dangarensis. The A. gordonii specialist only occurred when its host was in flower. Specialist psyllids considered at risk of extinction represented 10% of all psyllid species observed on the three threatened acacias. Potential risks to co‐endangered affiliates need to be considered when implementing threatened plant recovery actions. Conservation of plant populations and plant species diversity is also necessary to maintain high insect diversity.  相似文献   


The Atlantic broad-leaved woodlands of Britain are of international renown for their lichen floras. They are inhabited by 517 lichens, representing 28.3% of the total lichen flora and 73.2% of all British woodland lichens, and they are the main habitat for 165 species. Of these, 31 have a marked southern distribution and do not reach Scotland, whereas 26 species are found in Scotland, but not England or Wales. Their British Red-listed species are outnumbered by the 86 species for which Britain has International Responsibility.

Within the Atlantic broad-leaved woodlands, only 30 lichens show a preponderance for oak. With the exception of some ancient oakwoods in southern England, a high lichen biodiversity is rarely dependent on a dominance of oak in the woodland canopy, more usually it is the result of a long ecological continuity, often a varied tree and shrub composition, a varied canopy density, and good air quality. Consequently, the oak stands within former ‘industrial’ woodlands have a much lower lichen biodiversity compared with woodlands that have a history as ‘pasture woodland’ or, as with some ravine woodlands, have otherwise escaped intensive management.

The life-history of an oak tree is considered in relation to the niches it provides for lichen colonisation with time. Some management scenarios are provided with the enhancement of the lichen interest of former ‘industrial’ oakwoods as an objective.  相似文献   


Juniperus turbinata Guss. (Cupressaceae) is a threatened tree species occurring in the Mediterranean area. It is listed as a vulnerable species in the Red Book of Italian plants and its various communities are included in Annex I of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC as a priority habitat for conservation. During field investigations carried out to analyse the plant biodiversity of coastal habitats in southern Sicily, a new interesting population was found. This study aims to characterize this relevant new finding with a marked focus on demography and synecology of the plant community in question in order to define its habitat, assess its conservation status and propose conservation measures. Our data highlight that the juniper is characterized by low turnover population dynamics. In order to understand the role of J. turbinata in sandy soil communities of south-eastern Sicily, comparisons of 21 plots (relevés) with 25 established plots in south-eastern Sicily were carried out using cluster analysis and canonical component analysis. This has allowed three different plant communities with different ecological features to be identified.  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):317-328

Capsule: Breeding bird survey data were used to compare biodiversity at sites defined as High Nature Value farmland (HNVf) under two different mapping models.

Aims: To examine whether farmland classified as HNVf was important for bird diversity and conservation of priority bird species in Cyprus, through comparison of two different HNVf maps. The HNV concept aims to define biodiversity-rich farmland and facilitate its protection and management. Heterogeneous, low-intensity cropping and grazing systems are important areas for biodiversity conservation in Europe and for birds in particular, but are threatened by abandonment and agricultural intensification. We compared two HNVf mapping systems, a simpler model based on land cover data (CLC map) and a more complex Cyprus Environment Department model (ED map) including layers relating to agricultural intensity.

Methods: Line transect bird surveys were carried out to compare bird diversity, abundance of farmland bird species of conservation priority and also of the endemic Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax, at sites classified as HNV or not.

Results: A greater diversity of breeding birds was found in sites classified as HNVf under combined ED and CLC maps. However, for the set of 12 priority bird species, neither HNV mapping approach encompassed their overall abundance, but a combined CLC and ED model did predict higher abundances of the Cyprus Warbler. Vineyard sites were found to be associated with high overall breeding bird diversity, but with low abundance of priority bird species.

Conclusion: We identified weaknesses in both mapping systems, with the ED model failing to capture all HNV grazing land and the CLC model defining some intensive farming systems as HNV. We conclude that the overlap between the two models best captures HNVf, but layers encompassing grazing land and priority habitats need to be added to better define HNVf in Cyprus and facilitate its protection and management.  相似文献   

Hieracium cyathis (Ley) W. R. Linton (Asteraceae), Chalice Hawkweed, is a rare species endemic to Britain. It is a distinct member of Hieracium Section Oreadea , characterized by a short acladium and out-curved tips to the phyllaries. Historic records and current field survey indicate it has occurred in two localities in SW England and seven in South Wales. It is still present in all sites except for one Welsh locality, is significantly threatened at Cheddar Gorge, and two Welsh sites have only three plants each. Comparative morphology, cultivation experiments and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis do not support the reported differences between material from SW England and Wales. AFLP analysis showed that every plant in the field was genetically similar but different, and minor genetic variation was found in one progeny array. It is a triploid (2 n  = 27) with apomictic seed production, and 26% potentially viable pollen. It qualifies as 'Near Threatened' under the 2001 IUCN threat criteria. General guidelines for conservation of microspecies of Hieracium are discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 669–680.  相似文献   

Capsule Flowers of an invasive plant species are more visited by native birds than flowers of ornithophilous endemic plants.

Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.

Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.

Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.

Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.  相似文献   

Capsule Marsh Tits were strongly associated with both the amount and species diversity of woodland understorey; Blue Tits were associated with large trees and deadwood.

Aims To gather quantitative information on the habitat requirements of Marsh Tits, in comparison with those of Blue Tits, across a large number of sites in England and Wales, and secondly to evaluate the range of habitat conditions likely to encourage the presence, and increase the abundance of, each species.

Methods Counts of birds were made at each of 181 woods across England and Wales, and habitat data were collected from the same locations in each woodland. Marsh Tit and Blue Tit presence and abundance were related to habitat characteristics, interspecific competition and deer impact.

Results Shrub cover and species diversity were important for the presence and abundance of Marsh Tits, across their geographical range in Britain. Blue Tits were associated with large trees and deadwood.

Conclusion Our results support the hypothesis that changes in woodland management, leading to canopy closure and a decline in the understorey available, could have had an impact on Marsh Tits, and may have led to the observed population decline. These same changes were also consistent with population increase in Blue Tits.  相似文献   


Of the approximately two hundred sequenced plant genomes, how many and which ones were sequenced motivated by strictly or largely scientific considerations, and how many by chiefly economic, in a wide sense, incentives? And how large a role does publication opportunity play?


In an integration of multiple disparate databases and other sources of information, we collect and analyze data on the size (number of species) in the plant orders and families containing sequenced genomes, on the trade value of these species, and of all the same-family or same-order species, and on the publication priority within the family and order. These data are subjected to multiple regression and other statistical analyses. We find that despite the initial importance of model organisms, it is clearly economic considerations that outweigh others in the choice of genome to be sequenced.


This has important implications for generalizations about plant genomes, since human choices of plants to harvest (and cultivate) will have incurred many biases with respect to phenotypic characteristics and hence of genomic properties, and recent genomic evolution will also have been affected by human agricultural practices.



Australian arboreal mammals are experiencing significant population declines, particularly due to land clearing and resulting habitat fragmentation. The squirrel glider, Petaurus norfolcensis, is a threatened species in New South Wales, with a stronghold population in the Lake Macquarie Local Government Area (LGA) where fragmentation due to urbanization is an ongoing problem for the species conservation. Here we report on the use of squirrel glider mitochondrial (385 bp cytochrome b gene, 70 individuals) and nuclear DNA (6,834 SNPs, 87 individuals) markers to assess their population genetic structure and connectivity across 14 locations sampled in the Lake Macquarie LGA. The mitochondrial DNA sequences detected evidence of a historical genetic bottleneck, while the genome-wide SNPs detected significant population structure in the Lake Macquarie squirrel glider populations at scales as fine as one kilometer. There was no evidence of inbreeding within patches, however there were clear effects of habitat fragmentation and biogeographical barriers on gene flow. A least cost path analysis identified thin linear corridors that have high priority for conservation. These areas should be protected to avoid further isolation of squirrel glider populations and the loss of genetic diversity through genetic drift.


Capsule The first co-ordinated Red Kite survey across Britain since the reintroduction programme began in 1989, yields 430 breeding pairs.

Aims To estimate the current size and extent of the British breeding population.

Methods A complete census of the populations in the East Midlands, Yorkshire, central and north Scotland was undertaken, while in Wales and the Chilterns, populations were surveyed using a stratified sample of tetrads. Breeding and territorial pairs were identified.

Results The survey indicated that there were 430 breeding pairs in Britain (95% CIs, 372–490). There were 259 breeding pairs in Wales (95% CIs, 200–318) and 109 (95% CIs, 96–124) in the Chilterns. Elsewhere, 16 breeding pairs were located in the East Midlands, three in Yorkshire, seven in central Scotland and 33 in north Scotland. An additional three pairs were recorded in southern England, away from the main population centres.

Conclusion The 2000 survey provides a baseline against which to measure future changes in Red Kite populations in Britain, using standard, repeatable methods.  相似文献   


During a visit to Canna and Sanday we recorded 26 species of vascular plant and 64 species of bryophyte that do not appear to have been recorded from these islands before. We list these species, plus nine additional vascular plants recently recorded by E. Anderson and P. Castro and seven species seen by us, recorded by Heslop Harrison (1939) but not included for the grid square containing Canna and Sanday by Perring and Walters (1976) or Jermy et al. (1978). Notes on some of the more interesting vegetation types are also included.  相似文献   


Groups of plants that are undergoing active diversification often do not fall into neat and tidy taxonomies. In such groups it can sometimes be very difficult to establish what does, and what does not, constitute a species. This presents problems for species-based conservation programmes that are based around prioritised species-lists (e.g. the UK Biodiversity Action Plans; BAPs), particularly as the inclusion or exclusion of taxa on these lists largely determines the allocation of conservation resources. This is an important issue as almost half of the BAP priority higher plant species for which Scotland has prime responsibility are taxonomically controversial.

Recent research using population genetic approaches to tackle some taxonomically complex plant groups has enhanced our understanding of their biology. Such approaches provide objective and independent assessments of whether a given entity is distinct or not. This information can then be used to contribute towards the decision making process of which taxa to prioritise for conservation, and address specific questions regarding BAP listed species. In the long term, however, a broader issue needs tackling. Actively evolving groups often contain a series of localised lineages, as well as complex populations that exhibit atypical levels of morphological diversity. These types of diversity do not fit well into a ‘standard’ species-based conservation system. In most cases protection will best be supplied by designated site protection or wider countryside habitat schemes. Where additional protection is need, a conservation policy is required that accepts the diversity in these actively evolving groups for what it is, rather than trying to squeeze it into conservation legislation derived for taxa whose delimitation is routine.  相似文献   

Rewilding and translocations of large herbivores for conservation purposes have increased in recent times, with numerous introductions inside and outside their native range. This study aims to analyze the use of threatened plant taxa as a possible ecological indicator of large herbivore introductions. We examined the effects of a threatened large ungulate, the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), on both endangered and vulnerable woody taxa after its introduction in 1970. Contrary to our hypothesis, the herbivore impact on threatened woody species was higher than that found on widespread woody plants. The results reveal that 35.7% of the threatened species showed the highest possible level of herbivore damage in contrast to 6.5% for the widespread species. Threatened species were preferred over common plants, probably due to their greater palatability. Overall plant cover, including neighboring species, was also an important factor determining browsing damage and, thus, habitats with low ground cover should be particularly considered in conservation plans. Herbivore damage on common taxa should be taken with caution since they could mask unsustainable herbivore densities for threatened woody taxa or protected habitats. The use of threatened woody taxa through the studied ecological indicators (herbivore damage, plant preferences, habitat use and regeneration success) represented a useful tool to assess the sustainability of large herbivores introductions and to establish a priority conservation ranking for threatened plant species. These findings highlight the deleterious effects of overabundant ungulate populations regardless its origin (exotic or native) and the need of monitoring threatened woody taxa to better estimate the suitability and sustainability of large herbivore introductions.  相似文献   

Capsule Birds subjected to playbacks of conspecific song responded strongly by day in both Wales and Ireland, and strongly at night only in Wales.

Aims To test the responses of Robins to conspecific playbacks between Wales and Ireland and between day and night.

Methods We measured the responses of Robins to conspecific playbacks during daylight, and at night on territories illuminated by streetlights, and compared Robins in Wales and in Ireland.

Results Most Welsh Robins responded to playbacks at night, whereas Irish Robins rarely responded. Both populations responded equally during daylight.

Conclusion We show for the first time that different populations with similar daytime behaviours may differ in nocturnal behaviour. Such population differences in communication behaviour should be taken into account, for example when using acoustic playback to census populations.  相似文献   

Europe has the greatest concentration of botanic gardens in the world, they cultivate extensive collections of plants that include samples of European threatened plant species. This study looks at the effectiveness of these collections in supporting species conservation. A three part study is presented: (1) the results of a survey and assessment of threatened plants in botanic gardens, as defined by the Bern Convention; (2) case studies illustrating current issues in the ex situ management of European threatened plant species; and (3) presentation of policy recommendations on further improving botanic garden contributions to European plant conservation. The survey indicated that of 119 European botanic gardens in 29 European countries, 105 are cultivating 308 of the 573 threatened plant species listed by the Bern Convention. The survey identified 25 botanic gardens in 14 countries undertaking 51 conservation projects focused on 27 Bern listed species. In particular this survey has established that the majority of taxa are held in a small number of collections, dominated by non-wild origin accessions, and are not adequately documented. The majority of specimens in botanic gardens are cultivated out of the range country and not contributing to a specific conservation project. We review the genetic representation and documentation of origin in collections. Existing plant collections contain representatives of populations, now lost in the wild and maintain samples of at least nine European plant taxa identified as 'Extinct in the Wild'. However, inadequate standards of record keeping has compromised the conservation value of many collections. We highlight the dangers of hybridisation and disease in ex situ collections. The results suggest that botanic garden collections are skewed towards horticulturally robust and ornamental species and do not fully reflect priorities as defined by the Bern Convention. Recognising the limitations of traditional botanic garden collections we propose that botanic gardens more effectively utilise their two core competencies, namely scientific horticulture and public display and interpretation. The unique horticultural skills resident in European botanic gardens could be more effectively utilised through the application of horticulture to the management of wild populations.Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society  相似文献   

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